High School Composition Examples (19 practical)
Forty one flowers for men
2024-06-28 04:21:22

Example of High School Composition (1)

When there is wind, there is no wind; when there is no wind, there is wind.

This is a popular riddle. After a little thinking, it is not difficult to guess that the answer is a fan.

When it comes to fans, we always think of their contribution to driving away the heat and sending the breeze in the hot summer.

However, do you know the history of fans in our ancient civilization?

Our country is the hometown of fans. Fans have a long history in our country. Long ago, the ancient craftsmen began to make fans, and because of different times, the style of fans also changed without interruption.

The original fan was called feather fan, which was made of bird feathers. Craftsmen collect the feathers of birds, select the long and beautiful ones, and match them according to the color to make beautiful feather fans.

Cui Bao of the Jin Dynasty once recorded in the Ancient and Modern Notes that "Shun made no bright fan, and Yin Gaozong had a pheasant tail fan."

However, when the feather fan was first born, it was not used for cooling the summer heat, but was held by the bartender to shield the emperor from the wind and the sun, sometimes as a guard of honor.

In the Han Dynasty, feather fans were used today.

After the emergence of feather fan, it soon became the favorite of scholars and generals.

In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the resourceful Kongming think-tank often wields a goose feather fan in his hand, with an air of free and easy planning in the tent. This goose feather fan is a kind of feather fan. Su Dongpo described Zhou Yu in this way:

The feather fan and silk towel, while talking and laughing, the masts and oars were blown away.

In a few words, we can describe the image of a coquettish captain. It can be seen that feather fans were widely used in the Three Kingdoms.

Around the end of the Han Dynasty, a new kind of fan - round fan appeared.

The handle is made of bamboo or animal bones, and the circle is made of bamboo strips or metal wires, covered with white silk and paper.

Wise artists write poems and paintings on the fan, which makes the fan more exquisite.

In Du Mu's "Autumn Eve" of the Tang Dynasty, there is a poem that "light Luo small fan flies fireflies". Here, "light Luo small fan" should refer to this kind of fan.

With the development of history, round fans gradually become the pets of ladies and ladies.

In the "Baochai Fighting against Butterflies" in A Dream of Red Mansions, Xue Baochai's fan is this kind of fan, except that the pattern on the fan face is embroidered with colorful silk.

The patterns on the round fan are flowers, birds, insects, fish, or ancient ladies, all of which are exquisite handicrafts.

About in the Tang Dynasty, folding fans were introduced into China from Korea, and began to be loved by some bureaucrats, nobles, and literati.

This fan is made of bamboo, wood, ivory, etc., and covered with paper or silk. It can be folded. It is 30 to 40 cm wide when opened, and only 2 to 3 cm wide when folded, one foot long.

It is durable, portable and convenient, so it has been thriving for a long time. Today, most of us still use this fan.

There are dozens of folding fans. The most common fan is paper, on which there are poems, paintings, poems and paintings.

Painting on a fan was a custom in the Song Dynasty.

Guo Xi, a painter of the Northern Song Dynasty, painted a landscape on the fan when he was old. Later, Su Dongpo got the fan. Su Dongpo marveled at Guo Xi's painting skills and wrote poems for his paintings, which became a good story in the Song Dynasty.

With the development of fans, fan art came into being and developed.

Tang Bohu, a painter in the Ming Dynasty, often wrote poems and paintings on the fan. The fan he wrote poems and paintings on became an art treasure for later generations.

In modern times, many painters also held fan exhibitions.

Mr. Zhu Kongyang is an outstanding modern painter and calligrapher in China. When he was working as a performer in Shanghai, he once co organized a fan exhibition with Mr. Tao Lengyue.

Mr. Tao painted, and Mr. Zhu wrote a book. "Public selling fans by Tao and Zhu" became a popular saying.

In addition to the several fans mentioned above, our working people often use the stems and leaves of plants to make fans. Such as sunflower fan, palm fan, palm fan, etc. Although these fans can not be listed in the "elegant hall", they are inexpensive, durable, and can use local materials, so they are widely loved by people.

Fans in China are not only various, but also exquisitely made, many of which are exquisite handicrafts.

Among them, the ink paper fan in Hangzhou, the sunflower fan in Xinhui, Guangdong, the feather fan in Huzhou, Zhejiang, and the bamboo silk fan in Zigong, Sichuan are known as the "king of fans" and loved by people all over the world.

Fans are easy to carry in summer and cannot be replaced by electric fans.

At the same time, fan making reflects the wisdom of the working people in ancient China, and fan art is also a part of the excellent culture in ancient China.

Seeing this, don't you take pride in the wisdom of the people of your motherland?

Example of High School Composition (2)

High school composition I praising teachers: essays praising teachers

Teachers' dedication

What is a teacher like? Teachers, like red candles, light up the journey of knowledge. What is a teacher like? The teacher is like a spring rain, spreading every bit of knowledge in our hearts. What is a teacher like? A teacher is like a gardener who cultivates a young student into a knowledgeable student. What is a teacher like? The teacher is like a golden key, leading us ignorant into the treasure house of knowledge. What is a teacher like? Teachers, like our parents, accompany us every day and tell us some rich knowledge.

As a people's teacher, you have nothing to ask for but to impart knowledge to students. You have nothing to love but to devote your body and mind to your career. From youth to grey hair, decades are like a day!

The classroom is your home, the platform is your stage, textbooks are your guiding lights, and students are your children. When the students of the new year come, you extend your hands to welcome them. When the graduates leave, you send them off with tears in your eyes. It is because you have imparted knowledge to us that we can travel in the ocean of knowledge. Whenever you pass your office and look from the window, you write and write there and never stop. You should prepare lessons, write articles, and teach postscript... In the morning, when we were still asleep, you had already started to work; At noon, we have already laid down to rest, and you haven't eaten yet, so we are preparing for the afternoon class; In the evening, after you sent us back to the dormitory, you were still working. At least until eleven o'clock, every day is so busy... Small chalk is your hands, depicting the blueprint of your heart. The bell of class is the horn of your departure, leaving the sweat behind. You will be proud of the excellent results of students, and you will patiently explain to the poor students. These are all your children, and you are reluctant to leave any behind. For the sake of children, you forget to eat and sleep. For the sake of children, you are dedicated. For the sake of children, you give them your heart. That's it. You burn yourself up. That's it. You leave the light to everyone, but you have no regrets and are willing to pay!

How many days and nights have you been sleepless, and how many wind, rain and rain have you experienced. Keep the knowledge and give the wonderful to others. This is you, our beloved people's teacher! You will put the wings of knowledge on a babbling child, and you will educate naughty students into talents. All the way sweet and bitter, all the way laughter. A sound of gratitude will make you sweet forever.

Many years ago, when you saw the students around you, you would hold their hands one by one with tears of excitement, and would not let go for a long time. When you see their achievements, you will give them words of encouragement. A small wish, let you see the fragrant peaches and plums, a sincere word, will keep your heart for a long time.

You are so selfless and regretful, and you are burning yourself in this way. When you look back on the past, you feel that your life's hard work and sweat have not been wasted in vain. You will be proud of it, and you will be honored for it!

High School Composition II in Praise of Teachers: 700 words for describing teachers

Speaking of my new teacher, it makes people want to laugh but dare not. Don't believe it.

1、 The leader is talking, you should be quiet

"Cough, cough, cough, I'm talking!" I clapped with astonishment!

Listen, what style is this? Big shot! Listen carefully again.

"You don't know how to be quiet when the teacher stands up?"

Eh? What, a teacher? Then look at my myopia. In front of the lectern stood a teacher with a square face and a flat nose. Seen from a distance, he is really dignified, not like a teacher, but like a headmaster. As soon as the headmaster was mentioned, the teacher began to speak again in the headmaster's style. He put his hands on the desk, put his back of his fist against the table, said a word, and raised his head to the top right once. From time to time, he also raised the ring finger which was not suitable for the big belly, and crossed it. What a "headmaster" style!

2、 Naughty ringtones

Everyone knows that the ringing tones of Juyuan Road Primary School are the most complicated. The early reading bell, the preparation bell, the class bell and the class bell, each of which (the music bell) lasts for half a minute.

Just after ringing the bell early, the newly transferred teacher thought it was time for class and formally introduced himself. After talking for ten minutes, the naughty preparation bell rang, and the teacher had to stop awkwardly, maintain the position just now, and stay there as if he had been touched. We could not help but want to laugh. After holding back for a long time, we finally did not dare to laugh.

"Boys and girls, it's time for class, please get ready for class." The crisp children's voice (music bell) is particularly loud in our class, and it seems to be deliberately against the teacher, "bei" dragged on for a long time.

It was so easy that the bell stopped ringing, and the teacher started talking again. But after three minutes, the inappropriate bell rang again mischievously, and the teacher was forced to stop again, without closing his open mouth. We had to laugh again. It seemed that the teacher could not wait to swallow something. He started speaking just after the third "dong" stopped. As a result, the most inopportune fourth "dong" sounded again just after two words were spoken... After that, the teacher asked us with fear: "Is there any more?" Alas, the bell has made the teacher miserable.

3、 "I know!"

It is not new for teachers to ask questions in class, and it is not new for teachers to ask questions that teachers do not know. But teachers who ask questions that teachers do not know and then say "I know" after the answer, for example, this time, are too new.

"Who is your monitor?

”"Li Jingrui."

"I know!"

"Who is the discipline committee member of your class?"

"Wang Yiming."

"I know!"

"Who is the representative of your Chinese class?"

"Zhao Xuecen."

"I know!"

I can't laugh or cry. I want to cry without tears! You know, ask again! Alas, teacher, we know that your face is important, but we don't have your intention to ask us everything!

Alas, what can I do for the "I know" teacher who speaks like a leader and is not accustomed to the bell? We can only keep silent and adapt to each other.

High School Composition III Praising Teachers: Examples of Middle School Students' Compositions Praising Teachers

Kindergarten, primary school, junior high school, senior high school, now······

Time flies, a twinkling of an eye, always, there is such a person, accompany me through ups and downs. When I left my parents, I met you; When I am naughty, I become friends with you; When I am sad, I tell you; When I rejoice, I will share with you. We have no blood relationship, no interest disputes, and we can even say that we are passers-by, but the imprints left on our hearts are impressively reminiscent of Shaohua's perishable past, and silhouetted by the quicksand storms. We are simple but extraordinary, smiling, parting or gathering, like friends and brothers.

In such a long memory ditch, I can't say all the things that are hard to erase. The meaning of the defined meaning will be filled with emotion after experiencing it.

In the second day of the junior high school, the head teacher and I, surnamed Peng, concentrated their wisdom with kind eyes, and their speech style was full of inspiration. She is very approachable and honest.

When I was in junior high school, my family was very poor. Considering the difficulties at home, I often saved my little living expenses and secretly bought information books. This time, the teacher said that I would order Chinese newspapers. I was short of money and could not save a little money. So when I went home at the weekend, I told my father about the class teacher's request for a newspaper. At that time, my father's first reaction was that I didn't need it, because I used to share it with others, and as usual, I had no room for refutation. This kind of "stubborn" thought made me go for nothing, and I fell in front of the head teacher with droopy ears. "Teacher Peng, my father said that it is OK to use one with others?", I was trembling and silent. "I don't have money at home. If there is nothing I can do, I will help you think about money." Teacher Peng seemed to see my mind. I pursed my mouth and lifted my head secretly, not knowing what to say. "Well, hurry back to class," she said kindly. "Send a letter to your father later. OK, go back." Now I still remember the letter "Your parents: Peng Ning, study hard and unite classmates. Now the class needs to order a Chinese newspaper. Everyone is required to have one. Considering the high value of this newspaper and the poverty of your family, I ordered a newspaper for your child. I paid the money. I hope your parents understand--- Peng Siying, October 2004 "is basically the content. Although the language is simple and unvarnished, it reveals the deep feelings between teachers and students. Maybe she doesn't remember this now, because as a teacher, she thinks it is a trivial thing. Maybe she has repeated such things in those years of teaching and educating people. She doesn't want to remember, but only hopes that we children can successfully complete their studies, select the right people and make good intentions.

Time flies, and sometimes in early spring, when I think about the college life, I still deny the view of most people - they say that college teachers disappear after class, let alone care about us. But I don't agree, at least not so. Wang Hongxia, English Class A3, my teacher, with a solid figure, a pair of shining black curly hair, a pair of bright smiling eyes, and a pair of black rimmed glasses, looks extremely amiable, I had a lot of fun talking with us... "Last time, two young people came to my friend's company. In the ten days of work, the first thing they came to the company was to turn on the computer and hang up qq... The manager didn't tell them what to do, but asked them to allocate their own time. They felt very comfortable. Half a month later, the two undergraduate students were expelled... "She paused for a moment." There are many college students now. In fact, it is not difficult to find undergraduate jobs, and there are many vacant positions in the society. But we students are too arrogant, especially undergraduate students, who can still rely on their own academic credentials, ambitious and self righteous. " I think an excellent teacher not only speaks well in class, but also cultivates students' "morality". "Always know what you are doing." She also reminds us that, like a kind mother, she combines teaching with educating people, sometimes stern and sometimes gentle.

I have met many teachers like this, but now I can't visit their current life. I hope they can demonstrate their wonderful lives on the three feet platform.

We are like a piece of wood. The teacher is like a sculptor. For wood of different materials and wood of different periods, we should carefully choose the carving method and target. It is precisely because we constantly meet the rich God of teachers in our life

It is the sculptors of marvelous strength that we can use our objects to build pillars, and the main hall of pillars is decorated magnificently.

At this time, I would like to sing a hymn with hoarse throat that is not composed, not in tune, and not complete with lyrics, "Peach and plum trees are not full of fragrance, teaching and educating people are not rich, and only hope that all students in the world have both ability and virtue, and can laugh at life."

Example of High School Composition (3)

1. Positive and negative argument template


Paragraph 1: Recent we 've had a discussion about which we should (Introduce topic)

Our opinions are divided on this topic

Paragraph 2: Mosto of the students are in avourofit (Positive view)

Hereothereasons. First... Second... Finally

Paragraph 3:

Their reasons are as follows. The first place... What's more... Addition


Paragraph 4: Personally speaking, the advantages over the advantages, foritwilldousmorehardthangood, soIsupportit

2. "A or B" argumentative paper template:


Paragraph 1: Some people hold the opinion that Aissuperior to Binways Others,however,arguethatBismuchbetter.Personally,IwouldpreferAbecauseIthinkAhasmoreadvantages.

Paragraph 2: There are many reasons why I prefer A The main reason that... Another reason that

Paragraph 3: Ofcourt, Balsohasa advantages to some extent


Paragraph 4: Butifall the factors are considered, Aismall letter that B. From what has been discussed today, we may finally draw the conclusion that

3. Argumentative paper template of opinion discussion:


Paragraph 1: Propose a phenomenon or a decision as a topic of discussion

As a student, I am strongly in favor of the decision

There are reasons for this may be listed as follows

Paragraph 2: Firstofall Secondly... Besides... (List 2-3 reasons for or against)


Paragraph 3: Inclusion, Ibelievethat

4. "Howto" argumentative paper template:


Paragraph 1: Propose a phenomenon or some difficulty as the topic of discussion

Paragraph 2: Many ways can help solve this problem, but the following may be effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem... Finally


Paragraph 3: They are not the best but the only two/three measures we can take Butit should be noted that there are two ways to take action to

Example 2 of Common Writing Templates for Senior English Writing: Common Writing Templates for English Letters











Example 3: Topic composition template

Nowadays, there are more and more __ _ in __ _. It is estimated that ___. Why have there been so many ____? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.

The first one is ______. Besides,_____. The third one is _____. To sum up, the main cause of it is due to _____. It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing,_____. For another thing, _____. All these measures will certainly reduce the number of _____.

Composition template for comparative views

(1) Ask to discuss two opposing views and give your own opinions.

1. Some people think that.

2. Others believe that.

3. My opinion.

The topic of ① ----------------- is coming more and more popular recently There are two sides of options about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ② ----------------- What is more, ③ ----------------- Reason 2) More over, ④ --------------- (reason 3)

While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons Second (sides), ⑥ ---------------- (reason 2) Third (finally), ⑦ ------------------ (reason 3)

From my point of view, I think ⑧ The reason is that ⑨ -------------------- (reason) As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice .

(2) Give an opinion and ask the examinee to oppose it

Some people believe that For example, they think ② And it will bring them ③

In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing, ④ ---------------- For another thing, ⑤ -----------------

Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ⑥

Elaboration topic question template

It is required to start from a sentence or a topic and discuss according to the requirements of the outline

1. Explain the meaning of famous words or themes

2. Analyze and give examples to enrich it

The good old proverb Indeed, we can learn many things form it.

First of all, ----------------- (reason 1) For example, -------------------- (for example) Second, ---------------- (reason 2) Another case is that --------------- (for example) Furthermore, ------------------ (reason 3)

Solution question type

Ask candidates to list various ways to solve problems

1. Current problems

2. How to solve (advantages and disadvantages of the solution)

In recent days, we have to face I problem -- A, which is becoming more and more series. First, ------------ Second, --------------- (give examples to further explain the current situation)

Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to scope with the situation. For one thing, ---------------- For another -------------- (Solution 2) Finally, --------------- (Solution 3)

Personally, I believe that -------------- (my solution) Consequently, I'm confident that a bright future is gaining us because

Example of High School Composition (4)

The autumn wind is curling and the Dongting Lake is rippling. This is Qu Yuan's poem "Lady Jiuge Xiang". He praised the Dongting Lake. Today, let me praise the Xuanwu Lake which is no inferior!

Xuanwu Lake Scenic Area is favored by tourists for its rare geological landscape and good vegetation conditions at home and abroad. Flowers attract butterflies, and mountains attract birds. Today, hundreds of wild pigeons, dozens of wild ducks, several pairs of mandarin ducks and many birds live and breed in the honeycomb of basalt, on the rippling lake, or on the branches swaying in the wind. Xuanwu Lake is located in the main urban area of Nanjing. It is called Houhu Lake, also known as Lianhu Lake. It has been a resort since the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The Southern Dynasty always taught martial arts here. On Thursday morning, the lake was abandoned as a field after the Song Dynasty. The old ruins have been lost for years. Only one pool is left 13 miles north of the city. Reclamation was resumed in the early Ming Dynasty, including Jiuzhou Xinzhou, Longyin, Lian calyx and other continents. Huangshan Mountain was stored on the continent to store the world's atlases.

As soon as I arrived at Xuanwu Lake, I was immediately attracted by the sparkling lake, which was like a mirror. A breeze blew and ripples rose on the lake. There are many willows growing on the lakeside. The branches sway slightly in the wind, just like a beautiful girl standing on the lakeside, combing her newly dyed hair.

Walking along the lake, I found that the trees beside the lake were in different shapes, including tall ginkgo trees, giant metasequoia trees, and tall poplars... Most of these trees were golden in autumn. The "carpet" on the road is also golden. I walked under the ginkgo tree and picked up a few "golden fans". It was really interesting!

Suddenly, I smelled a fragrance, followed by the fragrance, came to the charming flower bed. One after another, a cluster of chrysanthemums have opened a smiling face to me. Some have just opened, while others are still in bud. The color of chrysanthemums is also different: golden, red, white...... At close sight, chrysanthemums are like wool balls, petals can be said to be countless, they are like brothers and sisters hugging together, surrounded by a shy girl - Huaxin.

Example of High School Composition (5)

Youth Motivation High School Composition 1

You are my dream, how hard, how firm.

Whose youth is not lonely? In this relatively quiet and good years, who would be willing to be lonely? Who is willing to be ordinary?

At the age of 16, it seems that I also began to look forward to the feeling of mutual love and good feelings. However, my heart is full of contradictions at the same time. This strange feeling flows in my heart and makes me nervous. Due to the great pressure and expectations of my parents, I don't want to embark on this "no return road". Otherwise, it is more my cowardice and pride. The girl's feelings in my heart forced me to indulge in the fairy tale world of fantasy, making up beautiful stories with the "Prince Charming", but it was always full of sweetness and happiness. On the other hand, I also think that in the vast sea of people, in the earth with a population of 7 billion, there will eventually be a person who will accompany you to see the mountains and forests everywhere. However, whose side is this person now, caressing whose face and holding the whole "world" that he thinks is right? I don't know. The person who really joined hands with you on the long road of life, then at a casual glance, would you know that just one glance, just one glance, each other will sink into life? Perhaps it is a look back, that is, I have seen you more in the crowd, and since then, I will hold the hand of my son and grow old together.

Who is whose destiny? Who is doomed? Only time, the great god, will reveal the answer for you one day. During this period, the only thing we can do, the only right thing, is to wait, struggle tirelessly while waiting, do our best to make ourselves better, and meet the unknown tomorrow with our most beautiful attitude. Perhaps, when you are strong enough, it is more natural for you to meet and love each other, so that the future road, the future hand in hand, accompany to the old road, more flat.

My pride will not let me bow my head easily, nor will it allow me to bow my head. No matter how hard it is now, no matter how many impulses I have to give up, it will force me to endure hard. My heart is aching and tears are flowing. But it tells me that this is the right price for youth! I think, the tears lying in the eyes ah, you go back quickly, I am very strong. Because I know better, if I'm not strong, who can I show my cowardice to?

In the darkness, it seems that what I see is not only those bright street lamps and a few yellowish leaves, but also a new self, an immeasurable future. Happiness depends on yourself. I believe that God is fair enough. I already have enough. I also have the opportunity to fight for what I don't have. What am I hesitating about while I still have the capital of youth and frivolity? I don't know when my enthusiasm will fade. I don't know how many lonely days and nights I can stick to. But at this moment, my enthusiasm is rising. I want to tell the 16-year-old me to fight! Running towards my college dream. Beihang, you are my dream, how hard, how firm!

Youth Motivation High School Composition 2

On the road of our life, everyone will have the footprint of youth. For me, my youth seems to be composed of hard work and faith.

When I was young, I was eager to grow up. However, when I walked step by step, I found that the adult world is so colorful, and all the prosperity I saw was not what I wanted... I began to understand that the world is like a piece of white paper, how youth blooms, and every bit of color in life will flow freely on this white paper. We are eager for this color to flow to the end and become a beautiful picture, But how many people can do this in our life?

I used to think that those beautiful pictures were accompanied by the winners, who were not very successful from the beginning. They all had one thing in common, that is, they achieved such extraordinary achievements through their own efforts, persistent beliefs, hard work, and perseverance in difficult situations.

I used to think that everyone's experience would have big and small mistakes. There will inevitably be some small emotions that lead me to make wrong judgments and choices. Whenever this happens, I will hate myself. I wish this was just a simple mistake. Now I don't think so. Mistakes are mistakes. There is no difference between simple and complex. Sometimes a lack of care will lead to serious mistakes. At this time, I found that the fluctuation of emotions plays a leading role in our thoughts. It determines people's thoughts, and emotions also affect people's life. As Director Liao Jishu of Hengda said, "thinking comes first, action comes later.".

I used to think that people would spend their lives in a calm and peaceful way. Now it seems really naive. A person's life will experience many things, big and small. Let us understand the truth of being a man and doing things from the experience. There is a western proverb: "Young people always live in the illusory rainy season, in fact, everything will turn out fine after rain." Despite this, we still need to change ourselves. What we need to know is that as long as we are alive, we must survive, and if we want to survive better, we must face various competitive games. Survival of the fittest is cruel for us to survive and compete, but we must learn to survive and compete. I understand that in the process of change, you will experience the pain of growth, but if you don't change, you will have to endure hardship all your life. Someone once asked me what it was like to change myself, but I didn't know how to answer. But in my heart, I felt like I was very desperate when I fell into the water!

When I just walked out of school, I didn't expect many setbacks in my life, so I was always at a loss when facing these setbacks. In fact, there will be all kinds of changes in human life. The most important thing for us is how to deal with these changes and build our own lives. We can't be blocked by fate. If we have the right attitude and proper methods, we can also lead the way of life to a more reasonable direction.

I remember someone once said to me that life is like a dark tunnel. Sometimes it needs to be walked alone. Although it is so dark, there is always a light leading you to explore and pursue. And youth is a beautiful scenery on this dark road of life. We are running together on the road of youth to meet my wonderful!

Example of High School Composition (6)

1. (At the beginning) At the end of the city, there is no bustling street, shining neon; At the end of the city, there are only dilapidated shantytowns, which have experienced life; At the end of the city, there are people like them.

(End) The sun rises from the horizon, illuminating the end of the city and their life.

They will eventually become us. (They)

2. (At the beginning) Standing by the Seine River, you can touch the fashionable and elegant pulse of Paris; In the Fifth Avenue, you can feel the gorgeous and gorgeous atmosphere of New York; Walking on the streets of Ginza, you can enjoy the ancient and modern culture of Tokyo; Stay by the Huangpu River to experience the compatible and unique spirit of Shanghai

(End) I face the city in infinite thinking, touch its shell, and desire to touch its soul. I hope that one day its inner quality can be as beautiful and moving as its outer shell. I hope that those false and frivolous will become real and solid. I hope that it will be "clear after the clouds and rain". I hope that we can re touch the flower like beauty of the city from the inside out. (Touch the City)

3. (beginning) The wind is clear outside the window, and birds are chirping. The sun beats in the window, and the dream is sweet. The boat of time slipped into the dream and opened the bleary eyes. The windmill of life turns round and round every day, but I don't feel that it is a faded sculpture, because I am moved to walk with me every day.

There are moving everywhere in life, even if it is a plant, a flower and a stone. Starting with a touch, I found that in the river of life, every kind of water drop collision sound is so clear and pleasant.

(Ending) Set out with a touch, and you will enrich your luggage every day, whether you are happy or worried. I always feel that it is a code in my own experience. (Depart with Movements)

4. (At the beginning) The inexhaustible desire of human beings is the driving force to push the wheels of history forward.

Where does desire come from? From the curiosity that human beings are born with.

(Conclusion) Curiosity - it is promoting the progress of the world, but also accumulating the power to destroy the world.

What should we do to deal with the growing curiosity? (Curiosity)

5. Why?

Why should we shout every few minutes in a house that is only a few meters away when both of us are old?

Every time I go to Grandma's house, this always reminds me of my curiosity.

(At the end) I think the so-called love is like this. The people I love, the people I miss, must exist well where I can see, where I can reach, where I can go.

I'm glad that I have curiosity, so I can know the care, warmth and love of the grandma generation. I know that the call is saying that the whole world is here with you. (Curiosity)

Natural and plain

6. Life is a web of joys and sorrows, beauty and ugliness. It passes through time and space and still shines. We need to constantly explore and think about life. As long as we can constantly add sand, water and stones to our thinking, life will become full.

Let's make and enrich our cup of life together! (Life in the Cup)

7. Life, in fact, is a process, many things, many people, failed, experienced will understand, will mature. When failure comes, do not be sad, but should be seen as an opportunity to grow, an opportunity to exercise. If you rush past, you will have a better and brighter life and a sense of achievement; If you step back, you will only have more failures and more regrets in life.

When we are close to the end of our life, when we look back on this life, especially those difficulties and failures, we will feel that perhaps it is because of these that we have enriched our life, overcome them, and made our life more perfect. (Don't Say "No" Easily)

8. I stood under the flower tree of Jinjiyu, put that curiosity carefully into the corner of my heart, and warmed myself with the heart full of love she gave me. (Curiosity

9. Only a glance at you surprised me, but I caught a glimpse of a simple and farsighted attitude towards life. Let it be, let it be, and I will never be dominated by everything. I am alone outside the Zhuozhou, and cicadas shed their burden. I just want to hold the bright moon and live forever. A coir of tobacco by the river is a strip of plain.

Teach me how to follow your steps, the beauty of the essence of bewilderment; Teach me how to touch your skirt, that simple and detached attitude.

This is you. It is as light as spring water. Your paranoid pursuit and the flying stripe beside the spring are ethereal songs for you. (A coir of tobacco, Ren Jiangping)

10. "The world is full of fun." I can't catch the shadow of the moon, but I want to keep an amber heart. In the busy life, drinking a cup of light mineral water, even a moment of joy, will bring you a different feeling. (Qinghuan)

Making the finishing point Zhang Xianzhi

11. Everything is like a lead gray dream! Life is fleeting and the world is changing. All those who lost their hopes and dreams, we will cherish your dreams! We will plant flowers of love and unity on the land of our motherland. The world is with us! We cherish the same dream and learn to fly with those wings with dreams.

Example of High School Composition (7)

With the melody of "City of Sky" playing slowly, a little girl danced on the glass floor. The girl raised her hands gracefully, tiptoed, and slowly rotated on the smooth glass mirror. The song was "City of Sky", a single cycle.

I admit that I must have met him somewhere.

Broken bangs, black framed glasses, eyes that do not squint, cold and arrogant. However, he is modest and polite. When he walks by, he will gently say: "Please excuse me." Occasionally, only occasionally, he will smile, but it will be printed into people's minds for only two or three seconds.

At the beginning of the summer vacation, I worked with my best friend Sun Lanlan in a leisurely restaurant called Maixiangcun, which was divided into two floors. The place was not big, but it used every place. It has dark lights and elegant environment, which is the best place for lovers.

The work is divided into day shift and night shift. The day shift is from 9 o'clock to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and the night shift is from 5 o'clock to 10 o'clock in the evening, which is a weekly shift. At the beginning, Sun Lanlan and I were so busy serving dishes that we felt full of energy. At that time, the boring work made us soft soon, and we didn't have the enthusiasm we had just started.

When the guests are lucky, they will leave something unopened, so we can take it to the back room and eat it secretly. I like chicken legs best. When there are chicken legs, Sun Lanlan will call me "Hey, Suyi, your food!" I will run there happily.

While I was chewing the chicken leg with relish, someone patted me on the shoulder and said, "Hey, don't you see how busy we are in front? Hurry up and carry something!"

It's really him. He has cold eyes. He thinks it's great to be a foreman. I curled my mouth and glared at him: "Go now, OK."

Ding Chu always finds trouble when he has nothing to do. He will beat chestnuts when he sits idle for a while. "Don't you see the new guests? Let's go."

"Wash the dishes for me." "No wonder you are so fat when you sit around every day."...... Such words. Often heard, can only skim, because it is the boss, it is difficult to say anything.

"I wonder how Ding Chu became the foreman, such a fierce man..."

"It's the ferocity that has the power of deterrence, don't you know?"

"But..." I stopped.

"It's said that he has worked here for a long time. Let's take two or three summer vacations. He has done a good job and is responsible for his work."

"Su Yi, go to deliver the takeout." Ding Chu points to a dozen boxes of bento on the table.

Then I talked about some interesting things when I was a child. I suddenly laughed and couldn't stop. "Fat Ding, ha ha..." The outline of a fat boy was printed in my mind. His skin was white and his face was round. It was a cute and naughty boy.

"Ding Chu, help me with my math homework."

"Ding Chu, help me pour water."

"Ding Chu Ding..." At that time, my mother was very beautiful, and I naturally inherited her. When I was in primary school, I was a loud class flower with two banana braids, and my mother dressed me up. Every time I went to school, children would always come to me to play and give me candy.

Ding Chu is not one of them. He always likes to fight against me, rob me of sugar, satirize me, laugh at me, and I am unwilling to ask him to do something for me.

In the fifth grade, I liked a boy in my class. I just liked him. I told my best friend. Ding Chu was no longer my deskmate at that time. He grew much taller and sat behind me. I also gave up the habit of ordering him.

Everyone in the class knows that I like so and so, and they always make fun of us. Since then, Ding Chu has seldom bullied me, and he always walks around when he sees me. When he was in the sixth grade, he was transferred to another school. No one knew where he had gone, or even heard from him.

"Fat Ding, ha ha..." I walked up to him with a tray of things.

The boy in front suddenly turned his head alertly and stared at me for a while: "You, how do you know that you are......"

"Suey, class flower of Green Star Primary School, don't you remember?" I pandered to his eyes.

"Have you? You still deserve to be a class flower? I'm so happy..."

"Fatty Ding, you still haven't changed."

"Call me Ding Chu." His tone was colder than usual.

"He must have experienced a great event," I lay on the bed and picked out a watermelon with a spoon, listening to Sun Lanlan's analysis. "Otherwise, he would not become what he is now. You think, he was so naughty when he was a child. He was almost hyperactive. Do you remember the time when he dragged you to climb a tree and let you fall off the tree?"

"Of course, I still have lingering fears, and my buttocks still hurt when I think about it."

"Besides, the funniest thing is that he was teased by us on April Fool's Day when you stuffed a note in his drawer."

"Suey," she said, "I want to know what happened to him."

On my sixth grade birthday, I called many of my classmates to my home for my birthday party. Balloons, cakes, and dozens of people played very high. The only regret was that Fat Ding didn't come. If he came, it would be fun.

When I opened the gift at night, I found an unexpected gift - a music box, a delicate music box. The little girl danced on the glass and played the beautiful melody of "City of Sky", which made people cry. The inside of the box also wrote a crooked character "Happy birthday, Suey." It was his character. I must recognize it after several years. Yes, it's Ding Chu. It's Ding Chu.

However, when I asked about it, no one knew how the gift came into being. It was just like being put there out of thin air. Later, I gradually forgot about it, but I was used to listening to the happy songs in the music box.

After graduation from primary school, everyone divided things. By accident, Sun Lanlan and I were in the same junior high school. Every day, she asked me to go to school together by bike, and then went home together in the evening.

I'm still the class flower. I often receive love letters or chocolates from boys in the next class. When we get home, Sun Lanlan and I open the letter on her wooden bed and share the chocolates.

At that time, I had my first boyfriend. He didn't treat me well, but he was handsome enough and had good grades, so I accepted him. He has a bad temper. He always quarrels with me, on and off many times.

The other day, I received a strange phone call for no reason, but there was no sound when I got through to the other end. I had to feed many times before I hung up.

The next day, when my monthly exam results came out, I fell many places and became upset. Finally, I decided to break up with my boyfriend.

Later, he talked about a few casual relationships. He slept in class and copied his homework. His grades fell again and again. It was Sun Lanlan who went up to the top ten of the grade for the first time.

"Su Yi, being too beautiful is a disaster after all." Sun Lanlan satirized me. Later, my scourge entered the vocational high school in the city, and Sun Lanlan and his fellows entered the best high school in the city.

Unconsciously, I have been working in Maixiang Village for a month, which means that I will be paid. When the salary was handed out, we looked at Ding Chu's thick red envelope and shouted for him to treat us, so Ding Chu, Sun Lanlan, I, and three girls encouraged Ding Chu to sing "K".

Following the principle of "the more you kill, the happier you will be", we ordered a lot of beer, and then five girls bit off the bottle cap and gave Ding Chu wine.

"Come on, foreman."

"Foreman, thank you for taking care of me. You must do something with this wine."

Ding Chu didn't say a word, but just let them drink. I sang Liang Jingru's love song silently. When I looked at him occasionally, I saw him blushing and leaning on the sofa.

"Eh, Suey, are you still single?" Somehow, they focused on me.

"You see, our foreman is also single, and you are so beautiful. Isn't it good to make a couple of handsome men and beautiful women?"

Ding Chu, who is in a vague sense, and I, who is in a clear sense, drank a toast with the help of these crazy women. To tell the truth, it tastes good.

"Vegetables, did he confess to you?"

"What's your hurry?" said an impatient tone.

Two months passed so quickly that I was about to be one year higher in the twinkling of an eye. Ding Chu and Sun Lanlan are in the same school, and their scores are amazing. Only I can't raise my head in front of the neighbors.

It was a week's military training before entering the university. A few days earlier, Sun Lanlan and I bought sunscreen and other things on the street. On the days of military training, the sun was not too big, but the people who stood at attention and hesitated were very sick. There was only one fan for eight people in the dormitory. After turning off the light at night, the pillow was soaked with sweat.

"Su Cai, according to the information, a girl confessed to Ding Chu and stopped him from saying it to his face."

"......" I am silent at this end.

"Nothing, he will not accept it, he will not accept anyone." I snapped the phone.

What I never thought was that Ding Chu had a girlfriend!

"Vegetarian, don't be sad. Ding Chu has a girlfriend. Last time, he came to our school to wait for Ding Chu to finish school. Tut tut, I heard that it was from your school. It's called a flirtatious dress."

Jane Mu, style 10, class flower. I watched her secretly. She was thin and thin under the school uniform. She had beautiful eyes, slanted bangs, and close eyelids. I knew she was the master who would dress up.

I wonder why Ding Chu has such a girl.

In the second day of junior high school, I received a phone call, which was still a strange number. When I just called, I was silent for a long time. Then the other side said, "Suey, are you all right?"

"Ding... Ding Chu?"

"I'm in a bad mood. Can you come out to accompany me?"

At that time, I was watching a movie with my boyfriend in the cinema, but I had no choice but to refuse, "Sorry, I would like to see you too, but I have something to do..."

Pa, he hung up the phone. I heard a busy sound.

On October 2nd, to celebrate my birthday, I called a dozen people to sing "K". Of course, Ding Chu's girlfriend Jane Mu is no exception.

I put the microphone on Ding Chu several times, but he didn't sing. Instead, Jane Mu sang very high alone.

Ding Chu drank in silence, one cup after another. I got angry first: "Ding Chu, what are you pretending to be grumpy about? Everyone is happy. Why don't you sing a song to him? Who let you drink? Don't drink! Don't drink!" I grabbed the wine glass and poured it into my stomach.

Jane Mu looked like she was watching a good show. Ding Chu looked up and looked at me weakly.

"Ding Chu, you said you like me. We've known each other for so long. Six years and three years. I knew you liked me when I was in primary school. Why, I found a new lover so soon..." My face was red, and I opened my mouth with a few words from my heart. Sun Lanlan came to me and said, "Vegetables, you have drunk too much. Let's go outside for a walk."

"Don't pull me. I have to say more."

"Su Yi, do you think you are great? Ding Chu is my boyfriend now. Why do you want to find him when you are lonely? Tell you, no way! Ding Chu, let's go."

Ding Chu was dragged away by her. I fell down on the sofa powerlessly and left one by one, leaving Sun Lanlan and me alone. I yelled at the leaving song of Xin Band, and the blue veins burst out and my throat was hoarse.

It was at this time that he rushed in, grabbed my microphone and kissed me like this. I swept around with the rest of my eyes, but Sun Lanlan was no longer here.

"Hello! Hello! Hello!" I beat his shoulder to resist his insolence. "Why don't you go with your girlfriend?"

"We broke up." He didn't care. "After a big fight, we broke up. We didn't like it."

"Then why did you stay with her?" I said with disdain.

"Su Yi, it's a long story. Let me tell you something slowly later." He straightened my head: "Yi, be my girlfriend, I love you!"

This is what I have been waiting for for a long time, but it sounds so sad. I left him and ran away alone.


Zhan Xin'an.

Maybe I should tell you something. Yes, I have loved you since primary school, until junior high school, until now. But at that time, I was fat and didn't dare to tell you, so I could only play tricks on you to attract your attention. I still remember that time when I pulled you to climb a tree, and you fell down from the tree, and you shed tears of pain. I was in pain. Later, I always blamed myself.

In the fifth grade, I would hear that you have a person you like. In my heart, I felt uncomfortable. But what can I do? I can only watch you talking and quarreling with him secretly. I dare not imagine that you can talk to me again. Later, my parents divorced. I followed my father and went to another place to study in the sixth grade. I didn't even tell you. I think you would be better off without me.

Life in junior high school is not good. My father is busy working all day and has no time to take care of my affairs. I should always simplify my meals three times a day. In addition, I play basketball every week, and I have lost a lot of weight miraculously.

I called you off and on in the future, but I didn't have the courage to say, do you still remember me? I'm afraid you have forgotten my hateful deskmate. Later, I heard that you had been in love for several times. I felt very uncomfortable. We are getting farther and farther after all. Later, I got up the courage to call you and asked you out. Unexpectedly, you refused me. This last thought was gone. I accepted a girl who has been chasing me.

Yi. I just know that music box can never replace my saying that I love you.

Yi, I love you. Always.

Ding Chu

2017。 11。 two

After receiving this letter, my tears finally broke down. Ding Chu, I didn't like the fat you. I was used to bossing you. In fifth grade, I said that there were people I liked just to annoy you. I have been waiting for you for so many years... However, I know that I can't accept him. Not only is it distance, but we are not on the same track at all, His performance was so good that it was totally the material of the previous book. For me, just being a bum, why should I bother to drag him down.

Ding Chu, however, held on to me: every Friday, he would always come by bus to wait for me to finish school together, squeeze the bus together, and help me grab a seat; When I returned to school on Sunday, I was given a lot of snacks. I refused again and again to give them to me; Every day I call to care about whether I have eaten or not. How about the food in the canteen? If he knows about my instant noodles, he will scold me for a long time.

Ding Chu, you have changed so much that I can't stand being nice to you. In fact, I still like to fight with you, listen to your sarcasm, or complain.

Later, Ding Chu and I went to fly kites on the West Mountain. We lost the bet. He got up at five in the morning and said "I love you" to the first person we met on the road. Knowing that I was playing with him, the fool did so.

It was really a pleasure. I couldn't fly a kite that day. Ding Chu said to me, "When I was young, you flew kites every day. It was useless. What kind of food did you grow up with?" Then he grabbed the kite and flew it. The kite flew very high, with only one point left. However, Ding Chu bit off the thread.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Yi, how about you accept me when I find the kite?"

I hung my head and didn't know what to say.

After a long time, Ding Chucai appeared in front of me with a kite. His hands and clothes were covered with scratches from branches, and he grinned at me.

"Yi, you lost." He looked at me triumphantly.

"I didn't bet with you again." I walked away.

I heard him yelling from behind. One day, you will accept me!

"Vegetables, come on, Ding Chu has done something stupid!"

I listened to the song leisurely on the bus, but received the sad news of Sun Lanlan.

It turned out that Ding Chu was yelling to quit school, which alerted parents to go to school. I rushed to their school.

It was the day when I returned home on Friday. Everyone was almost gone. I went straight to the headmaster's office.

"No school transfer! If you dare to transfer, I won't pay your tuition!" A thick voice went straight into my ears. Sun Lanlan was lying on the door eavesdropping, and so was I.

"Ding Chu, you always have good grades. When you came in, you were still in the top 50. In this way, there is great hope for you to take the undergraduate exam... Besides, why did you want to transfer?"

"I just want to transfer. There is no reason."

"Vegetarian, he was transferred for you, you know?"


"He said it was because you didn't accept him because you were afraid of dragging him down, so he wanted to turn."

"What a fool!" I beat the wall with my hand.

I went straight into the hands of Latino Chu and pulled him far away. Then I said low, "I promise you, all right."

He smiled, "I know." Who knows, he continued, "I still want to change my school. I'm with you."

"If you dare to transfer me, I will quit school!" I dropped this sentence and pushed him into the office.

"You said that you were really insidious and came up with such a bad move." I scolded Sun Lanlan.

"Vegetarian food, I don't know you yet, so let me be soft hearted, ha ha."

"Yi, is your music box still lonely?" Ding Chu's familiar voice.

"What do you think?" I said on the phone with a smile.

Example of High School Composition (8)

I have a very good friend. His name is Philip. As far as I'm concerned, he's very kind-hearted and generous. Once I was in high school, he treated me friendly and sincerely. When I was happy, he was also happy with me. When I was sad, he always comforted me. When I was defeated, he always encouraged me. When I stumbled, he always pulled me up. Although we quarreled at times, we were still in good relationships. We could know each other better after the argument. When my birthday came, he always sent me a special present.

He's very hard-working and intelligent. He always studied hard at school. Because of his hard work, he always did very well in exams. His oral English was better than mine. Most of the time, he was willing to chat with me in English. Owing to his help, I made a lot of progress in oral English.

Example of High School Composition (9)

I am a foreign thief, and the art of grottoes has been greatly developed. The most famous one is the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang in western Gansu. It is said that there are a large number of exquisite murals and countless vivid colored statues in Mogao Grottoes. A large number of Buddhist scriptures and documents are also extremely precious in the caves, which makes me salivate. How much can such a good art cost to steal!!

So I thought about how to steal. Finally, I came up with a perfect plan. First, I found my good friend overnight, and the world called him "The Sneaker". After his reflection, I decided to do it at night. Finally, I stayed up until the night and looked at my watch. Now it's just a quarter past twelve. I think people must be sleeping soundly now. My brother and I walked into the Mogao Grottoes, but I was worried, But he is calm and calm. He is really a master! After entering, I was shocked! I didn't expect that the Mogao Grottoes are so grand. They really deserve to be one of the eight largest grottoes in the world and deserve their reputation! The Mogao Grottoes are like a large painting gallery. The walls and top of the caves are full of colorful and vivid murals. The fairies who wear long ribbons, dance in the air, bounce back the pipa, and sing and dance are representatives of Dunhuang paintings. When I was dreaming, "The Immortal Thief" said to me, "Hey, buddy! What happened? Who cooked it? Hurry up, why are you still in a daze?" It was because I was so obsessed with painting. I helped the "God Thief" scrape off the murals with a long knife, and transported the paintings to Shanghai with a cart, and then shipped them abroad. The murals were so valuable that I and the "God Thief" "earned a lot of money!

Example of High School Composition (10)

There is a Baotu Spring in Jinan, which is a tourist resort. The first time we went there, there were so many people. We bought tickets and went in. The air inside was fresh and the plants were luxuriant. Because of the light rain, it was not so hot. The flowers and trees were full of water, and raised their heads high, as if proud to say, "I am brighter than you!"

The spring water is so clear that you can see the rocks below. Some of them have green moss. There are so many springs there. There is water everywhere. Many people walked on it barefoot. I picked up the fresh spring water and washed my face. It was very refreshing!

There are a lot of fish, red, white, black, and some of the colors that can't be said or seen. Some of the little fish are blowing bubbles under the water, and some are slowly wagging their tails, as if they are very relaxed. There are all small fish beside Baotu Spring, but they are so busy that they seem to gather under the water for a meeting. After a while, some swam up and around, they were very happy, as if they were celebrating with people!

We walked on and saw a rock with three words "Baotu Spring" written on it. Mother said, "Do you know why there is no protruding character?" I shook my head. "Some people said that the water of Baotu Spring was sprayed too hard and washed away; another said that they didn't write that point specifically and hoped that the spring would spray forever." My mother explained to me. I found that there were many small bubbles rising from the bottom of the Sangu Spring, and the big bubbles were "gurgling", spreading from the bottom up. The calm water surface is noisy because of the bubbles emerging. You can squeeze me, little fish. A light rain seemed to say: "Don't crowd around and play one by one." Another fish seemed to say: "Don't listen to you, go! Let's continue." I looked at it, thinking, as if I thought I was one of them. I couldn't help laughing.

Baotu Spring is really a good place. I'm reluctant to leave.

Example of High School Composition (11)

When you visit Qingdao, there is one place you can't help but go. It is the Tianmu City, full of dreams and mysteries.

Somehow, I was not very interested in playing. Suddenly, I wanted to go to Tianmu City to have a look and experience the dream world of "there are streets in the city, and there are cities in the streets".

Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect to come to Tianmu City, as if I were in a paradise. Its beauty and illusion give people ultimate visual enjoyment, which is beyond description even in the most gorgeous language in the world. All the beauty in the world emerges here and is brought into full play

The starting point of European style castles, the harmonious resonance between classical art and modern fashion, the charm of ancient and modern architectural culture in the East and the West, and the application of modern technology, sound, light, water, electricity and other techniques have brought people into the mysterious intersection space of ancient and modern, day and night.

The Bathing Girl Fountain at the main entrance shows the beauty of western sculptures, and the materials of sculptures are full of oriental simplicity. The lights on both sides are reflected in the fountain pool, making the water look bright and colorful. The fountain in the pool kept dancing, sometimes spraying high, sometimes spraying low, sometimes spreading around, sometimes gathering in the center. The spouted water column fell into the pool, splashing crystal water. On both sides of the fountain pool, there is a big old banyan tree. Under the illumination of colored lights, it looks colorful and more mysterious.

On the walls on both sides of the avenue, starfish and conch jump on the wall with the flowing curve pattern, radiating new brilliance. The paintings, water curtains and reliefs on the walls introduce people to another fantastic world.

Moving forward, we can see a prosperous scene, which is the epitome of the world's architecture. More than 20 buildings, such as Jiao'ao Governor's Mansion, Prince Henry Hotel, Qingdao Huashilou, Dagang Railway Station, Jiao'ao Imperial Court, are abbreviated here, emitting golden light under the light.

After enjoying the prosperity, look up and see another world with blue sky, white clouds and bright stars. Here, we also show you the most beautiful moments of the day: the rising sun, the noon sun, the setting sun, the sunset glow, and the midnight stars. In the bright starry sky, I seem to see Vega, looking down at the tourists coming and going, thinking of her cowherd

Gently I left, as I came gently, but my heart did not quietly leave with me, it is still immersed in the dream world that makes people linger.

Example of High School Composition (12)

I like the magic and beauty of nature. Not to mention the boundless grassland, let alone the big forest that blocks the sky and the sun, but the Lafa Mountain in Jiaohe has infinite beauty.

Not long ago, my grandma and I came to Mount Rafah to enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature. Lafa Mountain, known as "72 caves, 81 peaks", with its unique and attractive charm, deeply attracted me and made me yearn for it. Looking from afar, Lafa Mountain has towering peaks, lush vegetation and momentum. It has the advantages of Taishan Mountain, Huashan Mountain and Huangshan Mountain. A close look at Mount Rafah shows jagged rocks, solemn and precipitous. It looks like people, things and animals. It's really a marvelous workmanship. We walked towards the mountain with light steps, and a winding and steep stone path led us into the mountain. Sometimes it is steep, sometimes it is gentle, sometimes it turns left, sometimes it turns right, which gives you a feeling of seeking seclusion and adventure. The eighteen mountain road twists and turns. On the cliffs on both sides of it, there are two footprints up to three inches deep, which are called "immortal footprints". It also has a beautiful legend! It also adds mysterious color to the beautiful Lafa Mountain.

We continued to climb up the stairs and the road turned around, and the inner mountains reappeared at our feet. Modern villages are located hundreds of miles around, and rows of new and well arranged farmhouses can be seen from the horizon, as if looming in the misty clouds. Many strange stones are scattered on the roadside, which is another natural landscape of Lafa Mountain. Camel Stone, Old Bear Stone, Sky View Stone, Flying Stone, Elephant Stone... They are lifelike and welcome tourists from all over the world with their majestic posture. Wonderland and charm make us feel more magical and beautiful on Rafa.

Our goal "hole through the heart" is near at hand. The "heart piercing cave" is the king of all caves in Mount Rafah. It runs through the mountain on three sides, covering an area of more than 800 square meters. The three caves in the east, west and north have their own characteristics. Look at the sunrise in the east, the sunset in the west, and the vast sea of clouds in the north. The cool wind blowing the fog into the cave, coupled with the thick echo of the cave, is a person in a trance in a fairyland on earth.

We passed through the "fairyland" and finally came to the main peak - Yunbu Peak. Standing on the pavilion on the top of the mountain, looking down the mountain, you can see the strange peaks and secluded valleys. The mountains and forests are lush, the mountain wind is blowing, and the mountains are numerous. It really gives you a special feeling of "being able to stand at the top of the mountain and seeing the small mountains.". In an instant, an unprecedented sense of pride came into being, and I could not help shouting: "Here I am! Here I am!" "The dangerous building is a hundred feet high, and the stars can be picked up. I dare not speak loudly, but fear people in the sky." Now I realize the real meaning of this poem more.

Dusk is coming, and I walk down the mountain with the sunset. The sunset reflects the magnificent and magical Mount Rafah. Its heroic posture is extremely dangerous and makes people relaxed and happy. It is said that "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world". Mount Rafah's beautiful posture is one notch higher.

Example of High School Composition (13)

My little aunt was born beautiful and graduated from a famous school. She was once a little famous "talented girl" in those days, and I always took her as an idol. But since her marriage changed last winter, a little aunt who often transmitted happiness, kindness, sunshine and vitality to everyone has changed completely. I can hardly confirm it, and I am most afraid of hearing the sentence "How boring!"

My aunt and my mother are twins. They are inseparable from each other since childhood. Grandparents love them most. They took great care of them until they graduated from college, found an ideal job and set up their own small family. The happy and carefree aunt always shows her happiness with a smile.

By the time I learned that her husband had left her with a daughter, a house and a car, she had become a "grumbling wife" who was "really boring" - absent-minded, in a bad mood, full of grief and anger, complaining about the world and people.

When she saw others wearing new clothes, she muttered that they were "goblins, really boring"; When she saw others talking and laughing, she scolded them for "debauchery, really boring"; When she saw the house in the newly built living quarter, she cursed and said, "Whoever lives in this house will be killed by the earthquake!" I was shocked!

Is this still my aunt who once taught me to recite Pushkin's poems? In any case, I can't recall that the poem "If life deceives you, don't be sad, don't complain..." was her belief. Because the phrase "really boring" often used in her mouth completely destroyed her image in my heart.

I advised her to be happy, otherwise it would be bad for her health. Her health is really bad. Let's not talk about sores on the tongue. Gynecological diseases are also common and cannot be cured. Small troubles in her life also emerge one after another, such as breaking a cup, scalding her hands and feet, and losing something. As a close relative, I sincerely hope that she will live better and get rid of the unfortunate shadow of marriage; As a junior, I dare not say too much. I can only use Pushkin's poem to encourage her.

Pushkin was born into a noble family. When he was exiled from a wealthy city to cold and barren Siberia, he did not complain about himself and slander life. A few short lines of poetry have become the poet's motto in difficult times.

Everyone has their frustrations. When they do business, they lose money and earn money. When they grow crops, they suffer floods and droughts. When they buy stocks, they may be tied up. When they work, they may not get promoted. Lovers may break up, couples may divorce, and friends may turn against each other... But we can never change our happy mood because of this.

The absolute one-off of life makes us unable to give up the treasure of it. We can chew carefully on sunny days, calm and care on cold days, and "yearn for the future". Because when all this is over, no matter what kind of day will become a good memory.

Just like Pushkin's little poem: "If life deceives you, don't be sad, don't be anxious! Calm down in blue days, believe it, happy days will come."

Auntie, I really hope you can pick up the beauty of the past, the sunny smile, bright eyes, generous attitude... "How boring!" is not your life sign.

I must let the words "really boring" disappear from my aunt's mouth!

Example of High School Composition (14)

"Failure is the mother of success" is a profound and thought-provoking sentence.

The teacher taught me: "Failure is the mother of success". In the composition contest, because of my temporary pride and arrogance, I was eager to escape, depressed and discouraged after hearing the bad results. At this time, the teacher told me this sentence, and told me many profound reasons. At this time, I refreshed myself, accumulated composition materials every day, and consolidated composition knowledge, in order to wait for the coming of the next composition contest. Finally, this tense moment came. At the competition, I took out "what I learned in my life" and went all out to welcome the first prize of the competition. Yeah! Failure is the mother of success!

My mother told me: "Failure is the mother of success". In the hot sun, I was sitting on a wooden chair, rubbing my clothes vigorously, but the clothes seemed to be hard to get by with me. No matter how I rubbed them, the stains on the clothes were still firmly "living" on the clothes, and I kind of "backed out". At this time, my mother came to me, told me the benefits of persistence and the magic of failure, and asked me to pour more washing powder, and I did so. Sure enough, the stains on the clothes became "ships" on the water. Yeah! Failure is the mother of success!

My partner instructed me: "Failure is the mother of success". In the field, my friends and I are catching grasshoppers. As I am a novice, my hands and feet are not very flexible, which leads to my repeated failures. My partner showed me the way to catch grasshoppers. As a result, I caught many "powerful generals". Yeah! Failure is the mother of success!

My uncle taught me

Failure is the mother of success. What a philosophical aphorism! This sentence will benefit me all my life!

Example of High School Composition (15)

"Good to go," said his mother—— Come again, come again, always be so upset. I looked at the alarm clock and said, "Now... it's only 7:03! Class is 8:20, it's still early!" I saw my mother walking around in the living room, as if in a hurry.

Seeing that I was not going, my mother said again, "Go! Go! Go!" The sound almost shook me off my bed. It was very loud. I said, "Mom, I'll get up at 7:15, OK?" "No, what if I'm late? I'll deduct points for the class again!" Mom shouted, "Get up, get up, get up!" - I wonder why my mother got up so early. What kind of medicine did she take? She got up early and was so energetic. But don't forget, Dad has to get up early. Through the cracks in the curtains, I saw rain drops falling on the road one by one, and it rained. The white road was dyed gray by the rain

The next morning, as soon as I woke up, I thought: "Mom must have said again". If I really guessed right, I didn't care about her... When I woke up the third day, I thought: "I must be bored again". But there was no voice. "Eh? Why didn't Mom say that?" Turning around, I saw no sign of Mom! I thought: Will you go to work? Don't call me if I don't wake up? My heart was cold and I shouted, "Mom! Mom!" But there was no response in the room.

When I saw the alarm clock, I knew I was late. As I got out of bed, I thought: Who wants me to cherish my parents' reminding and care so little? Once I lost the words I often said, I realized it in my heart.

Example of High School Composition (16)

"Grandma, have you cooked lunch yet? I'm starving to death!" Our family's living treasure shouted before entering the house.

"After all this, I still can't change my 'greedy look'. How many times have I told you? It's not too small, and I should be more serious." Grandma nagged.

"Hey, Grandma, you are wrong. I am always childlike." The younger brother was elated and went to open the refrigerator and rummaged about. Suddenly, he looked a little flustered: "Oh, no, the homework has not been completed yet, and the English words have not yet been memorized. Li Beibei knew that she had to report to her mother; at that time, the consequences would be unimaginable." Then he ran away, and the whole room echoed with his disorderly footsteps, and his voice had just dropped, But his younger brother's voice remembered: "Sister Beibei, my schoolbag is downstairs. Please help me carry it up. Thank you very much“

"Februaryf-e-b-r-a-u-r-y, no, febraury, ah, no, if Li Beibei didn't want me to write it from memory later, I wouldn't recite it! "My brother kept complaining," What boring English it is. The world is too unfair. Why is it not Chinese that is vigorously promoted. In that case. My ears are much quieter, so I don't need to listen to their nagging!

"The artistic conception of the words you haven't given me has been said from uncle's mouth more than once, but has never been implemented. So it's not a big threat to my younger brother. But as the saying goes, 'The net is long and loose, but it doesn't leak', there will always be times when it is caught. I always thought that this was my brother's empty talk, and this time was no exception. I sat on the table, read detective stories, and read w.c. But I didn't memorize words after all.

"Li Yu, can you recite it? If you can't recite it, I don't need to say more about the consequences..." cried the uncle again.

"Yes, yes“

"Let your sister check it."

The opportunity for revenge finally arrived, hahaha

"February, how do you spell it?" I asked proudly.

"Hmm... February"


"I don't know how to recite and lie. Don't go today!" said the uncle angrily.

Ha ha ha, retribution has come.

Example of High School Composition (17)

When I was buying vegetables in the market, I heard someone calling my name. I looked around. Except for a dark, ugly looking man, it seemed that everyone was going his own way. I looked at it contemptuously with strange eyes. He was dressed in a waterproof suit, and his body was strong. His two cheeks were like two old yellow, dehydrated apples, but they were slightly oily; The dark, damp face is set with tired eyes (but very bright when looking at me). The disordered hair seems to grow freely without restraint. A few silver threads can be seen vaguely in the listless hair. Suddenly, I unconsciously thought of a person - Runtu in Lu Xun's writing. From his clothes and the fishy smell of his body, I can conclude that he is a person who "eats the sea". I was convinced that my hearing system was malfunctioning, and I didn't believe he was calling me. "Strong! I am Kunlun!" The man who dragged the long waterproof coat came up to me loudly and said to me kindly: "Kunlun......?" I stared at him thoughtfully, but my thoughts were turning over the memory at a high speed. Kunlun was a childish, cheerful and naughty boy. I was so surprised that the air slipped into my mouth without scruple. Looking at him in reality, he could not be equal to Kunlun in memory. But the familiar eyes and the "dog teeth" (the country people like to call the sharp front incisors "dog teeth") revealed by joy are the best material evidence of the conclusion. you 're right! He is brother Kun, who has left me for many years.

Brother Kun, as the name implies, he is older than me. And we have a good relationship. We are good brothers who can help us when we go up the mountain and when we go down the water. Six years ago, my family and I moved to another place. From then on, I had no contact with him. It's good to hear that his grandpa and grandma who depend on each other have died one after another. He went to work and never heard from him again. Occasionally, I think of the lonely orphan brother Kun. I wonder if he's doing well somewhere under the sky? Does he still want to have a warm home?

I remember when I was in primary school with him. He often patronizes my house. So my family has extra evening chopsticks, a towel, a toothbrush, a sheet and a sound from our bed. Because his home is far away, I often advise him to stay in my home. Sometimes he would stop his naughty smile all day without any discussion, look at me seriously and say, "I have to go back to work for two old people today because there is so much work at home..." Often a simple and popular speech would make me ashamed. In the future, as long as I think about his flow rate, I will "intelligently" ask: "Are grandpa and grandma relaxed today?" As long as his face sinks, I will know.

I think the happiest time for him is when he eats with my family. He always squints at the end of a meal with "dog teeth" exposed. But sometimes he is also very silent. He often eats alone at the corner of the table. His eyes are dazed at the disorderly waving chopsticks on the table. The chopsticks in his hands are listlessly raking in the bowl, and the throat knot is constantly wriggling. It seems that there are thousands of words and grievances, but it is difficult to talk and vent.

My grandma loves him very much. He often tells her about his experiences in a vivid way, telling me that he is an orphan and not to bully him. Brother Kun is very capable. He not only does all the housework at home, but also can swing a hoe on the ground. He even does the dishes after dinner. At this time, he will find a satisfied smile and conspicuous "dog teeth" on his face. Sometimes, he would stare at the messy dishes in the basin with deep feelings and mutter, "I wish I had so many dishes to wash every day!" Although I can't feel brother Kun's heart, his sad eyes and few affectionate words tell me: "He needs a home."

As time goes by, when I hold Brother Kun's hand and say nothing, I just want to ask you: "Brother Kun! Are you a child looking for a home?"

Example of High School Composition (18)

Three years in junior high school, I have never seen her shed a tear. She is the pride of the girls in our class, and the boys still look at her with new eyes. She gives the impression of self-esteem, self-improvement and self-confidence.

The misfortune of her parents' divorce fell on her thin shoulders. Her mother hoped that she could live beside her. She seemed thin and petite, but she shook her head obstinately and returned to her father, who had crippled legs. Since then, she has "declared" that she needs to support her father and daughter with her own hands. In the summer vacation, she sold ice lollies to save her tuition. In the severe winter, she went to the construction site to work. On Sundays, she went to the hotel to help... In order to make a living, she was busy running, but she never missed a class and missed a class. More than once, she refused to let her mother, who had offered her a helping hand, out of the door. More than once, she watched other children and their mothers walk hand in hand through the street; More than once, she watched other children nibbling on the apples bought by their parents; Once, she licked her parched lips and murmured, "My parents used to do the same." She often lingered under her mother's small window with the light on... But when we said, "Yingzi, go and see your mother! "But with tears in her eyes, she bit her white lips, turned her face away, and said to us and herself," She doesn't want me, and I don't want her, and I will live well. "

When the school held an English contest, the teacher said sadly to her: "Yingzi, don't come here. It will be very difficult for you to read your textbook well. Pay attention to rest." She frowned, looked at the teacher suspiciously and asked, "Teacher, you are afraid that I have no time to fail them!" Then she smiled with relief and said: "I can do it, teacher, I can be better than them." The results of the competition came out, and she really ranked first. She held the certificate and prize tightly, and stuck her pale face tightly to it... The teacher asked her to say something, and she smiled confidently: "I can succeed, and you can do the same..." The applause was thunderous, but tears flowed down from our faces, salty.

During the summer vacation, she went to work in other places to earn her tuition. She was going out to study. I received a letter from her: "... She is living well outside. Please say hello to my teachers and classmates for me. I believe I can do it. I will repay all those who care about me with my own achievements..."

Listen, she is still so confident.

Example of High School Composition (19)

Spiders are the general name of Araneae and Arachnida in Arthropoda and Arachnida. The head and chest of the spider are combined into the head and chest, and the body is composed of the head and chest and the abdomen, not segmented, and connected by a thin handle in the middle. There are two segments of the pincers. The toxic gland opens at the end of the pincers. The foot must be similar to the foot. The respiratory organs of Araneales usually have no trachea except the book lung; Blind arachnids have no book lungs, only trachea.

There are more than 35000 kinds of spiders in the world, and the common types are round spiders, bulbous spiders, earth pulling spiders, fly tigers, wall lines, funnel web spiders, etc. The largest spider in the world is the bird catching spider in Latin America. It weaves a strong web and can carry birds weighing up to 300 grams. In 1945, a female marsupial spider was collected in Brazil, with a body length of 23. 68cm, weighs nearly 85g, looks like a big crab, and is the heaviest spider in the world so far. In Latin America, there is a spider that often lives together, called "Marius". Its web is like a large sheet. There is a spider called "Stamalevi" in northern Guatemala. The whole body is white, and it can spit out very tough colored spider silk. The woven web is colorful and very beautiful. Local residents often use it as a curtain. In 1935, an adult female marsupial spider was caught in Mexico. At that time, it was estimated to be 12 years old. Later, it was raised in the laboratory for 2017, with a total age of 28 years. It can be called a long-lived spider.

The skill of spiders in weaving webs is amazing and can be carried out in any environment. Scientists once took a spider to the space to observe whether it could weave a web under weightlessness. As a result, the spider failed for the first time, but soon adapted to weightlessness and wove the web.

When a spider is weaving a web, it first needs to put a "sky rope" between the two places, fix it in a certain place, and walk back and forth on the fixed silk several times to thicken the silk. Then an irregular frame is formed as the foot line. A diagonal line is set on the "sky rope", and a white dot is woven in the center of the diagonal line, which is the center of the future net. Later, many radial lines were woven between the center and the circumference. The radial line divides the circle into equal numbers, and the angle between each two adjacent radii is approximately equal. Then use a very thin silk to spiral from the center into an area called a rest place; The first spiral line is made from the center of the circle outward after the ray and rest place are completed. Then weave the second spiral with strong viscosity from outside to inside. Make the second helix and eat the first helix and some of its rays. Continue to spiral from outside to inside. The closer to the center, the closer the distance between each circle is, until it is unrecognizable. This is exactly in line with the situation of logarithmic spiral in mathematics. (The logarithmic spiral is an infinite curve, surrounding countless circles. The closer each circle is to the center, the smaller it will be, but they can never reach the center.) Spiders really deserve to be called "mathematicians" and "web weavers".

Spiders are often used as medicine to treat diseases at home and abroad. According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, a round bead with a large abdomen can reduce swelling: "Take the spider from the side of the house, stick it to rot, and make it vinegar. First pick four sides, bleed out, and expose the root slightly. Apply it. It is easy to dry, and pull out the root day and night. It has great magic effect." It has also been reported that several kinds of spiders can treat colic pain and vaginal fluid collection, anal prolapse, fox odor, otitis media, cervical lymph tuberculosis, nasal polyps, angina, pharynx diphtheria Oral erosion, cystitis, tetanus and other diseases. It can also cure stings or bites of bees, scorpions, centipedes, snakes, etc. According to foreign literature, if spider silk knots warts, they will be eliminated. Big Zhong Bo or Big bellied Spider Ointment can treat furuncles and carbuncles. It is said that it has good effect.

In optical instruments, very thin spider silk is used as silk.

In bionics, people are studying the "hydraulic leg" of spiders and developing a "walking machine". The spider is almost "blind", but once the insect touches the spider web, it can immediately rush to catch food by relying on the extremely sensitive vibration sensor on its leg. The scientists dissected the spider's legs and found that there were no muscles in the legs. This ability of spiders depends on an unusual liquid in their legs. When the legs are filled with "blood", the original soft legs will become hard, and the legs will become a special hydraulic transmission mechanism, so that spiders can move and jump quickly. So people imitate several "hydraulic legs" of spiders and develop a "walking machine" to serve paralyzed patients. People also try to use the principle of automatic blood pressure regulation in spiders to find ways to automatically regulate human blood pressure and treat hypertension and hypotension.

Analysis: There are three characteristics of selected essays.

1、 The explanation is clear and the paragraphs are clear: the first two sections describe the species of spiders, the third four sections describe the web of spiders, and the fifth six seven sections describe the use of spiders. They are closely connected but not turbulent, and the structure is rigorous but not rigid.

2、 Grasp the characteristics of spiders and introduce them appropriately and reasonably. For example, in the second section, the general spider species are briefly introduced in one sentence, so that the world's largest and heaviest, the largest and most beautiful, and the longest lived five special spiders are introduced in detail; Another example is the second part. Grasping the web is the characteristic of spiders, which explains the whole process of the spider's web weaving in great detail.

3、 A variety of methods are used to explain the characteristics of things: examples, column numbers, classification and quotation, etc., and good explanation results are achieved.