800 words of thank you composition (16 popular articles)
Don't forget your original intention
2024-06-23 08:28:34

Thank you for the composition 800 words (1)

The humiliation of the crotch and the endurance of the general will make the national scholar unparalleled.

Feint to attack Longxi, and it will be midnight; Build a plank road openly, and spend time secretly. Thank you, your appearance, like a meteor in the sky, is flashing and fleeting across the long river of years on the dark night.

Last year, the golden autumn leaves fell quietly. The fall of a leaf left a startling glimpse in my eyes. At this time, the unopened book on the shelf attracted my attention like a leaf.

The Death of Chu is a book about you. From it, I know you. You are young and frivolous. You wear a short sword and practice martial arts when you were young, but you beg for food because you are an exiled family. After ups and downs, you have learned about the world since you were young. When you face tough young people, you choose to endure humiliation; When you went through his crotch, you squared your sword and left in the face of the laughter of the whole audience, but why? When I opened this book, I saw that you praised the villains of that year, but you thought that: penny pinching against gold, swallow scratching swan, dare to gamble with life, you can be called a bloody man. I gradually understand that the essence of history lies in its original appearance. The humiliation of the crotch sharpens your will, which can be your constant patience. You should calm down at the extreme of grief and anger.

Thank you for letting me understand the relationship between patience and calm.

As the ancients said, "There are brave people in the world who will not be surprised when they die, and will not be angry when they are attacked without reason. The people they hold are very big, but their ambition is very far away." They waved eastward and won the first victory in the battlefield; Young and frivolous, he wields his sword all over the world. You can use your extraordinary war again and again to rebirth from nirvana. You, once unknown, became famous because of the battle of Gaixia. Your prestige is as powerful as that of the overlord Xiang Yu. Later, he left the abandoned hill and defeated Zhang Han, who was so powerful at that time. The Han army carried by the once halberd wielding Lang was as powerful as a rainbow. From then on, the place in Guanzhong was no longer known as Chu.

Thank you for letting me learn how to work hard. If I don't make a name for myself, I will make a great achievement.

Looking forward to you, walking with a sword, but walking alone. You can see a magnificent dynasty, an immortal dynasty, coming into being in the dawn, but it is also destined that before the dawn, you will no longer be called Han Xin, the incomparable national scholar. It's not like heaven won't help you, but what a fate! In front of Weiyang Palace, when it was raining at dusk, there was a long sigh. Since then, there has been no soldier immortal.

Life is like a battlefield, and the law of war is the philosophy of life. You used your short life to interpret the true meaning of history. Thank you for letting me learn the history of Chu and Han. Thank you for letting me understand that history is a second look at human life, and life will disappear in the past.

Thank you, the national scholar is unparalleled - Han Xin.

Thank you for writing 800 words (2)

Three foot platform, three inch tongue, three inch pen, three thousand peaches and plums.

Time flies like an arrow. The people and scenery around you are changing rapidly. How many students have you sent away in a twinkling of an eye.

In my memory, you are still used to standing at the end of the podium, frowning and scolding us for our mistakes. I still remember these, but I don't know whether you still remember them.

When you focus on the topic in front of the blackboard, I draw animated characters on the textbook by "hard work"; When you grasp the English examination paper and try to give us a clear summary of the reasons for our failure, I meditate and do math problems without listening; When you told us the philosophy of life in English class, I recalled the game I lost last night at my desk, and now I am ashamed of what you taught us.

Dear teacher, you always like to rely on the platform to talk about life philosophy and learning methods, telling us that life is more important than learning. Although I didn't understand it at that time, I can understand your meaning after careful review.

Dear teacher, you always have confidence in us, but we are always "cynical" and "arrogant". Even if your hopes are broken again and again, your confidence in us is still firm as before.

After the monthly exam, you took the test paper and said angrily to us: "These questions were all talked about in class, and n+1 has changed, but who did it?" You didn't say much about other questions, just left us a shadow of leaving, but I still saw your white hair on your temples, and I felt guilty for a moment. We are "cynical" and "arrogant" The students looked at each other without saying a word and silently studied the test questions.

I thought you were heartbroken to us, but who would have thought that you would still tell us more detailed and serious questions on that cold winter morning.

Dear teacher, we all know that when we are asleep, you are still carefully preparing lessons and correcting homework. The light lengthens the shadow of your right and wrong comments. When we are confused, you will always show us the way forward. We all know that maybe you are just a candle, burning yourself to illuminate others; Perhaps you are an arch bridge, which sets up the road for us to move forward; Maybe you are the gardener of Yimin, cutting the thorns on our way forward.

Sometimes we will give you some funny but very consistent nicknames, but you have heard this before, but it is just a smile.

Maybe a simple thank you can't express my respect for you, but thousands of thanks will come together in one sentence, so here I want to say to you sincerely:

Thank you, teacher!

Thank you for the composition 800 words (3)

In the evening, the wind howled and it began to rain. Silver coin like raindrops hit the earth. I hold an umbrella and spare one hand to read a notice. A bunch of hair stood in front of me, so I quickly lifted it with my hand. Unexpectedly, as soon as the hand was loosened, the notice was blown to a muddy pool not far away by the wind.

I was shocked. The notice was lying in the middle of the muddy water. The back must be dirty, and the front was splashed with muddy water. This very important notice cannot be lost. If you pick them up, your shoes will definitely get wet and your hands will be dirty. Do you want to pick it up?

Just as I hesitated, an old woman appeared in the rain. She was carrying a small umbrella with a bent back. The granny had silver hair on her temples and a deep wrinkle carved on her forehead. She saw the notice lying in the middle of the muddy water, and looked at me with a frown. "Little girl, is this list yours? Let me pick it up for you!" I nodded, "Thank you. At this time, the umbrella fell from the old woman's hand. I was going to help her pick it up when she waved her hand. Then he went to pick up the umbrella with one hand protecting the notice. This is slowly coming to me.

"Little girl! Your list," the old woman handed me the list and said with a smile. She was all wet. The hands were covered with black muddy water, the sleeves of the clothes became very dirty, the white cloth shoes suddenly became black gray, and the forehead was suffused with tiny beads of sweat. "Thank you, Grandma!" I bowed, looked at the clean notice and said affectionately. "You're welcome." The old lady waved her hand. "Such beautiful clothes and shoes will get dirty if you pick them up. It's a pity. OK, I'm going back." I quickly waved to the old lady: "Goodbye, old lady!" The old lady also waved to me. Then I watched her old back go away.

This matter has been very warm in my heart since I recalled it. Although this is just a small thing, I still feel very touching. The old lady in the rain, I want to say to you again: "Thank you, grandma!"

Thank you for writing 800 words (4)

Tomorrow, we graduate. As soon as I think of tomorrow, I will say goodbye to the beautiful campus and the teachers and students who live together day and night. I feel deeply attached to them.

I still remember clearly that six years ago, we walked into the campus with our parents close by, with our vision of school and respect for teachers. The grass covered playground, the classroom with a few quiet windows, the naive students, the amiable teachers, and the textbooks with ink smell are all so moving.

Six years of study and life are like a colorful picture. Every morning, we enter the school gate facing the rising sun, and our laughter ripples in the silent campus all night. The morning exercises started, and we lined up to enter the playground. The neat movements and vigorous posture really have a bit of military spirit! When the bell rang, we quickly entered the classroom. In the classroom, we listened attentively, read with emotion, and fell in love with others, just like seedlings, sucking the sweet spring flowing from the past. Writing for 15 minutes at noon is our daily compulsory course. In the sound of elegant and relaxed music, we paint red posters one by one. From those square characters, we feel the breadth and depth of Chinese culture. The extracurricular interest group activities twice a week are particularly popular with us. At this time, we rushed to our favorite world: some learned computers, some rehearsed choruses, some went out to sketch, and some made specimens.

Six years later, we have grown up here. We have learned a lot of knowledge and skills, learned how to behave, and felt the joy and happiness of childhood. My alma mater, these are the spiritual wealth you have given us. How can we forget! Dear teacher, looking back on the six years' history, every achievement of us is condensed with your hard work and sweat, and every progress of us is inseparable from your help and education. It was you who meticulously taught us all kinds of knowledge in class. It was you who joined us in the Young Eagle Holiday Team. It was you who went to the library on Sundays to look up information in order to guide our science and technology team to make inventions. Working hard day and night, your forehead has been covered with wrinkles, and the dust of chalk has dyed your hair white. However, nothing can change your love and infatuation for education, and nothing can change your ever young and creative heart. Teacher, you set an example for us with your words and deeds. In my mind, you are an angel, you are a tree, you are an ocean.

At this time of departure, dear teacher, we will send you a song to let you listen to our voice when you rest. We will put fire like verses under your pillow, so that you can feel our fiery heartbeat in your sleep.

Thank you for the composition 800 words (5)

The most selfless, greatest and sublime love in the world is maternal love. In my study and life, my mother gave me meticulous care. With her care, I grew up healthily and happily.

Whenever I met with difficulties, my mother always accompanied me. One cold night when I was in primary school, when everyone was asleep, I had a fever. My mother ignored the cold and rushed to find medicine for me to eat. Then my mother said to me, "Go to bed!"! I may not be able to go to school tomorrow. I will call your teacher to ask for a leave in the morning, and I will sleep in bed. When I wake up in the morning, I see my mother's eyes closed and her haggard face that didn't sleep well that night. I can't bear to wake my mother. I touch my forehead, and the fever is almost gone. I closed my eyes again. I accidentally pushed my mother's hand. I found that her hand was so cold. When she saw me awake, she smiled and said to me, "Are you awake?"? I said that the fever has almost subsided. It's still early. I can still go to school. My mother touched my forehead with her hand before I noticed the dark circles around my mother's eyes. Because the time is early, I asked for a morning leave. My mother is at 7. At 30, I went to work.

When I was in primary school, my mother always cared about me because I was young and ignorant and could not listen to my lessons in class. Until the sixth grade, my mother could not teach me like before. She asked me to learn to be self-conscious. But because I was fond of playing last semester, I never thought of helping my mother do housework or anything because I either went out to play on weekends, or played computer or watched TV at home. On Sunday night, I found that I didn't do my homework, so I did it in a hurry. I just passed the Duan exam last semester, and my mother was very angry at that time. While my father was reasoning with me, she said that you wouldn't listen to me. How many times have you talked like this? Do you want to learn or what? Dad said a few more words, and she repeated that sentence again. Once I stood up to you and always said me, but did you ever think about your problem? She didn't say anything, left my room, went upstairs to watch TV, and turned the volume to the maximum. I know she was not in the mood to watch TV. TV, just a cover up!

Every child is happy. Because they all have selfless, great maternal love and are warmly embraced. I am no exception. I think I am the happiest child in the world, because I have a kind and strict mother. I love my mother, thank her for bringing me into the world, and thank her for bringing me up.

Thank you for writing 800 words (6)

In fact, there has always been a secret in my heart. The secret is that I want to thank you, sister. In fact, this secret is not a big deal. But every time I see the scar on your hand, I can't say thank you. Maybe it's because of guilt or maybe it's because of embarrassment. Sister, do you still remember that autumn?

That autumn was the year I hated the most. You were hurt that fall to save me. At that time, I thought every day whether you would not be injured if it was not for me. At that time, I would go to the hospital to see you every day. Whenever I look at your arm in plaster and wrist wrapped in gauze, I can't help crying. At that time, you said a lot of words to comfort me, but I can't remember it clearly. I only remember that you said one thing: Fool, you are my sister. I don't protect you. Who protects you. From that moment on, I decided to protect you and make you the happiest sister in the world.

Whenever I see the fallen leaves fluttering in the wind, I remember the scene of the past. When I was young, I was very naughty, just like a tomboy. That day, when the farm work on the ground was the busiest, you all worked hard in the field. I was the only one playing in the car. You know that I am lively and can't stay there. He spread a climbing mat for me to sit under the shade of the tree. You also go to the supermarket to buy delicious food for me. I saw you come back after you bought something, and I hopped to you and threw myself into your arms. You rub my head, hold me and let me sit under the tree. The warm autumn wind blew to us, and the little red hat on my head was blown to the road. When I was ready to take it, I felt that I was surrounded by a force and fell to the ground. When I opened my eyes, I saw that you fell on the ground, your hands were still bleeding, and one side of your body was pressed under the electric car. People are in a coma. I was so frightened that I desperately shouted for help and shook your body. Tears in my eyes ran down your cheeks and onto your hands. Helplessness, fear and anxiety all came to my heart for a moment. I wiped my tears and kept mumbling: Wake up, sister. Wake up, sister

Suddenly, I heard bursts of thunder overhead. Interrupted my thoughts, the rain ran down my clothes in the ground. Tears blurred my vision, only heard the sound of ticking around.

Sister, thank you. I can only write my thanks into our stories in this way. Sister, thank you!

Thank you for the composition 800 words (7)

In the ordinary study, work and life, everyone has written a composition. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from the compressed simple language that can be understood by oneself to the developed external language form that has standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. When you write a composition, you always have no way to start? The following is the calligraphy collected by Xiaobian for everyone. Thank you for your 800 words composition for your reference. I hope it can help friends in need.

Wandering in the mysterious world of classical music, writing on paper with a brush in hand. The pen is thick, the ink is thick, and the words are square. I am splashing ink to my heart's content; Word grass, dry pen, ink, is my new hope in despair. Calligraphy has accompanied me year after year. I sincerely thank you.

In a dark wet weather, listening to the sad music in the classroom radio, I knew what would happen to me. I sat anxiously in my seat and looked fearfully at the platform. Yesterday, the teacher's words warned me constantly, and I was prepared psychologically.

As time went by, the teacher's high-heeled shoes clattered. She entered the classroom and looked at me with a stern touch of light. What she handed me was an 88 point examination paper. In the fifth grade, a student with excellent grades only got 88 points! Listening to others' cheerful laughter and looking at their happy expressions and full marks on the test paper, I couldn't help sighing: "I'm really bad!"

When I got home, I spread a piece of rice paper, polished some ink, held the brush tightly and dipped it in ink, and then wrote on the paper. At this time, the thoughts in my mind seemed to suddenly fly out, brushing my cheek, floating over my shoulder, and finally flowing into the ink along my fingers. At this time, I once again splashed ink, and the paper was full of my emotions. Gradually, it seemed that I suddenly came to a place where there were green trees, fragrant flowers, beautiful birds singing loudly, and there were fresh wind and flowing water, butterflies dancing lightly. It is really an ideal state. I had no distractions, and I felt comfortable, happy and satisfied.

Back to reality, I immediately changed the European style. Ouyang Xun's font is straight and powerful, and then I come to a new realm. What I see is that some celebrities strive for their own career and ideals. They are determined not to be discouraged by failure. In this way, they persevered and finally succeeded.

My heart was shocked. I was confused and sad because of failure? Just like visiting in the realm of calligraphy, those famous people who do not rely on strong will to forge a perfect life? I just feel that in the face of failure, I have to pay more efforts to finally reach the position in my dream.

Calligraphy is like this, like a wise man, pointing out my confusion when I am confused; Like a wonderful flower in art, when my heart is deserted, it blooms with hope; Like a spring, when my heart is hungry, it injects new vitality and encourages me to move forward.

Calligraphy, thank you! The next goal is in your hands and mine.

Thank you for writing 800 words (8)

No matter in study, work or life, we always have to touch composition. Composition is a speech activity that people express their feelings in written form. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is a sentence carefully organized by Xiao Bian. Thank you for 800 words of junior high school composition. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Memory lost its color because it was too far away, and the picture was always fixed on a black and white photo. The background of the photo is a huge playground, and the black and white runway seems to be a note jumping on the music score. The main characters on the screen are three girls chasing and fighting. They ran and played and squandered their joy and laughter, leaving the best memories of their youth in their memory.

Turn the clock back three years ago. The sky is as blue as glaze, the grass and trees are as green as paintings, and everything is so beautiful and unreal. Lying on the lawn, I saw the shadow of the two partners from the light refracted from the blurred tears. They laughed and came to me one after another. When they saw me with tears in my eyes, they seemed surprised. The sunny expression on their faces immediately changed into a cloudy face. They asked softly, "What's wrong with you?" I shuffled together an incomplete sentence. Fortunately, they finally understood: "I was criticized by the teacher. What's the big deal? Look at us, we are the people who are scolded all the time. Now we are all right." She said, winking at another girl beside her, The dark pupils showed a charming light. My mood suddenly improved a lot.

The school playground is the best place for us to show our skills. We play, fight, laugh and even scold each other. We never felt worried, and never thought that one day I would leave them and fly north towards the South China Sea.

The graduation exam was approaching, and the first mock exam threw me into the abyss. That day, the sky was clear, but not as blue as I wanted. Once again, I shed my tears on the lawn beside the playground. The next day, I found two thousand paper cranes on the table, which were sent by them. One wrote my favorite sentence, "Children without umbrellas must run hard." The other wrote my favorite lyrics, "Tomorrow, hello, we must learn to be brave." I looked at them in class, which was persistent and unyielding. Later, I gradually realized that each of us is a child without an umbrella. We are afraid of cold and wet in the rain, so we will escape and lose our courage.

After the graduation exam, we finally separated. Even if we desperately want to retain. When we stood on the playground for the last time, the friendship was still unchanged in our fighting. We looked at each other knowingly and smiled.

I have always thought that without them, I might sink after a blow. I might not become as strong as I am now. Maybe I would not have my present or even future. Maybe I would not become such an indomitable fearless person.

In fact, there is always a "thank you" that has not been expressed, perhaps because it was naive in those days. Thank you, even if it was just you, thank you, the girls who accompany me to grow up.

Thank you for writing 800 words (9)

In study, work and life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be familiar with it. Composition is a speech activity with a high degree of comprehensiveness and creativity. So how do you write a general composition? The following is a teacher organized by Xiao Bian for you. Thank you for your 800 word composition in junior high school. Welcome to learn from it. I hope it will be helpful to you.

I really don't know why I don't have my paper this time. Nobody is willing to take it for me. Am I too popular? Tears of injustice could not help flowing down. In fact, I have never been a likeable girl. I am ordinary in learning and appearance. I always feel inferior here. This time, no one will help me get the test paper. Is it because everyone doesn't like me?

I was wronged to tell my master about it. Shifu, an online friend I know, always cares about me. Because of him, I can feel a little warmth and care online. The front table also said that I was cute when I cried. Is he so happy when watching others cry?

Well, my disciple, I think your sense of isolation may be the result of your own brain (I'm not sure, just a feeling). After all, I'm a boy, and I don't understand the relationship between girls very well. But even so, I still think you are too sensitive and pessimistic this time. From the perspective of being a teacher and your subjectivity, your front desk is really excessive, but from the perspective of a passer-by, don't most people choose not to persuade you to cry? Let's think about it in a brighter direction. If we think about it from the perspective of others, I am her, you are a... uh... classmate with an average relationship. I see that you don't know why you cry. As an outsider, I should not care about it. After all, it is better to do less than more.

What's more, if I ask you something that might make you feel sad again, I just don't care. When you send me a note explaining why you are crying, my reaction is that you should not be very sad. I just tease you with a joke, so she said you are cute when you cry.

The master said so many things at once. I know she cares about me, but I'm still very aggrieved. Why can't I make friends?

"The more you think about something, the more you will feel warm. Your attitude affects your situation. When you think that all the people around you love you, they will really love you. When you think that all the people around you are hurting you, they will really alienate you. Who would like to be friends with girls who exude a dark atmosphere? It seems right! I have always been like this, a girl.

Mmm. So, when your sensitive heart is stabbed by sand, don't cry, and carefully wrap it. Maybe it is a pearl.

You said you wanted to take an exam. Come on, my disciple, don't cry. You are a big boy.

Don't worry, Shifu. I will try to change my own attitude, accept my classmates, and won't stay in my own world. Thank you, Shifu.

Thank you for your composition 800 words (10)

In our daily study, work and life, the most familiar thing is composition, which can improve our language organization ability. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is a 800 word composition for you - junior high school narrative composition, which I hope will help you.

"Thank you", a seemingly simple and simple sentence, has made many people warm. It is like a pair of warm hands in cold winter, warming people's hearts. Today, it is such a sentence that caused my deep thinking.

"The white orchids! Buy the white orchids!" At this time, I stood in the crowd again. In summer, there would always be one or two old people with bamboo baskets selling white orchids on the street. A shabby bamboo basket, a small wooden chair and a small empty roof are the best stalls for them.

People walking around almost ignore the old man's hawking, because they pay more attention to the discount of famous brand clothes on the street. They didn't notice the old man's eyes, Horna's hoarse voice. I like the white orchid and its faint fragrance. If I want to buy one, I can feel it in my pocket and find something bad. Forget it, come back some other day

"Wow -", suddenly, there was a sound in my ear. Looking back, not far away from me, the old man's basket of white orchids was trampled down by a drunk. The flowers inside were trampled. The old man looked at the basket of white orchids in despair, lowered his head to pick them up. No one noticed the tears in his eyes, and the drunkard did not know it at all. He had already swaggered away. The old man's wrinkled hands moved back and forth between the flowers and the bamboo basket. Suddenly, a pair of white hands held it.

"Can you sell them to me?" It was a little girl. She squatted in front of the old man and looked at him. "These flowers are useless, child, go somewhere else." The old man smiled at the girl. "No, my mother loves orchids very much, and I must buy them now. I don't know where they are still available." The girl looked down, as if she was a little lost. The old man understood her meaning and handed her the flowers: "Go back to your mother quickly, good boy." "Thank you!" The girl was very happy, holding the basket, and was about to pay. The old man stopped her. "My child, your mother deserves it. She has such a good daughter as you. Your thanks are enough. Go back quickly and don't let her worry." The girl hesitated for a moment, but nodded and left.

Yes, if there were more "thank you" in the society, the warmth would reach everyone's heart, but now it's hard to say.

Watching the girl and the old man leaving behind, I felt a little more gratified. It seemed that the familiar and hoarse voice came back to my ears: Buy a white orchid

Thank you for writing 800 words (11)

A "thank you" is an affirmation, commendation and encouragement of goodwill, and a kindling to pass on that friendship and kindness. A "thank you" brings each other closer, conveys feelings, and also extends happiness

"Thank you" is the most beautiful language in the world. A sincere thank you is the warmest communication in the world. No matter how we used to be, how we are now, and how we will be in the future, as long as we are full of thanks and say thank you more, we can deliver positive energy to the world and get more happiness.

The road is slippery on a rainy day, and you fell down accidentally. A little partner helped you up. Don't forget to say "thank you". Thank him for not watching and for helping in time. A "thank you" is the best reward for the benefactor who has helped you. Maybe they only need this sentence. Their requirements are really not high. When other children fall down, you also go to help them, so that we can pass on our love. Therefore, in the face of difficulties, everyone should lend a helping hand.

To work with a grateful heart is to pass on love. To treat others and life with a positive and optimistic attitude is to convey love. Everyone will meet one or several people who have an impact on their own growth and destiny in their life. Please say to them sincerely: Thank you! Don't let love break.

If you can't do a question, your partner will patiently explain it to you until you understand it completely. Don't forget to sincerely say "thank you". Thank him for not refusing. Thank him for taking the time to teach you. If your partner encounters the same problem, you will not refuse him. This helped little partner will also sincerely say to you: Thank you. He is also willing to explain to other little friends who can't do questions. In this way, we will pass on "Thank you".

Who stood beside you when you failed and silently supported you?

Who handed you a tissue when you were crying?

Who is happy to "congratulate you" when you get good results?

Without thinking, you will tell a long list of people you want to thank: father, mother, teacher, classmates, friends... Their warmth and care are the sunshine and rain of our growth, and all the nourishment in our life. Please pass on this love! When they need you, please stand beside them and support them!

From you to me, from me to him, from him to everyone... As long as love is passing on, we can live in a world full of love.

Thank you for writing 800 words (12)

Entering the school gate, two pines and cypresses stood upright on both sides of the garden. They are still lively and energetic, still like two soldiers holding their posts, protecting the campus and children. I stood under the tree silently and whispered to him: Goodbye, my beloved alma mater.

I walked into the classroom, opened the books, stroked the tables and chairs, and appreciated the blackboard newspaper. Five years of happiness, anger, sadness, and joy, like butterflies flying from the depths of memory, each butterfly tells a happy memory, while the most colorful butterfly tells the most grand festival of our Fuwa - Foreign Language Festival.

I remember that the theme of this foreign language festival is Spain. Spanish football is among the best in the world. So we held several football matches and selected the elite to form a star team to fight with teachers. The whole football field was crowded with people. Each audience held a small flag in their hands, and some students painted the words "Go Star Team" on their faces, while I held a big flag weighing three kilograms.

The game began with the sound of the physical education teacher's whistle. The star team first contacted and attacked several times, but was stopped by the teacher. Then, the teacher scored two goals in a flash, and the whole court burst into flames. Not to be outdone, the star team scored a goal, struck while the iron was hot, and scored another goal. Everyone became more and more boisterous, cheering and jumping. I was also very excited and waved the flag for the star team. When everyone was full of confidence, the teacher team made a surprise attack while the team members were in high spirits and scored two goals in a row. This is because there is not much time left for the competition. More and more people are cheering for the teachers' team. There are also some mathematical wizards. Everyone is losing confidence gradually. However, the power of the star team remained. Finally, the star team rose and broke out, scoring three goals in a row, and the whole game was in full swing. On the court, the teacher team is always exciting when shooting.

As the game drew to a close, the pride of the star team created a loophole, allowing the teacher team to take advantage of it, and the score was 5; 5, entered the penalty shootout. In between, the teacher flew a big foot, and the football hit the goal like a meteorite. The goalkeeper of the Star Team rushed towards the football like a tiger, and the teachers failed to score three goals in a row. It was the turn of the star team to show their talents, but the teacher team was indomitable and the star team did not score. In the end, the negligence of the goalkeeper of the star team made the teacher team score a goal, and the star team missed the championship by one goal. However, we are still proud of the excellent performance of the star team.

It is such activities that exercise ability and promote friendship. My alma mater, you have given us the opportunity to exercise, the stage to show, the impetus to move forward, and the unparalleled happiness. Goodbye, my beloved alma mater, we will set sail with your expectations, and we will go to the world from here!

Thank you for writing 800 words (13)

On my desk, there is a book that has been turned into rags and its pages have turned slightly yellow. On the cover, a middle-aged man without limbs was standing on the beach. The first time I saw this striking cover, I was shocked. Why does a person without limbs smile so happily?

This is the first book that my father gave me. I was six years old at that time. I didn't have the heart to read this book.

When I picked up this book again, I was seven years old and didn't know many words at that time, so I asked my mother to read it to me. Before I understood it, my mother had already burst into tears.

When I pick up this book again, it is already the fourth grade. I didn't do well in the math exam that day, and I was very unhappy when I got home. I sat at my desk and took this out of a pile of books. My long lost friend opened it, read it again and understood him. Lik. Hu Zhe was born without limbs. He was bullied by his classmates and was called a freak. He had the idea of suicide when he was ten years old, but he came back to life strongly and started his speech career. He wrote this book Life Has No Limits. Rick said: On the other side of sadness, there is a different way out. It will make you stronger and more determined, and let you find the life you want. I will point this way for you. It's midnight after reading, I think: why can he surf, I can't; He can overcome the difficulties. Why can't I pass a small episode? I don't think I can sleep yet. I take out the math paper from my schoolbag, copy the wrong questions in my notebook, and do it again.

I should face anything with a smile and run towards the sun tomorrow! I have learned that the most tragic thing in life is not to lose limbs, but to have no hope and goal for survival! People often complain that they can't do anything, but if we only remember what we want to have or lack, instead of cherishing what we have, it will not change the problem at all! What really changes our destiny is not our opportunities, but our attitude.

"There is a golden house in the book, and there is a beautiful face in the book". Books are infinite treasures, which add rich knowledge to me; Book is a happy heaven, let me forget all the sadness. Rick told us that even if the environment cannot be changed, we can change our heart and our attitude towards life!

Thank you for the composition 800 words (14)

The time of primary school slipped away, and I had entered the gate of junior high school before I knew it. I have met many new friends and teachers. Everything has changed. The classroom is no longer the familiar faces. I miss them very much

Yan De is a good friend of my primary school and a good assistant I need to learn.

When I was in the third grade, I was ignorant and depressed because of a bad exam result. My mother came home to scold me. I was very sad and sad.

I still remember clearly that in the English class, the teacher asked me to get up and answer questions. I hesitated all the time and couldn't answer. The teacher criticized me. I lowered my head. Tears were like pearls with broken lines. Large hot tears ran across my face and covered my skirt. All the sadness and sadness, at this moment, like a flood, burst out. The teacher was a little overwhelmed by my sudden reaction. He came forward to greet me, but I covered my face and cried.

After class, one of them studied very well. She was thin and had a dark face, but her clear brown eyes were as calm as a lake, which impressed me deeply. This is Yan De.

"Classmate, what's the matter with you?" Her voice was sweet, like a spring flower.

I told her about my recent worries, and she gently comforted me and said, "It's OK. Failure is the mother of success. This time I failed in the exam, and I will continue to work hard next time." After listening to her words, I felt much better and began to work hard. When the teacher saw that Yan De and I had a good relationship, she and I were very happy to help me sit with her in my study.

With her supervision in class, I listened attentively and read with emotion. The class meeting was very enthusiastic. She is like my little teacher, always taking care of me and treating me as my sister.

Time is like the sand in your hand. The tighter you hold it, the more you want to cherish it, the faster it goes. Unconsciously, we have passed through two spring, summer, autumn and winter happily. It's time to divide classes

She was assigned to Class 4, and I still stayed in Class 2. Although there was a lot of sadness and anxiety, I said to her, "We work together and hope to see Jiaonan No. 1 Middle School in four years' time!" This sentence was like farewell, like agreement, like encouragement, and more like reluctance. We worked together for the last year, finally graduated, and entered an important stage to realize our agreement.

Yan De, the stars are shining and the moon is bright outside the window at the moment. I am very grateful for all that you have contributed to me and for the years you have accompanied me through. I miss our good times, and we are trying to realize our agreement. What about you?

Thank you for the composition 800 words (15)

In the same autumn, you in red just came into my sight, leaving a touch of fire red in my sight. You are lively and cheerful. You have a silver bell like laughter. The ponytail behind your head is like a happy pony, dancing happily all the time. You are like a born sun. You gradually enter my world, like a kind angel, and lead me slowly into the new world. We have become best friends.

Maybe you don't remember, but for me, it was still the most unforgettable conversation in our four years. It is a common topic among friends: "What kind of person do you think I am?" You seem to care less about telling me my characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, and the indifferent look on your face will also dampen my interest and expectations. But you held my hand again, and held it tightly. I looked at you in surprise. You were still indifferent, but leaned over and said, "You are my forever friend."

Come out of the memory, unconsciously, as if someone is controlling me, and walk to the place where we used to play together. The grass on the ground is slightly yellow, as if announcing the arrival of autumn; The willow leaves on the tree also fall down one by one, just like butterflies dancing; The buds on the branches also slowly took back the little face that was frozen red, as lovely as a little girl; The maple leaves also became red, and the fiery maple leaves seemed to be your smiling face to me in the bleak autumn wind.

I turned around to go, but I saw you. I opened my mouth in surprise, as if I could swallow an egg. It's a magic idiom. I don't believe there is such a magic thing in the world, but at this moment, I have to believe it. You slowly approach me and gently hold me as if I were a fragile porcelain doll. I asked, "Why are you here?" You said, "Do you believe that your heart is connected?" I shook my head, but nodded again. If I believe, I really don't believe, but who will explain everything to me. You let me go, smiled at me, shook your head and said, "Go to the bookstore." You know me very well. I may not know myself so well myself, but you seem to know me better than I do.

I have a long way to go in life, but my best friend is a lively and cheerful girl in front of me. You are like a street lamp in the dark, and I am like a person walking on the road. You always illuminate me, always stand up when I need you, defend me countless times, and tell me with your actions that we are friends, and you treat me as a family in your heart, a family that can be relied on.

Even though there are thousands of words, they can be combined into one sentence: Thank you, friend!

Thank you for the composition 800 words (16)

I still remember when I was young, my parents were very busy, and only you stayed to take care of me. At that time, you were 60 years old. However, when I was a child, I was very naughty and always liked to try all kinds of new things. You followed me all the time. I still remember clearly that you taught me to speak and walk. When I was just able to speak, I could not even name you clearly. You have been patiently teaching me. When I first learned how to walk, I held the things beside me, and you held me behind. Slowly, I will walk, I will run everywhere, and you follow me every step, never let me fall and get hurt.

I still clearly remember the scene when you taught me to read and write. You have made me remember the Tang poems over and over again. It can be said that you gave me everything I had.

Slowly, I grew up and began to go to primary school. You sent me to school, after school and cooked lunch for me every day. It's a wonderful feeling to have delicious food when you get home at noon every day. Later, I don't need you to pick me up, but you will pick me up and cook me all kinds of food I like every day. Every day when I call you home, I can smell the fragrance of rice and listen to your advice. But I don't know, you are also getting old slowly.

Today, you are 70 years old. I always make mistakes like a child. But you still cook for me every day. Although you always mix sugar and salt and forget to put MSG, the taste is not as good as before, but your love for me has never changed. You who once helped me walk now need me to help you walk. Sometimes I am a little faster than you, which makes you have to speed up your pace. You who once taught me to read, now you will ask me if you can't read and write. Every time I tell you, you will suddenly understand, but the next day when I ask you this word, you will still forget it.

My current learning tasks are more and more onerous, which makes me have no more time to accompany you and make you more and more lonely. However, whenever I sit down to do my homework, you will always sit down beside me silently and accompany me until I finish my homework. I can feel that you want to stay with me for a while. Therefore, I always find time to chat with you. When I see your smiling face, my mood will change.

Although your hair is gray, your back is bent, and your speech is not clear, and you have gone through more than ten years of vicissitudes, I know that your love for me has never changed.

Thank you, my grandma. Without you, I would not be today. I want to say: "You grow up with me, and I grow old with you." I will always accompany you in the future. When I grow up, I will repay you. I love you as much as you love me... Thank you, I love you.