Composition of eye care (14 recommended)
be fearless
2024-06-18 09:11:54
Junior two

Composition of Eye Care (1)

Eyes are the window of the soul, the leader of the five senses, and the assistant of dreams.

Turn on the light! Remember the distance between eyes and books! Every time I walked into the room, I always heard this sentence, but I never realized its importance. The decline of my eyesight made me involuntarily worried. From May 1 to April 8, my parents were anxious like ants on a hot pot. They ran all over Zhuhai, bought an expensive desk lamp, kept telling me to turn on the lamp, and sat straight, but I ignored it.

The next day, when I got up, I fell down and waddled into the bathroom. My eyelids felt heavy, like a stone pressing my eyes, but I mistook it for not waking up and didn't pay attention to it.

But I soon found that I was blind. I was so frightened that I rushed into my parents' room. It was dark and I had to run to school unsteadily

But on the way, I met two black balls and came to me. I remember them by memory. They are my eyes! Eyes said to me: We serve you day and night, but you don't know how to be grateful and never cherish us. Now, we are leaving you. A few words scared me out of my wits and at a loss. Compared with today's final exam, my eyes were powerless. I had to come to the class to take the exam. I had to ask my classmates to help me identify the font, but the examiner thought it was whispering and let us leave the exam room. My heart was dark before my eyes.

When the alarm clock rang, I found that fortunately it was a dream, and I was sweating all over. From then on, I began to cherish my eyes and said softly to it, "If you don't change, it's a mistake.". Let them have regular rest every day, give them massage, and pay attention to their sitting posture. No longer let my mother worry about my eyes. Because you are my hope, the beginning of my dream, the pillar of success, I will not wear a second pair of eyes (glasses).

Composition of Eye Care (2)

Look, the flowers are so bright. At this time, you will feel how beautiful and wonderful the world is! If the beautiful world in front of you is covered with a thick black veil, then you will know how valuable eyes are. It's not our fault, it's our own fault.

"Keep your head up, lean back, hold the pen correctly, and protect your eyes." Ah! This is the order my mother gave me when I was doing my homework. With more and more homework and the diversification of electronic products, we have more time to use our eyes. In order to avoid myopia, parents and teachers have mixed feelings. Why? Because eyes are one of the important organs of the human body. Without eyes, the mind will be dark, just as eyes are the window of the mind. If you wear glasses, it will be like the window of the mind is covered with a layer of white gauze, alas! Now, there are more and more "small eyes". I heard from my father about the inconvenience brought by wearing glasses to us. During the Spring Festival, my father and his company organized a trip to Sanya. During the trip, an uncle wearing glasses was swimming in the sea, and his glasses were washed away by the waves and could not be found, which affected him to play well in the next few days. This is the trouble brought by wearing glasses, It's inconvenient and troublesome to work with glasses. We must protect our eyes when we are young and remind children not to be short-sighted.

Through various examples, I would like to talk to the students about the knowledge of myopia prevention! First of all, we should take the school's eye exercises seriously, because it can reduce the blood circulation and regulation state of the eyes. Don't look at the computer or mobile phone for a long time. Don't read books in the shaking car. Keep a writing distance. After learning for about an hour, look at the distant green plants.

Composition of Eye Care (3)

The eye is the window of our human mind. "In the late days, the mountains are beautiful and the spring breeze is fragrant with flowers and grass.". These beautiful scenes need to be observed with our eyes. And we can't learn, play and live without our eyes, so we should take good care of it.

If you don't take good care of your eyes and make them nearsighted, it will bring us a lot of inconvenience in our study and life. For example, if you can't read the words on the blackboard clearly in school, how can you get good grades? It is not convenient to wear glasses when running in PE class, and there will be no good results in the sports meeting. I can't play basketball well, which not only affects my academic performance, but also restricts some sports activities.

My father and sister are both myopic, that is, they didn't take good care of their eyes. They deeply understand the various inconveniences that myopic brings to life. They remind me every moment in daily life and supervise me to protect my eyes.

Since eyes are so important to us, how can we protect our eyes? I did this:

1. When reading and writing, pay attention to the "three ones". Keep your eyes a foot away from the book, your chest a fist away from the table, and your hands an inch away from the pen tip.

2. The eye use time should not be too long. Take a rest every 40 minutes to look into the distance and relieve visual fatigue.

3. Actively participate in various sports activities to enhance their immunity.

4. Be sure to control the viewing time of electronic products.

5. Keep doing eye exercises every day.

As long as we persevere and do the right way to protect our eyes, we will have a pair of bright and healthy eyes!

Love your eyes, start with me!

Composition of Eye Care (4)

People say that the eyes are the windows of the human mind. I think that's right. But have you protected your window? I think you must all have a story about caring for your eyes! I'm no exception. Here's my story!

In my school, we have been asked to do eye exercises to help us protect our eyes from the past, but I have never seriously done a section of eye exercises. The five minutes of eye exercises are divided into two sessions a day, morning and afternoon. The morning starts from the third class; The afternoon starts from the second class.

But one time when I was in the first volume of the fifth grade, I changed my attitude towards doing eye exercises.

It was Friday morning when I did eye exercises. I used to treat this eye exercises with the same attitude as before. However, because this is a science class. There was nothing to be afraid of in science class. It's Tong Yiwen, the representative of the science class in that science class. Her fierce swearing really scared me. So I had to do it. Because I felt my eyes a little tired after class, but it was strange that when I opened my eyes after finishing the five minute eye exercises, my eyes suddenly felt a bit cool. When I opened my eyes, I felt that the things I saw were much clearer than before I did eye exercises. Later, I learned that the school did this for our good.

Since then, I have insisted on doing eye exercises twice a day every day. So far. So now my eyesight is still between 5.2 and 5.0.

This is the story of my eye protection.

Composition of Eye Care (5)

Students, do you know that June 6 is the National Eye Care Day. Do you care for your eyes? We say that the eye is the window of the soul. If our vision is affected, that window will become smaller and smaller, and eventually disappear little by little.

Sadly, many people do not pay attention to protecting their eyes. From the past to the present, more and more people have worn glasses. I recently saw a report about the myopia rate of students in school. At present, the number of myopia of Chinese teenagers and children has ranked second in the world. The myopia rate of primary school students is about 28%, that of junior high school students is about 60%, that of senior high school students is about 85%, and that of college students is as high as 90%! This is really a set of shocking data!

Speaking of myopia, it can bring us a lot of trouble. Let's take our class for example. When we were in the first grade, there was only one student wearing glasses in our class. Gradually, there are now 12 or 13 people in our class wearing glasses. In just five years, our class has more than ten students wearing glasses! I have a friend who is in the third grade. His grades are always the best in the class. However, since he bought a mobile phone, he only played with it and didn't do his homework after school. Day after day, his score dropped from more than 95 points to more than 50 points. He is no longer like before. What's more, the excessive use of electronic products has not only brought about a decline in performance, but also seriously affected his vision. His vision was 5.3 before, but now his left eye is 4.7 and his right eye is 4.6. When the doctor asked him to wear glasses, he suddenly woke up. Since then, he has read books in places with enough light, and will not play with computers and mobile phones every day. He also watches TV occasionally now, but he will keep a distance. Each time he watches TV, it will not exceed 40 minutes, giving his eyes plenty of rest time. With his efforts, his eyesight has improved and his achievements have been among the best again.

Eyes, like windows, can shine bright sunlight. Eyes are also like stars, which can be used to quietly observe the ups and downs of life. It is a gift from life and a precious treasure in life. Love and protect our eyes, start with me, let's use our eyes healthily and be a little guard!

Composition of Eye Care (6)

"Keep your head up, lean back, hold the pen correctly, and protect your eyes." Ah! This is the order my mother gave me when I was doing my homework. With more and more homework and the diversification of electronic products, we have more time to use our eyes. In order to avoid myopia, parents and teachers have mixed feelings. Why? Because eyes are one of the important organs of the human body. Without eyes, the mind will be dark, just as eyes are the window of the mind. If you wear glasses, it will be like the window of the mind is covered with a layer of white gauze, alas! Now, there are more and more "small eyes". I heard from my father about the inconvenience brought by wearing glasses. During the Spring Festival, my father's company organized a trip to Sanya. During the trip, an uncle wearing glasses was swimming in the sea, and his glasses were washed away by the waves. He couldn't find them, so he didn't play well in the next few days. This is the trouble brought by wearing glasses, It's inconvenient and troublesome to work with glasses. We must protect our eyes when we are young and remind children not to be short-sighted.

Through various examples, I would like to talk to the students about the knowledge of myopia prevention! First of all, we should take the school's eye exercises seriously, because it can reduce the blood circulation and regulation state of the eyes. Don't look at the computer or mobile phone for a long time. Don't read books in the shaking car. Keep a writing distance. After learning for about an hour, look at the distant green plants.

Composition of Eye Care (7)

Eyes are the windows of the soul, and we should protect them well.

Why should we protect our eyes? If we don't take good care of them, what will accompany our eyes will be a pair of glasses. My father and mother both wear glasses. My father is still a careless man. He often misplaces his glasses and can't find them in a twinkling of an eye. I remember one morning when my father was going to send me to school, he suddenly found that he could not see clearly and felt something was missing. He touched his face and found that his glasses were gone, so he began to look everywhere. Looking in the living room, no; Looking in the bedroom, there is no; I searched in the restaurant, but still didn't find it; I can't find it. Later, when I went to the toilet, I found my glasses on the toilet paper box and took them out for him. Wearing glasses is really troublesome!

Wearing glasses is like closing the window of the soul. We will leave eternal regret, so we must protect our eyes. Here are the "four musts and four don'ts" to protect the eyes. Everyone must keep in mind:

1、 We should do eye exercises seriously;

2、 More outdoor sports;

3、 The reading and writing posture should be correct. The eyes should be one foot away from the book, the chest should be one fist away from the desk, and the hands should be one inch away from the pen tip;

4、 Let your eyes rest after reading for about an hour.

What is "Four Don'ts"?

1、 Don't walk and read;

2、 Do not read or write in bright and dark places;

3、 Don't rub your eyes with dirty hands;

4、 Don't or try to see less electronic products.

We should protect our eyes and don't close the window of our hearts.

Composition of Eye Care (8)

The eye is the window of the soul, we should take good care of it. My father is a physical education teacher, but also a myopic. Because he liked to read books lying down when he was young, he wore glasses in high school. Since my father put on his eyes, he felt very inconvenient, especially when swimming, he could only wear swimming eyes, but still could not see clearly. My father loves playing badminton, and his glasses fell off when he was playing several times, almost being stepped on. When eating hotpot, every time there is a layer of white fog on the glasses, it is too troublesome to take off the glasses and wipe them before putting them on! What's more funny is that he never remembers where his glasses are. When he comes to watch TV, he can't find them. Every time he asks me to help him find them, and sometimes he asks his mother to join in the search for them. The glasses are really torture!

But now my eyesight is not very good. When I sit in the last row of the classroom, I can't see the small characters on the blackboard clearly. But I really don't want to wear glasses. My mother said, "Your eyes are still in the development stage. As long as you do eye exercises carefully every time, look at the green in the distance, pay attention to the reading and writing posture, you can correct it!" Mom's eyes are very good. They are always the same. I was thinking, why didn't my mother pass on her good eyes to me? Later, I found that every time my mother wrote and read, her posture was very standard, her back was very straight, and she really managed to punch her body away from the table and look away from the book. It was the good habit she usually formed that created her good eyes! Mother said: "You usually write in an non-standard posture, sometimes your body is tilted, and your eyes are close to the book." Mother didn't say, I really didn't find it! So I decided to learn from my mother! Change the previous reading and writing posture. After half an hour with your eyes, you can look far away or do eye exercises.

Dad's eyes are bad, and he is afraid that my eyes will deteriorate, so he asked me not to watch TV or play computer for more than half an hour each time. I also need to learn to control myself, or I will really become like my father. I don't want to wear glasses too!

Take care of your eyes from now on!

Composition of Eye Care (9)

Reading books requires eyes to extract information; To appreciate the scenery, you need to observe things with your eyes; Eyes should be used everywhere in life, so we should protect our eyes carefully.

When summer vacation came, my daily "work" was just a trilogy: eating, drinking and playing. On that day, I was going to study hard to improve my reading ability, but the naughty mobile phone games held me tightly. I couldn't resist the temptation of the game. I left the book behind, picked up my mobile phone and immersed myself in it. Unconsciously, my eyes began to dry and ache, and tears could not stop flowing. I looked up at my watch. Ah, I had been playing for two hours. It turned out that the tears were protesting against my excessive use of eyes! It seems to say: "Do you want to murder me? Do you want to become a four eyed sister early?" I quickly threw down my mobile phone, closed my eyes, and recovered for a long time. I really want to say to my eyes: "I'm sorry, I dare not, I will treat you kindly."

First, I deleted all mobile games. Without games, the temptation of mobile phones was immediately reduced by half. I also set all the people in my WeChat circle of friends who are not necessary to contact as "don't look at his circle of friends", and many functions of my mobile phone only include calling and contacting my best friend. Then I put down my mobile phone, closed my eyes and began to do eye exercises seriously. I did a decent and meticulous job, which made my eyes much easier. I went back to bed and closed my eyes for a long time before I felt my eyes were back to their previous state.

But when the homework is finished, what should I do? Reading? It also takes a lot of eyes. Let's just draw. Although we need to use eyes, it will be much more comfortable. I took out my dusty brush and paint, sat in front of the window, and carefully described the beautiful sunset and colorful clouds outside the window. Time flows silently, and the gorgeous sunset is also fixed on the paper. A sense of full happiness ripples in my heart, which is much stronger than the emptiness and regret after playing mobile phones. Because my eyes are wandering on the far sunset and the near paper, my eyes are not uncomfortable, and my head is not as dull as before, which is probably what people call "bright eyes and bright hearts".

Eyes are the window of the soul. Myopia is to cover the bright window with a layer of dust. If you don't want to be myopic, put down your mobile phone like me, so that you will not only have a pair of bright eyes, but also make life more beautiful and full.

Composition of Eye Care (10)

But now, more and more teenagers no longer love their eyes. For example, brushing a mobile phone in a rickety carriage can cause vision loss and disease. For example: myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and aging. One of my classmates is over 500 degrees at a young age! I feel very sorry for that.

In the class, my good friend Limia, in just one year, it was 300 degrees. The lens mists when eating, pick it! Running is fragile, pick! In short, neither picking nor not picking. It's inconvenient! This is really a big trouble.

We should do this: stay away from three meters when watching TV, do not read in places where the light is too bright or too dark, watch less electronic products, do not use inferior screens, and use more blue light screens to see things. This can protect the eyes.

We should use, protect and love our eyes. Will definitely restore vision!

Composition of Eye Care (11)

Eye protection, how familiar, why should you protect your eyes? I'm afraid that it will be inconvenient to work, study and live after wearing glasses, and I'm afraid that my eyesight will be poor and glasses will be changed again and again... Your answers are all right, but why is it difficult to do so?

Since the first semester of the fifth grade, my eyesight has declined rapidly, which can frighten my mother. My mother bought eyedrops from Shanghai on purpose. After she bought them, she felt that they could be saved. She hoped that eyedrops could save my eyesight. Dropping them every day, she felt that my eyesight was getting better and better. A few weeks later, the inspection found that the degree had increased instead of decreasing.

Mother added the ultimate move, alternating cold and hot eye application. It made me cry and howl. When I got up the next day, my eyes were swollen like peaches, and I thought I might go blind. At the same time, I am also very competitive and have taken many measures: staring at green plants makes my eyes glow green; Close your eyes, close your eyes and fall asleep

My mother finally gave up all kinds of folk prescriptions and took me to the hospital. After a series of examinations by the ophthalmologist, the doctor gave me eye drops and told me the correct way to protect my eyes.

In order to prevent myopia and alleviate myopia, what is the correct way for us to protect our eyes? How to act?

The first point is to control the time of using your eyes. If you use your eyes more than a certain amount of time to watch TV, watch computers, or read books, you should let your eyes rest properly. If your eyes are tired, you should blink more. The second point is to seriously do eye exercises between classes, because eye exercises can scientifically relax the nerves around my eyes. The third point is that you should not be picky about eating. You should eat more foods containing vitamin A, such as carrots and blueberries. Fourth, we should take part in more sports. The fifth point is also very important. You should maintain correct posture. You must not use your eyes too close, or you will not be short-sighted. If your eyes feel tired, you can also use the cold and hot eye compress method I have used, but you should control the appropriate temperature to accelerate blood circulation, relax the eye muscles and relieve fatigue. If you think the sun is too dazzling, you should wear sunglasses and a hat when you go out of the house to prevent the strong light from hurting your eyes.

In addition, do not believe in folk remedies, but go to a regular hospital for inspection and treatment. This is the experience of my tortuous experience.

Healthy, simple and scientific eye care methods have taught you, are you still tired of using your eyes? Hurry up and take action. "There is a long way to protect your eyes. You need good habits".

Composition of Eye Care (12)

Composition I on Eye Care

Students, do you know? June 6 is the National Eye Care Day. Do you care for your eyes? We often say that eyes are the window of the soul. If we can't see, the window of the soul will become smaller and disappear bit by bit. So please love our eyes together! So how to take care of your eyes becomes the key.

Some children especially like reading, whether walking or riding in the car, they are reading with relish, some people like to read in bed, and some people read when the light is too strong or too weak. Love reading is a good habit, but the above reading methods are not conducive to protecting the eyes. Therefore, we should have good reading habits: 1. Do not read while walking or taking a car while moving; 2。 Don't read in bed. Sit up straight with your chest a fist away from the table and your eyes a foot away from the book; 3。 Don't read under too strong or too light; 4。 Don't read too long. After seeing it, you should look into the distance, or see the green plants, to ease the fatigue of your eyes.

At ordinary times, do not wipe the window of your heart with dirty hands. If you don't take care of the window of your heart for a long time, it will appear red, swollen, painful, and even the window of your heart will close, and you will never see the light again, and live in darkness forever. I don't think anyone wants to live like this.

Composition 2 on Eye Care

At night, I lay in bed and soon fell into a sweet dream. I dreamed

I wear glasses, but it is hard to believe that I actually came to a strange country - "eyes" country, where the streets and alleys are full of eyes, with red rabbit eyes, green flat eyes, black round eyes... I suddenly gaped, swallowed saliva, and said to myself: "This... What is this place? That... So terrible." I swallowed again.

I walked forward and asked a pair of white eyes in surprise: "Who are you? Why are you so ugly?" After listening to my question, those eyes began to cry sadly: "I used to be the eyes of a little master, but he watched TV and played computer all day long. When reading, his eyes were almost lying on the book. He did not read, but seemed to" smell "the book. The little master didn't protect me well, so I became so ugly. " I nodded with a red face and thought: Don't I love my eyes just like its owner? I used to think it was fun to wear glasses. Now I understand that wearing glasses will make your eyes ugly. When I was thinking about it, I found that XX in our class also came here. She felt and walked. I ran up to her and held her. I asked strangely, "How can you become blind?" I cried, "It's because I'm not good at protecting my eyes that I ended up like this." I listened, and lowered my head in shame.

At this time, I realized the importance of eyes. I woke up suddenly, and then I felt relieved. It was a dream

Composition 3 on Eye Care

There is a pair of lonely glasses in the window. One day, he had a whim to find a good friend who needed him. Because then it will never be lonely. So one day, it quietly escaped from the prison like window.

Glasses walked with confidence and came to the giraffe's house unconsciously. The giraffe was doing his homework. Glasses happily asked the giraffe, "Giraffe, how boring it is for you to do your homework alone. Why don't we make a friend? Let me help you with your homework, OK?" The giraffe angrily refused: "No! My eyesight is very good, don't make friends like you, go quickly!" Glasses begged off and walked away angrily.

Glasses came to the little white rabbit's house again. Seeing that the little white rabbit was doing eye exercises seriously, he held her hand firmly and said, "Please make friends with me, I will be inseparable from you, OK?" The little white rabbit shook off his hands with great force and said, "I don't want to make friends with you, please get away!" The glasses just left in a huff.

Glasses continued to find friends. One day, it came to the home of a panda named "Xiao Pang". Xiao Pang was reading on the bed! And the light is very dark. After seeing the glasses, I felt happy: I must have found a friend this time. So glasses patted Xiao Pang's shoulder confidently and said, "Xiao Pang, I like you very much, and we can make friends, right?" Xiao Pang nodded happily. Glasses jumped onto Xiao Pang's nose without saying a word. Xiao Pang put on his glasses. It didn't take long to find it uncomfortable and inconvenient. I was very sad. When Little White Rabbit and Giraffe learned about Xiao Pang's troubles, they hurried to Xiao Pang's house.

The giraffe and the little white rabbit told Xiao Pang with concern: "To protect the eyes without glasses, we should do 'three ones' when reading, writing and reading:

Eyes are one foot away from the book, chest is one fist away from the table, and fingers are one inch away from the pen tip when holding the pen. Also, we should insist on doing eye exercises every day. How uncomfortable it is to be friends with glasses! " Xiao Pang blushed and nodded. Since then, Xiao Pang has followed the advice of Little White Rabbit and Giraffe every day. Soon, Xiao Pang's eyes regained their sight. At this time, Xiao Pang was relieved and said to his glasses, "Go quickly, I don't want to make friends with you!" Glasses had to leave in frustration.

Since then, all people have hated glasses and don't want to make friends with them.

Students, you must protect your eyes and stay away from annoying glasses!

Composition 4 on Eye Care

Chen Mingliang finally put a pair of glass pieces on his bright eyes. What? You don't know, Chen Mingliang also wears glasses, and is a pair of 300 degree myopia glasses. How could he do this?

Isn't Chen Mingliang known as the Sharp King in his class? Previously, the school held shooting, archery and other activities in the middle of the bull's-eye, even the smallest black spots on the blackboard, he can see clearly.

Why is Chen Mingliang's eyesight so good? It turned out that Chen Mingliang was usually told by his mother that watching TV should not be less than two meters, reading books should not lie down, and playing computer should not exceed half an hour.

One day, my mother was busy on business and had to go on a business trip for a month. My father could not accompany Mingliang because he was going to Europe to talk business. They had to ask the grandma who doted on Mingliang the most to take care of Mingliang. Before she left, her mother gave instructions to Bright Qianding.

As soon as Bright's parents left, Bright jumped onto the sofa and shouted: Yeah, Brightness means that there is no tiger in the mountain, and the monkey is called King.

Without her mother's daily nagging, Bright would read books day and night, watch TV endlessly, play computer intently, and never know to rest. A few days later, it was as bright as if I was drunk. Time passed quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, a month had come, and my mother came back. My mother's bright eyes were different from the usual ones. She stumbled when walking, which just matched the condition of myopia. You child, you don't know how to rest by yourself. How wonderful! You are nearsighted! Mother said as she pulled her bright hand and ran to the nearby glasses store.

When we arrived at the optician's shop, my mother said to the boss urgently, "Boss, please take the child to check how many glasses we need to wear and how much it costs. Please!"! After checking his eyesight, the boss's face was full of sadness and said to his mother: Your child is now 300 degrees nearsighted. If you don't take care of your child's eyes, I'm afraid they will be blind. Alas! Then she put on a pair of 300 degree glasses for Mingliang, and her mother paid the money and took Mingliang out of the glasses store.

Bright walked on her way home and sighed: If I had known this, why should I have! If I knew to take care of my eyes and let them rest for a while, I would not lose my eyes. My friends, this is often the case. Once a thing is lost, it will make people linger on it.

Composition 5 on Eye Care

Eyes are the "window of the soul". It enables us to distinguish beauty from ugliness, good from evil. Can let us trees how green, can let our blue sky so blue, can let us see everything in the world.

Look, the flowers are so bright. At this time, you will feel how beautiful and wonderful the world is! If the beautiful world in front of you is covered with a thick black veil, then you will know how valuable eyes are. It's not our fault, it's our own fault.

For example, some children who love reading do not sit properly when reading. Children who love surfing the Internet and watching TV spend too much time using their eyes. As time passes, their eyes lose their original vitality. We can no longer make contributions... Today, some children do not know how harmful myopia is: in class, the words on the blackboard can not be seen clearly, notes can not be written down, in PE class, shooting is not allowed... From many examples in life, we can fully realize the importance of eyes to us.

Children, we must protect our eyes. Eyes can bring us happiness as well as sadness. Let our eyes serve us, and let us serve our eyes as well.

Composition of Eye Care (13)

Today, let's talk about how to protect your eyes. We all know that eyes are the window of the soul, and people have only one pair of eyes in their life. They bear the responsibility of seeing the colorful world. So eyes are very important!

At present, there are more than 300 million people with myopia in China, accounting for 33% of the world's myopia, far higher than the world's average of 22%. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are 40 million to 45 million blind people in the world. Low vision is three times that of blind people, about 140 million people, of which 75%, or more than 100 million patients, can recover or improve their vision through surgery and refractive correction. There are still 25% of low vision patients who need low vision health care, such as wearing visual aids and visual rehabilitation devices. In China, about 450000 new blind people and 1.35 million low vision people will appear every year, that is, about one blind person and three low vision patients will appear every minute. If effective measures are not taken, the number of visually disabled people in China will be four times of the current number by 2020, and it is estimated that it will reach more than 50 million. The annual cost of visual impairment in the world has reached 25 billion dollars. According to the official media, the myopia rate among Chinese adolescents aged 16 to 18 is as high as 70%. To sum up, vision impairment has become a serious public health problem in China and the world.

Because of the prevalence of myopia among students, most parents and students have become accustomed to it, and have not understood the harmfulness of myopia and the severity of its complications. In fact, myopia has really harmed our eye health:

1、 Common impact of myopia: eyes with low vision often become dry and tired, affecting the quality of study, life and work. Wearing glasses for a long time will also make this false myopia rapidly develop into mixed myopia and then become true myopia, bringing inconvenience to life and learning. Moderate myopia may even affect future studies, military participation and job hunting.

2、 The harm of high myopia: High myopia can cause many complications. For example, vitreous opacity, retinal hemorrhage and detachment cause blindness. Myopia can also cause complications such as cataract, glaucoma, macular hemorrhage and macular degeneration, retinal atrophy, degeneration, hemorrhage and holes.

Eye drops can not protect eyesight:

Eye drops have a certain effect on relieving visual fatigue, but it does not mean that eye drops must be used to protect vision. Some vision loss is caused by other eye diseases. If the judgment is not correct, blindly using eye drops may further worsen the eye disease. In fact, the best way to relieve visual fatigue is to close your eyes and rest.

Must myopia wear glasses?

As long as you are nearsighted, you must wear glasses. This is the understanding of many students' parents, but in fact it is wrong. With this idea, it is easy to delay the pseudo myopia that should be cured, and the result is true myopia. The correct way is to try not to wear glasses. If you have already worn glasses, you'd better take them off when you are near or not particularly necessary. In addition, it is enough to select the weakest lens for the front view of glasses, and do not use lenses with excessive degrees. Why does eyeball deform after myopia? It is myopia caused by the elongation of the eye axis, which causes the focus of light entering the eye to fall in front of the retina. The deformation of the eye is related to the increase of myopia. The higher the degree, the more serious the deformation! Having seen the harm of myopia, both adults and children should work hard to protect their eyesight health, and never regret it until after myopia. Some people think that wearing a pair of glasses is very gentle, but they do not know the extreme inconvenience and danger hidden behind them.

The vision problem of teenagers is not only myopia, but also amblyopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, etc. So let's talk about what is amblyopia first? There is no organic disease in the eyeball, but the corrected vision cannot reach the normal level. This kind of low vision is called amblyopia. The incidence rate was 2.83% in children.

The causes of amblyopia can be divided into the following aspects:

1. Strabismus amblyopia: When one eye is strabismus, the macular function of the strabismus eye is suppressed for a long time, which forms amblyopia.

2. Anisometropia amblyopia: due to the large anisometropia of the two eyes, the eyes with severe ametropia gradually develop amblyopia over time.

3. Form deprivation amblyopia: In infancy, amblyopia is caused by poor visual development due to congenital cataract or ptosis that blocks the pupils.

4. Congenital amblyopia: The pathogenesis is not very clear at present. It may be that at birth, a small hemorrhagic focus occurred in the retina and other places, which affected the normal development of visual function.

5. ametropic amblyopia: It is mostly bilateral, and occurs in high ametropia without wearing corrective glasses. It is often seen in hyperopia and ametropia. No special treatment is needed. Wear appropriate glasses, and your eyesight will gradually improve.

The diagnosis method of amblyopia is to do visual inspection and fundus examination. The most accurate and reliable inspection method is to use visual evoked potential or evoked response.

The difference between amblyopia and myopia is that if the vision can be corrected by accurate optometry, the person who can reach 1.0 is myopic. If the person cannot be corrected, it is amblyopia. Because of the young age, it is not easy to attract parents' attention, so that timely treatment is delayed. The treatment of amblyopia is closely related to the age of children. The younger the age, the higher the efficacy. The best treatment period is 6 to 8 years old, and the effect is slow from 9 to 12 years old. There is almost no chance after 13 years old, and the treatment is basically ineffective after adulthood.

What are the hazards of children's amblyopia

1. Amblyopia can lead to a decline in academic performance. Because of poor eyesight, the quality of classroom learning is poor;

2. Amblyopia has poor vision, and most of them have no stereo vision and binocular vision, which will cause inconvenience to children's learning and living;

3. Amblyopia can lead to stereo vision defects, making children unable to engage in many occupations in the future;

4. Amblyopia can cause lifelong low vision.

Hyperopia: In fact, children's hyperopia is mainly caused by the short eye axis. When people are born, their eyeballs are very small, and their anterior and posterior diameters are short. They need to see things from a distance to be clear.

Composition of Eye Care (14)

Composition on Eye Care Day: Everyone is responsible for protecting eyes

People often say that the eyes are the window of the soul. But do you know how important it is to protect your eyes?

Take me as an example if others don't say so. Previously, my eyesight was 5.2 and 5.0, but recently I fell in love with a funny computer game - Botanical War Zombie 2. After finishing my homework every day, I rushed to the computer, turned on the computer and played games. Every time my parents tell me how important it is to love my eyes and protect my eyes, I just don't listen. But when it comes to the second visual inspection, my vision has dropped from 5.2 and 5.0 to 5.0 and 4.8. I am sad and depressed. Why do I play Plant vs. Zombie 2 for only half an hour more than before, but my eyes will drop altogether, A total of 0.5 * 366=183 hours of play in 366 days, which is equivalent to more than 7 days, so it will lead to a sharp decline in vision. So since then, I have said goodbye to Plant War Zombie 2 forever and studied hard, which has kept my academic performance at the forefront and won unanimous praise from teachers.

Let me give another example about my sister. I think everyone should know Jobs. Although he is dead now, he is also worth mentioning. His invention of the iPad 2 has made the soon bankrupt Apple mobile phone company gradually rich. My sister likes his iPad 2 very much. After finishing her homework every day, she would concentrate on taking out her beloved iPad 2, and happily play Start Bubble. Once she played, she would pass 15 levels, and never give up. Aunt and uncle reminded her many times, but she still did not change. At the second visual examination, her vision changed from 5.1 and 5.0 to 3.4 and 3.5, so that she wore eyes like her parents. They all said that she could not take off her glasses when she put them on, so she now regretted that she would not play the game of bubbles.

Another time, our school organized an activity about protecting eyes. The teacher first told us that the eye is to see things with light, and also told us the harm of laser to the eyes. Then the teacher told us the harm of laser to our eyes in the form of a sitcom. Then he played a small game with us, and bounced the table tennis ball into the glass cup. Although I did not participate in the experience personally, I was very happy to see the students playing, I'm happy, too. Finally, the teacher took us to do a set of eye exercises. After the activity, a small gift was given as a souvenir. I think this activity is particularly meaningful because it taught me how important it is to take care of my eyes.