Classroom composition (4 popular)
2024-06-15 08:02:28
fifth grade

Classroom composition (1)

Today, after school, I asked my mother, "Mom, have you been to the small garden at the door of our classroom?" My mother said, "I haven't been there."

I said, "Let me show you around today." When I entered the garden, I said to my mother, "There was no road here before, but now there is a road." As I said, I opened the grass and said, "Mom, little mushrooms!" My mother looked at it and said, "Oh, how small! I can't find it without looking carefully!" Then we went to see the rockery pool, where there was water, but now the water is dry, It has become our paradise.

When I was introducing the treasures in the small garden to my mother, Qiu Binhang came. I took a picture with him, and then two partners came. They were Lou Chufan and Si Yuesheng. The four of us took another picture together.

I'm so happy today!

Classroom composition (2)

A little guest in the classroom Chen Jieying, the instructor of Class 2 (6) of Macheng No. 2 Experimental Primary School in Hubei Province, Hu Min, came in the fourth class in the morning with a bucket in his hand. She said to us mysteriously, "Can I do a magic trick for you?" We all said, "OK! OK!" Then the teacher asked us to go to the platform one by one to look at the contents of the bucket. There was a big hedgehog in the bucket! Hedgehogs were covered with thorns and tried hard to climb out. Some timid students cried out. Some students wanted to see it, but they couldn't bear to go down for a long time. When I got home, I asked my father a question: "Today I saw a cute little animal on the platform. Guess what it is?" My father didn't think about it. He said, "It's a small ant." I shook my head, and he said it was an earthworm, a turtle, a small fish... I didn't guess right. Mother said, "You should remind us of the characteristics of this animal Both father and mother smiled and said, "Your teacher is so nice!"

Classroom composition (3)

At the fourth class in the morning, the Chinese teacher came in with a bucket. She said to us mysteriously, "Shall I do a magic trick for you?" We all said, "OK! OK!"

Then the teacher asked us to go to the platform one by one to look at the contents of the bucket. There was a big hedgehog in the bucket! Hedgehogs were covered with thorns and tried to climb out. Some timid students cried out. Some students wanted to see it, but they couldn't bear to go down for a long time.

When I got home, I asked my father a question: "Today I saw a cute little animal on the platform. Guess what it is?" My father didn't think about it. He said, "It's a small ant." I shook my head, and he said it was an earthworm, a turtle, a small fish... I didn't guess right.

Mother said: "You should remind us of the characteristics of this animal." I said: "It's full of thorns, packed in barrels." Dad was surprised and said: "Is it a hedgehog? But how can you have hedgehogs in your classroom?"

I said: "It was the teacher who brought it into the classroom for us to observe. We all like this little guest very much! Do you think our teacher is good?"

Both father and mother smiled and said, "Your teacher is so nice!"

Classroom composition (4)

I love life and the small scenes in life. I prefer taking notes of every small scene in the classroom.

In the morning, the door of the school opened, and the students came to the classroom one after another. The spacious classroom seemed to become crowded all of a sudden.

When the students entered the classroom, they all looked around happily, as if they had not been here for several months. Then, those broad hands, thin hands and tender hands all sorted out their schoolbags and laid out their homework to be handed in.

After a period of turmoil in the classroom, calm returned, and everyone was busy doing their own things.

A little girl with glasses is holding a Chinese book. Her small mouth is opening and closing carefully in the morning to prepare for the new class; A little boy with a shaved head was sweeping the floor with a broom. He bent down and pulled his arms back and forth. Although it was very hard, he was still smiling, from which he realized the joy of labor; A young man with glasses was not so energetic. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth, yawned a lot. It seems that he must have not slept well last night

The classroom is full of vitality and fun. I really like the small scenes in the classroom!