What do I like about composition (19 pieces)
I can't live without you
2024-06-10 09:12:54

What do I like about composition (1)

What is my favorite composition? 300 words (1)

Some people like big tigers, some people like goshawks, some people like white rabbits, but I like dogs.

It has a black and bright fur, and a small tail that always curls upward. It looks like a small question mark and always glares at a pair of big eyes. Look at it now and then. Although its two big palm fan like ears droop on both sides, its ears are smart. It is always the first one to run past. Whenever I call its name, it will come to me as if I can understand it. When it is hot, it will stick out its bright red tongue like a small pepper and hang outside. If a stranger comes to my house, it will be alert to prick up its ears and rush to the front.

Xiaoxiao is also like a small alarm clock. Every morning when I can't get up, it wakes me up with a loud voice. Every time I wake up, I find my socks are gone. This naughty "little guy" always likes to play hide and seek with me, and it has a very interesting habit, that is, every time it hides my socks in the same place.

It's so cute!

My favorite animal.

Last summer, my aunt bought two rabbits for me. They have long ears, red eyes, eight shaped mouth, white fur, fluffy, small and short tails. It's very nice.

I usually take fresh vegetable leaves to eat after school. They are fattened by me and disappear after running. Its two ears have a three valve mouth, four short legs, a furry tail like someone has crumpled a long cotton into a small ball, and a pair of red eyes like red eye disease.

One afternoon, I found a little rabbit with a bulging belly. I held her in my arms and asked my grandmother who knew the rabbit well. She smiled and told me that she was pregnant with a little rabbit. I was very happy. I thought there would be more rabbits in our family! I made a mark on it with red ink so that I could recognize it as soon as I got home. In addition, I took care of her more seriously than other rabbits. Within a few days, it gave birth to two rabbits.

Little rabbits grow up day by day, and I give them a name, Pingping and An'an, which means they can be safe and healthy!

My grandma has a naughty and cute kitten, its name is Huahua.

Huahua's body is covered with black and white patterns, white as snow, black and shiny. The most unique one is Huahua's tail, which is white and black, just like the snake. Huahua's ears are sharp, like two small triangles lying on her head. If you touch it with your hand, its ears will keep turning. If you continue to touch it, its ears will shrink. The cat's eyes are yellow and blue. Sometimes the pupil is a line, sometimes a small dot, which has a kind of dreamlike beauty. Huahua's nose is small, red, soft, and comfortable to the touch.

Hua Hua also has a very strange feature. He is good friends with chickens, and often plays and fights with them. He especially likes to sleep in the nest where chickens lay eggs. Once, a chicken was going to lay eggs, but Huahua occupied the place. The chicken was so anxious that it kept shouting beside it, but Huahua did not move, as if not hearing it. Finally, the old hen couldn't help but jump on Hua Hua, who ran away in a blink of an eye.

My grandma has a naughty and cute kitten. Its name is Mimi.

The squinting eyes are yellow and blue, and the pupil is sometimes a line, sometimes a small dot, which has a kind of dreamlike beauty. Mimi's nose is small, red, soft and comfortable to the touch. Its mouth is also very delicate. Sometimes it licks my hand, making me feel that there are many small particles on it.

Mimi is very naughty, playing all day long. It especially likes to play with the glue box. As long as the glue box is gently moved, it will immediately jump on it. Alas, I didn't catch it. The glue box was still rolling forward, and Huahua was lying on the ground, staring at the glue box in two places. Wow, stop. Huahua pounced on it and held the glue box in her arms, unwilling to loosen it. Hua Hua also likes to play with ropes. I put the rope on his head. He will raise his head and lift his two forepaws to grab the rope. Sometimes he even snatches the rope from my hand.

Mimi is so cute that I don't know how to like it.

When I was young, there was a kitten. It has a pair of sapphire like eyes, a pair of hairy ears, and a pink nose. He has a charming appearance, and his brown hair looks like an invisibility cloak in the withered grass.

He is very naughty. He often bounces around the room, sometimes jumps onto the cabinet, sometimes runs under the table, and is amazingly flexible, but has never touched anything. He likes to hide and often hides under my bed, which makes me look for him for a long time. Once it simply disappeared and could not be found anywhere. It seems to me that maybe it has gone for a stroll and will come back later. I want to go to sleep. When I came to the bedside, I couldn't help but be startled. The pillow was about to move. I'll pick it up. Ah! It was hiding under the pillow! It suddenly dawned on me.

Although this kitten is very naughty, I still like it. I like its innocence, purity and liveliness. This is my favorite kitten.

My family has a lovely puppy. It has a pair of big black eyes, three beaks, and a small nose. There are several long beards on its chubby face. Its fur is snow-white, especially the one on the chest, like a thick layer of snow

He likes to put his ears to the ground when he sleeps. When he walks, he raises his head and straightens his chest, and his buttocks twist with great grace. When he urinates, he raises one leg near the root of a tree, and also lowers his head, as if embarrassed. After urinating, he leaves immediately and raises his head again, as if nothing had happened just now. It's very interesting to see his naughty appearance

It's very timid. If you slap it in front of it, it will get under the bed. However, when a friend of my parents or my classmates comes, it will scream violently

He also likes chasing animals smaller than him. Once I took him out for a walk, and a neighbor's chicken was looking for food to eat. When he saw a sudden effort to break the chain, he went to chase the chicken, shouting as if he was happy. The chicken ran into a hole, and it slowly walked over, sniffed the hole, grabbed the wall with its claws, looked at me, looked at the hole, He left helplessly

I like my dog. I play with it every day after school. It brings me a lot of fun

Some people like cute rabbits, others like cats that catch mice, but I like lively, cute and smart dogs.

My dog is called Jiji. It is covered with golden fluff all over. Under the sunshine, it twinkles like wearing a yellow fur coat, which is very impressive! On its round head, it has a pair of big triangular ears, moving like a smart agent. A pair of blue eyes are like two transparent and bright sapphires. "Jiji" still drags a tail on his buttock, and the tail shakes as if to say hello to the owner!

The reason why "Jiji" has a strong physique is because of its greedy contribution.

Its greatest skill is to "watch the door". If someone calls at the door, it will keep barking, as if to say: "Master, come quickly, someone is knocking at the door." After I came out, Lele stopped barking. When I came back from school every day, Lele always bit my clothes. Then I said, "Please stay away from me." He ran away quietly.

This is my dog, a lovely and loyal dog. It adds endless fun to my life!

My favorite animal is chicken.

My family keeps several chickens. Every day when we pass by them, these chickens look at us with their heads tilted.

The chicks are all fluffy and cute. A yellow feather like a golden dress. The chick has a pair of sharp little beaks. The round eyes look energetic.

I can't see their ears, but chickens can't have no ears. If there are no ears, how can they lean their heads to look at us when we walk past?

Mother said that newly hatched chicks can only eat millet, not millet or corn, and often drink water for them. If there are small insects for them to eat, they will grow more impressive.

How I like these lovely chickens. But Mom and Dad said it was not easy to raise them. If they did not raise them well, they would die.

My family has a dog, I like it very much. Its eyes are black like two black gemstones, its fur is white like a blanket, its four legs are like four fluffy pillars, and its tail wags, as if waving to you to welcome.

Because my name is Xiaodingdong, my mother wanted to name it Xiaodingdong, but I didn't agree. I named it Xiaopiao, because I think it is very cute every day.

He is very naughty. When we go out to eat, he always makes trouble. He jumps on the sofa and tears newspapers and napkins all over the floor. When I came back, I saw that the ground was in a mess. I was angry and ignored it. It also realized that it had made a mistake, so it threw itself on my knee as if to shed tears and said, "Master, forgive me!" I saw it was so pitiful, so I forgave it.

My dog is really cute and naughty!

Animals are human's best friends, but do we love them? I am a person who likes small animals most. Small animals are cute and naughty, like a naughty child.

I like dogs best. They are cute. I used to have a dog named Xue Xue, who knew by his name that he was a cute little dog. His hair was as white as snow, and he had big round black eyes and two ears hanging over his head. Lovely, but snow is also very naughty, then I'll tell you its naughty!

One afternoon when I came home from school, Xue Xue came to pick me up as usual. While walking, I played with him and went up the stairs. When we got to the stairwell, he saw the bag in my hand and bit it. I chased after it, shouting: "Xue Xue will give my bag back, hurry up or I will teach you a lesson." Xue Xue seemed to understand, so she ran back obediently and handed over the bag. Rubbing beside me for a few times seemed to ask for my understanding. I touched it and went home with it.

Snow is very cute and naughty. But I and it are good friends, I like it snow.

My favorite animal is a kitten. Our family has a kitten, which was sent by our neighbor. Because the kitten is dead now, I often think of it.

The kitten is very beautiful. He has snow-white fur. The meat pad under his paws can make him walk without a sound. The most unique is his eyes: one is blue, the other is green. Blue eyes are like sapphires, and green eyes are like emeralds.

The kitten is very greedy. Sometimes a pound of fish will soon be "eliminated". Once, my mother made a bowl of fish soup. The kitten jumped on the table and ate with relish. While eating, I found it, so I gave him a lesson. The kitten hung its head as if to say, "I dare not do it again." I immediately laughed.

Now that kitten has died. Since then, every time I see a kitten, I will play with it. Kitten, where have you been?

My family has a white rabbit. Its fur is snow-white, really like a ball of white cotton. The eyes are very beautiful, just like two rubies inlaid on the white face. The ears are very long and stand up very cleverly. Its front legs are short and small, and its back legs are fat and strong, so it can only jump, not run

What do I like about composition (2)

I like the spring rain, which is like the rain and the rustle of a flower needle. The rape flowers are yellow in the field after the sunset, the wheat seedlings are green, the cuckoo birds are chirping, and the farmer uncle is busy planting melons and beans; Sanding, falling on the hillside, grass out of the head, happy to embrace spring; Shasha, falling in the garden, the winter jasmine raised its trumpet, the peach blossom blushed, the magnolia was white like snow, the powder like snow... Ah! Spring rain is as precious as oil.

I like listening to the spring rain rolling. It's as exciting and exciting as a million guns. It seems that the magnificent team on the Cape battlefield is telling us that spring is coming.

I like the white clouds in the sky. The clouds in the sky are changeable and have different shapes: sometimes like a piece of cotton candy, sometimes like a cute white rabbit, sometimes like a galloping horse, sometimes like a smart dog... They are floating in the sky. It's quiet and soft, which makes people intoxicated.

I like the autumn orchards, where persimmons look like red faces and small red lanterns hang on the branches. Pomegranates also open their mouths playfully. Some of them burst their belly with laughter, revealing crystal clear seeds. The golden pear trees hang all over the branches, just like golden gourds. The red apples all raised their heads, like a soldier guarding the beautiful orchard. Autumn is really like a picture of harvest.

I like the snow falling in winter, like cotton wool, pear blossom, and sugar. When it snows, I will make a snowman in the snow with my little partner. 'I am very happy to have a snowball fight and roll snowballs.

I like reading comic books and their funny pictures, which make people laugh. The characters in the comic books make me happy and sad sometimes; I like the characters' character, ability and ambition in the Biography of Celebrities, which has greatly encouraged me! Ah! The world in the book is wonderful.

I like playing games. As soon as school is over, I quickly finish my homework. I happily turn on the computer and dance the mouse. Now I play in my world, and then I play life and death blocking. With a sniper gun, the enemy's head is broken, and the enemy's head is moved, ah! The more fighting, the more brave, the more exciting, it's really great.

I like all the scenes of life.

What do I like about composition (3)

I like autumn, like the leaves of autumn, like the free cuckoo flying down from the branches, maybe it's your ordinary life, let me like it, maybe it's your strong spirit, let me like it.

When spring comes, when the breeze and the flowing water are in harmony, when everything comes to life, you are blooming again. The green leaves showed endless vitality. You silently look at all the beautiful things around you, watch children play happily, watch them raise their heads, stretch out their small hands, and touch you. As a thank you, with the spring breeze, you tremble slightly. One of the two leaves, like a fairy in green, dance and fly down and fall on their heads, ah! I like your life proudly.

When the hot summer comes, when the storm and thunder cooperate with each other, you are weak. When the big raindrops hit your body fiercely and hit the green leaves, how sad you are. When the storm overwhelms you, you are desperate to protect the newly "grown" tree, and your green umbrella like leaves fall on it to protect it from wind and rain! Ah, I like your selfless motherly love!

However, when the autumn is crisp in October, when the cuckoo sings happily to welcome the autumn, you wither. In addition, at the last breath of life, you try to depict the golden autumn nature, leaving the last trace of beauty for people! Ah, I like your unknown beauty!

When it is cold and represents the coming of "hope" in winter, after studying all day and all night, the whole thing is covered with snow. Looking up at you again, I can't imagine that your long dead branches are covered with thick snow. When people put colorful lanterns on your branches, the north means the arrival of the Spring Festival, Western countries are looking forward to the arrival of Christmas. You may not imagine how beautiful you are when those beautiful lanterns light up! You are swaying slightly, like a "neighbor"! Ah! I like the way you look with lanterns!

When the sun rises, when the snow on your branches begins to melt, and ice water flows down the long branches, you cry excitedly. Tears are as clear and pure as ice water, thinking you know that spring is coming! You can grow vigorously again!

I like autumn, like the leaves of autumn, and also like the life of autumn leaves, an ordinary life.

What do I like about composition (4)

I like all wonderful things. Of course, I can't count them.

Looking up at the sky, the bird is flying freely. I like the bird because it has its own sky. In that sky, it flies freely and carefree.

I like rice fields. Seen from afar, it looks like a plush blanket, bringing me an indescribable warmth. Closer, you will see the golden rice field coming straight at you and surrounding your eyes.

I like gardens. If you haven't gone there yet, it will "invite" you to come and make you intoxicated in the sea of flowers. First, a fragrance will come straight at you and embrace you in its arms, leaving you completely defenseless. In a moment, all your troubles will be left behind.

I like goose feather, and I hope there is goose feather flying all over the sky. I don't want the goose feather of "pie falling from the sky" to fall on your face and slowly slide down, bringing you a sense of freshness. And the pie?

I like white clouds. They are pure white. Against the sky, white clouds look even whiter. They look like cotton candy from a distance. When I look at white clouds carefully, I think: Is it sugar? Is it sweet? No, maybe it's bitter, no, maybe it's hot, no, no, maybe it's... I really envy it, because it can float around carefree.

I like dandelion. Dandelion has an agreement with the wind, just as it has a blood relationship with the wind. The wind blows dandelions everywhere, making them find new homes and grow again.

I like zoos. The animals in the zoo are very interesting. The giraffe eats grass lovingly, the panda's black eye ring, the monkey's climbing performance, as well as the lively rabbit, the naughty cat and so on.

I like nature. It reminds people what season is coming. In spring, the wild geese fly back from the south, the brook melts, and the flowers smile; In summer, the leaves turn dark green. Mosquitoes fly around on people's heads, as if to remind people: summer is coming, summer is coming, I come to you to have a full meal; In a twinkling of an eye, it was autumn. The maple trees were covered with red maple leaves. Fruitful autumn looks like a kind old lady; In winter, children play heartily on the snow. In winter, they are like a silent grandfather.

All the beautiful things in the world are worth my liking.

What do I like about composition (5)

I like books, whether it is martial arts, literature, art... Each book has its unique advantages, so no matter what type of book is worth tasting and appreciating.

I like love. There are many kinds of love, including maternal love, friendship, compassion... Although love is all kinds, everything is good and warm. Love is like a dose of good medicine, bringing many people back to the reality of the beautiful, no longer indifferent.

I like computers. I often look up information on computers; Do PPT and typing on the computer. The computer is like a super intelligent robot, which can solve all the puzzles in your heart.

I like spring, the sprouts in spring and the green landscape all over the sky.

I like summer. I like the cool feeling of swimming in the cold water and wearing short sleeves and shorts in summer.

I like autumn, the harvest in autumn and the yellow leaves falling on the ground.

I like winter, like the snow falling in winter and the white mist.

I like cats. I like cats' soft fur, cute appearance and cute expression... I can't help feeling cats when I see them. I like them from the bottom of my heart.

I like dogs. I like their wisdom and courage. Their loyalty makes us admire them. Now the dog has become our partner and will accompany us forever.

I like watching variety shows. What "Happy Camp", "You Must Be", "Fight to the End"... but my favorite is the "Happy Camp", where the super popular stars in the performing arts circle gather, and the "à à" link has both knowledge and happiness.

I like our class. I like our spirit of unity, friendship, perseverance and hard work. Everyone in our class is a good person representative.

Ah! I have so many likes. I hope I have always been full of love, like all the beautiful things in the world.

What do I like about composition (6)

Look, who is that beautiful and elegant standing in the garden? Look, who is the persevering one standing in the wilderness?

That is the rose, which emits the elegant fragrance. That is the rose, blooming with endless beauty!

Roses are similar to roses and roses. Even the famous daughter, Rose, belongs to the rose family! The leaves of roses are oval, and the flowers are red, white, deep pink, yellow and purple.

The rose has a thick fragrance, fresh and refreshing, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The rose is not only beautiful, but also has high practical value. It can not only bring fragrance to people, but also extract fragrant essential oil from its petals, which is more valuable than gold!

Look! The roses are in bloom. She showed her beauty petal by petal, just like a smiling girl, so calm and elegant. Then look at the wall, the luxuriant and blooming roses, like a waterfall of flowers, hang from the air. From a distance, the little white flowers become waves, shining, jumping, overlapping, and like the water lines, rippling in circles, shining in the sun.

After a long time of observation, we will understand that the beauty of roses is not ordinary - every flower, from the green buds, to more and more full, to slowly blooming, they are doing their best to decorate the roses. Every spring, Rose is doing her best to fight against nature with her tenacious vitality. Behind her beautiful and elegant, there is also endless sweat and hardship. Her charm is not only in her appearance, but also in her inner strength and seriousness of life.

What a beautiful life, what a beautiful soul! It is precisely because of this spirit that Rose has embarked on a beautiful journey!

The "beauty" of Rose deeply moved me. I will love Rose again with a new smile, new eyes and new ideas! composition

What do I like about composition (7)

I like the snow in winter. It floats between the ground and that day. Slowly, slowly, the ground is covered with a layer of white snow blanket, as if the whole city is covered with white snow.

I like to step across the yard behind my house in the autumn wind, where flowers, grass and trees are all dressed in new golden clothes under the sunshine, and the buildings on both sides seem to be covered with golden coats. From time to time, the laughter of children playing came from the yard. What a beautiful scene!

I like to step on the narrow path in the spring sunshine. You will feel extremely comfortable and happy where you are. There are also small wild flowers swaying in the spring wind beside the road, one by one, as if they are debating who is the most beautiful spring flower.

I like to step across the arched bridge in the summer breeze. Under the bridge, the water is singing happily. People walk on the bridge, and the figure is reflected on the green glass like water. The waves are rippling and the figure is graceful, giving people a painting like beauty.

I also like teachers. We are bamboo shoots that break through the ground. She is the spring rain that moistens us; We are the light on the candle, she is the candle, and she illuminates the steps we have passed before

I also like my parents. My mother's gentle eyes and my father's serious eyes are always floating in my mind, which remind me to study hard and be a good child.

I like the blue glass sky; Like the cotton like clouds; Like the chirping birds, like the beautiful flowers

I like everything in life!

What do I like about composition (8)

On the road of life, there is a teacher that I will never forget. She is our sixth grade head teacher, Miss Wei Mei, and also the best teacher in my mind.

I remember when we first entered the sixth grade, when we learned that the former head teacher, Mr. Feng, could not teach us again for some reason, our hearts were extremely cold. So everyone talked about it, and some students even said rude words angrily. I remember the scene when Teacher Wei Mei had just started our first class. We were waiting for her to appear with lack of interest. She walked into the classroom with a cheerful face. She was of medium stature, dressed in decent clothes, and wore a pair of cool sunglasses on her wavy black hair. Under the thick eyebrows, a pair of talking eyes always flicker, always rolling around, like shining dew on the lotus leaf, and like crystal pearls on the jade plate, a talkative mouth calms our mood.

Teacher Wei Mei has profound knowledge and rich teaching experiments. She is so lively, lively, interesting and fascinating that we are full of interest. Among them, there is a lesson that I still remember, that is, Ansai Waist Drum. Mr. Wei first let us watch the video of Ansai waist drum, so that we can experience the thrill of Ansai waist drum, as if we were in the scene. Feel the momentum, strength, dancing and performance of Ansai waist drum, and see the unique passion of Ansai waist drum with a strong visual sense, the shock of sound, the movement of dance, and the beating of heart. Later, Mr. Wei introduced Ansai Waist Drum, which made the text difficult to understand simple and easy to understand. After this lesson, I have a cordial feeling towards Ms. Wei Mei, and my heart swells with admiration for her.

You use profound knowledge to let us swim in the ocean of knowledge; You have your mother's feelings, and you are caring for our healthy growth... Before I knew it, I gradually fell in love with Mr. Wei Mei.

What do I like about composition (9)

I like happiness. Happiness can enrich people's lives

I like so many things, just like the leaves on a big tree.

I like the red scarf that the school gave me. This red scarf has a special meaning. The red scarf can cheer me up and make me elegant and dignified. Make me energetic and smart.

I like dancing, and dancing can bring me beautiful dancing. Because learning dance can make me have basic skills and make me different from others. I can do many movements. So I like dancing. I also think the movements made by dancing are very soft and beautiful.

I like blue. Whenever I see blue, I will think of the blue sky, and a fresh air will appear when I think of the blue sky. It refreshes people.

I like the colorful ribbon. How wonderful! Every time I use a kind of color correction tape, my learning spirit comes up.

I prefer lemon juice to bitter medicine. Because when I drink lemonade, I feel like floating on lemonade, drinking while floating. And the lemon is very refreshing, cool and sweet. You all think lemons are sour, but for me lemonade is "sweet". So I like to drink "sweet" lemon juice.

I like one of my pens. That pen is simple and beautiful. There is also a hanging chain on the pen, which is engraved with "Every exam must pass". The pen holder is black, and it also says "Pass every exam". There is a circle under the word, and it says "Pass". It means that you can get a good score with this pen in the exam, which is a perfect match.

I like bear dolls. The teddy bear is brown and very, very, very cute. Sometimes when I sleep at night, I hold it or let it beside me. If I can't see the bear, I can't sleep at night. Sometimes when I am bored and lonely, I will play with it and be happy together. I like this little brown bear very much.

I also like watching TV, because TV is perfect. My TV is very unique. Maybe your TV does not have this special function. As long as I want to watch any TV, press and hold the voice to say what TV I want to watch, the TV screen will appear immediately, and the TV picture is very clear. Also, my TV can play games. So I like watching TV.

I like a lot of things. Maybe you can guess some things, but you can't guess some things. But it doesn't matter. Maybe in a few days, I will share it!

What do I like about composition (10)

I like dog's hair. I will catch it when it is cold. I like the comfort and warmth of holding it.

I like to walk on the path in the park in the morning and see roses blooming shyly like shy girls. I like to look down at the withered and yellow leaves on the ground, as if looking at the withered leaves, revealing the atmosphere of the past.

I like the days and nights in winter. I like standing alone in the grass on the top of the mountain in the silent night, enjoying the fragrance of the grass being pushed up and free to billow. Slowly, the dark sky rose towards the red, and the brilliant lights were in place one by one.

I like to watch the plum blossom fall in winter. It is so red and lonely on the roadside and in the mountains.

I also like imagination. I like the feeling of trance when I imagine. I always imagined that I could fly, cross the sea and mountains. I imagine I have a shining wolf warrior flying in the running. I imagine groups of swallows resting on the green trees on the mountain. I imagine that the small wild flowers are like the universe, boundless, showing off fuzzy colors from afar. The most unforgettable time was when I sat on the plane and imagined how strange it was to stand on the white clouds and watch the sunset.

I also like trees. No matter what kind they are, I like fat apple trees, tall banana trees, straight pine trees, and thin peach trees. I also like the unknown trees growing in the mountains. They are tall, short and fat. They have the same status as I think.

I like another tree. Its strong body grows in my heart. When it rained, my father behind me used his body to protect me from the rain, and I suddenly felt that the world was warm. My wet body is no longer uncomfortable, and the air is full of warmth. At school, I like to see the first grade pupils and their innocence.

I like reading books, especially fantasy books. I like the interlocking plot in the book, which always makes me imagine what will happen to me in the story. The last thing I can forget is that there is a plot that makes me feel a little rare warmth in the cold air.

I also like the shining stars in the night sky. I can't help looking at those bright stars and feeling the passage of time. Those bright lights contain a different kind of beauty. I naturally think that some people have liked it, and looked up. They may not be here anymore. The rise and fall of history and the replacement of things are all illusions. Only they can survive forever!

I like the people I love. I like to visit them when they don't care. When they opened the door happily, I knew they were no longer alone.

I like my life, I deeply like it. I like it so much. I am willing to share my hobbies with my relatives, friends and classmates. I just hope they have so many hobbies in their hearts.

What do I like about composition (11)

I like the warm spring breeze, which caresses people's faces, animals sleeping in their nests, and nature, which has been sleeping all winter.

I like dark clouds. After a while, a torrential rain will come down with a crackle. It is so urgent and fierce. Maybe you will feel bored and boring, but after a crackle, a sense of coolness will come to your mind.

I like the yellow leaves falling slowly, like yellow butterflies dancing and playing, slowly falling to the ground, melting into the soil, providing fertilizer for the earth. It is so serene, so regretless.

I like the goose feather snow, just like a small elf into the arms of Mother Earth. When it slowly falls on your hand, it will melt little by little with your body temperature, just like small worms crawling on your hand. It's wonderful!

I like verdant trees, no matter what kind. I like tall and straight 'poplar', tall Chinese parasol trees, and banyan trees with luxuriant branches and leaves... I also like graceful weeping willows. I think they are all the same green.

I like another kind of tree, which stands in the middle of the road. They braved the wind and snow to transport the road and command the vehicles, just to avoid traffic accidents. When I walk on the road and see how orderly the vehicles are, I love them from the bottom of my heart.

I like painting. Every time I have an art class, I work very hard to complete every piece of homework. Painting enables me to record every beautiful moment, which makes people have endless aftertaste.

I like writing. Writing can enable me to express what I think, do, listen and see incisively and vividly, and my heart is extremely comfortable.

I like reading. Books can help me broaden my horizon and understand the knowledge of the outside world. As the saying goes, "You can travel to the sea without leaving home"! Books can make my mind full of literary things, and I can "squander" without reservation when writing, so as to achieve a beautiful composition. Books can also enrich my holiday. Every summer, I will hold a novel in a corner and taste it quietly and carefully. Maybe I will burst into tears, maybe I will laugh, but this has become a hobby I can't give up.

I also like listening to my brother tell stories. My younger brother is now in kindergarten. Every afternoon, he will tell me the stories that the kindergarten teacher told him. When he told stories, his innocent smile always appeared on his face. He was so happy, so happy.


I also like many things. It is these things that enrich my life and let me know what happiness is.

What do I like about composition (12)

I pursue light friendship. Is a friend, often meet, but occasionally a faint phone call: How are you? Light greetings spread like budding thoughts at this time. Concern will be firmly in your heart. As the saying goes: a gentleman's friendship is as light as water; How much sincerity and purity does the word "light" in friendship contain!

I like light water. A glass of cold white is enough to quench thirst. As for tea, it also needs to be light. Only when it is light, can it taste the fragrance of its aftertaste. Don't add sugar when drinking coffee. The light bitterness is its original taste.

I like the light life. Tasting life is like tasting the famous three courses of tea in Dali, Yunnan. Three courses of tea refer to the last three courses of tea. Each course of tea is roasted in a different way and has different ingredients. The first tea: it tastes bitter; The second tea: bitter with sweet; The third tea: light and tasty. Tea is like life. Three teas represent three realms of life.

The first tea: it is called bitter tea, which symbolizes the hardship of life. The journey of life is difficult. At the beginning of entrepreneurship, the word of hardship is the first. As Mencius said, "The great task of heaven will fall to these people. They must first suffer their aspirations, strain their muscles and bones, starve their skin, empty their body, and act in disorder. So they should be patient and strengthen their abilities." In the face of adversity, we must learn to be patient and let the years soak in bitterness before we can slowly taste the fragrance of tea and taste the original flavor of life, So as to have a deep understanding of life and establish a belief in a better life in the future.

The second tea is called sweet tea, which represents the sweet state of life. After suffering and years of immersion, the seeds planted during the struggle finally germinated and grew, and finally yielded fruitful results. This is an affirmation of diligence, and it is a reward for giving. How can we not feel the joy of life when we taste the sweet fruits in the beautiful flowers and birds and the bright moon?

The third tea is called fragrant tea, which is also called aftertaste tea because of its sweet, bitter, hot and other flavors, representing the light environment of life. A person's life, to experience too many things, there are high and low, there are twists and turns, there are flat, there are joys and sorrows, there are many such as fame, power, wealth and splendor of temptation, and so on! This tea clearly tells us that for some unimportant things, we might as well take it lightly, and don't let life bear the burden that can be abandoned completely. Only in this way can we achieve the life realm of "being calm, watching the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; leaving or staying unintentionally, wandering with the clouds outside the sky without comfort".

The three tea houses express the life philosophy of "one bitter, two sweet and three aftertastes", and also represent three life states. Everyone in the world, when we drink tea slowly when we are full of wine and food, may as well let the tea fragrance soaked with wisdom slowly soak into our life, so that life is like tea, fragrant and pleasant!

This is the faint feeling, the feeling I like!

What do I like about composition (13)

In the long summer vacation, I was always alone at home. When I was bored, I would look at this book and that book. Gradually, I liked the articles in Yilin. Every meaningful story told the philosophy of life.

Today I saw an article called "The Thousand and One Wish". When will all rivers return to the East China Sea? The article tells of a young man who opened the window in the morning, and a beautiful angel appeared in front of him. The angel said that he could realize his dream for him, but he could only satisfy one wish. The boy thought hard and couldn't make up his mind. Day after day, night after night, he was planning his own wishes, until the last minute of his life, the young man's eyes were full of tears: "Angel, I want to make my 1000th wish, I don't want anything, just hope you can take me back to the morning many years ago when you asked me, so that I can live my life well." The angel just shook his head sadly

The boy gave up his studies, his job, his love and all the beautiful things. Why? For your "beautiful ideal"? He missed youth, happiness and good life. What's the meaning of such a life?

Even angels can't change what has happened. Time can never be turned back. What you gain is gain, and what you lose is lost forever.

What do I like about composition (14)

First of all, I am very, very interested in color. I can't remember how old I have been since I began to like painting. At the beginning of painting, I didn't know the color, so I knew to doodle. But my mother taught me how to recognize colors.

Mother said that the color of the sky is blue, and the color of grass is green, so my paintings often paint small trees as green, and the sky as blue. Mother also said that the color of maple leaves is red, the color of desert is yellow, and the color of white clouds is white.

My favorite colors are black, light gray, dark gray, brown, dark brown and so on, because these colors have boyish temperament; I also like bright red, blue, yellow and green, because I think these colors are as colorful as my life; Next, I like orange, fluorescent orange, lemon yellow, fluorescent yellow, yellow green, and lake blue because they are very shiny and different.

I'm curious about all colors because I like them. Sometimes I think my mother's love is golden, because it is precious; Dad's love is blue, because we are both men. Well, if you still want to know about color, I will talk about it in the next art class.

What do I like about composition (15)

My favorite game is Fruit City. Why is it called Fruit City? I don't know either. But I know what "city" means! After a while, I'll talk about the rules. You should know, as for fruit? I don't know about that. Guess for yourself later!

Now I want to talk about the rules. You must listen carefully here, or you will not know. 1。 The whole game is divided into inside and outside the city. It is mainly played by selecting people. How to choose? It's two people, stone, scissors and paper. Who wins will choose. 2。 Within the city and outside the city, people in the area cannot exceed the line. 3。 If the line passes, the whole team will be caught and lose. 4。 The captured person cannot enter the city again. If he enters the city for 5 seconds, the whole team will lose. 5。 The captured team can only send one person at a time. If it exceeds two people, it will lose all in 5 seconds. 6。 People captured by each team can only hop when entering the city. 7。 You can change people halfway. 8。 You can't enter the city without moving for 5 seconds and die directly.

Now, do you know the "city" I said before? By the way, are they fruits in and out of the city? I probably know that it is people outside the city who want to eat fruit in the city, and the fruit people have to flee. ha-ha! Isn't it funny? However, that's how I understand it. I don't believe I can go into the game to watch it.

I'm so happy to have such a challenging game to play!

What do I like about composition (16)

My family has a fluffy little white dog. Because its fur is white, I named him Xiaobai. It has a pair of big watery eyes and a mouth that likes meat as much as I do. He has a keen sense of smell. When he runs, a short tail always swings back and forth, which is very cute!

It is very obedient. Once I was uncomfortable and couldn't go to Wang Zilong's home to teach him how to play basketball, I wrote a note asking Xiaobai to help me transfer it to Wang Zilong! Because our two families are not far away, I usually take them to play together. I'm looking forward to whether Xiaobai can complete the task I gave him, because I usually hear from my father that dogs are very smart.

Half an hour later, my Xiaobai came back! I found that although Xiaobai still had the letter on his mouth, it seemed different from the one I had let it take away before. Take it and see. It's Wang Zilong's reply to me. My Xiaobai is great!

Xiaobai also loves running. I often compete with him, but I lose every time. Sometimes when he sees a car passing by, you will chase it. Maybe you want to compare it with the car. But how does it know? How can a dog compare with a car? Often chasing can only give up. At this time, he would droop his ears as if to say to me: "I am not happy."

Xiaobai also loves meat and bones, and his teeth are very sharp.

I like my cute little white dog very much! It is also my good friend, and I will be the first to tell it every time there is a whisper.

What do I like about composition (17)

I have read many books, such as Journey to the West, Snow White, The Thousand and One Nights, etc., but my favorite book among these books I have read is 100000 Why.

When I opened the book "One Hundred Thousand Whys", I saw many profound questions on it, and I was curious. "One Hundred Thousand Whys" is a series of popular science books with numerous contents. One Hundred Thousand Whys often introduces us some interesting natural phenomena, such as how the "four seasons" of a year come into being? What color is under the sea? Why does sea water turn blue? Why do fireflies glow I found many scientific principles and solved the mystery in my mind.

One of the articles that interests me is "Why do fireflies glow". The glow of fireflies is related to the light emitting device at its tail, which contains luciferase light-emitting substances. When air enters the illuminator, luciferin combines with oxygen in the air under the catalysis of luciferase, and the energy generated is converted into fluorescence. The more air enters the illuminator, the brighter the fluorescence emitted. It can be seen from this that fireflies do not glow at night, but their brightness is not as bright as that of the sun, so they do not glow during the day.

Previously, I didn't know the nine planets and the Milky Way at all. "One Hundred Thousand Why" introduced us to the formation process of celestial bodies. I knew the nine planets of Venus, Saturn, Mars, Earth, etc., and the Milky Way is composed of many nebulae like the solar system. The earth where we live is just a "little star" in the universe.

"One Hundred Thousand Whys" is a good book. Every time I have a question in the class meeting that my classmates don't know, I can answer it. I become a little smart of my classmates. I like it very much. It lets me know how colorful the world is and how interesting knowledge is. It taught me that science is power and knowledge is wealth.

What do I like about composition (18)

My family has three birds, one is green, one is yellow, and the other is black. And a sparrow

Let's talk about the first three birds first. Every morning, the three birds chirp every morning. I want to say: Get up! The sun is drying your ass!

How naughty the bird is! Dad usually gives him food to eat, and they knock over the food. Put the water in the sink, and then peck the sink over and damage their swing. Grandma said the three birds were too naughty.

The lovely bird likes to eat small green vegetables, and her mother will bring some after she buys vegetables from the vegetable market.

Every day when I come home from school, these three birds chirp like saying: hurry up to do your homework, and then play with us!

It's time to talk about sparrows. They are small, agile, and have a clear voice. The most important thing is that I can often see them on campus. Every time I see them, I find that they have been skipping and never stop. I checked the Animal Mystery to find out that sparrows have no joints in their hind legs, so they can only do jumping exercises. I feel a little similar to the radio gymnastics we do.

I often found that sparrows would fall on my fence. I wanted to keep them, so my father made a nest out of a milk box and tied it to the fence. I believe that one day, the sparrow will like this new home. I also hope that every family can build a "home" for the sparrows outside their own windows, so that they can fly happily in the sky

I love my three birds and the sparrow flying freely in the sky.

What do I like about composition (19)

Liu Meixuan, Grade 3

I prefer fried bean sprouts to pork. The reason why I don't like pork is that every time I see pork, there are always a lot of hairs on it, and it is fat, which makes people feel very disgusted.

Every time I smell the smell of pork and see the fat meat, I always think of the fat worms crawling on the ground, which makes me sick. One day my mother said that I had pork! As soon as I heard it, I thought of the fat worm. So I walked to the table with a worried face, held my breath, and after a few seconds, I still breathed.

I had to pick up my chopsticks slowly. When I was going to pick up pork, I found my plate was full of pork. I was worried and said to my mother, "Mom, can I not eat pork?" My mother said loudly, "No! Yes! Yes!" My heart was furious, but I did not dare to violate my mother's words. I took a piece of pork and put it in my mouth to bite, as if I had burst a big fat worm. Just then, my brother began to cry. My mother went to take care of my brother. I quickly took out a piece of toilet paper from my pocket, wrapped the meat, and then ran to the bathroom in the wind and threw it into the garbage can. As soon as I came out, I said to my mother, "Mom, I have finished eating!" Then I thought: This is the first time I cheat my mother, and it is the last time. I will never do this again! "

[Part 2: I don't like bitter gourds]

Jiao Ruixue, Grade 3

I like to eat everything, but I don't like to eat anything, that is balsam pear.

Because it's a hell on earth, I can't stand its bitter taste. I would rather eat broccoli than that devil. But I can't get rid of my fate in the end. My mother still bought bitter gourds. When I was still doing my homework, I wanted to rush out. When my mother put the balsam pear dish on the table, I felt that I was in the devil's land, just like a person dying. When my mother gave me a piece of balsam pear, I was desperate, but I still slowly put it into my mouth and tried it one by one. It felt like I was eating a worm that had been dried for hundreds of thousands of years, or I was eating poison. I want to vomit, but I dare not vomit. At the moment, my mother's loving eyes are ferocious. I encouraged myself and swallowed the bitter gourd with difficulty. I'm like a hostage. It's too painful.

How I wish there were no bitter gourds in the world.

[Part 3: I don't like ginger]

Third grade Li Xingyu

I am a picky eater. There are many things I don't like to eat, such as durian, ginger, meatballs... but the last thing I like is ginger.

Today, my mother made meat slices that I like, but also put ginger that I don't like. As soon as I saw Yuan turn around and run away, it was like a hunting dog chasing me. At this moment, my mother ran to catch me and brought me to the dining table regardless of three or seven or twenty one. I ran out of breath, so I had to surrender. Reluctantly, I came to the table, picked up my chopsticks and put a small piece of ginger in my mouth. I chewed slowly, and suddenly the pungent taste overflowed the whole mouth. It was too disgusting, and I wanted to throw up. But my mother said it was nutritious, and I was not allowed to throw it up. I didn't dare to vomit, so I had to chew it slowly, without tears, until I chewed it into thin ginger porridge. This feeling is too uncomfortable to describe in words. I want to cry loudly, but I dare not. If my mother sees me crying, I will.

I really hope that one day there will be no ginger in the world.