My composition is 450 words (15 collections)
a man should stand strong
2024-06-28 00:30:29

My composition is 450 words (1)

Everyone will encounter difficulties and also have failures, but believe in yourself, any difficulties can be overcome. I have such experience that I overcame timidity and succeeded.

It was a three-star interview with junior high school level. At that time, I stayed in the waiting room, with a cold sweat on my head and my heart pounding with nervousness, for fear that my hard work would go wrong. When it was my turn, I entered the classroom of "reading pictures and saying words" with trepidation. The examiner smiled kindly. It seemed that it was not as terrible as I thought. My heart was hanging down, and I kept saying to myself, "As long as I believe in myself, I will be able to do it." Sure enough, with God's help, I passed smoothly.

The success of the first level made me feel confident gradually, and then I entered the classroom of "quick listening and quick answering". I have been training at home for a long time. Although I can't guarantee that I can pass it, I am confident that I can pass it. In the face of the teacher's questions, I was no longer timid, but calmly answered, each word fluent and accurate. I answered the teacher's next question in an orderly and unhurried manner. I passed the test with excellent results. At this moment, my nervousness and fear disappeared without trace, and I confidently welcomed the next few passes. Finally, I passed the Samsung oral exam with eight passes and six passes.

This experience is a great fortune for me. I will always remember that as long as I believe in myself, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome, and success always belongs to a confident person.

My composition is 450 words (2)

I remember when I was 5 years old, my mother said to me seriously, "You have grown up, it's time to sleep!" I thought it was like a bolt from the blue, and my heart was pounding.

Finally at night, I got out of bed with fear. I saw the branches outside the window were blown by the wind, like witches waving their arms, as if they were going to rush into the house and eat me. I was so scared that I wanted to rush to my father's room and wake him up. But on second thought: Wake up Dad like this, he will laugh at my cowardice. Well, I had to go back to bed and continue to sleep.

But it didn't last long. In the middle of the night, I suddenly wanted to go to the toilet. I felt uneasy again. At first, I could hold it, but later, my face turned red. I had to take the small wooden sword that had been prepared at the head of the bed and walk to the bathroom. The journey to the bathroom was smooth, but when I came back from the toilet, I saw a "mummy" standing on the table when I passed the restaurant! I was surprised at first, and then I wielded my sword without hesitation. With a "bang", only the earth shaking sound woke my parents. They turned on the light and saw that the so-called "mummy" was originally a flower pot! My father smiled and said, "There's a coward here!" I blushed.

Since then, I no longer believe that there are ghosts in the world. I overcame timidity and couldn't help but give myself a thumbs up.

My composition is 450 words (3)

"True gold is tempered in fire, and courage is cultivated in difficulties." Whenever I think of this famous saying, I will think of that.

In the evening, I was watching TV when my mother suddenly asked me to send clothes to my grandma. Grandma's house was far from our house, neither far nor near. Because at that time in the countryside, although the moon was bright, it was still very dark. It was a little cold at that time, so my mother asked me to send clothes to Grandma. This can not only let Grandma wear clothes, but also exercise my timidity. When I heard this, I immediately refused: "No, no, absolutely no, there may be monsters, I'm alone, and I'm afraid. If you want to go, you have to go with me." My mother said to me earnestly: "There are no monsters in the world, and monsters are people's fictions. We should believe in science. Besides, we should not be afraid of ghosts knocking at the door in the middle of the night." I couldn't say anything about my mother, so I had to go. Walking on the road, I remembered that my mother wouldn't let me eat cold food before, but I secretly bought an ice cream to eat while she was away. I'm dead. I did something wrong. Did the ghost come back early? Thinking, I quickened my pace and wanted to get to Grandma's house quickly. Today's journey seems to be much longer than before. A cold wind blew and made me shiver. I seem to feel that something is behind me. I dare not look back, fearing that if it were a monster, it would swallow me alive. I heard a cat. Could it be the ghost cat. I want to cry. Why does this unknown cat always follow me? It's almost my grandma's house. It's still 10m, 5m. Great, here we are. When I saw Grandma, I quickly looked back. It was our cat! No wonder you follow me.

I have to go back. My cat still follows me, as if to protect me. I'm not afraid. I take small steps. As I walked, I came home. The road seemed shorter than before. I haven't stimulated enough!

In fact, there is no monster in the world. If there is one, it is a coward.

My composition is 450 words (4)

In the process of growing up, we will encounter many difficulties: carelessness, inferiority, timidity... They are just like "roadblocks", threatening to "rush" at us. If you want to grow up and succeed, you must defeat them!

I used to be very timid, especially at night.

Once, my mother asked me to throw garbage downstairs. Of course, I didn't want to. Then my mother changed into a monk of Tang Dynasty, and she nagged in my ear like saying a hoop mantra. I had no choice but to carry the garbage and walk out of the house slowly.

When I got to the gate, there were few street lights, the lights were dark, there was no one on the road, and there were only a few vehicles passing by. I walked alone. I was more afraid and wanted to go home earlier.

Suddenly, I remembered that my task had not been completed, so I went to the dustbin like a sharp arrow, threw the rubbish into it, and ran to the door at a speed of 100 meters.

By the time I got home, I was sweating and panting, as if I had fished it out of the water. My mother asked me, "Why are you sweating so much?" I told my mother the story. After hearing it, my mother couldn't help laughing, which made my face red. I secretly made up my mind to get rid of my cowardice.

One day later, my mother asked me to throw garbage and take a express delivery. The scene was the same as last time. The only difference was that my attitude changed. I successfully threw the garbage into the garbage can and took the express delivery to my mother. Mother gave me a thumbs up. I am no longer afraid of the dark, and I finally overcome timidity!

The road to growth is very bumpy. When only "roadblocks" fall at our feet, we are on the road to success!

My composition is 450 words (5)

I still remember that when I was in the countryside, my brother and I went to play in the vegetable fields. At that time, I was very timid. But after that experience, I overcame timidity.

That day, my brother and I went to play in the vegetable field. Playing, I saw a big cock coming not far away. The cock glared at us with vicious eyes, as if to eat us. I took my brother's hand and hurried away. When the rooster saw us, he hurried after us. We ran around like flies without a head. We saw the rooster chasing after us. We were afraid that it would catch up with us. After chasing the rooster for more than ten minutes, I still refused to let us go, so I had to hit the rooster with the pebbles on the ground. It was even more angry. I saw it open its mouth and wings and rushed towards my brother and me. I hurried to the orchard with my brother, where there were many bushes. My brother and I hid behind the orange tree. The cock swaggered in. "Yawning" is terrible. My brother yawned. Just as the rooster found us, my brother said hurriedly: "Sister, sister, the rooster has found us. Go and drive it away quickly." "No, the rooster will bite! I'm afraid of pain." I said. "Let's run!" I fell down while running, and the skin on my feet rubbed out a little blood, which was very painful. The cock flew towards me with his mouth wide open. I was quick to get wise, picked up the branch on the ground and stretched it toward the cock. The cock quickly backed away. I got up and was about to drive the cock away. But when I got up, it had already run away. I threw down the branch and broke it. I was relieved.

Since then, I have overcome timidity. This event has taught me that in life, we should have courage and face difficulties actively. Don't give up for such a small thing and don't overcome it. As long as you have courage, you will succeed, and nothing will fail.

My composition is 450 words (6)

I am an introverted girl, and I am not very confident in my own career, so once there is an exam or grade examination, I will be afraid to make my legs weak, my hands tremble, and my words tremble. Until one time, I overcame such timidity.

Once, I participated in the flute grading test. I stood in line at the door of the classroom, and my heart began to tremble when I heard that everyone inside was blowing better than me. Gradually, my legs were soft, my heart was "plopping, plopping", and my whole body was in cold sweat. My father saw that I was nervous, so he came up to me and said, "Don't be afraid. You can play well, just like usual practice. It doesn't matter if you don't pass the exam. It's fun!" After listening to my father's words, I felt as if I had a reassurance. My fear in my heart disappeared, my legs were not soft, and my sweat was gone.

After half an hour or so, the teacher called my name. My heart, which had been calm, jumped up again quickly. My father patted me on the shoulder, indicating that I was not afraid. I walked into the classroom step by step, my heart beating to my throat. I walked to the front of the teacher and posed. My eyes inadvertently glanced out of the window. Unexpectedly, I saw my father facing me with refueling gestures and firm eyes, which increased my confidence at a hundredfold rate. In this way, I played very well and passed smoothly. My father also praised me repeatedly.

In this way, I overcame timidity and successfully passed the exam, which made me very happy.

My composition is 450 words (7)

Although I am in Grade 6, I am very timid. When I saw the ball flying towards me in PE class, I kept away from it. So I have been playing football as a guard. But although I am timid, I am still determined to protect the environment.

Once, when I went out to play, I suddenly heard a sound of water spraying. When I heard the sound of water spraying, I immediately went away. Before I got there, I was shocked by the scene inside. Because I saw a sprinkler pipe was spraying water crazily. The soil around the sprinkler pipe was too soft, as if it would sink if I stepped on it. The height of water sprayed from the sprinkler pipe had reached about one meter. The scene inside the water fog was also unclear, and I was frightened by the "spectacular" scene.

At this time, I thought of some old people talking. Until then, I found that there were four people inside, two of whom were my friends and two of whom were grannies. I went in and asked for a while before I knew that one of my friends was curious and turned on the switch. After turning on the switch, "Bang" water burst out. My classmate was immediately shocked, and the two old ladies who came in response were constantly criticizing my friend.

I think it's a pity to waste all this water, so I tried to approach the switch, but I came back before halfway, because that feeling was too uncomfortable, like someone covering your mouth and nose. However, my determination to protect resources is still strong. He encouraged me to rush into the mist. I didn't know how to turn off the switch.

When the water stopped, I gave a long sigh of relief to see that although I was drenched, my body was really not hurt at all. It turns out that many things are not as terrible as imagined.

Later, I tried to do a lot of things that I didn't dare to do before, and all succeeded. I gradually overcame my cowardly weakness.

My composition is 450 words (8)

I was very timid in my childhood, including now. At that time, I was afraid of even a small mosquito. Even if the mosquito was a few meters away from me, I would run around and rush out of the room, not to mention the terrible ghost.

That day, my mother let me sleep alone, she only accompanied me to sleep, and I agreed. She left quietly after I fell asleep, but I woke up at midnight. At that time, there was a strong wind, and the trees were rustling. Some wind blew in through the window screen and made a whining sound, like ghosts wailing. I suddenly remembered Grandma said that she once heard a person she knew cry when she did not see anyone. The next day, the person died. I was scared. I was afraid that there were ghosts around, so that my hands and feet began to shake unnaturally, I shrunk into a ball and dared not move. I didn't even have the courage to look out. Later, I was so bored that I had to show my face slowly. I felt cold when I showed my face. It was midsummer at that time. When I fell asleep, my mother turned off the air conditioner again. In addition to being afraid, I became a "drowned chicken". But I didn't know whether I was frightened or digested just now. I wanted to go to the toilet. But when I got up, I was afraid again. I felt that the ghost would come back again, like a ghost would come out of the wall behind me, and I shrank back. I didn't crawl to my mother's room until I couldn't help it. I asked her to go to the toilet and sleep with me.

It's funny to think of things when I was a child. In fact, there can be no ghosts in the world. When I was young, I was really timid.

My composition is 450 words (9)

In my growth stories, many people think I am a very timid little girl.

I remember one time, when I was in kindergarten, my grandma sent me to school. It was the first day I entered kindergarten. I felt very afraid and nervous. I slowly walked to the seat designated by the teacher. My eyes were full of tears, but I could not cry aloud; When school was almost over, I kept asking the teacher, "Teacher Xu, what time is it now? Why hasn't Grandma come to pick me up? When will she pick me up?"

Another time, when I was on duty in the middle class, Mr. Wang asked the children to clean up the toys scattered on the ground; I started to pick it up at once, but I saw that Lele was just playing by himself, so I went to him and told him, "The teacher asked us to pack up toys, why don't you accept them?" Lele said to me righteously, "Hum, I won't accept them, why do you mind me?" When Mr. Wang saw that I was talking about Lele, Lele didn't listen, Then he said to me: "Everyone came to see how carefully Qiqi tidied up. Then what new toys will we have in our class? The teacher will be the first to play with Qiqi, right?" After that, the teacher went to talk to Lele again. Lele soon came to pick up the toys with us.

Today, I have grown up. I have gradually become a lot bolder from my timidity in the past, but I still hope that I will become more cheerful and brave in the future.

My composition is 450 words (10)

Today, my mother and sister and I went to Wenling Swimming Pool to swim and change our swimsuits. An aunt said, "The water is very cold and ice, not 25 degrees, I think it is only 20 degrees, My sister said to me, "Ann, it's OK, we are very cold resistant!" I nodded to her confidently and said, "We must do it!" My mother saw me aside and said, "Don't just say, don't do it." We still nodded to my mother confidently.

When we got to the swimming pool, we just put our feet into the pool, and a chill seemed to pierce our hearts.

My sister accidentally slipped into the swimming pool. After staying for a while, she immediately asked me to pull her up. He said, "An An, you go down and try." I just wanted to go down, but as soon as I got to the body, my lips turned black, and I ran up quickly. This is when my mother came down, jumped into the water, and said, "Really ice!" Seeing my mother and sister, I was even more scared.

My mother and sister are protecting me below, but I dare not. Watching my mother and sister swim happily in the water, I thought to myself; If only I were brave.

How timid I am! I have guilt and envy in my heart. Tomorrow I must eliminate cowardice, take back courage, and fight with the cold water to the end!

The timid I wrote 450 words (11)

I grew up in the countryside, and I did a lot of things to make trouble. My mother said I was brave and energetic, but my father said I just needed to clean up.

When I was in junior high school, my parents sent me to school in the city and placed me at my uncle's house. The students either picked me up at home or rode to school. Only I walked six or seven kilometers to school every day. You have built a good physique.

My classmates all said that I was very dull and didn't like to play with me. Only my deskmate didn't dislike me. She was beautiful, kind-hearted, gentle and fashionable. I remember one time when the class organized an out of school activity. Her red and white striped short sleeves, black collar and sleeve edges showed delicate collarbone and looked exquisite. A pair of light blue shorts exposed slender thighs, and a pair of red canvas shoes were simple and generous.

But I'm wearing the same school uniform. It's not that I don't have casual clothes. If I just wear them, someone will say, "Look at that country guy who doesn't have any taste in wearing street goods and other 'ugly language.".

Every time I stand with her, I feel awkward, just like an ugly duckling rushing into the Swan Lake and standing with the most beautiful white swan, which always calls me inferiority.

I became more and more timid. I became introverted and inferior. The isolation of my classmates flooded me like a flood, making me very depressed and unable to breathe. It was like living in a city without sunshine and being out of tune with people around me.

My classmates look down on me and my teachers don't care about me. I become more and more inferiority complex and timid.

I sometimes think, should rural children come to school in the city

I became a coward whom I despised.

My composition is 450 words (12)

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, the summer vacation finally came to me.

The weather was sultry. My father and I couldn't stand the heat, so we went to the swimming pool to swim. There were so many people outside the swimming pool that we managed to squeeze in.

I put my things away, grabbed my father's hand and walked slowly down the steps by the pool. Suddenly, my father let go of my hand. I was unprepared, and the whole person fell down, "plop" and fell into the water. I drank a mouthful of water, choked and coughed. My father angrily asked, "Why do you loosen my hand. But I still didn't have the courage to jump.

Back home, I felt a bit guilty. Because I have already been in Grade One, and I am no longer a child in kindergarten. How can I not even have the courage and courage? After a night of remorse, I decided to dive to my father tomorrow.

Time passed quickly, and the day passed quickly. My father and I went to the swimming pool again. With a "plop", Dad jumped into the water. I grabbed my nose with one hand, closed my eyes, and jumped down with the other hand holding the lifebuoy. With a "plop", I also jumped into the water, while my father praised me. I tried to dance again, but it was fun. After an hour, I jumped several times, more and more daring, finally I put the life buoy on my father, and played by myself.

Oh yeah! I finally found my "bear heart leopard gall".

My composition is 450 words (13)

I'm very timid. I'm a bit timid. I remember one night, I got up to drink water. For fear of darkness, I turned on all the lights. The room is as bright as day, so I dare to go out of the room. Suddenly, when I saw the curtains fluttering, I was scared out of my wits. My heart jumped to my throat and my mind was confused: could it be a ghost? I didn't dare to think about it, so I ran to the small table and picked up a cup of water to drink. Suddenly, my feet hit a hard thing. Looking down, I was startled and cried out, "Ah!" My father was awakened by my cry. He hurried to ask, "What's the matter? It's a big fuss?" I pointed to the ground and said in a trembling voice, "There is a worm there." My father looked at it and said in disdain, "Oh, it's just a worm. What's there to be afraid of? ”He trampled the insect to death. Then he said to me, "Go to bed quickly. I have to go to school tomorrow." I walked back to my room with lingering fear and lay on the bed. My heart was still hanging, wondering whether the insects would come to me again? The more I think about it, the more afraid I am, the more I can't sleep. It seems that I can't sleep this night, because my head is full of the shadow of the worm.

This is the timid me. I really hope to change and be brave.

My composition is 450 words (14)

Time passed quickly, and soon it was time to go to bed. I held the little rabbit doll in my arms and walked into the big sister's room in fear. There were posters all over the room, but they did not alleviate my fear. I spread the quilt, picked up the pillow, hugged the baby, and nervously turned off the light. Suddenly, the room was dark, like a haunted house, which made me shiver a lot.

This haunted room reminds me of the killer movie I saw in the afternoon, and I suddenly got goose bumps. I tried to pull back my thoughts and try my best not to recall those horrible pictures. Finally, I came up with an idea. I picked up the doll and played the Princess game. I imagined that I was a beautiful princess, living in a luxurious and beautiful palace. The doll was controlled by me to play another role, and the voice was imitated by me. I became more and more sleepy while playing. Although the horrible pictures were still replayed in my mind, the upper eyelid and the lower eyelid had been fighting fiercely, and I fell asleep after a while. The demons and ghosts disappeared without a trace

When I got up the next day, my aunt smiled and praised: "Angel, you are great! You can sleep by yourself, so next time you can sleep by yourself at other people's home. Mom and Dad will not be afraid of you if you have something to do!" I felt extremely proud and proud, and I finally could sleep by myself as I learned in class!

My composition is 450 words (15)

I was very timid since I was young, and I never dared to try these terrible challenges. Now I decide to go to the playground to overcome the enemy of cowardice. "Ah... ah..." With the screams, my little sister and I came to the second scary game project of the amusement park - "Hand of Aeolus". I looked at the people above and cried all the time, but I could not help but retreat.

My sister insisted on dragging me to queue, saying that she wanted to exercise my courage. When I got to the waiting area, my hands shook involuntarily, and my heart was very confused: whether to challenge or not? If I go, I will collapse because of fear. If I don't go, I will never be able to overcome my cowardice. After much consideration, I decided to take the plunge to challenge. It was our turn. I became more and more nervous, and dared not move forward. "Come on, you can defeat cowardice!" I heard my inner voice. As soon as I went up, I closed my eyes. After a while, I tried to open my eyes. Slowly, I began to enjoy the excitement. At the end, I was a little reluctant to part!

"It's not scary at all. It's just like turning somersaults!" I really overcame timidity. From this, I understand that nothing is difficult in the world.