I really did my composition that time (15 compilations)
Calm down
2024-05-31 09:24:02

I really (1)

I always have an indelible memory in my heart. Whenever I think of this, my heart is cut with a knife. What makes me so sad? Then I will find it from the bottom of my heart and tell you.

It happened five years ago. On that day, the sun was particularly dazzling and the weather was excellent. I think it should be a happy day. I got up late in the morning and ate late, so I quickly got up, picked up my clothes and shoes and ran to the door. It was unlucky that my father called me to have breakfast at this time. I was afraid of being late, so I said angrily, "No!"

Then I closed the door with a sound of "Pa!" and the sound of closing the door shook the whole corridor. I didn't notice my father's expression at that time, so I rushed to school at a speed of 100 meters. When I came to school, the first class had already been half a class. I entered the classroom in a panic. The teacher saw me and criticized me in front of the whole class. Hearing the laughter of the students, he pushed the reason for being late to his father in his heart. He thought, "It's my father who blocked my way in the morning and made me laughed at by my classmates. It's all his fault!" I finished the day's class with dissatisfaction.

When I got home, I smelled a bad smell in advance. As usual, I lay on the sofa and watched TV. My father cooked in the kitchen and brought me four dishes. He gently said to me, "Eat!" I angrily said, "Don't eat!" My father shook his head and returned to the kitchen. I was ready to do my homework. When I passed the table, the dishes fell to the ground with a sound of "Pa!", I thought it would be OK to wipe for a while, but the unexpected scene finally happened. My father immediately ran out of the kitchen and saw the food on the ground. He got angry and slapped me. I stood there dumbfounded, knowing that my father misunderstood me, but didn't dare to explain. My father saw that I was doing something wrong, I was more sure of the fact that I was not satisfied with the food he cooked. Then I slapped again. At last, something more incredible happened. The dishes, quilts, and even the TV set on the table were thrown at me. I was stunned and had to run away. I immediately ran out of the building. I kept thinking, "I will never come back..." Finally, my mother found me as a child.

I'm very sad about this. When I think about it, I can't help but be afraid that father and son lack communication, and the misunderstanding is so big. In the future, I will communicate more with my father. Only by establishing this relationship, can father and son trust each other. I hope this sad thing will become a permanent history! I look forward to the day when I play with my father on the grass!

I really (2)

No matter who it is, everyone knows the majesty and precipitousness of Huangshan, and many people are afraid of it. However, it is this extraordinary beauty that makes my heart full of curiosity and fearless of death always surge with enthusiasm for climbing Huangshan.

On the National Day last year, three of us came to the famous Huangshan Mountain Scenic Area with great enthusiasm.

It is understood that Baiyun Scenic Area is 610 meters above sea level. Therefore, we chose this mountain to show our climbing prowess.

To tell the truth, I'm still a little scared looking at this mountain, but how can I stay back when I come here? I must go up.

At the beginning, I walked steadily with light and vigorous steps, looking east and west, without any difficulty. However, as you walk, you will find that the road is getting steeper and harder to walk. "I can still climb, I can still climb." I silently encouraged myself to try to reach the top in one breath.

However, with the increasing altitude, our physical strength has been gradually overdrawn, and our feet seem not to be our own, just like stepping on cotton.

I really couldn't support myself anymore. I fell on the ground like a pool of mud. There were beads of sweat on my head, which could drown people. Is that how it counts? Don't you just take a piece of beautiful scenery back? I have a myriad of thoughts, wondering if I should give up? My intuition tells me that I can't just do that. Yes, I should stand up.

I held the branches on the side of the path, stood up slowly and walked forward step by step. A force in my heart pushed me and gave me confidence.

Ah, here we are at last. Looking at the mountain scenery, you can see everything at a glance and take a deep breath. It's really comfortable! Here, the original fatigue seems to be relieved, and I feel comfortable. Today's sunshine seems particularly warm; Today's sky seems particularly blue!

That time, I was very strong!

I really (3)

Since childhood, I have been afraid of tooth extraction.

When I changed my teeth, I pulled them out with forceps in the dental hospital. Although it never hurt, I was always afraid of the silvery forceps. After changing my teeth, I had to be corrected again. According to the doctor's diagnosis, my teeth were too dense, and four of them needed to be extracted. One will be pulled out on the same day. My heart sank. These are permanent teeth! It will be hard to pull it out. Even if you take anesthetic, it will hurt, right?

My name was displayed on the TV screen when I hung up. I watched the name "run" forward little by little, and my heart beat a drum. I thought about many possibilities: the root of the tooth is too deep, you need to open the gums; If half of it is broken, perform surgery; It will hurt if the anesthetic is broken... At this time, the mechanical female voice without emotion interrupted my thoughts. It's my turn!

I walked into the consulting room with a nervous mood. The doctor smiled and greeted me. Her assistant was preparing materials. I take a deep breath and calm down. How can I retreat from difficulties? I lay down and crossed my hands to cheer myself up. The doctor took out a cotton ball and dipped it in iodine to sterilize the teeth. Then, she took out a small syringe to inject anesthetics, and the cold tip of the needle stuck into her mouth, hissing! It was a little painful. The bitter anesthetic was injected into the gums. When the needle pierced, I could not help but take a breath. I twisted my hands and closed my eyes. After a while, the anesthetic took effect. I touched my lips with my hand, and half of them were numb and unconscious, as if they were not mine anymore. This is also good, pull up should not hurt?

Two minutes later, the doctor finally took out the guy - shiny, cold pliers! I decided that "out of sight is clear", come on, I can do it! I secretly encouraged myself. Although she didn't feel pain, she seemed to know that the doctor had clamped the disgusting tooth with forceps, like twisting candy wrappers, left and right, but the tooth was very stubborn, and she only pulled it several times. Suddenly, I heard a "click", and the stubborn tooth (nickname) loosened! Then the doctor pulled it out completely. And because of the anesthetic, it doesn't hurt at all. I finally overcame this difficulty!

When I walked out of the hospital, I looked at the cleaned tooth wrapped in a tissue. It was very easy. At that time, I felt very powerful.

Looking back on that moment, I still feel "brave"!

I really (4)

That day, I was doing my homework at home. As I worked, I was baffled by a question and used to call my father. Under the guidance of my father, I suddenly opened up and bounced back to my room. Who knows that my hand accidentally pressed the switch of the TV, but I was completely in the dark.

After finishing my homework, I immediately rushed out of the living room to play. "Eh? Why is the TV on?" I quickly turned off the TV. Before long, my mother came back from work. She habitually took off her shoes and asked seriously, "Peng Peng, did you watch TV today?"

"No!" I blurted out.

"Really? So cute! Oh, let me check!" Mom smiled brightly, but she still touched the back cover of the TV with her hand.

"Don't lie, look, why is it so hot?" Instantly, mother's face was covered with dark clouds.

"Mom, I really didn't watch TV, really! I was just careless..." I explained loudly. "Pengpeng, the truth is in front of us. How can you talk back hard!" Mother was so angry that her face twisted. Alas, she doesn't believe me! I was so worried that I was about to burst into tears. I just felt that my face was hot, but my mouth could not spit out a word. I really want to explain, but how can I explain clearly? Especially last semester, my mother restricted me from watching TV after my grades declined due to my excessive addiction to watching TV. This semester, looking at the terrible results, I have made up my mind to stop watching TV. For this reason, my mother often carries out one kind of unannounced inspection. This time, I really couldn't wash myself off when I jumped into the Yellow River. This kind of grievance is really painful! I can only shout loudly in my heart: Mom, I really didn't watch TV! Really?

To this day, I still can't find strong evidence to prove that I didn't lie at that time. But mother, please trust your son, I really didn't lie! I really didn't watch TV!

I really (5)

I was so happy that time. I am not happy for myself. I am happy for this friendship and spirit.

"Come on! Come on!" Hearing the cry, we knew today was the sports meeting. The women's running project in our class has never been a worry. Who let our class have a famous runner! "Bang!" After the gun sounded, our class's "Scud" did not lose sight of it and rushed out like an arrow. When all of us thought that the winning plan was in hand, an incredible scene happened: on the red runway where everyone was scrambling to win glory for the class, a hand, a hand full of friendship, suddenly appeared! It turned out that when everyone was running, and everyone's eyes were focused on the first place, no one noticed that a runner sprained his foot while running.

But my classmate, the "Scud" who carries the hope of the whole class, found it. She quickly folded back, stretched out her hand, and walked to the end with the female classmate who sprained her foot. Seeing this, my classmates couldn't help but curse. Who can tolerate you losing the honor of the whole class? I was also very angry at that time, but I always felt that she was right in this way.

After school, I whispered to her: "Do you regret it?" "No regret." I was surprised. She calmly asked, "Why should I regret it? I didn't do anything wrong, why should I regret it?" As the sun went down, I thought her back was particularly beautiful.

Yes, why regret it? Friendship and peace are the core of the game, aren't they?

I was so happy that time! Not only because I found something I wanted to lose, but also because I knew that she would never regret it!

I really (6)

No matter in the streets, alleys or classrooms, there are true feelings everywhere. However, there are many such touching things around me

I remember once, when I was walking on the way after school, I suddenly saw an old woman standing in the middle of the road, looking very helpless. The old woman's head was covered with white frost, and her eyes were deeply sunken into their sockets. The teeth in his mouth fell off, and the wrinkles on his face crisscrossed, and he shivered like a piece of paper in the cold wind. There are no traffic lights here, and the sound of cars passing by is ringing in my ears. A young man who is nearly 18 years old hurried to help the old lady up, "Grandma, let me help you to get there!" His voice was not loud, but he was very firm, "OK, OK, really a good child." The old lady smiled kindly. Suddenly, a stone appeared on the road at some time. The old woman stumbled and stumbled. "Grandma, be careful." The young man reminded the old grandma with gentle words. Walking across the road, the young man was still very worried: "Grandma, your legs are not convenient, or I will send you home." "Good boy, thank you." The old woman was very moved with tears in her eyes. In this way, they gradually disappeared in the crowd step by step

Although this is not an earth shaking event, this kind of true feelings will be passed down from generation to generation.

I really (7)

Time is like mist, taken away by the wind; Like dust, buried deep in the earth... The clock turns back to the past, and the memory turns away like a gear, a thing I remember deeply

I remember when I was in Grade Three. One day, I played too crazy. When I got home and had dinner, I lay down in bed and fell asleep, as if I had completely forgotten about it.

The next morning, on the way to school, I always felt strange, but I didn't know what it was. When I arrived at school, the students were discussing the problem of homework, and I suddenly remembered that I forgot to do my homework last night. I was like an ant on a hot pan, and I didn't know what to do. When I was feeling anxious, the teacher came in from the door, and she said, "Please stand up if you haven't handed in your homework." My heart was "plopping" and I couldn't help it. I stood up slowly and blushed immediately. When the teacher saw me standing up, her expression was very serious, as if to say to me: "You shouldn't do this."

The teacher is coming. She wants to ask me about my situation. How can I answer? I don't know how to answer it later. The teacher walked up to me and asked me softly: "Where is your homework?" I looked up at her, my heart was so nervous that I was about to jump out of my throat. "Er, er..." I don't know what to do and how to say! Forget it. To avoid being scolded, just say you forgot to bring it. So I told the teacher that I had forgotten to bring it. The teacher didn't speak, just looked at me silently. I looked into her eyes. At this time, I felt that the teacher's eyes could talk, as if to say: "Did you really forget to bring it? Don't lie." I dare not look there again. After a while, the teacher's eyes finally turned away from me, and I regretted why I forgot to do my homework yesterday.

The teacher will not criticize others in front of the students, but will tell a story to let everyone understand the truth. The teacher walked onto the platform and told the story of "The Wolf Comes" vividly. When I listen to this story, I feel more uneasy. At the end of the story, the teacher's eyes flicked over my face. This feeling was a sad, regretful pain.

After class, I summoned up my courage and went to the teacher's office to apologize to her. She said to me earnestly: "We should not be afraid to spend time and effort in learning, so that we can achieve our own good results." My eyes were wet, and my heart was completely moved. At this time, I deeply felt the teacher's deep concern and love for me.

Although I can't feel the teacher's care and love for me now, the teacher's words, like Shi Tuoban, are engraved in my heart forever.


I really (8)

Time flies. I don't know how many years have passed and many things have touched me, but only a few can really remember. But there is still one thing that is fresh in my memory.

It was a cloudy morning. My father rode me to school. But I always feel that my body is a little wrong. Looking back, it may be that I caught a cold yesterday. It should be OK if I caught a cold today. I didn't want to say goodbye to my father, so I rushed to the classroom.

About the second class, my eyelids were tired all the time, and soon I couldn't hold on and fell on the hard desk. When the considerate teacher saw me, he gently woke me up and asked, "Did you have a good rest yesterday. At this time, I climbed down again and thought: People say that time flies like an arrow, but why do I feel like time flies like a year now?

Finally, I stayed up until school was over and used my little energy to find my mother. Just then, I heard a familiar call. It was my mother. So I dragged my weak body to my mother. I looked around and asked my mother, "Mom, where's your car My mother hurriedly called a taxi and took me to the nearby hospital.

When I woke up, I found myself falling the bottle. When my mother saw that I was awake, she gladly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and said excitedly, "Great, Xiaoyu, you finally woke up. You just slept for an hour. Do you know how urgent I am? I looked at my mother's red eyes, moved but asked me why I was here. My mother told me the whole story, and tears could not help overflowing into my eyes.

When I got home, my mother asked for leave for me and cooked for me herself. I finished my meal and gradually fell asleep.

Dawn wakes up the trees, wakes up the grass, wakes up the birds, and wakes up the sleeping me. The warm sunshine is like mother's hands, gently caressing me. At this time, I touched my forehead and found that the fever had gone away, making me feel very relaxed. By chance, I found the note my mother left me: "Child, breakfast is ready, in the kitchen.". Besides, I have a good rest at home today. I have asked for a good leave for you. I can't help crying when I see here. Before I reached the kitchen door, I could smell the aroma of food. I was shocked when I walked into the kitchen. I didn't expect my mother to cook so many delicious food for me. My heart is full of gratitude

At this time, a gust of autumn wind blew through my face. But this autumn wind doesn't feel cold, but warm. I think this autumn wind wants to tell me that I will become grateful, and I must pay tribute to my parents in the future, because they are too tired.

I really (9)

It was rainy again. The sky was getting gloomy, and the elves from the sky began to jump into the world. I sat on the sofa, looking out of the window at the intermittent rain, a person's back gradually approached my line of sight, and one thing became clearer in my mind

"Ringing the bell..." When class was over, I stretched out after a day of interest class. Maybe I was too careful in class. When I habitually looked out of the window, I found that the sky had been covered with thick dark clouds at some time. The heavier the rain, the more anxious I was. I hurriedly sorted out my schoolbag. I was about to rush home, but I found that the situation was not as optimistic as I thought, The rain was already heavy, and I forgot to take my mobile phone when I had to walk home myself. It was rainy when the house leaked, so I had to watch the dense rain like a curtain of beads falling on the ground "crackling", splashing crystal water, helpless and anxious.

The rain doesn't mean to stop at all. Seeing the lights in the classroom go out, it seems that there are hundreds of ants crawling in my heart. What should I do? "Classmate, why don't you go home?" A soft voice broke my tryst with Rain. I followed the sound, and a tall female teacher was smiling at me. I looked at her intently: her eyebrows were light and curved, her eyes were like water, and she also had a red umbrella in her hand, looking at me kindly. I told her the story incoherently. Without hesitation, she put the umbrella in my hand. I was stunned for a moment, but immediately pushed it back. So we pushed back and forth. The teacher and I insisted on not taking the umbrella home. "Then I'll take you home first, and then take the bus home." The teacher came up with a way to get the best of both worlds, and I had to reluctantly agree.

The rain is heavier, like pouring, like falling, like a runaway wild horse. The teacher asked my home address and walked out of the training class together with me. In my heart, however, I seem to have a rabbit beating ceaselessly, embarrassed, uneasy, and all kinds of emotions mixed together in my heart. Or she now broke the silence: "What's your name, classmate?" A simple opening line drew two hot hearts closer again. The relaxed and happy conversation between me and the teacher made me gradually relax. Just at one side of my head, I found that it was impossible to hold two people in such a small umbrella, but I was not wet at all. Yes, that's right. Half of the teacher's body was completely wet, and a warm current suddenly rose in his heart. And a thing called guilt also made me take the umbrella handle. The teacher was stunned, then smiled without saying a word. I smiled calmly and gently moved the umbrella to the teacher.

When I got home, the teacher saw that I was wet, and his eyebrows were locked. He asked me to change my clothes quickly with slight apology. But when I wanted to keep her, she hurriedly declined and said goodbye to me.

It was already dark and the rain was getting smaller. I watched the teacher walk out of the apartment. The red umbrella was beating and burning like a bright flame, gradually melting my heart

The rain is still falling, and the street lamps on both sides lengthen the teacher's receding figure

I really (10)

There is a grandfather Lin who sells kitchen candy in his hometown. He is nearly seventy years old and has silver hair. He is a kind old man.

When the Spring Festival approached last year, my parents and I stayed away from the noisy city and returned to our hometown of Qinglulengzao. I asked my mother, "Is Grandpa Lin still there?" She said, "I saw him when I entered the village." I ran to the entrance of the village.

From the village entrance, several rows of tall and straight poplar trees stand at the village edge; Looking around, many small and exquisite shrubs are sitting beside them. There was a man sitting by the river, wearing a straw hat made of wheat straw, wearing a dark blue coat, wearing green velvet pants, and holding a dry tobacco pipe - that was Grandpa Lin! I stood behind him, oh, he was fishing.

He turned around and found me, smiled and said, "You are back, little girl of Xi'an." Then he took a large piece of candy from under the white cloth in the basket and knocked down some for me.

Cooking sugar is a special food in my hometown, and the craftsmanship is almost lost. Grandpa Lin can make kitchen sweets. One centimeter thick, milk yellow, sweet and delicious. "I'll be eleven in a few days," I said as I ate. He smiled again, mysteriously.

More than a year has passed. When I went back on Tomb Sweeping Day, the weather was a bit warm and cold. I sat on the mahogany swing, listening to the faint sound of the flute from afar, as if I was looking forward to something.

"Selling kitchen sweets -" was the deep and kind cry. I jumped off the swing as if I had received some signal and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a middle-aged man coming with a shoulder pole. I hurried to the pole and asked breathlessly, "Where is Grandpa Lin?" He pursed his dry lips and said, "You mean my father? He is ill, his legs are weak, and he can't walk. He stays at home."

I took a coin out of my pocket and handed it to him. He took out the candies and knocked out many whole candies for me. Suddenly, he thought of something and asked me, "Are you a child from Xi'an?" I nodded. He asked excitedly, "Which one is the outermost?" I nodded again. He buried his head in the shoulder pole and took out a feather shuttlecock. He handed it to me and said, "My father gave it to you as a birthday gift."

I took the shuttlecock made of chicken feather and goose feather, and felt so light and heavy.

I thanked him and he left me a solid figure.

Grandpa Lin made a living by selling kitchen sweets. He worked hard all his life. I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. His tall and thin figure appeared in front of me, and the once sweet and delicious taste rippled in my heart.

"Selling kitchen sweets --" The voice lingered in my ears and slowly spread in my heart. That time, I was really moved.

I really did my composition that time (11)

It's autumn. Looking out of the window at the ginkgo leaves falling with the cold wind one by one, my thoughts are also drawn back to the summer vacation by those fan-shaped dead leaves.

Since the death of Grandma, Grandpa has been guarding the empty courtyard alone, watching the peony opened and thanked every day. Father and uncle also advised grandpa to come to live with us in the city several times, but grandpa always refused with various reasons. Adults are helpless to grandpa's bull temper and can only leave him alone.

Finally came the summer vacation. I thought I could have a good intimate relationship with the computer I had missed for a long time. But just when I conceived this idea, my father killed me with a sentence: "You can stay in the countryside for a few days in the summer vacation and go to the countryside to accompany grandpa." I was in trouble. I am the youngest child in the family and the only granddaughter of my grandfather. My grandfather took good care of me when I was young. When he went to the countryside, he always carried his two brothers to sneak good things to me. I like Grandpa, but I also love computers.

The next day, Grandpa happily rode up from the countryside with his battery car. Looking at my grandpa's bright smile, I anxiously found the reason: "grandpa, I don't want to go down. There are insects below. I was bitten by a centipede last time!" But my usually considerate grandpa didn't hear anything now, and still said happily: "That grandpa will go down to disinfect your room today, and pick you up tomorrow!"

In a twinkling of an eye, "tomorrow" is coming. But this time the difference is that my grandpa came with my uncle and his family. As soon as Grandpa saw me, he smiled and said, "Granddaughter, we will go to the countryside after dinner!" I just squeezed my mouth. At the dinner table, my father said half jokingly, "You can go to your hometown again!" He knew I didn't want to go! This sentence aroused my fighting spirit. I said difficultly: "Grandpa, I don't want to go down!" Grandpa, who had just eaten well, suddenly spilled some tea with a shake of his hand, and the wrinkles on his face solidified one by one. He was stunned for a while, but he still smiled at me and said to me in a slightly trembling voice: "It's OK, don't go!" Later, he just smiled at me: "Order more food, ah!" I could not help it any longer. Despite the embarrassment and surprise of the whole table and the anger of my father, he turned his head and ran out of the restaurant.

My mother chased me out, and my mother said grandpa asked her to chase me out. Hearing this sentence, my heart surges. In my mind, I can't help but think of my grandpa: he slipped candy to me secretly; He stooped and disinfected every corner of the room with insecticide

The scenes in my mind were like floods that broke the wayward dam in my heart, and my heart suddenly swelled with sour. I could not help asking myself again and again: How could I do this? How can you be so impulsive, regardless of grandpa's feelings? How can I live up to my grandfather's love and expectations.

That time, I really regret it.

I really did my composition that time (12)

Life is a mixture of five flavors, including sour, bitter, spicy and sweet. There are not only beautiful memories that make us feel happy, but also sad memories that make us feel bitter. No matter what kind of emotion is the precious wealth in our life, and I think the most precious emotion among them should be moved.

I remember that in the afternoon, the teacher asked each group to work together, write a plan for the spring outing, select a representative, and show the plan of the group the next day. I was selected as the representative of my group, but due to time constraints, we had no time to discuss it before it was time to finish school. This time, the burden of writing the spring outing plan fell on me. In the evening, I was so anxious that I had to scratch my head and write a plan with less than 100 words. Looking at this pathetic piece of paper, I tried to resist the impulse to throw it into the wastebasket, and my mood fell to the bottom. Reading this plan on the platform, you will get a lot of ridicule from your classmates!

So I went to the PE class the next morning. The next lesson is Chinese, and my heart is excited by the idea of "doomed". So I took my spring outing plan to the playground and showed it to my friend Xiao Wu, hoping that she could save the plan.

Xiao Wu took the paper and looked at it carefully, while I waited for her criticism. "What is it all about?" "How would you like to read it like this?" But these imaginary pictures did not appear. After reading them, Xiao Wu nodded and said, "Your plan is pretty good, if I can't write it so well!" I suddenly grabbed the straw like a drowning man and asked eagerly, "Really? Does this plan really need to be changed?" "Of course!" Xiao Wu said with a smile, "just change the return time and make sure the assembly place!" A big stone in my heart finally fell to the ground.

After class, we got up and walked to the classroom. At this time, I suddenly realized that my plan was poorly written. Xiao Wu said that just to make me confident to read it out on the stage! Suddenly, a strong feeling came to my heart

Although it has been a long time, I still remember the feeling that day. I believe that my friendship with Xiao Wu is like a jar of good wine, which will give off a stronger mellow fragrance over time.

I really did that composition (13)

It was rainy again. It was getting dark. I sat on the sofa and looked out of the window at the drizzle. A person's back gradually emerged in my memory, reminding me of that thing

"Ding Lingling..." When class was over, I stretched out and looked out of the window habitually. I found that the sky had been covered with thick black clouds at some time. As soon as the rain fell, the sparse raindrops gradually became dense thin lines. What should I do? The rain, alas! It shouldn't be very big... When I hurried to tidy my schoolbag and prepare to rush home, I found that the situation was not what I expected. It was raining heavily. I watched the dense rain like a curtain of beads fall "crackling", splashing crystal water, helpless and anxious.

The rain never meant to stop. Watching the lights in the classroom go out, it seems that there are hundreds of ants crawling in my heart. What should I do? "Classmate, why don't you go home?" A soft voice broke my sadness about the heavy rain. I turned around and saw a gentle female teacher smiling at me. She was holding an umbrella, a red umbrella. I told her the reason incoherently. Without hesitation, she put the umbrella into my hand. I was stunned for a moment, but immediately pushed back. Both the teacher and I insisted on not using the umbrella, so we pushed and pushed. "I'll take you home first, then take a taxi." The teacher's words are not negotiable. This is the best of both worlds. Although it is difficult to be a teacher, I have to agree reluctantly.

The rain is getting heavier, like pouring, like falling. The teacher asked my home address and walked out of the training class with me. My heart seems to be carrying a rabbit that keeps beating. Embarrassment, nervousness, and uneasiness are all mixed up in my heart. She was the first to break the silence: "What's your name, classmate?" A simple prologue narrowed the distance between me and the teacher. The conversation between my teacher and me gradually relaxed me. At the moment when I looked up, I found that the umbrella was mostly on my head, and half of the teacher's shoulder was exposed outside, being hit mercilessly by the rain. The umbrella was so small that half of her body was wet. My heart suddenly flows out a warm current. Guilt, I resolutely took the umbrella handle from the teacher's hand and moved the umbrella to the teacher bit by bit.

When I got home, the teacher saw that I was wet and asked me to change my clothes with slight apology. When I wanted to keep her, she refused in a hurry, and then hurried into the rain curtain.

By this time, the sky was already dark, and the rain was gradually decreasing. I watched the teacher leave, her red umbrella beating like a flame, melting my heart.

The rain is still falling, the street lights on both sides are lengthening, and the teacher's back is gradually receding

That time, I was really moved.

I really did that composition (14)

I remember that in the year when my father died, I did a stupid thing that made me regret very much. Before his death, because my father was ill, could not get up, and had no time to take care of me after birth, I stayed in the nursing station and my brother picked me up every Friday. I accompanied my father. Everything was going well. I also accompanied my father to the end, But one day my father said to me, "Girl, please help my father get the knife in the cabinet." I knew my father was going to do something stupid, but I wouldn't give it to my father. But my father said, "Girl, listen to my father." My father won't do anything stupid. My tears couldn't stop flowing down my eyes. My father said to me, "Don't worry, my father won't do anything, and I can't say anything about my father.", My parents' order was irrevocable, so I gave my father's Du Dao. When my father fell asleep, I tried to take out the Dao many times, but I didn't take it for fear of waking my father. On the day I went to school, I looked at my father with tears in my eyes, and my father said to me, "Go to class if you have nothing to do." I thought it was over, But at noon on my school day, my brother picked me up and said that my father had cut his wrist. At that time, I was totally stunned. When I came home, I saw my father who had been bandaged up. My heart was very uncomfortable. I ran to his father's side and lay on his father's body and cried loudly. My father stroked my head and said, "Don't you think my father is all right?" Later, my brother called me out and said, "Are you stupid? Dad asked you to give him the knife. Do you know where Dad put the knife?" So I told my brother to take all the places where Dad put the knife, in case Dad was doing something stupid.

My father died that year, and the person who loved me the most and loved me the most died.

That time, I really regretted it to the extreme.

I really did that composition (15)

Many students have been picked up by their parents, and they have taken comfortable air-conditioned cars. But I, carrying a heavy schoolbag, carrying a bag in my left hand and a bag of clothes in my right hand, walked to the bus station in the scorching sun. After a while, he was sweating heavily. But I can't regret it, because it is my own choice.

The day before the holiday, I called my mother and said, "Tomorrow I will go home by bus alone." My mother agreed. At that time, I said to her quickly, "You can wait for me to go home for dinner!"

However, at this time, I felt a little regretful and began to withdraw. Hesitate while slowly moving forward. The road was already full of traffic, and cars were lined up in a long line, with pedestrians coming and going on both sides of the road. I think that if I call my mother to pick me up now, it will be too hard for her, and she may be stuck in the road. Moreover, how can I easily regret what I said? This is too embarrassing. Finally, I decided to stick to my own ideas and summon up the courage to move forward.

More than one o'clock at noon is the hottest time of the day. When I looked up, there was no cloud in the sky, and I thought to myself: Father Sun, why are you so dedicated today? Why don't you leave work early? Unconsciously, I walked to the bus stop!

The whole bus station was crowded with people, men, women, old and young, who all rushed to get together. I can't help shouting, "Mommy! Why are so many people waiting for the bus?" This is the first time I have seen such a spectacular scene. Everyone looked eagerly at the direction of the car.

"Bus 116 is coming!" I don't know who shouted, and everyone hurried forward. I don't want to lag behind, just like a fish, swimming nimbly and quickly in the sea of people. Finally, I got into the bus and heard the sound of "card swiping success". I quickly took out my bus card and swiped it once. As I was about to turn around to find my seat, the driver said to me, "Little girl, the card needs to be swiped twice". "Oh, OK." I nodded in fear and hurried to swipe the card again.

There are no seats on the bus, and even the standing place is very crowded. I had no choice but to put the bag on the ground, grab the back of a chair with both hands, and swing with the bus from left to right, from front to back. Maybe I'm used to riding in Mom and Dad's car. I actually feel that this bus is like a wild and enthusiastic rock singer, holding my hand to dance, standing for a while, and suddenly taking me around again. This feeling is neither beautiful nor uncomfortable. It's just that I feel a little more tense than taking a car.

"The building materials market station is here! Please get off the bus!" A clear voice came from the broadcast in the carriage. I felt that I had experienced ninety-nine eighty-one stops, released the hand of the rock singer, and got off the bus with the crowd. Looking at the familiar buildings along the road, I sighed a long time, and there was an unspeakable joy in my heart: I won!

At this moment, it seems that Father Sun no longer exerts his power, but shows a gentle smile, as if he congratulates me in the sky. A gust of wind blowing, the roadside flowers and grass gently swaying, as if dancing for my return. I shook my schoolbag, stood firm, and ran briskly towards home