200 words a day for my composition (17 recommended)
simple but elegant
2024-06-20 01:58:54

Composition My Day 200 Words (1)

In the morning, when I saw Monkey King, the Great Sage of Heaven, coming to my home, I said, "Come with me, fight monsters and monsters with me, and we flew away while sitting on the tumbling cloud.

We flew for a while, and I was a little thirsty and said to Monkey King, I came to a house with Monkey King, and there was an old lady, and I asked her if you had water? The old lady said that she had given me water. Looking at the old lady Wukong, he said to me that he was a spider spirit. But he heard this, and he took me directly to the hole of coiled silk.

Monkey King shouted outside. The spider spirit in the noisy room was fighting with Monkey King. I broke the spider silk on the stone. As soon as I came out, they had fought fiercely. I yelled to Monkey King to refuel, Monkey King to refuel!

Suddenly a voice woke me up. It was my mother who said to me, "What did you dream of? So happy."

Composition My Day 200 Words (2)

One day on my way to school, I met the Monkey King. The Monkey King asked me if it was human? I said, "Yes." I said, "Monkey King, today our school has a sports meeting, are you going?" Monkey King said, "OK, I will go with you." Monkey King became a student.

When he got to school, Monkey King looked at it and said, "These people are running fast, but they still beat me.", Sun Wukong said, "It seems that I underestimated mortals." We also participated in other sports!

When the time of the day came, Monkey King said, "The world is also very interesting. Next time I will take you to Huaguo Mountain to play!"

Composition My Day 200 Words (3)

This Sunday, I spent the day with Monkey King and something interesting happened.

My mother woke me up this morning and said that the Monkey King came to my house as a guest that day. When I opened the door, I said, "Oh, you are here at the right time. Please sit down and eat!"! Monkey King sat on my sofa and said what it was! Why is it so soft? I told Monkey King that it was a sofa. We had dinner. I led Monkey King to my bedroom. He saw a watercolor pen with many colors. Monkey King asked what it was? I told Sun Wukong that this is a watercolor pen. Sun Wukong said that it is a watercolor pen. I told Song Hong that watercolor pens can be used for painting, writing, etc. Sun Wukong nodded like a chicken pecking rice. When I came to the room, I would not introduce you to many beautiful things. After a while, my mother asked me to go downstairs.

The day soon ended.

Composition My Day 200 Words (4)

"At the beginning, I was an innocent and crying child. Ten years later, I finally understood..." It was a beautiful song, but the dormitory at 5:30 in the morning seemed very harsh.

I reached for my mobile phone, turned off the alarm clock and went back to sleep. When I open my eyes again, God! It's six o'clock! In fact, six o'clock is not too late. I usually get up at 6:20, but I didn't finish my homework last night! I was going to get up early to write, but... I sat up all day without changing my pajamas and hurriedly made up my homework. Fortunately, there was not much left. When I wrote at 6:20, I had already written a paper, so I had to reflect on mathematics.

Wash, make the bed, tidy the bag, and act in one go. Well, today I was not on duty, so I sat on the bed and recited the English text.

Composition 200 words a day (5)

today. Mother took my brother and I to play in the park. We first drew a beautiful peacock. After the change, I gave the picture to an uncle. Uncle put the peacock in the oven, and mother took it away after the exam. Later, my brother saw someone fishing. Mother saw it and said. Let's go fishing together. We fished a total of 14 red fish and 22 black fish. I calculated in my mind that 14 plus 22 equals 36. But I saw a red fish on the ground, so I calculated it again. 14+22 equals 36 fish, plus one, equals 37 fish. We fished 37 fish in total. I'm so happy today.

Composition My Day 200 Words (6)

Today, I went to the library to read.

My mother sent me to the library first, and then said to me, "I'll pick you up in half an hour." Then I returned four books. Then I went in. I put my things in the cupboard first, and then I went in. I walked from the first floor of the library to the third floor. On the third floor, I saw many people reading in the library. There are about fifty people in the library. Then I took three Diaries of Laughing Cats. After taking the book, I went outside to read. But after thirty minutes, my mother didn't come. An hour passed, but my mother still didn't come. Finally, I watched it for two hours before my mother came.

This is what happened today.

Composition My Day 200 Words (7)

Today is Friday, the last day of school this week. I was almost late this morning, because I got up in the morning, washed my face, brushed my teeth... so I wasted a lot of time. When I got to school, I had no time to hand in my homework, so I went to class.

I put down my schoolbag in a hurry, and the Chinese teacher came in. "Stand up", "Hello, teacher", "Hello, students, please sit down". Next, please put yesterday's homework on the table, and I will check it. "After a while, the bell rang," Ding Ding Ding ", and after the teacher left, the classroom cheered" Oh Oh Oh ". The second class is math, and the third class is science. Then it was time for dinner. The students lined up one by one and went to the canteen to have dinner.

After dinner, we had a rest for a while, and then we had classes again, first English, then morality and society, then class meeting, and finally school was over.

Ah, finally I can have a good sleep!

Composition My Day 200 Words (8)

After a while, we ate all the vegetables at once. Dad was a little sleepy and said: Have you eaten the cysts? I feel sleepy and want to go home to sleep! When we were full and wanted to go home, Dad drove us home.

When I got home, my father went to bed, but I was not so busy. I had to make arrangements for my afternoon. I had to call my friends to my house! This is the way to play!

Do what you say! I ran to the phone, called my good friend Octopus (nickname), asked him to come to my house to play, he agreed without hesitation. So we played from 4:00 to 5:30, and the phone was hot. Finally, Dad asked us to stop, and we didn't play with the phone.

This is my day, ordinary and beautiful

Composition My Day 200 Words (9)

Today is the first day of the first lunar month, the first day of the Year of the Snake. The weather was very sunny. My parents and I went to my grandparents' home with gifts to pay New Year's greetings.

The scenery along the way is beautiful, ah! I saw high mountains covered with white snow. When I got to Grandma's house, I sent a blessing to my grandparents: "Grandma and Grandpa, I wish you happy, healthy and happy." Grandma and Grandpa listened, and their faces were full of smiles. They laughed, and so did I.

After dinner, the table was filled with chicken, duck, fish, meat and various vegetables. The family gathered around and raised their glasses to bless each other. After dinner, Grandma gave me a big red envelope. Wow! What a happy day!

Composition My Day 200 Words (10)

Early this morning, when I got up, I pestered my father to play in Yintai City. When I came to Yintai City, I visited Yintai City like a horse watching a flower, had a beautiful lunch, watched a movie, and finally went home satisfied. I didn't expect there would be a bigger surprise waiting for me.

Upon arriving home, I received a phone call from Ye Zixin's mother, inviting me to have dinner together in the evening. It turned out that today is Ye Zixin's birthday, and I went happily. Yang Shuyu was also invited. As soon as the three of us met, we kept on nagging. Then we came to the International Hotel for dinner. It's a beautiful restaurant, a great dinner and a big round cake. It's delicious! We ate so much butter that we stuck out our tongue and licked it. It was so sweet! What fun! I forgot to say to Ye Zixin, "Happy birthday!"

I am really busy today!

Composition My Day 200 Words (11)

Today is Saturday. When I finished my homework, I saw that the room was a bit messy and the floor was dirty. My brother and I discussed it and decided to give my mother a surprise.

My brother made the bed and clothes, and I cleaned the table. When I finished washing, I went downstairs to get a broom and mop. My brother said he would sweep the floor first and then mop the floor. When I swept to the bed, I found 50 yuan on the ground. I was surprised and delighted. I quickly picked it up and told my brother, who was also surprised, and said, "Good, good.". But when my brother and I finished cleaning the room and were ready to share the money, we thought, "What if my mother knows?" I told my brother my idea, and he also said; "Yes," my brother and I hesitated for a while and finally decided to return the money to my mother. When I returned the money to my mother, she smiled happily and said, "My son has grown up.".

At night, when I lay in bed, my heart was also sweet when I recalled my mother's smiling face and words

Composition My Day 200 Words (12)

Today, I was very nervous when I handed out rolls of paper. Because I'm afraid I can't take the Double 100 exam. At this time, Li Yuxin in front of me encouraged me to say: I believe that you can definitely get 100 points in math! Well, I said.

The roll of paper was handed out, and I hurried to see how many points I had scored. At first sight, I got 100 points. My mood suddenly calmed down. I'm looking forward to getting 100 points in Chinese. When Chinese is issued, it is also 100 points. I couldn't close my mouth with joy. I thought: I passed the Double 100 exam, my parents will be very happy!

When you get home, tell your parents the good news. Mom and Dad listened and said: In order to reward you, I will buy you a pair of boots. I said happily: OK.

It's really an unforgettable day.

Composition My Day 200 Words (13)

I will have a day with the bear.

I asked Xiong Er to take me to play in the big forest, and we should go to find King Jiji, Xiong Da, Tu Tu and Maomao. I want to play football with them. No matter win or lose, the process of playing football is the most important and interesting.

It's time for lunch, Xionger invites me to eat the delicious food in the big forest - big and sweet apples, fresh and juicy strawberries, freshly picked honey and cool and delicious spring water. In the big forest with lush vegetation and flowers, accompanied by good friends, this lunch is more delicious and unique.

After dinner, Xiong Er asked me, "I heard that you human children can play games best. Please teach us your games quickly."

After thinking for a while, I suggested: "Let's race together! Let's divide into groups. Members of the same group should tie their legs together and then race. Which group will win the race if it reaches the finish first?"

Everyone cheered in unison, Maomao's cheering was the highest. I worked with Xiong Eryi, Xiong Dahe Tu Yi, Maomao and Jiji King. Xiong Er and I have the best cooperation. Our group won. Xiong Er is very happy.

The day I spent with Xionger is really an unforgettable day.

Composition My Day 200 Words (14)

In the evening, I slept soundly. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew. When I opened my eyes, a fairy wearing gorgeous pearl flowers, beautiful hair buns and ancient clothes fell from the sky and landed gently and elegantly on my bed.

"Are you coming to visit my Guanghan Palace?" Before I asked, the beautiful fairy smiled and invited me.

It was Chang'e!

"Good, good, good!" I nodded excitedly.

Suddenly, I felt my body light, I looked down, ha, I was stepping on the clouds! Is this just riding the clouds? This taste is wonderful! In a twinkling, we arrived at Guanghan Palace. It's really luxurious here, but it feels very deserted. Suddenly, a cute white rabbit came running to us. Its eyes were red and shiny, like rubies. I thought to myself that the Jade Rabbit had grown like this.

When I wanted to ask Chang'e if she could hold this lovely rabbit, a cry woke me up: One by one, one by one, it's time to get up, and I'm late for school!

Hey, it's a dream!

Composition My Day 200 Words (15)

I was walking on the road when a meteor fell on the ground. "Bang", I was shocked. When I looked closely, I saw that he was wearing a gold ring, holding a gold stirrup stick, and wearing a big red cloak behind him, which was very aggressive. I thought in my heart and shouted, "Oh, this... this... isn't this the Monkey King, the Great Sage of All Heaven?"

He may have heard what I said. He turned around and said, "Why is my grandson here? By the way, do you know where there are peach trees?" I said trembling, "I don't know where there are peach trees. I only know where there are peaches. I have a lot of peaches at home. Why don't you go to my home and eat them?" Monkey King said, "Where is your home?" I pointed to a community and said, "This is my home." Sun Wukong walked into the community, and suddenly he shouted at the fitness equipment: "You monster, look at the stick!" He said he was going to fight. I quickly discouraged him: "This is not a monster, this is our fitness equipment." Sun Wukong stopped, and I picked up a peach and sat on the ground to eat. As I ate, I gradually fainted. I found it was just a dream when I woke up!

Composition My Day 200 Words (16)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

After getting up in the morning, I began to enjoy my breakfast -- two sausages and an egg. After checking my schoolbag and eating breakfast, I went to school with a heavy schoolbag on my back. Sometimes, I can meet several friends who have good relations. Students, we will go to school together and talk about the birds in the sky and the trees on the ground.

We only need three classes in the morning, and then we will have a 20 minute break. Soon, after class in the morning, we lined up one by one to finish school. The students went home one by one, and I was no exception. I walked home slowly by myself.

Until after school in the afternoon, I would go home again to do homework and review. When the "hard work" is finished, I can take a bath and watch TV

Repeat... Repeat... Repeat every day. Maybe you will feel bored, but for me, every day is so happy

Sixth grade: Feixin

Composition My Day 200 Words (17)

Article 1: My Day

Baojing Palace has four floors, and now has three floors open. As soon as I stepped into the door, there was a gust of cool wind. I heard from the elder sister of the tour guide that the temperature here is kept at 18 degrees throughout the year. It's cool in summer and warm in winter. It's really warm in winter and cool in summer. There is also a long corridor. It is narrow and long, more than 100 meters long. It is really amazing and majestic. These scenes are formed by stalactites and stalagmites. Each line of one centimeter will take 100 years to enter the first floor. Wow! It startled me. Under the light, the whole cave was brightly lit and colorful. On the first floor, there were Water Curtain Cave, Jade Emperor Hall, Treasure Palace Qionglei, Fozhu Ridge, etc. The most interesting thing is the Water Curtain Cave. Those stalactites are like waterfalls in front of the Flower and Fruit Mountain. The water flows down from them. It's really spectacular. The stalagmites next to them are like a fruit mountain. There are peanuts, apples, bananas, etc. on the mountain. There is also a white haired old man on the mountain, who is guarding the fruit on the mountain to prevent it from being stolen. It's amazing. There is a pool of shallow and clear water on the ground, which reflects stalactites and stalagmites on the water surface. It's wonderful. There are three huge lotus roots beside the Fruit Mountain, so beautiful!

Then we visited the second floor, which has a natural hole, known as "a pillar of the cave". There are 600 stone steps on the third floor, which is the largest floor in area. It's really magnificent!

Che Baojing Palace is really magnificent, strange and strong! After visiting Baojing Palace, I gained a lot.

Article 2: My Day

I stepped on the wind fire wheel under my feet and flew back and forth in the sky. I was very happy. Just then, my mother cried anxiously: "Wen Wen, Wen Wen, get up quickly." I slowly opened my eyes. It turned out that what had just happened was all a dream. When I got up, my mother said to me seriously: "Wen Wen, it has been a holiday for several days, and I can't go out to play today. I must first write my homework, and then read the Cool Wind." I agreed happily.

After my mother left, I took out my homework and did it carefully. After 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes, I finally finished writing. I checked my homework and found that I had made a mistake, so I corrected it.

Then, I took out the Cool Wind and read it carefully. When the author is happy, I am also happy with him. When the story is sad, I can't help crying. The tears fall like broken beads. It took me an hour. Read the book Cool Wind. When my mother came home, she saw that I had not made a mistake in my homework. She read carefully and gave me a thumbs up compliment.

My mood is so happy. My mother praised me. Next time, I will do my homework carefully and try to get her praise again!

Article 3: My Day

I am a little boy growing up at the bottom of the sea. Now, let me tell you about my day. In the morning, the waitress in the Crystal Palace will wake me up. After washing, I put on my school uniform (the dragon robe of the third prince of the Dragon King) and took the Shanghai horse "horse" car to school. Courses are very rich, octopus can teach art; Turtles can teach Chinese; The killer whale can teach sports; Crabs can teach math and so on.

At noon, I pressed a button and lunch arrived. How rich it is! There are stars, corals, sea urchins and sea cucumbers, which make my mouth full.

In the afternoon, in order to cooperate with the experimental class, I unfastened a button. The clothes became an experimental suit. Suddenly, a classmate accidentally spilled alcohol on the ground, causing a fire. I changed my lab suit into a fire fighting suit in time. I found a fire gun and shot several shots into the fire before the fire went out. It's scary.

School was over, but it rained. I changed my fire protection clothing into a deep-sea raincoat. I took the Shanghai horse "horse" car back to my warm home.

This is my sea life. How about it, isn't it? When I grow up, I must create this ocean world.

Article 4: My Day

This morning, I got up early. I put on my clothes first, then folded the quilt, and then went to brush my teeth. When I brush my teeth, my mouth is covered with white bubbles, just like a white beard. If you wear a Christmas hat, you will be like a Santa Claus. After brushing my teeth, I went to have breakfast. Then I picked up my schoolbag and went to school happily.

On the way, I saw a large number of trumpet shaped flowers. They were pink, snow-white and purple, just like small trumpets. I couldn't help picking a beautiful morning glory. I took the trumpet flower and jumped to the school. Oh, I came early today. Our teacher hasn't come yet. I'm glad to be here earlier than my teacher.

I think today must be a happy day.