Composition My Father 500 Words (15 Collections)
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2024-06-15 02:47:47
primary school

My father's composition 500 words (1)

When you see this title, what do you think? Are you bored, proud, sad, or

When did you first feel the father's love, when you were naive or even ignorant of the world, when you were in the beginning of love, or now you don't understand. Fatherly love is always hard to figure out. It seems that there are a few ways to be strict, but sometimes it makes you moved. You don't really realize that it was originally a man's gentle heart until you failed in the college entrance examination.

The first time I felt this subtle feeling slightly was probably when I was six years old. That time, I met the god of death for the first time in my life (I felt the fear of death for the first time when I contacted the car). I was sent to the hospital by the driver. I don't know how long it took. My father came with a tired body. I never saw him so weak. He looked at me like a child, as if he was going to eat me. Suddenly, he slapped me very hard. This was the first time he attacked me. I burst into tears. It seemed that I was wronged or afraid. Tears jumped out of my eyes. It was so sad. My father turned his head and walked away. At that time, not only did he do something, but I gradually realized that a man was crying for his son at that time.

As I grew up, maybe it was the mistake of pursuing independence that made me lose my way. I learned to cheat, learn to influence, and learn to contradict. At that time, my father showed his absolute trust in me, so that every time I wanted to lie, I could not bear to cheat that aging heart, and would not let his weak body be subjected to additional pressure.

Father, a sacred term, is not allowed to be desecrated by anyone.

My friend, let's see my father's success as a withered branch. Let's pull out his white hair and let's

My Father's 500 Word Composition (2)

Dad loves me, understands me better and inspires me. Once in the final exam, I didn't do very well. My father went to the parents' meeting at that time. Now I will collect excellent compositions from my father for you. If you like this article, you can refer to it. Welcome to keep an eye on our subsequent updates.


My father's 600 word composition Excellent Model 1:


My eyes are big and bright. Today, I will use these eyes to see my father and his various education methods.


In my eyes, Dad is always so smart. Every time I don't know something, my father always reminds me. Once I did a Chinese test paper to figure out what it was like to take my mother in, but I made a mistake. My father reminded me that when I recited an ancient poem about my mother, I suddenly thought of the "line in the hands of a loving mother", and the exact answer was kindness. Every time I wrote a composition, I always gave me some guidance first, and as a result, every composition was completed quickly.


In my eyes, Dad is always the same. Whenever my heart could not speak out, my father would say, "You should treat us as good friends. If you have anything to say, I will help you solve it." As soon as I said it, my heart was clouded. Sometimes when he is dissatisfied with his father's practice, his father also says, "I can't bully you because you are very young and I am very old. You decide what to do. If you are fair, you can do as you say." He will be very happy after implementing my requirements.


In my eyes, Dad is always so kind. Whenever I perform well, my father's mouth is like a crescent moon. He smiles and gives me many rewards and encouragement. Whenever I do not perform well, he is not angry. He just has a light expression and encourages me to perform well next time. No matter whether I succeed or not, he has always inspired me to move forward.


In my eyes, Dad is always so united. Every time he encountered a problem, he stood up, just like my good friend, always with me, father and son together, no matter how difficult the difficulties will be overcome by us. Speaking of my good results, this is the joint efforts of our father and son. He always did everything possible to help me overcome problems, and later, he no longer feared these problems.


In my eyes, Dad is always so great. When I do something wrong, I always set a good example. This good example has never made a mistake. This good example makes my character better, makes me no longer have those bad habits, and makes me forget those bad ideas. This good example is like a "defect absorption machine", which abolishes all my shortcomings.


I looked at my father with my eyes, saw his excellent education methods, and also saw his hard work for me! Thank you, Dad! You are so hard!


My father's 600 word composition Excellent Model 2:


My father has a plain face. He has a very polite intellectual glasses on his big nose and small but intense eyes under his thick eyebrows. Dad is not tall, but he has a big belly. He often mocks himself and says, "'Big belly can take things that are difficult to take in the world'. What's wrong with big belly?"


My father is the living treasure and pistachio of our family. I can't understand why he has so many humorous cells. I remember one time when I was having a meal, my mother jokingly said, "Dad has worked hard and awarded a base shrimp." She said, she gave him a shrimp skin, and saw my father solemnly retaliated to my mother with a shrimp skin, saying, "Don't eat it with the shell, eat it with the shell!" My mother and I laughed. Do you think you can peel a shrimp skin? Another time, it was even more funny. My father performed bodybuilding for my mother and me, and said that he would only show us. He shook his body with fat, mimicking the movements of bodybuilders, and made my mother and I laugh on the floor, making our stomachs ache! If you want to talk about your father's happiness, you can also say a few big things.


Dad has a humorous side, and of course he gets angry sometimes. One midterm exam, because I was too careless, many simple questions were wrong, and the result was not good. When Dad knew this, he immediately raised his eyebrows and stared at me like a cat chasing mice, which made me jumpy. I thought the wind was coming! Before I inherited it, I thought that my forehead had been hit by my father, and I felt a pain in my forehead. "What do I tell you at ordinary times? When you do a title question, you must see it clearly. You must do it carefully. After you finish, you should check it carefully. You allow it well. But why is it still the old side when you come to the exam? What do you think of my words?" Dad angrily scolded, pointing again, and his forehead hurt again. "Do you still think you did well in the exam last semester, but still do well now? Do you know the truth that pride is bound to defeat?" Dad was still training. At this time, my father was definitely an angry bull, and I was often shouted by him.


My father is a man who dares to admit his mistakes. Once, the mother of a classmate in our class called my home and told my father that I had called his son at school. My father put down the phone and pointed at me, pointing at me indiscriminately. It was a storm of criticism. I had no chance to explain. I was so aggrieved that my tears could not be controlled at once. Later, my father called several of my good friends to learn more about the situation. As a result, my good friends confirmed that I did not hit anyone, and on the contrary, they were still trying to persuade others not to fight. Later, the mother of the classmate called again and said that this matter had wronged me and had nothing to do with me. At this time, my father said to me with a shame: "Son, my father wronged you. It's my fault, and my father apologized to you." My father who dared to admit his mistake was also a lovely father.


My father is ordinary, but in my eyes, he is great. I deeply love my father. I want to thank my father with excellent academic results.


My father's 600 word composition Excellent Fan Wensan:


As soon as I mentioned my father, I felt very proud. He is a ZPEB geological engineer who has been struggling in the foreign market for years. In one year, I have been with us for less than two months. Even so, I still love him very much.


He is medium height with a round face. The leather clothes are a bit dark, and because they often work in the field, they are even darker, just like the black faced "Bao Gong" in the opera. But I think my father looks more handsome and healthy like this. He is fat. His mother quarrels with him to lose weight every day, but his father is too lazy to exercise. I prefer my father who is a little fat. I feel very comfortable when I practice boxing and stumble on his belly, just like a rubber bed, so my father's fat belly has become my "playground".


When he came back from abroad, he lost a lot of weight and my "casino" disappeared. I was very sad when I saw it, so I used my pocket money to buy some food that my father loved to eat and build my "casino" again.


After a happy time, my father has to go to work again. How I don't want him to leave! He begged, "Dad, I haven't had enough of your big belly. Stay with us for a few more days!" At this time, Dad would patiently tell me stories and reasons, but I still pestered him. He said to me, "Other children also want their father! If I don't take over the shift, my uncle on the team won't come back. What will they do if they miss their father?"? When I looked up at my father, I saw his eyes were wet. It turned out that my father was in the same mood as me, and he was unwilling to leave us. But in order to have a certain source of income, so that we can live better, he had to do so.


The next day, Dad was going to leave by car. The night before he left, I had a good time in my "casino". When Dad got on the bus, I excitedly said to him, "Dad, I wish you a good journey and take care of yourself!" When the bus started, I ran behind and shouted, "Good bye to the casino"! Goodbye to Casino! Come back safely as soon as possible!


My father's 600 word composition Excellent Model 4:


"Jingle, jingle, stutter..." People knew it was the sound of demolition. My father knew nothing about these things. He worked hard with demolition buildings all day long.


My father works in the township and faces "nail households" every day. He must be careful and careful. There must be no mistakes in his work, otherwise there will be problems. My father has a warm childlike innocence, and I tell you a secret. He still plays the plant war zombie computer game.


Since my father went to work in the township, he has spent much less time with us, and we have caused more misunderstandings.


"How much is this set of colored paper?"? "10 yuan" "OK, I bought it" If the peddler had not been anxious to make a birthday card for his father, he would have lost money because of my young master's bargaining power. "Lala la la, I am an expert in selling newspapers." In order to buy colored paper, I had to leave the "big army" of my classmates and walk around a long and difficult road construction area. After half an hour, I finally arrived at the destination - home. Eh, Today is a bit wrong. My father is at home and my mother is working overtime. Yeah! Thank God, calm, calm, I want to give my father a surprise. When my father saw that I was home, he said: "Son, you should write your homework seriously at home. I will buy some instant noodles and mineral water". As soon as I saw my father leave, I quickly made a greeting card. Soon my masterpiece was finished, and my father came back.


As a result, it's not as good as you think. My father started criticizing me and dragging my homework when he saw that I hadn't moved a word for a long time. When I was wronged, I tore up the card in anger.


Now this torn card is still in my drawer. I always want to make this card again one day and give it to my father, even if it is a late blessing. I love my father very much, because you gave me happiness and happiness. I'm proud to have a father like you!


My father's 600 word composition Excellent Model 5:


My father is a kind person. He has a deep and honest love for the elderly, a rational love for his family, and a generous love for his friends. For me, he took care of me in every way, took good care of me, and educated me strictly. I love my father!


I remember that one night last summer, my father and I went to Su Bingwen Square to take a hair walk. At that time, I rode a newly bought bicycle, but my movements were not very skillful. My father always told me, "Son, ride slowly, and pay attention to the people next to me." But I didn't think so much about it. I rode like a fly through the crowded crowd. Suddenly, I lost my balance accidentally and fell down in the grass with my car and people. My foot sprained. My father saw this scene, rushed to me, picked me up and sent me to the nearby Chinese Mongolian hospital. With the doctor's careful treatment, I can walk. When I took my father's hand and walked out of the hospital, I thought my father must criticize me: "How could I be so careless! I broke the new car." But I was surprised, My father touched my head and said earnestly: "My son, there are inevitably many setbacks in life. As long as you bravely face them and develop your ability to resist setbacks, you will grow up every day, and my father will be relieved of you." I looked at my father's eyes, as if I understood a lot of the true meaning of life!


Dad loves me, understands me better and inspires me. Once in the final exam, I didn't do well in the exam. When my father went to the parents' meeting, I was worried at home. I expected that my father would scold me when he came back this time. Unexpectedly, when my father appeared in front of me, he said meaningfully, "My son, why did you fail this time? Have you ever thought about it? Dad and you sat down and made a good analysis. Why didn't you get a good result this time? Let's check and fill the gaps and try to get good results next time. As the saying goes: Don't be conceited if you win, and don't be discouraged if you lose. As long as you persevere and study hard, the victory will belong to you. " I was deeply moved by my father's words. I will study harder to make my mind more precise and lively!!


Now, I have grown from an ignorant child to a fully developed primary school student. How much unselfish love my father has exuded! I love my father!!

Composition My Father 500 Words (3)

My father is the "robot" of my family. Whenever an electrical appliance breaks down, he will immediately repair it. My father is a veteran. He often tells me some interesting things about his joining the army. Although I have heard some stories for several times, I never tire of listening to them. After listening to them again, I want to hear them again. Now my father has many silver threads on his head, I don't know if this is the proof that my father has taken heart for me. Her eyes are somewhat sunken but very energetic, giving a new feeling. He has a pair of rough and powerful arms. In winter, sometimes my father will carry two buckets of water to my mother to wash clothes.

At that time, I wished I had a pair of arms as strong as my father, because I could help my parents share some housework. Father is a tree, a great tree, shelter for me! One year, my parents and I were sleeping in the dormitory. Who knew that the typhoon landed here, and a strong wind blew over. Because the roof of the dormitory was not strong enough made of lime tiles, the wind blew a piece of it and made a surprising noise at the same time. At that moment, everyone in the dormitory was awakened, Dad came and said, "Son, please lie down first. I will come here. Your mother and I will go to our work place to find a place to lay on the floor." I heard a lot of noise and then made a sound of "pa pa pa pa". I was afraid. Time passed unconsciously, and my father came to pick me up in the rain. My father was carrying me, holding an umbrella in one hand, and supporting me in the other to prevent me from falling down. At that moment, I felt a warm current entering my body. Suddenly, I realized -- father's love. We arrived at the destination soon. I saw my father's face was red and there was a scar on his neck, His clothes were wet by rain or by Han.

So I spent a night with my parents. In fact, sometimes fathers pay more. I love you, Dad!

My father's composition 500 words (4)

In the dead of night, it seems that there is only a lonely moon left in the painted night, like a drop of tears of a woman filled with stories. This scene is most likely to arouse people's lovesickness and melancholy. I have been watching the moon for 16 years, and nothing has changed except the people under the moon.

Today should be a celebration, because my father called back, which should be the first time he called home in several years after he left (maybe not home for him). But today should be a sad day, because even if the father calls his son, his son will be ecstatic!

I remember that the last time I saw him was in a teahouse. He had a decadent face, half a lit cigarette, gorgeous and tacky clothes, a pair of bright and eye-catching leather shoes, and a fashionable and glamorous blonde. It's all he left me for the last time! I still can't forget his numb eyes, nor the disdain he gave me when he gave me money, as if to send a beggar. Now, I don't know how depressed he is at the end of the moon, let alone whether money and women are all he has?

Last week, my mother-in-law was admitted to the hospital due to cancer, and the situation was very critical. The whole family inquired about his news everywhere, just to let a mother see her son before she died. The whole city could not even see a person who had seen him. "Forget it, he has his business, just think I don't have this son!" Finally, the mother-in-law said helplessly.

Can I be my father without this? I asked myself, but I couldn't find the answer for a moment. Fortunately, my mother-in-law's operation was very successful. I think this is God helping a person with countless sins to alleviate a crime! The whole family spurned him, saying that he had no sense of responsibility, conscience and feelings! I don't know whether I am qualified or not, but I always scold him in my heart, for a person who has no love, no hate, no feelings, and no relationship other than blood relationship. I think I should.

The night outside the window is very dark across the glass, as if I can easily accommodate into the darkness. The car that passed downstairs was full of my little love for my father and drove like an unknown place!

My father's composition 500 words (5)

My father was born in Jiangpu, and came to the urban area of Nanjing after he was transferred from the army in his twenties. So my father can do almost anything: do farm work, plant trees, repair TV, repair various things, and help me read math problems and revise compositions. He can also write calligraphy and carve stone seals. Anyway, he is the so-called "most money saver". He doesn't need to hire a repairman or buy new things, You don't have to buy the lithograph he is most interested in. Ample food and clothing by working with our own hands.

One day, a courier was delivered from home, and I was excited to go to dismantle it. I thought it was the colored lead I bought. As a result, when I took it apart, the eight characters "Professional Seal Engraving Tool Set" immediately disappointed me. Did father buy it? When did father start to enter the circle of "seal engraving"? I was thinking about this. In the evening, two stone seals with the names of my father and me were born. I really have to admire my father's quick ability.

We are going to move. The new house has a big garden that my mother and I both dreamed of. Last weekend, we came to our new home together and wanted to plant trees before decoration, so that the trees would live in the house. So several people carried some big pomegranates, crabapple and wintersweet, and carried hoes to the garden. I saw my father loosen the soil first, then gently hold the tree in his hand, with a hoe in one hand, start to dig the soil, slowly put the tree roots into the pit, then hold the tree in his hand, with a hoe in the other hand, soil the tree roots, and finally water them. Skilled movements really look like something. My mother and I have been praising.

Father not only has a strong ability to do farm work, but also has the potential to be a teacher. My father loved calligraphy. When he was free at home, he took out the felt full of ink, spread the paper, poured the ink, and began to write calligraphy. A few days ago, my father and another friend had a calligraphy class, which was said to be very popular.

My father is so omnipotent!

My father's composition 500 words (6)

Father is a special existence in everyone's life. For me, my father is not always a great man. In my memory, he is sometimes strong, sometimes fragile, sometimes kind.

As the spring breeze passed, the new year was coming. My father and I stood on my grandfather's graveyard and quietly looked at the tombstone. My grandfather died two years ago, but my father is not like that. Maybe I was beside him, and he tried to show his indifference and firmness, but his eyes were gradually red.

In memory of that year, my grandpa told my father about the funny things the night before. After the night, my grandpa's sudden death caught everyone off guard. When everyone was still immersed in grief, my father did not. He had to take the lead. He stood up resolutely and began to organize his grandfather's funeral. The small figure is busy in the crowd. At that time, I followed my father, who was really strong! After the busy work, I saw my father suddenly squatting on the ground, turning around and hugging me: "Dad has no father..." My father leaned down on me, his dark hair was a little gray. At this time, my father made me feel distressed. I thought that the great father would also grow old, and my father would also miss my father!

I looked at my father standing beside me. I was only as tall as my father's shoulder. Looking at him, I remembered that he enlightened me and taught me with a smile after the failure of the last midterm exam: "The sun is ready to spread warmth on everyone. If you insist on retreating into the shadow, it is not the sun's fault." It is my father who taught me not to shrink with the sun.

This is my father, sometimes strong, sometimes fragile, sometimes kind, but he has become a person in my life that no one can!

My father's composition 500 words (7)

I have a father who loves me very much. He has big eyes like black grapes, a pair of glasses on his nose, and a short beard. In my eyes, he has always been amiable and never angry.

I remember one time, I did poorly in my math exam. After school, I worried all the way to my door. I lingered at my door for a long time, but I didn't dare to knock. After a long time, it was dark, and I finally got up the courage to knock on the door. As soon as my mother opened the door, she immediately pulled me into the house and began to beat me and scold me. I was so frightened that I didn't dare to cry out pain when my mother beat me, because I knew clearly in my heart that I should be punished if I failed in the exam. However, the tears could not stop flowing down. My sister watched as if nothing had happened and did not stop her. My father blurted out, "Don't fight any more!" My father grabbed my mother's hand and said, "Say something good, which frightened the children." However, my mother ignored me and continued to fight until I was beaten out of the door. "You should reflect on yourself outside, and then come in again." Then she closed the door with a bang. I was alone outside the door, tears like broken beads, kept falling.

Before long, my father gently opened the door and pulled me into the house. He took me to the study, gently dried my tears with a paper towel, squatted down, held my hand, and gently said to me: "Be careful in the next exam, and do your homework like the exam, so that you can get good results." He touched my head and walked away with a smile. My father's figure is like a big tree sheltering from the wind and rain. His smile is as warm as the sun. After listening to my father's words, I thought: failure is the mother of success, and I will work hard.

My father is always so kind and kind in my heart. I love you - father!

My father's composition 500 words (8)

The person I admire most is my father. He has a round head, a small crew cut head, a few white hairs due to hard work, and a talkative mouth under his high nose. His head is full of knowledge of astronomy, geography, geometry and chemistry. As long as I ask him questions I don't understand in my study, he can answer me in the shortest time. My father is my answer book.

Once when I was doing my math homework, I encountered a problem: "9013 ○ 7=100" Fill in "+", "-", "×" and "÷" in the circle. Each can only be used once. Fill in an appropriate integer to make this equation hold. I asked my father, and he solved it in seven seconds: "9+13 × 7=100". Look, is my father good?

My father is not only clever, but also very intelligent. When I was just in the fourth grade, I learned to play skateboard by chance, so I asked my mother to buy a skateboard. At the weekend, after I finished my homework, I played skateboard on the small playground downstairs. My father saw that I was having a good time, so he came downstairs and said to me, "Son, let my father play with the toy under your feet." I handed the skateboard to my father. At first, my father could not play, and the skateboard was always disobedient. I saw that my father was a bit eager, He said: "When you step on the skateboard, you should stand firmly on your front foot and swing your back foot." Dad learned after playing according to my tips, and soon became addicted to playing. My mother came downstairs and said to my father, "You are almost forty years old. You like playing like an 11 year old son. You are really an old urchin."

My father is a PLA. He has a great body and a strong will. When I was young, I admired the PLA most. Dad, I love you!

Composition My Father 500 Words (9)

Father's love is deep, and we always thought that father did not like me, because they always looked at us with a serious expression. But now I want to say loudly, Father, I love you! Maybe you are ordinary, but you are great to me. When I was born, your happy eyes showed your love for me. From childhood to adulthood, you always taught me to be a good person and study hard. Your serious expression made me want to approach you and fear you. But one afternoon I learned that you love me.

That day was in the afternoon of school. It was sunny when I came to school in the morning, but it rained cats and dogs after school. I didn't bring an umbrella, so I had to sit in the classroom and watch my classmates, one by one, accompanied by his family, and went back. I think I may be miserable today. You have no time to do things, and my mother has no time to be away from home. It pains me to think of it. As time went by, the rain became heavier and heavier, and there was no intention of stopping. I have been looking at the school gate with expectant eyes. At three o'clock, I gave up. I lay on the table. Yes, I thought about how I should go back. Do I rush back directly or what? When I turned my head again and looked at the school gate, I saw how great and warm a figure was.

He came to my classroom and said to me, "Daughter, let's go home." At this moment, my tears came down. He asked anxiously, "What's the matter? Daughter, don't cry. Go home. Mother is waiting for us at home." I smiled and said, "It's OK, just happy to find something.".

Maybe you didn't know your parents loved you, but I tell you now that your parents love you forever, and their love is deep and great.

My father's composition 500 words (10)

My father is a man with personality. He is responsible for everything he does. He has a fiery personality and a smart mind. He has very simple questions. In my heart, he feels angry like Shura is alive, but when he treats you well, he will make you feel like sunshine after rain. He knows astronomy, geography, the hall, the kitchen, the wine market, and the stock market is a decathlon, omniscient, omnipotent. Mom likes to eat food cooked by his father (because he is too lazy to do it). Every time he finishes it, he will praise my father for a while. At that time, my father will come back to a CCTV style lecture hall, which can be said to be a shocking spectacle, My mother and I were so poisoned that we were used to eating and choking for a while. We felt our mouths and walked away. We murmured that this was salty and that was hot. We wiped the oil on our mouths and belched with satisfaction.

He works like a jack of all trades. He has a wide range of knowledge and knows more about all subjects than 100000 why. It can be said that this book is extremely humanized. Although it is humanized, it also gives people a headache. If it is not good, it is a meal of fried meat with pants rope, which gives me a headache. Alas——

My father is a local doctor in animal research. When my dog is born is quite accurate, and even where he is born can be calculated. It can be said that he is half an immortal!

My father usually has a clean beard, which makes people think at first glance that cave people have come back to life. But his vigorous posture, wisdom in playing chess, and research on biology are all admirable.

This is my father's enviable father, the father who likes and dislikes, the embodiment of wisdom and treachery.

Composition My Father 500 Words (11)

"Father" is a powerful word. China speaks of "strict father and loving mother". Most fathers are dignified in children's eyes. For children, fathers are like mountains to give them solid protection. But my father is different. He doesn't have the aura to awe me, nor does he criticize me severely, nor does he have any requirements for me. In his eyes, I am good and everything is right.

Father likes to lie sometimes. I remember when I was young, my father often quarreled with my mother. My father was always the soft side, and my mother always held the initiative. Every time after the "war" ended, I asked my father: "What's the matter with you?" My father always said to me with a smile: "It's OK. Do you think your mother looks like a fierce tigress

Now that I am sensible, I understand the intention of my father's jokes on me. But my father could not change his lie. Now my father's career is at the bottom, but he never tells me that he is short of money. As long as I speak, I will be given pocket money; When taking me out to play, I bought this and that for me. I even wondered if my father had hidden a lot of private money from my mother.

I don't understand. My father was very happy when he was with me, but why his white hair on his temples kept growing? I wanted to understand. Later, I understood

It turned out that my father was not so happy. Often after quarreling with his mother, he would sneak to the roof to smoke a few cigarettes; When my career failed, I would sit at my desk in the middle of the night and read the account book. I understand that my father is not a superman, but he wants to be a superman in my heart.

This is my father. In the face of such a father, I want to say to you: You are my superman and belong to me exclusively!

Composition My Father 500 Words (12)

My father's 500 word junior high school composition material I

I hate my father. He always makes me lose face. His clothes are always old, and new clothes are cheap. He never buys me new things that can still be used. The composition book he bought for me in primary school was also bought in the second-hand market. Every time I want to buy a new one, he is not allowed. I am always afraid that my classmates will laugh at me for using old books. My mother always goes to the parents' meeting every time. I'm afraid that my classmates will laugh at me when they see my father is old and dressed in old clothes. I always envy them for having a young and well dressed father. Sometimes I still think my father doesn't love me, only my mother loves me, because he doesn't buy me new things.

Today is the second day of the Chinese New Year. Our whole family went out to play. We left the city and came to a farmhouse in the suburbs. Every time I come to the Farm Inn, I always leave after lunch, and today is no exception. As we came by car, I didn't know how to get home. A little before dinner, I told my mother that I would leave after lunch and could not find my way home. My mother asked me to ask my father. My father said we should go and see the way now. I said I won't go, you go and tell me when you come back. Dinner soon began, but my father had not come back yet. Mother looked for him everywhere, but couldn't find him. Finally, she called him to tell him that he had dinner. After a while, he came back.

After dinner, I'm leaving. I asked my father how to go home. My father told me how to go home and asked me if I had any change. I said yes, I walked out of the farmhouse, only to find my father following me, and again told me what car to take home. When I walked less than ten meters, my father called me again. When I turned around, he said the car was coming. When I saw that it was really coming, I ran to it and finally caught up with it. When I passed the farmhouse, I found my father still standing there. I waved to him, and my father waved to me with a smile. I found more wrinkles on my father's face than ever before. I suddenly felt a trace of regret in the car. I used to hate my father and dislike him. I regret now. I found that my father also loved me. I suddenly wanted to cry, but I told myself, This is in a public place. You can't cry. I didn't cry until I came home.

Later, I thought that others would never know where my father had gone, but I knew that he was going to help me find my way.

My father's 500 word junior high school composition material 2

Father seems so strange in our memory, but it sounds so kind, as if giving a warm feeling. When you are lonely, he will give you a warm spring breeze, and you will give him the whole spring. When you are worried, she will send you a gentle greeting, and you will be grateful for her life.

"Father's love is mountain, mother's love is sea". This sentence is absolutely true. Mother's love for us is as broad as the sea, and she treats us meticulously; The great father's love for us is as tall as a mountain. Although he is not good at expressing, he is great.

Most of the father's love for children is harsh and not good at expressing, just like my father.

People who know me know that my father asked me to copy a composition and write a diary every day. Although it is very strict on the surface, it is actually a kind of love for us.

At first, I hated this practice of my father, but later I learned that it was also a kind of love from my father.

Even so, he will buy me a book for my use every Saturday. No matter how heavy it rains and how strong the wind blows on Saturdays, my father will buy me a book, which increases my extracurricular knowledge. Now I have ten composition books, two story books, reading and writing from 20xx to 20xx, and we love science, primary school students' study newspaper, China Youth Digest, one idiom story book, etc. (Article reading website:)

Even if you are a master of painting, it is difficult to outline your father's strong backbone: even if you are a literary magnate, it is difficult to depict your father's unyielding spirit; Even if the sea contains hundreds of rivers, it is difficult to include your father's love for your children! I love you, my great father.

My father's 500 word junior high school composition material 3

My father is a very ordinary person, just like the father of everyone in the world; Ordinary life, ordinary feelings, ordinary life. He did not make any earth shaking grand events, but he used his short life to interpret the true emperor whose father's love is like mountains, relatives and benefactors like sea

Some people say that my father is like a heavy camel. When he arrived at the oasis after suffering from hunger and cold, wind and sand all the way, he left without drinking a mouthful of water. My father never asked for anything in return, and my deceased father did not want me to atone for or make up for my sins, because no matter what I did wrong, he would unconditionally choose to forgive me, Because nothing in his heart is more important than loving me. When my father left me, he entrusted the whole family to me, which is a wordless trust in me, and also a recognition of my growing up. Now I am entrusted with the continuation of my father's life. Although my father has gone away from me, no matter how far away he is from me, The father's love that will never disappear will accompany me all my life, Gorky said; Fatherly love is a great book that shakes the soul. You can understand life if you understand it. The father who loves me and gives me blood and bone, who often makes me fall asleep with the blues, who carried me to the hospital when I was sick, who held my hand to accompany me through childhood, who worked hard and remained silent all his life, I didn't give any help and feedback to my father there. I expected miracles to happen. I waited for him to wake up, but what I finally waited for was to say goodbye to the only father in my life.

I sincerely thank him for raising me. Thank him for bringing me love and warmth, for letting me know the truth of life, and for everything he has given me for 17 years.

If my father is in heaven, I will write many years of missing, remembering and thanking to him. I think he will receive them, because he will build a ladder to heaven for me, as well as the lullaby with missing and love.

Father, can you hear my call in heaven, Dad!!!

Composition My Father 500 Words (13)

His father was a farmer, and he also traveled abroad in his early years. However, perhaps he could not bear the loneliness of his hometown, and soon returned to Sangzi. Tired of hiking, my father became clumsy in the garden and meticulously handled plows, shovels, axes and hoes. Father said that he loved the land. As long as it is carefully cared for, there will always be gains. Father said he loved me. If he taught me so carefully, I would not let him down. Finally that year, my father drove me to school. Today, when my father often explains, he always says that this is a kind of farmer's philosophy.

Father is always hard. In my memory, in the evening, he always donated his plow, drove his cattle, followed me, and walked back slowly. The afterglow of the setting sun slanted on the yellow ground of the plough birch, and the tail of the cow was swinging happily in the dusk. So I have a touch of eternal scenery of returning late in my memory. Year after year, my father planted yellow sweat and heavy hope on this ancient land. Time gradually turned his temples white and furrows on his face deepened. Father said that this also belongs to the farmer's philosophy: plant hope on the land he cherishes, and always look forward to the autumn harvest season, although he knows that he will grow old with the passage of the season. My father also said that I was also his land.

My father missed my trip. Before I left, he always put his deep eyes into my bag and gave me endless comfort for my lonely journey. When I went to college that year, he saw me drive after drive. A long time after the car started, he saw his smaller and smaller figure standing on the mound.

When the moon is getting full, I think it's time for me to go home and visit my father.

My father's composition 500 words (14)

Father's Day is coming. When I remembered that the class teacher told us to learn to be grateful at ordinary times, my thoughts flowed out of the memory of that year with this state of mind.

My father is very tall. He is shouldering the burden of his family and looks thin. With the passage of time, wrinkles have crept onto his face. What remains unchanged is his intense eyes, always looking at the infinite future with firm eyes.

In learning, my father is very strict with me, especially in writing.

I remember once my father came to my room to check my transcription. He looked at it for a long time and went out with a stiff face.

After a while, my father came back. I saw two more copybooks in his hand. I asked my father, "Dad, why buy two identical copybooks?" "Practice with you, even though my handwriting is not beautiful." I looked at my father and felt a warmth I had never felt before. Since then, I have made up my mind to practice Chinese characters well and not let my father worry about me anymore.

In life, my father is like a good friend of mine. We often reveal our feelings to each other by writing letters.

My father often taught me how to be a man in his heart and helped me solve problems. The letter written by my father always has a powerful force that inspires me to keep moving forward.

Father, I am bathed in your loving arms and grow up healthily and happily. I will try my best to be myself, not let you worry, and give you an answer to love.

I love you, Father.

Composition My Father 500 Words (15)

Father is the most shining star in my heart. Father, what a kind name! My father and I have a harmonious and cordial relationship just like this name.

Whenever I relax in my study, what comes to my mind is not the immortal maxim, but my father. It was my father who shouldered our warm little home with his modest shoulders. He told me with his actions that a man's shoulders are enough to lift the sky!

My mother told me that my father was uninhibited and eager for freedom when he was young. He would go out to play whenever he had time. Even if he could not go out, he would amuse himself at home. But now, he doesn't go out often. He has learned to cook and will send me to and from school. He has built this small home. If someone were to explain why he was no longer fun, they might say that he must have been smoothed by the years; But I don't think so. It's just because my father took on responsibilities that were far beyond his imagination before. The burden of family forced him to let go of his heart and take on the responsibilities that men should have

I adore my father, also because he has boundless universal love. His love not only brings warmth to our family, but also illuminates the poor people in society. My father often asked my mother and I to sort out unnecessary books and clothes to donate to poor areas and pay attention to the wider world.

My father may be ordinary in this world, but in my eyes, he is really a star that makes my life bright!