Moved Composition 450 (19 compilations)
Two dependencies for one lifetime
2024-06-10 03:30:06
topic of conversation

Moving Composition 450 (1)

One weekend morning, I opened my sleepy eyes. Eh! How come the pot doesn't move and the ladle doesn't sound? Usually, the whole house is filled with delicious food. I rubbed my eyes that had not slept enough, went to the kitchen, opened the lid of the pot, and looked: nothing. What do I eat this morning? Forget it, is there an old saying in China: "Do it yourself, have plenty of food and clothing". Because of poor cooking skills and lack of experience, I had to soak instant noodles. I took out a bag of noodles, mixed them with water, and hastily solved breakfast. Just want to read, but mother? I gently opened the door of my parents' bedroom, wow! Mom is still sleeping! Look at it, and I won't be angry at anything. I came to my mother's bed and just wanted to wake her up, only to find that her face was red. My heart trembled: shouldn't I have a fever? I touched my mother's forehead with my hand. It was so hot! I hurried to call my father's mobile phone, but I couldn't get through. I am as anxious as an ant on a hot pot - round and round.

I was in a hurry and my mind was in a mess. The situation is so tight that I have to think about what my parents do when I get sick, and follow the example. yes! Take your temperature first. I found out the thermometer, gently woke my mother, leaned the pillow against the head of the bed for her, and helped her sit up. Put the thermometer in place. Hurry to find cold medicine, but there are a lot of big boxes and small boxes. What should I do? By the way, how stupid! Look at the manual! I made a cup of "Sanjiu Ganmao Ling", took two anti-inflammatory and antipyretic pills, and fed them to my mother. When my mother finished eating, I took out the thermometer and saw that it was 39 degrees. I had to find someone to take my mother to the hospital, but my mother said, "Forget it. Let's have a look at it at home first.". If the fever does not subside, go to the hospital again. Just as my mother wanted to go to bed, she suddenly sat up and asked me: "Tingting, did you have breakfast? Mom got up to do it for you." I quickly pressed my mother and said, "Don't worry, I have eaten, but you haven't eaten yet." After that, I rode on my bike to the street to buy a safe breakfast. When I came back, I was already sweating and out of breath. I watched my mother eat some, I just feel relieved, alas! If Mom could sleep again, the situation would be better. I helped my mother lie down again. Looking at my mother's face is not so red, and her breathing is calm, I feel very comfortable. I will also care about others!

Care is like a palm leaf fan in summer, giving people a cool and refreshing feeling; Care is like a ray of sunshine in winter, which brings people a little warmth. When you care about others, you will find everything is so beautiful! Enjoying others

A ray of sunshine illuminates the whole world, and a smile lights up many hopes. The dream is floating in the snowy field, each heavy footprint has printed the intense sorrow of this life, and each steady footprint has written the glory of this life. However, when each foot falls, it will leave that light and crisp creaking sound in the bottom of my heart. How many times I have walked in the flying snow sea, just to listen to the creaking sound of snow, which is a dream knocking on my heart door one by one. There is no sadness and no departure, which seems to be a kind of beauty in the sun. In the flying snowflakes, the sky is empty and a silver world is silent. However, a greeting from the ends of the earth warms the chill of this winter like sunshine. The sound echoes like a thunder in the empty snow field, so my heart is full of sunshine again. As you, the attitude of sunshine, the thinking of sunshine, the openness of sunshine - sunshine and me, sunshine and you, sunshine and touch

In the warm and thick sunshine, I am often moved by an unknown friend who returned the handbag to its owner. He did not become greedy because of the ten thousand yuan cash. Instead, he worked hard to find the owner. When I held the heavy handbag in my hand, there was no words and tears seemed to fall, So my heart was full of thick sunshine again, and a touch filled my heart immediately

Because the bottom of my heart is always touched by the sun. On a trip, my baby daughter, who is only five years old, got seasick on the 9th day and vomited so much that I cried bitterly while taking care of the 9th day. At this time, the kind mother-in-law sent hot water and the warm-hearted sister-in-law brought home delicious food, And my lovely sister brought fresh fruit to Ninth... All this made my tears overflow down my cheeks, while my heart was as bright and sunny as the sun.

Moving Composition 450 (2)

Maternal love is great, and every child's mother is also great, and maternal love is reflected in every bit of life, let me give you an example!

A few nights ago, after midnight, I had a high fever. At that time, my mother found that my body was very hot. She asked me to get up and take a temperature! I have a fever, which is not mild. It is 38C 6. My mother hurriedly called my nurse and asked her to come over. When my milk came, my mother asked me how I felt. When my milk arrived, my mother and milk took me to see a doctor. At that time, I was moved to cry.

It was already 12:45 in the middle of the night, and we could hardly see a car. What's more, our house was so remote that we had to walk to the village entrance to wait for the bus. My mother carried me on her back and called the taxi while walking. When we arrived at Hope Kindergarten, my mother said: "It's too cold, you need to wear more!" She said to put on her cotton padded clothes and her own Weibo for me. By this time, we were at the entrance of the village. There was a taxi coming. We took a taxi and said to go to the People's Hospital. Sitting in the car, my mother felt sick when she saw that I was ill. She was also very uncomfortable, as if it was her own illness. After a while, we arrived at the People's Hospital.

How cold the hospital is! The gusts of cold wind made my hair stand on end. We registered first. I saw that my mother was already tired, and she was still up and taking me to see a doctor. This time I cried. We went to the inpatient department to see a doctor, and then we went home.

At the gate of the hospital, there was a taxi. On our way home, my mother couldn't endure sleeping in the taxi. When I saw my mother's face had wrinkles due to fatigue, my nose suddenly became sour, and tears could not stop flowing down.

I said here: "Thank you, Mom!"

Moving Composition 450 (3)

"Hum, I don't want to tell you anymore. I went to school!" Then came the door slamming.

What's going on here?

It happened on a rainy day. Like transparent needles, the rain fell one after another, hitting the ground and splashing small water flowers. The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the whole community was covered with dark clouds. It was on such a morning that I got up late. When I looked at my watch, it was 6:50! Get up and wash, eat breakfast in a hurry. After eating, raise your hand and look again. It's 7:18! There was no time to wipe my mouth, so I ran to the door to change my shoes. At this time, Grandma came to me and asked, "Are you cold with so few clothes?" As I changed my shoes, I replied, "Not cold!" "No! You can wear another vest!" Grandma said again. After saying that, I didn't know when I brought my wallet and insisted on putting it on for me. I reached for my schoolbag, took my umbrella, and pulled my hat. But my grandmother pulled me, and the expression on her face was more "scary". It was like a red eyed tiger attacking me. In a hurry, I quarreled with my grandmother, and I slammed the door in anger.

When I came to school, I hurried to finish the work. Oh, it's good that nothing bad happened. Grandma really did. She never considered my feelings when doing things.

Time is like a candle, melting little by little. Soon it was time for the afternoon Daofa class. Teacher Cheng was giving us the first lesson. The book said that some parents were ostensibly strict with us, but actually they paid a lot for us. When I saw this, I couldn't help thinking of the scene in the morning. In fact, Grandma did this for me not to be cold, and she would cover the quilt for me, wipe the table for me, and so on. Thinking of this, I could not help but turn around and wipe my nose.

When I got home, I immediately ran to Grandma and said, "Sorry, Grandma!" Grandma smiled kindly. At this time, the dark clouds in the sky are spreading out little by little, and the ground is drying up little by little, just like the confusion in my heart is also dispersing little by little.

Whenever I think of that moment, I feel I have grown up!

Moving Composition 450 (4)

I remember one time during the Spring Festival, my uncle and aunt brought their two little sisters to my house to play. My mother cooked a big table of delicious food, and my grandfather brought a lot of delicious food. This time, I ate meat and drank drinks, which really satisfied my appetite.

In the afternoon, I went to his house with my grandparents. My grandparents were old and took me and my two little sisters to the car. When the car was halfway, my stomach suddenly felt sick and I wanted to vomit. I told my grandmother. Grandma said seriously, "Be patient and go home again." But as soon as the words ended, I vomited. My uncle drove the car to the roadside and stopped. When I saw it, I thought: My uncle will definitely criticize me. But what I never expected was that my uncle took out a paper towel from his pocket and said kindly, "Wipe your mouth!" Then he took out a piece of sugar from the bag and handed it to me. How could I want it? And said: "Thank you, I don't want to." Eat quickly, it's also good appetizer, I will be angry if I don't eat again. " My uncle said sternly. Then he put the sugar into my mouth again. After uncle sent us home, we apologized and left after being persuaded by uncle. After I left, I saw my uncle wipe the stolen goods I vomited with a tissue, bit by bit. Boys and girls, look, uncle's piece of paper, a piece of sugar, and then wipe off the stolen goods bit by bit, including how loving uncle is! Why don't you move me! However, I was so moved by my uncle that I remembered Tagore's famous saying, "The cause of fruit is noble and the cause of flower is sweet, but let me do the cause of leaf in the shadow of silent dedication."

Moving Composition 450 (5)

I was touched

It happened last summer, which is still fresh in my memory.

Uncle Li next door is annoying. Because he always does something bad. Once, Uncle Li's neighbor Aunt Zhang lost her gold necklace and found it at Uncle Li's house. Since then, everyone no longer trusts him. Another time, Uncle Li picked up a 10 yuan note from the ground, which was found by me and several small partners. We asked him to pay the official fee, but he didn't pay. We shouted, "Pay the official fee, pay the official fee, pay the official fee." But he did not change his face and said, "I dropped the 10 yuan note. Is it wrong to pick it up?" I will never talk to him again.

In this way, the summer passed, and the people in the community did not say a word to him. But one thing changed my view of him.

It was a sunny morning. A cement truck passed by here, leaving a big hole on the road. There were countless vehicles coming and going, and the body of the car danced "swing dance" here. Uncle Li watched, and I thought he was thinking of something. At night, it began to rain heavily. I saw Uncle Li sneaking out with something in his hand. I picked up the umbrella and followed out. On the way, I saw Uncle Li was trying to fill the big hole without an umbrella, and the big drops of water fell from his head. I said with tears in my eyes, "Uncle Li, you......"

I told everyone about this again, and we made up with Uncle Li again.

(Liu Shumin, tutor of Wei Yufei, Class 61, Xinmi New Century School)

Moving Composition 450 (6)

As the saying goes, "Father's love is like a mountain, and mother's love is like water." Yeah! Isn't maternal love like the trickle of water that protects us and protects us? In recent days, I have been moved by such a thing.

It was a summer evening. After finishing my homework, I was bored to look at TV. Just as I was about to close it, suddenly a news attracted me. I sat on the sofa and looked carefully.

'The child is 3 years old and lives in Huainan Sunshine International City Community. When his mother took him to play in the community, he accidentally fell into an underground well without a cover. Her mother also jumped down bravely and raised the child above her head. The child was saved, but the mother died of suffocation due to the invasion of methane at 10 o'clock that night, and the child's life was not in danger for the moment... "

Seeing here, I shed tears. What a moving picture it is! At the same time, how great maternal love it is! At the moment when the mother lifted the child up, she must be thinking that I will let the child live well even if I die! What a touching picture! What a great mother!

Even this event has taught us a deep lesson. We must not make our mother angry, do not talk back to her, and listen to her, otherwise we will never enjoy the warmth of motherless love again!

Grade 6 of Huainan Huaishi Primary School in Tianjia'an District, Huainan, Anhui: Guan Xiaoning

Moving Composition 450 (7)

Let Moved Chang write 450 words

Moving is just a very small thing.

One day when I was walking in the street, my first reaction was to stay away from a dirty man. He stood by the stinking trash can to pick up the junk, and I covered my nose and walked away.

I met him again at the entrance of the supermarket, and I made a conditional cry. He heard me and seemed excited to see me and waved to me all the time. I thought to myself, why do I always meet this person? Is it too bad today? His wave attracted everyone's eyes. I quickly ran into the supermarket and touched my pocket. Eh? Money. I touched it again, but I still didn't find it. I was so worried that I was sweating. At this time, he came in. The supermarket keeper looked at him with disgust and hurriedly drove him out. It seems that if he stays one second longer, he will pollute the air in this place. He resisted tenaciously. I looked at his hand carefully. It seemed that I had lost money. I ran to him and asked him: What is this money? He said hesitantly, I will pick up what you just dropped and just want to give it to you. You are a student. I am embarrassed to shout at you and wave to you in the street. I didn't expect you to ignore me. He smiled awkwardly. It suddenly dawned on me that I rushed into the supermarket to buy him some food, but when I came out, he had already gone nowhere.

I am a student, but this is true of a poor man. In the face of the weak, he brought me a touch that ordinary people can't do. What he gave me was just a figure and a few movements, but it benefited me all my life.

Moving Composition 450 (8)

Time flies quickly, and many memories have faded with the disappearance of days. But there is one thing that makes me vividly and deeply moved - that deep maternal love. That morning, I was going to school with my schoolbag on my back. My mother handed me an umbrella and said, "* * *, the weather forecast is that it will rain today, so it's better to take an umbrella." I looked up at the sky. It was clear, how could it rain? I dropped my umbrella and ran out. At noon, when school was over, suddenly lightning flashed and thunder thundered, and a rainstorm suddenly fell. The students with rain gear went home, and the other people were picked up by their parents one by one. My father teaches in a foreign school and never comes home at noon. Just now, my mother is running a high fever these days. I don't think anyone will pick me up. I sat in the classroom alone, worried and hungry. Looking out of the window at the pouring rain, I couldn't help crying. At this time, a familiar figure appeared in the heavy rain. Oh, it's Mom! The strong wind and heavy rain seemed to swallow my mother. Mother struggled to walk towards me. "* * *, come here quickly and put on your raincoat." Mother said as she took off her raincoat and put it on me. At this time, the rain is getting heavier and heavier. Mother's hair, face and body were soaked by rain. Looking at my "drowned" mother and the pale face, I couldn't help crying again... An umbrella held up a sky, and my mother's love umbrella gave me happiness and happiness. Although it's been a long time, it always touches me and teaches me to be a good person and study hard

Moving Composition 450 (9)

Time flies quickly, and many memories have faded with the disappearance of days. But there is one thing that makes me vividly and deeply moved - that deep maternal love.

That morning, I was going to school with my schoolbag on my back. My mother handed me an umbrella and said, "Wanyi, the weather forecast is that it will rain today, so it's better to take an umbrella." I looked up at the sky. It was clear. How could it rain? I dropped my umbrella and ran out.

At noon, when school was over, suddenly lightning flashed and thunder thundered, and a rainstorm suddenly fell. The students with rain gear went home, and the other people were picked up by their parents one by one. My father works in a factory and never comes home at noon. Just now, my mother is running a high fever these days. I don't think anyone will pick me up. I sat in the classroom alone, worried and hungry. Looking out of the window at the pouring rain, I couldn't help crying.

At this time, a familiar figure appeared in the heavy rain. Oh, it's Mom! The strong wind and heavy rain seemed to swallow my mother. Mother struggled to walk towards me.

"Wanyi, come here quickly and put on your raincoat." Mother said as she took off her raincoat and put it on me. At this time, the rain is getting heavier and heavier. Mother's hair, face and body were soaked by rain. Looking at my "drowned" mother and her pale face, I couldn't help crying again

An umbrella holds up a sky. The umbrella my mother loves gives me happiness and happiness. Although it's been a long time, it always touches me and teaches me to be a good person and study hard

Moving Composition 450 (10)

There are many moving things in life, such as doing a good deed for others, helping the elderly to cross the road, and making a small contribution to society

Every time I think back to the sports meeting in primary school, I still can't help shedding tears. The sports meeting made me remember it

After a female classmate just finished the 1000m long run, she was sweating heavily, her legs became weak, and she collapsed directly to the ground, unable to stand up independently. At this moment, several female classmates in the class quickly crossed the plastic runway and flew to her side, not only helping her to the seat, but also helping her to pinch her shoulder, beat her back, and quickly carried out a series of massage exercises to make her feel better as soon as possible. With the care and encouragement of her classmates, she gradually recovered. At that time, the ranking of long-distance running was announced, and our class won the first place. Everyone was applauding and cheering for her... At that moment, her face showed a bright smile, which seemed to be moved by the support and encouragement of her classmates, who were also deeply moved by her spirit of fighting for the honor of the class.

Another time, during the big break, several of my classmates and I were fined 100 squats by the teacher because we didn't run. Because the physical quality of several of us was not very good, we all strained our muscles after finishing, and we had difficulty going up and down the stairs. In the past few days, several good students helped me up and down the stairs every day

In life, as long as you are grateful, you will find that many subtle moves actually happen inadvertently

Moving Composition 450 (11)

What is the most beautiful touch in the world? Some people say it's family love, some say it's friendship, some say it's love. They are all right. But I think the most beautiful touch is the selfless maternal love.

Once I caught a cold and had a high fever. My mother saw that I was seriously ill and was very worried. She picked me up and ran to the hospital. When I got to the hospital, my mother carried me to the bed and comforted me for a few words. Without taking a rest, she immediately ran to the doctor and asked me how I was and needed the best medicine. Back and forth, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and. I saw a sliver of silver hair in my mother's dark hair. Suddenly, I felt like I had knocked over a bottle of Chinese medicine. I didn't know what it was like. Tears poured out like a spring.

One day in autumn, it was raining heavily. My mother came to meet me at school with an umbrella. I gradually found out why my mother was so wet? And I did it. I quietly observed that it was my mother who slowly moved the umbrella to my side, trying not to let me get wet, while she was being watered by the rain.

"You are not serious! Let you not study hard!" Mother was so angry that her face was red. After training me, my mother asked me to study hard in my 'bedroom' and went to her bedroom by myself. After a while, I heard a cry coming from the bedroom. I hid behind the door and listened to my mother crying, "Xiaomei, my mother loves you too, and she doesn't want to scold you like that. My mother also hates iron, but she doesn't want steel..." After hearing my mother's cry, my tears came out.

Mom, your kindness, care and strict love are so great, and I am so moved. It is the most beautiful maternal love. I will always remember this great maternal love.

Moving Composition 450 (12)

Time flies like water, and many memories have faded with the disappearance of days. But there is one thing that makes me vividly and deeply moved - that heavy maternal love.

That morning, I was going to school with my schoolbag on my back. My mother handed me an umbrella and said, "The weather forecast is that it will rain today, so I'd better take an umbrella." I looked up at the sky. It was clear all the way up. How could it rain? I dropped my umbrella and ran out.

In the afternoon, when school was over, suddenly lightning flashed and thunder thundered, and a rainstorm suddenly fell. The students with rain gear went home, and the other people were picked up by their parents one by one. My father works out of town. Just now, my mother is very busy these days. I don't think anyone will pick me up. I sat in the classroom alone, worried and hungry. Looking at the pouring rain, I couldn't help crying.

At this time, a familiar figure appeared in the heavy rain. Oh, is that Mom? No, Mom is still working! Take a closer look, it's really my mother. The strong wind and heavy rain seemed to swallow my mother. Mother struggled to walk towards me.

"Come on, put on your raincoat." My mother said as she took off her raincoat and put it on me. She only opened a small umbrella. At this time, the rain is getting heavier and heavier. Mother's face and body were drenched with rain. Looking at my "drowned" mother, my eyes were moist again.

An umbrella holds up a sky. The umbrella my mother loves gives me happiness and happiness. Although it has been a long time, it always touched me and taught me to be a good person and study hard.

Moving Composition 450 (13)

Everyone has tears, sad tears, wronged tears, happy tears, and today I want to say my moved tears.

The day before my ninth birthday, I turned on the computer to write an article. Suddenly, in my mother's corpus, I saw an article entitled "A Letter to My Son", so I opened it curiously.

"Dear son: Today is your birthday, and your mother wants to send you a special gift, that is, a letter from your mother..." The last signature date of the letter is May 7, 2007, eh? Why is there a letter before May 7? This must be my mother's birthday gift in advance. I then looked down, "Mom is an ordinary person. Your birth is like the burning sun illuminating my mother's life. Ordinary I want to do extraordinary things - cultivate you into an extraordinary person!" As I read, tears welled up in my eyes

"Ordinary! Ordinary people! Ordinary 'people do extraordinary things!" Although I really did not understand for a while, I have felt my mother's heart. "Mom and Dad have given you smart brains and bright eyes. You should use these to understand life, distinguish life, know what is right and what is wrong, what can be done and what cannot be done..." Every sentence of my mother deeply impressed my heart, and every sentence taught me: when to do, what not to do.

The "ordinary" mother wants to train me to be an "extraordinary" person. I believe I can become an extraordinary person, because I have an ordinary and extraordinary mother. I shed tears for this ordinary mother.

Moving Composition 450 (14)

It was Saturday evening. It was cloudy and drizzling in the air. Many swallows stayed on the roads where there were vehicles, looking for food and playing. Suddenly, a speeding truck roared past, and then a black shadow fell on the ground. My heart tightened and I couldn't help closing my eyes. I knew something bad had happened

When I slowly opened my eyes, the "car accident" swallow was lying on the ground alone and could not move anymore

I was shocked by this sudden "scene"

Suddenly, a small swallow flew down from the sky and landed beside it. It seems that the swallow that fell on the ground is its mother. It flapped its wings and cried hurriedly, hoping to wake up its "sleeping" mother, but no matter how shrill it was, Yan's mother could not respond to its sad notes... Finally, it seemed to understand that no matter how loud it was, the fallen mother could no longer fly... It flew up and circled in the air, wailing helplessly. Another car blocked the line of sight, and the fast speed blew the wind up, and the swallow on the ground also rolled over. A little subtle change seemed to ignite the hope of the little swallow. It returned to its mother again, and tried to call out hope to wake up her mother

My eyes are moist when I see here. Although they are just small swallows, they also have a family and a deep kinship! Let the students work together to protect them and let them have a happy and warm home like us!

Moving Composition 450 (15)

Open the gate of memory, and the footprints of growth come to my mind like waves. The love of my father and the love of my mother. It's so clear. However, there is one thing that most moved me

I remember when I was five years old, my mother and I were walking on the road in the summer. The scorching sun made my mother sweat heavily. Strangely, I'm not hot. I was puzzled, thinking "?" in my heart. Suddenly, I found a shadow on the ground silently following me. So I did an experiment: put my hand out of the shadow - heat; Take your hands back - cool. My little head doesn't understand the question: why does the shadow follow me?

My mother once told me: "Shadow likes to be with Heihei children best." Hey! Isn't this black little friend me? Thinking about it, my mother's body seems to swing with me. My mother's body will follow me wherever I go. My curious little head seemed to understand this phenomenon, and I was dubious about my mother's words. I think every day: why does that shadow follow me? Until one day I found the answer from the book:

It turns out that the shadow does not follow me for no reason, nor does it like to block the strong sunlight for me. All things are operated by my mother freely... The one blocking the sunlight is my mother's tall body, which contains her love for me higher than the sky and deeper than the sea. In order to repay my mother's love for me, I will use my own body to shield my mother from wind and rain in the future

"Pity the parents of the world". Behind the growth of every child, there is warm care from parents. At this point, I really want to say to my mother: "Mom, I love you, thank you!"

Moving Composition 450 (16)

A man has no legs, but he touches the world with his beautiful singing voice.

Another man had no hands, but he used a brush and a sweat to tell people a truth: as long as you work hard, you will succeed.

There were more and more onlookers and people were talking about it. Someone said: "They are really good and worth learning."

Others said: "They are more physically disabled than normal people

At the same time, they all donated money. Both ambitious young people who study hard and successful people who dress luxuriously are donating money. Even the sanitation grandfather who worked hard every day from morning to night gave them crumpled five yuan.

I felt that as a primary school student, I should also contribute love to the society, so I said to my mother: "I want to advance a week's pocket money to donate to them." My mother said: "My son doesn't need to advance money, we should give love, go to the children with their mother's love."

When the two disabled people saw this scene, the one without legs sang the song "As long as everyone gives a little love to the world, it will be a beautiful spring". The man without hands wrote six characters, "Good people live a peaceful life".

I believe that as long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become more and more beautiful.

Moving Composition 450 (17)

On that sunny afternoon, I had just arrived at the school gate when I heard a familiar voice. I turned around and saw that it was my mother. "Why, Mom?" I asked doubtfully. "I watched the weather forecast today and said that it would rain today. I have to work overtime at night, and I have no time to pick you up..." I looked at my watch! I'm going to be late. Before my mother finished speaking, I hurried to school.

The weather was unpredictable. As my mother said, it was raining cats and dogs just before school was over. "Whoa, whoa..." I watched the big raindrops fall one by one, anxiously wondering what to do?

Just then, I saw a familiar figure in the intermittent rain. I came closer and saw that it was my mother. "Mom, why did you come here? Didn't you say you had to work overtime?" "Today I asked you to take your umbrella and you didn't take it, so I asked for leave to pick you up." When I got home, Mom was wet all over, but I didn't get any rain on my body. Suddenly a warm current came to my heart, and I shed moved tears.

"Who can say that every inch of grass will be rewarded by the Three Chunhui." Mom, you are conscientious and have no regrets on my growth path. I will study hard, become a talent as soon as possible, and repay you when I grow up! I also want to repay the people who care about me as much as you!

Moving Composition 450 (18)

A touching story - 450 words

There are many moving things in life. Time goes by in a hurry, and many memories have faded with the disappearance of the day. But there is one thing that I remember vividly and deeply moved - father's love is like a mountain.

That morning, I was going to school with my schoolbag on my back. My father handed me an umbrella and said, "Peng Peng, the weather forecast is that it will rain today, so I'd better take my umbrella." I looked up at the sky. It was clear, how could it rain? I dropped my umbrella and ran out.

At noon, when school was over, suddenly lightning flashed and thunder thundered, and a rainstorm suddenly fell. The students with rain gear went home, and the other people were picked up by their parents one by one. My mother works in Wuzheng Factory and never comes home at noon. Just now, Dad is running a high fever these days. I don't think anyone will pick me up. I sat in the classroom alone, anxious and hungry. Looking out of the window at the pouring rain, I couldn't help sitting there.

At this time, a familiar figure appeared in the heavy rain. Oh, it's Dad! The strong wind and heavy rain seemed to swallow Dad's trembling body. Dad struggled to walk towards me.

"Peng Peng, come here quickly and put on your raincoat." Dad said as he took off his raincoat and put it on me. At this time, the rain is getting heavier and heavier. Dad's hair, face and body were soaked by rain. Looking at my father who was like a drowned rat and his pale face, I couldn't help shedding tears.

An umbrella makes me deeply realize that father love is like a mountain. The umbrella my father loves gives me happiness and happiness. Although it has been a long time, it always touches me and teaches me to be a good person, study hard and grow healthily.

Moving Things Article 2 450 words

She has a medium stature, a delicate face, a ponytail, a pair of big eyes, a smile on her face, and sometimes becomes very serious - she is our head teacher, Miss Wang. Mr. Wang has been teaching us since the first grade. Teachers pour their knowledge into our minds every day. She taught us how to overcome difficulties and how to unite and help each other

I remember the time when I went to the Nanjiao Park for a picnic. After dinner, the students all went to play with the amusement facilities. But I didn't have any money with me, so I had to stand aside and watch the students play with envy. "Why didn't you go and play with your classmates?" I heard a gentle question. I saw that it was Mr. Wang who was asking me. I was embarrassed and said, "I didn't bring any money." Mr. Wang smiled slightly, took the money out of his wallet, handed it to me and said, "Go and play with your classmates." I said gratefully, "Thank you, teacher." You care about us like your mother, and let us grow happily. Whenever I have made a little progress, you always praise and encourage me, so that I can gain more confidence on the road of learning. Whenever I encounter difficulties, you always enlighten me and teach me hand in hand, so that I can firm my confidence to eliminate difficulties.

Teacher, in your meticulous care, we feel your love and selfless dedication, which makes us respect teachers more. "Thank you, teacher. You have worked hard, teacher."

A touching story, composition 3, 450 words

Time goes by without a trace. When we suddenly look back and read our hearts, there are always some memories that leave deep traces in our lives and cannot be forgotten. When we pick up it, there is always a long lost impulse in our hearts, which is moving. Moving starts from this moment.

I still remember when I was ten years old, I was shopping in the street with my friends, when I suddenly saw a girl holding a stack of high bowls on the street, and a disabled boy was shouting beside her. My friend said, "It's really pathetic." "Hmm" I nodded, "It's pathetic. Let's take her some money" "OK"

We walked slowly, only to see drops of sweat flowing down the girl's forehead and her body swaying. The boy's voice was very tired, but he was still yelling desperately.

The girl worked hard, but she still finished the performance. There were bursts of applause. The boy picked up a bowl and walked around. Some kind-hearted people gave them some money. Although it was not much, it must be all the fruits of labor. The boy smiled knowingly.

After returning, I told my mother about it, and then my mother asked me to give them ten yuan.

So early in the morning, I found them, handed them the money, and explained the reason.

The girl said, "We don't want to" "Well, we should use our own labor to earn money", the boy said. I nodded, feeling a sense of impulse in my heart.

The second time my family saw them performing in the street, my eyes immediately moistened.

A touching story, composition 4, 450 words

All these years, I always ponder silently, what can change a person, whether it is the sky, the sea or the earth? I have no way to know. It took me a long time to find that it is the sublimation of the soul and the touch of life that can defeat people

When you walk aimlessly in the street, the wind blows gently, rolling up the leaves on the ground. A thunder, across the side of the quiet, the sky floated down the rain bit by bit. After the rain, green buds sprouted on the earth. Spring is coming, which is the touch of life.

Sometimes the scene that does not need much grief is moved, a hug from relatives; A greeting from a friend; The teacher gave an encouraging look. Maybe it will make our hearts full of vitality, which is moving.

Moving heart, moving behavior and moving words will make a desert full of green.

The true meaning of life is to look for every bit of emotion in hope, keep it in your heart and act. Life, old age, illness and death are the only things we must go through. Share every bit of emotion and find our goal. On the road of life, the starting point is birth, and bumps are inevitable. There is no real end in this road, and death is the end of life. In this way, you may fail, but you will succeed. Moving in the cumulative growth, exudes the miracle of life, shining the cornerstone of human nature.

Life is a song, moving is a beating note.

Moving Composition 450 (19)

Playground, classroom, sweat, hot water room, sweeping, library, sports meeting, corridor, classroom door, curtains blown by the wind, head teacher hiding in the back door peeping, piano sound of music class, green self introduction, no matter how simple the scene is, it is also a gorgeous time. Youth itself is the most beautiful story.

A beautiful story cannot be without the "protagonist", who is the person who controls the story.

I am influenced by different people at all times and everywhere. In that summer, the only dream was not to graduate. The time of graduation is getting closer day by day. I think I rely too much on it. Just then, she came into the courtyard of my heart silently.

I should thank her. I finally realized that I was too weak and always depressed. Under her guidance and care, I learned what I would never have learned

In junior high school, even without her, I would change my mood to treat life. But my junior high school life was not satisfactory. For a person with serious disciplinary bias, I used to be a halo, but now it is useless. Time is so precious, she is so precious, I can not live up to, nor dare to live up to.

Looking back on the road we have passed, we will walk with her. Maybe everything will pass, but her shadow will always be treasured in my heart.

Yesterday has gone far, what remains unchanged is the eternal feeling and gratitude in my heart.