Composition Topics for Grade Four Pupils (5 Selected)
Laugh about the situation
2024-06-02 05:56:48
fourth grade

Composition Topic of Primary School Students in Grade Four (1)

hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "We Love Labor".

Labor can not only train people's body and will, but also beautify our home. So I love labor and participate in labor more actively.

During the "May Day" period, Grandma proposed to take advantage of the warmer weather, the whole family to clean up. After the division of labor is clear, we will act in full swing. Grandma is the most agile. She sings and washes her bedding. Although she is nearly seventy years old, she is no worse than young people in her work. Grandfather was also unwilling to lag behind in cleaning his clean area. After carefully wiping the range hood and wall tiles, he went to drag the stairs with a bucket. Sweat ran down his forehead, but he ignored it.

My sister and I were talking and laughing as we sorted our books. My sister was responsible for sorting the books in the study, and I was responsible for sorting the books in the bedroom. At first, I always felt that it was not neat? Moreover, the whole body itches and the hands are covered with dust. When I was worried, I asked myself: "It's strange. Why is it so difficult for me to do a simple thing?" When I was worried, my body became hot. On my forehead, the "rolling Yangtze River" also began to flow down, but I can't stand here and worry?

When I was at a loss, I saw what my sister was doing when she was sorting out: smoothing the books... then dusting them... putting different kinds of books together. Like my sister, I also classified the books in primary school, middle school and high school in detail, marked them with different marks, and put them on different levels of the bookshelf. Ah, this method can't be more effective. Look, I can use this method not only to facilitate future reading, but also clean.

An hour later, the cleaning was over, and everyone was tired and sweating. But looking at this clean and tidy home, everyone smiled knowingly.

Labor not only creates beauty, but also promotes social progress. Tao Xingzhi, an educator, once said, "You are not a hero who drips your own sweat, eats your own food, and does your own work by yourself, relying on people, heaven, and ancestors!

Thank you, my speech is over!

Composition Topics for Grade Four Pupils (2)

"Alas! I'm so tired!" murmured from the classroom. This is a class after the general cleaning. Everyone complained bitterly. But when I walked out of the classroom, the air was as clean as a filter. Looking down at the "old and new" street, my face could not help rippling with a happy smile.

Today, the bell rang in our ears after the morning exercises. We held the "fighting tools" in our hands, like birds flying out of the cage, cheerfully lined up, like a group of "little soldiers" ready to go, marching with neat steps, marching towards the "base area" - the playground. When I came to the playground, I saw a large group of people waiting for us under the guidance of the teacher! After assigning the tasks, everyone went their separate ways, carrying their "favorite friends" - brooms, trash cans and garbage shovels, and headed for the "post".

Look! Everyone was so energetic and enthusiastic that they almost overturned the roof. The students who swept the floor with bamboo brooms bent slightly and bent their knees, just like skilled cleaners; Those who take garbage shovels are not willing to be outdone. They cooperate with the students who sweep the floor to put a lot of garbage into garbage cans. Suddenly, the dust was flying in the air, enveloping the whole street in a layer of "mist". In a short time, the whole wide street was swept clean by us.

Suddenly, a shout came to my ears, and I ran to see "hairy monkey" Chen Jiabao in a small alley "entangled" with a huge pile of garbage. He opened his legs again and swept out a lot of garbage from under his crotch bit by bit. I saw him fighting alone and rushing into the alley without saying a word. "If you don't sweep it, you will be shocked". The garbage accumulated in the alley for a while is dirty and smelly, which is enough to make people back off. "It's no good just doing so recklessly. We have to find a way.

”I turned to look at Chen Jiabao behind me, and saw that he was also impatiently leaning against the wall. Suddenly, I clicked my fingers and got a plan. I put my broom at an angle, like a bulldozer, and sent this pile of garbage out of the lane. Looking at this pile of musty and smelly garbage, I felt as if I was kneeling down to beg for mercy: "Hero, spare me! Let me go! It's hard to find a stable place like this alley!"

Walking out of the alley, I saw that the street had taken on a new look, as if praising: "Thanks to you, the little earth beautician!" Labor is the most glorious.

Composition Topics for Grade Four Pupils (3)

I'm glad to come to Fuxing Middle School to make a speech. The content of my speech is "the importance of labor".

Many students believe that labor is not very useful in this technologically advanced society. But I think labor plays a very important role in the development of human society. If people do not work, how can they cultivate food? If we don't work, how can we invent and create? Today's science and technology is formed by countless scientific and technological personnel using their brains and wisdom. The thinking of scientific and technological personnel is also a kind of labor. Labor is not restricted to form, nor is it in the sense that farmers' cultivation is labor.

If you don't work, how can you hire others to work? Without labor, where can science and technology come from? Labor can't make people smarter, but if you don't even work, how can you change yourself? Although the power of science and technology is strong, how can we create science and technology without human labor? So I think labor is important.

As the old saying goes, "The people are diligent, but diligent is not scarce.". In ancient times, labor was industrious sowing, plowing and harvesting. Therefore, as long as you sow and work hard, you will reap. This is also true today.

Maybe some students will say that studying hard takes up a lot of time, so they don't work. The ancients said: Why sweep the world if you don't sweep the whole house? In the leisure time of study, you can go to work. You don't need to work. You just need to clean your dormitory occasionally, which can be regarded as labor.

Some students will say: why do you have to do it yourself, because labor is so hard and tiring? Because if you don't do it, and he doesn't do it, and everyone doesn't do it, what will the world become? I am in favor of letting others do things for you. Because many people have great power, but they do not work, I do not approve of this behavior. You can let others do things for you, but you also have to work, otherwise how can others help you? If you start a company, as the boss, you don't go to work, don't talk about customers, and stay at home all day. No matter how high the salary, no matter how good the treatment, no employee has enthusiasm. Because as the boss, you didn't give them a good start. It's a simple truth, but not everyone understands it.

Some students do not respect labor and think that labor is useless, but this is wrong. Because labor has proved its power. It has created science and technology, and it has changed human life. Does anyone think labor is not important?

My speech is over. Thank you.

Composition Questions for Grade Four Pupils (4)

After half a semester, do you have any complaints about your grades? Do you often feel powerless in life, and do you suffer losses in study? Don't lament the lack of talent, and first review whether you have good habits.

Why are the first dozen girls almost taking over this time? Is it true that yin flourishes and yang declines, and women are not inferior to men? incorrect. If you are a conscientious person, you will be surprised that their habits are so good.

Yang Linshuang and Zhou Hailun, my nearest classmates, both ranked in the top ten. From the beginning of school to now, I have been sitting behind her. Often when I was still writing hard, they had already begun to recite English and write diaries. At the same time, because I always took a few slow shots, I couldn't help but secretly make up my mind to find the secret behind them.

First, look at Yang Linshuang and Zhou Hailun. The desk and schoolbag are neat, spotless, the corner of the book is never wrinkled, and the book is never incomplete, flat, as if it is new as before. Then look at my boy, the sundries are piled up, messy, the schoolbag is messy, the ink stains are countless, the corner of the book is stacked, and the book has never been played well.

In the self-study class, students always talk about small things. You take pictures of me, and I take pictures of you, which makes people look restless. I never saw them say a word in their self-study class. Once, when I leaned over to talk and laugh with others, Yang Linshuang patted me on the shoulder and said, "Silent self-study". I was stunned, and then suddenly realized that I had a feeling of admiration. Yes, yes, even without this kind of cultivation, if you can't calm down, how can you become a great thing!

They usually don't talk loudly, everything is in order, and they don't do things sloppily. They arrive at the canteen and return to the classroom first in the morning and evening. The exam was among the best again. There was no pride, no discussion, just silently writing and saying nothing.

Those who are still lamenting how miserable their fate is and complaining that good luck doesn't favor them, first think about whether they have good habits, habits that can lead to success, and habits that can become your strength and courage.

Composition Questions of Primary School Students in Grade Four (5)

We have just passed the Mid Autumn Festival. This week, we ushered in the birthday of our motherland - National Day.

Yesterday, my mother and I decided to let my mother have a day off and go out for lunch.

As soon as I went on the street, I felt the festive atmosphere: the five star red flag was hung on the street lamp beside the road without exception, and the merchants also put out the signboard of "National Day Promotion". Because the bus came into the station with us, we got on the bus without looking. But as soon as we got on the bus, the crowd pushed us to the driver's side. I was surprised to think: today, when the merchants are promoting, will everyone take advantage of them? After two stops on the crowded bus, we arrived at our destination: a restaurant. But instead of being happy, I began to frown - my idea became a reality: everyone came to take advantage. Now the situation is that all the windows on the order and payment desk are open, and six or seven sales staff are busy, but in front of them, there is still nearly half a long line as wide as the restaurant. I waited nearly ten minutes before I could buy what I wanted to eat. I turned around and found that the first floor was full, so we decided to go to the second floor. The second floor was also full of people. We drilled through the crowd and easily found a table where many people could eat together. We fought with others to avoid the embarrassment of having to eat standing up.

After lunch, we stopped by to find the shoes suitable for me, but there were also many people in the mall. When the salesperson filled out the sales list, three groups of customers came in to try on shoes.

When we were waiting for the bus at the station, out of my eyes, I found that there were two traffic police uncles commanding the traffic at each intersection. Waving and whistling are very busy.

When I returned home, I thought: today, so many people I met are actually celebrating the ____ birthday of the motherland in their own way!