Red Moon Composition (19 Collections)
Still Night Spring Water
2024-05-31 07:38:50
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Red Moon Composition (1)

I love the moon. The full moon on August 15 brought a faint and beautiful white light to people, but I never thought there was such a different moon in the world. Last year, I had a chance to see the red moon, a rare spectacle in the world.

It was a clear and crisp autumn day. It was a wonder I saw at the top of Huashan Mountain in Shaanxi Province. That morning, we arrived at the top of the mountain early and found a hotel to stay there. Standing in Huashan Mountain, which is known as "the most dangerous place in the world", I looked down and saw green trees and clouds. According to the guide, the moon in Huashan is almost round on the 15th of every month. Speaking of which, I think: today is also the 15th day. I must see the moon on Huashan Mountain.

At about six o'clock in the evening, before the sun had set, I stood there and waited. The moon seemed to be hiding from me, but it didn't appear. After a long time, the last ray of the sun shines on the earth. "Look, what is that?" a man shouted. I looked in the direction of his finger, and a small red semicircle appeared in the sky. Needless to say, it must be the moon. "Strange? Why is the moon red?" The guide told me excitedly:. The guide seemed to see my mind and said: "When the moon is far away from the earth, there will be a red moon. But because the terrain of Huashan Mountain is far west and high, it is a dream to see the red moon in Huashan Mountain.

I looked at the moon carefully. It was getting bigger and more beautiful. After a while, a complete moon appeared on the top of Huashan Mountain. I sat there, dumbfounded, dazed. As if you had entered a dream, the moon was as red as fire and as red as the sun. It seems that everything on the moon is in full view, and the ringed mountains are connected together like a giant dragon, lying on the moon.

Ah! I like the red moon, its beauty and its light.

Red Moon Composition (2)

"On the evening of December 10, there will be a total lunar eclipse, which is wonderful!" I cried happily.

On the same day, I read from the newspaper that there was a total lunar eclipse with the best observation effect in the past ten years at night, starting at 7:33 p.m., and the initial loss was 8:45 p.m. At 8:45, I ran downstairs on time with my eyes directly on the moon. "Eh, it's strange. At 8:45 am, I was losing money for the first time. Why hasn't there been any change?" At this time, I saw my uncle downstairs holding an astronomical telescope to observe. I ran excitedly to him, "Wow, the moon is so big, I can see it clearly." Anyway, the moon hasn't changed, so I went upstairs. I think at 10:06, it's food. Sister Moon has covered her face shyly.

When I got home, I grabbed a book about the lunar eclipse and read it with great interest. When the moon, the sun and the earth are in a straight line, and the earth is in the middle, the earth blocks the sunlight, and the earth's shadow shines on the moon, a total lunar eclipse is formed. The total lunar eclipse can be divided into five stages: initial loss, eating, eating, lighting and recovery. No, it should be black in the shadow. How can it be copper red? With doubt, I continued to read: Oh! It turns out that when sunlight passes through the earth's atmosphere, it is refracted, and most of the light entering the shadow of the earth is red. So the moon entering the shadow of the earth presents a copper red side.

Before 10 o'clock, I ran downstairs excitedly. Look, Sister Moon has covered most of her face. I looked up at the sky. In the black sky, the stars appeared brighter, giving people a painting like beauty. The half red and half yellow moon was emitting soft light. Only the upper right side is also inlaid with a gold edge. From the uncle's telescope, I saw a big round red moon, like a little girl's face, looking at me and smiling happily. I really like this "smiling face"! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Look! The red moon hanging in the sky, like a fire in the sky, ignited the emotions of all observers, and everyone was very excited.

I like to observe the total lunar eclipse, and I like the "red moon".

Red Moon Composition (3)

In autumn evening, I am used to walking alone, and I like to walk on the road I used to walk on. But today I want to explore a new path and try to walk a new route.

The West Chucheng Road is a newly expanded road. Ginkgo biloba is planted on both sides of the road while Du Ying is planted. A "red carpet" sidewalk in the middle stretches far away, which is quite generous and elegant. The burnt yellow butterfly shaped ginkgo leaf gently drifted past, and occasionally slipped with pedestrians, lying on the road, dotted with stars.

To the south of the road stands a 27 storey building, known as the "five-star" Qingsong International Hotel, which stands tall and majestic, forming a landmark building in the county. The derived ancillary facilities occupy a large area, which is spectacular. Around a large circle outside the hotel, turn south to Renmin South Road and go up to Tianjiahu Bridge.

Under the bridge is an unformed lake, which has shrunk into a pond. The reed ripples on the lake surface, the lake water is clear, and several lotus poles stand upright, like tired lotus leaves wrapped in a ball, decadent and gaunt. However, there are still a few Aoshuang trees, which are still green, which makes people feel pity. The fish move through the water, touching the lotus stem and swinging from time to time, causing ripples.

When you get under the bridge, flowers are everywhere on the isolation zone between the driveway and the sidewalk. When you pass, you will smell fragrant. Seeing the colorful clouds and neon lights in the sky, and hearing the grass and autumn insects singing, I suddenly feel safe and refreshed.

There are few vehicles on the driveway, and the car drives by like a speeding car. A flute flew by, and the truck rolled around heavily. The bird jumped out of the tree, flew up in panic, cruised in the air, and returned to the nest for a long time.

Out of the lake area, the road is golden. There was a rumbling sound, and a large harvester was harvesting rice. I could not help but stop and watch: the front rolled and cut rice, and the back scattered straw; All the way through the thorns, all the way thoroughly. In a twinkling of an eye, we could not help feeling the magic charm of science and technology after harvesting a large hilly field.

In the fields far away, the dusk subsided, several fires flashed, and wisps of smoke and dust rose, becoming dense and diffuse. That is when farmers burn the straw after harvest and supplement potash fertilizer to the fields so that they can grow winter crops.

Crossing a horizontal line, the front foot was golden. It was originally farmers who paved the harvested rice on the sidewalk to dry, and occupied the pavement. It really made the best use of everything. Fortunately, the time was not long, that is, in these days of harvest, most passers-by could understand, so I hurried to stop.

I humbly greeted the farmers working nearby: "Another bumper harvest?" The farmers looked up at me and said, "It's probably OK." A farm tricycle stopped by the driveway, and several farmers were carrying rice bags to the car for stacking. Seeing that he was busy and inconvenient to disturb, I turned back.

The street lights are in full bloom. The harvester in the field is still working happily. This is to harvest rice as soon as possible to ensure that the grains are returned to the warehouse, taking advantage of the recent favorable sunny days. For more than two months of a season of rice, "sweat drips down the grain," and how much hard work and sweat condenses. The ancients still said that "every grain is hard". Throughout restaurants and canteens, food waste is common. Therefore, respecting parents, fearing food, mulberry and hemp, and cherishing the fruits of labor should all become the positive energy of fashion.

When I looked up, the dark sky was so vast that there were no stars twinkling and no clear moon. Remember that the moon last night seemed to be nearly reunited, which may not be my illusion? I then turned on my mobile phone to search for the date, and the striking display was: Cold Dew Festival, September 15 of the lunar calendar. "The mountain is bright, the water is clear, the frost comes at night, and the trees are dark red and light yellow."

Cold dew is the transitional period from cool to cold, which indicates that winter is coming, and it is also the most comfortable and sensitive period for human body. The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the autumn wind is warm; There is sunshine and light rain. Therefore, Du Fu, the sage of poetry, said, "The dew is white tonight, and the moon is bright in his hometown."

Leaning against the bridge fence and looking into the distance in the wind, a dark red fireball suddenly appeared in the southeast sky, and people who walked all the way stopped to look. "Total lunar eclipse, this is total lunar eclipse. Look!" a female voice excitedly pointed out.

A "red moon", born with "food"; Appearing in Tianyu, Tianya has this "food". The cold moon is hidden in the cold dew season, and the cold moon wears red to welcome the cold dew.

Round and round, quiet and quiet; It is dark red and shy. I am used to seeing the clear light of stars and moons, seeing the red moon like a ball of fire, and appreciating the nature of heaven, which really makes people feel the infinite mystery of the universe. I was also infected and intoxicated with the masterpieces of nature.

Inadvertently, the red moon showed a soft luster above, and the red gradually faded, and the moon gradually returned to its original appearance, bright, soft and clear. The change of round and short, the replacement of color, fleeting, wonderful and beautiful, condensed in a short time of one hour, memorable.

The way is still below the hotel. The wind tunnel formed by the tall building makes people tremble. The hotel has been built for a long time, but it can't be opened for a long time. There are only a few security guards in the huge area. It is said that the central government's efforts to combat corruption and promote integrity have made five-star hotels in many big cities operate poorly, requiring to pick or drop stars, not to mention a hotel based in the county.

Standing at the intersection of the west of the city, looking back at the magnificent hotel building, that place is in the center of the original Tianjia Lake. The old look no longer reappears, but it gives people space to think.

In the past, the vast lake was covered with misty waves; The morning dew and the evening sun shine, and the fishing song is high; Carefree and comfortable; A scene of the Peach Blossom Garden. The fish produced here has a unique flavor, chewy taste, sweet, hearty and precious. So that it is unforgettable and famous in Jiuzhou. Now it has become a pity. People can only trace the taste of Chen Feng from the words of the old man.

Here is the tomb of Fan Li, a doctor of the State of Yue, carved with steles, stone men and stone horses. It is said that after helping Gou Jian destroy the State of Wu, Fan Li did not love the powerful and retired after success; He hid his name and called himself Duke Tao Zhu, the founder of business; The tycoon in the business world is rich enough to rival the country, but he is generous and generous, likes to help the poor and the needy, and is good at giving alms. He has become a Confucian businessman model. Take a leisurely and leisurely boat ride on Dongting Lake. Regardless of the authenticity of his cemetery, his reverence is sincere. There are not only streets named after him in the county, but also his statues standing at the entrance of the busy pedestrian street.

The vicissitudes of life have changed from ancient times. The quiet feelings that cause people to think about the ancient times will always bring people daydream and feelings across time and space. Although it is difficult for material things to last forever, the spirit can last forever.

The speed of time flow, the reality of historical dust, and not everyone will pay attention to. A natural and harmonious living environment is valuable. While human beings enjoy modern material civilization, they need blue sky and clear water, fresh breath, and a higher level of ecological civilization.

I walked leisurely and cheerfully for more than two hours. When I looked back, I found myself swimming in the once vast, rich and turbulent waters of Tianjia Lake.

It's just a matter of walking calmly, being calm in walking and calm in heart.

Red Moon Composition (4)

Don't flinch from difficulties. Don't be weak when encountering difficulties. Believe that one day you will appreciate the beauty of the red sun.

The famous writer Shi Tiesheng once said; The world is more beautiful than heaven. He has experienced various diseases, but he did not flinch, but created his own world in the beautiful place. My profession is sick, and my amateur is writing, which is his confidence and optimism for life. Because of this optimism and self-confidence, he appreciated the beauty of the Red Moon and left literary wealth for future generations. This is the power of faith.

Su Shi, a famous litterateur, has come from Shifeng in his life. His official career is difficult and dangerous for ordinary people to imagine. But he did not lose his determination and belief in life and replaced it with optimism. Confident, but not lose a kind of magnanimity and broad-minded. At last, he also appreciated the strangeness of the red moon, which left a lot of literary wealth for future generations. He was once a superstar in the Chinese literary world. It can be seen that the important belief is the charm of the Red Moon.

If you give me Helen Keller, the author of three days of light. His life was extremely unfortunate. He was deaf in both ears and blind in both eyes, which was unfair to him. But he did not sink. She found happiness in life with the help of her teacher. He set up an accurate positive life position and studied hard, and finally created his own piece of heaven in the literary world. He finally saw the beautiful red moon. Yeah! No pain, no sweet! Without a positive attitude, how can you become a dragon or a phoenix among people!

At all times and in all over the world, all great people have experienced setbacks. They have a positive heart and have made unremitting efforts. This shows the importance of self-confidence.

Let us be full of the passion that we will sometimes go straight to the clouds and sail to the sea, and the optimistic and upward position left by the ancients. In this sea full of difficulties and setbacks?, Surfing, please believe that I will also see the beautiful red moon!

Red Moon Composition (5)

In autumn evening, I am used to walking alone, and I like to walk on the road I used to walk on. But today I want to explore a new path and try to walk a new route.

The West Chucheng Road is a newly expanded road. Ginkgo biloba is planted on both sides of the road while Du Ying is planted. A "red carpet" sidewalk in the middle stretches far away, which is quite generous and elegant. The burnt yellow butterfly shaped ginkgo leaf gently drifted past, and occasionally slipped with pedestrians, lying on the road, dotted with stars.

To the south of the road stands a 27 storey building, known as the "five-star" Qingsong International Hotel, which stands tall and majestic, forming a landmark building in the county. The derived ancillary facilities occupy a large area, which is spectacular. Around a large circle outside the hotel, turn south to Renmin South Road and go up to Tianjiahu Bridge.

Under the bridge is an unformed lake, which has shrunk into a pond. The reed ripples on the lake surface, the lake water is clear, and several lotus poles stand upright, like tired lotus leaves wrapped in a ball, decadent and gaunt. However, there are still a few Aoshuang trees, which are still green, which makes people feel pity. The fish move through the water, touching the lotus stem and swinging from time to time, causing ripples.

When you get under the bridge, flowers are everywhere on the isolation zone between the driveway and the sidewalk. When you pass, you will smell fragrant. Seeing the colorful clouds and neon lights in the sky, and hearing the grass and autumn insects singing, I suddenly feel safe and refreshed.

There are few vehicles on the driveway, and the car drives by like a speeding car. A flute flew by, and the truck rolled around heavily. The bird jumped out of the tree, flew up in panic, cruised in the air, and returned to the nest for a long time.

Out of the lake area, the road is golden. There was a rumbling sound, and a large harvester was harvesting rice. I could not help but stop and watch: the front rolled and cut rice, and the back scattered straw; All the way through the thorns, all the way thoroughly. In a twinkling of an eye, we could not help feeling the magic charm of science and technology after harvesting a large hilly field.

In the fields far away, the dusk subsided, several fires flashed, and wisps of smoke and dust rose, becoming dense and diffuse. That is when farmers burn the straw after harvest and supplement potash fertilizer to the fields so that they can grow winter crops.

Crossing a horizontal line, the front foot was golden. It was originally farmers who paved the harvested rice on the sidewalk to dry, and occupied the pavement. It really made the best use of everything. Fortunately, the time was not long, that is, in these days of harvest, most passers-by could understand, so I hurried to stop.

I humbly greeted the farmers working nearby: "Another bumper harvest?" The farmers looked up at me and said, "It's probably OK." A farm tricycle stopped by the driveway, and several farmers were carrying rice bags to the car for stacking. Seeing that he was busy and inconvenient to disturb, I turned back.

The street lights are in full bloom. The harvester in the field is still working happily. This is to harvest rice as soon as possible to ensure that the grains are returned to the warehouse, taking advantage of the recent favorable sunny days. For more than two months of a season of rice, "sweat drips down the grain," and how much hard work and sweat condenses. The ancients still said that "every grain is hard". Throughout restaurants and canteens, food waste is common. Therefore, respecting parents, fearing food, mulberry and hemp, and cherishing the fruits of labor should all become the positive energy of fashion.

When I looked up, the dark sky was so vast that there were no stars twinkling and no clear moon. Remember that the moon last night seemed to be nearly reunited, which may not be my illusion? I then turned on my mobile phone to search for the date, and the striking display was: Cold Dew Festival, September 15 of the lunar calendar. "The mountain is bright, the water is clear, the frost comes at night, and the trees are dark red and light yellow."

Cold dew is the transitional period from cool to cold, which indicates that winter is coming, and it is also the most comfortable and sensitive period for human body. The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the autumn wind is warm; There is sunshine and light rain. Therefore, Du Fu, the sage of poetry, said, "The dew is white tonight, and the moon is bright in his hometown."

Leaning against the bridge fence and looking into the distance in the wind, a dark red fireball suddenly appeared in the southeast sky, and people who walked all the way stopped to look. "Total lunar eclipse, this is total lunar eclipse. Look!" a female voice excitedly pointed out.

A "red moon", born with "food"; Appearing in Tianyu, Tianya has this "food". The cold moon is hidden in the cold dew season, and the cold moon wears red to welcome the cold dew.

Round and round, quiet and quiet; It is dark red and shy. I am used to seeing the clear light of stars and moons, seeing the red moon like a ball of fire, and appreciating the nature of heaven, which really makes people feel the infinite mystery of the universe. I was also infected and intoxicated with the masterpieces of nature.

Inadvertently, the red moon showed a soft luster above, and the red gradually faded, and the moon gradually returned to its original appearance, bright, soft and clear. The change of round and short, the replacement of color, fleeting, wonderful and beautiful, condensed in a short time of one hour, memorable.

The way is still below the hotel. The wind tunnel formed by the tall building makes people tremble. The hotel has been built for a long time, but it can't be opened for a long time. There are only a few security guards in the huge area. It is said that the central government's efforts to combat corruption and promote integrity have made five-star hotels in many big cities operate poorly, requiring to pick or drop stars, not to mention a hotel based in the county.

Standing at the intersection of the west of the city, looking back at the magnificent hotel building, that place is in the center of the original Tianjia Lake. The old look no longer reappears, but it gives people space to think.

In the past, the vast lake was covered with misty waves; The morning dew and the evening sun shine, and the fishing song is high; Carefree and comfortable; A scene of the Peach Blossom Garden. The fish produced here has a unique flavor, chewy taste, sweet, hearty and precious. So that it is unforgettable and famous in Jiuzhou. Now it has become a pity. People can only trace the taste of Chen Feng from the words of the old man.

Here is the tomb of Fan Li, a doctor of the State of Yue, carved with steles, stone men and stone horses. It is said that after helping Gou Jian destroy the State of Wu, Fan Li did not love the powerful and retired after success; He hid his name and called himself Duke Tao Zhu, the founder of business; The tycoon in the business world is rich enough to rival the country, but he is generous and generous, likes to help the poor and the needy, and is good at giving alms. He has become a Confucian businessman model. Take a leisurely and leisurely boat ride on Dongting Lake. Regardless of the authenticity of his cemetery, his reverence is sincere. There are not only streets named after him in the county, but also his statues standing at the entrance of the busy pedestrian street.

The vicissitudes of life have changed from ancient times. The quiet feelings that cause people to think about the ancient times will always bring people daydream and feelings across time and space. Although it is difficult for material things to last forever, the spirit can last forever.

The speed of time flow, the reality of historical dust, and not everyone will pay attention to. A natural and harmonious living environment is invaluable. While enjoying modern material civilization, human beings need blue sky and clear water, fresh breath, and a higher level of ecological civilization.

I walked leisurely and cheerfully for more than two hours. When I looked back, I found myself swimming in the once vast, rich and turbulent waters of Tianjia Lake.

It's just a matter of walking calmly, being calm in walking and calm in heart.

Red Moon Composition (6)

In autumn evening, I am used to walking alone, and I like to walk on the road I used to walk on. But today I want to explore a new path and try to walk a new route.

The West Chucheng Road is a newly expanded road. Ginkgo biloba is planted on both sides of the road while Du Ying is planted. A "red carpet" sidewalk in the middle stretches far away, which is quite generous and elegant. The burnt yellow butterfly shaped ginkgo leaf gently drifted past, and occasionally slipped with pedestrians, lying on the road, dotted with stars.

To the south of the road stands a 27 storey building, known as the "five-star" Qingsong International Hotel, which stands tall and majestic, forming a landmark building in the county. The derived ancillary facilities occupy a large area, which is spectacular. Around a large circle outside the hotel, turn south to Renmin South Road and go up to Tianjiahu Bridge.

Under the bridge is an unformed lake, which has shrunk into a pond. The reed ripples on the lake surface, the lake water is clear, and several lotus poles stand upright, like tired lotus leaves wrapped in a ball, decadent and gaunt. However, there are still a few Aoshuang trees, which are still green, which makes people feel pity. The fish move through the water, touching the lotus stem and swinging from time to time, causing ripples.

When you get under the bridge, flowers are everywhere on the isolation zone between the driveway and the sidewalk. When you pass, the fragrance is fragrant. Seeing the colorful clouds and neon lights in the sky, and hearing the grass and autumn insects singing, I suddenly feel safe and refreshed.

There are few vehicles on the driveway, and the car drives by like a speeding car. A flute flew by, and the truck rolled around heavily. The bird jumped out of the tree, flew up in panic, cruised in the air, and returned to the nest for a long time.

Out of the lake area, the road is golden. There was a rumbling sound, and a large harvester was harvesting rice. I could not help but stop and watch: the front rolled and cut rice, and the back scattered straw; All the way through the thorns, all the way thoroughly. In a twinkling of an eye, we could not help feeling the magic charm of science and technology after harvesting a large hilly field.

In the fields far away, the dusk subsided, several fires flashed, and wisps of smoke and dust rose, becoming dense and diffuse. That is when farmers burn the straw after harvest and supplement potash fertilizer to the fields so that they can grow winter crops.

Crossing a horizontal line, the front foot was golden. It was originally farmers who paved the harvested rice on the sidewalk to dry, and occupied the pavement. It really made the best use of everything. Fortunately, the time was not long, that is, in these days of harvest, most passers-by could understand, so I hurried to stop.

I humbly greeted the farmers working nearby: "Another bumper harvest?" The farmers looked up at me and said, "It's probably OK." A farm tricycle stopped by the driveway, and several farmers were carrying rice bags to the car for stacking. Seeing that he was busy and inconvenient to disturb, I turned back.

The street lights are in full bloom. The harvester in the field is still working happily. This is to harvest rice as soon as possible to ensure that the grains are returned to the warehouse, taking advantage of the recent favorable sunny days. For more than two months of a season of rice, "sweat drips down the grain," and how much hard work and sweat condenses. The ancients still said that "every grain is hard". Throughout restaurants and canteens, food waste is common. Therefore, respecting parents, fearing food, mulberry and hemp, and cherishing the fruits of labor should all become the positive energy of fashion.

When I looked up, the dark sky was so vast that there were no stars twinkling and no clear moon. Remember that the moon last night seemed to be nearly reunited, which may not be my illusion? I then turned on my mobile phone to search for the date, and the striking display was: Cold Dew Festival, September 15 of the lunar calendar. "The mountain is bright, the water is clear, the frost comes at night, and the trees are dark red and light yellow."

Cold dew is the transitional period from cool to cold, which indicates that winter is coming, and it is also the most comfortable and sensitive period for human body. The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the autumn wind is warm; There is sunshine and light rain. Therefore, Du Fu, the sage of poetry, said, "The dew is white tonight, and the moon is bright in his hometown."

Leaning against the bridge fence and looking into the distance in the wind, a dark red fireball suddenly appeared in the southeast sky, and people who walked all the way stopped to look. "Total lunar eclipse, this is total lunar eclipse. Look!" a female voice excitedly pointed out.

A "red moon", born with "food"; Appearing in Tianyu, Tianya has this "food". The cold moon is hidden in the cold dew season, and the cold moon wears red to welcome the cold dew.

Round and round, quiet and quiet; It is dark red and shy. I am used to seeing the clear light of stars and moons, seeing the red moon like a ball of fire, and appreciating the nature of heaven, which really makes people feel the infinite mystery of the universe. I was also infected and intoxicated with the masterpieces of nature.

Inadvertently, the red moon showed a soft luster above, and the red gradually faded, and the moon gradually returned to its original appearance, bright, soft and clear. The change of round and short, the replacement of color, fleeting, wonderful and beautiful, condensed in a short time of one hour, memorable.

The way is still below the hotel. The wind tunnel formed by the tall building makes people tremble. The hotel has been built for a long time, but it can't be opened for a long time. There are only a few security guards in the huge area. It is said that the central government's efforts to combat corruption and promote integrity have made five-star hotels in many big cities operate poorly, requiring to pick or drop stars, not to mention a hotel based in the county.

Standing at the intersection of the west of the city, looking back at the magnificent hotel building, that place is in the center of the original Tianjia Lake. The old look no longer reappears, but it gives people space to think.

In the past, the vast lake was covered with misty waves; The morning dew and the evening sun shine, and the fishing song is high; Carefree and comfortable; A scene of the Peach Blossom Garden. The fish produced here has a unique flavor, chewy taste, sweet, hearty and precious. So that it is unforgettable and famous in Jiuzhou. Now it has become a pity. People can only trace the taste of Chen Feng from the words of the old man.

Here is the tomb of Fan Li, a doctor of the State of Yue, carved with steles, stone men and stone horses. It is said that after helping Gou Jian destroy the State of Wu, Fan Li did not love the powerful and retired after success; He hid his name and called himself Duke Tao Zhu, the founder of business; The tycoon in the business world is rich enough to rival the country, but he is generous and generous, likes to help the poor and the needy, and is good at giving alms. He has become a Confucian businessman model. Take a leisurely and leisurely boat ride on Dongting Lake. Regardless of the authenticity of his cemetery, his reverence is sincere. There are not only streets named after him in the county, but also his statues standing at the entrance of the busy pedestrian street.

The vicissitudes of life have changed from ancient times. The quiet feelings that cause people to think about the ancient times will always bring people daydream and feelings across time and space. Although it is difficult for material things to last forever, the spirit can last forever.

The speed of time flow, the reality of historical dust, and not everyone will pay attention to. A natural and harmonious living environment is valuable. While human beings enjoy modern material civilization, they need blue sky and clear water, fresh breath, and a higher level of ecological civilization.

I walked leisurely and cheerfully for more than two hours. When I looked back, I found myself swimming in the once vast, rich and turbulent waters of Tianjia Lake.

It's just a matter of walking calmly, being calm in walking and calm in heart.

Red Moon Composition (7)

It is said that long ago, there was no human being on the earth, and there were many animals living there. Kirin is the king, loved by animals. It rules the earth peacefully, and animals live happily.

However, one day, a fierce big dog appeared on the earth. It guides the lions, tigers and wolves to stop eating grass and instead attack weak animals such as cattle, sheep, horses and rabbits to bite them and eat their flesh and blood. There are no more peaceful days on the earth.

When Kirin heard about this, he came to protect these weak animals. As soon as it came to the attacked sheep, the lions, tigers and wolves ran away like mice seeing cats. The big dog has disappeared.

The unicorn set foot on the auspicious cloud and looked around. He found that the big dog had learned to ride the clouds and flew to the moon to eat the moon. The unicorn roared: "How dare you not kneel down in front of the Moon Goddess!" The big dog glared at the unicorn with fierce eyes and said: "My name is Tiangou, and I am the future king of the animal kingdom." The unicorn rushed forward, and Tiangou scuffled with the unicorn. Finally, the heroic Kirin defeated the ferocious Tengu and kicked it into the cosmic hell - the black hole. But the unicorn itself was seriously injured and disappeared into the universe forever, leaving only the blood flowing from it to red the moon.

To commemorate her best friend Kirin, the Moon Goddess will wear a dark red skirt every seven years and walk into the night sky with tears. Since then, there has been a legend of the red moon on the earth

Red Moon Composition (8)

On the night of October 8, the magic "Red Moon" will appear before our eyes! In order not to miss this rare opportunity, I hurried to have dinner and came to the East Gate Bus Station to watch the "Red Moon" with my good friends.

After careful observation, we found that the moon was red at this time, and half of them hid in the thick clouds, as if a shy girl did not dare to come out.

The shape of the moon is round. I really want to bite its red "meat". The "Red Moon" is really naughty. Sometimes it gets into the "marshmallow" and then comes out to play tricks on the blinking stars. God is really uncooperative. Maybe Sister Baiyun is disobedient and makes her angry?

I really want to know how the "Red Moon" came into being. My mother told me that the "red moon" is also called total lunar eclipse, which is a kind of lunar eclipse. When the sun, moon and the earth are completely in a straight line, the whole moon will all walk into the shadow of the earth, and the moon surface is dim, forming the "red moon". After listening to my mother's explanation, I suddenly understood.

This is the first time I saw the "Red Moon". I was very excited to know that nature is so magical!

Red Moon Composition (9)

In autumn evening, I am used to walking alone, and I like to walk on the road I used to walk on. But today I want to explore a new path and try to walk a new route.

The West Chucheng Road is a newly expanded road. Ginkgo biloba is planted on both sides of the road while Du Ying is planted. A "red carpet" sidewalk in the middle stretches far away, which is quite generous and elegant. The burnt yellow butterfly shaped ginkgo leaf gently drifted past, and occasionally slipped with pedestrians, lying on the road, dotted with stars.

To the south of the road stands a 27 storey building, known as the "five-star" Qingsong International Hotel, which stands tall and majestic, forming a landmark building in the county. The derived ancillary facilities occupy a large area, which is spectacular. Around a large circle outside the hotel, turn south to Renmin South Road and go up to Tianjiahu Bridge.

Under the bridge is an unformed lake, which has shrunk into a pond. The reed ripples on the lake surface, the lake water is clear, and several lotus poles stand upright, like tired lotus leaves wrapped in a ball, decadent and gaunt. However, there are still a few Aoshuang trees, which are still green, which makes people feel pity. The fish move through the water, touching the lotus stem and swinging from time to time, causing ripples.

When you get under the bridge, flowers are everywhere on the isolation zone between the driveway and the sidewalk. When you pass, the fragrance is fragrant. Seeing the colorful clouds and neon lights in the sky, and hearing the grass and autumn insects singing, I suddenly feel safe and refreshed.

There are few vehicles on the driveway, and the car drives by like a speeding car. A flute flew by, and the truck rolled around heavily. The bird jumped out of the tree, flew up in panic, cruised in the air, and returned to the nest for a long time.

Out of the lake area, the road is golden. There was a rumbling sound, and a large harvester was harvesting rice. I could not help but stop and watch: the front rolled and cut rice, and the back scattered straw; All the way through the thorns, all the way thoroughly. In a twinkling of an eye, we could not help feeling the magic charm of science and technology after harvesting a large hilly field.

In the fields far away, the dusk subsided, several fires flashed, and wisps of smoke and dust rose, becoming dense and diffuse. That is when farmers burn the straw after harvest and supplement potash fertilizer to the fields so that they can grow winter crops.

Crossing a horizontal line, the front foot was golden. It was originally farmers who paved the harvested rice on the sidewalk to dry, and occupied the pavement. It really made the best use of everything. Fortunately, the time was not long, that is, in these days of harvest, most passers-by could understand, so I hurried to stop.

I humbly greeted the farmers working nearby: "Another bumper harvest?" The farmers looked up at me and said, "It's probably OK." A farm tricycle stopped by the driveway, and several farmers were carrying rice bags to the car for stacking. Seeing that he was busy and inconvenient to disturb, I turned back.

The street lights are in full bloom. The harvester in the field is still working happily. This is to harvest rice as soon as possible to ensure that the grains are returned to the warehouse, taking advantage of the recent favorable sunny days. For more than two months of a season of rice, "sweat drips down the grain," and how much hard work and sweat condenses. The ancients still said that "every grain is hard". Throughout restaurants and canteens, food waste is common. Therefore, respecting parents, fearing food, mulberry and hemp, and cherishing the fruits of labor should all become the positive energy of fashion.

When I looked up, the dark sky was so vast that there were no stars twinkling and no clear moon. Remember that the moon last night seemed to be nearly reunited, which may not be my illusion? I then turned on my mobile phone to search for the date, and the striking display was: Cold Dew Festival, September 15 of the lunar calendar. "The mountain is bright, the water is clear, the frost comes at night, and the trees are dark red and light yellow."

Cold dew is the transitional period from cool to cold, which indicates that winter is coming, and it is also the most comfortable and sensitive period for human body. The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the autumn wind is warm; There is sunshine and light rain. Therefore, Du Fu, the sage of poetry, said, "The dew is white tonight, and the moon is bright in his hometown."

Leaning against the bridge fence and looking into the distance in the wind, a dark red fireball suddenly appeared in the southeast sky, and people who walked all the way stopped to look. "Total lunar eclipse, this is total lunar eclipse. Look!" a female voice excitedly pointed out.

A "red moon", born with "food"; Appearing in Tianyu, Tianya has this "food". The cold moon is hidden in the cold dew season, and the cold moon wears red to welcome the cold dew.

Round and round, quiet and quiet; It is dark red and shy. I am used to seeing the clear light of stars and moons, seeing the red moon like a ball of fire, and appreciating the nature of heaven, which really makes people feel the infinite mystery of the universe. I was also infected and intoxicated with the masterpieces of nature.

Inadvertently, the red moon showed a soft luster above, and the red gradually faded, and the moon gradually returned to its original appearance, bright, soft and clear. The change of round and short, the replacement of color, fleeting, wonderful and beautiful, condensed in a short time of one hour, memorable.

The way is still below the hotel. The wind tunnel formed by the tall building makes people tremble. The hotel has been built for a long time, but it can't be opened for a long time. There are only a few security guards in the huge area. It is said that the central government's efforts to combat corruption and promote integrity have made five-star hotels in many big cities operate poorly, requiring to pick or drop stars, not to mention a hotel based in the county.

Standing at the intersection of the west of the city, looking back at the magnificent hotel building, that place is in the center of the original Tianjia Lake. The old look no longer reappears, but it gives people space to think.

In the past, the vast lake was covered with misty waves; The morning dew and the evening sun shine, and the fishing song is high; Carefree and comfortable; A scene of the Peach Blossom Garden. The fish produced here has a unique flavor, chewy taste, sweet, hearty and precious. So that it is unforgettable and famous in Jiuzhou. Now it has become a pity. People can only trace the taste of Chen Feng from the words of the old man.

Here is the tomb of Fan Li, a doctor of the State of Yue, carved with steles, stone men and stone horses. It is said that after helping Gou Jian destroy the State of Wu, Fan Li did not love the powerful and retired after success; He hid his name and called himself Duke Tao Zhu, the founder of business; The tycoon in the business world is rich enough to rival the country, but he is generous and generous, likes to help the poor and the needy, and is good at giving alms. He has become a Confucian businessman model. Take a leisurely and leisurely boat ride on Dongting Lake. Regardless of the authenticity of his cemetery, his reverence is sincere. There are not only streets named after him in the county, but also his statues standing at the entrance of the busy pedestrian street.

The vicissitudes of life have changed from ancient times. The quiet feelings that cause people to think about the ancient times will always bring people daydream and feelings across time and space. Although it is difficult for material things to last forever, the spirit can last forever.

The speed of time flow, the reality of historical dust, and not everyone will pay attention to. A natural and harmonious living environment is valuable. While human beings enjoy modern material civilization, they need blue sky and clear water, fresh breath, and a higher level of ecological civilization.

I walked leisurely and cheerfully for more than two hours. When I looked back, I found myself swimming in the once vast, rich and turbulent waters of Tianjia Lake.

It's just a matter of walking calmly, being calm in walking and calm in heart.

Red Moon Composition (10)

Don't flinch from difficulties. Don't be weak when encountering difficulties. Believe that one day you will appreciate the beauty of the red sun.

The famous writer Shi Tiesheng once said; The world is more beautiful than heaven. He has experienced various diseases, but he did not flinch, but created his own world in the beautiful place. My profession is sick, and my amateur is writing, which is his confidence and optimism for life. Because of this optimism and self-confidence, he appreciated the beauty of the Red Moon and left literary wealth for future generations. This is the power of faith.

Su Shi, a famous litterateur, has lived his life from the top of the mountain, and his official career is difficult and dangerous for ordinary people to imagine. But he did not lose his determination and belief in life and replaced it with optimism. Confident, but not lose a kind of magnanimity and broad-minded. At last, he also appreciated the strangeness of the red moon, which left a lot of literary wealth for future generations. He was once a superstar in the Chinese literary world. It can be seen that the important belief is the charm of the Red Moon.

If you give me Helen Keller, the author of three days of light. His life was extremely unfortunate. He was deaf in both ears and blind in both eyes, which was unfair to him. But he did not sink. She found happiness in life with the help of her teacher. He set up an accurate positive life position and studied hard, and finally created his own piece of heaven in the literary world. He finally saw the beautiful red moon. Yeah! No pain, no sweet! Without a positive attitude, how can you become a dragon or a phoenix among people!

At all times and in all over the world, all great people have experienced setbacks. They have a positive heart and have made unremitting efforts. This shows the importance of self-confidence.

Let us be full of the passion that we will sometimes go straight to the clouds and sail to the sea, and the optimistic and upward position left by the ancients. In this sea full of difficulties and setbacks?, Surfing, please believe that I will also see the beautiful red moon!

Red Moon Composition (11)

"On the evening of December 10, there will be a total lunar eclipse, which is wonderful!" I cried happily.

On the same day, I read from the newspaper that there was a total lunar eclipse with the best observation effect in the past ten years at night, starting at 7:33 p.m., and the initial loss was 8:45 p.m. At 8:45, I ran downstairs on time with my eyes directly on the moon. "Eh, it's strange. At 8:45 am, I was losing money for the first time. Why hasn't there been any change?" At this time, I saw my uncle downstairs holding an astronomical telescope to observe. I ran excitedly to him, "Wow, the moon is so big, I can see it clearly." Anyway, the moon hasn't changed, so I went upstairs. I think at 10:06, it's food. Sister Moon has covered her face shyly.

When I got home, I grabbed a book about the lunar eclipse and read it with great interest. When the moon, the sun and the earth are in a straight line, and the earth is in the middle, the earth blocks the sunlight, and the earth's shadow shines on the moon, a total lunar eclipse is formed. The total lunar eclipse can be divided into five stages: initial loss, eating, eating, lighting and recovery. No, it should be black in the shadow. How can it be copper red? With doubt, I continued to read: Oh! It turns out that when sunlight passes through the earth's atmosphere, the sunlight is refracted, and most of the light entering the shadow is red. So the moon entering the shadow of the earth presents a copper red side.

Before 10 o'clock, I ran downstairs excitedly. Look, Sister Moon has covered most of her face. I looked up at the sky. In the black sky, the stars appeared brighter, giving people a picturesque 'beauty'. The half red and half yellow moon was emitting soft light. Only the upper right side is also inlaid with a gold edge. From the uncle's telescope, I saw a big round red moon, like a little girl's face, looking at me and smiling happily. I really like this "smiling face"! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Look! The red moon hanging in the sky, like a fire in the sky, ignited the emotions of all observers, and everyone was very excited.

I like to observe the total lunar eclipse, and I like the "red moon".

Red Moon Composition (12)

In autumn evening, I am used to walking alone, and I like to walk on the road I used to walk on. But today I want to explore a new path and try to walk a new route.

The West Chucheng Road is a newly expanded road. Ginkgo biloba is planted on both sides of the road while Du Ying is planted. A "red carpet" sidewalk in the middle stretches far away, which is quite generous and elegant. The burnt yellow butterfly shaped ginkgo leaf gently drifted past, and occasionally slipped with pedestrians, lying on the road, dotted with stars.

To the south of the road stands a 27 storey building, known as the "five-star" Qingsong International Hotel, which stands tall and majestic, forming a landmark building in the county. The derived ancillary facilities occupy a large area, which is spectacular. Around a large circle outside the hotel, turn south to Renmin South Road and go up to Tianjiahu Bridge.

Under the bridge is an unformed lake, which has shrunk into a pond. The reed ripples on the lake surface, the lake water is clear, and several lotus poles stand upright, like tired lotus leaves wrapped in a ball, decadent and gaunt. However, there are still a few Aoshuang trees, which are still green, which makes people feel pity. The fish move through the water, touching the lotus stem and swinging from time to time, causing ripples.

When you get under the bridge, flowers are everywhere on the isolation zone between the driveway and the sidewalk. When you pass, you will smell fragrant. Seeing the colorful clouds and neon lights in the sky, and hearing the grass and autumn insects singing, I suddenly feel safe and refreshed.

There are few vehicles on the driveway, and the car drives by like a speeding car. A flute flew by, and the truck rolled around heavily. The bird jumped out of the tree, flew up in panic, cruised in the air, and returned to the nest for a long time.

Out of the lake area, the road is golden. There was a rumbling sound, and a large harvester was harvesting rice. I could not help but stop and watch: the front rolled and cut rice, and the back scattered straw; All the way through the thorns, all the way thoroughly. In a twinkling of an eye, we could not help feeling the magic charm of science and technology after harvesting a large hilly field.

In the fields far away, the dusk subsided, several fires flashed, and wisps of smoke and dust rose, becoming dense and diffuse. That is when farmers burn the straw after harvest and supplement potash fertilizer to the fields so that they can grow winter crops.

Crossing a horizontal line, the front foot was golden. It was originally farmers who paved the harvested rice on the sidewalk to dry, and occupied the pavement. It really made the best use of everything. Fortunately, the time was not long, that is, in these days of harvest, most passers-by could understand, so I hurried to stop.

I humbly greeted the farmers working nearby: "Another bumper harvest?" The farmers looked up at me and said, "It's probably OK." A farm tricycle stopped by the driveway, and several farmers were carrying rice bags to the car for stacking. Seeing that he was busy and inconvenient to disturb, I turned back.

The street lights are in full bloom. The harvester in the field is still working happily. This is to harvest rice as soon as possible to ensure that the grains are returned to the warehouse, taking advantage of the recent favorable sunny days. For more than two months of a season of rice, "sweat drips down the grain," and how much hard work and sweat condenses. The ancients still said that "every grain is hard". Throughout restaurants and canteens, food waste is common. Therefore, respecting parents, fearing food, mulberry and hemp, and cherishing the fruits of labor should all become the positive energy of fashion.

When I looked up, the dark sky was so vast that there were no stars twinkling and no clear moon. Remember that the moon last night seemed to be nearly reunited, which may not be my illusion? I then turned on my mobile phone to search for the date, and the striking display was: Cold Dew Festival, September 15 of the lunar calendar. "The mountain is bright, the water is clear, the frost comes at night, and the trees are dark red and light yellow."

Cold dew is the transitional period from cool to cold, which indicates that winter is coming, and it is also the most comfortable and sensitive period for human body. The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the autumn wind is warm; There is sunshine and light rain. Therefore, Du Fu, the sage of poetry, said, "The dew is white tonight, and the moon is bright in his hometown."

Leaning against the bridge fence and looking into the distance in the wind, a dark red fireball suddenly appeared in the southeast sky, and people who walked all the way stopped to look. "Total lunar eclipse, this is total lunar eclipse. Look!" a female voice excitedly pointed out.

A "red moon", born with "food"; Appearing in Tianyu, Tianya has this "food". The cold moon is hidden in the cold dew season, and the cold moon wears red to welcome the cold dew.

Round and round, quiet and quiet; It is dark red and shy. I am used to seeing the 'clear light' of stars and moons, seeing the red moon like a ball of fire, and appreciating the nature of heaven, which really makes people feel the infinite mystery of the universe. I was also infected and intoxicated with the masterpieces of nature.

Inadvertently, the red moon showed a soft luster above, and the red gradually faded, and the moon gradually returned to its original appearance, bright, soft and clear. The change of round and short, the replacement of color, fleeting, wonderful and beautiful, condensed in a short time of one hour, memorable.

The way is still below the hotel. The wind tunnel formed by the tall building makes people tremble. The hotel has been built for a long time, but it can't be opened for a long time. There are only a few security guards in the huge area. It is said that the central government's efforts to combat corruption and promote integrity have made five-star hotels in many big cities operate poorly, requiring to pick or drop stars, not to mention a hotel based in the county.

Standing at the intersection of the west of the city, looking back at the magnificent hotel building, that place is in the center of the original Tianjia Lake. The old look no longer reappears, but it gives people space to think.

In the past, the vast lake was covered with misty waves; The morning dew and the evening sun shine, and the fishing song is high; Carefree and comfortable; A scene of the Peach Blossom Garden. The fish produced here has a unique flavor, chewy taste, sweet, hearty and precious. So that it is unforgettable and famous in Jiuzhou. Now it has become a pity. People can only trace the taste of Chen Feng from the words of the old man.

Here is the tomb of Fan Li, a doctor of the State of Yue, carved with steles, stone men and stone horses. It is said that after helping Gou Jian destroy the State of Wu, Fan Li did not love the powerful and retired after success; He hid his name and called himself Duke Tao Zhu, the founder of business; The tycoon in the business world is rich enough to rival the country, but he is generous and generous, likes to help the poor and the needy, and is good at giving alms. He has become a Confucian businessman model. Take a leisurely and leisurely boat ride on Dongting Lake. Regardless of the authenticity of his cemetery, his reverence is sincere. There are not only streets named after him in the county, but also his statues standing at the entrance of the busy pedestrian street.

The vicissitudes of life have changed from ancient times. The quiet feelings that cause people to think about the ancient times will always bring people daydream and feelings across time and space. Although it is difficult for material things to last forever, the spirit can last forever.

The speed of time flow, the reality of historical dust, and not everyone will pay attention to. A natural and harmonious living environment is valuable. While human beings enjoy modern material civilization, they need blue sky and clear water, fresh breath, and a higher level of ecological civilization.

I walked leisurely and cheerfully for more than two hours. When I looked back, I found myself swimming in the once vast, rich and turbulent waters of Tianjia Lake.

It's just a matter of walking calmly, being calm in walking and calm in heart.

Red Moon Composition (13)

Today, I learned from my father that there was a red moon at night. I was very excited. After 5:00, I lay on the balcony waiting and looking forward to it.

Today's weather is not very sunny. During the day, the sun will hide from us. Go to bed early this time! At about 5:30, the moon showed a little "red eyebrows" shyly, and slowly put out half of her face, as if she were looking at something. After a while, it came out slowly. "Red... red... red moon!" This is the first time I saw the red moon. I was too excited to speak. Then my parents came out to see it. The red moon seemed to hear my scream, and her face became redder and more beautiful. At this time, it looks like a lovely red ball. It's very beautiful. I really want to spread my wings and fly to the sky to take a shot of this unique ball in the world.

After a while, several playful black clouds crowded in. Could it be that black clouds envied, envied and hated the red moon? Grandma Feng couldn't stand it anymore. After a few blows, she blew away those hateful black clouds. Now the red moon is more attractive.

My father told me that the red light of the sun refracted through the atmosphere to the moon hiding behind the shadow of the earth, which turned into a spectacle of the red moon. What's more unforgettable is that we also took a group photo with the red moon!

At 7:30, the red moon gradually reverted to a white moon, and we went home with a good impression.

Red Moon Composition (14)

On December 10, 20xx, a soul stirring total lunar eclipse was staged in the sky. I have heard for a long time that there is a total lunar eclipse tonight. Seeing is better than hearing. My parents and I arrived at the riverside at eight o'clock on time to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Moonlight is like water, and the flowers and trees in the scenic belt are clearly visible.

I looked up at the sky with a telescope. The moon was so round and bright! I seem to have seen the land and sea in the moon like a star Luoqi cloth on the globe... At this time, I wonder if such a good moon will disappear completely? I asked my father why there would be a total lunar eclipse, Dad said: "In the universe, we usually know that the moon runs around the earth and the earth runs around the sun. When the moon runs to the place behind the sun, which is the direction of the earth's shadow, the area between the moon and the earth will be blocked by the sun. With the different degrees of blocking, the moon we see will gradually become black until it disappears, forming Total lunar eclipse. " Is that true? With this doubt, I set up a telescope to watch the changes of the moon from time to time. At 8:45, at the lower left corner of the bright moon, a little black appeared; At about 9:10, the moon was nibbled at a small half, as if it had become a boat slowly wandering in the air; Gradually, the moon became smaller and smaller. At 9:45, the moon became like curved eyebrows, so thin!

At ten o'clock, the moon was almost swallowed up as a whole. It was amazing. I really saw the total eclipse. But it's not right. In a short time, the moon that just disappeared suddenly turned red again, like blood spilled on it. It's strange! A few minutes later, the moon became red, fiery, like a burnt cake, like soaked in a sea of blood. It was really breathtaking, and we all screamed... It was incredible, and this scene lasted for half an hour. Then, while we were waiting excitedly, the moon slowly turned white and bright until it returned to its original bright appearance.

We can go home now. Today's total lunar eclipse is really breathtaking! The red moon is really beautiful and a wonder in the world. My father told me the reason for the lunar eclipse earlier, but the father of the red moon was also the first time to see it, and he also felt very strange. When we got home, we couldn't wait to turn on the computer. We must find out the secret of the Red Moon. "Ha ha" I found it. It turned out to be the magic of the earth's atmosphere, a scattering of light. Experts explained that sunlight is a mixture of red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue and purple light.

When sunlight passes through the earth's atmosphere and is refracted into the shadow behind the earth, they are scattered and absorbed by the extremely small atmospheric molecules in the atmosphere. The light waves of yellow, green, green, blue, purple and other colors are relatively short, and they are greatly affected by scattering in the atmosphere. Their large parts are scattered in all directions, while the red light waves are relatively long, and they are not affected by scattering. They can penetrate through the atmosphere and refract to the moon hiding behind the earth's shadow, thus making the moon dark red, So we were lucky to enjoy the beautiful red moon. We can't help sighing that the power of nature is really magical!

Red Moon Composition (15)

The moon is not only a color, it will also change seventy-two '!

As we all know, if there is a total solar eclipse, there will be a total lunar eclipse. When a total lunar eclipse occurs, you will be surprised!

The red moon is also called the blood moon. Blood Moon is a spectacle. It usually occurs between total lunar eclipses. Why is this?

This is because the thick atmosphere absorbs purple, blue, green and yellow light, leaving only red light to penetrate, and the atmosphere refracts red light onto the surface of the moon. This is the so-called Blood Moon.

Some superstitious people think that there will be disasters when Blood Moon happens. As a result, more people became superstitious and made up a folk rumor:

If the moon changes color, there will be disaster. Green is worried about hunger, red is fighting for war, yellow is virtuous and happy, white is drought and mourning, black is water, people are sick and die.

This rumor is not credible, because in the atmosphere, purple, blue, green and yellow light has been absorbed, leaving only red light. However, the rumor mentioned five colors of cyan (blue), red (red), yellow, white and black, which is not credible at first sight.

Although the yellow moon, white moon and black moon cannot exist, the blue moon is not non-existent!

The blue moon is a very rare celestial phenomenon, which occurs only once every three years.

The blue moon is not as ruthless as the red moon. It can only be seen in 20xx. As long as there are some pollutants in the earth's atmosphere, and it is the full moon, you can see the blue moon.

How about that? Now you all know the seventy-two changes of the moon?

Red Moon Composition (16)

In autumn evening, I am used to walking alone, and I like to walk on the road I used to walk on. But today I want to explore a new path and try to walk a new route.

The West Chucheng Road is a newly expanded road. Ginkgo biloba is planted on both sides of the road while Du Ying is planted. A "red carpet" sidewalk in the middle stretches far away, which is quite generous and elegant. The burnt yellow butterfly shaped ginkgo leaf gently drifted past, and occasionally slipped with pedestrians, lying on the road, dotted with stars.

To the south of the road stands a 27 storey building, known as the "five-star" Qingsong International Hotel, which stands tall and majestic, forming a landmark building in the county. The derived ancillary facilities occupy a large area, which is spectacular. Around a large circle outside the hotel, turn south to Renmin South Road and go up to Tianjiahu Bridge.

Under the bridge is an unformed lake, which has shrunk into a pond. The reed ripples on the lake surface, the lake water is clear, and several lotus poles stand upright, like tired lotus leaves wrapped in a ball, decadent and gaunt. However, there are still a few Aoshuang trees, which are still green, which makes people feel pity. The fish move through the water, touching the lotus stem and swinging from time to time, causing ripples.

When you get under the bridge, flowers are everywhere on the isolation zone between the driveway and the sidewalk. When you pass, the fragrance is fragrant. Seeing the colorful clouds and neon lights in the sky, and hearing the grass and autumn insects singing, I suddenly feel safe and refreshed.

There are few vehicles on the driveway, and the car drives by like a speeding car. A flute flew by, and the truck rolled around heavily. The bird jumped out of the tree, flew up in panic, cruised in the air, and returned to the nest for a long time.

Out of the lake area, the road is golden. There was a rumbling sound, and a large harvester was harvesting rice. I could not help but stop and watch: the front rolled and cut rice, and the back scattered straw; All the way through the thorns, all the way thoroughly. In a twinkling of an eye, we could not help feeling the magic charm of science and technology after harvesting a large hilly field.

In the fields far away, the dusk subsided, several fires flashed, and wisps of smoke and dust rose, becoming dense and diffuse. That is when farmers burn the straw after harvest and supplement potash fertilizer to the fields so that they can grow winter crops.

Crossing a horizontal line, the front foot was golden. It was originally farmers who paved the harvested rice on the sidewalk to dry, and occupied the pavement. It really made the best use of everything. Fortunately, the time was not long, that is, in these days of harvest, most passers-by could understand, so I hurried to stop.

I humbly greeted the farmers working nearby: "Another bumper harvest?" The farmers looked up at me and said, "It's probably OK." A farm tricycle stopped by the driveway, and several farmers were carrying rice bags to the car for stacking. Seeing that he was busy and inconvenient to disturb, I turned back.

The street lights are in full bloom. The harvester in the field is still working happily. This is to harvest rice as soon as possible to ensure that the grains are returned to the warehouse, taking advantage of the recent favorable sunny days. For more than two months of a season of rice, "sweat drips down the grain," and how much hard work and sweat condenses. The ancients still said that "every grain is hard". Throughout restaurants and canteens, food waste is common. Therefore, respecting parents, fearing food, mulberry and hemp, and cherishing the fruits of labor should all become the positive energy of fashion.

When I looked up, the dark sky was so vast that there were no stars twinkling and no clear moon. Remember that the moon last night seemed to be nearly reunited, which may not be my illusion? I then turned on my mobile phone to search for the date, and the striking display was: Cold Dew Festival, September 15 of the lunar calendar. "The mountain is bright, the water is clear, the frost comes at night, and the trees are dark red and light yellow."

Cold dew is the transitional period from cool to cold, which indicates that winter is coming, and it is also the most comfortable and sensitive period for human body. The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the autumn wind is warm; There is sunshine and light rain. Therefore, Du Fu, the sage of poetry, said, "The dew is white tonight, and the moon is bright in his hometown."

Leaning against the bridge fence and looking into the distance in the wind, a dark red fireball suddenly appeared in the southeast sky, and people who walked all the way stopped to look. "Total lunar eclipse, this is total lunar eclipse. Look!" a female voice excitedly pointed out.

A "red moon", born with "food"; Appearing in Tianyu, Tianya has this "food". The cold moon is hidden in the cold dew season, and the cold moon wears red to welcome the cold dew.

Round and round, quiet and quiet; It is dark red and shy. I am used to seeing the clear light of stars and moons, seeing the red moon like a ball of fire, and appreciating the nature of heaven, which really makes people feel the infinite mystery of the universe. I was also infected and intoxicated with the masterpieces of nature.

Inadvertently, the red moon showed a soft luster above, and the red gradually faded, and the moon gradually returned to its original appearance, bright, soft and clear. The change of round and short, the replacement of color, fleeting, wonderful and beautiful, condensed in a short time of one hour, memorable.

The way is still below the hotel. The wind tunnel formed by the tall building makes people tremble. The hotel has been built for a long time, but it can't be opened for a long time. There are only a few security guards in the huge area. It is said that the central government's efforts to combat corruption and promote integrity have made five-star hotels in many big cities operate poorly, requiring to pick or drop stars, not to mention a hotel based in the county.

Standing at the intersection of the west of the city, looking back at the magnificent hotel building, that place is in the center of the original Tianjia Lake. The old look no longer reappears, but it gives people space to think.

In the past, the vast lake was covered with misty waves; The morning dew and the evening sun shine, and the fishing song is high; Carefree and comfortable; A scene of the Peach Blossom Garden. The fish produced here has a unique flavor, chewy taste, sweet, hearty and precious. So that it is unforgettable and famous in Jiuzhou. Now it has become a pity. People can only trace the taste of Chen Feng from the words of the old man.

Here is the tomb of Fan Li, a doctor of the State of Yue, carved with steles, stone men and stone horses. It is said that after helping Gou Jian destroy the State of Wu, Fan Li did not love the powerful and retired after success; He hid his name and called himself Duke Tao Zhu, the founder of business; The tycoon in the business world is rich enough to rival the country, but he is generous and generous, likes to help the poor and the needy, and is good at giving alms. He has become a Confucian businessman model. Take a leisurely and leisurely boat ride on Dongting Lake. Regardless of the authenticity of his cemetery, his reverence is sincere. There are not only streets named after him in the county, but also his statues standing at the entrance of the busy pedestrian street.

The vicissitudes of life have changed from ancient times. The quiet feelings that cause people to think about the ancient times will always bring people daydream and feelings across time and space. Although it is difficult for material things to last forever, the spirit can last forever.

The speed of time flow, the reality of historical dust, and not everyone will pay attention to. A natural and harmonious living environment is valuable. While human beings enjoy modern material civilization, they need blue sky and clear water, fresh breath, and a higher level of ecological civilization.

I walked leisurely and cheerfully for more than two hours. When I looked back, I found myself swimming in the once vast, rich and turbulent waters of Tianjia Lake.

It's just a matter of walking calmly, being calm in walking and calm in heart.

Red Moon Composition (17)

Don't flinch from difficulties. Don't be weak when encountering difficulties. Believe that one day you will enjoy the beauty of the red sun.

The writer Shi Tiesheng once said; "The world is more beautiful than heaven.". He has experienced various diseases, but he did not flinch, but created his own world in a beautiful place. "My profession is illness, my amateur is writing" is his confidence and optimism in life. Because of this optimism and self-confidence, he appreciated the beauty of the Red Moon and left literary wealth for future generations. This is the power of faith.

Su Shi, a famous litterateur, lived his life from the top of the mountain, and his official career was difficult and dangerous for ordinary people to imagine. But he did not lose confidence in life and replaced it with optimism. Confident, but also a kind of open-minded. At last, he also appreciated the strange red moon, which left many literary treasures for future generations, and he was once a superstar in the Chinese literary world. It can be seen that the important belief is the charm of the Red Moon.

If you give me Helen Keller, the author of three days of light. His life was extremely unfortunate. He was deaf in both ears and blind in both eyes, which was unfair to him. But he did not sink. She finds pleasure in life with the help of her teacher. He set up the right positive attitude towards life and studied hard, and finally created his own piece of heaven in the literary world. He finally saw the beautiful red moon. Yeah! No pain, no sweet! Without a positive attitude, how can you become a dragon or a phoenix among people!

At all times and in all over the world, all great people have experienced setbacks. They have a positive heart and have made unremitting efforts. This shows the importance of attitude and self-confidence.

Let us be full of the passion of "a long wind and waves will sometimes fly straight to the sea" and the optimistic attitude left by the ancients. When sailing and surfing on the sea full of difficulties and setbacks, please believe that "I will also see the beautiful red moon!"

Red Moon Composition (18)

He is a child who lives in the dark. In his eyes and consciousness, he has never had color, but is always black, which makes people feel sad.

He was a blind child, and his parents had left him to the care of his elderly grandmother since he was young. Grandma lived in the countryside, and the children in the countryside played with him, but he did not understand anything and could not see anything. He could only listen to their laughter and heard them say that he did not know what it was.

One night, when he came out to play, he heard the children discussing the color of the moon. Some said it was white, others said it was yellow, and everyone talked about it. Suddenly, one of the children said, "The moon is red, because red represents enthusiasm and can give us strength." The other children were silent. However, the blind boy always remembered red in his heart, although he did not know what kind of light it was.

He went home and asked his grandmother if the moon was red. Her grandmother smiled and replied, "Yes, my child, the moon is red, which is a beautiful color." At this time, the blind child's heart looked forward to the red color that he had painted for many times.

Later, he grew up, went to school, and went to junior high school. His parents took him to the provincial capital. He left the village, his grandmother, and his childhood partner. He cried, tearing his heart and lungs. He thought he would never see the red moon again. When he arrived in the provincial capital, his parents found the best ophthalmologist to operate on him. His mother told him that he would see everything soon. Really, he can see his grandmother? See the partner you grew up with? And the red moon he has been looking forward to for many years? He jumped, he jumped, he could finally see the real red moon, and no longer had to paint the virtual red in his heart.

A month later, the operation was successful and he was able to see again. He insisted on going to the countryside because he wanted to see where he grew up. When he came to the countryside, he saw everything: his kind grandmother, his lovely partner, and the red moon he had been looking forward to for many years.

In the future, whenever people talk about this problem, he always says: "The moon is red." Others say wrong, the moon has no color, but he still insists on believing that the moon is red, because the red moon accompanied his most innocent and beautiful life.

Red Moon Composition (19)

The famous writer Shi Tiesheng once said; The world is more beautiful than heaven. He has experienced various diseases, but he did not flinch, but created his own world in the beautiful place. My profession is sick, and my amateur is writing, which is his confidence and optimism for life. Because of this optimism and self-confidence, he appreciated the beauty of the Red Moon and left literary wealth for future generations. This is the power of faith.

Su Shi, a famous litterateur, has lived his life from the stone peak, and his official career is difficult and dangerous for ordinary people to imagine. But he did not lose his determination and belief in life and replaced it with optimism. Confident, but not lose a kind of magnanimity and broad-minded. At last, he also appreciated the strangeness of the red moon, which left a lot of literary wealth for future generations. He was once a superstar in the Chinese literary world. It can be seen that the important belief is the charm of the Red Moon.

If you give me Helen Keller, the author of three days of light. His life was extremely unfortunate. He was deaf in both ears and blind in both eyes, which was unfair to him. But he did not sink. She found happiness in life with the help of her teacher. He set up an accurate positive life position and studied hard, and finally created his own piece of heaven in the literary world. He finally saw the beautiful red moon. Yeah! No pain, no sweet! Without a positive attitude, how can you become a dragon or a phoenix among people!

At all times and in all over the world, all great people have experienced setbacks. They have a positive heart and have made unremitting efforts. This shows the importance of self-confidence.

Let us be full of the passion that we will sometimes go straight to the clouds and sail to the sea, and the optimistic and upward position left by the ancients. In this sea full of difficulties and setbacks?, Surfing, please believe that I will also see the beautiful red moon!