Little White Rabbit's Composition for Grade 2 (20 popular articles)
Silent Bear
2024-06-13 06:36:39
second grade

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (1)

A white and smooth fur, a pair of ruby like eyes, and a pompon like tail make up a lively and naughty rabbit.

This little white rabbit was bought by my mother from the market a few days ago. When I saw it, I was overjoyed. Because it is snow-white all over, I call it Xiaobai.

Other people's bunnies like to eat vegetables and radishes, while our family's Xiaobai likes to eat all kinds of fruit or vegetable skins, especially cucumber skins and watermelon skins in summer. Every time I feed him skin, he is always very excited and eats with relish. Mother said Xiaobai is too smart, because the skin of many vegetables and fruits contains rich nutrition.

When Xiaobai came home, the seller gave her a small pink cage. When she came home, her mother put a large box of yogurt under the cage, so that Xiaobai would not damage the health of the family when he urinated. Usually, Xiaobai is obedient and never does damage at home. But one day, when I was observing the rabbit by the wall, I suddenly found what Xiaobai is doing secretly. I think he will urinate. As expected, it urinated in front of me and onto the floor curtain. I hurried to tell my mother, and her mother said, "Isn't our Xiaobai clean?" Then she took a convenient bag and put it outside. I think Xiaobai won't do evil again!

I like my little white rabbit! Like its cute, also like its naughty!

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (2)

One day, the mother rabbit said to the little white rabbit; "Kid, I'll give you 50 yuan. You go to the supermarket to buy a small cart for your mother, so that I can pick mushrooms more conveniently." After that, Mother Rabbit handed the 50 yuan to Little White Rabbit. The little white rabbit took the fifty yuan and went on the road happily.

The little white rabbit entered the supermarket and went to the fruit area. Oh, there are so many fruits here! There are rambutan like a hedgehog, persimmon like a lantern, and pitaya like a carrot... The little white rabbit's mouth watered with greed, so the little white rabbit said, "Take two pitaya, I haven't eaten yet. Besides, it's so red, it must be as delicious as persimmon." So she took eight. The little white rabbit went to the drink area again. She saw the big bottle of Coke, the "eye-catching" and the orange juice. She was greedy again, so she said, "Let me take two bottles of cola, which will be enough for me to drink for several days." So she took two bottles of cola. She went to the toy area again. She looked east and west. Ah! So many fun things. Her heart itched again. So she took another doll.

When Little White Rabbit came home, his mother asked her, "Where is the trolley, Little White Rabbit?" He felt his head and could not help blushing.

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (3)

After the rabbit got sick, birds, hedgehogs, bees... all came to visit it.

The bird took a piece of grass and said to the little white rabbit with concern: "Don't worry, sister. I will help you with the problem of making up lessons. This grass can cure all diseases. If you eat it, you will be well soon. Let me sing a song for you

At this moment, the simple and honest little hedgehog also said, "I have tasted the taste of illness, but it is uncomfortable. Eat some fruit, which can add vitamin C!" After saying that, he shook his body, and many fresh fruits fell from the thorns. The little white rabbit's mother quickly thanked him and said, "You are so considerate!"

The bee also said, "Drink some honey made by Fengguo, and you will feel better!" The little white rabbit tasted it and said, "It's really sweet! It's better than juice!"

From that day on, the little partners come to make up lessons for the little white rabbit every day, send delicious food, amuse it, amuse it. With the care of his companions, the rabbit soon recovered.

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (4)

I like many animals, but I like the rabbit best.

The rabbit was dressed in white fur, with dark eyes, four short legs and a pair of long ears.

One day, my father bought a white rabbit for me. It was covered with white fluff, black eyes, and a small three valve mouth. It looked very delicate.

I am very happy, because its fur is very white, so I gave it a nice name - white.

It likes to eat cabbage leaves, red hot slices, radishes, etc. Every time it eats leaves, it will drag the leaves from my hands to the basket, and then chew them with relish. It's really enviable to watch it eat delicious!

He is alert and naughty. I still remember one time: when he was full, he urinated everywhere on the floor at home, which made me angry! I chased after it, and it seemed to find something. It rushed around and disappeared in the blink of an eye. When I was angry, it came out from nowhere, which made me helpless.

It is naturally fond of running. As long as it is released, it will "run". Running is the skill of the rabbit family, which is to avoid people's tracking.

I like my little white rabbit white.

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (5)

This year, my mother bought me a white rabbit, and I was very happy.

The little white rabbit is really cute, and its fur is white. There is a pair of long ears on the head, and there is a red stripe inside, like a red ribbon. Under the ears, there is a pair of red eyes, shining like ruby. Under the eyes, there is a three petal mouth, and beside the mouth, there are three thin long whiskers. It's really interesting to eat and move!

The little white rabbit likes me very much. In the morning, when I go to school, the little white rabbit will walk around me, as if to say: "Don't you want to go? I want to play with you." I touch its head and say: "I'm going to read, and play with you after school in the afternoon." In the afternoon, when school is over, the little white rabbit came to greet me with wagging tail as soon as I walked into the house, It seems to say: "Great, I can play with you." When I was doing my homework, the rabbit rubbed me. How affectionate! Do your homework well. I took the rabbit to play on the grass.

I like my little white rabbit very much, because it brings me a lot of convenience and happiness.

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (6)

Among cats, dogs and rabbits, my favorite is the rabbit.

Our family has a white rabbit. It is wearing a white dress, two long ears, a pair of red eyes, like two rubies, beautiful! Its front legs are short and its back legs are long. It is very cute when walking!

The little white rabbit starts to play its naughty nature whenever it has a chance. Once, when I opened the cage, it rushed out. The door was open. It played and ran out of the house when I didn't notice. I followed it. My strength was almost gone, but the rabbit was still running. I thought: Why isn't he tired after running for such a long time? I didn't think much about it, so I hurried to chase the rabbit.

Finally, I caught the rabbit. Our little white rabbit is always so naughty and cute.

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (7)

Xie Fenglan once raised a white rabbit in my family. Its whole body was snow-white. It had a round little head, long ears, and stood up when there was movement. Its red eyes were like jewels, shining and beautiful! It also has a small nose, a three valve mouth, a few whiskers on the top, and a tail like a small pompon, which looks very cute.

One day, he was eating, and I wanted to see how he ate, so I walked over quietly. Who knows, he seemed to feel that I was behind him. Suddenly, his two forelegs pushed hard, and his hind legs ran away, and I quickly caught up with a piece of cabbage. He ate a full meal with his sharp teeth. I like the little white rabbit. I like its kindness and happiness. I want to make friends with the rabbit, happy every day, and grow up healthily!

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (8)

I wanted to have a cute rabbit long ago. Today, my wish has finally come true, because my brother gave me a rabbit.

The little rabbit was very cute. Its ears were sometimes cocked up and sometimes drooped. Its eyes were round and red, and its teeth were white and big, like two pieces of jade inlaid; The tail is short, like a marbles.

Now we have already become good friends. When he saw me, he would greet me. The little white rabbit is very agile. As long as it raises its front foot and jumps its back foot, it can move freely. Once I went to see it, but I couldn't find it. So I turned around. It was behind me. Does it want to play hide and seek with me? I had just taken out the carrot in the bag when it jumped on it······

Ah! I love my little white rabbit, because it is cute, small and smart!

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (9)

I have a very cute and clever little white rabbit. Its name is Snow White. Its whole body is white, fluffy, like a small meat ball, and its ears are big and straight. Red eyes like a shining ruby, short tail.

Bai Xue likes to eat very much and is not picky at all. She not only eats carrots, but also eats cabbage, spinach, cauliflower and rape. In short, it seems that she likes all vegetables and accepts all fruits according to the order.

My mother likes to watch TV with her in her arms. She lies in her arms with her eyes closed and is very cute.

If a stranger comes, he will hide under the sofa. No matter how you call him, he will turn a deaf ear and look like a proud girl.

I like snow very much. I hope it grows up healthily and happily!

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (10)

My family has a little white rabbit called Xiaobai, which is a gift sold to me by my parents on my birthday.

Its fur is soft, its body is fat, its head is round, and its eyes are like a sparkling ruby. It also drags a short tail behind its body, which makes it walk with great dignity.

If he is hungry, he will tell me with his eyes that he is hungry. As soon as I take out the vegetables, he can eat all the food at once, which means that he is hungry. Once, I put the paper bag on the cage, and he almost ate all the paper bags. How lovely!

I like my little white rabbit best. It is cute and smart. I must protect it, raise it and have a baby. I will never leave it in the future.

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (11)

One day, the little white rabbit was going to pick mushrooms on the other side of the river, but there was no bridge. So, he stared dejectedly, scratched his head and said to the little white rabbit in the water, "What should I do?"

At this time, it saw a goose swim past, and it happily shouted: "Big white goose, big white goose, can you help me cross the river?" The big white goose said: "Of course, you can put your hands around my neck and sit on my back."

When they reached the middle of the river, the little white rabbit was very excited. He looked east and west, enjoying the beautiful scenery. After a while, they crossed the river. The little white rabbit said happily, "Thank you, big white goose!" The big white goose replied, "You are welcome!"

So, they went to their own busy.

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (12)

It has a pair of long ears and red eyes that look like a pair of rubies from afar. A small mouth is very interesting. It is in the shape of "Ya". With four short legs, he bounced along the road. The small tail looks like a small pompon from a distance.

The rabbit likes to eat radish and vegetable leaves. They can eat quickly when they are hungry, but once they are full, you can't feed them any way. Little White Rabbit always likes to sleep on his stomach.

My little white rabbit can comfort people! Once, I played military chess with my father, and I lost. I was very unhappy. The little white rabbit jumped around me as if to say, "My little master, don't be discouraged! As long as you keep practicing, you will succeed!" Later, after my efforts, I really defeated my father, and I am grateful to the little white rabbit.  

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (13)

On Children's Day, my mother gave me a rabbit. I call it Xiaobai.

It has a pair of red eyes, which are like a ruby; It's so beautiful! It has two long ears. Its mouth has three valves. I can smell a little smell. The most special is its four legs. The first two legs are short and the second two legs are long. Running and starting very fast is like an arrow.

Xiaobai also likes carrots and vegetables best. Each time I would give it carrots, it would open its mouth wide as if it was going to finish the food in one breath.

Xiaobai is not only cute when eating, but also cute when playing. Xiaobai in our family likes to play with my pencil. Its front paw shakes on the pencil, which seems to imitate the people dancing on TV.

I like my Xiaobai very much, and I also love my Xiaobai.

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (14)

Grandpa bought me two little white rabbits, which are very cute.

The little white rabbit is covered with snow-white fluff. It feels soft and smooth. It's really hard to put it down. The little white rabbit has a pair of long ears, like two small leaves. It has red eyes, like ruby. The little white rabbit's mouth is the most special. It has three lips. The little white rabbit also has four powerful legs, which are bouncing like a tonic. Its tail is short, like a ball of wool glued to its buttocks.

The rabbit usually likes to eat carrots, vegetables and other vegetables.

The cute little white rabbit reminds me of the nursery rhyme: The little white rabbit is white and white, and its ears stand up, so cute!

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (15)

On my fifth birthday, I got a lovely tea cup rabbit. It was a dwarf rabbit. I named it Yueqi.

Yueqi is very cute. It has brown and white hair, long ears, and a small tail like grapes. The most special thing is that its eyes are different from other rabbits. Others' eyes are red, but its eyes are black. Its mouth moves, and it is very interesting to eat.

We bought it a double cage with a pink slide inside. Yueqi jumps up and down there every day. I go to play with him every day after school. He is my best friend.

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (16)

There are two red eyes, two long ears, and a white coat of hair. Guess what animal it is? Ha ha, this is my little white rabbit.

My little white rabbit is very special. Once I did not feed it for a long time. I gave it a lot of cabbage leaves, and it could eat all in the morning. I think it's a bit strange. Why does it eat all its food so quickly? It seems that it is really hungry. When it eats cabbage, it makes a sound of "clatter, clatter". When the little white rabbit is satisfied, it will not affect our sleep, and it will not run around. It will sleep in its small house.

My bunny has some bad problems. Sometimes he runs around and urinates everywhere. He also likes to run with others. Sometimes it is really annoying. It seems that I should educate him in the future.

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (17)

In the animal kingdom, there lives a cute little white rabbit named Meili with his mother. He likes eating mushrooms very much. One day, Little White Rabbit said to her mother, "Mom, Mom, I want to pick mushrooms. Last night, it just rained, and today there must be a lot of mushrooms growing on the hillside!" Mother Rabbit said, "Of course, if you want to eat, go pick mushrooms. But you should be careful on the road, and you should not pick flowered mushrooms. The flowered mushroom mill is poisonous, and you can't eat anything. You should pick ugly mushrooms, and ugly mushrooms are not poisonous. " The little white rabbit said, "Mom, don't worry! I will remember your words."

The little white rabbit was beautiful, carrying the basket and skipping off. He sang while walking. The beautiful scenery attracted the little white rabbit, wow! The air after the rain is so fresh! The grass is green and tender, and there are still drops of crystal clear water on it. The hillside is also full of small wild flowers, emitting a charming fragrance, and there are many butterflies dancing on it. The industrious bee, with its beautiful and transparent wings, is busy gathering flowers and making honey.

The little white rabbit was beautiful, walking, and soon came to the hillside. He saw piles of mushrooms in various shapes under the thick trees, and wanted to open countless umbrellas. It was very beautiful. He was very happy. After a while, he stepped on a basket of mushrooms and walked happily home.

On the way home, suddenly, there were dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and it was raining cats and dogs. Little White Rabbit was busy carrying her basket and hiding under the tree. He thought how could I go home in such a heavy rain? It was raining harder and harder. The teacher told us that it was dangerous not to take shelter under trees when it rained. He thought what should I do? It suddenly saw a small river beside it. There were many big lotus leaves on the river. The green lotus leaves were like big disks. The little rabbit had a beautiful idea and folded the largest lotus leaf as an umbrella. Soon, the little white rabbit was beautiful and came home. Her mother asked in surprise when she returned home? Beautiful, it's raining so hard outside. Why aren't you wet? The little white rabbit Meili said, "I didn't get wet because I used the big lotus leaf as my umbrella. My mother smiled and said," You are wonderful, little white rabbit. You are smarter than my mother. You are the smartest child in my mother's mind. "Little white rabbit Meili said," Thank you for your praise. I love my mother.

Chapter 2: Smart Little White Rabbit

One sunny day, Little White Rabbit came out of school. It hopped to the forest where it had to go home.

Walk, walk, walk. Soon, the little white rabbit went into the deep forest. It was very gloomy and scary. The little white rabbit became nervous. Suddenly, the tiger, the bear and the wolf appeared in front of him and said to him fiercely, "We will eat you!

The rabbit was stunned: "What should I do? What should I do? "The little white rabbit was very worried. The three fools slowly approached. The panicked little white rabbit was looking around and suddenly saw a woodpecker eating insects on the poplar tree and thought:" I asked them what the woodpecker was doing, and then said that whoever answered correctly would eat me. They would definitely quarrel and I would run away immediately. Anyway, they were fools, and I would not know if they ran. Hey, do you know what the woodpecker on that tree is doing? "Little white rabbit began to use its scheme," whoever knows and answers correctly will eat me! "The bear thought for a moment and said," Yes, such a small rabbit is not enough for the three of us. But if the answer is correct, we can eat a whole rabbit, which is very good. Now let me have a good look, think about it, and eat it early! "The bear looked back, found the woodpecker, and immediately said," Make a hole! "The tiger and the wolf are not willing to be outdone, and they scrambled to speak." They are playing! My husband talks to his wife in the cave! "With these words, the little white rabbit thought," Let Uncle Elephant drive them out of the forest! "So he ran to Uncle Elephant's house at one go.

”Uncle Elephant, Uncle Elephant! Open the door! "The rabbit said out of breath," I am a little white rabbit. Here we go. I'm coming to open the door. "Uncle Elephant, who is watching TV, put down the tuner and opened the door." Little White Rabbit, if you have something to say, slowly. By the way, there must be something important about coming to my house, right? "Asked Uncle Elephant." Yes. "The little white rabbit spit out a word." The big tiger, the bear and the wolf wanted to eat me today. I come to ask you to drive them out of the forest! OK, lead the way, I will drive them away!

In the forest, the three fools were still fighting. They didn't even know that the elephant was coming. Uncle Elephant was so angry that he rolled them up to the sky with his trunk, and then threw them away, and they disappeared.

Uncle Elephant asked, "How did they fight? Well... I asked them what a woodpecker was doing. They quarreled and I ran back. "Said the little white rabbit.

”What a clever rabbit! "Uncle Elephant laughed.

Chapter 3: Smart Little White Rabbit

Summer is a season of singing birds and fragrant flowers. After eating breakfast, Little White Rabbit said to his mother, "Mom, I want to go to Grandma's house today. Can I go? "Mother rabbit said:" Little white rabbit, the weather is not good today, it may rain, if you are not afraid, you can go! Little white rabbit, remember not to play too long. "The little white rabbit quickly agreed, and then set out happily. As soon as he went out, he saw the beautiful scenery.

The grass is tender and green. It smells like a faint fragrance. From a distance, it looks like a thick and warm carpet has been paved on the earth. The flowers around the grass are colorful, including red, yellow, purple, brown, orange, white, green, pink and blue flowers. There are no butterflies and countless bees singing happy songs on them. Birds fly around the lawn, They also chirped as if they were greeting us.

The little white rabbit was skipping along the road. He seemed very happy. Suddenly, dark clouds were thick, and thunder and lightning flashed. The little white rabbit ran to grandma's house in the rain. When the little white rabbit was worried, he saw a very large mushroom under a big tree. The little white rabbit thought that the mushroom seemed to be big enough for me, and might be my prop to block the rain! The little white rabbit thought about this and began to pull out the big mushroom. It took a lot of effort to pull out the mushroom. So the little white rabbit went to grandma's house with the mushroom. Grandma said, "Why didn't you wet it in such a heavy rain? "The little white rabbit said," Grandma, look, I can't wet my head with a big mushroom. "Grandma then understood why the little white rabbit didn't get wet." Grandma said, "Where did you pick the mushrooms, little white rabbit? How did you know that he could be your rain shield? The little white rabbit said," That's because I have tried the size of the mushroom, so I know that she is my prop! "Grandma praised Little White Rabbit as a smart boy.

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (18)

The little white rabbit walked and met the fierce tiger, the king of the forest. The big tiger thought: such a fat rabbit is enough for me to eat. The big tiger pounced on the little white rabbit. The little white rabbit said, "Ouch, my stomach hurts! Brother Tiger, I just ate a poisonous radish, and you will be poisoned if you eat it." The tiger said, "I will let you go." What should I do if the little white rabbit can't swim? Just then, the little white rabbit saw the elephant uncle playing by the river. He shouted, "Uncle elephant, can you carry me across the river?" The elephant said, "OK!" The elephant helped the little white rabbit across the river and said, "Thank you." The elephant said, "You're welcome." Then, the little white rabbit went to play on the swing happily.

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (19)

Second grade primary school composition: smart rabbit

On Saturday, Little White Rabbit took advantage of the good weather to play at Grandma's house. In the flowers, the little white rabbit danced happily.

Just then, it suddenly began to rain with dark clouds. The little white rabbit was so worried that he covered his head for fear of being wet by the rain. At this time, the little white rabbit saw a big dense tree in front of him. He ran to the tree to take shelter from the rain. When he ran to the tree, he saw three big mushrooms. The little white rabbit turned his eyes and said, "There's a way!" So, the little white rabbit first picked out the biggest one from the three big mushrooms, then, with one foot in front and one foot behind, bent down, reached out his hands to grasp the bottom step of the mushroom, and pulled it out with force. The little white rabbit held the mushroom tightly with both hands, then propped it on top of his head, and ran happily to grandma's house.

Little White Rabbit's Composition Grade 2 (20)

It is all snow-white fluff, and its ears are long. When there is movement, the ears will be straight up. When you feel safe, the ears will be flat. How lovely the rabbit is!

Its eyes are round and red, like a pair of rubies.

Its mouth is three valves. It eats fast. Once I had a meal with it, and it was finished when I ate half of it.

Its front legs are short and its back is long. How fast you can run! Once I ran a race with him, and he won.

Its tail is round and short. Start running a little bit.

Look, is my little white rabbit cute?