Primary School Composition Writing (6 Collections)
Tianya Traveler
2024-06-13 07:39:11
second grade

Primary School Composition Writing (1)

Once upon a time, there lived a clever little fox near the river.

Today, the little fox came to the river to play. After the spring rain, the river was very clear. The little fox saw several fish swimming happily in the river. The little fox thought of the delicious handcuffed fish. The greedy little fox drooled. "But how can we catch the fish?" The little fox had an idea and came up with a good idea. He slowly put his tail into the river. Oh, the little fox used his tail as a fishing tool. How clever!

The little fox waited patiently for the fish to take the bait. After a while, a fish really took the bait. The little fox whipped his tail. Ah, the fish was taken home by the little fox and became a delicious dinner for the little fox.

What a clever little fox!

Primary School Composition Writing (2)

In our forest, there is a little monkey who loves learning.

Look, the little monkey is seriously sitting beside the little white rabbit learning to write a composition! The little white rabbit explained how to write while giving examples. The little monkey kept it in mind carefully.

Soon, the little monkey learned to sing from the big cock again. The big cock had already started to sing with his big horn, and the little monkey also started to sing with his big mouth. It's really nice!

The sun began to set, and the little monkey had learned to run after Uncle Goat. For the annual sports meeting, the little monkey learned hard.

The little monkey's love learning spirit is worth learning for all of us!

Primary School Composition Writing (3)

On a sunny morning, Xiao Hong takes her dog for a walk in the park. I happened to meet my good friend Xiao Ming with a kite flying in the park.

Xiaohong also wanted to fly kites. Xiaohong said quietly to Xiaoming, "Xiaoming, I like flying kites very much, but I can't fly them. Can you teach me?" Xiaoming answered brightly, "No problem, come with me!"

Xiaohong happily followed Xiaoming to the open grassland. Xiaoming first carefully explained the basic composition of kites and the basic operation essentials of flying kites to Xiaohong. Xiao Hong listened carefully and wrote it down in her heart.

Then, I began to practice. Xiao Ming holds the kite string and let Xiao Hong hold the kite. Xiaoming shouted, "Run!" Xiaoming ran quickly with the kite. Suddenly, Xiaoming shouted again, "Fly!" Xiaohong immediately let go of the kite. Xiaoming pulled the kite line and ran. Xiaohong also ran with Xiaoming, and the dog followed. With Xiaoming's skillful operation of flying and pulling, the kite flew up. Xiaohong cried happily, "Fly up, fly up, higher, higher, hehe..." "Higher, good!" Xiaoming kept pulling and flying, and the kite really slowly flew up. Xiaohong clapped her hands cheerfully. What a lively and happy time!

Primary School Composition Writing (4)

Summer is coming, and the weather is getting hotter day by day.

It's very hot today. Xiao Hong is doing her homework at home. Xiaohong turned the electric fan to the maximum wind, and the electric fan ran at full speed. After a while, Xiaohong's palms were sweating, and her pencils began to defy orders. The words she wrote were staggering, and her mouth was dry, which made her uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Xiaohong thought that her father bought an ice lolly and put it in the refrigerator yesterday. Xiaohong looked out of the window. The sun was shining brightly, and the sun was shining like a sword. Xiaohong immediately opened the refrigerator and took out the popsicle. She couldn't wait to open her mouth and bit a big mouthful of the popsicle. The popsicle melted at the entrance and passed through her throat and into her stomach. Suddenly, Xiaohong felt that the whole person was refreshed, and her eyes were bright. With one word, it was "cool!" Xiaohong ate the whole popsicle and said meaningfully, "How comfortable!" Then she smiled.

Primary School Composition Writing (5)

On a hot summer evening, the rabbit was walking on the hill and humming songs from time to time, so happy and comfortable.

Suddenly, the sky was overcast, and soon it began to rain cats and dogs. The rabbit without an umbrella was worried and hid under a big mushroom. It's getting dark. "How can we go home in such a heavy rain?" The little rabbit began to worry. The little rabbit's eyes lit up. Isn't this big mushroom the best umbrella? The little rabbit pulled up the big mushroom without saying anything, and the big mushroom became the most special umbrella. The rabbit smiled happily.

At this time, two butterflies flew by. The rabbit quickly stepped forward and said loudly to the butterfly: "Little butterfly, it's raining too hard. Come down to my mushroom umbrella and I will send you home!" The little butterfly was moved and said, "Thank you, little rabbit." Both the rabbit and the butterfly laughed happily.

Primary School Composition Writing (6)

Grandma Rabbit built a new house, but she was too old to move wood in the forest.

Monkey, pig and bear all volunteered to help Grandma Rabbit carry wood when they heard the news.

They all went to the forest to carry wood. They also compete who can carry the most wood and move the fastest.

Little bear has the greatest strength. He carries a big piece of wood and walks towards Grandma Rabbit's house. The little pig refused to be outdone and wanted to carry the wood. Unfortunately, he could not carry it. The clever little pig put the wood flat on the ground and pushed it hard, so the wood was rolled to Grandma Rabbit's house by the little pig. The weakest monkey was left. When he was worried, the sound of the river flowing gave him a good idea. The little monkey put the wood in the river, jumped onto the wood himself, and the wood quickly drove to Grandma Rabbit's house along the direction of the river.

The little monkey was the first to arrive at Grandma Rabbit's house, then the little pig, and finally the little bear. They all moved the wood to Grandma Rabbit's house. Grandma Rabbit happily praised the little monkeys, pigs and bears and gave them gifts. Then Grandma Rabbit said, "This time, I want to praise the little monkey. Although he is the weakest, he used his brain to think of a good way, which is a good example for us to learn. Ho ho..." Everyone applauded and laughed happily.