I learned to share compositions (collection of 18 articles)
bright moon and cool breeze
2024-06-28 06:21:20

I learned to share composition (1)

This is a losing battle! Our teacher said, "It's not that we didn't have the strength to win them, but that we didn't play well, and didn't even play well in our usual training. If we really played, they would be inferior to us." I always use these words to comfort myself when I think of the defeat and am about to cry. But the truth is the truth, and I won't change it because of my crying!

Before the classroom arrived, I heard the class ask: "Did you win?" "Eh! At first sight, you know you lost." Hearing these words, I felt helpless and angry, and wanted to scold them. But what's the use of scolding? Scolding can not solve the problem, scolding can only vent my anger at that time. But later he found that he had hurt others. They were innocent, and scolding them would only make him lose his friendship. Maybe you can't feel our feelings. Especially for a boy on the basketball team in the class, when you came back from a game the other day, I heard all the news that you had lost. But I did not deliberately say anything about you, but also to comfort you, said; "It's OK." But now that we girls have lost, you can forget about it if you don't understand. Let's also say that we have a strong opponent. In fact, it's good that we can come back alive that day. It's very close that we didn't die there. But when we returned to class, our classmates laughed at us like this. We are from the same school. You can laugh when the school's basketball team loses. I really want to ask you that you are not from this school. We are very depressed, because you do not understand, we have been hit very hard. We won the championship three times in a row, but now we suddenly lost. It's hard for you to understand. When we returned to the class, we were scolded by you, heard your laughter, and saw your complaints and disdain for us. Seeing these scenes, I felt indescribable pain in my heart. I really want to cry happily and forget everything. At that moment, it was hard to breathe. Even the air wanted to avoid us. Suddenly, I felt that talking, walking... these are luxury. How wonderful it would be if I could leave behind everything and leave such a place where people laugh at me and suffer so much! What we need is a sentence: "It's OK, it's a big deal to refuel next time!" What we need is your encouragement, and what we need is your trust and understanding. Do you understand? We don't want to see your cold eyes. Finally, I want to say that we tried our best. Please don't blame us anymore.

I learned to share composition (2)

All success is not achieved without effort, and the joy after hard work is to share -

In the evening, there were no pedestrians on the road, only a few students like me were walking home. Under the dim street lights, I was playing with the green trees whose leaves had been frozen. The bleak wind mixed with raindrops hit my face and wet my bangs. I didn't want to go home, I didn't want to use the hopeful eyes of my parents to exchange my failure in the exam. Before I promised that it would be OK, but the exam results were unsatisfactory. The hope of my parents and teachers, and my failure finally made me cry. I won't get anything for nothing. Someone stood in front of me when she did well in the exam, Maybe it is related to her hard learning attitude. Hearing her words, I just lightly agreed. She stared at me helplessly and encouraged, patted me on the shoulder, turned to leave, and looked at her leaving behind. I shook my head. Success on the way home will not be achieved without work. I shut myself into the room and murmured this sentence, This sentence seems to make me understand something, and I began to learn from my friends' attitude towards learning. After class, I lost my frolic figure. Late at night, in an empty room, a small desk lamp accompanied me to write quickly. I began to turn the tears under my eyebrows into sweat under my eyebrows, and irrigated the flowers of success with sweat in a sunny afternoon, A new score sheet was posted, and I didn't rush to see it. I was afraid that the results would still be unsatisfactory this time. "You have made great progress this time."

My friend did not know when she stood in front of me again. She still smiled so sweetly and flexibly. Indeed, he made a great leap in his achievements, even surpassing his friends, but he was not unhappy at all. He just shared my joy and encouraged me to continue my efforts. In the evening, the sunset was red in half the sky. I laughed with my friends, and we bet that next time, she would definitely surpass me, and she said that she would certainly surpass me. We were good friends, the best and best friends, Sharing the joy of success together in the competition Even if your life is full of clouds, you can use the clouds to condense into a beautiful sunset. I don't remember who said such a beautiful sentence to me, but it let me know that success will not be achieved without hard work. Success after hard work will be happy only through sharing

I learned to share composition (3)

My dance teacher is Ding. She is tall and tall, with big flickering eyes, short shoulder length hair, and a sweet smile on her face. She always surprises us when we don't expect it.

No, the surprise is coming again!

In the afternoon, when we were having class, everyone was pressing their legs and bending down seriously. Suddenly, a "ding dong" sound interrupted our concentration on practicing. Everyone stopped practicing and looked at the door in unison. The door was opened, and a large bag of colorful paper appeared in front of me. "Mr. Ding, what is it?" "Is it delicious?" "Is it a gift for us?" Everyone immediately got up and gathered around Mr. Ding and kept asking.

"It's not Christmas soon. Santa Claus said that there are a group of lovely girls in Xiaoding Dance Room who have practiced very hard these days, so today I specially sent sweet candy to these girls!"

"Wow! That's great!"

"But time is too short for Grandpa Christmas to wrap it."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. We can pack our own bags, so we won't bother Grandpa Christmas." We greedy kittens looked at each other and shouted with one voice.

Unable to stand up to our insistence, Mr. Ding finally agreed. We quickly put the dancing shoes into the shoe cabinet and wrapped them with enthusiasm.

Teacher Ding gave us so many kinds of sugar! You can see the classic white rabbit, sweet milk candy, round lollipop, and odd shaped Fujiya, Thousand paper cranes... We are dazzled and drooling. The patterns on the sugar box are also very cute. Look, there are rabbit with long ears, cute bear, playful snowman, and various other patterns. While chatting, we put candy into a box. When people were not paying attention, we immediately put one in their mouth. Then we took a sneak look at Teacher Ding. Seeing that she was not paying attention, we pretended to continue working as if nothing had happened. Everyone was sweet from his mouth to his heart.

It didn't take long for all the boxes to be packed. Teacher Ding said, "Each of you can get a box of candy. As long as your box can hold the rest of the candy, you can continue to hold it until it can't hold it.

Finally, the laughter gradually faded, and the scene of serious practice in the dance room resumed.

I learned to share composition (4)

"When you have good things, share them with others, and your happiness will double." Sharing is a general principle that all children in kindergarten understand. Everyone knows that good products should be shared by everyone. But some people understand but do not do it.

I still remember that during a second grade autumn outing, when having lunch, everyone competed to take out the delicious food they brought and spread it into a pile, just beginning to enjoy lunch. After a while, some people came to the working group to ask what delicious food they had, and they gave it to him selflessly. At this time, one of the students said, "There are French fries, French fries and 'Chips' over there". Wow! This kind of fried food is the favorite of the little greedy cat. Thinking of delicious food, I volunteered to ask for some.

Who ever wanted to go to her? Only then did he find that many of his classmates had lost everything and left empty handed. I felt that something was not easy to do. When I turned back to leave, she pulled me. "Wang Defu, why did you come here? I thought many of them were greedy, but I didn't expect you to come here as well?" Her tone was slightly funny. "What's the relationship between the advantages and disadvantages of this learning and training?" "Of course, it does. Those who are good at learning and those who are bad at learning are not at the same level. How can they do things at the same level?" she said proudly. Seeing her full of airs, I didn't want to haggle with her any more. I turned back and left. Her voice came from behind: "Hum! I like to eat and buy it myself! Why should I ask others?"

After that, no one wanted to be in a group with her when she went out again.

"When you have good things, if you learn to share them with others, your happiness will double!" When I heard this on the noon radio program on campus, I inadvertently saw that the egotistical students a year ago were blushing like 'tomatoes'.

Yes, a lot of happiness in life is gained by sharing with each other. Learn to share and learn to live. For example, a joke, an interesting story, a special food; If you share them with others, they will be very happy. Happiness can be contagious. After you share your happiness with others, you will get another kind of happiness.

I learned to share composition (5)

Sharing is a kind of happiness. Because we know how to share, we have many friends. Because we know how to share, we have many happy things; Because we know how to share, we can have a lot of laughter. How happy it is to share! If we know how to share, we can make many friends.

I remember that time, when I was in the third grade, I didn't know how to share. I only knew that this thing was my own. Anyone who wanted to borrow my things could not. So, at that time, I was always alone, and no one wanted to play with me. At first, I thought it was because they didn't want to make friends with me, so I ignored them. Gradually, people in the school either went with three or four friends, or in large groups, or in pairs. I stood alone in the lonely corridor, watching them ignore me, I was sad, and sad for a long time. At that time, I have been reflecting. Am I not good enough? Because I'm a poor student, or because they don't like making friends with me. A lot of questions flooded into my mind, and I was at a loss.

Finally one day, when I was having an art class, a female classmate in front of me forgot to bring her pencil. She borrowed a pen from her desk mate. I looked at it and thought, if I were you, I would not borrow it. It was my thing. Why should I lend it to them? Unexpectedly, the female classmate's deskmate gladly picked her up. And the two people immediately began to smile. I heard their words of thanks to each other.

Hearing this, my heart suddenly trembled. Suddenly, one of my classmates was very confused. His eraser was lost, so he fidgeted in his chair. I looked at the eraser on my desk and held it in my hand. I didn't know whether to borrow it or not. Finally, I lent him the eraser. I wondered how I would feel after I lent it to him. The male classmate took my eraser and immediately thanked me excitedly: "Thank you for borrowing my eraser, I'm in urgent need!" I heard his words of thanks and felt a warm current in my heart.

I understand the joy of sharing. Since then, I have made many good friends and have a happy day. When I came to the corridor, I was no longer alone. I held hands with several friends and headed to the garden together.

How important it is to share! If you know how to share, you can gain a lot of things that we can't get. Just like the friendship, if others treat you well, you will naturally treat others well!

I learned to share composition (6)

Life is full of warmth because of sharing

Once, my good friend Lin Furui shared the delicious steak with me. He told me: "The steak is tender, and with mushroom sauce, it is really delicious! Steak is my favorite food!" I listened and salivated. He hurriedly asked: "Lin Furui, Lin Furui, there are so many steakhouses in Chengdu, which one do you eat in?" Ha ha, of course, I'm eating the noble steak. I'm eating the children's set meal, and he calmly introduced it to me. On that Sunday, my father took my family to the Noble Steak for dinner. At the moment when I ate the steak, I felt that the taste of the steak was almost unspeakable. I shouted, "How delicious! How delicious!" That night, I actually ate two pieces of steak in ten minutes. From that day on, my father often took us to eat steak. Later, I found that I didn't like it alone, but everyone liked it. At that time, I understood that delicious food can be shared.

In primary school, Ouyang shared the happiness of reading with me. In the past, I never liked reading because I found it very boring. Every time I opened the thick book, I felt like sleeping. I didn't realize how interesting reading was until I met Ouyang. On the first day of the first grade, Ouyang opened a book and read it to us. I listened with great interest. Two hours passed before I knew it. Before I could hear enough, Ouyang suddenly stopped and said, "Today's reading time is over, please all..." Because I like that story so much, I even dreamed about it. But when I read it again, my original sleeping heart came again. So I went to ask Ouyang why? After listening, Ouyang smiled a little and said to me: "You can't start with such a difficult book. You should start with a book like Father and Son, which is full of pictures and texts. After you understand it, you can read other books. I believe you can understand it!" I followed the method of Ouyang, and really understood it. I feel happy reading!

Since kindergarten, I have learned to share. Until now, I still continue to share, because I think sharing is a joy!

I learned to share composition (7)

Now, I have learned to share. Sharing is a very happy thing. You can share with your friends whether it's hard or happy, so that you will have no worries

Suffering - helping others but being scolded

After school that day, as usual, I was waiting for the bus to go home. At this time, two students younger than me were playing happily and accidentally knocked over a bicycle parked on the roadside. The two students ignored them and left with a smile. I reached out to help the bike, thinking that people on the roadside would praise me when they saw it. I thought happily and picked up the bike. Suddenly, an uncle came up to me, and when he saw me, he said indiscriminately, "Whose child is so uneducated and pushes my bike well, how do your parents manage you?" "I...... I......" I wanted to explain, but it was not good. A lot of people gathered around here, echoing my uncle's words: "Today's children are really uneducated", "they don't walk well", "they are not polite"... I had to hide in frustration when you said what he said. After a while, a classmate who took the bus with me came. He looked at me and said, "Don't always keep a straight face, what's wrong with you?" I told him the story of the matter, and he comforted me: "It's OK. You can't always be scolded for your selfless deeds, and there will be good returns!" Ah, I felt a warm current flowing through my heart, and my mood suddenly became much better. Sometimes, It's also fun to share your troubles with friends!

Joy - Kung Fu pays off

It's Arbor Day. Early in the morning, I asked my mother, "Shall we plant trees today?" My mother promised me. When I got to the place where I bought the saplings, my mother allowed me to select three saplings. When I saw it, wow, there were so many young trees! After choosing a cherry tree, a plum tree and an apple tree, I went home with my mother to plant trees. My family has a yard with soil, which can grow all kinds of trees and vegetables. Jujube trees, orange trees, loquat trees and persimmon trees have been planted in the yard. My mother asked me to plant trees by myself. I thought: planting trees is not easy! I'll plant my favorite cherry tree first. I dug a hole, put the root of the seedlings into the hole, and then fill the soil. It took me half an hour to plant a sapling. I thought about giving up, and I restrained myself from giving up. I told myself that only by working hard can I gain. I tried to give up several times, but I didn't give up. After two hours of hard work, I succeeded in planting three trees. In the evening, I told my friends about today's harvest. The little friend is a greedy cat. He said expectantly, "When the fruit is ripe, I will eat it at your house."

Yes, as Bacon said: "If you tell a friend your happiness, you will get two happiness; if you tell a friend your sorrow, you will get half of your sorrow." Only by learning to share, can we live happily.

I learned to share composition (8)

This story taught me to be humble and share my composition

In our daily study, work or life, we all know a lot about composition. Composition can be divided into primary school composition, middle school composition, and college composition (thesis). Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is the story of Xiao Biandun, which taught me how to be humble and share my composition. It is only for reference. Welcome to read it.

Kong Rong believes that many children have read the story of Pear. The story is that one day, Kong Rong's father bought some pears and chose the biggest one for Kong Rong. But Kong Rong said, "I'm the youngest. I should eat the small one and give the big one to my brother." From this story, I saw a sensible and modest child, who is my model.

In real life, I have a twin brother, and we often have conflicts over competing for some toys. When I read the story of Kong Rongrang Pear, I was deeply aware of my own shortcomings. Kong Rong was so young that he knew to be humble. As my brother, I should learn this virtue.

Now, I am a sophomore student, and I gradually become sensible. I often take the delicious food from school to my mother to eat. Because I want to share the flavor of food with my mother. Whenever I see my mother's excited smile, I feel satisfied.

The day before yesterday, my brother accidentally broke his head when he was playing. I felt sorry for my brother. I brought the milk from the school back to my brother to drink. I wanted my brother to get better soon. I'm my brother. I have to take care of my brother.

It was Kong Rong's story that made me learn to be humble and share. I will be a good obedient child and a competent brother!

I learned to share composition (9)

Today I learned to share excellent compositions

Whether you are in school or in society, you can often see the figure of composition. Through composition, you can bring together our scattered thoughts. So, how to write a composition? The following is the day when I learned to share excellent compositions for your reference. I hope I can help you in need.

Today, I opened the cream and cheese from my aunt and took one out to eat. At this time, Sun Jian's brother slowly walked up to him and said with a smile, "Yuan Ye, could you give me one?" I ate one of this cream and cheese, and it tasted good, so I wouldn't give it to him? When I was going to say I wouldn't give you food legally, my mother's words echoed in my ears: "You can't be so selfish, you should know how to share, you should share with others, you should not be selfish if you have good things, you should let your friends share." I changed my mind. Last time, I didn't share it with my aunt, which broke her heart. This time, I can't hurt Sun Jian's brother's heart. My brother thinks I'm selfish. I want to share my delicious food with my brother, which makes him think I'm not selfish.

So I smiled and said, "Brother Sun Jian, I will give you a cream and Yingzi to eat." Then I took one of the cream and Yingzi sent by my aunt and handed it to Brother Sun Jian and put it on his hand. Sun Jian's brother put the cream and Yingzi on the table, touched my head with his hand, and said with a smile, "Yuan Ye, you have grown up much better than before. I don't eat this." Sun Jian's brother pointed to the cream and Yingzi, and then he went out.

I learned to share composition (10)

Sharing is a kind of happiness, but also a kind of happiness. Learn to share, and you will learn how to create happiness.

But not everyone will understand this truth. In the past, I was just ignorant of the word "sharing" and never really experienced it. Until one day last year, I understood the true meaning of sharing.

On that day, I still went home for lunch as usual, and then came to school. But I found my exercise book missing. Originally, I thought that only one of my classmates took it and would return it to me after reading it. So I didn't tell anyone. However, after a long time, I didn't see anyone return the exercise book to me. So I began to worry. I took out my schoolbag and turned it over and over again, but I never saw any trace of the exercise book.

In the evening, I picked up the phone and called my deskmate. " Doo~doo~"As the phone rings, it's more difficult for me to calm down." Hello Hey, please look for my exercise book and see if it's in your schoolbag. My exercise book is missing. "" Oh, let me look for it. " I wish she had acted wrongly, but it just backfired. Suddenly, her voice rang again on the phone. " I've looked for it, but I can't find it. " She hung up in a hurry. Without a word of comfort, I seemed to suddenly fall from the peak of hope into the abyss of despair.

The next day, I came to school lost. In the second class, the teacher began to comment on the exercise book. I became restless. I silently read: I don't have an exercise book, what should I do? At this time, my deskmate took out two exercise books from his schoolbag, and she brought one to me. Said, "Here you are." Really? " When I saw it, it was copied. It turned out that he hung up the phone in a hurry yesterday to copy my exercise book Thank you! " Crystal tears make the flower of friendship never wither. At this time, it seemed that the heavy rain on my head had finally stopped and the dark clouds had finally dispersed. A beautiful rainbow appeared in the blue sky.

It turns out that this is sharing. It makes me no longer sad, so happy; It makes friendship no longer illusory, so real; It makes life no longer single, so rich! So let's learn to share!

I learned to share composition (11)

"Let's have a look. The price of jumping off a building is unprecedented..." At noon on October 22, the whole campus was full of such shouts. What's the matter? It turns out that this is the "Good Book Taotaoyue" of our school's "Reading Festival" activity. Today, let me lead you to the activity site!

At the command of Mr. Liu, the students rushed out of the classroom, and the book sellers began to hawk books. I think: today we must buy our favorite books at the lowest price! "Come on, everyone, come and have a look. Buy one book and get one free. It's a great deal. Don't miss it when you pass by!" Suddenly, I was attracted by the offer. At the door of Class 6 (3) classroom, I found a copy of "Police Dog Lala" with the original price of 18 yuan in their class's books at a glance, so I asked the price and was shocked. The lowest price was 15 yuan, only 3 copies were cheaper. "Hey, this is too much for you! It's only 3 yuan cheaper. If it's cheaper, 8 yuan is not for sale." I began to bargain with the "boss". I believe that with my good bargaining skills, paying it 7 yuan and 8 yuan is not a big problem! The seller frowned, probably complaining that I had paid too much, but soon spread out: "This classmate, you have paid too much, right? At least 10 yuan, do you want to do it?" My determination can never be easily changed, and teacher Liu also said to buy books at the lowest price. So "No, I just saw in Class 2 that a book by Shen Shixi costs only 5 yuan. Do you want to sell it? I will go to another house to buy it." The seller hesitated for a moment and said reluctantly, "OK, it's up to you, 8 yuan is 8 yuan." I was so happy that I paid the money and got out of the way.

After another round of shopping in the school, I didn't get anything, so I went back to my class to see if there were any good books, and then bought them at an internal price. Wow! I saw that there was a copy of Tang Monk's Hair Washing Must Be Soft hidden under the stack of books, which made me hesitate for a long time. It was wonderful. When asked about the price, the original price of 20 yuan book is only 2 yuan now. I've made a lot of money, so buy it quickly.

"Taotaoyue" activity allows us to learn in happiness and grow in the popularity of books. Let's use low prices to find "treasure". This activity lets us share good books together, and the popularity of books grows with me.

I learned to share composition (12)

Her mast is planted for everyone.

It had just rained, and the sky was washed clean. Beams of sunshine are shining through the clouds, like fresh red strawberries, like precious red wine, full of attractive fragrance. The air is mixed with the smell of grass and earth, flowing with a trace of clear flower fragrance. That's her mast!

The dark green curtain was stained with damp water, and masts were floating on it one by one, wearing white pleated skirts, dancing gracefully in the wind. What a beautiful lady!

And she stood quietly, holding a pair of smart scissors in her hand, gently holding the flowers. The old hands are full of ravines, but they are full of vitality because of the rendering of white petals. With a "click", the flowers slid past the branches and landed in the basket, then gently leaned against the basket and fell asleep. She squinted and looked at the mast, happy and pleased. She picked out a shy mast, inserted it in her neatly coiled white hair, and went out.

She took her mast and visited from house to house. She wanted to send her mast out. Those old women welcomed her very much. She took out some masts from the basket, put them on the table, talked with them in a gentle local accent, and walked away quietly. The rickety figure went farther and farther, and the smell of the few masts left behind grew stronger.

She wore cloth shoes and walked on the solid land, feeling particularly good. Several little girls in flowery skirts came over and kept their eyes on the basket mast. She saw their thoughts, and without hesitation, she took some flowers from the basket and gave them to them. The girls blushed shyly, murmured "Thank you," and ran away with the masts, their flowery skirts flying. She also had a few blushes on her face, showing some smiles. I didn't pick up the basket until I saw the figures of those girls disappear in the distance.

Along the way, the fragrance of the mast spread everywhere, and she enjoyed it safely. It seemed that the place with the fragrance of flowers was her home.

The flowers on the mast were picked. She stood still like that again and said softly, "Go on blooming, I will send flowers tomorrow!

So he lowered his head and carefully arranged the branches, as if he were stroking his own children.

She did. Her mast was planted for everyone. She sent flowers, but shared happiness.

I learned to share composition (13)

In the modern busy and crowded society, people want to get more benefits, and few people can share them generously. In fact, the happiness shared is doubled, and the pain shared is especially light. As long as you are willing to "give?" give? "Share, you will find that happiness is like perfume. If you sprinkle too much on others, you will also get a few drops of it!

When Nobel, a Swedish scientist, was in primary school, he always ranked second in his class, and the first place was always won by a classmate named Baiji. Once, Boji unexpectedly fell ill and was unable to go to school, so he asked for a long vacation. Someone was secretly happy for Nobel: "When Boji is ill, you must be the first! Nobel is not complacent about this. Instead, he made a complete note of what he learned at school and sent it to Boji, who was unable to go to school because of illness. By the end of the semester, Boji's performance remained the first, while Nobel was still the second.

When Nobel grew up, he became an outstanding chemist and finally became rich because of the invention of gunpowder. When he died, people followed his will, donated all his property and set up the famous Nobel Prize. Every year, the Swedish government uses the fruits of this huge fund to reward people who have made contributions to physics, chemistry, literature, etc. internationally. Because of Nobel's broad mind and great spirit of sharing, he not only created a great cause, but also won the respect and memory of future generations! The sharing of a scientist makes the world a better place.

When my sister went to high school, she often left early and returned late. Every time I go back to my aunt's house, she will send me some candy and biscuits. I always leave some for my sister when she comes home. Whenever I see her get these snacks and an unbelievable smile on her face, my heart is also full of joy. Sharing trivial snacks gave my sister and I an unforgettable happy time! I often think: if I eat all the candy, my sister will not know, and will never be angry with me, but I can not see the smile of gratitude, nor will I feel happy. Now because of my little bit of sharing, we both enjoy ourselves and shorten the distance between our ages.

Sharing with others is a spiritual feast, and also a manifestation of the brilliance of life! Let's give play to the spirit of "people are hungry and people are drowning" and share our full love with everyone!

I learned to share composition (14)

"If a happiness is multiplied by 1.3 billion, it is a greater happiness. If a sadness is divided by 1.3 billion, it is a small sadness. This is the essence of sharing!" This is what a celebrity once said.

Sharing is a very happy thing for me. But as a child, I didn't like sharing with others. After that, I learned to share.

I remember one day, my father bought me a delicious big cake. I'm going to invite my friends to eat. I thought to myself: I learned to share "If I share such a delicious cake with others, I will eat very little of it myself. I still don't invite my friends." So I tasted the cake alone, savoring every flavor of the cake. But this cake is not as delicious as before, or even tasteless. I asked Dad why? My father said: I learned to share "Can you taste when you eat?" Besides, can you finish it alone? The cake is delicious because of sharing. "

Just a few words, but let me suddenly wake up. I don't share the cake with my friends. I lack laughter and laughter, and I am very lonely. What can I get in the end? People should learn to share their life. Loneliness is the most unbearable. So why don't we share it with others? If we share happiness with others, we will get double happiness; If we share our sadness with others, our sadness will be alleviated.

Sharing doesn't matter how much or how little. Even if it is sharing a piece of bread with others, it is also great happiness. Life is full of sharing. We can share the anecdotes on our way to school, the joy of our success, and the dreams we have... As long as we share what we have and know with others, you will get more than you share.

If someone is unwilling to share. Then, his life must be a failure and meaningless. Even if you get amazing results, but you are excited and unwilling to share with others, what happiness can you say? Sharing is not only a way of behavior, but also a virtue. Single music is not as good as all music. Let's feel the joy of sharing together and not be stingy with what we have. Let life be wonderful because of sharing, and become colorful because of sharing.

I learned to share composition (15)

When I was in the first grade, I was very selfish and would not share my own things and happiness with everyone, so everyone called me "stingy".

Since I was in the third grade, I have been deeply inspired by a book called Cat Warrior. The kittens in the book share their prey with everyone, and the soloist will be punished. If it is serious, it will withdraw from the group. Looking at it, I found the disadvantages of selfishness: selfishness makes you become disunited; Selfishness makes you lonely; Selfishness makes you less happy with your friends; Be careful in everything. If it's serious, no one will play with you.

Benefits of generosity: unite as one, share your own things and happiness with everyone, such a happiness will become more happiness, and everyone will be happier.

Since reading this book, I have changed my selfishness. Now that I have good things and happiness, I will share them with you. Being unselfish is a kind of very good behavior, which is a good behavior that children should have. Selfishness will only make you narrow-minded. When you have difficulties, no one will help you.

Selfish, I changed, I also learned to share.

I learned to share composition (16)

When I was young, my mother told me to know how to share. I asked foolishly, "What is sharing?"

My mother told me patiently. Yes, so far. Only then did I really understand the true meaning of sharing.

Sharing is a magic thing. It increases happiness and decreases sadness.

Looking at the broken crystal ball on the ground, my eyes began to rain.

This is my birthday gift, and also an extremely important gift in my life. It is my dream. But it's broken. Just like my dream. It was so broken that it left no emotion. It broke to the bone. Dream! Already accompanied by those shining fragments on the ground. I don't know where I flew

My sister held a pile of snacks and bowed her head to admit her mistake: "Sister, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." "It's all you! What's the use of being sorry! I'm so bored, I hate you!" I yelled at her loudly and pushed her violently. MEI MEI retreated a few steps, nearly fell, but still hit the wall.

Younger sister's. Snacks were scattered all over the floor. I don't know whether it's a heartache snack or a pain, she wailed. I ignored him, grabbed him and hurried out of the room. "I'm so bored! I threw myself on the bed, but I could still hear my sister crying and knocking at the door.

I picked up a pillow to cover my ears, and then remembered that the pillow did not belong to me before.

This is my sister's favorite pillow. However, I don't know if it's a coincidence. I also like it very much. Unfortunately, there is only one. What's more, mother bought it for her sister after her sister begged for it. From then on, I seldom talked with him, and everything came from the pillow. My sister gave it to me.

Suddenly, I felt a little uncomfortable. I went too far. I was so shameless to blame her. I picked up the snacks on the ground, but my sister was still sobbing outside the door. Open the door, I handed the snack and pillow to my sister. My sister hesitated, but I still heard her clearly: "Sorry..."

I took out my own snacks and confessed to my sister. My sister accepts snacks and shares them with me! Our sky, began to clear up. The sun, long time no see!

Sharing is happy, which is the essence of happiness!

I learned to share composition (17)

As a child, I was selfish and never knew how to share!

My grandfather came from his hometown and came to see me from a long distance. He also bought me many delicious snacks. Looking at snacks, my eyes are shining.

Grandpa tore the snack bag and gave it to me. I hugged them and wouldn't let anyone take my snacks away. I took a star shaped biscuit, which made my mouth water when I looked at it, and then I smelt it again. The smell has already hooked my soul!

Put it in your mouth, wow! It's really delicious. I chew the first bite of biscuit carefully and can't wait to eat the second bite! Eating more and more vigorously!

Grandfather saw my appearance and smiled and asked me, "__, is it delicious? Can you give it to Grandfather?"

I hugged the biscuit, turned my head to one side, and pouted my mouth high, saying, "Grandpa is so big, and he still grabs food from children. Grandpa is ashamed!" After hearing what I said, Grandpa could not help laughing when he saw me again!

Although I know my grandfather is teasing me, I still don't want to hand over such good food to others! If you don't feel distressed, do I still feel distressed? With my personality, that is absolutely impossible!

Now, I'm not as selfish as I used to be. Now I'm very generous! My good friend Zhang Zhiwen knows me best!

Every day after school, we will go to make up lessons together. Every time I buy food, I will share it with her. Whether it is cheap or expensive, I will willingly give it to her. Of course, she bought it and will share it with me! In short, whether I or she, will not hesitate to give each other!

Slowly, I learned that don't be selfish, friends should learn to share, there will be more friends.

I learned to share composition (18)

Kong Rong believes that many children have read the story of Pear. The story is that one day, Kong Rong's father bought some pears and specially selected the biggest one for Kong Rong, but Kong Rong said, "I'm the youngest. I should eat the small one and give the big one to my brother." From this story, I saw a sensible and modest child, who is my model.

In real life, I have a twin brother, and we often have conflicts over competing for some toys. When I read the story of Kong Rongrang Pear, I was deeply aware of my own shortcomings. Kong Rong was so young that he knew to be humble. As my brother, I should learn this virtue.

Now, I am a sophomore, and I gradually become sensible. I often take the delicious food from school to my mother. Because I want to share the delicious food with my mother. Whenever I see my mother's happy smiling face, I feel very satisfied.

The day before yesterday, my brother accidentally broke his head when he was playing. I felt sorry for my brother. I brought the milk from the school back to my brother to drink. I wanted my brother to get better soon. I'm my brother. I have to take care of my brother.

It was Kong Rong's story that made me learn to be humble and share. I will be a good obedient child and a competent brother!