500 words birthday composition (17 collections)
Smile and see the world
2024-06-02 02:23:13

Birthday composition 500 words (1)

Birthday is the happiest day of the year for everyone, because on this day, we can not only get the gifts we have been longing for for a long time, the blessings of friends and family, but also eat delicious birthday cakes. When the colorful candles slowly lit up, our hands would tightly hold together. After making a beautiful and unknown wish, with one breath, all happiness would blossom in an instant. What a wonderful day!

Birthday, for us, is a happy day. We are born on this day, and celebrate our birth on this day in other years. It is even more joyful than the New Year. But you know what? The child's birthday is the mother's crucifixion day. How much pain our mother endured before we came to this world, so don't forget your parents and elders on your birthday.

Speaking of which, I want to ask you, who can accurately tell your parents' birthdays? I don't think there are even three. This was an English class in Grade 5. We were just in the unit of "MYBIRTHDAY". The teacher asked us impromptu, "Who can tell your father and mother's birthday?" But no one in the class knew it, which gave me a great shock. From then on, I began to care about my parents.

When it comes to birthday, the first thing we think of is our own birthday, but we should think of our motherland's birthday - October 1, 1949. This day is the day when the People's Republic of China was officially established and the people obtained equal rights. So we should also remember the birthday of our motherland. If it were not for New China, we might still be in dire straits.

Birthday, what a beautiful word! This day is a day when we can play heartily. But don't forget to express your gratitude to your relatives, because they raised us, provided us with food and clothing, and gave us a good education. So, on your birthday, please send your most sincere wishes to your parents.

Birthday composition 500 words (2)

It was a sunny day. It was my eleventh birthday. It showed that I had grown up another year. I was very happy. If time has a taste, it must be sour.

I ran to my mother with excitement. My mother was shopping online. I asked her, "It's my birthday! What can you give me?" My mother said kindly, "How about going to the online mall to buy a doll for your birthday?" I said, "OK!" After my mother and I selected a lovely doll, She has a pair of big, flickering eyes, a big, high nose, and a small, ruddy mouth embedded below. Wearing blue clothes, dark blue bags, and a pair of blue and white shoes, my mother said she would buy this! I agree. Mom will just submit the order, as long as she goes to pick it up tomorrow. In the afternoon, all my good friends came to give their wishes. Unexpectedly, everyone remembered my birthday and bought gifts. I urged my mother to hurry to Yishan to buy cakes. I said, "Why do you bring so many things? It's good for people to come here. You don't need to bring things. Next time, it won't be used." They smiled. Twenty minutes later, my mother also bought cakes, We started to pay for our birthday. We pulled up all the curtain cloth, lit candles and inserted twelve pieces, representing my twelve years old. Then I made a wish that my dream would come true. My mother asked me to blow the candles, and I blew them at one time. Next, I started to cut the cake. I was the largest piece of cake. 'My mother gave the cake to my good friends to eat, I still don't understand someone who slapped butter on my nose for mischief. Fortunately, my mother reminded me that it's no wonder that my good friends and sisters had been laughing all the time. I thought it was to celebrate my birthday, but I didn't expect that since they were plotting against me, my brother next to them ate like a kitten's mouth

It's so funny that it's full of cream. After eating the cake, they all went home, and the perfect day passed.

Although this day is very short, we had a very happy time!

Birthday composition 500 words (3)

Today is my tenth birthday. How can I not be elated at the age of ten? Besides, my parents always prepare small gifts for me on my birthday. Such as the boat "sailing", the eagle "flying" and so on. As I grow older, I have more gadgets.

In the morning, as I lay in bed, I was wondering what kind of small gifts my parents would prepare for me today? It must be a more interesting toy than before. After getting up, I deliberately reminded my parents: "Dad, Mom, today is my birthday." They smiled at me and said, "I know." They went to work separately, with mysterious expressions. In the evening, I couldn't wait to know what gift my father had prepared for me, so I asked, "Dad, where's the birthday gift?" "Here it is." Dad said, taking out a worn watch from behind. "What, this is a birthday present?" I asked in surprise with wide eyes. "Absolutely true!" In a moment, the passion I had been waiting for all day was poured cold water from beginning to end. I was very depressed and a little angry at the same time. At this time, Dad's smile disappeared and his face became serious. He began to explain to me patiently: "You know what? This watch was handed down from the great grandmother's ancestors. At that time, the people's life was very poor, and it was so eye-catching to be able to buy a watch. At that time, in order to master time and teach children to cherish time, the great grandmother bit her teeth and spent money to buy this watch. This watch has been handed down from generation to generation. Now, I give it to you. This watch is accurate. Up to now, it is still 'young'. Although it is very old, it is our family heirloom! " After winding up the watch, Dad said, "Listen, how clear and sweet the watch sounds..." The more Dad said it, the more excited he became. I listened attentively. Gradually, I no longer hated the watch, but liked it more and more. I picked up the watch and said happily, "Dad, I understand, thank you." Dad listened and smiled with relief.

I think this strange birthday gift is better than anything, because it is not only ancestral, but more importantly, it makes me understand my father's intention. He wants to let me know the truth that "every inch of time is an inch of gold, and every inch of gold can't buy every inch of time".

Yes, only by seizing the time and seizing every minute can we find more precious shellfish in the vast ocean of knowledge. Among the many birthday gifts, I think this gift is the most peculiar and precious.

Birthday composition 500 words (4)

October 26 every year is my happiest day, because that day is my birthday. This year is no exception, and I also celebrated my 10th birthday early this weekend.

I invited Le Jiaze, Mao Shengnan, Gu Chengbo and other iron friends to KFC for their birthday. Mom took out a stack of coupons and asked us to order our favorite food, but the students seemed to be rude and had more characteristics. Sitting in the delicious restaurant, we waited for a long time, but the food still didn't come. At this time, everyone of us was already hungry. After a while, KFC aunt finally delivered the food we ordered. Each of us is grabbing our favorite food like a treasure, and that greedy look is just one word - gobbling!

We're almost done eating, and the show is on! What made me laugh most was Huang Tingyuan's impromptu performance. He said, "In order to celebrate Kong Fanyu's birthday, I will now perform half male and half female walking models, and everyone will watch!" After saying that, he twisted his slender waist and modest hips and walked around the restaurant on the second floor, which was funny and made everyone laugh. But he twisted more vigorously in the laughter! It seems that today's KFC restaurant has become his stage! If I hadn't stopped him, maybe he would have performed on the first floor!

After dinner, we went to Putuo No. 2 Middle School together to play "gunfight". When having a good time, my mother said: "It's already eight o'clock, it's time to go home." Under the urging of my mother, the students had to go home and find their mothers. Before leaving, my iron friends also said mischievously Happy birthday!

I had a very happy birthday this time, most of which should be attributed to Nicholas Huang's "model performance"! I will leave his beautiful image and this touch of laughter in my heart forever.

Birthday composition 500 words (5)

Today is my tenth birthday. My parents have arranged many wonderful programs for me. At noon, the students came to Cheese Time Western Restaurant to celebrate for me. They prepared many gifts for me. Dad said, "Today, we can enjoy the delicious food that our parents usually don't allow us to eat, and we can laugh and play freely." We were laughing and the Communist Party of China had lunch. After lunch, the students came to my home and played heartily in the community. In the evening, my parents arranged a birthday dinner for me. At the beginning of the night, my father came to me mysteriously and told me that he had prepared a special birthday gift for me, so that I could go to the open space at the door to see it. Out of the gate of the hotel, there were many fireworks and firecrackers on the open ground. The uncles and uncles stood beside the fireworks. At the father's command, everyone lit the fireworks at the same time. A loud sound and dazzling fireballs rose into the air. In the exciting sound, the whole night sky was illuminated and dyed red by fireworks. Large fireworks like huge umbrellas open in the night sky, like clusters of dazzling lights shining in the night sky. Fireworks blossomed in the night sky one after another, and finally, like countless meteors with long tails, they reluctantly slid through the night sky. Looking at the shocking scene in front of me, I was very excited. The dinner party started, and the electronic album that my father had carefully made for me was playing on the projection screen. As I watched myself grow from a baby to a teenager, my parents paid too much for me. Halfway through the dinner, my mother carried the cake to the small table. "What a beautiful big cake!" my friends and I shouted. The cake is decorated with beautiful patterns of colored cream and chocolate. I lit the candle with my own hands. The music candle slowly bloomed like a beautiful flower. At the same time, the song "Happy Birthday" also sounded slowly with the blooming flowers. All my friends around me sang songs for me. I silently made a beautiful wish and blew out the candle with my friends. I am ten years old, and my innocent childhood has been passed quietly, and I will enter the youth time like flower season. I will stride forward to a new chapter of life with blessings and expectations, confidence and ideals, happiness and joy.

Birthday composition 500 words (6)

Birthday, for their own birthday, everyone is very concerned, because you came to this world that day how happy. At this time, they all hope to get birthday gifts and the most sincere wishes from others. On my 10th birthday, I received a special gift, a special blessing.

My birthday is in September, but on weekends, my classmates and good friends do not know. I spent my 10th birthday happily in the blessing of my family. Although it was not so grand, the thick love made me feel very happy.

After the "birthday weekend", I came to school the next day in high spirits. When I got to the classroom, I saw a small box on the desk with a piece of paper on it. I thought, "Who is this? Why don't you come to me directly? What's the mystery?" I opened the box to find out. Eh, it's a love pendant, made of yellow and blue silk, very beautiful. Look at that note again. It says: "Happy birthday! - Han Ji" I am very happy and moved. It's good to be remembered.

I was just looking for the classmate who gave me a gift, but I thought it was strange because no classmate in the class would remember my birthday, because I never mentioned it to my classmates. So I tried my best to find out about it, and finally found the classmate who gave me the gift. It turned out that he was the classmate who had been helping me silently. So I said to him personally, "Thank you for remembering my birthday, and thank you for your birthday gift." Then I asked him how he knew my birthday. He said, when he had his birthday last year, I said casually that my birthday was one day earlier than his, and he remembered it.

I was shocked. I could remember what I said casually a year ago. What kind of power is this? It's friendship. It's the power of strong friendship that supports him. Since then, he and I have become good friends who say nothing, until now. And the birthday gift full of blessings has always been hidden in my memory.

Birthday composition 500 words (7)

Today is my birthday. I'm ten years old!

At the age of 10, it also means that I am no longer an ignorant child, because I have understood a lot of truth. At the age of 10, it means that I will no longer be a boring baby, because I have become the little assistant of my mother and father. From babbling to eloquence, from toddler to brisk, from illiterate to quick sighted. I thrive under the care of my grandfather, grandmother, grandfather, grandmother, father and mother; With the help of teachers and students, we are making progress every day.

Today, I want to say to my father: "Dad, thank you for your teaching, you have made me understand the truth that you must grow up before becoming a talent; thank you for your patience and love for me, when I make mistakes, you always patiently and seriously educate me, let me know what to do..." Today, I also want to say to my mother: "Mom, thank you for giving birth to me and supporting me. Thank you for sending me to school, picking me up and communicating with me every day; Thank you for playing the piano with me and teaching me how to be a man; Thank you for playing games with me, smelling beautiful and imagining together... "

Today, I would also like to express my special thanks to my beloved grandfather, grandmother, grandfather and grandmother, who have kept me bathed in the warmth and affection of the extended family and made my life more colorful. In spring, they are the spring sunshine and the morning glow, shining on me; In summer, they are nectar, watering me; In autumn, they are golden autumn rhymes, setting off me; In winter, they are silver frost and snow, taking care of me.

I am proud to have such a father, such a mother, such grandparents, grandparents! I feel extremely happy and proud to have your elders and friends who care about me so much!

Today, I would also like to thank my friends and classmates in the community, campus, piano class and dance class I grew up with, because we used to be naughty, play games, cry and recite nursery rhymes together, and we went through a happy childhood together!

Today, I must thank all the teachers who have taught and cared for me from kindergarten to primary school campus. They have nurtured me with wisdom and sweat to make me dazzling every day!

Today, I am ten years old, and I am about to bid farewell to my childish childhood and enter an era of endless longing. I want to study hard and paint a beautiful world with knowledge!

Birthday composition 500 words (8)

Maybe you would say that today is an ordinary day, but today is an extraordinary day in our class - my classmate Feng Yihan's birthday.

Early in the morning, I came to the classroom happily. Everyone was talking about something, so I joined them. It turned out that they were asking what birthday presents everyone had prepared for Feng Yihan. Some people had prepared birthday cards, some had prepared roses, and some had gone to the store to buy necklaces. The gifts they had prepared were really colorful.

During the break, all the students gathered around Feng Yihan and said to her one by one: Happy birthday! It made her blush.

In the afternoon, a lively birthday celebration began in the second comprehensive practice class, and students couldn't wait to give their birthday gifts to Feng Yihan. She received one after another. It took her a long time to receive all the gifts. The gifts were not valuable, but the gifts were light and affectionate. The students also prepared a variety of small programs for today's birthday boy, and there are two hosts! The first program: singing birthday songs. The members of the small choir came to the front in order and sang a congratulatory song with their beautiful voices. The following students also clapped their hands and sang the congratulatory song together. After performing one by one, we finally waited for the last project we had been waiting for for a long time, cutting the cake. The little birthday star made a wish before the cake lit the candle and gave it to the meteor. The meteor will help you to reach the god of desire. I believe that the god of desire will help you realize this wish. After making a wish, Feng Yihan blew out the candles and cut the cake piece by piece with a knife for each student to taste. The students were very happy to taste the cake and the birthday celebration ended perfectly.

How about today? Has our class had an extraordinary day? Is it very happy to have a birthday party at school!

Birthday composition 500 words (9)

Last time, I spent a lot of time on my friend's birthday gift. That's my good friend's birthday. I haven't prepared a birthday gift for her yet. What should I do? Our loyal friends can give inexpensive gifts on birthdays, but they must be able to express their intentions and wishes. I remember reading a book about how to make octopus hooks, so I planned to make an octopus with eight legs for her.

The first step is to prepare some things, such as scissors, cardboard, glue and newspaper. I read on, trying to paste the newspaper, but I had nothing to do. But I had a brainwave. By the way, I will use some gold stickers to paste the octopus surface. I took out the cardboard and cut it out according to the picture on the book, but I carefully observed it. Alas, it is so different from the picture on the book, it is simply not a kind of thing. In fact, I'm still good at doing things, but I don't know why I can't do it well this time. I was a little worried, thinking: "Calm down, don't panic, think about how to modify it." I looked at the "eight legged monster" again. It was nothing, just a few legs were missing, and the shape was not right. The shape should be modified, and then a few retrogression steps should be pasted? So I cut four legs off the cardboard and glued them to my body from the back. Well, it looks much more beautiful.

I took the stickers, first drew an outline of it compared with the octopus, then cut it, opened the back of the paper, and pasted it on the octopus. But unexpectedly, the stickers are not so easy to paste. There are many uneven and curly places just after being pasted. I tried several times without success. Finally, when I was going to buy a gift, I suddenly thought of a good idea. I pressed one end of the sticker and pulled the other end. It took me a lot of work to level it. A sigh of relief came to my heart. This is almost finished. There is another step, which is to stick eyes and mouth, and glue thread. I use red stickers to make eyes and mouth, and then use tape to hang the red line, which is complete.

Now, I often see the hook when I go to the friend's house. At that time, I will think of all the difficulties I have in making it.

Birthday composition 500 words (10)

"Lan Lan, today my father and mother have something to go out, and I will help you make up for it on your birthday Friday, OK?" "OK" Lan Lan replied listlessly. It's meaningless for her to miss her birthday. The so-called birthday is just to take her to the playground and give her a gift.

Lan Lan finished her homework and walked in the empty house. She really misses her classmates in primary school! In the past, she would have had a birthday party at home with her classmates. But now, she and her good friends are assigned to study in different middle schools, and they have little contact with each other, just have time to write letters.

Lanlan went to her desk, opened the third drawer, and took out a small lavender box containing letters sent to her by her primary school classmates. Lan Lan took out the letters and read them one by one. While reading, she recalled the happy time in primary school. Thinking about it, he smiled happily. "Ding dong, ding dong..." The clear door bell interrupted Lan Lan's thought. Who could it be? Lan Lan opened the door in doubt, and there was a postman standing at the door. "Hello, here are your letters." Lan Lan noticed that the postman was holding a box wrapped in light blue paper. Lanlan took the box, said thanks and walked into the house.

Blue Blue opened the light blue wrapping paper to reveal a lavender box exactly like the blue box. Lan Lan immediately thought of Lili, who was her best friend in primary school. She and Lili bought the lavender box together. Lan Lan opened the box with many memories, including a photo and a small note. She could not help feeling disappointed. After a closer look, Lan Lan recognized that the photo was taken by two of them on Lili's birthday last year. Pick up the note and read it. There are two simple and familiar words on it: Happy birthday to you! May we always be good friends. Lan Lan held the small box and cried out "wow"

Finally, Lan Lan packed her own memory box and walked to the post office with it

Birthday composition 500 words (11)

I believe everyone has a wonderful and happy birthday. The happiest thing in one's life is his birthday. On your birthday, you not only went up the stairs, but also increased your age by one year. This is the happiest and most meaningful thing in life.

However, I am different. Their birthdays are always accompanied by their parents, and I live alone. As the saying goes, "I miss my parents every birthday." When I live, my parents always have excuses. I am very disappointed. But I understand a truth that I will never forget.

This day is my birthday. I shouted "Good" in the morning. But when I got up and saw that there was no boon at home, I called my parents in a hurry. I said on the phone, "What's the date today for parents?" My parents asked, "Son, what's the date today?" I said happily, "Today is my birthday. Are you free?" My mother said, "We are not free today. You celebrate your birthday alone. We won't go back today." I said softly, "OK!" I sighed, Today, I am alone again, just like the mood of "cutting is not short, managing is also messy, it is a sorrow of separation. Don't be in the heart of general taste". They haven't celebrated their birthday with me for years. I looked out and found that the sunny weather suddenly turned into dark clouds, and there was a lonely bird flying in the sky. I saw the bird's lonely appearance, just like a sad face when I was separated from my parents? In a moment, the sky turned dark, and there were two shining people in front. They held a cake in their hands. When I took the cake, the sky became clear again. I played with them, ate the cake together, and talked and laughed with me, not to mention how happy I was. This day is my happiest day. Before they left, they said, "Your parents are too busy to accompany you on your birthday. You should understand them and be a considerate person."

When I woke up, I knew it was a dream. Anyway, I must be happy today. Even if I am alone, I must be happy and lose my sad face. In a word, I understand my parents, and I won't have a sad face after understanding them. As long as we understand others, we will find a reason to be happy. Only by understanding people, can we reach the peak of human beings. I also hope my parents can understand my feelings.

Birthday composition 500 words (12)

Many years ago, when I was a child, my birthday was the most desirable day except for the New Year, because I could eat eggs on my birthday. Hehe, eating an egg in the countryside at that time was equivalent to improving my food. Sometimes I unintentionally recalled some of my childhood memories, and I would still smile carelessly. Year after year passed quickly, and I grew up slowly, I am no longer the child who fantasizes about studying hard all day long, nor the one who is very good at home. When the teacher sees a headache at school, the students hide from him and fight every day, playing truant, and the surrounding villages know the bad boy. Looking back, I was really silly and cute at that time, and now I can't figure out why I would like that life.

Now that I have grown up, married, and grown up, I no longer look forward to my birthday as I did when I was a child, nor do I care whether there are gifts to receive on my birthday, nor do I deliberately wait for greetings from friends, nor do I have the energy to think about how my birthday should be spent. Hehe, it has been several years since my birthday, and I have only occasionally remembered it, After careful consideration, I haven't had a good birthday for many years, and I haven't spent much time at home these years. Every time I stay at home, I want to spend my limited time talking with my parents, shopping with my wife, and going crazy enough with my son in the park. This is what they hope, but every time I do it badly. Every time I call my son, he will ask: Dad, where have you been? Why haven't you come back? When will you take me to see the big tiger again? If you don't come back, it will be dark. When it is dark, I will cry when I can't see you. I will not be handsome when I cry. He has a lot of requirements.

In fact, you don't need to care too much about your birthday. You should live a good life whether someone wishes you or no one wishes you. I used to listen to Zheng Zhihua's song, "Happy Birthday". I remember that there is a lyric in it. I wish you a happy birthday. Happy life every day. Don't care how you live your birthday.

Birthday composition 500 words (13)

Shortly after I moved into my new house, one day, the doorbell rang, I opened the door, and a skinny boy about 12 or 13 years old stood in front of the door. He first greeted me politely, then introduced his name Henry, pointed to the house diagonally opposite my house, told me it was his house, and then asked me: "Do you want to cut your lawn?"

I took a look at the tall lawn and said, "Yes!" He asked, "Can I help you cut the grass?" I looked at his slim figure, and it was hard to believe that he could cut the lawn with a large area in the front yard and back yard. Since he volunteered, how could I say "no"? I nodded and said, "OK!"

So he further asked me, "Do you use your lawn mower or my home?" I asked, "What's the difference?" He said, "Use my lawn mower for 8 yuan and your home for 6 yuan." I said, "Just use your lawn mower. I'll give you 10 yuan."

He was very happy to go home and push the lawn mower to work in the front yard. His thin body pushed the heavy machine back and forth, but the cutting was quite neat, not worse than that of adults. After a while, the sound of the machine stopped. He came to tell me that he would go home to take a bath, eat something, and cut the backyard later. He said that he would cut the edge for his father when he got off work.

After finishing all the work, he rang the doorbell again. After I paid him 10 yuan, I asked him curiously, "What's the use of your grass cutting money.

Since then, his work has been on my lawn. Slowly, Henry contracted the lawns of several families around us until they moved a few years later. Henry's father is a lawyer and his mother is an accountant, belonging to the high-income class. They gave Henry half a bicycle as a birthday gift, so that he could earn the other half himself. With this motive, Henry was motivated to find a job, and his father helped his son finish his work.

A few years later, Henry's mother came to the ice cream shop and talked about her son while eating. Henry had finished college and entered law school, and would become a lawyer in the future. When I mentioned that little Henry came to my house to cut grass, she thanked me for giving him the opportunity to work for the first time. I said, "Henry is very lucky to have such good parents as you. He was given half a bike instead of one."

Birthday composition 500 words (14)

Today is my eleventh birthday, but I am taking a unit test and writing a composition. Birthday, what a special day, how many feelings should give me!

I remember that on my seventh birthday, although my grandfather's liver cancer dragged my family into poverty, my mother made a bowl of poached eggs for me. I didn't refuse. I devoured it all. When I looked up, I saw my brother's greedy eyes staring at my empty bowl with a disappointed expression. After dinner, my father quietly called me into the room, touched my head, and quietly said to me: "You should pay attention to comity when eating anything on the table in the future, especially when you are younger." When my father said this, his expression was gentle, and there was no trace of blame. I heard this, but my face was red and my ears were red, and I deeply regretted and ashamed of my behavior at the table just now. Until now, every birthday, I will think of this matter, will think of my father's words light and heavy.

On his ninth birthday, my elder brother, who was working in Guangdong Province, came back and happened to meet me asking for food from a fellow snack eater. My elder brother sternly asked me to go home with him. After entering the house, I didn't know what I had done wrong, but my elder brother scolded me head on. Up to now, I can't remember some words clearly, but one sentence seems to be engraved in my heart: "Don't casually reach out to others at any time. Because it's easy to reach out, it's hard to take back, and it's ugly!" Later, my mother reminded my elder brother that today is my birthday, and he stopped scolding me. Although I feel wronged, I don't feel wronged. Because from this reprimand, I understand the dignity of life and the weight of personality.

As time flies, many things have been forgotten. However, a few small things that happened on my birthday in the past have become more and more bright. It urges me to chew on the past and absorb rich nutrition from it, so that I can thrive.

Birthday composition 500 words (15)

In the morning, the sun was stretching, and the sun was shining on my bed through the window. I woke up from my sweet dream, and then turned to hold the quilt tightly to pass the time.

After having breakfast, I remembered my classmate Zhang's birthday today and invited me to his birthday party. Grass changed his clothes and waited for Lao Zhang to call me to his house. An hour has passed, two hours has passed, three hours has passed... Finally, I heard an urgent cry: "Go, Wang Yiquan!" Lao Zhang shouted downstairs, and I quickly ran downstairs, happily riding my tram and disappearing into the sight of my family with Lao Zhang.

At 11:40, everyone's stomachs began to cry, and Lao Zhang decided to take us to the buffet. In this way, we rode to Rose City, talking and laughing, and the trees on the roadside retreated like brave and strong soldiers saluted us. Unconsciously, we came to the door of the cafeteria. Looking around, there were so many people eating that it seemed that this small shop was about to be broken. (Original contribution)

It was not easy for us to line up. The formation was zigzag, like a curved "fire dragon". After a while, we finally bought tickets. As soon as we entered the restaurant, a stream of hot air rushed to our cheeks. It was too hot here. It was almost as hot as the sauna steam room. We quickly grabbed several favorite dishes, like several hungry wolves, and ate them.

After dinner, we went to the Magic Kingdom to play video games. A game to measure your strength attracted my attention. I threw two coins. I put on gloves, stared at my eyes, and beat my feet. I used my power of the flood. One punch went down and hit 460kg. I was proud of my power, Because the power of several students around me is not as great as mine.

Time passed quickly. Unconsciously, we played until the evening, and our parents began to call us to urge us to go back. We reluctantly said goodbye to each other, and each set foot on the road home, while our hearts began to look forward to the next birthday party.

Birthday composition 500 words (16)

The pace of time is really fast. In the blink of an eye, it's my birthday again. I'm really excited.

That day, my mother got up early in the morning and went to the market to buy vegetables.

Dad also got up early and cooked all the vegetables he had just bought and put them on the table.

I was not idle either. I took a broom and swept the ground clean.

At about nine o'clock, relatives came in succession. Some gave me new clothes, some gave me beautiful books, and some stuffed me with red envelopes... I said repeatedly, "No! No!"

Mom and Dad greeted the guests warmly, handed cigarettes and melon seeds, while adults were chatting and watching TV.

"Dong!" "Ba!" The sound of setting off firecrackers sounded, "crackling..." The firecrackers were also congratulating me.

start to eat! Mom and Dad are busy in the kitchen. From time to time, they bring delicious food to the table, and we eat it with relish. People talk and laugh. Grandpa picked up a cup full of wine and wished me a happy birthday.

After dinner, it's time for cake. This cake is double layered. Because I am a pig, there is a pig made of white cream on the cake. There are several small flowers beside, which are really beautiful!

The lotus candle lit on the big cake only heard a sound of "Chi", and the pink petals suddenly opened, emitting a golden spark, and the beautiful music of "Birthday Song" sounded: "Happy Birthday to You...", and everyone could not help clapping their hands and singing along.

At the urging of everyone, I closed my eyes, closed my hands, and silently made a wish.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw cakes attacking me.

All these wonderful things have been recorded by the camera, which has become the most unforgettable day in my life!

Birthday composition 500 words (17)

As soon as the bell rang, I was about to get rid of the classroom, and my friend Leng Can secretly dragged me aside. I asked him, "What's the matter?" He said mysteriously, "Last night when we studied by ourselves, we all joined together in the classroom." I said, "Why?" "Then you will know." After that, he ran away.

Finally, I studied at night! When I asked why in the classroom, he said: "I asked the teacher's eldest son about the teacher's birthday today, and everyone prepared to give the teacher a great surprise in advance. Next night after self-study, we will play a play, so that the teacher thinks we are fighting, and you need to cooperate with each other!" I nodded vigorously.

Finally, I will study by myself next night! Our plan has just begun to be implemented. A student hurried to the office of the teacher's company and said to the teacher out of breath: "Teacher, it's not good. The students are in the classroom, and several students were beaten black and blue..." The teacher rushed into the class before he had finished listening. When the teacher rushed into the classroom, he saw several students fall on the ground and there was "blood and water" on their heads. The teacher was very frightened and prepared to lift up the fallen students in advance. All of a sudden, the students got up from the ground. Two students were still holding the teacher. The students said with one voice: "Happy birthday, teacher!" The teacher was very surprised and asked: "What is the reason for the blood on everyone's head?" We all laughed and said: "This is not blood, it is tomato sauce." Everyone said to the teacher: "You have prepared a small gift in advance." After that, we all gave our little gifts to the teacher one by one. The teacher suddenly showed a bright smile, but his eyes were clear and wet. We all laughed happily.

This day is unforgettable to me all the time, and it will become my very beautiful memory.