800 words composition on college entrance examination (15 collections)
Yan Nanfei
2024-06-18 08:50:51
college entrance examination

800 words composition on college entrance examination (1)

Every time you grow up, there will always be an angel behind you to cheer you on. This is a growing power.

I remember two years ago, when I was in the fifth grade of primary school. In spring, it also brings a sense of coolness, and sometimes it chills... The peach blossoms outside the window are opening day by day. While I was on a errand.

"Peach, you can answer this question." The teacher seemed to be carrying some anger when he pointed to my name. I couldn't help standing up slowly, lowering my head very low, and there should be a blush on my face. "Xiao Tao, answer the question, and what are you doing?" I seemed to ignite a small flame in the teacher's heart, and the deer in my heart were bumping, "Xiao Tao! It's the second question on page 52!" Suddenly, Xiao Hong, my deskmate, gently reminded me, "I finally moved my eyes from page 51 to page 52... and told my written answers. "Hmm... I hope you won't be distracted in my class in the future!" I sat down on the chair and settled down.

”Teacher! No, Peach rolled down the stairs on the third floor. How can we solve it? " After two days, Xiaohong ran to the teacher's office and said loudly. The teacher was stunned at first, and then quickly ran to the classroom, immediately picked me up and sent me to the hospital. Fortunately, the hospital was opposite the school. When I woke up the third time, I found that the teacher was lying beside me and asleep. The hospital was very quiet. I only heard the sound of dropping needles. "Didi... Didi" When I saw that the teacher was sleeping soundly, I didn't move, for fear of waking the teacher. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was three o'clock in the morning. All have rested.

The next day, I woke up and found a figure walking in a hurry. Today was the weekend, "Peach, are you all right? How could you be so careless? I was so worried. It happened that your mother was away on business." When the teacher saw that I woke up, she immediately used her nagging method. At this moment, I forgot my teacher's punishment. I found that my feet had been bound into a mummy and could not move. My feet had been dislocated. Fortunately, they were not broken.

At noon, the teacher went out to do something. Later, a little sister said, "Sister, you are so kind! Your teacher took care of you all day, very careful!" The little sister looked at me with a kind of envious eyes... I smiled at her a little embarrassed.

A month later, my feet were almost recovered, and my mother came back. She was very grateful to the teacher. In order to be grateful to the teacher, my mother invited the teacher to dinner.

Yes, although the teacher is very strict, I still love her. It is true that I am a teacher on the first day and a husband for life. At present, I have read junior high school, and I still need to contact this teacher. Every year, I have to get together with her. After all, she has traveled more than everyone has eaten. Whenever I encounter difficulties, I always think of her as Teacher He the first time.

Teacher He is my angel, always cheering for me behind my back! This is a power of growth!

800 words composition on college entrance examination (2)

Trust and independence are the most fundamental things for us to base ourselves on society. Only trust can make us independent; Independence is based on trust.

First of all, let's talk about ourselves. We are teenagers and young people who need to be independent and learn to live in society. Parents are the party to trust, believing that we have the ability to be independent. If something goes wrong in that link, it will also hurt them. Independence, taken apart, is "independence" and "independence". "Independence" means that we should adapt to individuals, form individuals and rely less on parents, while "independence" means that we should learn survival skills and means to survive in society. So "independence" roughly means that we need to survive and be based on society.

But it is not enough for you to have only a heart longing for independence. Most parents will not trust their children, think they are inexperienced, and help them. The children said that they didn't need help, and they often prepared or finished for the children on their own initiative. Little did they know that such behavior greatly strangled the independent thinking of children. Teenagers don't want to accept help at first, then half take it, then fully adapt to it, and finally become dependent. This is why some teenagers can't be independent even though they have independent hearts. Parents have done a good job for you. What can you do? Do you want to do it again? It's impossible. Isn't it a waste of time? You can only accept this behavior of your parents. Then reluctantly accept, numb, habits. The idea of independence gradually died out.

Then, talk about trust. When parents work for their children, they certainly don't want to harm her. They must be kind-hearted. However, being good to children depends on the situation. One is good to children today, and the other is bad to children today, which will be of great use to children in the future. The other is good to children now, but not good in the future. But parents often love their children. They don't think that their children have amazing perseverance. They think that their children will be very tired when they learn a few points. They need to do more to make their children less tired. This starting point is right, and it is undeniable that we can indeed become a little easier. They don't believe that their children can do a good job in doing something. They think that their children have no experience, so they take it for granted to help their children. But I want to ask you, how can you be experienced if you don't let your children do it? Are you born with experience? Isn't this an endless loop? As the ancients said, "If you take a fall, you will gain wisdom." How can you gain wisdom without losing?

Therefore, we need to have an independent mind, and parents need to learn to rest assured, so that we can be independent. Independence is based on trust. Only by trust can we try to be independent and learn to be independent.

800 words composition on college entrance examination (3)

A girl sitting on an open-air bench came into my eyes. She shivered without an umbrella. The crystal clear rain dripped down her dark and shiny hair on her delicate face.

She looked around, and the piercing cold wind blew, which made her once lovely mouth purple like a cherry, and the once vibrant melon face pale as paper.

Rain, drop by drop, ran down her friend's hair to her beautiful face in the past, washed by the rain, and gradually became pale.

On the rainy day, I stayed at home, lying idle on the sofa. Suddenly, my mobile phone rang. It turned out that it was my good friend Xue Qing who asked me to play, and I agreed to meet Xue Qing.

Although it was raining slightly, the number of people did not decrease at all, but increased sharply. The road is crowded and the bus is delayed. I waited anxiously. Time flew by. Half an hour passed in a flash. The appointed time had passed. I began to worry. Could Xueqing have left?

The bus finally arrived. The door slowly opened, and I couldn't wait to get on the bus. I found a vacant seat and sat down quietly.

Finally arrived at the station, in the vast sea of people, I eagerly look for that familiar figure. A girl sitting on an open-air bench came into my eyes. She shivered without an umbrella. The crystal clear rain dripped down her dark and shiny hair on her delicate face. She looked around, and the piercing cold wind blew, which made her once lovely mouth purple like a cherry, and the once vibrant melon face pale as paper. Xueqing, she is still waiting for me!

I trotted to her, took the umbrella in my hand, covered her from the rain, brushed the rain off her face, and held her weak tightly. I said, "Xueqing, why didn't you take an umbrella? Did you leave it at home? Look at you, you have become a drowned rat."

My voice is a little hoarse, and tears like beans burst into my eyes. "Why are you crying? Don't cry. I didn't take an umbrella when I went out without rain. Who knows... Well, I don't blame you. Besides, we are good friends, and good friends should..." Xue Qing patted my back and kept comforting me. "Then why are you waiting for me all the time?" I raised my head and asked in confusion. "Didn't we make an agreement before? Anyway, I believe you won't break your promise. I believe you!" Xue Qing touched my head and burst into a pure smile like a lily. The white teeth, like the sunshine, illuminate my heart and the front of the road of friendship.

In this cold rainy day, I feel the mutual trust between friends, the purity, nobility and simplicity of friendship. It makes my life more colorful and beautiful!

800 words composition on college entrance examination (4)

There is a small shop at the entrance of the food market. The owner, surnamed Zhang, is very fat. The store mainly sells some cigarettes, wine, sugar and tea, and also eggs and several evening newspapers. Because of the large customer flow, eggs are relatively fresh.

After listening to the nutrition class, the eggs after seven days have no nutrition. Every time I buy vegetables, I always say to the shopkeeper, "Give me ten yuan. After I buy vegetables, I come back to fetch eggs, which saves time and worry.". Every time I bought back the dishes, I would see the shopkeeper had already packed the eggs in a plastic bag when I went to the store. I was afraid of accidents. Normally, Lao Zhang would add another layer of eggs.

For the shopkeeper, I am also his loyal customer. Because his eggs are not only sold by me. I can also go to any shop to buy. It seems that we have reached a tacit understanding: every time I believe in the eggs handed to me by Lao Zhang, I will not lose weight, which depends on my trust in him. I often think that trust is built on both sides. If one side does not trust the other, it may cause trouble. Otherwise, one day, things finally happened.

The cause of the matter is very simple.

That day I bought vegetables as usual and came back to fetch eggs. Lao Zhang took my money, looked left and right, and later picked it up to shine at the light. I immediately felt uncomfortable. The money was withdrawn from the bank yesterday, and there will be no fake. What I can't stand most is his suspicious eyes. From that moment on, I had an idea that I would never buy eggs from Lao Zhang again.

Lao Zhang will still open his small shop and do his business. And he may never know that he has lost one of his most loyal customers.

One day when I went to post a letter at the post office, Lengbudding was stopped by a little girl at the entrance of the post office: "Uncle, can you lend me two dollars? My wallet has been lost, my family is in the countryside, and I want to go home by car." That little girl is very young, she is even younger than my son, and she looks like she is only eleven or twelve years old. People share the same heart. I took out five yuan and handed it to her. She left thankfully.

It's so dramatic. I went to the post office that day, and suddenly found that the address of the letter to be sent was left at home. When I rode home and arrived at the post office again, I was really shocked.

The little girl was still at the door, still saying the same thing.

I suddenly want to cry.

I didn't blame the little girl. I'm afraid she will be embarrassed. I slipped into the post office through another door.

Trust is fragile and delicate, for fear of being slightly polluted. Trust is always mutual.

When you trust others or are trusted by others, you will feel warm in your heart.

Really, that kind of warmth is warming your heart, like spring.

800 words composition on college entrance examination (5)

Some people say that trust is the sunshine in winter, which makes people warm. But, let me say, trust is a great affirmation for us. It makes the world full of love.

Whenever I think of this, an arc will rise around my mouth, recalling that morning.

Winter mornings are always foggy. The morning fog floats in the air like gauze. I was ordered by my mother to buy breakfast. I trotted all the way. Although I wrapped myself tightly, the cold air still haunted me. I kept rubbing my hands and breathing on them. But the naughty gas just ran out of my mouth and turned into a white fog, which spread before my eyes.

When I arrived, this was a famous breakfast shop. A kind looking aunt greeted me with a smile, "Little sister, I'm not busy here!" I smiled and ordered two bottles of soy milk and three steamed buns. When I paid, I felt my pocket. Suddenly, my blood seemed to coagulate. It's over. I met a pickpocket! My face was hot, my eyes dropped, my hands kept rubbing the corners of my clothes, and I was almost desperate.

At this time, the aunt seemed to see my difficulty: "Little sister, don't you have any money with you? It's OK to owe it. Next time you can pay it." I lowered my head in embarrassment. An uncle behind me said contemptuously, "Cut, maybe she didn't bring it on purpose!" He sneered twice. "I want to eat the king's meal!" Hearing him say, my heart seemed to be seized by a pair of invisible hands, and all the blood rushed to my forehead. In the glass, I saw my face red enough to drip blood. The aunt smiled and said, "I believe her!"

This sentence, like a cool wind in the mountains, calmed my heart. At this moment, the sky seems to be much brighter, several birds are singing happy songs, and the strange fragrance of plum blossoms penetrates into the nostrils one by one, which is so refreshing.

Trust is so important. As long as people trust each other, the world will always be warm.

800 words composition on college entrance examination (6)

I once heard such a story.

There were two travelers walking together across the desert. Halfway through, we ran out of water, and one of them was still unable to move due to heatstroke. The companion of the heatstroke sufferer handed him a pistol and said, "You fire a gun every two hours. When I find the water, the sound of the gun will guide me to meet you." So the companion went to find the water with confidence. The heatstroke sufferer lying in the desert was full of doubts: can his companions find water? Will he leave his "baggage" alone?

When night falls, the companion of the heatstroke sufferer has not returned yet. The heatstroke sufferer is sure that the companion has already left, and he can only wait for death. Finally, the heatstroke sufferer collapsed and ended his life with a pistol. Shortly after the shooting, the companion came with a full pot of water, but only found the warm body of the heatstroke victim.

When we are in a desperate situation, we should trust our companions more. The heatstroke sufferer in the story was not swallowed by the harsh climate of the desert, but defeated by the bad psychology of distrust of his companions.

A person will lose friendship once he loses trust in others; Once you lose trust in the world, you can only face a life full of loneliness and regret. So trusting others is trusting yourself. Only those who learn to trust can have a happy and happy life without regret.

We should learn to trust others. First of all, we should eliminate our suspicion of others. We should not create a gap that can never be crossed for everyone around us, because most of humanity is good, and fraud is only a small part. The ancients said: "At the beginning of human life, people are inherently good." We should not always distrust others on the ground that others will deceive us. This will only isolate us from each other, and thus we will not feel the happiness and warmth of friendship.

We live together in the sun, and we need this trust very much. It is as important to life as air. With trust, people can communicate with each other, communicate with each other, and cooperate with each other. Let's have more trust! In this way, you will reap many unexpected joys!

800 words composition on college entrance examination (7)

At noon today, my mother took me to the supermarket to buy vegetables. The supermarket is very large and there are many people. My mother and I travel between different areas to buy food.

After a while, I was attracted by a shelf full of books. I picked up a book and read it with great interest. I looked up after reading an article. My mother had disappeared. Oh, my mother and I are separated! But just to be on the safe side, I plan to wait and see where I am. Maybe she will come to me. But ten minutes later, my mother still disappeared. I'm worried. I'm going to look around.

I walked around the supermarket for a long time and didn't see my mother's figure. So I quickly reached into my pocket and tried to take out my watch to make a phone call, but I found my pocket empty. "Unfortunately, I didn't bring my watch. What should I do?" I decided to borrow someone else's mobile phone to contact my mother. I saw a well-dressed middle-aged man standing not far away, hurried to ask respectfully, uncle, can I borrow your mobile phone? I got separated from my mother. He looked at me and said, "Oh, I'm sorry I don't have a mobile phone. I went to the other side of the shelf again.".

I saw a beautiful and fashionable aunt shopping. So he went up. Aunt, can I borrow your mobile phone to contact my mother? Unexpectedly, the aunt ignored me, but she left quickly. I wondered what the situation was. At that time, an old man with gray hair was coming. I hurried forward. Grandpa, can I borrow your mobile phone? The old man looked at me and said, "You are not a liar, are you?"? Don't try to extort money from me. His voice is very loud. Looking at me with alert eyes, I was very embarrassed and wanted to explain. The old man hurried away. I didn't understand why he thought it was me. I was a liar.

I was at a loss to search in the supermarket. Suddenly, I found myself near the stairs. There was a security guard in uniform. I was very excited and went to the security guard to explain my intention. The security guard looked at me, took out a shabby non smart phone in his pocket and handed it to me. Play right here. I quickly dialed my mother's phone.

Although this is a small matter, it touched me a lot and made me think about it for a long time. For various reasons, people become distrustful of each other and guard against each other more and more, because they are afraid. For fear of being cheated. They are unwilling to lend a helping hand to strangers and even avoid them. Although this can avoid being cheated, people's hearts lack a sense of happiness and security. The more indifferent the relationship between people becomes, when someone really needs help, they will never find that pair again. A helping hand.

It is a long way to go to regain the new trust between people.

800 words composition on college entrance examination (8)

Finally, all the mathematical characters disappeared in an instant.

In front of my eyes, only its appearance is clearly visible. The words are noisy and tired for many days, and the words are bound for a long time. When this string of words begins to be confirmed and revised repeatedly in my mind, I stop writing. Knowing that the grumpy and unwilling to be lonely guy in his heart has been unable to restrain.

Turn over a blank calculation paper on the table casually, slow down, and let my pen tip speed follow your rhythm.

Obviously, I can't extricate myself from immersing myself in the textbook, and I am dizzy from the confrontation with computational symbols. I still see the unobserved spring in the upper corner of the exercise book, a familiar warm current flowing through my heart in its direction, inexplicably jumping; It said: "Falling down is not sadness, because it will breed new hope." Whether it is to be cheerful or melancholy, at last I forgot what expression to make.

I turned my back to the window and the cold moonlight.

But I can also feel the hope that will rise soon. It is true that the night is late and the stars are dark; Dawn is near, so take a touch of spring with you. I didn't look, but my eyes focused on the blank filled. I kept buzzing in my ears like a tunnel, and the roar did not leave a trace of diffuse in a moment.

It's nice to be quiet.

It seems that he is suffering from the strange disease of cowardice again. There was a big countdown in front of the table, and the bright red numbers looked more and more pale. Some people say that the most transparent color in the world is worship, which covers everything; You say it is pure, flawless, monotonous and thought-provoking; You say that it is clear and delicate, like a plan to work step by step. Like a soul immersed in water, it is suffocated by the strong pressure. I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I will return to the origin and the endless gray edge if I'm not careful. I tried to climb, but I didn't dare to confirm my direction. I was afraid of the great disappointment caused by hope. I was afraid that my instructions would be to rotate in place, see endless leaves, and solve equations.

I really want a key.

Why start a new paragraph? Because it seems that the author has returned to a dead end. Keep asking, keep asking, keep puzzling, don't mention it. Three fourths of the blank space has become random scrawled notes, and the soldiers who are almost saturated have suddenly gained strength - my full fighting spirit is in the joy of speaking out. Finally, it was solved in the way I dominated. It was as easy and short as relief. Then came the same test questions and solutions as the last second.

Another round of review, incompatible with the beautiful scenery of this spring; Once again lust, no matter how strong the brute force is, it can not open the shackles and chains of ranking and scores. They said that we should settle down when we come. This time, let's listen to the old man.

Buddhists say that Zen is listening to the sound of nature, watching the tree shadows and butterfly dances, and listening to the mountain springs and streams.

Can I have a look? The stones from other mountains fall into this limpid place?

It bursts with hope in the absence of a wave, the process of falling, and the power of silence. Peace and serenity.

800 words composition on college entrance examination (9)

The amazing time is always filled with the beauty like a song in the scars. Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished. Hope is always there.

There is an inconspicuous small tree in my family. There are several short branches on the straight trunk, which are bare without any leaves. It looks very eye-catching against the lush flowers and plants around. This is a fig seedling. My father bought it on a whim and planted it carefully in a flower pot. However, since the moment when it was planted in the flowerpot, time seemed to have solidified, and the whole tree had no change, so it had been standing in the flowerpot all the time. At first, I went to the balcony to see it every day, hoping that it would produce sweet figs for me. But as time went by, I could not help but realize that there was no hope. The tree was probably "dead" long ago.

In a twinkling of an eye, the seventh grade monthly exam has been completed for the third time. After school at dusk, I carried my schoolbag and walked around the community. The setting sun slanted to the ground from the gaps between the branches and leaves of poplar trees, and the clouds in the sky were covered with orange gauze. The wind ran across my face, messed up my hair, poured into my clothes, and blew off leaves. The old street lamp gave out dim light. Thinking about my achievements, I couldn't help sighing, tears blurred my eyes, and my feet kept kicking a stone. I wiped the tears from my face, braced up and headed home.

It was still early to return home. Seeing my father busy in the kitchen, I was depressed and came to the balcony alone for ventilation. The setting sun, like the crushed maple leaves in autumn, is in full bloom on the bright windows of the city at dusk. I bowed my head and fiddled with the messy flowers and plants raised at home. When I caught a glimpse of the fig tree, I was stunned. The "dead" fig tree actually grew leaves. Three or five yellow and green leaves grow on the tall and straight trunk, and I make them wobbly, like saying hello. Looking at it, I laughed. Who said there was no hope?

These tender little leaves. They try their best to stretch their bodies and loudly announce their "resurrection" without any shyness or hesitation. All this made my body suddenly warm and my heart full of hope. Maybe life is like this: only those who have hope, dreams and goals can create miracles of life. No one can sentence us to "death" except ourselves.

After dinner, I went back to my cabin and picked up the exam paper with dazzling scores again. Under the warm desk lamp, I analyzed each question, carefully made marginal notes, and then drew the key points in the textbook.

With the infinite expectation of life, the fig tree makes every effort to meet its growth. With the infinite hope of dreams, I strive hard to meet my future! Hope, always!

800 words composition on college entrance examination (10)

Reading is a personal hope. Since primary school, we have dreamed of reading a good middle school, moving forward for our own cultural and cultivated level, building a good foundation for our own future, being useful for ourselves, and being admitted by others. If we like it, we have also begun to work hard and develop towards ambitious goals.

A middle school student in a city in Hubei Province, in order to be admitted to the local key high school, has reached the point of forgetting food and sleep. After many efforts, he finally entered the local key high school. Previously, he was often looked down upon by his classmates, but to this point, he is also more appreciated. His previous worries and sorrows have also instantly become beaming.

Reading is a personal hope and a wonderful journey of your own development.

Reading is the hope of the family. In thousands of families in the motherland, parents are too cautious about us, as if we are just a little eagle, constantly learning how to fly. Yes, in a family, they will ensure our clothing, food, housing and transportation in an all-round way, which is exactly the same. We can not live up to the ardent expectations of our parents. The litterateur Lu Xun once said: "One can't do great things without loving his parents!" No matter how nagging and boring their parents are, in short, they also pay for their children. No matter what, parents love you after all.

They will help you analyze the reasons when they see your failure in the exam; Seeing you succeed in the exam, I will tell you not to be proud; When I see that you are civilized and do good things, I will smile at you and say that our children are sensible; Seeing your achievements will give you encouragement and encourage you to move forward bravely.

Reading is the hope of the family and the good expectation of parents and children.

Reading is the hope of the country. There are many construction bases in the north and south of the motherland, which need some talents to study, manage and other measures. In terms of the cultural quality of some astronauts, they must have the ability of self-study, independent scientific research and the ability to create revolution to be eligible for admission by space workers. Therefore, reading is the hope of the country.

Reading is the hope of individuals, families and countries. In this land full of hope, we should seize the hope, work hard, and forge ahead!

800 words composition on college entrance examination (11)

In the duel of hope and disappointment, if you hold it firmly with your brave and firm hands, victory will belong to hope.

Those who have ideals and want to succeed want to have a brilliant life, so what they have experienced is not just plain sailing. On the contrary, the bumps and thorns on the road have become the stumbling blocks on the road to success. So, should we stick to life or pessimistic life? Obviously, persistence is much wiser than pessimism. Pessimists will feel that this life is ethereal, meaningless and meaningless. So choose to give up, choose to degenerate. It is hard to know: "There is no way out after the heavy mountains and rivers have been recovered, and there is a new village." Since you want to be a strong man in life, why not try hard to pursue it? If you want to have hope in life, you should never give up.

We marvel at the speed of Liu Xiang's never giving up, the tenacity of the Chinese women's volleyball team and the power of Edison's never giving up. Never give up is a kind of character, but also a kind of tenacity. He who never gives up wins. Hope lies in never giving up, and life lies in never giving up.

Only those who never give up see hope forever. And those who give up easily will only be in despair.

Every flower can give all its fragrance, and every drop of rain can moisten the dry earth. Therefore, everything in the world has its value of existence, not to mention the human who gathers wisdom and language in his life. There are more or less setbacks in life, but we should have hope for ourselves. In the face of setbacks, we are neither humble nor overbearing, and summarize the experience and lessons of failure. Why should I be immersed in the pain of failure? If you have hope, you should be confident of yourself. Self confidence is the key to success. Negative talk will only make you continue to be depressed and degenerate. Therefore, you must calm down, believe that there is hope everywhere in life, and then face setbacks with an ordinary and optimistic attitude.

Only optimistic, even if there is no beautiful city, even if there is no amazing results, even in the face of heavy schoolwork to give up the helpless. Inadvertently, you find that you don't complain at all; Inadvertently, you learned the spiritual concept of "having optimism means having wealth". At that time, you realized that even if ordinary, as long as optimistic, then the wealth will be more. Because life needs optimism, hope needs optimism. When all the fragrance is dissipated, the plum blossom can also be fragrant.

"Plum Blossom is inferior to Snow by 300 points, but Snow loses Plum Blossom's fragrance", because Plum Blossom has hope for itself and indomitable spirit. Dare to fight against the cold. There will always be a rainbow behind the dark clouds. Only by being indomitable and proud, can we become the fragrant plum blossom in winter.

Hope is for those who are prepared. Nothing is waiting for you to take. There is only one life for people. Since there is only one life, people have no hope of what they want, no matter success or happiness, if they can't get it in this life.

In life, with hope, we should pursue everything with urgency and persistent efforts.

Hope is the light that guides you.

800 words composition on college entrance examination (12)

I have read many books about the future. Many people are worried that the future of mankind is controlled by robots, and doubt that we humans will become pets or slaves of robots. When I saw that the theme of today's game was "tomorrow", I suddenly remembered the Wrinkles of Time written by the American writer Madeline Inge.

This book is a science fiction book. It describes that human future life is controlled by a machine brain. All people's walking speed, speaking rhythm, door opening, door closing, ball shooting, rope skipping and a series of daily life have been set to a standardized mode. Without self and personality, human beings are all the same, which is terrible. The only disadvantage of this robot brain is that it does not have love, and it will not have the ability to love like human beings.

Disciple Gui wrote: "Love all people, but love benevolence.". Tell us to love heaven and earth, love nature, love everything in the world and respect it. There is often a small pet vendor at the gate of our school. The students went to buy those poor and helpless fish, turtles, hamsters and so on for fun. After playing for a while, I felt bored and threw them away. When the teacher saw it, he would stop them and take them to release the small fish or turtle. The teacher told us that we must respect nature. Little fish and little turtles are all living creatures, and they should return to nature. When they return to nature, they will live happily and make the nature ecological balance. This is undoubtedly the best gift for us human beings. If it is a robot that sees a small fish or a small turtle, it will not actively help them, because there is no such design in its program, it will not pity these small animals and help them return to nature.

Human beings, because of their love, saw people who could not walk and tried to help them, so they invented wheelchairs; Because I love people and hope everyone can live in the light, I invented the electric light; Because loving nature will protect endangered creatures and help them multiply better to maintain the balance of nature. It is precisely because we have the ability to love that we will continue to invent and innovate. Robots have no such ability. Even if future robots learn to hate and anger, they will never learn to love. Because we have the ability to love, some people are brave, some are timid, some are strong, and some are kind. Everyone has different personalities. When something happens, we will act according to what our heart wants, which is human personality. Love is the hope of human tomorrow. Only with love can we constantly innovate, and innovative people will not be controlled by robots. Don't worry about the future world. Work hard and enrich yourself. Tomorrow will be better!

800 words composition on college entrance examination (13)

Or hysteria in the heart, or fatigue in the body. In a hurry, footprints spread out one by one; In a hurry, I never stop. I am willing to listen and relax.

When the lead is washed away, the ink splashing on the document is no longer so casual. When the lights are on and the city is in a carnival, how many voices are crying in the heart. Who in the world listens to you?

May all life be treated gently, so I choose to listen to the world. There is always a sentiment that can be swallowed and accepted by thousands of long rivers of life. When the pen turns a thousand times, there are always one fold and one vertical. There are thousands of voices, and there is always a voice that belongs to you. So I listen to the whole world quietly. In fact, the whole world is listening to me.

The dark green rubble, the flagstone path, and the path that belongs to the hometown are always the same, which is the listening of memory. There was a distant crow in my ear. The story belongs here, but the voice belongs to me. The entangled cicadas, grasshoppers and grasshoppers in the summer night are clear and cool. There is the drip sound of rain in the courtyard, the ten miles of misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, the lingering local voice, the singing of the drama, and the subtle clouds of the water town. It is nostalgia that belongs to the heart. When you listen to it, it is like a picture of your own haunted town scene. Your hurried steps are attracted by the beautiful sound.

Style, style. Self determined on the rising light, the world is biased, the fragrance of rosemary is gradually thick, and a miasma; Naturally, it really fixed the ingenious melody under the clouds. Grass is luxuriant and rain is moist. It is the call of life that spring buds break through layers of thick soil, and the drumbeat of new rain spots turns into a rapid roaring hot. The rustle of insects, the dialogue under the moon, and the flowing time are the corresponding unique and dense interest in the heart. So, thousands of miles away, the sound of nature is the surging of spring tide, the thunder of insects, the silent throbbing of flowers on the summer solstice. Lively life is true to life, freehand brushwork, perhaps, the voice is the best answer, so, in a hurry, in a hurry, the heart is no longer in a hurry.

In the city of black and white, neon lights are flashing, and the flow of people and vehicles may need more listening. Insomnia, pain, loneliness, no one cares, maybe we should listen to persistence, dreams, courage, warmth. In this city, you should live as you want. Life is a siege, but you still need to love. When you drink, you meet your friends, meet your rivals, and intrigue. You come and I go. The eyebrows that should fly, the mouth that should rise, the caring that should be long, and the unremitting struggle. This voice has outlined the blueprint of human nature with earthly brush and ink. No one is sorry to be born as a human being. The Buddhist voice of entering the world is captured with the ear of being born. There are no rules and regulations. One mountain, one world, one tree, one bodhi. What have I heard about the world?

I will reveal my heart one by one in the picturesque Jiangnan former residence, so a handful of loess on my hometown is my hot heart, which quietly listens to my joys and sorrows.

Just like the natural place of Taoyuan, I will talk about my memories one by one, so a clear stream between the living creatures is my heart suddenly. It roams in that lonely and independent space.

With people coming and going, I will show my sadness one by one. So, a spotlight under the bright moon is my first intention, which accumulates the hope of stepping on the road of dreams.

Love does not forget, there will be repercussions, the original intention to do so, the same is true of the return. When every time the stars on the river of the heart are turned into dreams, immersed in the cold Milky Way, light up the way ahead, the original heart is relieved, and I hope that every voice of the heart can be heard.

800 words composition on college entrance examination (14)

Having been saved in the city, I can't help being bored. Enjoying the superior living conditions and convenient transportation facilities in the city, the eyeful garden community, all kinds of hurried pedestrians and colorful modern clothing, it seems that even the breath out and breath in air is deeply branded with the mark of the city, the changeless life is boring. The idea of taking a walk in the suburbs, seeing the scenery and getting close to nature has also become stronger and stronger. Taking the opportunity of spring outing, I finally achieved my wish. Sitting by the bed, staring at the rapidly retreating scenery outside the window, I had many longings and some yearnings for the destination of this trip, Longwangtang. Then what are you looking forward to? Is it the charming scenery in the suburbs, or is it different from the clear, elegant and simple atmosphere in the city center.

I began to think slowly, but I could not find an exact answer. Maybe not, maybe not. For a long time, I also gave up thinking about this unimportant problem. The car stopped slowly, the wind was cold, and I reached out and pulled my clothes, but everything showed the signs of spring coming. There is a cherry forest not far away. The cherry blossoms are already in full bloom. It is an unnamed cherry tree. The shorter branches are full of white flowers like white jade. The taller ones have turned into peach pink. Holy as lily, pure as lotus, gorgeous as sunflower, charming as rose. "Huang Si's mother's flowers are full of mystery, and thousands of flowers are low." If she would come to see them, she would be ashamed of others' flowers, and the "thousands of flowers" would also be dwarfed. "The lotus petals fall in front of the wind, and the peach flowers are charming after the rain". The cool breeze brings a sense of coolness, and also brings a lot of petals, which are like rain. It is just a good sentence that the east wind blows flowers and thousands of trees at night, and the spring is like rain. Cherry blossom is beautiful but helpless. Cherry blossom is beautiful and outstanding. Diao Chan is like the moon, Xi Shi is ill at heart, the imperial concubine is drunk, and Zhao Jun goes out of the fortress. People give these four beautiful women fish and geese, and the moon shuts down to shame the flowers. But I prefer to give it to the cherry blossom in front of me, the cherry blossom in a thousand favorite episodes.

Farewell to the Cherry Blossom Forest, I stood on the dam and looked far away, like a scholar with poor official career. I used my heart to feel the spirit of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon. Wang Wei's poem was very powerful. The county and town floated forward and disappeared, and the waves moved far away. The river flows beyond the heaven and the earth, and the mountains are in the middle. Just 20 words contain the scenery of heaven, earth, rivers, and water. The poet's mind is also displayed in front of my eyes and in my heart.

So my ideal is to live in the nature where the beautiful scenery, clear air, as well as the elegant singing of birds, which makes me fascinated by nature.

800 words composition on college entrance examination (15)

Walking on the street, I saw a child fall down and cry loudly. The child's grandmother gently patted the ash on his body and said softly, "It's OK, it's OK. So I turned my head and tried to rub out those pesky sunshine, which suddenly turned into a bay of shallow water. In my eyes, I traced your vague outline. So all those old days in my memory came out, playing back your silhouette in my eyes.

Grandma, it's almost Dragon Boat Festival. I remember that you used to hang rows of dark green zong leaves in front of the window, so in those days, even the cover of my exercise book would be stained with a faint fragrance of bamboo leaves. When I went to the supermarket, my mother asked me if I wanted to buy some dumplings. I said no, I prefer to eat dumplings made by Grandma than those I bought. But my mother said that you should not be too tired when you are in poor health. I suddenly thought of the sweaters you knitted, the sweaters you beat, the balls you fried, and the dumplings you made. I think these things probably won't appear in my life again. I suddenly thought about how the fluorescent lamp in the supermarket became so dazzling. When I closed my eyelids, I was still thinking, Grandma, you have bad eyes. You must be careful when shopping in the supermarket in the future.

Why did the old days I collected carefully at that time, when you made a sumptuous dinner and knitted sweaters and sweaters yourself, only lost your busy figure?

Grandma, how long have I not seen you? Three months, four months or more. Grandma, in summer, are you still sitting in front of the door under the thick birch trees shaking the cattail leaf to enjoy the cool? It's always raining these days. Remember to cover your quilt when you sleep at night. The first floor of the old house is always a little cool from every corner. Slowly, it becomes your unique flavor in the old days.

Your more and more bent waist, as well as the increasing silver on your head, have become the most painful corner in every warm time for me. I tried to ignore them, but they became more and more conspicuous.

Grandma, don't always worry about me. I will study hard and have a good meal. It's you, don't always eat a little supper, and go out more, you know? In this way, you can eat well, smell good and be healthy. Grandma, you must listen to me on these two matters, or I will worry about it, you know?

When my pupils meet your gradually dim eyes, I see your eyes full of my figure.

I walked alone on the path of memory, bent over to pick up the good old times, I carefully collected them, and then went to the distant past, but you see, the pieces of fleeting years in my hands, that is the old time that belongs to you and me alone.

May the old lady with smiling eyes and throat have a good dream.