A letter written to my mother (15 popular articles)
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2024-06-18 09:21:22
Grade 6

A letter to my mother (1)

Dear Mom


"Grateful heart, thank you for accompanying me all my life, and let me have the courage to be myself..." Every time I hear the beautiful and beautiful melody of "Grateful Heart", I can't help but think of your strict eyes revealed in your love; Think of your busy figure; Think of your earnest words

I still remember that last month, the campus science and technology festival carried out various interesting activities in full swing. I wrote a composition entitled "Why Can Eggs Float in Salt Water" to participate in the science and technology essay contest. Remembering that the teacher said to attach the photos of the experiment, I had already made an "abacus" in my mind: once I went to "Baidu" search, it was what I wanted. What are you waiting for? I can't wait to enter the keyword "egg, float up" and search for pictures.

When you saw it, you frowned and said, "We should be realistic in our attitude towards science. We should not cheat teachers and students." I replied impatiently, "It's troublesome to prepare scales, eggs and salt for taking photos of ourselves." You touched my head and said, "I can borrow scales from my unit. Don't you have other items ready at home?"

Under your guidance, I will take action immediately: making statistical tables; Prepare experimental equipment; The camera adjusts the focus... Everything is ready. You adjust the balance and happily say, "Every time you put 5 grams of salt into the water, you can get accurate experimental results." While saying that, you also squat down to take photos. If not, with your help, I quickly got the experimental result: 35 grams of salt into 200 milliliters of water can make the eggs float.

It's time to embed the image into the WORD document, but how can the inserted image not move? You still have a way to teach me to change the image format from "embedded" to "four week". Now, the problem has been solved. I am happy to finish my homework and send it to the teacher's email. Soon after, I won a certificate of "First Prize for Scientific and Technological Papers" and thought happily that half of the "Meritorious Medal" was your contribution.

With love, I grew up quickly: I was elected monitor by my classmates; Often represent the class to participate in painting competitions; The composition has also won awards in various competitions at all levels... I think: your achievements are inseparable from your strict education. From you, I understand that everything should be practical and realistic, and not careless.

"Grateful heart, thank you......" Mom, this song "Grateful heart" often hums in my heart, representing my gratitude to you, and thank you for your care, love, and education!




XX, XX, 20xx

A letter from my composition to my mother (2)

Dear Mom

"Only a mother is good in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure..." Whenever I hear this song, I will think of your familiar figure. You have given me a lot of love, but you are living an ordinary life and have not received a trace of love.

I remember when I was nine years old, when I came back from playing baseball outside, I felt as hot as the sun. I took a cold bath. As soon as I finished, you came back and said, "Oh, today we tigers are really not easy. We took a bath by ourselves." Less than ten minutes after the bath, I coughed. You asked, "Tiger, did you take a cold bath?" I replied, "Yes, Mom, what's wrong?" You quickly put on my coat, picked me up and ran to the hospital. I have said to you many times: "Let me down, let me down, I want to go by myself." But you didn't say anything and went straight to the hospital.

Sweat soaked your clothes, but you didn't feel tired. I cried softly on your back. When I arrived at the hospital, I learned that I had a serious cold. The doctor gave me a prescription and an injection. He told me that no matter how hot it was, I could not take a bath with cold water, let alone drink cold boiled water. It would be better to rest for a few days. When you get home, you will take medicine and rice for me. Even at night, you will not sleep. You will stay by my side until I get well.

I can't tell you how much love you have. The love for you here can only be condensed into one sentence: Mom, you have worked hard! I love you!

I wish you good health and good luck!

A letter to my mother (3)

Dear mother: Hello

I have thought about a sentence for a whole day, but I don't know how to tell you. Today, I can finally tell you what's on my mind. I don't think you will be angry.

Mom, I know you cherish your beloved things very much and never let me touch them. You have a very small iron box with your favorite ornaments, some necklaces, sunglasses, rings, etc. You are afraid that I will damage your jewelry, so you won't let me touch it. isn't it?

Mom, I understand you, but you don't understand my childlike innocence. Take one of my things for example. You know that I have many "treasures" - handkerchiefs sewn by myself, flag heads made, flower pot soles made, small animals folded with paper, etc. I wanted to save their money and share it when I was old. But when you saw it, you said, "It's no use, occupying the house is just an eyesore." With that, you threw my savings of many years into the garbage can. I am so sad that I even hate you. Mom, do you know that in order to make my flag head and flowerpot soled shoes, I have freed up my rest time and play time. I draw and draw and sew and sew. I don't care that the needle pricks my little hand again and again. When the beautiful flag appeared in front of me, I felt it was like the sun in my heart.

Mom, please also let me leave this picturesque childhood.

A letter from my composition to my mother (4)

Dear Mom


Mother's Day will be two days later. As your son, I should certainly express my blessing for you: Mom, I wish you a happy holiday!

There is a kind of love in the world, ordinary and great, delicate and strong. This kind of love is the love that is warmer than the spring wind, softer than the drizzle, and whiter than the snow - maternal love. Since I was born, came to this world, mother love began to take care of us meticulously, until forever. A mother's love is a kind of natural love for her children. It is like rain from heaven.

The word "mother" is composed of a "woman" and a "horse". You are like a horse. You are busy for me day and night. The horse also knows how to ask for something from the master, but you never ask for a return. You always silently offer more love to me. Your love for me is insignificant compared with those earthshaking love, but the great love has no trace and moistens things silently. Your love for me is reflected in every detail of life.

When a family has dinner together, you always leave the best for me to eat, while you eat leftovers. At that time, I asked you, "Mom, why don't you eat delicious food to support those leftovers?" You would answer me, "Mom doesn't like to eat delicious food." Now I know that you want me to eat delicious food, not that you don't like to eat it. There is no lack of love in this world. Love is the sunshine in winter, which makes the cold people feel the warmth of the world; Love is a spring in the desert, which makes people on the verge of extinction see the hope of life; Love is a song that floats in the night sky and comforts the lonely and helpless. There is a lot of love in the world, but I think that maternal love is the greatest, selfless and warmest. It has become our strong backing, giving me the power to move forward slowly all the time.

Sometimes, you will nag. I was tired of saying you were wrong behind my back. But now think about it, isn't it all for me? You dress me when the weather is cold; You send me an umbrella when it rains; When you are sick, you are watching over me; When I get good results, you and I share happiness; When I fail, you encourage me, let me be confident, not discouraged, to overcome it; When I make mistakes, you tell me the truth of life, teach me how to be a man, and use your own life experience to stop me going astray. You let me feel that the power of maternal love is infinite.

Mom, at the same time, I also want to say sorry to you. Although it is three words, it contains my infinite guilt and regret. In the past eleven years, because of my willfulness, my stubbornness, my recklessness and my ignorance, I don't know how much trouble and sadness I have brought you. Mom, I'm sorry. But I am sensible now.

When I look back, I find that I have grown up gradually, and let me know that some things will disappear with the passage of time, and the love you give me is immortal, and will never disappear! Someone said, "Mother love is like a poem, mother love is like a song, and mother love is like a picture." I said, "How can a little poem express mother love, how can a piece of music sing mother love, how can a picture draw mother love?" My thousand words can only be summed up into one sentence: "Mom thank you, I love you!"


Healthy, Youth Forever


A letter to my mother (5)

Dearest Mommy:

Hello! I'm your big heart, Kebao!

The annual Mother's Day is coming. I think all mothers in the world will be very happy on this day, because their children will celebrate the festival for them. Of course, I am no exception!

Since I was a baby, you have been dedicated to me all the time. I don't know how much hard sweat you have left behind. You have paved the way for me to go in the future. When I was ill, how much precious time you spent and how many worried tears you shed; When I do something wrong, you don't know how many words, but I still don't listen; When I lost confidence, you sat beside me and gave me a lot of encouragement... Mom, the fact that you have done for me is too much, just like the stars in the night sky, which are countless, but each one is sparkling and eye-catching.

Remember that time... group, be careful, don't be found by my mother! A good friend and I came to the snack bar after school and wanted to buy some snacks. I was afraid of being found by you, so I slipped in carefully. Auntie, here's a dollar. When I finished the money and prepared to eat, you found it, you said with a smile; Eh, how can I eat this kind of food? No good. I felt extremely embarrassed, but I still opened the package of CC music. When I got home, I thought you would scold me, but you seemed to know nothing as usual. I think this is a kind of tolerance. Your pretending not to know makes me understand the truth more.

I think, sometimes, you are like an alarm clock, reminding me all the time; Sometimes, you are like an unknown flower with strange luster; Sometimes, you are like a street lamp, illuminating my life.

I like to throw myself into your warm embrace, kiss your smelly feet, and touch your rough hands. Anyway, as long as it is yours, I like it because it is covered with your familiar smell.

Mom, happy Mother's Day! I love you!

A letter to my mother (6)

Have you ever written a letter to your mother? If not, here is a model. The following is a letter written to your mother, which I hope will be helpful to you.

A Letter to Mother Composition (1)

Dear Mom


The leaves wither, the spring breeze blows the willows, and the years touch the fleeting years... In a twinkling of an eye, I have grown from a babbling girl to a seventeen year old flower girl, and you who were once young have grown older with the passing of years. I have seen the wrinkles between your forehead and the silver hair mixed in your green silk. You have paid so much for me. How can I repay you? My Mother!

I remember a song that sang well: "Your love is like the moonlight, so gentle and kind. In your arms, it is the happiest heaven." Happy feelings are everywhere, but what I feel most is your deep love. You always care about me and take care of me meticulously. I really don't know how to repay your kindness! Thank you for letting me come to this beautiful world and teaching me to walk and talk. Your affectionate family members have lit the candle in my heart, and your assiduous teachings have illuminated my journey of life.

Do you remember? One day 17 years ago, I came to this world. You welcomed me with great excitement, but since then, you have also had a heavy responsibility to take care of me. Once upon a time, when I was a baby, you sang songs to make me fall asleep, but in return, I kept crying all night long. At that time, I did not know your pain, I did not know that it was your pregnancy in October that brought me to the world; Once upon a time, when I was a naive child, you changed the dishes to cook for me, but I could not help complaining; Once upon a time, you gave me your warm advice, but I was impatient... Now that I have grown up and left your warm embrace, I can understand the deep love in your eyes

Mom, do you know? In my heart, you are not only a mother, but also a close friend. On the way of growth, it was your persuasion that kept me away from the wrong path; When I regret my failure, it is you who caressed my shoulder with your warm hands and told me, "It's OK to try." Mom, do you know? The silver on your head is where my happiness sprouts; Your warm embrace is the harbor I will always be attached to

Some people say that mother is a breeze in frustration and a star in the dark night. But in my heart, you are my whole day! Mom, thank you for your 17 years of hard cultivation, and thank you for your painstaking efforts for this family! In the past, I was too rebellious. I always talked back to you because of some trivial things, played childish temper and made you angry. But now that I have grown up and understood your love and concern, I will fly with my dreams and will not let you worry and fear.

Thanks to my mother, when I am no longer ignorant, when I have quietly grown up;

Thank you, mother, when I quietly count the wrinkles between your forehead and the silver hair on your head;

Thanks mom, when I have lost my childishness, when I am far away from this home

Now I finally understand: Mom, it is you who gave me life and gave me a home. You are my lifelong attachment and care!

I love you! My dear mother!

Your daughter

August 8, 20xx

A Letter to Mother Composition (2)

Dear Mom

Hello! Since the moment I landed from your belly, a new life has been born, and you are busy with this new life.

Feed my milk, wash my clothes, cook for me,... for me... 'Anyway, your whole energy is focused on me, a newborn. Time is like flowing water. It's gone forever. Now it's been 12 years. I'm growing up, but you are getting old. Your eyes have lost their brilliance, and your waist is too tired to stand tall. But you can't live without you at home. You continue to work until late at night. I wanted to say to you, "Mom, you have worked hard, please have a rest quickly!" But I held back and didn't say anything. Today, I would like to take this opportunity to say to you: "Mom, you have worked hard, take a rest!"

As the saying goes, there are many kinds of love in the world, such as father love, but mother love is the greatest love and the most eternal love in the world. Yes, maternal love is the greatest love in the world, the most eternal love. This is highlighted in my mother.

Mom, you are the main force and indispensable member of the family. Mom, in the work unit, the platform is your position. When you come home, the kitchen is your second position. In the kitchen, you are busy cooking. When my father and I are watching TV outside, we can always smell the aroma of your cooking. It's light and fragrant. When you go out and have something to do, I will always sneak into the kitchen and grab the meat to eat. When you come back, you will always stand at the door and say, "You little cat, you are eating again, Just then I can't forget to eat some pieces of meat. When we finished our meal, my father and I left our dishes behind and went to watch TV. However, you were the only unknown person cleaning the room and cleaning the dishes in front of us. Good mother, you are too hard. Take a rest!

I occupy a high position in your heart, and I am your baby. Wherever I go, you always have a worry, a concern, and a worry. I remember once, I was playing on the roof of the teaching building of the middle school with several good friends. When it was time to leave work, you found me around the school. Finally, you asked a student to know that I was playing on the roof. You hurried to the roof, took me home, and taught me not to go to dangerous places at home.

Mom, I love you! Stop and have a rest!


good health!

Work well!

Beloved son: Song Yang

A Letter to Mother Composition (3)

Dear Mom

Hello, on the occasion of Women's Day, I don't have any precious gifts for you. I just want to write a letter to let you know my daughter's aspiration - Mom, I love you, and thank you for your kindness to me over the years.

Who said grass heart, reported the three Chunhui! These two lines are not enough to describe your love for me. Whenever I see the scars on your hands and feet, I remember the thrilling thing you said to me: when I was eight months old, I had a high fever at one o'clock in the night because of my teeth, and my father rode a motorcycle to take us to the hospital. On the way back, the motorcycle suddenly ran out of control and hit the mountain wall. At this moment, you took me in your arms and flew out of the motorcycle. At the critical moment, you forced a somersault to protect me, knelt on the floor and propped up your body with your hands. Immediately, your knees were swollen with steamed buns, and your hands were bleeding, Like Ah Dou in Zhao Zilong's arms, he sleeps soundly, unaware of the danger he has experienced.

This is great maternal love! This is the choice made by all mothers for their children without hesitation!

Mom remembered you told me a story: there was a fire in a big forest, and people found a burnt goose. They picked it up and found a nest of live chicks.

Maternal love has no boundaries. Maternal love is the most selfless in the world! I am filled with emotion.

When I think of this, I feel vaguely guilty. I think of many uncles and aunts who said, "You have to be a parent to pity the parents of the world!" As a teacher of the people, you love life as a child and work hard. You are very tired when you come home from work, but you still have to take pains to make delicious food for me, urge me to learn, help me get rid of bad habits, and teach me how to behave. It's rare to take me to Shenzhen to learn zither on Saturday, but I often think you are wordy, even contradict you, and make you angry. It's really wrong! Mom, for me and for this family, you pay far more than you get, but you don't complain. You often say: "Life is very hard for a joy, and I get more than one point, I am satisfied". Whenever you see that I have made progress, you are more happy than anyone else, and you are always paying silently.

Mom, do you know how much I love you. Although I didn't say it, you know that my daughter won't disgrace you. I will study hard and repay you in the future. At this time, the March 8th Women's Day is coming, and I will use a piece of paper to express my love for you in the oldest way! My daughter sincerely wishes you:

Always healthy!

Always happy!

Always young!

Love your daughter: XXX

A Letter to Mother Composition (4)

Dear Mom

Hello! I have come to this world for ten years. During these ten years, you have always worked hard for me silently, but you have never received any blessing from your daughter, nor any gift. With the turning of the calendar, it is Mother's Day again. My daughter wants to say, "Mom, I love you!"

In life, you take care of me meticulously, but never ask for return. You just want me to grow healthily and healthily.

I remember one time, it was raining cats and dogs outside, but I didn't bring an umbrella. I saw that other students had left, but you hadn't come to pick me up. Just when I was anxious to walk back and forth, a familiar figure came to me, and I walked closer to have a look, ah! It was you, Mom. On the way home, we talked and laughed. You leaned your umbrella on my side. When you got home, you were wet. Mom, thank you for your care and care for me. You should also take care of your own body!

In learning, you are also very strict with me. You have three rules for me: 1. You should take an examination of 95 points or more each time, otherwise you can't watch TV; 2. Finish a 350 word article every day, and the handwriting should be neat, otherwise you won't go to spring outing in the future; 3. Every day, you should complete the homework assigned by the teacher and the papers and exercises assigned by you. My rest time has almost been taken away by you. Although you have taken care of me meticulously in life, it is covered by your strictness. If I were not strict with my mother, I would not have today's academic performance. Mom, thank you for accompanying me in my study, thank you!

Finally, I wish you good health, smooth work and happy Mother's Day!

Your daughter: Chen xx

A Letter to Mother Composition (5)

Dear Mom

When I brought up my pen to write this letter to you, I hesitated for some time. Today, I finally summon the courage to open my heart to you and tell you what I think.

The life in winter vacation is relaxed and happy, and it is also the time when I come to the kitchen to show my skills. However, when I walked into the kitchen a week ago, I was no longer happy. The familiar sound of "creaking" is heard again. You are chewing something with relish in the corner. Is it really so delicious? I ran over quickly, grabbed the remaining salt from your palm, and threw it into your mouth. It was so salty, and I vomited it conditionally... At that moment, I suddenly realized that ten years are like a day, and that countless grains of salt are not mother's love, little by little?

My dear mother, I deeply know that ten years ago, when you were in the sixth grade, you got a bad cold. But for my healthy growth, you gave up injection and medicine, and chose to drink water to metabolize. But how can you drink more water? You have the simplest way, that is to eat salt. We all have the common sense that once the food is salty, you will drink water to quench your thirst. That's your starting point. After a week of torture, your illness is all right, but you also have the problem of eating salt, and it is out of control, even today.

Now I have learned a lot of things, and also learned to look up information online. One day when I was browsing the website, I accidentally found that it is abnormal for everyone to eat more than five grams of salt every day, and they are prone to many diseases, such as cervical spondylosis, arteriosclerosis, throat cancer... I was surprised that for so many years, the salt you have eaten is like stars in the sky, and the consequences are so serious! Unexpectedly, you calmly said, "This is an old habit. How can you change it overnight? Try to eat less in the future." After that, you turned around and began to get busy again.

Looking at your "nothing to do with yourself, hang up high" look, I'm really worried about you. So, I posted a note with red pen near the salt jar, "No Salt", and I haven't forgotten to add three big feeling bar numbers at the end, hoping to attract your attention. However, it still didn't help. I saw another scene that I didn't want to see that day.

My dear mother, I will always love you, just as you love me. Your health is my greatest happiness and happiness. Therefore, please be strict with yourself and get rid of the bad habit of eating salt. Come on, my son believes that you will always be the omnipotent strong mother in my mind!

Always love your son: xx

January 8, 20xx

A letter to my mother (7)

Mother Earth:


Now that SARS is prevalent and has claimed many lives, people realize that they were too disrespectful and hurt you too much in the past. Only then did I realize how important it is to protect your appearance and keep you clean! Alas, when I think of all the bad things that the children of human beings did to you in the past, I am so distressed that I can hardly write about it.

I remember how radiant you were when you were young. The primeval forest covered your body like a thick green blanket, with lush weeds, blooming flowers, and a wide variety of animals and plants. Animals, your other group of lively and lovely children, grow happily in your arms and play heartily. At that time, the air was so fresh, the river was so clear, your face was so gorgeous, and your family was so harmonious. But since you raised the children of human beings to be more and more intelligent and healthy, they became more and more restless and hungry. Start desperately digging resources from you to meet their endless enjoyment. They cut down the forest indiscriminately, and they would like to light up your green blanket for making oxygen and storing water; Catch and kill wild animals indiscriminately. I wish I could kill all your children. The palm and the back of the hand are all meat, and your heart trembles to tears, but the stubborn children of mankind do not know it yet; In order to live a better life, human beings are desperately mining resources from you, and they want to dig out all your treasures. No matter what future generations use! With the so-called wisdom, the children of mankind have built so many factories on you, discharging waste gas and waste water, resulting in the extinction of fish and the loss of crops. The destruction of the environment will not only make people's own physical condition worse, but also make you bruised and scarred. Hey, you are so broad-minded that you can't help being angry with humans:

You warned the Chinese people of the catastrophic flood in 1998. Alas, you are very angry. They have destroyed the homes of human beings, washed away their relatives, and washed away their property. It can be said that there is no mercy. As a result, short-sighted people have suffered heavy losses. They have to realize that protecting Mother Earth is to protect themselves.

Frequent acid rain is another alarm bell for human beings; The sand of Taklimakan Desert wafts across the sea and blows to Japan. It is your warning that protecting you is a world theme, not a country. Isn't the emergence of El Nino a good example?

Now human beings finally want to make up for their mistakes and mend fences with you. Didn't countries propose to protect primitive forests? Didn't governments prohibit the killing of wild animals and protect them by law? Wasn't the factory that discharged waste water and gas in a large scale and caused serious pollution ordered to close? Green food and green engineering are becoming more and more popular topics. It can be seen that your child - human has awakened. I have more respect for you, even dumping garbage and spitting everywhere, which are common and disrespectful things to you, are now regulated and prohibited. Are you pleased that your appearance is recovering and your reputation is improving?

I also want to tell you that building a clean and tidy green earth is the common wish of your earth children. After listening to this, will your weather beaten face open a happy smile?

Wish you more and more young and beautiful!



Your child: small citizen of the earth

May 28, 20xx

A letter to my mother (8)

Dear Mom

Hello! I'm glad to write this letter to you!

In the past, maybe I didn't grow up with childlike innocence, which always made my mother angry; Perhaps it is my capriciousness and pettiness that have forgotten my mother's hard work; Maybe it's my ignorance that I always feel my mother's words are harsh; Mom, I was wrong; Now, my daughter has grown up. Understand your hard work, exhortation, love and education; Knowing your eyes, a hug, and a trivial matter can make me feel your love, a great mother's love, and the only maternal love.

I can read the heart hidden in everyone's eyes, but I can't read the heart in your mother's eyes. I know that I am not a competent daughter. I know that some words are impossible, but I still said them. When I saw the disappointed eyes in your eyes, I was very unhappy, but I could not open my mouth. I could only cry in the corner silently. I know you are crying, but I dare not comfort you, just for the sake of this damned face!

Mom, you always get up early and prepare breakfast just to go to school and let me eat well; When I was sent to school, I hugged and said, Jenny, listen carefully to the teacher in class; You are always seeing me to the school gate, watching me enter the school gate until I can no longer see my figure; After school, when I walked out of the door, I saw your knowing eyes and heard those familiar words. I knew that it was your mother's expectation and waiting for her children.

You raised me from childhood to adulthood. You are like bursts of spring rain, moistening me and flowing into my young heart bit by bit. Mother's love is like warm sunshine, shining on me, out of the cold. In a word, mother's love is innumerable, both like stars in the sky and flowers on the ground.

Mom, you took care of me carefully when I was sick; When I succeed, you will give me applause and smile. Maybe the children in the world can't repay their mother's love. My mother gave me too much. Several buildings and cars can't repay her kindness, but we can give her warmth and comfort.

Your daughter: XXX

A letter from my composition to my mother (9)

Dear Mom

Hello! I'm glad to write this letter to you!

In the past, maybe I didn't grow up with childlike innocence, which always made my mother angry; Perhaps it is my capriciousness and pettiness that have forgotten my mother's hard work; Maybe it's my ignorance that I always feel my mother's words are harsh; Mom, I was wrong; Now, my daughter has grown up. Understand your hard work, exhortation, love and education; I can feel your love, a great mother's love and the only maternal love when I understand your eyes, a hug and a trivial matter.

I can read the heart hidden in everyone's eyes, but I can't read the heart in your mother's eyes. I know that I am not a competent daughter. I know that some words are impossible, but I still said them. When I saw the disappointed eyes in your eyes, I was very unhappy, but I could not open my mouth. I could only cry in the corner silently. I know you are crying, but I dare not comfort you, just for the sake of this damned face!

Mom, you always get up early and prepare breakfast just to go to school and let me eat well; When I was sent to school, I hugged and said, Jenny, listen carefully to the teacher in class; You are always seeing me to the school gate, watching me enter the school gate until I can no longer see my figure; After school, when I walked out of the door, I saw your knowing eyes and heard those familiar words. I knew that it was your mother's expectation and waiting for her children.

You raised me from childhood to adulthood. You are like bursts of spring rain, moistening me and flowing into my young heart bit by bit. Mother's love is like warm sunshine, shining on me, out of the cold. In a word, mother's love is innumerable, both like stars in the sky and flowers on the ground.

Mom, you took care of me carefully when I was sick; When I succeed, you will give me applause and smile. Maybe the children in the world can't repay their mother's love. My mother gave me too much. Several buildings and cars can't repay her kindness, but we can give her warmth and comfort.

Your daughter: XXX

A letter to my mother (10)

Dear children

How do you do!

Are you surprised to hear from me? Don't think I have something important. I'm here to remind you. Your every move broke mother's heart. This letter was written by me through pain and tears. If you continue like this, one day, my mother will be destroyed by you. Therefore, my mother has to write this letter to remind you.

Children, do you still remember your birth? Nuwa God created you and gave you a beautiful name: human. Since the earth has you, everywhere is full of vitality. My mother was so pleased to see this. I also gave you the best gifts: oil and coal. I urge you to make rational use of them. But you not only used oil and coal indiscriminately, but also extended your greedy hand to my heart - deep in the core of the earth. You made your mother suffer from serious skin disease. What should I say about you?

You are not happy to hurt your mother, but you are cruel to hurt your brothers and sisters. Don't you know that flowers, trees, birds and animals are also your mother's children and your brothers?

The river is the source of life. Think about it, what irrigates the crops that need to be harvested; What is it, without the dryness of summer... of course, the river. But what about you? Discharging sewage and littering... As a result, its clean body is dirty. Children, did you hear it cry?

The forest is the soldier of life. It purifies the air, protects the wind and fixes the sand. But you cut down trees at random. Don't you know that every tree you cut down, the earth will lose a green? Children, did you hear its cry?

Wild animals have the same blood lines as you, but you kill them cruelly. I saw with my own eyes how you put them on the table, tasting your delicious food with relish, talking happily, and putting their fur on their bodies with pride... Don't you know how distressed Mom is?

Children, wake up! My mother said so much to let you know that she would like to see such a scene again: the spring when flowers bloom, the summer night when the moon is bright, the autumn when the wind blows is full of fruits, and the winter when snow is falling. Here, my mother hopes that you will work together again to create a better home: let the blue sky remain blue forever, let the woods stay green forever, let the rippling river never be quiet... let my mother regain life, and let my mother's heart be more peaceful!


good health

Your mother: Earth

December 23, 2007

A letter from my composition to my mother (11)

Dear Mom


Do you know? When my daughter wrote this letter to you, I went through such a complicated psychological struggle and such a difficult choice. But I'm sorry, Mom. Between you and Dad, I choose to stay with Dad.

Maybe you think I'm a silly boy. My father is just a poor teacher and can't meet many of my needs. I can't eat and wear famous brands like other children. Yes, I know all these things, but I yearn for a warm and ordinary life, and I yearn for a rich but poor day; I need spiritual enrichment, spiritual purification, rather than material satisfaction. You can't give them to me, but Dad can give them to me.

Perhaps lost, just know the beautiful memories. The memory of my childhood is always fresh in my memory, and has not disappeared in the long river of years. At that time, the sky was always blue and life was slow. Under the green shade, on the dirt road, in the fields, beside the pond, we can always leave our family's laughter and happy figure. I always like to chase dragonflies everywhere in the fields with my hair tied in a sheep's hair braid and bare feet, letting the sunset shine all over my body, leaving you and my father to walk and talk side by side with a smile. From time to time, I will turn around after running tired, squint my eyes, look at you and my father, smile vaguely, and then chase dragonflies...... Mom, do you remember?

Mom, actually I understand. There are many things that cannot be defined by right or wrong. You have your life goals and aspirations, but don't impose them on me, ok? Maybe I inherited my father's quiet, farsighted and indifferent attitude. I like to talk about life with my father at sunset; I like to accompany my father to interpret literary masterpieces on a rainy night; I like to sit beside my father and listen to him recite Tang and Song poems. I often wonder what my predecessor was, and why I love this spiritual world alone in a society full of material desires. Perhaps I am a willow in the Tang Dynasty, standing on the bank of the ancient river; Maybe I was a fish in the Song Dynasty, swimming in the clear microwave; Maybe I am a wind in the Ming Dynasty, crossing the long lane; Maybe I was a little girl in the Qing Dynasty, washing clothes by the river all day... So I chose my father, poverty, spiritual enrichment, soul enrichment, and soul deepening.

Mom, don't be sad. I'm still your daughter and I still love you. Can you forgive me for this choice? This is the confession of my heart. No matter how time changes, you will always be my mother, and no one can replace you in my heart. Mom, I love you forever!

I wish you all the best! Sincerely salute your beloved daughter 2007. 7。 twenty-three

A letter to my mother (12)

Dear Motherland:


·Your 60th birthday is coming soon. I will write you a letter to tell you what I think of as a fifth grade pupil. My dear mother, when I picked up the pen, what occupied my mind was your magnificent rivers and mountains like ink and wash paintings. They decorated your land with their own fantastic figures, full of poetry, and brought people beautiful enjoyment

·Mom, since your liberation, more and more Chinese people no longer need material satisfaction. Instead, they have spiritual aspirations. Exploring the unknown natural landscape and exploring more of your natural beauty has become an indispensable part in people's eyes. As time goes by, the shoes worn by Chinese children's restless feet have changed from cloth shoes to famous brand Nike travel shoes. In retrospect, the mystery of Shennongjia, the desolate Hoh Xil, the daunting Mount Everest... Now their mystery and beauty have been solved with the rise of tourism.

·Mom, you have brought us many natural mysteries. As your children, we understand your intention. Doesn't this give us room to think? In the vast forest of Shennongjia, white bears, white wolves, white snakes, white crows, white golden monkeys... This is unheard of in the past, and it gives Shennongjia a mysterious color. There is a kind of short billed swiftlet in Shennongjia. It doesn't love the sea and loves the mountains. It decided to "jump in the queue and settle down" in Shennongjia, changing from a migratory bird to a resident bird. There is a cave on the bank of Tongling River in Shennongjia Forest Region. Every year, when the spring thunder rings, a large number of scaleless fish will pour out of the cave, which can last for several days and nights. The amount of fish can range from tens of thousands of kilograms to thousands of kilograms. In addition to the characteristics of equal size, scaleless and unguarded, the most peculiar thing about the fish coming out of the hole is that each fish has a broad bean sized, four limbed, milky white fish louse in its belly. It can crawl on the ground when it first emerges from the belly of a fish. It is used in folk to treat esophageal cancer. The legend of savages was recorded in the Records of Yunyang Prefecture during Tongzhi's reign in the Qing Dynasty, and even worse, according to preliminary statistics, more than 1000 people had seen savages. Mom, do you know? In such a mysterious place, now there are countless tourists. They follow the footsteps of explorers, broaden their horizons, and delight their body and mind. This summer vacation, I was also lucky to visit many scenic spots here, such as the Shenlong Cave, the Savage haunt area, the Golden Monkey Reserve and so on, which was a myth in the past!

·Looking forward to the rapid development of tourism, seniors have the most say. It is said that in the 1960s and 1970s, many people did not know what tourism was. People often misunderstood the tourism bureau as a post office. For travel agencies, some even thought it was a hotel. At that time, if someone went on a business trip to your capital, Beijing, and took a few photos on Tiananmen Square and the Great Wall, he would surely be admired by everyone when he came back. It was not until the end of the 1980s that people began to have a sense of tourism, and domestic tourism gradually rose and became increasingly popular. But at that time, tourism was still a luxury for ordinary people. It was not until the past XX years that tourism gradually entered the lives of ordinary people. This was unthinkable 20 years ago. Take me as an example. At the age of ten, I have already experienced the scenic spots in Jiangsu Province, Shandong Province, Shaanxi Province, Anhui Province, Jiangxi Province, Hubei Province, Fujian Province, Hainan Province, and almost visited the whole country. I have broadened my vision and cultivated my sentiment after studying! Thank you, Mom, for weaving my childhood into a golden dream!

·Today's Chinese people can proudly say: "We Chinese people have developed so many scenic spots with our own wisdom, of which 28 have been listed as the World Cultural and Natural Heritage by UNESCO, which is enough to prove to the world that China is a hidden power!" We Chinese children will take advantage of the gifts given by our mother to protect you and protect you, Let the tourism of our motherland rush to the top of the world!

·Dear mother, as your child, I feel extremely proud. Don't worry! I will study hard, do well in every class, do well in every homework, learn skills in a down-to-earth manner, and strive to become your pride! Grow up to repay your gifts! Solve more mysteries of nature! Make you more charming and beautiful! Wish you a happy 60th birthday! I wish you more prosperity! Sincerely


····················Your child: Nanjing Changjiang Road Primary School

·······················Five (1) shifts

························Shao Shuai


····················September 16, 2009

····················Instructor: Lin Yan

A letter to my mother (13)

This article, "A Letter to Mother", is organized by the composition of primary school students, for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Dear mother

I always wanted to say something to you, but I always felt it was hard to open my mouth, so I thought of writing a letter to you. Don't laugh at me! Ever since I heard the song "Thank you for being grateful...", I have understood that everyone should have a grateful heart.

I think what I want to thank most is you. Without you, there would be no me. You have suffered a lot before you gave me life. From the first cry when I "quack" landed, you began to work hard. I don't know how much work you have paid for me. Now I am a fifth grade primary school student. You have spent a lot of effort and sweat in the past ten years. You are not afraid of being dirty or tired!

Remember that you get up early every day, cook breakfast for me, and send me to school. Pick me up at the school gate in the afternoon. If it gets cold suddenly, you will not forget to add clothes to me. It rained on the road. If there was only one raincoat, I would always wear it, but your clothes were soaked. I can feel how much you love me. Usually, I always open my mouth and reach out my clothes to make you worry about everything. I am used to this, but you do everything silently for me without complaining.

But Mom, I also love you very much. I know that "every drop of grace should be repaid by the spring", and the only thing I can do now is: eat well, don't let you worry, and have a healthy body; Study hard, not afraid of hard work, and be a good child you like; On your birthday, I will make a small handicraft for you to make you happy; When you come home after a hard day's work, I will give you a pair of slippers and a cup of warm tea to relax; When you are in a bad mood, I will hug you and give you a little comfort to make you feel better as soon as possible

Mom, please rest assured that I will listen to your words and not make you angry. I think I can be your daughter. She is really happy, and I will not live up to the expectations of you and your family. I will grow up healthily and happily, be an optimistic child, and always have a grateful heart in my heart!

I wish you good health! Everything goes well!

Your daughter: Chen Siying

A letter to my mother (14)

Motherland: Hello!

A big river has wide waves, and the wind blows the fragrance of rice flowers on both banks. My family lives on the shore. I am used to hearing the boatman's chant and seeing the white sails on the boat. This is our beautiful motherland! It is the place where I grew up. On this vast land, there is bright sunshine everywhere

Motherland: Hello! On your 60th anniversary, I wish you a long and healthy life!

Motherland: Hello! On your 60th birthday, I wish you the best: I wish you young forever!

Motherland: Hello! On your 60th anniversary, I wish you a deep blessing; I wish you happiness forever!

Through the vicissitudes of life, you are like a trickle, scouring the long river of history, washing away the humiliation of the Chinese nation for a hundred years. Scenes flash before our eyes, trickling in our hearts bit by bit. I love your motherland mother, because you and we can sit in a spacious classroom and read aloud. Do you hear our voice? Because of you, we can grow like flowers. Have you seen our smiles? I write a letter to you: Motherland!

A Letter to Motherland Composition (2)

Dear Motherland: Hello! As we all know, in a few days, your 60th birthday will be coming when the salute of that country kicks off. How much have you changed in these 60 years! Look, God Seven has gone to heaven. "Five, four, three, two, one, ignite!" This "ignite" contains the infinite Chinese people's yearning for the universe, as well as the joy of rocket launching. Look, the Olympic Games have opened. When footprints come to the Bird's Nest, people are proud and bright. Yes, the three questions of the Olympic Games have been realized, and China has put on the hat of a sports power! Do you know? My hometown Nanjing has also changed a lot! There used to be a "Jingwu Flyover" behind my home, but a "Beijing Shanghai High Speed Railway" is under construction these years, and another section has been completed. In this way, we can go to more places! Now there are all kinds of tunnels in Nanjing, including Xuanwu Lake Tunnel, Jiuhuashan Tunnel, and even the river crossing tunnel across the Yangtze River! My motherland mother, Nanjing has a subway through the main city, our traffic is convenient and the roads are unblocked! Evening is a good time for walking. It is also a great pleasure to stand in the park and enjoy the surrounding green plants, sit down and watch the down grass on the ground, or walk slowly. By the way, Nanjing has done a good job in greening. Looking around, you can see trees and flowers. These green or red, yellow or white elves can be seen on the roadside, in the middle of the Christian era, or even downstairs of residents, adding brilliant colors to people's lives and making people healthy. Now I wish you a happy birthday in advance and better and faster development! Your child:

Liu Xinran

September 27, XX

A letter to my mother (15)

Mom, you have given me countless care, but I want to tell you that I am ten years old and I have grown up! But you still help me think about everything and do it for me, which makes my self-care ability worse than that of ordinary students. Although I have many opinions about you, I know that you love me the most, and you are also my favorite person in the world—— Feng Lingshan, Class 4 (2), Primary School Affiliated to Nanjing Normal University

Remember that song—— "There is only a mother in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure?" Mom, I want to say to you that this song gives my voice, thank you for bringing me to this world. I have heard from my grandmother that before you gave birth to me, you had a disease called habitual abortion, and you lost two babies. But you went everywhere to seek medical advice, ate all the hardships, and finally cured, giving birth to my precious pimple. You dote on me and give me endless care. Every morning, rain or shine, you send me to school; Every day after work, you rush home to cook for me and check your homework; Late at night, whenever I fall asleep, you will come to see if I have pushed the quilt??

Mom, you have given me countless care, but I want to tell you that I am ten years old and I have grown up! But you still help me think about everything and do it for me, which makes my self-care ability worse than that of ordinary students. I remember that a few days ago, our classmates organized to climb the Zijin Mountain. My shoelace was loose and I was going to tie it, but you had already bent down to help me tie it. My classmates looked at me and my face was red. Mom, can you give me more opportunities to exercise? Although I may not do well at the beginning, you should trust me. As long as I practice more, I will do well.

Mom, I also want to tell you that you give me too much pressure to study. I know you are good for me. In order to get into a good school and have a good future, you must let me study hard. But, do you know? Every Monday to Friday, I finish classes and go home to do my homework. After you check, you will always add some extracurricular topics for me to do. Every day, I can rest until nine o'clock. I have to go to the Olympic Maths and English extra-curricular remedial classes every Saturday, and I also have to go to dancing classes on Sundays. How I wish my family could go to the countryside to relax and breathe some fresh air on weekends, but where is the time?

Mom, I have a lot more to say to you. When you are free, you must take time to chat with me. Although I have many opinions about you, I know that you love me the most, and you are also my favorite person in the world!

Comment: "Understanding and understanding" is the basis of love. I hope this letter can become a bridge between mother and daughter.

Yuan Ping