Composition (18 popular articles)
Old Gun
2024-05-31 08:28:31

Composition Responsibility (1)

What is responsibility?

For students studying at school, learning is taking on the responsibility of learning; For teachers, teaching is a responsibility; For everyone, to do their job is to take responsibility. To take responsibility is to take responsibility. Have the courage to stand up when you do something wrong; In the face of national crisis, stand up; In the face of obligations, take an active part. To dare is to take responsibility.

Taking responsibility is a kind of feeling. If you take it as pleasure, you will never tire of it. Just like the daily learning life, taking responsibility as pleasure, taking gain as pleasure, exploring the desire for new knowledge, and traveling in the sea of books. Learning is a never coming process. When you really feel the happiness of solving a problem, you are immersed in learning. That satisfaction will give you motivation to continue learning. Good students, let's take a look at the next question. This is a small episode in the math class. The joy of learning and the insight of other methods. In that class, the teacher said: Some students have found three methods for this problem. The more you learn, the more methods you will find. I hope you have more methods. The unyielding in my heart impelled me to create a new path in the mathematical geometry. Can't we change the combination and make another auxiliary line? Set another parameter, list the equations, and try to think constantly. We have come up with a more novel method, sorting out, taking pictures and sending, watching unread and waiting silently. For a long time, three big praises are on the screen, full of satisfaction. This is the joy of learning. Learn to take responsibility and feel the joy of taking responsibility.

Responsibility is a kind of attitude, just like the good and bad in the same class. The uneven achievements reflect the attitude towards learning and whether to take responsibility or not. Be brave and willing to take on responsibilities. The attitude of being full of responsibility is written on the excellent homework. This attitude is responsibility.

What is responsibility? Undertaking is the courage to dare, the feeling of never getting tired of undertaking, and the attitude towards life with excellence.

Composition Responsibility (2)

In school, I don't communicate with people very much. Oh, no, I don't communicate with people I don't know well. In fact, I am quite dependent on people I know well. I always thought that I was young, had no social experience, and had teachers to support me in school. After all, teachers are responsible for teaching and educating people. They should first set an example. Therefore, if you do something wrong, it is just a symbolic scolding, because those things are not very important and do not involve any real interests.

It is different in social work. Just like my current job. Once the figures in the contract are wrong, it is directly related to the money, and there are also some problems with raw materials. Once you are wrong, these will make the company lose a lot. At this time, there is no teacher to support you, and you need to face it alone, and you need to be responsible for it alone. The teacher told me before that you can rely on other people who are better than you when you start to work. But once you have learned and become familiar with the matters, this is the time for you to take responsibility. I don't have much courage to do these things. However, once you accept these things, once you are in a certain position, you have to learn to take responsibility and start to be responsible for yourself.

Composition Responsibility (3)

Life is weightless, but with responsibility, it becomes heavier.

Therefore, he has never regretted his kindness even though he was nine dead.

He, the wind of hunting blows through his tough hair, but it can't reach into his firm and incorrigible eyes. Standing on the bank of the Miluo River, he stands tall and upright. He is like an alien. The dirty world can't accommodate his broad mind, honest advice, and independent personality, unless he joins forces with others and is willing to be the green lotus polluted by mud, but he won't, and he can't bear to lose his responsibility. With a clank of iron, I am not afraid of slander and criticism. He jumped into the piercing Miluo River with patriotic enthusiasm, responsibility for others, and his own heart. He jumped out of this filthy world, out of his own world, and into the responsibility of life.

There are thousands of buildings in the city, and all the poor people in the world are happy.

He was a poet who lived a poor and ill fated life and achieved great success in many difficulties. He sighed, "The wine and meat of Zhumen stink, and the road is frozen to death"; he pitied, "The poor body and clothes are single, and the heart is worried about the coal and wants to be cold"; He is willing to "secure thousands of buildings and protect the poor people all over the world". He is compassionate and patriotic, which is a good description of him. He is pregnant with the people, and he keeps his own responsibility.

Fierce-browed, I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers; head-bowed, like a willing ox I serve the children.

He, dressed in a black robe, whose sharp eyes on his cold face seem to pierce people's hearts, is Lu Xun, the first person to shout in Chinese literature. As a scholar, he was humiliated by the decline of his national fortune. In order to cure this "disease", he studied in Japan to learn something famous, carry forward Chinese medicine, and make the people healthy. However, he was wrong. The Chinese people's disease lies in their spirit, not their body, and the root of their bad habits cannot be treated with medicine. So, he returned home, picked up his pen and started fighting! He once said with a smile that when he walked in the dark night, he hit many walls, so his nose became flat. Why do you walk at night? For whom? For China, for changing the status quo of China, for the people! This is the responsibility of his life.

It turns out that life can be heavier than Mount Tai because of the responsibility.

Composition Responsibility (4)

Everyone has his own responsibility, which needs to be undertaken and completed by himself. Only when we assume our responsibilities can we do things well. Just like our students' responsibility is mainly to study well, teachers' responsibility is mainly to impart knowledge to students, police's responsibility is mainly to maintain public order, and cleaners' responsibility is mainly to clean up

Our society needs responsible people. Only when everyone has the courage to actively assume their responsibilities and work together to do a good job, can society progress. If one wants to win the trust of others and establish prestige in front of others, he must be responsible. Makarenko once said: "Teachers' prestige is based on their sense of responsibility." This sentence is very correct. If a teacher wants to establish prestige in the class he teaches, to manage the class well, and to make it a united and progressive class, then as a teacher, he must take the responsibility of the teacher and be responsible for students' learning and all aspects of life, so that students can believe him and admire him, So as to establish a teacher's authority in the class.

Some people will certainly think that it is very difficult to do their best to work and take responsibility meticulously, but some people in the world have done it. Now let me tell an example: in an international hotel in Tokyo, Japan, a newly recruited service staff came. She found the head of the hotel, but the head asked her to clean the toilet. She hesitated. What should she do? Do you accept this job? Or find another job? After much consideration, she decided to listen to the person in charge before making a decision. So the person in charge took her to the toilet and told her that the toilet should be very clean, especially the toilet should be spotless, smooth and white. The person in charge of the hotel started to demonstrate to her while saying that, and finally scooped a bowl of water from the toilet and drank it. She was moved by the hotel leader's conscientious and responsible spirit, understood what work is and what sense of responsibility is, so she accepted the job happily and took the first step in her career beautifully. In the years since then, she has been working hard. The toilet she cleaned has always been as clean as new, and she has drunk the water in the toilet for many times. She is Saiko Noda, who later became Japan's post minister. It was her spirit of pursuing perfection in her work, being extremely responsible for her own work and being brave to take responsibility that made her embark on the road to success. She is our model.

Responsible is what we should do, and irresponsible is not only disrespect for others, but also harm the interests of others, and even may harm others and themselves, so this kind of harm to others and not to yourself should never be done. The hero of the story "The Wolf Comes": The little boy, just because he shouted and shouted irresponsibly, he ended up being eaten by the wolf.

Responsibility is more important than Mount Tai. Only those who dare to take their own responsibilities will be respected and loved by people, and will make themselves successful. However, an irresponsible person is smaller and sadder than a grain of sand in people's eyes, and will be condemned by people and doomed to failure.

Taking responsibility is something that every citizen should do and must do. Only when everyone is brave enough to take responsibility, the future of our whole society will become more beautiful!

Composition Responsibility (5)

In today's Chinese class, while we were doing the reading paper, some students were "looking around". In this regard, the teacher specially told me in class how to be a responsible person and how to strengthen moral cultivation. I was very educated after listening to this.

I know that after a person is born, various responsibilities come with him. At home, you should be responsible for the family; In school, we should be responsible for the class; In society, we should be responsible for society. If a person has no sense of responsibility, he will not consider the consequences of everything he has done, and will relax himself excessively. Without responsibility, there will be no rights, and it will be difficult to gain a foothold in society in the future. Therefore, I think a person without sense of responsibility is shameful.

One should be cultured when speaking. Culture is the reflection of a person's moral quality, which is reflected in people's words and deeds. But some students in our class always like to do something annoying. For example, when no one paid any attention to him after class, he would shout loudly and try to make others pay attention to him in this way. In fact, this is an expression of lack of cultivation. This will only lower their position in the eyes of others. A cultured person is low-key, tasteful and healthy in daily life. They are not favored by the crowd, but friendly and funny. A cultured person can always be respected by others.

Therefore, we should know our responsibilities and strengthen our moral cultivation. "The country is wise when young people are wise, and the country is strong when young people are strong." We are the future builders of our motherland. We should not only learn scientific and cultural knowledge, but also have good moral cultivation. Only when we have both ability and morality, can we make greater contributions to society.

Composition Responsibility (6)

In the new year, it should be happy, but because of the occurrence and spread of a new type of coronavirus, China has undergone tremendous changes in this year.

This virus spreads quickly and widely. Many people have been infected before they realized the terrible nature of the virus. Especially in Wuhan, Hunan and other heavily hit areas. This kind of situation not only makes people feel uneasy, but also seriously hinders their lives.

People can only stay at home because of the virus infection, students can't go to school normally, workers stop working, and some necessities are also out of stock because workers stop working. Not only that, all places began to carry out strict control. As long as there were colds, coughs and other symptoms, they would be isolated for 14 days for observation. At a time when everyone was in danger, a war without gunpowder started.

Volunteers from all over the country drove into Wuhan with various materials. They are supporting Wuhan without fear of risk, and the responsibilities and responsibilities of nurses and doctors are playing a dazzling role at this moment. And because of their great contributions, they are constantly inspiring. Many people joined in the war. They kept robbing people from death, and some people died because of it. During this period, the Chinese spirit has exerted its great power, and people have contributed their strength to the national responsibility so that this battle is not dangerous and long.

Because people's responsibilities and responsibilities have returned to normal operation in some places, the Chinese spirit is also constantly spreading‘ The words "the most beautiful nurse", "come on Wuhan, come on China" and so on reflect the great unity and responsibility of a country. It is believed that China will soon overcome the epidemic and return to normal.

Composition Responsibility (7)

The hardest thing in life is not to bear a responsibility for the future notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

At my present age, I don't think I should shoulder great responsibilities or take the initiative to provoke responsibilities beyond my own ability. I think doing well what we have to do is the performance of taking responsibility.

To be honest, homework is actually a responsibility in our study and life. Because on the way to study, we must consolidate the knowledge we learned that day by doing homework. In the class, there are always most people who are lazy. It is irresponsible to basically write or not do anything at all. Only when we are completely finished. It is a responsible performance of homework. At this time, people are so relaxed and happy that they can't describe it. When I was invited by my classmates when I didn't finish my homework, I could not help but want to go out to play. I was happy to go out, but I worried about my homework all the way. I wondered whether I could finish all my homework today and how quickly I would write before I could make up for the time I went out to play. It was like a burden of thousands of kilograms, This kind of taste is unpleasant, why? Because conscience reproaches me, there is no place to escape.

If you take off the responsibility of doing this homework, you will never be relieved from the sea of bitterness, so we must assume this responsibility, which is our bounden duty as students! Don't underestimate the responsibility of writing homework. In fact, it is not big, and it is not small. How can you hide when the responsibility naturally falls on you? Our own responsibility can only be borne by ourselves. Only by knowing the pain of responsibility in life can we know the pleasure of doing our duty. This cycle of pain and happiness is a kind of interest in this dynamic world.

Composition Responsibility (8)

Mei, abandoning the struggle for novelty and beauty in spring, takes the responsibility of resisting the cold; Rain, giving up the vastness and infinity of the sky, assumes the responsibility of moistening the earth; The ship, abandoning the leisure and comfort of the harbor, takes the responsibility of fighting against the wind and waves. Because of responsibility, the world is so wonderful.

The responsibility is not the indifference and selfishness of "everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door, never mind the frost on others' tiles", but the mind of "everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world".

In the Chu and Han dynasties, by the Wujiang River, a man and a sword ended a period of history. He used to be the miracle creator of "where there is a will, there is a way". When he arrived at Gaixia, he sang "Zhui will never die, but what can I do? Concubine Yu, how can I do?" He chose to retreat sadly and finally committed suicide in Wujiang River. "The children of Jiangdong are talented and handsome, and it is unknown that they will come back" is the pity of the poet and the times for him. If everyone, like Xiang Yu, chooses to escape, how can they take responsibility? Don't give up until the last moment. Maybe Xiang Yu's life will be reshaped if he is brave enough to take responsibility, but the result is that he did not take his own responsibility.

"The texts on the Surabaya River are clear, the sun and the moon are clear, and the rites and music in the Apricot Altar are superb." Confucius, the great sage, has been moving forward for a goal all his life. Confucius taught countless people all his life and traveled around the world for decades. He never gave up the indestructible light in his heart. He took on the responsibility of saving the world. Therefore, he won the respect of the world, regardless of gain or loss. Confucius taught us how to discipline ourselves, how to be cautious, and how to take responsibility. It is his heart and responsibility that make the Chinese culture so profound and the Chinese tradition so colorful!

The courage to take on responsibilities is Jing Ke's "wind is rustling, water is cold, and heroes will never return" without regrets; The courage to take on responsibilities is the heroic worship of "Anneng humbles the eyes and stoops to the waist to deal with powerful people, making me unhappy"; It is Chen Xianmei who has the courage to take on the responsibility. After eighteen indifferent passers-by, she has picked up Xiao Yueyue's kindness; The courage to take responsibility is the persistence and courage of "Brother Ren and Yi" to send the elderly to the hospital after the accident!

Go to the farthest direction, even if the future is confused; Hold the greatest hope, even when the mountain is exhausted; Adhere to the strongest will, even if the mountains are fiery; Prepare for the worst, even if you start again! Even if not every "sorry" can be exchanged for a "it doesn't matter", as long as you dare to take responsibility, the world will be more beautiful!

Composition Responsibility (9)

To take responsibility, in the dictionary, means to accept and take responsibility. I remember someone said that those who dare to take responsibility have more charisma as leaders. Lenin had such an experience when he was a child.

I remember when I was young, my friends organized an expedition, and I was selected as the leader of the expedition team. Before going to the forest, our friends all imagined the forest we were going to, such as: Is there any monster in the forest that can eat people; Will there be beasts in the forest; Will there be snakes in the forest

The next day, my friends followed me with their "luggage" and set out! When I entered the forest, I felt strange and horrible. As I walked, I heard a burst of crying behind me, which scared me! It was a man who tripped over a stone and fell! I quickly ran to his side and helped him up. After ten minutes of walking, we were going to have a rest on a large rock. This was a man who came to tell me that XXX was missing. I quickly divided everyone into two teams and set out to find the missing partner. In our anxious search, I heard a sobbing sound. I heard the sound of looking for him. The sound became clearer and clearer. Finally, I found him in a big pit, I looked around and found a tree vine. Everyone pulled him up. He wanted to find some wild fruits for everyone to eat, so he fell into this big hole carelessly!

In this adventure, I learned to take responsibility. In this responsibility, I learned to be brave. Thank you for this responsibility. Now I have come to this small forest. Is the forest smaller now, or am I bigger now?

Composition Responsibility (10)

Life in junior high school, like a glass of iced cola, strongly stimulates all my senses. However, after a short stimulus, you need to savor it as carefully as you taste tea.

When I was in junior high school, I not only had to adapt to the new school, but also had to adapt to the new home. I don't understand why I can't live in the original home, but go to this "remote" place? The environment here is far from the leisure of my original community. There are gardenia fragrance, bees flying and butterflies dancing. I feel that everything has been cleaned and filtered by the purifier. But now, when I open my eyes, I can only see the gray sky, less fragrance and less anger. I don't understand. The day I moved into the new house happened to be my birthday. I don't know when my father came behind me. His eyes narrowed and his mouth tilted and said, "This is your birthday gift." I didn't know how to react, so I had to pull my face and force a smile. "In the future, go straight along that road and you can reach your new school." Then he pointed out the road outside the window. I was stunned. Yes, the school is so close to here. I patted my head. If it wasn't for this reason, I wouldn't have to move. They just wanted me to study better and devote myself wholeheartedly, without worrying about external influences. Looking at my new home, I secretly vowed that I would study hard and not let my parents down. So, I bear a heavy burden.

On the second day of the junior year, this new semester, I understand my responsibility. Every post has its corresponding burden. I organized the pancake meeting with fresh memory. When I excitedly prepared two plans, I thought they would be successful. However, it backfired, and cold water poured on my head without hesitation. The rush of time and the shortage of prizes are exactly where I left off. In the face of all this, I lost my head and asked for help from my teacher. I suddenly understood that the post is no longer an empty shell. Now that I have it, I must shoulder this heavy responsibility. Everything must be considered comprehensively.

At the age of 15, I yearn to fly in the sky. However, I have a responsibility behind freedom. And this responsibility must also let me know the society earlier. At the age of 15, I had an extra responsibility.

Composition Responsibility (11)

As the saying goes, "If you don't sweep a house, why sweep the world?" It means that you should first do a good job of little things, learn to take responsibility, and grow up to become a great cause. Yes, as teenagers in the new era, we should be responsible people since childhood.

This is the first time that the whole school has been cleaned this semester. Monitor Huang and I were assigned the task of carrying water. Despite the small bucket of water, the monitor and I have made great efforts to fulfill this responsibility. After that, I thought: I sweat more than water!

The first is to fetch water. Upon receiving the task, the monitor and I each carried a bucket and immediately ran from the fourth floor to the first floor (because of special circumstances, only the first floor has water). Wow, there is a long queue in front of the tap. The monitor and I moved to the faucet step by step, turned on the switch, and a continuous flow of tap water flowed into our buckets, from ding ding to dong dong dong. This high and low music is also a burning test of patience!

Finally, two big buckets were filled, and we both carried the heavy water and headed for the stairwell step by step. When I got to the stairwell, I saw that my water was a little less than the monitor's, so I helped him carry the bucket with my left hand, and my right hand was strong, so I stubbornly carried my bucket. Level 1 and Level 2 climb the building while sweating on their backs. Their steps become heavier and heavier, and their breathing becomes faster and faster; Move, move, count, and finally arrive at the second floor. The monitor and I immediately put down the bucket and gasped. The monitor still pointed at me with his fingers out, his face puzzled, and he gasped: Why is the water so heavy? It should be that there is no such thing at home! I said. We sighed together for a long time. Gritting his teeth, he lifted the bucket and continued to move towards the third floor.

When I passed the corner of the stairwell, I was careless, and the barrel on the right suddenly hit the wall. The bucket shook and splashed on my pants and shoes. It's wet and uncomfortable. Are you OK? The monitor stopped and asked with concern. Nothing, nothing, go on. I waved my hand and pretended to be relaxed. I mentioned the water filled with lead again, and continued to climb to the fourth floor with the monitor step by step. Finally, I reached the fourth floor and finally saw the glimmer of dawn. Although my hands were numb and unconscious, my vest was wet, my pants and shoes were cold and cold, and my feet were hard to move, my monitor and I still encouraged each other and insisted on moving to the classroom. The students waiting for water to wipe the windows and mop the floor immediately rushed towards us happily, and we finally breathed a long, relieved breath.

The monitor and I have finally lived up to our expectations. We have successfully fulfilled the responsibilities entrusted to us by the class and learned to take responsibility!

Composition Responsibility (12)

"Go to Zitai Lianshuo Desert, and leave the Qingzhong Tomb to dusk alone." The peerless woman named Zhaojun gave up Chang'an, which is lined with green willows and fluttered with clouds. She gave up the magnificent backyard of singing and dancing, shouldering the responsibility of maintaining peace and stability, exchanging the stability of the Han people with her life's fleeting years, and supporting half the sky of the Han Dynasty. Women are also women. Women who undertake the national mission will burst out with indomitable spirit.

"The wild geese cut off Hu Tianyue on the edge of the clouds, and the sheep on the top of Gansu went back to the grass." The environment of North Shuo is harsh, and the desert's fierce wind and the blood colored sun outline a great silhouette - Su Wu, the British minister who took on the national mission with loyalty and righteousness, chooses to take on the important task of the country and the heavy burden of the national Han history between prosperity and luxury and national righteousness. Even though he has gone through thousands of trials and hardships and is responsible for his work, his steps are more solid and steady. In the mournful voice of camel bells, he roars - "Mighty cannot be subdued, wealth cannot be obscene"! Bearing the national justice, the human spirit will become extremely strong and tenacious.

Taking up the national cause, Lin Zexu shouted, "If you want to benefit the country's life and death, you should not avoid it because of bad luck". Taking up the national mission, Yue Wumu pondered "waiting for the heavy end, cleaning up the old mountains and rivers, and facing the sky". Let us look up to those who shoulder the heavy responsibility for the nation and the country.

If you are poor, you will be alone. If you reach the goal, you will help the world at the same time. Du Fu's mind of being poor also helps the world at the same time is so touching: "If you have thousands of buildings, you will be happy to protect the poor people all over the world, and you will be as safe as a mountain if the wind and rain do not move."

Let us also admire those who bear the burden of suffering. Helen Keller was blind, but wrote light with tenacity; Shi Tiesheng's legs are paralyzed, but he has come out of a shining way of life

"The flowers are blooming and withering all over the sky. Who will pity you when the red flowers disappear and the incense is broken?" Lin Daiyu, a woman like water, was under great pressure in the deep building of the Jia Family and the feudal family's "fierce competition". The prosperity and beauty of the "Yousi Soft Fragrant Pavilion" is just the decadence in Chinese clothes in her cold eyes of "half a master and half a guest". When Baoyu left, sorrow, hatred and jealousy poured in. In despair, she was unable to help herself and had no courage to take on the responsibility. Why let the flashy and chaotic contradictions blow away your fragrance?

When we are born in this world, we should also be brave to shoulder our responsibilities for ourselves, our relatives, others, our country and our nation, to create a wonderful life and write a brilliant life.

Composition Responsibility (13)

As my hands brushed through the thick album, I felt a thin layer of ash, as if it had precipitated a long time. This is the mark of my childhood. In every photo, there is a little me, tender and green: or lying lazily on the lawn in the sun; Or curl up in a chair and sleep soundly; Or laugh recklessly in a small red dress. The sun shines through the white curtains obliquely, leaving a soft halo at hand. Time is too fast, looking back, there is only consternation - it has been so many years.

"What's your goal, little friend?" asked the aunt beside you with a smile. "I want to go to Tsinghua University!" I patted my chest and replied loudly. At the moment when the words were spoken, a strong sense of pride filled my heart. It seemed that at that moment, the whole world had played a supporting role for me. At that time, I didn't know these two schools, but my mother told me that this was the best university in China. "If you can get into the exam in the future, it will be great." "Hmm!" Nodding heavily, I really feel that "the future" is too far away: "If only you could grow up faster."

As time went on, I picked up my schoolbag and walked into the school gate. I gradually learned that some things could not be achieved easily. My studies are getting heavier and heavier. Looking at the bright red forks, I feel powerless. I begin to want to give up. All my emotions were released like a flood on that hot afternoon. I blamed my mother loudly for demanding too much of me and complaining that the school deprived me of all my happiness and freedom. My voice trembled with excitement and became more and more incoherent. Finally, tears poured down. My mother came slowly and sat down quietly in front of me. "Daughter, I know that you have been hit in your study, but this is not an excuse for you to escape. You have grown up and should know how to take responsibility. Don't be afraid of setbacks and failures, which is nothing, but only by working hard can you have a clear conscience." She paused, "You are my continuation in this world, and I hope you can be my pride." I raised my head in surprise. Seeing the firmness in her eyes, I suddenly remembered my childish words when I was young. The sun shines on the window lattice, dazzling and bright, so bright that people can't move their eyes. The string in my heart was quietly plucked in an instant.

Tsinghua Peking University, for me as a child, is the greatest beauty and vision. It is the deep expectation to become a strong and excellent person. A truly strong person can shoulder his own goals, as well as his pride and hope. The future will become clear and bright in countless days of my efforts, from twilight in the morning to light at night, from doubt to belief. Step by step forward, appreciate the joy of success and the disappointment of failure, and after clenching your teeth again and again, make more progress. Youth is a declaration of never losing, keep proud and stubborn; Youth is looking forward to the best self; Youth is the courage and determination to witness your own prosperity. Growth is accompanied by transformation. It is the persistence that "only through the ordeal of hell can we create the glory of heaven", which means that we can shoulder the hardships and sweat and have no regrets about ourselves.

Maybe it's not just my dream.

After entering high school, boarding life followed, and there was much less time to go home. Maybe it's the maladjustment of just leaving my family. Every night before I fall asleep, my missing will always come quietly and invade my heart. I began to miss the aroma of food at home and my parents' nagging, but the busy homework also made the contact short, and when I stepped out of the books, I felt suddenly. I remember that on the way to the classroom that day, the wind came roaring in the face with the cold of early winter. I shivered and regretted that I had not brought two more warm clothes. A familiar figure caught my eye. "Mom, why are you here?" "It's too cold today, I'm afraid you'll freeze, so I'll send you clothes." She smiled at me, the wind blew her bangs, and the warm yellow light came on, casting a warm silhouette in front of her. She has wrinkles around her eyes that I don't know when. "Hmm. Good. I'll get dressed." "Then I'm going, and you take care of yourself." Looking at her receding figure, she swayed a little old, and my heart was sore. "I hope you are my pride." Memories flooded into my heart. I turned around, and the wind blew through, the leaves rustled, and my eyes were wet with tears.

I slowly began to understand that the meaning of my mother's words that afternoon was that I was the continuation of their life in the world. Blood was thicker than water, and it was formed in one vein. When their blood was closely connected, their safety always affected the softest corner of their hearts. I am growing up, while my parents are aging in an unexpected way. No matter how much I want to seize the lost time, there is nothing I can do. They took my hand through countless years and took me to enjoy the most beautiful scenery in the world. They took on my youth and childishness and gave me their best love without reservation. When I finally grow up to be a person, I need to take the responsibility of them for the years to come. After I really become their pride, after I become a strong and excellent person, I hope I can accompany them in the future.

Undertaking, belongs to my past time, belongs to my future glorious years. In this way, we are advancing, persevering, searching and growing. Until, grow into towering appearance.

Composition Responsibility (14)

Outside the window, spring is chilly. The roaring wind, through the glass, clearly blew past my ears.

In the room, I stood alone in front of the window, looking at the dense water vapor on the window and my fragmented shadow, and suddenly felt that the people in the glass were so strange that it was difficult for me to look again.

So he turned around and closed the door.

I came to the road alone and kept moving forward. I didn't know where I was going. I just want to escape, escape those difficulties that are difficult to get rid of. I watched my shadow grow longer and shorter under the street lamp, and felt sorry for myself.

Habitually, I came to this path again. Without the sleepy street lights, it was very quiet around me. Suddenly a bird flew overhead, and the sharp bird call forced a transparent hole in the air. The cold wind suddenly blew from the darkness, which seemed to sweep all the temperatures in an instant. I shrunk, letting the wind blow on my face. The impetuous and restless heart stopped beating, and I began to think about some people around me

I can't stand the hypocrisy and affectation around me, the helpless perfunctory every time I go from ambition to stupidity, and the smell of competition and unknown everywhere around me. I hope that I can live a comfortable life, make friends and study confidently, so that I can live a real life without being hindered by trivial things. But I always give up myself, and then see the familiar self in others. It's like wearing a mask every day. I want to put it down but can't take it off.

It turns out that the power of mask is that you don't have to play yourself, so I can't extricate myself so irremediably. I think that in this way I can escape from life and take on the whole of my own life with a compromise.

"Baby, come on, hold my mother's hand..." Not far away, there was a clear voice, "Baby, the road is so dark, are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid of my mother."

"What if Mother is also afraid?"

"Er... no, hee hee..."

"One day my mother will be afraid when she is old..."

"Well, my mother will not be afraid at that time. Because I am grown up, I can take the responsibility of protecting my mother."

"You are so cute, hehe..."

I listened quietly in the dark, listening to the laughter, warm liquid burst into my eyes.

Once, I was also like this, led by my mother through the black road section after section; Once, I was the same, with a childish voice to tell my mother a lot of promises; Once, I was the same. I firmly believed that I would take on everything, and I would be a man of indomitable spirit.

But now, I can't get rid of the trouble of my studies, and can't bear the satirical eyes of others... I can't bear everything that belongs to me. I will only smile and compromise to escape quietly, which is different from my self many years ago. The cruel reality is like a sharp knife. When it comes, if you don't have hard armor, you can only wait to be cut in half. However, people shed tears of sympathy, and the dialogue between mother and son sounded in their ears. "Well, my mother will not be afraid at that time. Because when I grow up, I can take the responsibility of protecting my mother." Yes, only taking responsibility is to give all of myself, like a burning feast of life.

Thinking of this, I quickly dried my tears, smiled again, and walked on my way home

Not far ahead, the bright light is like the sunrise breaking.

Composition Responsibility (15)

In the ordinary and light daily life, we can't help but contact with the composition. The composition must focus on the theme, and make in-depth exposition around the same theme. Do not talk about anything, the theme is lax or even no theme. How to write a good composition? The following is the composition of the senior high school entrance exam collected by the small editor for you, for reference only, and I hope it can help you.

The word "gentleman" has appeared more than 100 times in the Analects of Confucius with just over 20000 words. While outlining the ideal image of a gentleman in people's minds, Confucius, the great sage, also proposed the most basic personality standard of a gentleman: to be a responsible person, in today's words, is to be a responsible person.

In the long history, many people with lofty ideals showed a strong sense of responsibility when they were in trouble.

Master Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty studied Buddhism very much. He found that different schools had different interpretations of Buddhist scriptures, so he decided to go to India, the birthplace of Buddhism, to retrieve the scriptures. After walking more than 100 miles in the desert, he found himself lost. When drinking water, his big skin bag fell on the ground, so that all the water ran out. At this critical moment, Xuanzang swore that he would rather die in the west than live in the east, and never turn back until he reached India! What supports him to move forward with such firm belief? It's responsibility! It is his responsibility to the people of Tang Dynasty! It is his responsibility as a Dharma Master for the Buddhist scriptures!

He walked for another five days and four nights. He passed out several times in the vast desert. Finally, he found a grassland pond and was out of danger.

How could Xuanzang cross mountains to India without "responsibility" as his solid backing? How did the "Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty" dictated by him come out? It is because he has the courage to take responsibility that he has the courage to overcome difficulties; It is because of a strong sense of responsibility that he has the motivation to move forward. Xuanzang took his own responsibility and completed his mission with practical actions, and told later generations that he should take some responsibility in life!

Confucius once said, "It is not enough for a scholar to live in a bosom." It means that if a person only thinks about himself all day long, then he cannot become a real gentleman. Yes, if we only think about our small family and our small world, without taking responsibility for the big family and making contributions to the society, our value will be devalued and will disappear with the surging of history.

In different historical periods, people have different responsibilities, but their essence is the same.

In the Qing Dynasty, Gu Yanwu's responsibility as a gentleman evolved into a sigh of "everyone has a responsibility for the rise and fall of the world", and Mencius, who was in a troubled world, expressed this heavy responsibility as a relief of "being poor means being alone, and reaching the goal means helping the world". The responsibility was Du Fu's sense of helping the world when he lived in a humble house and "secured thousands of buildings and protected all the poor people's faces", and sometimes Fan Zhongyan's broad-minded mind of "worrying about the world first and enjoying the world later" in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Generation after generation, the ancestors explained the meaning of responsibility with practical actions. Of course, we cannot become gentlemen like them, but we will become ordinary people with responsibilities, because we have deeply understood that we should take responsibilities when we are human beings!

Composition Responsibility (16)

A person who stands up to the heaven and earth must first be able to take responsibility. Responsibility is his most beautiful symbol.

I once read an article about the relationship between the author and a girl. Both the author and the girl forgot to bring a book. The teacher was very angry and wanted to punish them, but the girl took all the blame on herself and let herself be punished. The author was grateful, but later realized that he had lost something - responsibility.

Being responsible can not only help others, but also infect others. Ma Xiaotiao, a character described by the famous writer Yang Hongying, is also a person with responsibility. Once, a motorcycle hit a dog, and the man on the motorcycle ran away. Seeing this, Ma Xiaotiao and his friends rushed to help the dog, but they were mistaken for hurting the dog. After reading this story, my heart could not help but tremble: God! An adult is worse than a group of children. Ma Xiaotiao and his friends extended a helping hand to the unknown dog. What about the man on the motorcycle? You only know how to escape when you do something wrong. Therefore, it is obvious when something happens that there is responsibility but there is no responsibility.

I remember one time, Xu Chen in our class vomited because of discomfort. I and several other students quickly took brooms and mops to clean up vomit. We cleaned the floor, tables and chairs against the foul smell, and we were all panting. The teachers and other students all gave us praise, and we were very happy! It seems that responsibility can not only solve the difficulties of others, but also make you feel happy.

A responsible person is the dependence of the weak when they are in difficulty, the hope of others when they are helpless, and the duty of people to step forward without hesitation when their responsibilities and roles need them.

Let's be a responsible person together!

Composition Responsibility (17)

Life is a burden. How dare you take it and whether you can take it are two different things. As long as you dare to bear it, why not? As long as you dare to take responsibility, what's wrong if you can't do anything? As long as you dare to take on the responsibility, why not fail? As long as you dare to take responsibility and do your best, you will be a winner in life.

"Hungry and ambitious, eat the meat of Hu Lu, laugh and drink the blood of Xiongnu, wait for the beginning, and clean up the old mountains and rivers". He is a hero in troubled times and a warrior who is loyal to his country. He is Yue Fei. He is the Yue Fei who has long chanted "driving a long car to break through the Helan Mountain Tower.".

This is the responsibility for the country, and this is the responsibility of writing with life.

"The swan song of historians, the charm without rhyme". A "Historical Records" has been handed down for thousands of years, inheriting the history of this great China. He is Sima Qian. What he has suffered is unspeakable pain. It is the appalling destruction of human dignity. The pain of prison and the torture of body and mind have made his life worse than death. He has collected historical materials prepared for many years. Do you really want to discard them? Can the mutilated limb really prolong its life? He spent all his life to face the humiliation of almost "no ancients before, no newcomers after", leaving a record for this history and a legacy for the Chinese nation.

This is the responsibility for the nation, and this is the responsibility in writing.

"My fingers can still move, my brain can still think, I have the ideal of lifelong pursuit, I have family and friends who love me, and I have a heart of gratitude..." When faced with questions from reporters, Hawking said so. He is the dragon and the phoenix in the human race, and he received a doctor's degree at the age of 23. In his prime of life, he was sentenced to "death" by fate, and was confined to that cold wheelchair all his life. However, with his amazing tenacious willpower, he let himself travel in the vast space and time, crushing the sickle of the god of death with his only two remaining active fingers and thinking brain. Hawking said that he has a grateful heart. Although he is overwhelmed by hardships, the phoenix after the fire is more dazzling. He wrote a capital person with his perseverance.

This is the responsibility for life, which is written with a strong will.

"The country is rich when young people are rich, the country is strong when young people are strong, and the country is independent when young people are independent... So today's responsibility lies not with others, but with young people.". We young people should take the initiative to shoulder the burden of glorifying China. With these responsibilities, our life will become brilliant; With these responsibilities, we can live up to the sentence "Our Chinese youth is not old with the sky, and has no boundaries with the country".

From generation to generation, the ancestors interpreted the meaning of responsibility with their actions. If we follow their example and have their spirit, we may not be as famous as them in history, but we will also become a generation with achievements.

Composition Responsibility (18)

to bear

Yin Menghao, Class 4, Zhenjiang No. 1 Middle School

At the moment when his breath stopped, the old driver tried his best to step on the brake; In the fire of war and the roar of artillery, the soldiers who charged in front forgot about life and death -- there is a kind of responsibility called vowing to die for the country; As the sun set, the old man pushed his wheelchair to enjoy the sunset with his wife, and recalled the years when passion was burning - there was a responsibility called helping each other.

The responsibility falls heavily on our shoulders. Since then, our steps are no longer light. In our hearts, we have engraved a sentence: "A scholar must be bold, and we have a long way to go.". At the same time, our life is no longer as light as a feather, and has accumulated a thick and different meaning in the years.

The real responsibility is to stand up and shoulder the responsibility and mission in distress.

Even though he was just an insignificant scholar, without a prominent position and noble family, Du Fu was still concerned about the people and took it as his due responsibility to worry about the country and the people. When he was down and out of poverty, he could even recite the heartfelt words that "thousands of buildings will be built, and all the poor people will be happy", which made people admire and moved. Sima Qian suffered pain and suffering that did not belong to him because of his righteous words. Learning from the bitter experience, Tai Shigong did not forget his responsibility. Under the green light, he once again took up the pen like a rafter to complete his mission of "studying the world and people, understanding the changes of the past and the present". People with responsibilities will not be hindered by difficult situations. "If you live high in the temple, you will worry about the people; if you live far in the Jianghu, you will worry about the king". No matter how ups and downs of your life experience, you will never forget your responsibility.

The real responsibility comes from the maturity of body and mind.

Remember the earthquake in 2008? The young and vigorous figures were not ignored by the Chinese people who were torn with grief and tears. When you ask him how old he is, he will smile and say a surprising number. Yes, the young and brave post-80s generation have stepped out of their parents' warm wings and injected fresh blood into their motherland. Their childish faces showed determination - they had understood the meaning of responsibility. The ant tribe, formed by the post-80s generation, has struggled to survive in big cities. They have long been used to reporting good news rather than bad news, just to comfort their relatives in the distance. Everything is because they have grown up.

Responsibility is not imposed by others but accepted from the heart.

Lu Xun, deeply aware of his responsibility to call out the sleeping soul of Chinese people, "iron shoulders bear morality and justice, skillfully write articles", behind the laughter and scolding is a responsible soul walking alone. Zhang Zhengxiang, the old guard of Dianchi Lake, spent his whole life in the "Dianchi Lake Defense War", took the initiative to protect the environment of Dianchi Lake, and exchanged a small and weak individual and indomitable fighting spirit for a beautiful lake. To bear the burden in their hearts is not an annoying burden, but a cause worth fighting for with lifelong energy.

The old man will never return, and the responsibility is still handed down from generation to generation. As we are approaching adulthood, we will not be afraid to take on the responsibilities bravely, and become the pillars of indomitable spirit.

Instructor Zhang Hongxia