Maternal Love Composition (15 Collections)
be fearless
2024-06-02 05:21:48

Composition on Maternal Love (1)

Motherly love, like bright moonlight, pours out sincere attachment; Like brilliant flower language, it interprets soft memory.

Numerous poets and praisers once eulogized "motherly love is like water, gentle and delicate". Mother should not be as sacred as Nu Wa, nor as charming as the Greek Queen. Mother has always been very ordinary, but she has created amazing feats for her children.

My mother is so ordinary, but also so great. The memory of childhood has been engraved in my mind and can't be forgotten

When I was a child, I was 5 or 6 years old. I was already brave compared with my sister. I remember it was summer. It was so hot that cicadas were screaming in the trees. My sister and I were in a daze in the shade of the yard. We didn't know what to do. Suddenly, my eyes were fixed on several steps in front of the door. I had a whim and came up with a "trick" - to jump steps in competition. When I was young, I wanted to be brave. My sister was ready to jump with two legs, but I said I would jump with one leg. My sister advised me not to, but how could I listen then? Just listen to "Dong". I succeeded! But when my feet did not stand firmly, my head was in "close contact" with the ground, and blood immediately flowed down from my forehead, and my tears kept falling down. My head hurts so much that I can't stop crying. The muggy weather and my crying are out of place. Mother put down her work and ran to her, her eyes showing pain and worry. My mother comforted me while cleaning my wound, and then rushed to the hospital with me in her arms. My mother stopped panting, and big drops of sweat fell from her head, but she didn't care to wipe away the sweat. She kept asking me whether it hurt or not.

When the doctor said to sew up the wound, I hid in my mother's arms and sniffled again. While holding me, my mother encouraged me to be brave. Miracle, I didn't cry anymore! This may be the power of maternal love, which helps me resist pain and encourages me to be brave.

After sewing the wound, my mother took me home and gently patted me, so I fell asleep in her arms. When I woke up, I saw my mother caressing my forehead painfully. My mother should be very upset.

Now when I see the scar on my forehead, I always think of my mother, that ordinary and great woman. She encouraged me to stop crying, taught me to stand up bravely after falling, and was the one who would pat me to sleep.

Such maternal love is nothing ordinary but great.

Composition on Maternal Love (2)

Time goes by quickly and I grow up from ignorance. My success has brought your smile, but also your dazzling silver hair. Years have left traces on your face mercilessly. Whenever I see your tired eyes, I always leave tears in silence and make up my mind to repay you with the best results. I remember when I was scolded by you for being naughty, I hid in anger. You walked around the door anxiously without waiting for me to go home, and the light pulled your figure very long... I came home quietly, and you were about to hit me. I was so surprised that I closed my eyes, but the palm of my hand fell slowly. Mother, you left tears. Tears flowed from your bloodshot eyes. I was shocked. In my eyes, you are strong and tall, but now you are so fragile and tall. Your trembling shoulders and your shadow also tremble, as if everything in the past was hidden behind your mother From being naughty against my mother, from being busy and neglecting my mother... everything turned upside down like a book. My mother doesn't have luxurious clothes, but she is the most beautiful. My mother is an ordinary rural woman, but she has taught me the truth of life. In my eyes, mother is great, and motherly love is selfless. They raised us hard, but they don't want to return Mother, on this special day, my daughter wishes you a happy Mother's Day. Thank you, my mother

Composition on Maternal Love (3)

There is a lot of love in this world, such as friendship between friends and classmates, brotherly love between brothers and sisters, true love between husband and wife... Today, I want to tell you a silent and great love - maternal love.

Motherly love is a kind of love that every mother has had since the birth of her children. This kind of love is unrequited. Just like the famous poet Wang Guozhen wrote in his poem "I don't ask for return", "I give you, and I don't expect to report... If you are a lake, I am happy to be surrounded by green mountains. If you are a mountain, I would like to be the grass to decorate your appearance..." Today, I can finally express the words buried in my heart to my mother: "Mom, I love you!"

When I got home, I expressed this sentence to my mother, who was very surprised after listening to it. She said: "My child, you really grow up and have a grateful heart. Learning to be grateful will benefit you a lot in your future life. It seems that my efforts to you are not in vain!" I was stunned. Is it just for this sentence that my mother comes in the wind and goes in the rain every day? Thinking of this, I said a few more words, "Mom, I love you!" Then when I looked at my mother again, I found that she smiled like a flower, like a tulip bathed in morning dew

My mother's hair is white, but I have a little more understanding of the society. My mother has more wrinkles on her face, and I have learned more knowledge. My mother's back is bent, and I can stand up and shoulder the heavy task

Composition on Maternal Love (4)

What is maternal love? I know that she is a bunch of bright sunshine, giving us warmth and care. I know that she is a rising sun, giving us hope and light. I know that she is everything, which makes people warm in cold, care in loneliness, hope in despair, and light in darkness!

Yu Qiuyu, a contemporary essayist, wrote in an article: "The starting point of all travelers is always to bid farewell to their mother... Their end point is aging... The old people in their twilight years can't help but be moved when they cry out for their mother, saying that they have gone back and gone adrift.".

Maternal love is the final destination of the wandering children in the horizon, and it is a clear spring that moistens the children's hearts. It is continuous with the children's drinking and sipping. Therefore, the mother's love is integrated into the children's laughter and tears.

A mother's love is like an idyllic poem, which is secluded, pure and elegant;

Motherly love is a landscape painting, washed away the lead carving, leaving fresh and natural;

Motherly love is like a soulful song, melodious and gentle, singing softly;

Maternal love is a warm wind that blows away the snow and brings infinite spring.

A mother's love is a lifetime of laughter, a mother's love is a constant yearning of wandering the world, a mother's love is the care and anxiety of her children before they are sick, and a mother's love is the ardent expectation of their children's growth.

Motherly love is like the rain and dew in spring, quietly moistening our hearts; Motherly love wants to calm our hearts with the beautiful spring breeze; Motherly love is like a boat, carrying us through all difficulties. If maternal love is the blue sky, we are free birds under the sky; If maternal love is the forest, we are the happy and unrestrained deer in the forest; If maternal love is the sea, then we are free fish in the water. Everything we do comes from our mothers. Maternal love is the most selfless and sincere love in the world.

Composition on Maternal Love (5)

Love is the purest and warmest in the world. Love is selfless. Love is immortal. Everyone has love. Family and friendship will also bring us infinite happiness and laughter. One of the lyrics of a song, I still remember: love is a light, so wonderful. Yes, love is a ray of light. It is the most beautiful thing in the world. It lights up all of us all the time. Encourage us to move forward and never die.

There is a kind of love that affects the motivation of your struggle when you fail; There is a kind of love that inspires you to continue working hard when you succeed; There is a kind of love that urges you to make up for your mistakes when you make them; There is a kind of love that inspires you to cheer up when you give up. This kind of love is called parental love.

Motherly love is a drop of nectar, which makes you a timely drop of life-saving water when you are thirsty; Motherly love is a ray of sunshine, which makes your heart feel warm even when sitting in the cold winter. Motherly love is a clear spring, which makes your feelings clear even when covered with the dust of years. Maternal love is a kind of advice when confused; Maternal love is an earnest exhortation when traveling far away; A mother's love is a kind smile when she is lonely and helpless. Father's love is the sun. Even in the cloudy days, you can feel his light. Father's love is a mountain. Even in the most difficult times, you are encouraged to straighten your spine. Father's love is the Big Dipper. Even in the night when you can't see your fingers, you can also identify the direction: Father's love is a big tree, even in the hot summer days, It will also support a shade for you: Father's love is a big umbrella, even on the stormy road, it will not let a drop of water fall on you; Father's love is a broad ocean, even when you do nothing, it will also contain you and bring you into his warm chest. Father's love is a broad ocean. Even when I do nothing, I will be tolerant and bring me into his warm chest.

When in fear, fatherly love is a stepping stone; In the dark, fatherly love is a light; When exhausted, fatherly love is a bay of water of life; When working hard, fatherly love is the spiritual pillar; When successful, fatherly love is encouragement and alarm bell: when nervous, fatherly love is like a shot of relaxation; When suffering, fatherly love is like a pistachio; When slacking off, fatherly love is like a crowing chicken; When tired, a father's love is like a massager beside him; When depressed, fatherly love is like songs and war drums If the mother's love is a voice exhortation, then the father's love is a silent payment. Parents' love is selfless. Parents' love is great. Parents' love is something that no one can deprive, replace or change! Parents are also the greatest spiritual wealth in your life! Child, you are happy, you have the best two loves in the world... treasure them.

Composition on Maternal Love (6)

Mother sent me a cotton padded jacket from home, saying that it was going to be cold, and the best way to prevent cold was cotton padded jacket. It was only early autumn, and it was still very hot.

So the cotton padded jacket was sent to me for a long time. I threw it into the wardrobe without looking at it, and soon forgot it. But the weather is getting colder and colder.

In the cold weather, it often snows. One day, it was the first snow in this winter. At night, I was on duty. In the office, I was relying on the heater to correct the students' homework. My mother called and asked me if I was cold. I didn't think about it and said, "Cold.". The mother immediately said eagerly, "How can it be cold?"? Didn't I send you the cotton padded clothes long ago? No? Then I suddenly realized that it was not cold at all. It was a lie to say that it was not cold at all. It was so warm wearing the cotton padded clothes my mother made for me. I deliberately flirted with my mother. After listening to this, my mother said with a sigh of relief: "This child, what's wrong with lying to my mother? Just say it's cold. I'm afraid you made a cotton padded jacket early because it's cold.".

When I returned home from school, I immediately rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find the cotton padded jacket sent by my mother. Under the light, I slowly opened the cotton padded jacket that my mother had sewed. When I unfolded the cotton padded jacket, my mother's deep love was immediately reflected: I saw red flowers on the cotton padded jacket set off by the low golden color, and flowers were like mother's smiling face, She was kind and kind, but saw that the needle corners on the cotton padded clothes were not thin and dense, and the lines were neat and orderly. Maybe there were tears from her mother's Si'er in the needle corners. Maybe the blood drops from her hands might be pricked due to careless distraction. At this time, although the mother felt very painful, the more painful she felt, the more happy she would be: The more painful I felt, the more I knew that it was Rui'er who loved her mother. Mother will talk to herself, happy and proud.

Mother always turns up the button by hand, and sews the fine needle corners on it, which is simple and generous. But unfortunately, people can't wear such cotton padded jacket outside. Now people don't wear this antique anymore. It's so rustic. All fashions wear down jackets, cashmere coats, mink skins... But my mother believes that her cotton padded jacket is the most cold proof. How can I tell my mother, How could he be willing to hurt a mother's self-confidence? So he always followed his mother and said: Yes, yes. To my mother's affirmation, in fact, I really love that my mother is so tired again, so I have ten or eight cotton padded jackets like this, and almost every winter my mother makes one for me. But what I never wear is to show it to my mother when I go home, which makes her happy.

Immediately, I put the cotton padded jacket on my body. It was neither big nor small, neither fat nor thin. It fits me very well. Suddenly, I was surprised that clothes should be tailored. But why does my mother never measure me, but every time I make a cotton padded jacket, it fits me like this?

I always wanted to ask my mother, but I never asked her. With the snowflakes flying outside the window and wearing my mother's cotton padded clothes, I dialed the phone at home, and immediately heard my mother's nervous and warm words: What's wrong, why haven't I slept yet? Do you feel well? Stop reading and go to bed early. What's up? Speak

I said: Mom, it's nothing. I just wanted to ask you why you have never measured me, but every time I make clothes, they fit me so well?

The mother's relaxed and joyful voice came from the phone: Josephine, you are the meat that fell from her body. Do you still need it?

At once, my eyes were filled with what was called tears. One by one, they rolled down and wetted the cotton padded jacket tightly wrapped around me. Flowers were slowly blooming and surrounded me closely with the maternal love. The maternal love was like a flower, and my happiness was a mess: Mom, I love you. I said to my mother into the microphone. The mother over there also had happy tears on her face.

Composition on Maternal Love (7)

Mother knows us best and loves us most.

One morning, my father bought two breakfast for my mother. One is boring bread, the other is delicious cooking powder. I went to the table at once to eat the cooking powder. When my father saw it, he said to my mother and me, "You two stone scissors and cloth, the winner is the first." In the end, my mother won. I thought to myself that my mother would choose the delicious cooking powder. But the result was unexpected, and my mother unexpectedly put the bread into her mouth without thinking. At this time, I was silent and thought: Mom would understand me and let me eat well.

If I were a white cloud, my mother would be the blue sky, let me fly in her arms; If I were a small fish, my mother would be the sea. Let me roam in her arms; If I am grass, my mother is the earth, let me grow healthily in her arms!

Composition on Maternal Love (8)

I have been very dependent on my mother since childhood. As soon as I saw the little kangaroo in my mother's pocket, I would entwine my mother to put me in her pocket. And mother? Always laugh it off, laughing so funny.

One winter, Xiamen Wildlife Park opened. My mother drove us to see "wild" animals. At that time, I really wanted to put on my skates and slip here and there. But my hand was always held by my mother. I even knew that my mother was afraid of losing me. So she followed her mother. She was very happy to take pictures of me, let me take pictures of animals with my camera, and let me touch elephants. I always obediently obey, but I don't seem very happy. Only when I reached the kangaroo area did my mother let go and let me play heartily! At that time, I was really surprised! But happiness drowned the surprised expression. I ran crazy to the kangaroo. Kangaroos are untouchable. I can only look at them happily, and can only take photos with the tiny figure. But I am still so happy. Suddenly, I saw a head sticking out of a kangaroo's mother's pocket. Ah! That's a kangaroo. I pulled up my mother and asked her to take this wonderful moment.

Once, my mother asked me why I like mice so much? I replied, "Because kangaroos can carry countless things in their pockets!" My mother listened and said meaningfully, "Oh!". Then go out.

When my mother came back with a small package of things, I was surprised to turn it over, but my mother condemned me. The next thing left me even more confused - my mother locked herself in the room as soon as she came back, I don't know what she was! Until she gave me a delicate pocket, I suddenly realized that my mother, who had never understood sewing, was sewing the pocket I wanted most! At this time, my eyes can not help but float the scene that my mother was stabbed by a needle when sewing my pocket. I suddenly felt a hot liquid flowing down my face

We don't need some unrealistic language between mother and daughter. In our hearts, we have this eternal concern for each other

Composition on Maternal Love (9)

When I walked out of the hall of the Grand Theater with my mother, I still heard thick Yueyin folk music; Accompany my mother to step on the soft sand and listen to the waves beating against the reef; Holding my mother on the stone steps carved with mottled age marks, I climbed the Great Wall; Holding my mother, I walked slowly on the green stone slab on the ancient village road of my hometown, looking for my mother's childhood best friend and close friend... I could not help stroking my mother's silver hair with my eyes, and the unforgettable scene of my childhood swept over my guilt again and again.

That year, China was suffering from a huge natural disaster, and the mother who had been rated as an advanced producer in the factory took the lead in quitting her job and returning home to share the temporary economic difficulties of the country. Unexpectedly, misfortune never comes singly. As the pillar of the family, his father suddenly became seriously ill and was hospitalized. The burden of supporting this precarious family fell on his mother's shoulders. At that time, as the leader of the four brothers, I was only in the fourth grade of primary school. I didn't understand and share my mother's hardships, pains and sadness. When no one was in control, I often played with my friends in the alley, so I played with things, missed school, and was late for class, which led to repeated "complaints" from the teacher.

On that day, my mother came home from my father's bed in the hospital very late. She looked through my exercise book carefully and woke me from my sleep after seeing the teacher's "complaint". My mother, who loved and hated me, grabbed a feather duster and swept it on my leg. Thin and emaciated, I fell from my bed and fell to the ground. Mother was so shocked that she ran out of the lane with a blanket wrapped around me, stopped a rickshaw and rushed to the pediatric emergency room. In the observation room of the hospital, the strong mother shed sad tears for the first time, which fell on my childish cheeks. Mother stroked my scar and told me quietly that she would never hit you again. Stubborn, I suddenly snuggled up in my mother's arms and burst into tears, sobbing to promise my mother that I would listen to her and stop being naughty in the future.

After returning home, my mother boiled two water eggs for me to eat. Since then, it seems that I have suddenly grown up and become sensible. I not only ranked among the best in my class in terms of academic performance, but also shared some housework with my elder brother and took some responsibilities for my mother.

With my mother's sideburns getting gray, I have really grown up. But in my mother's eyes, I always seem to be a child who is not old enough. When the photos I took first appeared in the press; When my photographic works won the prize in UNESCO for the first time; When my first article was published in Xinmin Evening News, my mother's joy and comfort far exceeded mine. At this moment, my mother always cooks two eggs with sugar water, which I loved to eat as a child, and puts them in my hands. Looking at my mother's kind eyes, I read that I was the child that my mother expected.

On Mother's Day, I gently told my mother: "Mom, if it wasn't for your special love, I might have wandered on the side road and lost for a long time. Because at that time, it was like a herdsman on the vast prairie swinging his whip in the air to drive the pony back to the main road. It was far better than a hundred times of useless and idle chatter."

Mother, everyone has a mother. Mother has a certain position in their hearts, and mother's position in my heart is supreme.

Mother, always meticulous, not careless: always wash the faded clothes separately; When to dry clothes; When to add clothes, what clothes to add, and how many clothes to add, my mother was afraid of the face of care. When I got home, my mother put slippers in front of the door, put a cup of water on the shoe cabinet, cooked for me regardless of the day's hard work, and called me to eat after the delicious meal was done. Every bit of my life is surrounded by my mother's strong maternal love. Mother's love is extremely important to me. If I don't have a mother's love, I will be like a bird with broken wings, which can neither fly high nor rely on.

However, I turned a blind eye to this selfless maternal love and thought that this was what my mother should do to me. So, I made a mess of my mother's work achievements, yelled at her, threw my schoolbag and shoes when I got home, and went to watch TV, saying that my mother's food was not delicious... I didn't want to repay my mother, but I just dug my mother's love and let myself enjoy the protection of mother's love. I only knew to enjoy mother's love, but I didn't want to repay my mother.

Today is September 29th, the day I want to repay my mother. When I got home, I didn't throw my schoolbag and shoes everywhere as usual. Instead, I put my schoolbag down gently and saw my mother's message: Son, mother went out for a while and came back at 6:00. I will find a book to teach you how to cook after reading it, because I want to cook a meal for my mother.

After the rice was cooked, I started cooking. Half an hour later, the food was cooked and my mother came back. Before mother could change her shoes, she rushed into the kitchen, looking for an apron and shouting; "Son, are you hungry? Mom will cook now!" But before she can put on her apron, she stayed at the door. I had already prepared the meal and waited for her to eat there. I said amiably: "Mom's mouth. Mom swallowed, repeatedly said delicious, and then put me in her arms

In the evening, I lay in my mother's arms and listened to her talk about my childhood

Maternal Love Composition (10)

There are many things in life that make you cry. Some are moved to tears, some are hurt to tears, some are bent to tears, some are excited to tears, some are afraid to tears, and so on. Today I will tell you something that makes me cry.

On Wednesday morning, as soon as I woke up, my mother quietly pushed open my door, as if ready to tell me something. I closed my eyes quietly and thought to myself: What is my mother doing in my room? I am puzzled.

My mother stood in front of my bed motionless, I wondered: What's wrong with my mother? My eyes narrowed into a slit, and I secretly looked at my mother for several times. I found that my mother was staring at me as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything. Now, I am more suspicious.

Mother closed my door quietly with her hand, and I quickly got up to watch. There was a note on the door, which said: Baby, Mom is gone, take care of yourself at home. Study hard and make progress every day. Listen to Grandma, OK?

When my mother went to pack her luggage, I decided that my mother must go far away again, but why didn't she tell me? I got into the bed and began to cry in a low voice, tears streaming down like broken beads. My mother didn't tell me, but I know my mother must love me.

Mother pulled the door gently and walked away quietly. My tears flow down like a waterfall. Grandma came up to me and comforted me, saying, "It doesn't matter. Your mother will come back in the New Year. Don't cry. Mom loves you, baby."

I know my mother went to work far away for this family. I must study hard and live up to my mother's expectations.

Composition on Maternal Love (11)

An old cow broke the border rope that locked it, ran to the middle of the road, and stood there motionless. At this moment, the hot sun sprays its poisonous sunshine to the earth. The old cow wagged its tail, stuck its four hooves in the yellow sand, and kept making a "moo moo" sound.

This is a true story happened in Qinghai Province, which is a desert area. There is a serious shortage of water. The residents rely on the water transported by the PLA trucks to make a living, and this old cow is blocking the way to transport water.

The driver on the truck couldn't help but pull open the door, stretch out his feet, jump out of the truck, and pat the head of the old cow: "Old man, we are going to send water to the villagers. If we are late, they will die of thirst! Let's make way!" But the old cow still stood there motionless. A few wisps of expectation and anxiety flickered in his eyes.

The little soldier on the truck was also very worried. He jumped off the truck and walked to Lao Niu, "Hey, old man, you are standing in the middle of the road. How can we deliver water to the villagers? Just let me out of the way! Let me out of the way! Let me! The little soldier's voice was hoarse, but Lao Niu still didn't respond, so he stood still in the middle of the road.

"You... you are a beast!" The villagers looked to the place where the voice came: an old man with a rope whip was preparing to whip the old cow, and he was the owner of the old cow. The old man was shirtless and his dark face was covered with sweat. "Get out of the way! Go away! Go away!"

The old ox was still standing in the middle of the road, still motionless, wagging his tail and yelling into the sky, his eyes showing a little disappointment and a little despair.

The little soldier couldn't bear to watch the old ox being beaten. A whip that snatched the old man's rope. I thought: Sorry! It must be thirsty. I have to make an exception and get a bowl of water for it! The little soldier jumped onto the truck, took a small bowl, scooped a bowl of water in the bucket that had just been pulled, and then jumped off the truck and sent the water to the mouth of the old cow.

The old ox refused to drink. He turned around and shouted "moo, moo," not far away, his eyes showing a few threads of joy.

I saw a new born cowboy walking towards the old cow. One step, two steps, three steps... It finally came to Lao Niu's arms. The old cow licked the little cowboy's head with his tongue. The little cowboy was very excited when he saw the water, and licked the water with his tongue. Until he finished licking, the old cow took the little cowboy slowly away.

People gazed at the background of the old cow and the young cowboy going away, watching, watching, until they disappeared at the end of the Gobi Desert. The heat wave is still rolling relentlessly, and all of us are silently thinking of a sentence: even animals have such great maternal love.

Composition on Maternal Love (12)

Because my right foot is inherently disabled and can't walk, it is my mother who brings delicious food to her mouth every day, it is my mother who carries me to bed every day and tells me beautiful stories; It was my mother who carried me to school every day and after school, it was my mother... So when I was 7 years old, it was time for me to go to school, and my mother let me learn to walk with crutches. But at that time, I felt humiliated and thought that others would laugh at me, so I sat on the ground and said, "No, no!" My mother came up and said, "What's wrong with you, honey? Why don't you learn?" I told my mother what I thought, and my mother said to me earnestly: "Life always has to face the truth, everyone has his own bridge of life, and your life needs you to go on your own. My mother can't help you all her life. With you on her back, your right leg is not good. Don't you still have a left leg? In the face of this near success" "Bridge", do you want to give up, so you will fail, and you will depend on others all your life! "After listening to my mother's words, I asked," Is there really a bridge in life? "My mother replied," Yes, my mother's youth has not been exhausted, so you can't give up! "So I made up my mind, We must learn to walk with crutches. After a few days, I finally learned to walk with crutches. I took my first step in life with crutches. When I first walked to school with crutches, the teacher praised me as Little Zhang Haidi, and I was so excited that my eyes filled with tears. Yes! In my life, when will my mother be less? Whenever I cry, my mother comforts me; Whenever I feel like a helpless bird, my mother opens her wide arms to give me warmth and love. It was my mother who encouraged me and made me work hard. Every excellent result I got in the exam has my mother's hard work. I should be grateful to my mother.

Yes, maternal love is a bridge that can't be described in words. It is just like this. We should cherish this solid bridge of maternal love. It is she who gives us hope to come to this world! As the "Wanderer's Song" said: "Who can say an inch of grass heart, reported three Chunhui."

Composition on Maternal Love (13)

Every time I look at the colorful drinks on the shelf and the sweet and greasy liquid when I look at my hands, I can't help thinking of the mellow soybean milk and the great affection in it every night.

Mother's soy milk was praised by everyone, except me, of course. Every night, she would choose fresh beans one by one in a certain proportion, and then soak them in water. The next morning, she would grind the beans to produce soymilk, and then boil them with fire. Finally, she would float the white foam from the top of soymilk, and the soymilk would be ready. In addition, no sugar is allowed in this soybean milk. She always said, "If you put sugar in soymilk, you can't drink the flavor of soymilk." But sugar free soymilk is not suitable for a person who likes sweets very much. However, this soy milk is a must to drink, and the childhood in my memory is spent in complaining about my mother after "pouring" soy milk every day.

But what I am most dissatisfied with is my mother's strict requirements for me. Just as she never put sugar in her own soy milk, my mother is also very strict with me, and seldom gentle. Every time I do something wrong, even if it is very serious, she will reprimand me severely until I admit my mistake and correct it. For this reason, I have secretly complained and envied the tenderness of other friends' mothers and their sweet drinks.

Although the sun is still hanging high in the sky like confusion, emitting the warm light as always, trying to make people think that the years have not passed. However, the increase of wrinkles on my mother's face and my height exposed its clues. Time has passed.

My mother is old and I am old.

My mother is old. The soy milk at home has been made by the soy milk machine. I am old enough to taste some of the mellow flavor. But I am not enough to taste something deeper in soy milk. There are more separations and conflicts between my mother and me.

It was a cold winter day, and the cold wind would make people feel like they were not wearing anything. It happened that the cram school ended late. By the time the class was over, it was already dark outside. As I walked alone on my way home, I couldn't help thinking of scary stories, so I walked quickly in panic. It doesn't matter if I walk quickly. I noticed that someone was following me behind. I was afraid to hurry and stepped faster, but people behind me also sped up. At the corner, I boldly looked back. The person behind me was walking under the light next to a store house, huh? It was my mother! Suddenly, I felt like knocking over a bottle of Chinese medicine. I didn't know what it was like. It's still a long way to go home, but I feel that time passes quickly. Looking at the familiar figure of my mother, a complex feeling comes

Looking at my mother's silver hair, I found again that my mother was like sugar free soymilk. Although it lacked sweet taste, it added mellow original flavor. That day, I drank the soymilk made by my mother, and finally tasted the deep feelings contained in the soymilk

Composition on Maternal Love (14)

Father's love is higher than mountain, mother's love is deeper than sea. Maternal love is not eye-catching, but hidden in life. She is like the boundless sea.

Today, I had the honor to read the article "Mother's Three Bags of Rice". I was deeply moved by the great maternal love of the mother in the article, which I cannot forget. The main idea of this article is: "A mother suffering from late rheumatism worked hard to provide her son with schooling. When her son was admitted to the First High School of Key High School, the school stipulated to pay 30 jin of rice to the canteen every month. The son knew that his family was poor and could not pay rice. The sensible son wanted to quit school to help his mother do farm work, but his mother slapped him at school. The food handed in each time is a mixture of 4 kinds of rice, and the living expenses are 5 yuan made up of tinkling coins. The administrator refused the third feeding. Mother knelt and cried out the truth.

After reading this article, my heart was greatly shocked. Motherly love is deeper than the sea. A mother can lay down her dignity to beg for her children to go to school. Who knows what she suffered during this time, what others laughed at, and how to save. Unlike now, our life is so beautiful. We grew up in a honeypot, and we are not so poor and down as they used to be. Our parents love us so much and regard us as their sweethearts. We can also sit in a bright and spacious classroom to read. Our life is carefree, but we still often lose our temper with our parents and dislike their nagging. When you think about it carefully, it's really wrong. Mom and Dad love me so much, even if they scold us and beat us, it's also to educate us! Some children even committed suicide after a little conflict with their parents. I still remember that a few days ago, my brother who went to college in Liaoning called my aunt and said that a male classmate of their school jumped from the sixth floor and died on the spot. Did he ever think how difficult it was for his parents to raise him? No, he never thought that he was the hope of his parents. He did not know how much pain he would bring to his parents once he left! It can be seen that how many children have not considered their parents' feelings. Sometimes when my parents say something, I will answer them back, regardless of what will happen to my parents. After a while, I will reflect on myself, but the next time, I will not change my mind. Sometimes after a quarrel, my mother will apologize first, but I don't appreciate it at all. Parents are higher than mountains, and maternal love is deeper than sea. No one loves you more than your parents and family.

After reading this article, I understand that our parents love us most. We should also understand and thank our parents. Don't let them work so hard. Mom and Dad love us, and we should also love them!

Composition on Maternal Love (15)

"There is only a mother in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure, thrown into her arms..." This is a nursery rhyme that I have sung since childhood. Whenever I hear this nursery rhyme, the happy tears will burst into my eyes. The warmest place in the world is not the soft quilts, nor the hot stove, but the mother's embrace. It was she who gave me precious life; It was she who taught me how to walk and how to behave; Mother shines on me and loves me like the sun. My dear mother, after March, I will be almost ten years old. How can I not thank you from the bottom of my heart, my dear mother, for ten years of nurturing.

I remember that it was a stormy night, and I accidentally caught a cold. My father was on a business trip that day, and my mother let me take cold medicine. I thought it would be okay. I suddenly had a high fever in the middle of the night. My mother feeds me to drink boiled water, touches my forehead and measures my temperature; As the temperature remained high, my mother had to send me to the hospital at two o'clock in the morning. On the way, my mother was afraid that I would be cold, so she untied her coat and wrapped me, and suddenly a warm current flowed into my heart, while my poor mother shivered with cold. I don't know when I fell asleep. When I woke up, the place beside me was neither a doctor nor a nurse, but my mother with bloodshot eyes. I can't help but throw myself into my mother's arms. At this moment, I feel that I am the happiest child in the world!

I still remember that I was not very happy when I saw my mother because I found my composition was out of order. Careful mother comforted me after knowing that: "My child, this time I failed, come again next time!" Then carefully analyzed the reason for the problem with me, and taught me how to write a good composition in the future; As soon as I heard my mother's words of encouragement, the knot in my heart was immediately untied. My mother really understood me very much. So I never get discouraged when I fail, because it was my mother who lifted me from the palm of failure with her warm hands and taught me that "failure is the mother of success.

For several years, no matter in spring, summer, autumn and winter, or in extreme heat and cold, my mother has sent me to learn piano, English and other courses every Saturday and Sunday. In order to help me learn these courses well, my mother sometimes sits in the classroom with me like a pupil with a notebook. My mother listened so carefully and remembered so carefully. How much effort has my mother devoted to my study! My mother often said, "If you have to eat hard, you will become a better person." When I encounter difficulties in learning, I think of my mother's words, which makes me confident. Mom, I will try my best. Please rest assured, I will never forget what my mother has done for me. I will repay my dear mother with my outstanding achievements and future contributions to society!

Mom, do you hear me? This is my heart and my pledge. Happy Mother's Day!