Pearl Bird Composition (17 Collections)
Drunken by Red Rim
2024-06-13 06:43:33

Pearl Bird Composition (1)

[I am Pearl Bird]

Shi Junjie

splendid! I became Feng Jicai's bird. He put me in a cage made of bamboo strips. There is a roll of hay in the cage, which is my comfortable and warm nest. The master hung my house in front of the window. A basin of hanging orchids covered the house, and I was as safe as hiding in the deep jungle.

Three months later, I was born. When the master poked aside the green vine and saw me, he said, "Look, how like its mother, red mouth, red feet, gray blue hair, but there is no pearl like white spots on its back. It is so fat, and its whole body is like a fluffy ball.".

At first, I moved around the cage, and then I flew around the cage, falling on the top of the cabinet, standing on the bookshelf with dignity, and bumping the light rope back and forth. Gradually, I became bolder and landed on the master's table. My parents told me that it was too dangerous to come back soon. I left far away first. Seeing the master didn't hurt me, I felt relieved. I jumped onto the master's cup to drink tea. I saw the master's reaction, and the master didn't move me. I felt relieved. Later, I pecked the master's pen. The master touched me, and I pecked the master's finger. During the day, I accompanied the master, and at night, in the repeated calls of my parents, I flew into the cage, twisted my body and squeezed into the green leaves.

One day, while the master was writing, I fell on his shoulder and slept soundly.

The master looked at me and said, "Trust, can't we create a beautiful state?"

[I am Pearl Bird]

Gong Xujia

splendid! Our parents became the birds of Feng Jicai's family. They live in a comfortable and warm cage, where there is a roll of hay, which is their nest. The branches and leaves of Chlorophytum are draped over it. Living in it feels like they have returned to the embrace of nature.

Three months later, when I was born, Feng Ji seemed to have a son. He fed me millet mixed with egg yolk every day and took good care of me.

I can fly. At first I just moved around the cage, then I flew around the house. I know he likes reading books. One day I flew to the bookshelf and pecked books with my mouth. No matter how precious they are, I pecked them all! Looking back, he didn't hurt me, but smiled at me all the time.

We became more and more friendly. One time I fell on his shoulder and fell asleep on my stomach. The sleep was sweet and sweet!

He looked at me sleeping, picked up a pen and wrote a sentence: "Trust, can't you create a beautiful state?"

Outside the window, the sun is shining, and flowers and trees are dancing happily.

[I am Pearl Bird]

Zou Shenrui

splendid! I became Feng Jicai's love bird. I live in a warm and comfortable cage with a roll of hay in it, which is my nest. He is very good to our family. He will send us water and toast every day. Sometimes the toast will be coated with my favorite tomato sauce. On the whole, his personality is pretty good.

But he doesn't look good, at least I think so.

Sometimes, I would get out of the cage and play outside. At first, I only moved around the cage. Then he flew around the house. Day after day, Feng Jicai didn't catch me. My courage gradually grew, and I landed directly on his desk. Then, I lightly jumped onto his cup and bent down to drink his milk. Hmm, sweet, really delicious! I glanced at Feng Jicai, who was concentrating on writing. I felt relieved. I pecked at the tip of his pen. He stroked my fuzz with his hand. I thought he was saying hello to me. In response, I also pecked his fingers twice in a friendly way. It's rude to come instead of go, hee hee!

This is the friendly Feng Jicai I know!

[I am Pearl Bird]

Qi Yuxuan

splendid! I became Feng Jicai's love bird. I live in a cage made of bamboo strips. There is a roll of hay in the cage, which is very comfortable! It seems that he really likes me!

For me, he is not very good looking, but he is very kind. I also said this for a reason. This is because once I was thirsty, so I went out to find water to drink. When I saw a cup of tea beside Feng Jicai's left hand, I couldn't wait to drink tea. When I "smacked" and "smacked" his tea, I touched my stomach contentedly, Feng Jicai was staring at me. I thought Feng Ji would hit me hard, but instead of hitting me, he gently touched my fine fur. So I flew to his shoulder. I didn't know whether I slept well last night or got up too early in the morning. I fell asleep on his shoulder

When I woke up, he wrote: "Trust, can't you create a beautiful state?"? Well written, Feng Jicai deserves to be a great writer!

[I am Pearl Bird]

Lu Zhurui

splendid! I became the love bird of Feng Jicai's family. I live in a warm and comfortable small home with a roll of hay and a basin of green hanging orchids on it. Its drooping vines cover my small home, which makes me like hiding in a deep jungle.

Three months later, when I flew out, my parents repeatedly told me: "Don't go near Feng Jicai. As long as you get close to him and relax your vigilance, he will catch you and kill you!" I nodded and said, "I know, I will not go near Feng Jicai." As soon as I left home, my heart itched. I landed on the top of the cabinet and knocked the lamp rope back and forth. I became more and more brave.

One day, when Feng Jicai was writing at a desk, I fell on his shoulder. Feng Jicai looked at me for fear of starting me away. He stopped the pen in his hand, and I fell asleep unconsciously. I dreamed that Feng Jicai was feeding me, so I smacked my lips.

In the evening, my parents asked me to go home again and again, but I couldn't bear to leave with Feng Jicai!

Pearl Bird Composition (2)

Hello everyone, I'm the cute little pearl bird.

My family lives in a cage made of bamboo. There is a light blue sleeping bag in the cage. That's my home. It's warm there. The little master put my cage beside the bed and looked at me every day. A basin of hanging orchids draped over my birdcage, and I was as safe as in the deep jungle.

I'm gorgeous! Red mouth, pink feet, grayish brown hair, but my back has not produced pearl like white spots. My mother told me that pearl like white spots would appear on my back, so I was not worried at all. I am so fat, my whole body looks like a fluffy ball, so people call me a ball ball, and they gave me the nickname Pangpang, which I like very much.

My parents didn't allow me to play outside because my mother told me it was dangerous outside. One day, my mother went out, and I came out of the cage secretly. I walked around the cage, so boring! Mom is not at home anyway. Let me go somewhere else. I flew in front of a huge thing. I flew to the top and looked down. I found it so high. I shouted: I have flown to the highest iceberg in the world! I flew up and landed on a platform. I made a very graceful action on it, and I found the master was smiling at me. Eh? What is it? Is it a pirate ship? Oh, great. Go and play for a while.

I was so happy that I began to sing songs. The voice is sometimes high, sometimes thin, sometimes drizzly, sometimes soft. Isn't that really the sound of nature? It was like the crisp sound of wind chimes swaying from side to side.

Eh? What is it? Is it food? Go and have a taste. Eh? Is it tasteless? I don't know what human beings think. By the way, what's in that big cup? Go and have a drink, wow! It's delicious. Oh, it's Longjing tea! No wonder it's so delicious. By the way, what's the stick in the master's hand? You can also write words. Let me go and peck. Ha! See if I can write. Ah! My words are so beautiful. The little master stroked my fine hair with his hand. Maybe he likes me. I also pecked the master's finger twice in a friendly way.

During the day, I accompanied the master mischievously. In the evening, I flew to the cage in the repeated calls of my parents, twisted my round body, squeezed the green leaves and got in.

One day, when the little master was writing at a desk, I fell on her shoulder. The pen in the little master's hand stopped unconsciously, presumably for fear of scaring me away. After a while, I fell asleep on my master's shoulder. I slept soundly and had a dream that how happy I and my little master would be in the happy time in the future

Okay, I'm going home. Goodbye, kids

Pearl Bird Composition (3)

Hello, everyone. I am a lovely little pearl bird. I have a gray blue feather. My red mouth faces an agate. My feet and mouth are also very red. My body is very small, only as big as a rose. Do you know why I am called a pearl bird, because when I grow up, I will have white spots like pearls on my back.

When I was born, I found myself in a deep "forest". I thought: What is the outside world like? Is it full of darkness? Or is it the same as here? Or? I crept to the side of the "forest", and cautiously poked out my head. I found that the outside world was completely different from what I had imagined. First, the outside world was full of light and colorful. Second, the outside world was not green. I saw a "giant" coming towards me. I was startled, and immediately drew back my head. My heart was so nervous that I jumped "bang" and "bang". "My mother, it is so terrible, and I will never go out again." Just thinking about it, my parents saw that I was scared pale, I comforted me and said, "It's OK. Be brave. What you saw just now is our master. It won't hurt you. Try again." I poked my head out again, and my parents encouraged me to say, "Good man, be brave. This is like our good son!" When I heard the cheering, I gathered my courage and flew out. Seeing that the master didn't notice me, I flew to the chandelier, After a while, I flew to the windowsill, but I didn't notice. I just flew around the room and started to "make a scene in the Heavenly Palace". Later, I flew to his desk and desk lamp, but the master only wrote carefully, and didn't feel my presence at all. So I jumped onto his cup, bowed my head and drank a few mouthfuls of water, and then turned to look at him, but he was disappointed that he only glanced at me, Then I bowed my head and wrote again. I "didn't give up until I saw the Yellow River, and didn't cry until I saw the coffin." I simply didn't stop doing two things. I simply pecked the pen the little master was writing with a small red mouth. He reached out and stroked my feathers gently, and I also pecked his fingers twice. In this way, we became inseparable friends.

One night, I fell asleep on my master and had a dream that people would never kill us again, and everyone would live in harmony.

Pearl Bird Composition (4)

My grandpa, who looks at the gate of the community, sent me a pearl bird. I'm really happy. The pearl bird has a pair of red small claws, a sharp red mouth, and its color is very bright. The feathers on its head are like red brown scarves, embroidered with gray patterns, the patterns on its neck are like those of snow tigers, and the feathers on its back are like red brown shirts. It is small and exquisite, with dripping eyes and several white spots on its tail, It's like pearls on the tail. It's beautiful.

When the little pearl bird first came to our house, it was still a little uncomfortable. Standing in the cage, it had to cross from place to place. Even if you didn't pay attention, it had to eat secretly. But one day later, the little guest suddenly adapted. Seeing me, it was no longer afraid. Instead, it stretched its neck out and asked me for food and water. At first, I didn't know what the little pearl bird ate, But when I saw millet in its food plate, I tried to feed it a little millet. Unexpectedly, this little guest of our family liked millet so much.

The little pearl bird was also very funny when eating millet. It first touched it with its mouth, then put its mouth into the lid, and pecked hard. A few millets were pecked into its mouth. It could not digest it, so it quickly drank water, and then began to eat millet again. It did not know that its mouth was full of millet.

The little guest not only makes me feel happy, but also it is my little alarm clock! I used to sleep late. The next morning, I felt exhausted. But when I had it, it called every night and I was ready to go to bed. The next morning, when it called, I got up early.

It's too troublesome to raise a bird. Feeding it, changing water and cleaning the cage are too busy. But it has cultivated my love. I love my little pearl bird.

Pearl Bird Composition (5)

"Trust, can't we create a beautiful state?" This sentence is written in the article "Pearl Bird". It turns out that the pearl bird is a bird afraid of people, because the pearl bird trusts his master, and the master also trusts his pearl bird, and they trust each other, making a bird afraid of people become a bird bold to contact people. Isn't this a beautiful state?

Since people and animals can trust each other and create a beautiful world. Then, in our life, people trust each other. Can we create such a beautiful state? Here are some examples!

The teacher once told a story: on a fast train, a pregnant woman was facing childbirth, and the conductor was looking for an obstetrician and gynecologist. The situation was very anxious at that time. As soon as the news spread, a doctor came, and she said to the conductor: "I was originally a doctor, because an operation failed, so I was fired." The conductor said: "I trust you!" This simple sentence made the doctor shoulder her responsibility again and face her career. Finally, because of the trust of the conductor, the operation was very successful, and the mother and child were safe. From this list, I also draw a conclusion that mutual trust is very important.

I learned this lesson. No matter animals and people, or people, should trust each other, because "trust can create a beautiful realm."

Pearl Bird Composition (6)

One day, I was reading a book by the bookshelf. The little pearl bird saw it and gently landed on my shoulder, as if to look for a good book.

Suddenly, it flew to a book, seemed to find something, "twitter" to cry.

I quickly turned around and looked, ah! It turned out that it found a book with a pearl bird on the cover and a long worm in its mouth! This book was just borrowed from a friend's home. It is about feeding pearl birds.

The little pearl bird "chirped", its wings propped up and shook, as if to say: "Boy! This is my territory, you should put down the insects quickly! I haven't eaten this morning! I'm hungry, if you don't hand over the insects, I will not be polite to you!"

The pearl bird on the cover ignored it, with the long worm in its mouth.

This time, the little pearl bird became angry, flapping its wings and chirping, as if to say, "Come on, boy! Do you dare to fight me alone? If I win, the worm will belong to me, if you win, the worm will belong to you!"

The little pearl bird rushed up and pecked the bird on the cover with its beak to grab the worm.

The pearl bird on the cover did not move at all. The insect was still in its mouth, but the little pearl bird pecked its mouth.

The little pearl bird flew away angrily. But he didn't give up. After a while, he flew back and fought with the pearl bird. Of course, we still failed to get the delicious food. It was his act that made me laugh all morning.

Hi! This naughty little pearl bird, I can't help it!

Pearl Bird Composition (7)

We have two pearl birds at home.

When he first came to our house, he was very strange to his new home. It opened curious eyes, cocked its head, looked around, occasionally spread its soft wings, flew to the other side, smacked its red mouth, and sometimes stretched its white feathers, pecked here and there, and explored everything in its new home.

Pearl birds fly very fast. Sometimes, I can only see two phantoms flapping their wings. The white feathers are like a white skirt of a rapidly rotating ballet dancer, which is particularly fascinating. From time to time, their flute like sound comes from home. In the morning, when I opened my eyes, I could hear their "singing", as if saying: "Get up, get up!" After school in the afternoon, when I stepped into the house, I could still hear two birds "whispering." Even when I had dinner, I could still hear their soft music!

In the hot summer, two birds stood in the cage and sang the song "Relieve the summer heat." The gentle breeze held up pieces of heart-shaped green leaves, and a drooping vine gently floated to the side of the cage to attract their attention. They flapped their wings and chased the leaves to the edge of the wire. One stood on the side of the wire, sideways, and the little red claw tightly held the wire; The other flew back to the pole, lost its footing, fell down, blew its hair, and its feathers stood up, floating in the air in a mess, looking more like a blooming peony. The little red paw was also pressed under the "peony flower" and disappeared. It cried helplessly, and the little round eyes were staring at me. I put on gloves to hold its soft body and rescued it.

As spring goes by and autumn comes, the pearl bird is like a poem, a beautiful prose poem that warms my heart. You can't be tired of reading it a thousand times!

Pearl Bird Composition (8)

The most striking feature of this pair of pearl birds is the gray fluff. Whenever I see the gray fluff, my heart will rise in love.

After I was moved by the pearl birds described by Feng Jicai, my parents agreed to buy the pair of pearl birds. At the pet store, after careful selection, I finally harvested this pair of beautiful pearl birds.

I like them not only because of their appearance, but also because they often accompany me and listen to my worries and troubles.

Once, I was scolded by my mother because I didn't listen carefully in class and the exam was not ideal. I blamed myself and wronged myself, so I went to the birdcage and told them the things in my heart. The little pearl bird winked at me and looked at me askance, as if it was sympathizing with me. Seeing the innocent and charming movements of the birds, my sadness immediately dissipated and I began to tease them. Another time, my mother bought me a new bike. I was so excited that I ran to the birdcage to share the good news with my beloved partner. After hearing this, the pearl bird cried several times and jumped up and down in the cage. It seemed that it understood my words and was happy for me. What's more interesting is that when I play the piano, they will sing along with the sound of the piano rhythmically!

Unfortunately, on September 4, when I came home from school to greet my friends, I only saw a pool of blood and some scattered feathers. I couldn't control my emotions and cried loudly. My parents also came to me and left tears.

Dear Pearl Bird, although you are no longer in the world, you will always be my beloved in my heart. I wish you a peaceful and happy life in heaven!

Pearl Bird Composition (9)

I'm so happy! Mother bought me a pearl bird and a cage for it. After my mother brought them back, I carefully hung the cage on the balcony.

Pearl bird has a gray feather, red mouth, two sharp claws, and some feathers are also scattered with many small white spots. It looks like a pearl from a distance. No wonder it is called Pearl bird.

I like this pearl bird very much. I feed it every day and bathe it once a month. In the morning, when I was still asleep, Pearl Bird woke me up on time. Since I had this pearl bird, my parents don't have to wake me up every day.

Pearl bird is very naughty. Once, my friend and I were watching TV, and it unexpectedly opened its cage by itself, flew to my friend's hand, and kept pecking at his palm with its sharp mouth, which made my friend and I unable to laugh or cry. Another time, when I was doing my homework, it flew out and landed on my desk, pecking at the tip of the pen, reading a book, and finally fell asleep on my hand. Look, how soundly it sleeps! The small mouth is one by one, and it also makes sounds from time to time. I don't know what kind of dream it is having. I didn't dare to disturb his dream until he woke up and sent him back to the cage.

Pearl bird is also very smart. Once, I caught a cricket and wanted to make food for Pearl Bird. Unexpectedly, although the cricket is smaller than the pearl bird, it shows no weakness, so a duel begins. The crickets bounce back and forth, sometimes hitting the pearl bird, sometimes jumping behind the pearl bird and hiding. Pearl bird caught the opportunity to attack: first pecked the cricket two eyes, so that the cricket could not see; Then he broke the leg of the cricket; Finally, he bit off the head of the cricket. In this way, crickets became its dishes.

This is my smart, beautiful and naughty pearl bird.

Pearl Bird Composition (10)

splendid! At the weekend, my mother was merciful and bought a pair of pearl birds for me, which made me happy.

Look! They have a red and pointed beak, and sing all day long; A small and exquisite head kept swinging from side to side, which seemed so smart; A pair of sharp claws can always firmly grasp any place, leaving a simple paw print; Wearing a gray dress and dancing a pair of beautiful wings, it is so cute. I put them in a big cage. When I first came here, it seemed that I had come to a wonderful world, jumping up and down. How interesting!

I heard that the pearl bird is a kind of bird that is afraid of people. Whenever I give them food, I always hide far away and look at me with frightened eyes. When I run to the cage, they jump to the cage. When I run to the cage, they jump to the cage. Who would have thought that when I left, they would rush to grab food. Look! They will shell themselves! But they also looked up from time to time, moving their small eyes and looking around vigilantly. At this time, if you make a slight noise, they will immediately disperse and hide in a corner of the cage, looking around with fear and vigilance. If you don't disturb them, they will continue to eat with peace of mind, and their mouth will also send out a clear and graceful song, indicating that they are full of happiness.

splendid! My friend sent me a pair of pearl birds. I put the pearl birds in a cage surrounded by iron wire. There is some hay in the cage, which is a comfortable and warm nest for birds.

I hung it on the window of my desk. A basin of hanging orchids covered the birdcage. The pearl bird was as safe as hiding in the deep jungle.

Two months later, there was a thin and delicate song from the growing green vines. I guess they have a baby. After a while, a small head popped out of the leaves. Take a look at the green vine. It's the little guy! Look, how like its mother: red mouth and red feet, gray blue hair, but the back has not grown pearl like white spots; It is so fat that its whole body looks like a fluffy ball.

After reading Pearl Bird, I finally understood the important role of trust in communication

"Trust often creates a beautiful state."

This is the emotion of the author in the communication with a bird. A timid pearl bird, in the sincere communication with the author, trusted the author and regarded him as a friend, so the courage gradually grew.

Pearl Bird Composition (11)

splendid! My friend sent me a pair of pearl birds. Put it in a simple cage made of bamboo strips. There is also a roll of hay in the cage, which is a comfortable and warm nest for birds. Some people say that this is a kind of bird that is afraid of people.

I hung it in front of the window. There is also a pot of extremely lush French Chlorophytum. I covered the birdcage with long hanging vines of hanging orchids with small green leaves. They were as safe as hiding in the deep and quiet jungle; The thin and bright sound like a flute came from it, which made it very comfortable.

The sun shines through the window. Through the window, the countless fingernail shaped leaflets of Chlorophytum are half dark and half are illuminated, like jasper; The business is flourishing. The shadow of the birds flickers in the middle, which is incomplete. Sometimes, even the cage can't be seen, but they are cute. Bright red little mouths protrude from the green leaves.

I seldom open the leaf vines to look at them, and they gradually dare to stretch out their small heads to look at me. We are just a little familiar.

Three months later, there was a thin and delicate song in the growing green vine. I guessed that it was they who had babies. What about me? Never open the leaves to look inside, even when adding water, do not open your eyes curiously to startle them. After a while, a small head popped out of the leaves. Smaller, baby! It's this little guy!

It is so small that it can easily be drilled from a sparse cage. Look, how like its mother: red mouth and red feet, gray blue hair, but the back has not yet produced pearl like round white spots; It is so fat that its whole body looks like a fluffy ball.

At first, the little guy only moved around the cage, and then flew around the room, sometimes landing on the top of the cabinet, sometimes standing on the bookshelf proudly, pecking the names of the great writers on the back of the book; After a while, he knocked the lamp rope back and forth and then jumped onto the picture frame. As long as the big bird cries angrily in the cage, it will fly back to the cage immediately.

I don't care about it. After such a long time, when I open the window, it will only stand on the window frame for a while at most and never fly out.

Gradually it became bolder and landed on my desk.

First, it was far away from me. Seeing that I would not hurt it, it came closer and closer. Then it jumped onto my cup, bent down to drink tea, and then looked sideways to see my reaction. I just smiled a little, and still wrote something, so it boldly ran to the paper and bounced around my pen; The small red paws beat on the paper.

I wrote quietly, silently enjoying the little guy's close affection. In this way, it is completely relieved. Simply use the waxy, horny little red mouth to peck my trembling pen tip. I stroked its fine fluff with my hand, and it was not afraid. Instead, it pecked my fingers kindly.

During the day, it accompanied me mischievously; In the dusk, it flew to the cage, twisted its rounded body, squeezed out the green leaves and got into the cage in the repeated calls of its parents.

One day, when I was writing at a desk, it unexpectedly fell on my shoulder. The pen in my hand stopped imperceptibly for fear of running away. After a while, I turned around to see that the little guy was sleeping on my shoulder. The silver gray eyelids covered my eyes, and the red feet were just covered by the long hairs on my chest. I lifted my shoulder gently, but it didn't wake up and slept soundly! Still sipping, are you dreaming?

When I move my pen, I feel that trust often creates a beautiful state.

Pearl Bird Composition (12)

splendid! My friend sent me a pair of pearl birds. I put it in a bamboo cage made of bamboo strips, with a roll of hay inside, which is a comfortable and warm nest for birds.

I hung it in front of the window, a basin of drooping vines, shrouded in the birdcage. The pearl bird is as safe as hiding in the deep jungle.

More than a week later, the cage gave out a kind of thin and delicate song. I guess they had babies. Before long, suddenly, a small head poked out from among the leaves, poked aside the green vine, and saw that it was this little guy. Look, how like his mother: red mouth, red feet, gray blue feathers, but there was no pearl like white spots on his back. He was so fat, and his whole body looked like a fluffy ball.

At first, the little guy only moved around the cage. Then he flew around the room. Gradually, he became more daring and unexpectedly landed on my small table. He was far away from me. Seeing that I didn't hurt him, he came closer and closer. Then he jumped onto my cup and bent down to drink tea. I stroked his fine fur with my hand, and he was not afraid, Instead, I pecked my finger twice.

During the day, it accompanied me mischievously; In the evening, when my parents repeatedly called, I flew to the cage, twisted my rounded body, squeezed the green leaves and got in.

Once, when I was doing my homework, it unexpectedly fell on my shoulder. The pen in my hand stopped unconsciously for fear of running it. Soon, the little guy fell asleep on my shoulder. How soundly it sleeps! Keep smacking your lips, maybe you are dreaming!

Looking at this cute little guy, I could not help but send out a call: trust, you can create a beautiful state, I love you, Pearl Bird!

Pearl Bird Composition (13)

As soon as someone approaches them, they will "whoosh" away from the crossbar and grasp the barbed wire at the edge of the cage with their feet. Their eyes, which were originally the size of Ximi, are wide open.

Of the two pearl birds, one is white and the other is gray. I named them "Zhenzhen" and "Zhuzhu". "Zhenzhen" is a male bird, whose head is often raised high, with an air of arrogance and defiance. Its whole body is beige, its mouth is light orange, and its favorite thing is to eat, sleep, and jump around in the cage. "Zhuzhu" is different from it. "Zhuzhu" is a female bird, most of its body is gray, and two orange spots below the eyes are clearly visible. What's more, its black tail feather has many white dots, like pearls, very beautiful. Although it also likes to eat and sleep, it prefers to comb its own feathers.

They eat in very different ways. "Zhuzhu" is like a lady, who always chews carefully and swallows slowly when eating, as if she is tasting delicacies of mountains and seas. She swallows them one by one, and smacks her mouth after eating. "Zhenzhen" is different. She is very impatient in everything she does. When she is hungry, she gulps down without giving her throat a chance to relax.

This is the "Zhenzhen" and "Zhuzhu" that make me love and headache.

Pearl Bird Composition (14)

There are two pearl birds, one male and one female: the male pearl bird is white all over, without a trace of fur, the small eyes are very flexible, and the golden claws are very smart, but its call is obviously not as beautiful as the female pearl bird - it looks hoarse and deep; The feathers of the mother pearl bird are mainly brown, but the brown background is dotted with white dots - the white dots really look like pearls, or is this the real origin of the name of the pearl bird! The mother pearl bird has two orange blushes on her head. I always tease her for being shy and "orange faced", but this is the mother pearl bird's inborn symbol as a woman! Compared with the male pearl bird, the sound of the female pearl bird is clear and pleasant, just like a musician singing!

Feeding and watering them every day is my main task. At the beginning, as soon as I get close to them, they will fly to the corner of the cage and shrink into a ball; After a long time, they became familiar with each other. As soon as I poured water into the small bowl, the two pearl birds would rush to the inside, flapping their wings to take a bath. When I stood and watched, they would usually splash water on my face. These two little guys are so cute!

Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long, and soon the white pearl bird was inexplicably ill and died; Another flower pearl bird also left the world because of loneliness soon after we moved. Lovely elves, may you rest in heaven, and I will always miss you!

Pearl Bird Composition (15)

My bird is not only beautiful but also interesting. Once my birds flew out to do sports after eating food. They just flew up and landed on the ground. They were new birds and could not fly well. I thought they could not fly like this. I should teach them to fly. So I checked all my books about birds, but there was no result. I didn't find them. I came to the birds sadly, I was surprised to find that the bird could fly. I'm happy to check it on the Internet. Ouch! The bird itself is a flight expert. The new bird will fly by itself in a few days. I also look for books to teach the bird to fly. It's useless, really.

This is my lovely and interesting bird, interesting!

Pearl Bird Composition (16)

On the sunny weekend, my father and I went to the Yufeng Flower, Bird, Fish and Insect Market to select pets. After careful consideration, we finally chose birds, screened them, and finally chose a pair of lovely pearl birds.

My pearl birds are one male and one female. When I get home, I gently put them in the bird cage carefully prepared for them. In the cage, I put some millet with shells and mineral water, and put some licorice at the bottom of the cage. In this way, this pair of birds can be said to be "well fed and clothed". I thought: "In this way, this pair of my favorite birds will be very happy to come to my home".

Pearl birds are smaller than ordinary birds, and their calls are not as loud and pleasant as those of other birds. But they have a smart little mouth. As long as you put the shelled millet into the box of bird food, they will be like people eating melon seeds. They will clearly distinguish the benevolence and shell, and soon there will be only a pile of empty shells in the box.

The whole body is snow-white, with pearl like spots on the back. This is the mother pearl bird. The whole body of animal composition is gray, and there are pearly white spots on the north and back. This is a male pearl bird. Both of them have red mouths and red feet. They move very loudly, have very low voices, and have pearl like spots on their backs. The difference is that the color of feathers is different, and the sex is different. The grey one is boring and doesn't like jumping around in the cage. The white one is easy to adapt to the environment and very active. It jumps around in the cage all day, as if it has endless strength.

I hope this pair of pearl birds can be like the pearl bird described in the textbook. One day, it can get along happily with me in a free environment. What a wonderful thing! However, it is not enough now, but it is a wonderful thing that I can wake up every day in the joyful call of Pearl Bird and start my new day?

Pearl Bird Composition (17)

Since learning the lesson "Pearl Bird" written by Feng Jicai, I have been looking forward to feeding a pearl bird myself. Unexpectedly, my mother actually bought a male pearl bird for me at the flower and bird market, which really surprised me.

When I first saw the pearl bird, it was in a very delicate pink cage. My mother told me that it was the new home of the pearl bird. The pearl bird in the cage looks very cute. It has a pair of big and bright eyes, a bright red mouth, a gray body, and sometimes makes a clear and gentle call. I was overjoyed, so I hung it in front of the window sill in my room, and fed it when I had time. If I didn't have time, I would put more at a time, so that it would be OK.

I didn't look at it much that day, but it was very happy in the cage. It ran and jumped and kept shouting. "Haw haw?" You heard it cry again. Our family has a pot of plants with long and green branches, just like willows. I cover the plants on the birdcage, so that the birds can be undisturbed in their own world.

It's been a few days. I think the bird should know me, right? I think it should be. That night I rolled a stick with a skipping rope and hung the cage beside my bed. I think that the bird can further understand me, so that the relationship between me and the bird may also be better! When the bird heard the noise outside, it immediately jumped up and down in the cage alertly. It fluttered its wings for a long time before it calmed down. While eating the food I gave him, he turned his face to see my reaction. It looked like a naughty child.

What about? This is my bird, isn't it cute!