Metamorphosis composition materials (3 in general)
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2024-06-05 05:55:19
junior middle school

Metamorphosis Composition Materials (1)

In one's life, one has experienced children, teenagers, adults... Every transformation is every transformation. Every change is fleeting, but only those three times keep me in mind.

When I was in primary school, my grades were medium and my appearance was popular. At first sight, I was born to be honest. It was hard to find in the crowd. At that time, the "top students" seemed to make our class's heaven and earth omnipotent. It seems that they will always be the protagonists and we will always be supporting actors. At that time, I was very introverted, not talkative, and a dispensable person. The whole world belongs to the top students.

In the summer vacation of junior high school, my goal is the experimental class of No. 3 Middle School. But when I think of my intermediate grade, I lose confidence again. But I didn't give up. During the summer vacation, I wrote at least three to five test papers a day and read all day until the day of the exam. But no matter how hard I tried, I just got into an ordinary class. I tried hard, but there was nothing I could do.

Now in junior high school, it is necessary to exercise every day. In PE class again, the teacher asked us to run one kilometer. This kilometer is not difficult for ordinary people, but it is extremely difficult for me, a little fat man. I lied to the teacher that my stomach hurt and I couldn't run, but the teacher didn't listen to this and had to face the reality bravely.

When I ran for a lap, I felt a pain in my right abdomen. I knew the extreme was coming. Either squat down for a while, or close your eyes and bite your teeth. I chose the second one. Probably ran half a lap again, and the right abdomen was more painful, and I could hardly hold on. But I kept running

This state lasted half a circle. At the third lap, the pole disappeared completely, and I accelerated slightly. Although I am still the last one, I am strong.

Every change of a person means that he has matured a step further. How mature am I?

Transforming Composition Materials (2)

There is a caterpillar sitting on the tender leaves, which is a larva. I believe it was just born. He likes this boundless world of flowers and flowers, and he tries his best to understand some interesting things in this world.

At the age of three, whenever the Tomb Sweeping and Double Ninth Festival comes, I always act like a coquette and follow the adults to visit the tomb. This is a rare opportunity for "outing". Walking on those rugged mountain roads; When the sight is covered by slender weeds; When a frog or grasshopper suddenly jumps out of his side; I will be happy. I just stood beside the tomb, while the adults were in a hurry to set off firecrackers and burn Yuanbao candles. My eyes were not on them, but on the things that made me curious. All this is just for fun.

Before long, the caterpillar gradually grew up and formed a cocoon. He was no longer interested in the world of play fatigue. Lazy, he just wants to stay at home, eat, drink and have fun. He doesn't want to break out of the cocoon and face this meaningless world again.

At the age of eight, it was the Double Ninth Festival again. I lay on the sofa lazily, flipped through the old magazines with frowns, waved my hand smartly, and said, "Go! I won't go, boring!" The adults had no choice but to let me "rest" at home! At that time, I no longer wanted to face the noisy firecrackers that harassed my ears; I didn't want to see the Yuanbao candle send out the signal of "asking for help" - the thick smoke made my eyes involuntarily burst into tears; I don't want to risk being "kissed" by mosquitoes to visit the tomb. All of this is about yourself.

The cocoon begins to break, and the ugly caterpillar has transformed into a beautiful butterfly that can fly high. It is not only the change of appearance, but also gradually mature in thought. He learned what gratitude is

At the age of 14, the pace of time again stayed in the Tomb Sweeping Day and the Double Ninth Festival. On the day of tomb sweeping, I got up very early and took the initiative to get some supplies needed for tomb sweeping, and embarked on the journey of tomb sweeping. Standing in front of the tomb, I found that I had never carefully seen every tomb of my ancestors. I felt a little sad in my regret. I picked up the Yuanbao candle and silently tried my best to be filial. All of this can only hope to make up for previous mistakes

Today, the caterpillar transformed into a butterfly takes the responsibility of transmitting pollen and works hard! To make a little contribution to the world where he lives and supports him

Transforming Composition Materials (3)

The cold wind rustled in the cold column, and people had to tighten their sleeves to resist the cold wind. Everyone is also getting rid of the old and making new arrangements to welcome the arrival of the New Year. At this moment, I think of kinds of things and kinds of growth that have happened in the past year, which makes me feel a lot.

In this year, I think I really understand how to release pressure. Recalling the time when I just entered junior high school, I was overwhelmed by the schoolwork, and there were endless tests and books waiting for me every day. Like a beast, it destroyed my heart and swallowed my confidence. I ignored it at first, but the end of making pressure a habit is to make it become a huge stone, which has overwhelmed health and tripped the mind. Later, I began to learn to adjust my life, face pressure, and relieve it! But this is not enough. The overwhelming pressure will come one after another. If you make good use of your pressure and use it as a driving force, you can help yourself and make yourself move forward!

The way I deal with a quarrel with a friend is also one of the things I learned this year. In the past, whenever I quarreled with my friends, it was the beginning of a cold war. They scold each other, and their hearts are broken again and again. Red blood flows from their hearts. No matter how I bandage and stop bleeding, when I touch the scars, my heart will always see waves. In the afternoon, the sun shines into the room, warm; My heart has already frozen. With the passage of time, I always thought that time could dilute everything, but I didn't feel the expected effect. Remembering every bit of getting along with him in my heart made me feel more desolate. Later, I learned to "listen" and "face". Listening, I heard my own inner anxiety and sadness, such as the wind blowing down joy. Therefore, I tried to communicate with him in a positive way, listen to the voice of my heart more often, and slowly resolve their own feelings. Later, every argument with a friend is an earthquake that tests whether the friendship is strong or not, and it is also an adhesive that makes the friendship better. Listen to my inner emotions and make my life more colorful.

The warm winter sun gradually shines on me, making my heart that has been frozen by the cold wind gradually melt. This year, I grew up and made progress. The New Year is coming, I have prepared my own "new clothes", a new clothes that let me know how to face difficulties. I will wear it, so that I have more courage to meet the bitter and sweet future.