Changing Compositions Around Me (7 Selected)
Smile no matter how hard it is
2024-06-15 06:30:06

Change composition around me (1)

From birth to the present, every time I listen to my grandparents and parents talk about Xi'an before, they always bring a sentence: "Xi'an has changed so much!" Indeed, the changes in Xi'an are amazing, and it is exciting to feel changes in Xi'an. Not only that, but also the quality of people has improved.

Speaking of these years, the biggest change of Xi'an is the image of the city. Once, in the eyes of many outsiders, Xi'an was more like a large-scale county town, with a dusty face; But in just a few years, Xi'an has washed away the dust on its face, showing the charm of a thousand year old ancient capital and the charm of a modern metropolis, bringing vitality to a beautiful city. Our hometown is changing with each passing day.

Today's Xi'an, the city wall, the city river, the park around the city, and the Shuncheng Lane constitute the unique landscape of Xi'an. Take a turn on the city wall, and look at Xi'an from the city wall. You can feel different charm from every angle. In the past, I envied Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other developed coastal cities that have subways. Now my hometown Xi'an is also building subways. The musical fountains around the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the elegant atmosphere of Tang Paradise, the blue style of Xi'an Ocean Museum, the Tang style of Qujiang Relics Park, and the blue water and blue sky of Chanba Ecological Area all reflect Xi'an's internationalization, human culture, and ecology, and make innovations. The colorful, spectacular and brilliant live dramas are staged in this old and young city. Our cities and villages, our life and work are also changing day by day, becoming more ideal and beautiful.

Yes, our life is changing every day! I believe that as long as our generation perseveres in studying hard and serves the motherland when we grow up, the prosperous and strong motherland will certainly be presented to us. Things unexpected in the past will become real realities in the future!

Change composition around me (2)

Composition of changes in traffic around me

In your daily study, work or life, you must have been exposed to composition. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from a concise and concise language that you can understand through compression to an external language form that is developed, has a standardized grammatical structure, and can be understood by others. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is my composition on the changes of traffic around me. Welcome to share it.

I was born and raised in Tongzhou. In recent years, I have found that Tongzhou is becoming more and more beautiful. The blue sky, clear river, clean roads and convenient transportation conditions make me more fond of this thriving international new city!

But it was almost unimaginable a few years ago that the traffic measures of the community where our family lives were not as convenient as now. There is no bus passing by at home, so it is inconvenient to travel. You have to go out two or three stops to get to the station, and the number of buses is very small. You have to wait for half a day to get a bus. I clearly remember one time when you waited for half an hour in the cold wind to get a bus. So every time I go out to take a bus, I always have a headache. I always look forward to how comfortable it would be if there was a bus at my door!

Now, two buses, 317 and 587, have been set up at the entrance of the community. Wherever I go, I can only walk a few steps to the station, and wait a few minutes for the bus to arrive, so I can reach the destination smoothly. The walking time is shorter, which improves my speed of going out to work and play, and makes me like it more

On the "bus" such traffic measures.

I think if more people can travel by bus, reduce the use of private cars, and everyone makes a contribution to environmental protection, the sky will be more blue, the road will be wider, and our life will be more beautiful and harmonious!

Change composition around me (3)

Speaking of these years, the biggest change of Xi'an is the image of the city. Once, in the eyes of many outsiders, Xi'an was more like a large-scale county town, with a dusty face; But in just a few years, Xi'an has washed away the dust on its face, showing the charm of a thousand year old ancient capital and the charm of a modern metropolis, bringing vitality to a beautiful city. Our hometown is changing with each passing day.

Today's Xi'an, the city wall, the city river, the park around the city, and the Shuncheng Lane constitute the unique landscape of Xi'an. Take a turn on the city wall, and look at Xi'an from the city wall. You can feel different charm from every angle. In the past, I envied Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other developed coastal cities that have subways. Now my hometown Xi'an is also building subways. The musical fountains around the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the elegant atmosphere of Tang Paradise, the blue style of Xi'an Ocean Museum, the Tang style of Qujiang Relics Park, and the blue water and blue sky of Chanba Ecological Area all reflect Xi'an's internationalization, human culture, and ecology, and make innovations. The colorful, spectacular and brilliant live dramas are staged in this old and young city. Our cities and villages, our life and work are also changing day by day, becoming more ideal and beautiful.

Yes, our life is changing every day! I believe that as long as our generation perseveres in studying hard and serves the motherland when we grow up, the prosperous and strong motherland will certainly be presented to us. Things unexpected in the past will become real realities in the future!

Change composition around me (4)

Changes around me 900 words [1]

Today, the teacher assigned us a composition about the changes around us. I think there are too many changes around us. Now, let me tell you one by one!

First, let's talk about my school. When you walk into the No. 1 Primary School of Boxing County, you will find a clean road lined with green trees and flowers. All kinds of poems and essays on the walls of the campus are beautifully dressed. We lovely children can learn a lot of ancient poems when we play on campus. Now many students in our class have been rated as "school level little poets" and some have also participated in the national competition!

When you walk into our classroom, you will see that there are colorful flowers and plants growing on the originally bare windowsill. Let me tell you something, these flowers and plants were brought by our enthusiastic classmates from their own homes. The classroom is full of the fragrance of flowers. It smells good. A complete set of multimedia computers stood in front of the classroom, and the teacher used it to teach us every day. It is it that enables us to see the appearance of glaciers and hear the sound of melting and breaking glaciers in Chinese class. It is as eye-catching as watching a movie.

Now, let me tell you about the changes on the way after school. When we walk out of the campus in a neat line, you will find that fewer and fewer parents pick up their children by bike, and more and more classmates who make regular buses and buy cars at home. My "ride" (the new word I just learned in Journey to the West) has also changed from my mother's electric car to Yutong bus, which is extremely comfortable. Driving on the wide road by the shuttle bus, we found that there were more and more traffic lights, fewer and fewer people running the red lights, and the garbage cans were standing on both sides of the road in order, so no one was ashamed to throw garbage.

Back home, the changes will be even greater. We moved from a crowded bungalow to a spacious and comfortable building. My father didn't think enough of the desktop computer that my family bought five years ago. This summer, he bought a Lenovo laptop for my mother. I was so envious that I didn't have it. But I have a Reader's English learning machine F8. I often use my mother's laptop to look up all kinds of materials and learn to copy and paste many beautiful pictures. Now there are more and more family cars. If your family wants to buy a car, let me be your "little adviser", because my "car pictures" folder contains: BMW, Ferrari, Rolls Royce, Sambo, Beijing Hyundai, Shanghai Volkswagen... everything, including your choice.

What makes us happy is that we have less and less homework and more and more time for holiday travel. We have more opportunities to see the beautiful scenery of our motherland.

The campus is more beautiful, the city is more beautiful, the body is better, the mood is better, everything is better and better, dear students, do you feel these changes around you?

Changes around me 900 words [2]

I never told others that I prefer the flat road.

After all, compared with the main road, the path is really winding and full of weeds and mud. So I don't like to take the country road, and these so-called roads make me more afraid than the main roads.

The main road is empty and lost, and the paths are winding and scary. In contrast..., I prefer the main road.

Our life only continues in this city. Skyscrapers and skynets divide the sky into a small part overhead. Our buildings are crisscross but monotonous. Our high walls turn the world into ravines. Even if we come to nature, we can also smell the urban air.

The footsteps in a hurry are softly ringing, even when we are around, we cannot hear them.

Now it's better to jump off a building than buy a house for shelter. Some people can only live in small low rent houses after toiling all their lives; Some people struggle to work overtime without money because there is still a large family to support; Some people come and go in beautiful clothes. They really don't know what qualifications they have to rebel when they are comfortable.

For a thousand nights in the city, the moon has waxed and waned repeatedly, but the gap between rich and poor has been widening. The rich generations are high above the others, and no pain can be passed on to them. Some people climb over the wall and enter the house just to get something to exchange for money to support their families.

When a country started a war, a political party immediately stepped down; Some countries went bankrupt, and former giants had to fight with each other because of debt problems. This is a wonderful world. It's the first time I heard of the bankruptcy of the country, and the first time I saw the cruelty of the war and its high sounding.

We were forced to celebrate the good places of our country. The first creed of Americans is honesty, and we are patriotic. It is doomed that cheating and entrapment are common in China. Dirty and dirty places can only break teeth and swallow them into the stomach. The Chinese people will always be happy when they see those leaders standing high.

Heaven, I laughed at myself. The world around us could not help but become like this when we read the books of sages. People become animals dressed in etiquette, and dare not speak the truth. The world is too small. When did it become a village? We abandoned our feet, computers learned everything about the outside world, and transportation took the place of walking.

Because everything becomes dirty, our physical and mental health is damaged; Because people's hearts have become sinister, we dare not help others at will; Because the world has become dirty, we have closed our hearts. This kind of change is still going on. A stream of ladies with heavy makeup but vulgar mannerism and gentlemen with neat clothes but cruel animals are flowing. Cold eyes sweep you, and you fall into the ice cave.

Only a few people are still insisting. Some zero score compositions tell the truth, while some full score compositions seem to be a running account; Some people helped the passer-by who fell down, but they were severely slapped by their family members; Some people still praise the warmth upward, but smile with relief in the face of injustice in the world.

Although the world around us is changing, there are still people who insist on a piece of land and never leave.

Not everyone will leave. Please just watch.

Changes around me 900 words [3]

It happened quietly, but I didn't realize it. When I found out, I couldn't help sighing the power of time.

When it comes to making dumplings, you may say, "Many people can make dumplings, which is nothing rare." However, my Atai's dumplings are twelve cents delicious, which is her specialty. In those days, Attai was famous for her craft of making dumplings. The neighbors came to ask her to make dumplings. Attai was naturally happy to help. Ah Tai's dumplings are really amazing! Ruolin leaves are verdant, palm ropes are firm, glutinous rice grains are full and golden, and it is covetous without tasting. The whole zongzi is like an exquisite handicraft, which makes people can't bear to destroy this beauty. Smell the aroma of zongzi, take a bite and taste it carefully. If dumplings are filled with stuffing, it is even more wonderful: jujube stuffing is red as amber, taste it, and feel sweet; The yolk filling is as yellow as a pearl. If you taste it, you will feel salty; The bean filling is as green as jade. If you taste it, you will feel fragrant. Ah Tai's unique skill of making dumplings is beyond Grandma's expectation. When distributing rice dumplings, everyone cheered and kept praising Ah Tai's dumplings. Ah Tai smiled and smiled happily.

Ah Tai is getting older and her skill in making dumplings is not as good as before. Ah Tai's dumplings are not as strong as they used to be, and they have become soft. Ruolin leaves are dim in color, palm rope is weak and soft, glutinous rice grains are dry and yellowish, and the production is not as good as before, but Ah Tai can't feel it. She thinks she still packs well, so she gets up at five o'clock in the morning to grab the dumplings, and does not let Grandma interfere. We also found this, but in order to make Ah Tai feel that she is still useful, we still praise Ah Tai's dumplings. When Mrs. A asked, "How come fewer people want zongzi this year than in previous years?" My grandparents always replied, "Maybe they were busy and forgot." When distributing zongzi, everyone carried soft zongzi, but their faces were very happy. Mrs. A was also happy. In fact, everyone knows the truth, except Abby. Ah Tai smiled, still smiling happily.

As the days passed, Ah Tai became older and older, and the dumplings she made were so soft that she even felt it. She no longer grabbed to make dumplings, but occasionally intervened. Sometimes Abby would ask, "Do you think the dumplings I made are still delicious?" Everyone still said they were delicious, but Abby no longer believed them. Mrs. A didn't ask or say anything, but sighed: "I'm old..." My grandparents urged them to say that they liked Mrs. A's dumplings best. When distributing zongzi, everyone just exchanged greetings and hurried away, unwilling to hurt the old man's heart. Ah Tai smiled, but a little disappointed.

I ate the soft rice dumplings wrapped by Ah Tai, smiled and smiled brilliantly... Yes, with the passage of time, Ah Tai's aging is inevitable, but what we cannot forget is that we should pay more attention to the elderly, be more considerate and understand more.

Change composition around me (5)

When the title "Change" came into my eyes, neat and beautiful residential areas, wide and flat roads, towering buildings... suddenly flashed in my mind. The motherland is undergoing earth shaking changes in recent years, and changes all the time.

What should I write? At this time, my father came over and saw my dilemma. He picked up the topic of the composition and said to me after a little thinking: "Wen Wen, the World Expo will be held next year

The community we live in is changing! The property management uncle and the neighborhood committee aunt cleaned up the community, pulled up the banner of "knowing honor and disgrace, stressing civilization, and welcoming the World Expo", and called on residents to take action, start from the small things around them, and care for and be considerate of others. You see, the aunt walking the dog in the community now always takes a small shovel and a plastic bag to clean the poop pulled by the dog; The uncle who rode the bicycle also consciously parked the bike neatly, which was beautiful and convenient for us to walk. Walking in the community makes people feel comfortable

The Shangnan Road I go to school every day is also changing! It turns out that it is easy to block. There are so many cars every day that it is often blocked. My mother and I always go out a lot earlier every day, otherwise we will be late. Although it is still under renovation, it is much better than before. According to my mother, it will be repaired soon. In the future, there will be 8 lanes going back and forth on the South Road. At that time, the road will be very smooth.

Our school has changed even more. It has become more and more beautiful. Entering the campus, you can see the red plastic runway, green lawn, and spacious basketball court. The flower beds beside the building attract people to stop and watch. There are always invincible flowers all the year round, which beautifies the campus environment. Our classroom is spacious and bright, with large TV screens and computers serving our study quietly. We sit in the spacious and clean classroom every day to listen to the teacher and tell us about the World Expo. We are full of expectations

Our city and our life will become more and more beautiful!

Article 2

In just 30 years, my hometown has gone from narrow mud roads to spacious cement roads, from TV and phone to computers and mobile phones, from old mud houses to high-rise buildings. The earth shaking and ever-changing changes year by year are inseparable from the good policies of our Party.

I often heard from my grandmother that before, people had a very difficult life. They could not even eat three meals a day. They had to get up early to work in the fields. It was impossible to eat a mouthful of rice, let alone fish and meat.

In the old days, when there was no electricity, every household used kerosene lamps for lighting, and they lived in low small houses or thatched houses. At night, they could not read clearly when doing homework or reading. Take my grandma's house for example. In the past, I lived in a small hut and ate two or three bowls of porridge every day. Even so, my family often had no food to eat. After the reform and opening up, they slowly built their homes with their industrious hands. Save money by living frugally every day. After more than ten years of hard work, he built a two-story building with his hard-earned money. There are also groups of furniture with novel styles. There is a 29 inch color TV on the cabinet, and a VCD and power amplifier are placed under the color TV. There are washing machines, refrigerators, bathrooms and so on. Now the appearance of the family has become a new look, all of which is due to the reform and opening up of the Party and his hard work.

In recent years, thanks to the good policies of the Party, good leadership and the hard work of the people, our hometown has undergone tremendous changes. When you come to the village and look far into the distance, the first thing you can see is new brick buildings, which are pleasing to the eyes. Especially the newly built cement road runs through the village, and motorcycles, bicycles, and cars flow continuously at the time of commuting and off duty. When people are thirsty after work, they can open the refrigerator and take out drinks from it; Tired, I leaned on the sofa to watch TV. Rice, fish and meat are more common. The people in my hometown are really rich.

With the development of science and technology, I believe that our hometown will become more beautiful and richer in the near future.

Change composition around me (6)

When it comes to the changes around me, there are too many. Today, let me talk about it!

Look! The motherland is more prosperous every day than it was yesterday. "Shen-5", "Shen-6" and "Shen-7" manned spacecraft have been successfully launched, which shows that the science of the motherland is making continuous progress, and how much contributions and painstaking efforts scientists have made to this end! "Chang'e 1" and "Chang'e 2" have successfully ascended to the sky, and "Tiangong 1" has just been launched these days. How much effort and time is needed? Scientists have devoted their youth to science. Why do they do so? For the cause of the motherland, let the motherland prosper!

Let's talk about the changes in our lives instead of such great events. Xiangshui, the small county town where I live, has buses extending in all directions. Of course, roads are also, which can be said to be "all roads are connected to water"! Moreover, computers, televisions, refrigerators and washing machines are all popular and have "flown into the homes of ordinary people". Especially at night, all the neon lights are shining, very bright, and brightly lit. When viewed from high above, it looks like a world of lights. The hotel is even more

There are many talented people gathered together.

Look at the farmland. There are all kinds of grains. As long as a piece of desolate land is handed over to farmers, there will be many crops on it. You know, those things are the food rations for people all over the world! Of course, during the harvest, people will not pull it out by hand, but the harvester. The branches and stems of grain are cut off by the harvester, and piles of golden wheat and rice fall down. In autumn, the orchard is even more prosperous.

Look, this is what happens to our motherland every day.

Motherland, you are a bright pearl on the earth, and your light shines in every corner of the world. You are the mother of China!

Composition of Changes Around Me (7)

Talking about the changes around us, it's really too much! Here, let me talk about the change of Xishan Garden, where I live!

It was last September that my parents and I moved to Xishan Garden from Jiangning Town. I remember when we first came here, it was still full of trees and flowers. Because the greening is good, there is not much dust, and walking at home is not particularly slippery. Moreover, there are not many buildings here, only the eleven storey building where residents live and the places where residents need to use, such as the two storey vegetable market, Trust Mart supermarket, kindergarten, etc.

Since we have been here for a long time, many changes have taken place. There are no longer only buildings, vegetable markets, supermarkets, kindergartens and other places as before: buildings of primary schools and middle schools have sprung up, and the sound of "rumbling" and "jingling" outside is almost unheard of. Before, the ground at home had never been very slippery and had become a "skating rink" that would slip if I was careless. As long as I jumped at home, I would fall "dog gnawing mud". Alas, it was too bad!

Now, not only is the floor at home extremely slippery, but it is also dusty all day outside. As soon as residents walk outside, they will cough, "cough cough cough??" I don't know who was choked by the dust outside. What a nuisance!

Now the society has made progress, and our community has also "made progress", but the "progress" is the building, because the building is getting higher and higher, more and more! There are more buildings, noise and dust. Therefore, I still like the beautiful Xishan Garden more than before!