Doctor's Composition (12 required)
Follow one's heart
2024-06-10 03:26:52

Doctor's Composition (1)

In study, work and life, we will inevitably come into contact with composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme meaning through words after people's thinking and language organization. I believe many friends are very distressed about writing essays. The following is a small compilation of travel essays of You Doctor Mountain. I hope it can help everyone.

Today, it was a sunny day. I went to Dafu Mountain with my parents in a happy mood. As soon as I entered the door, I saw a sea of people. My eyes were busy. I looked left and right, and my mother asked me, "What are you looking at?" I said, "I am looking at the scenery!" Then we started to climb the mountain. We walked along the mountain road and saw strange trees on the way, Some trees are more than 100 years old, and there is a green grassland with stone benches. People will play on the grassland or sit on the stone benches to chat and rest, and enjoy such a wonderful time.

When we walked up the mountain, we saw an amusement park and a place to rent bicycles. I went in with my parents to rent three bicycles, one for me, one for my father, and one for my mother. My father and I continued to ride up the mountain, but my mother dared not practice at the foot of the mountain. My father and I found a bicycle track when we rode, My father and I rode on the track. It was really fun. The track was very slippery, fast, and the time passed quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, two hours passed. It was more than 5 o'clock in the afternoon. We were going home. We left Doctor Mountain reluctantly.

Doctor's Composition (2)

One morning, I got up early. My father said, "Today, I will go to Doctor Mountain for a visit." Yeah! I shouted.

After lunch, we set out. My aunt also went to Doctor Hill. So, we rented two bicycles to ride in the doctor mountain. On the way, I was very excited. I thought: What's good about going to Doctor Mountain? Unconsciously, I was still dreaming when I went up the hill. Suddenly, the bike shook violently, and I was awakened by the stones on the ground. I looked at the slope so high that I was a little scared. Although I can't reach the step board when I sit, I still stand without even sitting. After going up the slope, we went down the slope. I didn't know my aunt had caught up with us. I suddenly said, "I want to change my position." So my parents agreed. It's my turn to take the last seat. Mom is in the middle, and Dad is still in the original position. The speed is much faster now. Maybe this streamline from big to small will be faster!

I saw my aunt riding a bicycle very leisurely. I think they are! They said proudly, "You are so slow!" They said, "Hey, how quickly did you catch up?" They also made a move. I'm about to catch up, but I won't let them catch up easily. I stepped on the accelerator with all my strength, much faster than before. Hum, you want to chase me? Cultivate for another 100 years! Then we went up the hill, which was much slower than before. We trampled desperately. They caught up again! This time they stepped on the "accelerator" with all their strength without leaving any effort. I stepped on them with all my strength and caught up with them again. They shouted at us: Can't you slow down? I can't see you!

We went around one mountain after another, riding happily!

Doctor's Composition (3)

I heard a friend say that the Doctor Mountain in Panyu District is beautiful and can ride a bike. I really want to go, but I have no time to go to school. Now just in the summer vacation, my mother took a Sunday and realized my wish.

My mother and I set off early to Doctor Hill. I think the doctor is very beautiful. As soon as we entered the gate, we saw the mountains with shade trees. The scenery was really amazing. Then we would enjoy the roadside scenery while riding our bikes, while breathing the fresh air of Doctor Mountain. The trees beside the road are so dense that no cracks can be seen at all. The leaves on the mountain are also very green and dense, and no sunlight can come in. Therefore, people enjoy cool air. Riding, we came to the lake of Doctor Mountain. The lake of Doctor Mountain is very calm, quiet like a mirror. Even if the boat glides on the lake, there is almost no trace left on the lake. By the lake, there were weeping willows. When the wind blew, the willows floated onto the lake like a girl washing her hair. The surface of the lake is green, just like a piece of jasper. After seeing the lake, we came to the mountain again. The trees on the mountain are particularly green, numerous and dense.

People are flying kites. When they are not careful, they fly to the tree. They can neither take nor see the kites. Wild flowers are everywhere on the mountain. After the rain, crystal raindrops roll on the leaves, and the bright yellow petals are more beautiful. Let us enjoy the gift of nature.

It's so cool to play today. Life is full of sunshine!

Doctor's Composition (4)

Flower Garden of Doctor Mountain

The Doctor Mountain in Panyu District is beautiful. There are many beautiful places in the Doctor Mountain: Hundred Flowers Garden, Lotus Pond And I think the most beautiful one is the Hundred Flowers Garden

In spring, when the flowers in the Hundred Flowers Garden just pulled out fresh leaves, the plum blossoms fell asleep. The grass woke up from the dream and broke through the ground, stretching the young green leaves. The flowers and grass often smiled at the sun, as if asking the sun to take care of them

Miss Spring is gone, and Miss Summer is here. The flowers in the Hundred Flowers Garden peep out their beautiful heads and see the light again. There are many flowers, including canna, roses, morning glory Some flowers are as red as fire, some are as white as snow, and some are as green as jade What a riot of colors! The flowers are not only bright in color, but also beautiful in posture. Some flowers are like silk, some are like ribbons flying, and some are like dragon claws stretching out It's a thousand different things! Butterflies are dancing here, and flowers are more moving

Send away the hot summer and usher in the dry autumn

In autumn, the sky is high and the clouds are light. The flowers in the Hundred Flowers Garden are not watery enough, and some words are "old". But at this time, the osmanthus opens a smiling face. Standing in the Hundred Flowers Garden, you will feel that you are in the midst of snowflakes. When you smell it, the fragrance comes to your nose, which is really refreshing

When winter comes, the flowers take off their charming clothes and go to bed. Only the plum flowers sing and dance in the wind. If you remember a friend, you will blurt out: Count the plum trees in the corner, and Linghan will blossom alone. Far away is not snow, but only fragrance

How beautiful the Hundred Flowers Garden of Doctor Mountain is! Remember that every season, you should go to enjoy it

Doctor's Composition (5)

I still remember that the teacher led the whole class to Doctor Hill this autumn. There are beautiful scenery and trees.

There are many beautiful trees in Doctor Mountain, which cover the blue sky. There are willows, banyan trees, and many other trees whose names I don't know. I like willows best. As soon as you enter the doctor's mountain, you will see willows fluttering with the wind, just like an aunt who welcomes us to the doctor's mountain. On the way, you will see willows again, and then you will see them shyly throw their long braids into the lake.

There are also many lakes. The lake is as clear as a mirror. There are many swans on it. They all swim in the same direction, just like swimming in a race. The fish swam to the swans in groups, just like children going to see the excitement.

Doctor Hill also has a large green carpet of grass, which is soft to step on. There are many strange wild flowers blooming on the grassland. Some are as red as fire, some are as white as snow, and some are as beautiful as jade.

Doctor Mountain, you are so beautiful! I love you forever!

Doctor's Composition (6)

Composition of you doctor mountain primary school students [1

On the third day of the Golden Week, the sun was shining brightly. We went to Doctor Mountain for sightseeing and had barbecue.

When arriving at Doctor Mountain, the first thing I saw was the blooming flowers, red like blood, pink like blood, white like snow. Then I saw cool bicycles, forming a unique landscape. The trees on both sides of the road are lush and green, and the thick grass is their "best partner".

A few minutes later, we arrived at the barbecue. We quickly occupied an optimal position, lit the pine and put it into the furnace, covered the charcoal gently, and fanned it vigorously. I tried my best to fan the fire, but Uncle Liu taught me to fan it gently as he did, and sure enough, the fire grew up miraculously and burst into a blue flame. We quickly put on the grill. My friend put two chicken wings on his fork, turned them over and over on the barbecue rack, and carefully brushed the barbecue sauce. Soon, two golden and hot chicken wings came out fresh. I slandered and eagerly forked two hams. After several rounds, the fragrance was everywhere, which made people stretch three feet. I took two sharp bites. WOW!I LOVE YOU! Roast ham.

After eating and drinking, we went racing. Along the way, the lotus pond, the fishing pool, the amusement park, and the woods all passed by us. The surface of the lake is like a mirror, with occasional birds passing by. There are ripples.

The weather in Guangzhou is like a baby's face. It's sunny and rainy from time to time. It rained heavily on the road that didn't come back. Ten minutes later, the rain stopped. To go, I reluctantly left Doctor Mountain, but my heart stopped on the beautiful scenery and delicious barbecue of Doctor Mountain.

Composition of You Daifu Mountain Primary School Students [2

The doctor mountain in Panyu District is beautiful. There are many beautiful places in Doctor Mountain: Hundred Flowers Garden, Lotus Pond And I think the most beautiful one is the Hundred Flowers Garden.

In spring, the flowers in the Hundred Flowers Garden just pulled out fresh leaves, while the plum blossoms fell asleep. The grass woke up from the dream, broke through the ground, and stretched the young green leaves. Flowers and grass often smile at the sun, as if to ask the sun to take care of them.

Miss Spring is gone, and Miss Summer is here. The flowers in the garden peeped out their beautiful heads and saw the light again. There are many flowers, including canna, rose, morning glory Some flowers are as red as fire, some are as white as snow, and some are as green as jade What a riot of colors! Flowers are not only bright in color, but also beautiful in posture. Some flowers are like silk, some are like ribbons flying, some are like dragon claws stretching It's a thousand different things! Butterflies are dancing here, and flowers are more moving.

Send away the hot summer and usher in the dry autumn.

In autumn, the sky is high and the clouds are light. The flowers in the Hundred Flowers Garden do not have enough water, and some words are "old". But at this time, osmanthus opened a smiling face. Standing in the garden, you will feel in the snow. Smell it, and the fragrance comes to you. It's refreshing.

Winter comes, flowers take off their charming clothes and go to bed. Only plum blossoms sing and dance in the wind. If you remember a friend, you will blurt out: counting plum blossoms in the corner, Ling Han will open it alone. Far away is not snow, only faint fragrance.

How beautiful the Hundred Flowers Garden of Doctor Mountain is! Remember that every season, you should go to enjoy it.

Composition of You Daifu Mountain Primary School Students [3

Today is Sunday in Guangzhou. I went to Doctor Hill with my uncle's family.

We set out from our home on Huangshi East Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, and drove for more than an hour to reach the Dafu Mountain Forest Park in Panyu District. The park is surrounded by mountains, towering trees, green grass, flowers, birds and flowers. Mountains and ponds are scattered all over the world, and a number of ingenious artificial lakes have been built. The blue sky and the undulating reflection of mountain love are reflected in the water, which makes you feel like coming to an idyllic paradise.

In the park, there are barbecue ground, fishing ground, yacht dock, kite field, children's playground, adult playground, model airplane dock, tea room and several service departments. The ingenious pavilions and towers add a lot of color to the beautiful environment.

After lunch, my uncle rented two fishing rods, and my brother and I played "kitten fishing" in high spirits for a while. Under the guidance of my uncle, I gently lowered the hook and waited quietly, finally catching three lively fish. The four year old brother "catches dragonflies and butterflies at one time", but he doesn't catch even a small fish. My aunt was afraid that he might lose it, so she ran around behind him in case he broke it.

Dafu Mountain Forest Park seems to be a paradise, which is a good place for people to relax and play.

Composition of you doctor mountain primary school students [4

Dafu Mountain Forest Park is located in the west suburb of the bridge in Panyu City. It is a picturesque place with spring all the year round, beautiful environment and fresh air. Everyone likes to come here.

The spring of flowers is coming, and flowers in the flower bed are blooming. Colorful flowers are fragrant, and they are blooming beautiful smiling faces. The birds are chirping in the sky! Here is a "Children's Paradise". Children will come here happily. When they see it, they will jump three feet high. That is the children's resort.

The midsummer of birds chirping and cicadas chirping has arrived again. The weather is extremely hot, but flowers are opening to people, especially azalea and crape myrtle, which are the most brilliant. People talk in the shade and enjoy the cool all the time. Go straight in front of the gate of Doctor Mountain, you will see a beautiful "Lotus Lake", which is the most beautiful of several large lakes. The water is clear, and there are countless kinds of lotus flowers floating on the lake.

In the golden autumn when maple leaves are like fire, the Dafu Mountain Forest Park is still green and shaded. A burst of autumn wind blew, and occasionally several withered and yellow leaves fell on the ground. Some fell on the lake, some fell on people's heads, and some fell on the top of some snack bars. The chrysanthemums took advantage of this time to be in full bloom. The children are flying kites on the vast kite field. A colorful kite floating in the sky, beautiful!

It's a bit cold and quiet here in the severe winter of powder and strong jade carving. The lake is quieter, like a mirror. There are fewer cyclists, oh! It turns out that everyone is running back and forth and doing sports. There is a barbecue here. It's very lively there! There are many people barbecue here!

Doctor Mountain Forest Park is really beautiful! I love Doctor Mountain Forest Park.

Composition of You Daifu Mountain Primary School Students [5

Doctor Mountain Forest Park is a beautiful place. It is located in the suburb of Shiqiao. Doctor Hill Park is very beautiful, but what attracts me most is the artificial lake. The water of the artificial lake is clear to the bottom, and the small fish in the lake dance happily, as if they are welcoming people. The lake is very calm, like a big mirror, reflecting the beautiful colors on the lake, and also like a beautiful landscape painting. A gentle breeze blew and the lake rippled. How beautiful! There are also a group of beautiful willow girls living on the lake bank. Look, that willow is combing its soft hair there. Miss Feng also comes to help. The willow branches dance with the wind, which is very beautiful.

The scenery of the lotus pond is even more beautiful! There are small fish and lotus in the pool. The most eye-catching thing is the lotus. Look, some lotus girls are facing sideways and dare not look at people; Some are shy; Others show their most beautiful faces to people... they really look like a group of graceful girls standing on the lake.

Doctor Mountain Forest Park is a "paradise on earth" all the year round, and also a good place for vacation. Before leaving, I also looked at the Jingong Lake and the Lotus Pond, because the scenery of the Doctor Mountain Forest Park was so beautiful!

Doctor's Composition (7)

We went to the doctor's mountain and rented two bikes. My father and mother shared a bike, and I started a happy journey by riding a small bike.

We rode along the winding mountain road to the top of the mountain. While riding, I hummed a song and unknowingly reached the mountain. While I was admiring the wild flowers on the roadside, I suddenly heard my mother calling out from behind: "Ruikai, stop quickly! There is a big slope ahead, dangerous..." When I heard this, I was shocked and wanted to brake quickly, but it was too late. I only heard the wind "whoop" in my ear, and my car rushed down the mountain like a runaway wild horse. My heart was so frightened that my heart was pounding. At this time, I remembered my father said to me, "You are a man, and you should calm down and face up to everything bravely.

Just at this time, my father and mother rode bicycles to catch up from behind. My father gave me a thumbs up and said with a smile, "Ruikai is brave! Such a steep slope can be rushed down alone." After hearing this, I smiled happily and felt as if I had grown up. This trip to Doctor Mountain left a deep impression on me.

Doctor's Composition (8)

On Thursday afternoon, as soon as school was over, I took the initiative to say to my mother, "Mom, why don't we go to Doctor Mountain today?" My mother said without hesitation, "OK!" So my mother and I took my sister to Doctor Mountain Forest Park to play!

There are many games in Doctor Mountain Forest Park. There are catch, painting, pirate ship, merry go round... Let me introduce to you what I often play!

The first is painting. First pick out a favorite pattern and give it to Grandma. Ask Grandma to stick the sticker on the paper on another iron plate and then give the money. Then paint the color you like. For example: pink, yellow, blue... After drawing, hand in your painting, let them burn the paint on the iron plate, and then take it home. How about it? Is it very simple?

Then came the catch. You just need to buy a small ticket to play. If you receive more, you can exchange gifts!

Finally, it's playing with sand. You don't need money or tickets to play sand! And there is no time limit. My sister and I played for a long time, until we really wanted to sleep, we reluctantly left the Doctor Mountain Forest Park.

Tell me: is initiative killing two birds with one stone? You can play and be praised by your mother. What a wonderful thing!

I will take the initiative next time!

Doctor's Composition (9)

Dafu Mountain Scenic Composition Junior High School 1

I have been to many places, including Lianhua Mountain, Doctor Mountain and Xinghai Park wait.

My favorite place to visit is the Doctor's Garden, because there is a beautiful lotus pond. The lotus is pink and beautiful.

Some of the lotus flowers are in full bloom, while others are still flowers with faint fragrance. The industrious little bee is collecting pollen, beautiful phalaenopsis

Butterflies dance and small fish play hide and seek under lotus leaves. After leaving the lotus pond, they came to the kite field. The children flew their kites high. There are industrious bees, beautiful butterflies, lovely fish in the sky. The sky is very beautiful. Leaving the kite

The playground has slide, swing, log bridge and sand pool. The children's laughter is lingering

I am willing to leave after playing. The mood of reluctant to leave the amusement park and finally the barbecue, you will smell the delicious smell of barbecue, and you will drool after smelling it.

Doctor Mountain has beautiful scenery and fresh air all the year round. This is the beautiful Doctor Mountain Park. I like the beautiful Doctor Mountain Park.

Dafu Mountain Scenic Composition Junior High School 2

My hometown is Shiqiao, Panyu District. It is a beautiful place with charming scenery. In my hometown, the most joyful thing is Doctor Mountain!

When the spring wind turns the trees green, the children fly kites at Lidu Mountain. In the sky, "bird" seems to be racing with "butterfly", and "little tortoise" also leaves "little white rabbit" behind. But the "spaceship" took the lead. "Several small animals" came to the lake. The children were powerless. The "small animals" seemed to be fascinated by the clear lake and the egg yolk on the horizontal line.

When summer comes, people come to the lake for a walk. They pass by the green grass. There are some blue, purple and red wild flowers in the grass, like colorful carpets on the lake. The lake is so clear and blue. The sun shines on the lake, and the lake suddenly shows ten thousand golden lights, which are particularly dazzling. People's laughter makes this colorful picture more happy and harmonious!

In the golden autumn, Doctor Hill also put on his "golden clothes". Fallen leaves dance in the air like "yellow butterflies". The fallen leaves seem to have paved a golden carpet on the road. Walking on the roads and paths made of "gold" is soft, comfortable and stylish.

In the cold winter of December, the children took their parents to the doctor's mountain to skate. People dressed in colorful down jackets bustled around the lake, like adding warm colors to the doctor's mountain in the cold winter!

Ah! Doctor Mountain is so beautiful and charming all the year round. Buhuai is a tourist attraction of our city bridge!

I love Doctor Mountain in my hometown! I prefer the scenery of Doctor Mountain all the year round!

Dafu Mountain Scenic Composition Junior High School 3

This morning, my parents and I followed my mother's company to the doctor's mountain to ride bicycles. We left at 10 o'clock, arrived at the assembly point at 11 o'clock, and then we went to the doctor's mountain together.

After going to the doctor mountain park, we first had a meal, then went to rent a bicycle, I rented a single car, and then we went in to ride. At first, I didn't dare to drive too fast. I always stopped when I was going downhill to see the beautiful scenery. The scenery there was really beautiful, with birds singing and flowers fragrance everywhere, and the air was fresh.

Later, slowly, I rode a little faster. I didn't brake when I went downhill. I also passed many people and became the third brother. Then we went down a super downhill and up a super downhill. When we went downhill, wow! Down against the wind, the cool breeze is coming, and there are several super downhill, connected together, so cool! When climbing up the slope, we had to climb hard. Often, someone could not climb halfway. When we got off the bike, we walked around the doctor's mountain park for 8 or 9 kilometers.

When I came to a place, the boss said that there was a treasure hunt. He went to hide and we went to find it. There are special prizes, the first prize, the second prize and the third prize, which are respectively awarded the kettle, 300 yuan, 100 yuan and 50 yuan. We cheerfully went to find them. Finally, all of us found only 18, and there were still 4. It was a pity that the time was running out. I found a smile, no money, sad, my mother got 350, my father got 300, my mother mercifully gave me 50 yuan. Finally, when we went to return the car, we walked a steep road, which made me shiver all over. After changing the car, we went to wash our feet again. Ah, the service provided by someone was very comfortable. It was very comfortable to be massaged. Finally, we went to the boss's uncle's house to see his mansion. Wow, there are 6 parking spaces alone! There are five floors, each of which is beautifully decorated, and it is really rich. We finally went home after having a meal with the boss uncle.

It's so cool today. Life is full of sunshine!!

Doctor's Composition (10)

Selected 7th grade National Day composition: You Doctor Mountain

It is no exaggeration to say that Doctor Mountain is the place I have always dreamed of. On National Day, I finally got my wish!

At dawn, my mother and I were ready to challenge Doctor Hill.

Just getting off the bus, I saw people's heads surging, and everyone's youthful faces made me feel excited. The stout body of Doctor Mountain exudes a sense of majesty. It seems that we are qualified to climb the summit only after going through its many hurdles. When my mother rented a bike, climbing began.

We followed the big army. There were many people, and the slope was not big. We also had a contest of speed. But gradually, the slope became bigger and bigger. Some young brothers with good physical strength can walk smoothly, while others simply get down to push the cart. My mother and I worked hard, and our feet suddenly became very heavy. Halfway up the hill, my mother and I became very sweaty. When my mother suggested taking a break, my unyielding spirit came up: How could I give up easily when I finally reached the halfway slope? I will persist! Thinking about it, I said firmly: "Go on, you must not stop!" The crowd gradually dwindled as we approached the top of the mountain. Breezes blew across my face. Many people wanted to reach their goals, but only a few people really stuck to it. I can't help feeling a burst of joy, we are one of the success. At the top of the slope, you can have a panoramic view. Things on the ground are as small as ants. I was so excited that I stopped the car and shouted, "I succeeded", taking the mountains, green trees and white clouds as evidence. When I went down the slope, cool waves followed, the trees on both sides retreated rapidly, and the wind whistled in my ears. This may be the best reward for our success. I can't help but spread my arms and shout.

After enjoying the delicious lunch, I rode alone on the path by the lake at the foot of the mountain. The cool wind is blowing gently, and many people enjoy boating on the lake. Laughter comes from time to time on the lake. They are enjoying the warmth and tranquility brought by their families and scenery. The wind wrinkled the lake. The lake water is a wise eye. In its eyes, the white clouds walking, the dancing trees, everything is so beautiful.

Looking at the setting sun, I felt a little sad, but I didn't know where the sadness came from. I can't help feeling that time passes too fast.

Finally, we walked out of the gate of Doctor Mountain. Looking back, the sunset has turned it into golden, golden

Doctor's Composition (11)

The scenery of Doctor Mountain is really beautiful. It is a miracle I have seen in my life. It is worth observing and appreciating everywhere. If you go there once, you may feel the happiness in your heart.

When I was on the mountain, I saw the red pitaya fruit and compared with each other. Each one is like a fairy in nature, with a charming smile on his face. There are some delicious fruits in the red coat, which makes my mouth water. The dragon fruit just entered my mouth, and I felt very comfortable.

The sun shines on the ground through the cracks in the leaves. The sun that is not covered by leaves shines directly on the ground like white pearls. It is a wonderful light that can be beautiful with diamonds. It is like passing through the fairy tale world there.

A yellow butterfly danced in the flowers, and then flew one by one around the Doctor Mountain, adding a thought-provoking sense of happiness to this beautiful landscape.

Is the 300 word summer travel composition good? Did you get a lot of inspiration? If you think you can write as well as he can, then you can contribute.

Doctor's Composition (12)

This winter vacation, I participated in many wonderful activities such as the Doctor Mountain field battle and the unknown trip. Among them, what impressed me most was the doctor's war in the mountains.

I remember that day, I, a group of classmates and our parents came to Doctor Hill after an hour's drive. We rented some bicycles and rode for a while. Then he began to eat lunch. Soon after eating, the wonderful field battle began.

We are divided into red and blue teams. The red team members are: I, a, b, c, d and some parents; The blue team members are: e, f, g, as and some other parents. The rule of field operations is to use your own infrared induction gun to hit the induction points on the other team members, and hit all the other team members "in" three times. The team that does it will win.

The first battle we fought was a defensive war. The enemy attacked and we defended. Although it was a fake war, it still looked like a real war. First of all, as the defensive side, after we set up our position, the enemy began to attack. I was hiding in a big pit, lying there quietly like a small loach. After a while, the enemy came. We launched a fierce attack on the enemy. I also held my gun and shot at the enemy, but instead of hitting the first shot, the enemy knew my position. At that moment, the enemy nearly shifted half of its forces to deal with me. I ran everywhere, but unfortunately I was shot three times and died. However, after the hard work of other teammates, we won.

The second war we fought was an offensive war, much the same as the first, except that the offensive side and the defensive side exchanged. Because of the lesson of the first war, I no longer acted rashly, but quietly walked around the enemy's rear. But my "rush" was found on the way, and they kept "firing" at me. Fortunately, I only got two shots and had one life left. I immediately ran back to the rear. At this time, both the enemy and us suffered heavy casualties. I rushed to the front again and fought with my teammates. Finally, we persevered and finally wiped out the enemy. This war is our victory again.

The third battle we fought was against VIP. The rule of this war is that we will kill the VIP protected by the enemy, but the VIP has six lives, so it is difficult to "die". After discussion with the other party, it is designated as VIP. The war began. Because both sides had experience, it was a dark battle. Although the defense of the other side was very solid, it was finally defeated by our fierce attack, and the VIP was also eliminated with us.

The doctor's mountain battle was very interesting and intense. I hope there will be another chance to play in the future!