Composition about kittens (15 compilations)
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2024-06-25 01:54:40

Composition about kittens (1)

The afternoon sun was warm and comfortable. My sister and I are playing leisurely. I catch butterflies later; Catch grasshoppers later; After a while, he chased flocks of birds. I was very happy, but my sister walked lazily, enjoying the warm sunshine.

"Sister, look! Kitten," I shouted. A lovely black and white kitten, with round eyes staring around, and two ears as sensitive as a bat's, listened carefully to the movement around with its round head turning. When the kitten saw us coming to it, it immediately jumped onto the opposite tree like an arrow, and jumped onto another tree lightly. It also turned its head to look at us from time to time, as if to show us its skills. I tried to get close to it and look at this clever little guy carefully, but I didn't expect that he was full of vigilance and jumped onto the small tree again with a sound of "meow".

Unexpectedly, a fat old cat jumped out of the corner of the wall, and the kitten almost fell down. When it stood firm, it took two steps back gently, then bent its back, stood up its tail, and its hair stood up.

It "meow, meow" repeatedly, as if it were daring itself, as if it were challenging the old cat, and then, step by step, it approached the old cat. Look carefully at the kitten's tail. It's like a big cock with its tail up. No wonder the old cat pretended to bark twice and then ran away quickly. It's really: "A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!" This little guy subdues an old cat much bigger than it, which makes me look at it with great admiration.

Maybe it was enough. It jumped onto the guardrail again. After making a round of inspection, it found a relatively flat place, put its two front paws together, turned its head sideways, and lay down with its small face against its claws. He raised his eyelids to look at us, like a lovely baby, and soon closed his eyes as if no one were watching him "whirr" and fell asleep. My sister and I smiled at each other knowingly.

What a lovely kitten!

Composition on Kitten (2)

Who is "Meow Meow"? It was my overbearing kitten, Bawang Cat. Speaking of this "Bawang Cat", my mother went to the pet store to buy it for me on my 8th birthday. Let me introduce it to you today.

My "overlord cat" has big eyes. The two big eyes are like big round black pearls. They also rotate from time to time, as if thinking about something. Its ears are as small as two triangles, which is the cat's "downwind ears". Once, I hid the biscuits I just bought from RT Mart and told my mother, but the cat heard me. The next day, I only had half of my snacks left. So when we talk about eating at home, we should be careful, and guard against it, otherwise... The fur of the overlord cat is soft, like a soft quilt, which makes people want to touch it. In winter, I also like to hold it in my arms. It seems that with it, winter will not be cold. It is really a free warm baby. When its mouth opens wide, it looks like a duck's mouth. It can eat quickly. A plate of food is eaten by him at once, which is not close to Sven of the cat family. Its tail is very long. If it were longer, it would catch up with the elephant's big trunk! If you observe carefully, when it jumps from a high place. The tail is straight. In fact, its tail has another function, that is, to keep its body balanced.

My kitten is naughty. Once, when I went to cram school, my mother went out to buy vegetables. The kitten is at home. It's boring. He jumped up and down at home and went to my mother's room to play. Later, he found the wool ball used for knitting sweaters. He thought it was a toy, so he picked up the ball and went downstairs. He kept rotating around the chair. Suddenly, the thread ran out, and the chair was wrapped in wool again and again, becoming a veritable "Spider Man". When I got home and saw this scene, I was shocked, and Bawang Cat was enjoying his masterpiece with pride. Seeing that I was back, he ran to me immediately and shouted at me "Miaomiao", as if to show me to play together. I picked up the kitten and said, "Alas! You have made trouble again, and you must be scolded by your mother when you come back." It seemed to understand my meaning and bowed its head meekly.

It is not only naughty but also greedy. Once, my mother cooked many dishes, such as ribs, vegetables, braised fish in brown sauce and so on. The most delicious dish was braised fish in brown sauce. Unexpectedly, the kitten was attracted by the fragrance. So before our family could eat, he flew to the table like an arrow, jumped onto the table, grabbed the table with his paws, and cried "miao miao" all the time, as if to say: "Little master, give me some fish to eat!" I looked at his poor appearance and thought: "He may be really hungry." I picked up the Bawang Cat, "Don't worry, your food will come soon," I whispered to it. So I immediately took a piece of fish meat and handed it to the kitten. After it took the fish meat, it immediately ran to a corner, afraid that others would grab it. After finishing eating, I came to the table and asked for my chopsticks! It is really greedy.

I love my kitten! It is so naughty and lovable.

Composition on Kitten (3)

Today, after waking up for a nap, I received a phone call from Maomao, who said that she found a kitten at the door of China Resources, but Maomao wanted to play the piano. Only Xiaoshi looked at the cat, but Xiaoshi dared not send the kitten to the pet hospital alone. So, Xiaoshi meant to let me go to the pet hospital with her.

I got a phone call, quickly changed my clothes and ran to the club. Maomao and Xiaoshi were waiting for me there. I went to the "Uno" Pet Hospital opposite China Resources with Xiaoshi. But when we got to the Pet Hospital, no one paid attention to us. Xiaoshi called "brother" to the doctor several times, but the "brother" ignored us, There is no way. We can only take the kitten back to the club to find Maomao and see what Maomao can do.)

When we arrived at the club, Maomao was just finishing playing the piano, so we began to discuss who to send the kitten to temporarily. While talking, we slowly walked to the downstairs of Xiaoshi's house. Now that we have reached the downstairs of Xiaoshi's house, let's go to Xiaoshi's house first. At Xiaoshi's house, we gave the kitten a loud name Xiaohui, Because the hair on Xiaohui's body is basically gray.

Xiaohui is hungry, but there is nothing for Xiaoshi to eat. Mao said that she has milk for cats and dogs, so we went to Maomao's home.

When we got to Maomao's house, we gave Xiaohui a cup of milk. It happened that Maomao's house had droppers, so we gave Xiaohui milk drop by drop.

Xiaohui is really hungry. He greedily eats milk. When Xiaohui finishes eating milk, we make a warm home for her - a box. We have painted many beautiful patterns around the box. We believe that Xiaohui will love this home. Finish the home for Xiaohui, then put Xiaohui's home in a big box on the balcony, and then we will go back to our respective homes.

Composition on Kitten (4)

There is a cat in the forest who likes to be picky. All he likes is snacks. The kitten is getting thinner and thinner. Now it seems that a gust of wind can blow it away. The children stopped playing with it because it was so thin that it became ill when it ran a little and fell down when the wind blew, which made the children misunderstood.

One day, a gust of wind blew the kitten away, and it was blown to a gourmet restaurant. The waiter saw that it was thin, so he let it eat a mouthful of braised fish. It was delicious. The kitten ate the whole fish, and it was never so full. Suddenly, there was a gust of wind. The kitten returned home. The kitten promised her mother that she would never eat snacks again from now on. The kitten mother smiled happily.

Since the kitten did not eat snacks, it gradually became fat, and the children were willing to play with the kitten.

Composition on Kitten (5)

Animals always give people a kind and cordial feeling, especially their extremely lifelike performance, which brings people an unforgettable joy. I have seen two ants fighting for food, two roosters fighting, and dogs fighting for milk from bitches. But what makes me feel most vivid and interesting is the "encounter" between big cats and small cats.

One day, I was hanging clothes on the balcony. When I finished drying clothes, I found two cats when I was just closing the door. This made me feel very curious, so I looked at them quietly and did not dare to disturb them. I stared at them carefully. I didn't understand what they were doing. With firm eyes, the big cat raised its body and jumped quickly from the eaves to the windowsill. That big cat's movements are really fast. If you don't pay attention, you can't see its sharp movements clearly. The kitten squatting under the eaves saw it and just stared at the big cat, not ready to jump. Now I know that this is a mother and son of a cat. The mother cat is teaching her son to jump. Looking at the motionless kitten, the big cat was so worried that he kept mumbling in his mouth as if he were "saying" something to encourage the kitten. The big cat jumped from the windowsill to a higher place, and made another demonstration for the little cat. This time, the kitten saw clearly every movement of its mother, and it finally took the first step bravely, and jumped out of the eaves with great effort, but the windowsill was too high, and the kitten reached half of it. The old cat felt very anxious. I also felt very anxious when I saw this scene. I wanted to help the kitten. Unexpectedly, when I was about to help the kitten to the windowsill, the old cat became angry and opened up in a ferocious manner, as if ready to fight with me. Then I reminded me that I could not interfere with them. When I saw this, I had to step back, left here, and returned home.

When I got home, I found that I had spent half an hour watching the kitten practice jumping. When I thought of the scene of the kitten rising and jumping, I really felt incredible. It turns out that animals also have their education methods, and they are still so special, so it is not vivid. I quietly came to the windowsill and continued to look at them.

I saw the kitten still jumping desperately, while the big cat was guiding and assisting. I stared at the kitten deeply and cheered the kitten silently in my heart: "Come on, kitten! You will succeed."

Composition on Kitten (6)

One day, my mother took me to the market, and I saw a cute and lively kitten. The kitten had small eyes, small ears, a big nose, and a small mouth, but its body was fat. It's so beautiful. I like it very much. So I pulled my mother's clothes and said: Mom, I want to buy a kitten.

All right! But look at the price of the kitten. Mom said.

I said: OK.

Mother asked the price. Finally, the price is 14 yuan. Mother said: I bought this kitten.

yeah! I said happily.

After I bought it, I would tease it every day when I came home.

One day, when I came home from school, I saw a little boy beating a kitten. I was very angry, so I put down my schoolbag and said, "Who are you?"? You beat my cat.

He said: He stole my food.

Then you can't beat it. It's an animal. Don't you even let a kitten go? How shameless! I said angrily. The little boy was angry with me. I finally saved the kitten.

I'm so happy. My mother praised me as a woman.

I'm so happy to buy that kitten!

Composition on Kitten (7)

Among the small animals I have raised, my favorite is a small white cat. I named it Xiaobai.

Xiaobai came to my house at the full moon. The first time I saw it, it was like seeing a fluffy, round little snowball. It was covered with long soft white hair, with sharp ears and round eyes, blue and yellow, looking at me timidly. It's so cute that I can't help holding it in my arms.

Xiaobai soon became familiar with me. Whenever I entered the house, it quickly ran to me, rubbing my feet and making meow meow. When I pick it up, it leans on me like a coquettish child. When I stroke its hair, it will squint its eyes with satisfaction and make a purring sound.

Before long, Xiaobai and I became inseparable friends. When I do my homework, I put Xiaobai on my desk. He always accompanies me obediently, never moves, and patiently waits for me to finish my homework and play with him.

The cute Xiaobai is naughty sometimes. Once, I put Xiaobai beside the fishbowl on the windowsill. He grabbed the edge of the fishbowl with his two forepaws and looked curiously at the tadpole inside. Suddenly, he reached out his paw to catch the tadpole and almost fell into it. I hurriedly grabbed Xiaobai, who was already hanging in the air. He was so frightened that he meowed and shook the water on his paws. I can't help laughing. Xiaobai is also a coward.

Unfortunately, my parents agreed with me that I could only keep Xiaobai for one month. One month later, Xiaobai was sent away. I have been sad for a long time. I hope Xiaobai can grow up healthily and happily with his new owner.

Composition on Kitten (8)

Before, I had a kitten. This kitten is so cute! The small triangular ears stand straight above the head, and the small oval face has a pair of interesting eyes: in the daytime, these eyes are as thin as a crack, and at night, these eyes become bright and shining with light green light, just like two green lanterns. The kitten's nose is very small, almost connected with the small mouth. The tip of the nose is always wet, like running nose. There are several beards on the side of the small mouth, which are thin and long. The kitten's hair is yellow and white. It feels smooth, like it is woven from silk.

He was very smart. Once, his neighbor was sweeping out a dead mouse, so his grandmother put the dead mouse in front of him, but he didn't eat it. Instead, he just grabbed the mouse with his sharp claws, looked, smelled, and finally put it down and shouted at me meow, It seems to say: "I don't want to eat this thing. I don't know how it died. How dare I eat it!" I saw it and couldn't help laughing. What a smart cat!

Usually, I often play with kittens. When doing homework, the kitten stays to rest. When I call it kindly, it hides like a hide and seek. However, as soon as I take out something to eat, it will come out immediately, eat it up, and leave. Hehe, what a greedy cat!

Content summary: This article introduces the composition about kittens and growth. I hope it will help you!

Somehow, my family has had a lot of mice in recent months. So my father wrote a letter to my uncle in the countryside, asking him to bring a cat.

After a while, the kitten came. Its fur color is flowery, and there is a big furry tail behind it. There are several curved, pointed, hard and small hooks in the soft meat pad on its feet. A pair of small ears stand erect, and two emerald like eyes are bright. What's more interesting is that it has a few black beards on both sides of its mouth. If anyone wants to make him angry, he will make a "grunt" sound in his throat, and the black beard will also follow him, as if he would rush to fight with you.

When the kitten first came to our house, it was like coming to a strange world and feeling strange about everything. After a while, he climbed onto the desk and touched his father's pen holder and ink bottle, smelling east and west. After a while, he climbed onto the bookshelf, put his paw around the thick book, stared straight at it, as if to ask: "What is this? Why haven't I seen it?"

My sister likes kittens very much, so she named it "Huahua", and the primary school student wrote "Primary School Student Composition Kitten". She teased it when she had nothing to do, held it to sleep, and stole the biscuits her mother bought for it to eat. But I don't know why, I didn't like cats at that time. I felt that it was sneaky, ready to escape at any time, and its mysterious eyes were just like a thief. "Hum!" I thought, "Can you catch a mouse with this appearance?"

One night, just as I was going to bed, I suddenly found several black plum flower prints on my bed. I knew it was Huahua's bad deed at first sight. I angrily picked up the broom and beat it. It pitifully hid to one side, hung its head and kept silent, with a aggrieved look in its eyes. It happened that the next day, I didn't pay attention to the lecture in class, and was criticized by the teacher. When he saw me coming, he called at me "meow meow" twice. I thought to myself: I am suffering, and you will follow me. So I kicked it far away. My sister quickly picked it up, gently stroked its head, and scolded me for taking out my anger with Huahua.

However, Hua Hua suddenly disappeared after a while. Our whole family searched and searched, but could not find it. Why did it run away? I thought for a long time, and finally came up with one thing: on the morning of Hua Hua's departure, I got up late and was busy looking for socks. Hua Hua ran towards me with socks in her mouth. Instead of thanking Hua Hua, I thought it had stolen socks, and kicked it when I went out. I think it must hate me

When Huahua was there, I didn't think it was good. But now when I hear the disgusting "squeak" of mice again, I miss Huahua very much. Ah, Hua Hua, where are you?

The cat's character is really special. Sometimes it is said that it is good. He is very obedient. He will find a place with the sun to sleep all day long. Say he is naughty, that's also true. Or isn't it the "masterpiece" that broke my grandma's vase?

The cat is a very dutiful "worker". Whenever there is a mouse, he runs to the mouse hole at a speed of one thousandth of a second and tells you that as long as the cat's tail shakes back and forth, it means that a mouse has come out. Why? I'll sell you a secret. I'll think for myself.

Is it funny when cats eat? You see, he picked up a fish bone and bit it for a while without breaking it. It was obviously hard. I just wanted to replace it, but it didn't give it. I thought, "I see what you can do." I released my hand. He raised his feet and pressed them to the ground. Then he bit the fish bone with his mouth. When he broke the bone, it broke. It looked very funny and almost turned over. How about it? Interesting.

At the beginning of the full moon, the cat was the cutest. Almost everything was its own toy, a glass ball and a wool ball. It enjoyed playing with all the things that we thought were not fun. At that time, the kitten who had just come out of the full moon could not stand steadily, but it began to be naughty. When playing the ball, it fell and fell, hit and hit, hurt and didn't cry, and could stand steadily, Then we opened up a new place to play in the yard. Once we got to the yard, my grandmother's flowers suffered. The kitten jumped around in the flowerpot. After a while, it was already broken, but you would never be angry. It was so innocent and lovely. It really made people happy

Composition on Kitten (9)

My family has a cat. This cat was given to me by my father when he came back from a business trip. At first glance, I liked it and named it "Dudu". It is covered with snow-white fur, which is extremely soft. It feels like a blanket, very comfortable.

Dudu always wears its "snow-white coat" and walks around, showing a proud attitude. Its head is round, like a small watermelon. Whenever I touch its head, it always sits down quietly and does not move. Dudu's eyes squint into a line during the day, and at night, like a small lantern, they are very cute. They also emit a blue light, and can adjust with the intensity of the light. If it is a strong light, it will narrow into a line. If it is a weak light, it will open your eyes.

The cat's beard is an important part of catching the mouse. If the mouse escapes into the hole, the cat will touch the hole with its beard. If it doesn't touch anything, the cat will put its sharp, blade like claws into the hole and put the mouse in a nest. If it touches something, the cat will stand outside the hole and wait for the mouse. My little 'Dudu' is like this.

Do you know why cats can jump down from high places? Ha ha, that's because there is a thick meat pad beside the cat's paws, which can make the cat jump down from a place as high as 15 floors. How awesome! My Dudu is the prince who was raised. Once he jumped down from the fourth floor, which scared me silly. Who would have thought that when he landed and rolled over, he was safe.

Little Doodle's eating style is ridiculous. He needs three things to eat, one is meat, one is fish, and the other is soup. His eating style is three eyes and one board. If he sees meat or fish in the distance, he will quickly run to eat fish or meat. When he finishes his meal, he will always touch his face with his little paw. It seems that my little Dudu is also very hygienic.

I remember one time when I gave Dudu a bath, and when I combed her hair, she accidentally hurt her with excessive force. She cried out, and I quickly said, "I'm sorry, it's my fault, it's my fault." Dudu seemed to understand what I said. She nodded, her eyes flickering, as if speaking; "Little master, be gentle. Little Doodle is also afraid of pain."

Hehe, my little Dudu is cute.

Composition on Kitten (10)

In the morning, I found a cat downstairs. It had just grown up. I didn't know why it was lying in the hot sun. I hurried to greet my sister and ran downstairs. It was not easy to catch it and bring it upstairs, but my father wouldn't let the cat stay. I had to let it go. It ran into the grass of the flower bed and disappeared.

In the afternoon, my sister and I worked together to build a "house". Because the hole was not big enough for the cat to enter, I demolished the house and built a new one. My sister ran upstairs and brought milk. The cat ate it, but then vomited again. I carried it into the house, and soon ate in my father's hometown last year.

In the evening, after I finished eating, it began to rain and I came back. It was raining harder and harder on the road, and I couldn't see anything in the white. At first, I was happy, but when I thought of the kitten, I immediately frowned. Would the house leak? What if the cat can't get out? When we arrived at Jiangbin Road, the rain stopped, but there was too much water on the road. The car turned over white waves and made a sound of water. The car was driving very slowly, just like a turtle. It was almost home. The car in front turned around, so we had to turn around. It took me more than an hour to come back, and I was very worried.

Finally, I got home. As soon as I got out of the car, I ran over and pushed away the stone. There was nothing in it.

Composition on Kitten (11)

Walking in the sun, Kiki looks like a lovely doll, walking softly on the soft grass. Sometimes like a beautiful princess, walking in the magnificent palace.

Quiet KIKI's fluff is like snowflakes floating down from the blue sky, draped on the weak body. The dancing body, graceful, kept twisting, turned into a big meat ball and a small lady, which made people laugh uncontrollably. Its ears are soft. It seems that it is secretly listening to the conversation between Guagua and Luna. A pair of bright big eyes, like blue gemstones in the night sky, quietly looking into the distance. A small pink nose was twitching ceaselessly, as if smelling the fragrance floating in the distance.

Once, when he just got up, he looked outside and saw delicious food, so he crept over, ate it greedily, and soon returned to his room. When he saw his master coming back, he lay down gently and pretended to be asleep.

This is my favorite animal, kiki.

Composition on Kitten (12)

I think everyone's friends are children, but my partner is a kitten. During the Spring Festival, I clamoured for my mother to buy me a kitten, and my grandmother brought me one from the countryside. It was wearing a brown coat, with big round eyes, a long beard and a thick tail. It walked with great air!

But the kitten is new here and very shy. Every time I give it a meal, it refuses to eat. It has to wait for me to leave before it will eat. I have to hide behind the door and watch it eat furtively. How boring!

Every day after dinner, I take it out to play. When I ride my bike, I put it in the basket of my bike. Sometimes I ride very fast, and the kitten meows all the time. Why? I thought about it carefully. Oh, it was the kitten that was afraid of falling. I comforted him and said, "Don't be afraid, I won't drop you!

One day, Grandma took the rope off her neck. The kitten was very naughty, and accidentally fell off the balcony, unable to find it. I'm so sad! Kitty, are you all right now?

Composition on Kitten (13)

One day in the summer vacation, Mimi, the kitten, was so bored at home alone that she decided to go fishing by the river to get some air. Mimi came to the river with a fishing rod, a bucket and a bait happily, and began to fish wholeheartedly. After a while, the bucket was filled with fish of all sizes. Mimi continued fishing and thought: How happy the fish are swimming in the water! It's so hot and fishing is too tiring. I might as well go to the river and catch some fish! Action is better than heart beating! As soon as she did, Mimi immediately dropped her fishing rod, took off her clothes, and jumped into the river with a sound of "plop". Oh, no! Only then did Mimi, the kitten, find that she was not a swimming master like a fish, but a "dry duck". She was so worried that she struggled desperately. Just as she wanted to open her mouth to cry for help, water had been poured into her mouth mercilessly. A few minutes later, Mimi was caught by the "fish", and only Mimi's beloved fishing gear was left by the river.

Composition on Kitten (14)

There is a kitten in my family. Its ears are pointed, its belly is round and rolling, its eyes shine, and there are white meat pads under its feet. It walks quietly and looks very quiet and honest. In fact, it is famous for being naughty and mischievous. Every day we eat and sleep. My brother and I plan to catch him and educate him well.

3、 Two, one, attack begins! We forced the kitten into the corner of the balcony. Seeing that the kitten had no way out, I immediately threw myself at him. Unexpectedly, the chubby kitten was very flexible and slipped away from me, but I had a "close contact" with the washing machine, which really angered me! My brother also went to catch it. After thirty rounds of fighting with the kitten, the mop and clothes pole at home were all tripped up. Finally, my brother caught one thing, which was me. I was so worried that I stamped my feet: "Wrong, wrong!" "It's all you! I almost caught it!" My brother complained about me when he couldn't catch it himself. I whispered softly: "It's really unreasonable..." I didn't expect my brother's ears were sharper than the kitten's, and immediately caught my words: "What?! If you hadn't stood there..."

Neither my brother nor I can catch the kitten. I began to quarrel with you every word.

The kitten licked the potato chips scattered on the ground and quietly walked away with its tail up like a "free cat"!

Composition on Kitten (15)

On the afternoon of my ninth birthday, when I came home from school, I heard the sound of a paw "brushing" on the floor. As soon as I entered the door, a furry thing crawled under the sofa

My mother came out of the kitchen and saw me. She told me that there was a new member of our family - a kitten. As soon as I saw the kitten, I immediately liked it. I thought to myself, I must get on well with it. When the kitten saw her mother, she immediately climbed to her mother's feet. Her big watery eyes were like two big glass balls full of water. She looked pitiful as if she was going to cry. Her mouth was divided into three parts. When she cried, the three parts of her mouth opened and closed. The moustache moved and moved very cute. The big eyes of the kitten were full of fear. When I walked past it, it retreated with open teeth and claws. Before long, we gradually became familiar with him. I saw that he was white with some black stripes, like a little tiger. I called him Little White Tiger.

Once, I bought two fish, one for him to eat, and the other for him to put in the aquarium. Unexpectedly, this cunning little white tiger quietly put his paw into the aquarium while I was reading in the study. The fish suddenly swam to the bottom, so the kitten lay there pretending to be dead. It was really like that. He stretched out a big stretch, "Meow meow" several times, and closed his eyes. Xiaoyu saw this, and began to sleep with confidence. Xiaobai stood up, grabbed the fish, put the fish on the floor, watched it struggle, and when it swallowed, Xiaobai tiger ate with gusto.

The little white tiger is as fierce as a tiger. Other cats are afraid of it and call her "Queen". Once, when the little white tiger was playing on the grass, a cat came to grab the land with it. When it saw it, it immediately bent its back, and made a sound of "gurgling" in its throat. Its eyes stared at it motionlessly, staring at it in a cold sweat, as if to eat her. The cat was afraid and immediately ran away with its tail between its legs.

This is my little white tiger, a cute cat.