Compositions in the Rain 200 Words (18 Collections)
Middle age is like autumn
2024-06-15 04:42:53

200 words of composition in the rain (1)

One afternoon, the sky was overcast with dark clouds. Xiaoming's mother didn't take an umbrella when she went out. She thought the dark clouds would float away at once. She asked Xiao Ming to do his homework or read books at home.

When Xiao Ming was reading with relish, suddenly it began to rain cats and dogs. Xiaoming was about to close the window when he suddenly remembered that his mother had not brought an umbrella, so he decided to pick her up. So he put on his raincoat, took an umbrella and went to pick up his mother.

On the way, Xiao Ming walked forward in three steps and two steps. Xiaoming shivered with cold, but he kept on walking. The road was so slippery that he almost slipped.

At the bus stop, the buses passed one by one, but I didn't see my mother. Xiaoming was very worried. Just then another bus came. Xiaoming saw his mother get off the bus and ran to her. They shared an umbrella and walked home.

200 words of composition in the rain (2)

One day, it began to rain. Xiao Hong took out an umbrella from her bag and walked on her way to school.

As she walked, she saw an uncle struggling with a little sister on his back, and the rain had soaked both of them. Xiaohong went forward and said, "Uncle, take my umbrella so that my little sister won't catch a cold." Uncle said, "Little friend, you are also a child. You'd better use it yourself." Xiaohong said, "I am already a primary school student. It's OK! You'd better use it for your little sister!" Then Xiaohong handed the umbrella to her uncle and ran to school on her own.

When Xiao Hong came home in the evening, she told her mother about it, and her mother said, "You helped others today. You are great!"

200 words of composition in the rain (3)

Father's love is a cup of hot tea with deep feelings, which needs us to taste carefully. Father's love is like a tea cake, which gives us the essence of love, but itself disappears.

I remember one time, when it was raining cats and dogs outside the door, all the people in the school were almost gone, leaving only a few poor students left by the teacher. I tried to take a step outward, and the rain like beans splashed on my body. The idea of running home disappeared in my heart.

Under the influence of this weather, every minute is like an hour. My heart is like the ground, the environment is like the weather, all kinds of ideas are raindrops, raindrops are like shovels, digging my confidence in my father.

Just when I was almost desperate, a stretched figure appeared, and the flame of hope burned in my heart. But I was wrong. This man is not my father.

Just after hope was lit and extinguished again and again, my heart sank again. In my hope, disappointment to despair, my father finally appeared, his clothes close to his body, his face lost its usual blood. He put his hand on me, smiled and said, "Son, let's go home together."

Two tears flowed from my eyes, and my heart was like the sea.

200 words of composition in the rain (4)

In summer, I went to cram school to have classes. The sky was clear and there was no cloud at all, but the weather changed quickly. After a while, dark clouds were gathering. In the blink of an eye, it rained cats and dogs from the sky. It's raining harder and harder. After class, the students didn't bring umbrellas, but they were picked up by their parents one by one.

While my father and mother were working, I had to watch my classmates being picked up by their parents in the classroom quietly. I was very sad. I thought: Mom, come quickly! I gradually heard footsteps. I ran out of the classroom excitedly. I thought it was my mother. Eh, it was the teacher. To my surprise, the teacher gave me an umbrella and said, "Come on, the teacher will send you back." On the way home, I felt very happy. I thought, "How kind the teacher is."

200 words of composition in the rain (5)

Just arrived in Nanjing, a rain brought down the temperature of the earth. We are going to the famous Qinhuai River in Nanjing!

The drizzle casts a mysterious veil on the Qinhuai River, and the clear water flows like a jade ribbon. The twelve hairpins in Jinling are exquisitely decorated with lamp posts, which have unique charm. People come and go on the busy bridge to see the charm of Qinhuai River.

On the river, the drizzle is like pearls scattered in the green river, which reminds me of a poem: "Large pearls and small pearls fall on the jade plate" hehe. The Qinhuai River is like a quiet Indian young girl, wearing her magic veil in the rain, and also like a fairy, wearing a gauze skirt, dancing on the water with the wind. It happened to be the day of the Tanabata Festival, when the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl met on the magpie bridge. Is the intermittent rain the tears of the Weaver Girl?

The Qinhuai River in the rain will stay in my memory and be beautiful forever!

Composition in the rain 200 words (6)

Precious raindrops make people feel like they are in heaven. Rain, I don't hate it so much, and many people also think so, because you can play with water, and then get soaked, and then go home to take a hot bath, "Wow!".

Rain reminds me of the car accident that year. My mother took my little hand and suddenly a car came rushing over and pressed my mother's foot. At that time, I thought rain was also a lethal weapon, so when it rained, I would go out with fear!

Whoa! Whoa! It's raining all the time. What's wrong with Uncle Sun? Did you go to bed? Or sick? I think I should go to bed. When Uncle Sun woke up, he took Rainbow Sister out for a walk to bring great scenery to the sky. I like the chance to see the beautiful rainbow after the rain. The colorful sky makes people feel more cheerful.

Rain is a very important necessity in our life. If there is no rain, the reservoir will limit water, the farmland will not have enough water for irrigation, and we will not have enough water for bathing and washing clothes. So we should save water so that God will sprinkle more water to make our life more convenient.

Composition in the rain 200 words (7)

It's raining, drizzling.

In the rain, I didn't hold an umbrella, and calmly accepted the kiss of drizzle.

I don't have the elegance of long hair, the shyness under folded umbrella, and the nobility of fear of splashing boots. I am me - the real me!

Drops of water fell from the drooping willow branches near the river. At the moment of falling, the water reflected the sky and the earth, people and things - real! Beautiful! Isn't it? Only the real is the most beautiful in this world. The real world is the cleanest! People who are blinded by interests tend to overlook when sighing about the inconstancy of the world -- to be real people, to do real things, to speak the truth -- because nature does not like falsehood!

The drizzle is like silk. It weaves densely and obliquely. The sky and the earth are covered with a layer of gauze. Everything becomes blurred, but when the gauze is removed, everything is still true!

I walk in the rain!

The rain wet my shoulder, cool, very cute, very real!

It's raining, and the rain is in full swing. Unexpectedly, a rain flower blooms in the rain!

Composition in the rain 200 words (8)

In the evening, I had just finished my modeling class when it began to rain. My mother and I went home with an umbrella and English words on our backs. My mother said, "Let's take a catwalk!" I carried c, a, t and cat on my back as I walked! The raindrop in front of me seemed to be a kitten smiling at me! Mom then asked me to recite the turtle and fish. I said, "t, u, r, t, l, e, turn! F, i, s, h, fish!" I saw a small animal singing and dancing in the rain again! How happy, how lovely! I recited the English words of animals one after another. The animal I recited appeared in front of me. If I met someone who couldn't, my mother would remind me, so I could see the small animal saying to me in the rain: "Don't lose heart, next time it will be OK." The next time it was right.

Unconsciously, we have come to the community garden. I saw many flowers with their heads drooping, more delicate than in the daytime; Look at the grass again. A series of raindrops hit it. I think it must be very painful! When we got home, my dog "Bingbing" barked and waved its lovely tail to meet us. My mother smiled and said, "This is the one you are most familiar with. Tell me." I shouted, "d, o, g!" I smiled happily.

Composition in the rain 200 words (9)

"Dida, Dida", a knock woke me up from my dream. it's raining? I opened the window, and there was a fresh air.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, splashing crystal water on the ground. It goes down to its heart's content, as if to wash away all the dust on the ground, leaving fresh to the earth.

Gradually, the rain subsided. I put on my raincoat quietly and walked in the rain. The raindrops jumped on my head and ears mischievously, kissed my cheek from time to time, and played boldly with me. I also simply took off my raincoat, ignoring my mother's nagging, and let the rain fall on my hair and shoulders, all over my body. Because I like the freedom and freedom of rain.

Composition in the rain 200 words (10)

The sky was covered with a thick layer of ash, and it became darker and darker. Suddenly, it began to rain heavily, and the sky suddenly brightened a lot, as if the haze and worries had been put aside.

I walked on the spacious road, walking slowly, humming a song, holding an umbrella, walking in the rain. It felt really good, as if all the sounds had disappeared. Oh, there is still the sound of rain beating on the ground‘ It's like a piece of beautiful music. I enjoyed it quietly, as if time had solidified. Forget the time, forget the trouble, and devote yourself to this delightful moment.

For a long time, the rain stopped. I stopped and looked up at the sky. Why is there no rainbow? It is said that rainbow represents heaven's smile. Why doesn't it smile? Is there something on my mind? I don't understand.

I stretched out my hand to touch the uncertain sky. However, the sky is far beyond my reach. In front of it, I will always be so small.

The sky gradually darkened, I took back Feiyuan's heart, sorted out my mood, and embarked on the return journey home. After all, that is my harbor.

I am not alone when I walk in the rain, because there are still chilling winds and intermittent rain that accompany me until the end.

Composition in the rain 200 words (11)

Do you remember?

I met you that night.

You said you like rain very much.

There is a smell of earth in the rain.

One day, I went for a walk along the river with you.

My two hands are tightly together.

The sky doesn't know how to land.

It began to rain.

You whispered in my ear

I like the feeling.

It was drizzling.

There is a bosom friend beside me.

I am the happiest person in the world.

Time flies.

In a twinkling of an eye, you and I will leave.

That day, in order to remember the past

Little by little.

Learn the hero and heroine in the movie.

Walk here in the rain.

I said today is a day I will never forget.

You said yes. We will go our separate ways soon.

I don't know when to meet again.

Today, like that day, the sky rises and falls

A continuous drizzle

Composition in the rain 200 words (12)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013 Rainstorm

Today, I was on duty, but all the people on duty ran away because the Chinese examination paper was done too slowly.

When I came home from school, as soon as I walked out of the school gate, the raindrops as big as beans hit me.

I quickly put my coat on my body and wanted to be an elf in the rain, but the rain was getting worse and worse. Instead of being an elf in the rain, I became a drowned rat in the rain.

I had no choice but to call my mother to pick me up.

On the way home, I thought: My mother braved such a heavy rain to pick me up, I must study hard to repay my mother.

Grade 2 of the Third Experimental Primary School in Fengze District, Quanzhou, Fujian: Xu Yue

Composition in the rain 200 words (13)

Mountain in the Rain 200 words

Class 4 (3) of Shuangfupu Central Primary School: Ren Hengyu

Instructor: Huang Yan

The mountains in the south of the Yangtze River are beautiful and soft. The mountain in the rain has a special flavor.

The misty rain is falling, and the beautiful mountains in the distance are different. Like brave young people, like green barriers, like strong horses... They are indistinct in the mist.

It's raining harder and harder. Rough. Raindrops scatter wildly on the roof, on the ridges of the fields, among the trees... The fog is getting thicker and thicker, and it is like silk scarves tightly surrounding the mountains. The scene looks like the sea in the morning, magnificent. The mountains filled with rain and fog are connected with the sky, and it is hard to tell which is the sky and which is the mountain. The rain and fog flow gently with the wind, and the mountain also flows. The gentle gesture is like a girl dancing gracefully in the sky, or the long dust left by a group of galloping horses. The mountains are immersed in heavy clouds. The mountains abandoned by the sun are like many aggrieved poets, lost and standing in the boundless clouds.

The mountain in the rain, color flow, static and dynamic; Tianshan Mountains are connected, and there is stillness in movement. I love the unique scenery of the mountain in the rain!

Composition in the rain 200 words (14)

Saturday is a scary day. I was going to fly a kite in Suzhou, but it began to drizzle on the way. By the Taihu Lake in Suzhou, the rain will stop. However, because the ground is wet, the security personnel do not allow everyone to fly kites. I had no choice but to give up the idea of flying kites. After discussion, we decided to go inside... At the first step, I was attracted by a huge waterwheel and shouted to my parents to go there to play. My parents happily agreed. However, the sky was acting strangely, and it was drizzling. However, this could not stop our steps. When I arrived at the windmill, I was very surprised. The water wheel looked like a ferris wheel! I took many photos with him. We walked on the small bridge, looking at the endless Taihu Lake, relaxed and happy.

Breezes and drizzle caressed my face, very comfortable. However, the good times didn't last long. We were hit by gusts of wind and rain. The rain was like a raging lion. We took shelter in the twin pavilions. There were small fish under the bridge. Do you really want to catch them all with a big spoon? Soon after, the heavy rain came again! It's 3:50 this time, and the park will close at four o'clock, but it's too far from the exit. We had no choice but to rush out in the rain. On Saturday, the heavy rain made us "drowned". However, strolling in the park in the rain is not fun.

Composition in the rain 200 words (15)

This afternoon, as soon as we finished table tennis exercises, it began to rain. So the teacher organized us to finish school.

I didn't take an umbrella with me. I just ran out of school in the rain, and it rained heavily again. Just then, my classmate Xiao Zhang shouted to me, "Come here quickly to take shelter from the rain!" I ran to it immediately. After staying there for a while, I suddenly remembered that my grandfather was still waiting to pick me up at the west road entrance, so I said to her, "I have to go to see my grandfather." "I will go with you!" I repeatedly refused. She insisted on going with me, and firmly said, "As long as we are good friends, we must help each other, or we will not be real good friends!" She followed me in the rain.

Finally, I found my grandfather and sent him back together.

Although it's raining and cold today, the friendship in the rain warms my heart like the hot sun.

Composition in the rain 200 words (16)

The sky is sunny and cloudy for a while. The strong wind makes the leaves on the roadside rattle constantly. The branches and leaves are shaking crazily, as if they are afraid that the wind will break them. I was still thinking about how the wind was blowing and how it didn't rain at all. Suddenly, it began to rain cats and dogs outside. The rain is really too heavy. When it rains, God cracks a hole and keeps pouring water. Soon the ground is already a vast ocean. The window glass can no longer see the outside. The water on the glass is like a waterfall, which is really spectacular. After a while, the rain outside finally subsided, and the sky was a little brighter.

This is the wonder of rainy days.

Composition in the rain 200 words (17)

He Minghao

When it rains, the campus seems to be covered with a veil.

Let's have a look at the fish pond first. Big raindrops are beating the pond. The "cowards" in the fishpond swam around in groups, as if the end of the world was coming. There are many potted plants around. Some leaves are like small lotus leaves, and some have serrated edges, like saws.

A pine and cypress stands upright in the cement soil. It is busy struggling with the fierce rain! Look, now the "giant" has blocked the attack of the rain army. "Giant"'s body was wet like a giant funnel because it was fighting with the rain army!

The big playground was bustling: some Huaxiao bent over like bowing to the rain; Some are still sleeping late! There is a big raincoat on the top of the rostrum to shelter it from the wind and rain. However, the wind is a special electric fan. When it blew gently, the rain changed its direction, kept rushing forward and fell to the ground. So I can't slide any more.

"Ding Ling Ling -" The bell sang a symphony and asked us to have class. Half of my friends and I rushed into the classroom with water splashes. I thought silently in my heart: Ah! It's a pity that the campus in the rain is so colorful that I have to write a composition before I have observed it well.

[Campus in the Rain]

Huang Xiangrui

Our campus is very beautiful. If it rains, it will be even more beautiful.

The Star Gallery in the rain is very beautiful. When it rained, there was a tinkling sound from the Star Gallery. The Star Gallery can not only shelter from the rain, but also make you feel better. Take out a book from the bookshelf, sit on the bench in the Star Gallery, listen to the sound of rain hitting the glass top, and no matter how upset you are, your mood will slowly improve.

The small playground in the rain is more beautiful. The rain fell on the ground and splashed high. The children walked in the rain with colorful umbrellas, which became a beautiful scenery.

The most beautiful is the corridor in the rain. The corridor in the rain seems to be built on the clouds. It is very strange if there is something. It's like standing in a fairyland. It's really a wonder.

[Campus after rain]

Chen Yuchen

In the campus after the rain, raindrops fall on every corner of the campus.

The rain drops on the pine trees beside the fish pond, and the leaves of the pine trees shed dew the size of beans. The clothes of the children playing below were all wet by the "little beans".

Raindrops are in the grass beside the Star Gallery, one on one side and one on the other. They are always hiding in the arms of the mother grass, and there are small snails and ants beside them. They are playing with Raindrop Babies!

The raindrops are in the flowers around the playground, and there are some small raindrops on the petals of each flower. Or the budding flowers burst into smiles as soon as they met small raindrops.

The rain drops were on the children's umbrellas. The umbrellas that had just blocked the rain for the children were still wet. One by one, the rain drops fell from the umbrellas to the ground and slowly formed a small puddle. The children jumped up and down in the puddle and enjoyed themselves.

You see, raindrops can be in so many places. Let me ask you, where else can raindrops be?

Listen, the students in Class 3 (2) read aloud. Xiaoyudi was fascinated, and they sat on the leaves without moving.

In the campus after the rain, everything becomes vibrant.

Composition in the rain 200 words (18)

Class 4 (3) of Shuangfupu Central Primary School: Ren Hengyu

Instructor: Huang Yan

The mountains in the south of the Yangtze River are beautiful and soft. The mountain in the rain has a special flavor.

The misty rain is falling, and the beautiful mountains in the distance are different. Like brave young people, like green barriers, like strong horses... They are indistinguishable in the misty smoke.

It's raining harder and harder. Rough raindrops scatter wildly on the roof, on the ridge of the field, among the trees... The fog is getting thicker and thicker, and it tightly surrounds the mountains like silk scarves. The scene looks like the sea in the morning, magnificent. The mountains filled with rain and fog are connected with the sky, and it is hard to tell which is the sky and which is the mountain. The rain and fog flow gently with the wind, and the mountain also flows. The gentle gesture is like a girl dancing gracefully in the sky, or the long dust left by a group of galloping horses. The mountains are immersed in heavy clouds. The mountains abandoned by the sun are like many aggrieved poets, lost and standing in the boundless clouds.

The mountain in the rain, color flow, static and dynamic; Tianshan Mountains are connected, and there is stillness in movement. I love the unique scenery of the mountain in the rain!