Compositions of Lilliput (20 popular articles)
Grandpa Sunshine
2024-06-13 04:04:44

Composition of Lilliput (1)

Before going to bed, I was watching Gulliver's Travels with relish. When I was absorbed in it, "Welcome to Lilliput, friend." The sound woke me up and I found my body had changed, and the whole person had become smaller. Ah! I came to Lilliput.

The day of Lilliput begins. The ambassador of Lilliput gave me a resident ID card and told me: "In Lilliput, you must remember to walk slowly and slowly to avoid hurting people. You can't sneeze or cough at will, or you will be blown away by the wind." "Ah! Isn't this a problem for me?" I opened my mouth wide. We talked and laughed on the way, and the little people invited me to eat the famous memory bread of Lilliput, Grow up Medicine, Flying Milk, etc. The scenery of Lilliput is also very unique, including the tall Alexander Lighthouse, the magnificent Great Wall, the clear Nepal Lake, etc. My favorite is the grassland of Lilliput. From a distance, the green grassland looks like a green ocean, so beautiful! There is also the Lilliputian ramen, which smells delicious. After eating it, you will feel that nothing in the world is as delicious as it is. They also introduced their life to me. When I heard it, I said, "Your life is so interesting!" Later, I drank the potion of growing up and recovered my original appearance.

Now let me believe that there is another world in the world, that is, Lilliput.

Composition of Lilliput (2)

Today is the day of teaching outside school, yeah! I am so happy. We set out at about 8:10 in the third grade to go to our destination - Lilliput.

When we arrived at Lilliput, our guide was Brother Chacha. Brother Chacha introduced us to the buildings in Lilliput one by one. The buildings in Lilliput were all mini buildings built with an actual size of 25 to 1. Among them, the most impressive one is Taoyuan International Airport, where there are many planes parked on the apron, and they will follow the designed route. The zigzag route is to tell us the takeoff and landing of the plane, which is its biggest feature.

Later, Brother Cha Cha took us to the amusement park by small train. When we arrived at the amusement park, Brother Cha Cha told us that we could play until one o'clock in the afternoon. We were so happy. When Brother Cha Cha said "disband", our group flew directly to the amusement facilities like birds just flying out of the cage. Among the many amusement facilities, the most impressive one is "Geocentric Adventure", which is a haunted house with ghosts in it and sounds, creating a terrible atmosphere. Yi Zhi and Jia Jun and I were sitting in the same car. The car was moving slowly. It was like taking a light rail train to enter a terrible place. I was so scared!

I learned from this off campus teaching that we should not only look at the appearance, because I thought that the "Geocentric Exploration" was terrible, and Jia Jun had to ask us to sit there. As a result, when we sat there, we found that it was not terrible at all, but it was fun.

"Visit Lilliput and get to know the world" is a good saying. The amusement facilities in Lilliput are not only fun, but also can get to know the world famous buildings. It's really killing two birds with one stone. A visit to Lilliput is like a tour around the world. It's really special! I hope the whole family will play again next time. word

Composition of Lilliput (3)

Today, I turned on my computer and found a villain on it. He waved at me as if to let me in. I couldn't help reaching out. I saw a flash of light and came to the little man. I asked him: "Where is this?" He said: "This is the most wonderful kingdom in the world. We have hundreds of millions of years of history here! Moreover, the technology here is advanced, and you can't detect it on your earth!" "Wow! It's so wonderful."

"By the way, there is a King's tryout today. Let's go quickly!" "OK!"

"All the contestants in the King's Trials, please pay attention! The competition will start soon. Please get ready."

"Hurry up, you will be disqualified if you are late." Before the words were out, the villain led me to the palace. "Wow, this is really big and beautiful!" "That's needless to say?" "Please enter!" the examiner shouted.

Half an hour, one hour, two hours... finally, the exam is over. "I'm exhausted!" I shouted as soon as I went out. "Hush! The examiners announced the results!" "This is the end of the King's tryout. Now, I declare that the king of this year is Li Ruyu! Come, let's give applause! The candidate of the king is Jin Jin (the one who brought me to Lilliput)." At this time, I said to the examiners: "I am a human being, can you send me back? My mother is still waiting for me!" "Of course, this key is for you. Just click the space bar with it, and you can come. OK, goodbye! Be sure to come back to see us often!" "OK." I closed my eyes, and after a while, I was in front of the computer again. Look at the key on your neck. It's not a dream.

Don't worry, friends of Lilliput, I will come back to see you.

Composition of Lilliput (4)

"Eh, where is this?" I sat up vaguely and looked at everything around me. The house was as big as a ping-pong ball, and the people were smaller than ants. What happened? Is this the villain country in the book?

"Hello, why are you in our Lilliputian country? Travel, or what? Also, why are you so big?" A Lilliputian soldier came to me with question marks on his face.

"I don't know, I'm from another place. By the way, do you have anything to eat? I'm hungry." I touched my flat stomach and looked at their restaurant. My mouth was watering.

"Yes, there are, but I think you should be able to eat, but not enough. Hmm, how much money do you have?" The villain soldier looked at my wallet and looked at the restaurant.

"Look, how much money can I get for you?" I felt my wallet and pulled out a 100 yuan note. The little soldier looked at the paper money with bright eyes, "My dear, this is a big country worth hundreds of millions of yuan!"

I went to the restaurant and bought dozens of hamburgers, eight packets of French fries and five bottles of mineral water. "My guest, your dishes are ready." The waiter came to me with the dishes. I finished all at one go. But I can't spend my 100 yuan, because I can't change it.

At this time, a thick smoke came, which made the soldiers and waiters sneeze. It was because the palace was on fire that there was thick smoke. I picked up the mineral water I had brought with me. The water in the bottle was gone, and the fire in the imperial palace went out immediately. The king was so grateful that he sent 30000 troops to help me build a ship back to my world. In a short time, a large ship was built. I reluctantly left Lilliput and returned home.

Whenever I think of Lilliput, it is a good memory.

Composition of Lilliput (5)

I lay in bed, closed my eyes and fell asleep. Suddenly I found myself in Lilliput.

The scenery here is picturesque. The green lake is like a mirror, reflecting the tall mountains on it. I am like a giant here, within reach. A bird in the sky seems to be dancing, a small frog in the pond is practicing singing, a small fish in the pond is playing under the lotus leaf, and a small butterfly is dancing in the flowers. What a beautiful picture! I breathed softly, as if the sun had blown away. Suddenly, I found a small castle nearby. I opened the door carefully and found a princess inside for her birthday. It's having a birthday party! The princess saw me and said to me, "Are you also coming to my birthday party?" Because the princess was too small, I had to lie down and talk to the princess. I whispered, "I want to attend very much, but I am too big to enter". The princess heard that the strongest soldier moved out all the things in the castle, and I ate all the food on the table, which was not enough to stop my teeth. Suddenly, a witch came. I blew her away at one go to thank me. She asked 10000 young tailors to make a beautiful skirt for me. The princess also prepared a place for me to eat a cottage made of cookies and a swimming pool made of milk tea. These food can be eaten by all the Lilliputians for two years. The princess took me to the bamboo forest, where I found two little pandas with big thumbs sleeping, reminding me of two little brothers sleeping at home.

"Get up and be late.". Mother shouted. Why am I still in the room when I wake up? Am I not in Lilliput? Oh, I was dreaming!

Composition of Lilliput (6)

By my side, there are three layers inside and three layers outside, all of them are people, all of them are as big as a thumb.

Look carefully, they are wearing red clothes and silver shorts. There are still words printed on the clothes, but the words are too small to see clearly, so I had to grab one and look closer: Lilliputian residents.

Ah! I fell into the Lilliputian country in Gulliver's Travels!

At this time, the little man held a pushpin in his hand and attacked me fiercely. Is this their arrow? ha-ha! It's about scratching! They must have regarded me as the enemy! Alas!

Suddenly, I found that many villains looked flustered. It turned out that neighboring countries had attacked! hey! What a good chance to prove innocence! I used my "Gao Dashuai"'s body to withstand the stones, and rushed out of many dangers, blocking wave after wave of attacks, which won time for Lilliput to escape. Then I used a basin full of water to wash away all the people in the barbaric country. In this way, I became a hero of Lilliput!

I became the guest of honor of Lilliput, but my troubles gradually came. When the citizens of Lilliputian country encounter difficulties, they will ask me for help. There are a lot of big things and small things! Just after helping them take down the balloon from the tree, the coachman asked me to help him pull out the stuck carriage. Just as the coachman left, the boatman came again, and his anchor could not come... My room was occupied by another group of people! I hate to rush forward and back. I realize that being an "adult" is also hard, and being a hero is also troublesome.

It's midnight now, and the Lilliputians have come to me again. Who will save me!

Composition of Lilliput (7)

Once, I was reading a book at home with great interest. The name of the book was Gulliver's Travels. Suddenly, a magic old man appeared from the book.

The old man held a magic wand in his hand. His beard was very long. He was wearing a blue hat. The magic old man said that you would like to be king in Lilliput? I readily agreed. I don't know what kind of magic words the old man used to send me to a forest. When I got up, I walked straight ahead. Suddenly, I saw the city wall modeled on a human face. Suddenly, two soldiers of Lilliput pointed at me with knives and swords. They said, "Who are you? What's your purpose in coming to Lilliput?" I said to him, "I come to be the king of Lilliput." He immediately knelt down to me and said, "Hello, dear king, welcome to Lilliput."

As soon as I entered the city gate, many little people said to me, "Give me some food! We haven't eaten for several days." I went into my palace and sat on a dragon chair that only the king can sit on. So I asked everyone in the palace to help the poor. I started to teach the poor how to wash clothes, and I taught them how to do business, Make Lilliput money in the palace. I also taught them how to defend their country. I found that many Lilliputians died here because they could not get water and lost their precious lives.

So I went to look for water sources with several bodyguards. We crossed several mountains and found a river on the top of a mountain. We told the residents of Lilliput, and the people of Lilliput cheered. They shouted, "Long live the king, long live the king!" The sound was deafening.

Suddenly, I heard my mother's voice. She was calling me: "Son, wake up soon, you should go to the tutorial class!" I suddenly woke up. It was a dream, and the Gulliver Travels book was right beside me.

Composition of Lilliput (8)

A sunny day, unknowingly came to a strange environment. This is a wonderful fairyland on the earth.

The green lake reflects blue sky and white clouds, tall trees sway in the water, and a group of lovely birds fly in the air, as if they are rehearsing a beautiful dance. All kinds of fish are singing and dancing happily in the water, and rows of trees are whispering.

I came to a resplendent building and looked up. The arch was carved with golden characters - Lilliput. Look carefully, the flowers here are small, the river is small, the house is small... everything is small.

I can't believe I came to the mythical Lilliput. While I was admiring it, a strange dwarf came over. He is a man, but his ankle is too high, and his little eyes are shining. I couldn't help laughing. "Ah! The giant is coming! Help, help!" The little man saw me and ran away without looking back. I followed him to a palace the size of a dictionary. Just now the dwarf was about to enter the palace when he was caught by two rude soldiers. "Boy, don't die, what are you doing?" "Giant. Giant!" "Giant? Ha ha ha ha ha giant, our Lilliputian country has no giant, only Lilliputians. What are you talking about? Get out! Don't blame us for being rude to you, get out!" "No! There are really giant people, look!" The dwarf smiled and pointed at me. The two soldiers were so scared that they ran to the hall with their heads in their hands: "Report to the king, giant!" The king pointed to me standing outside the hall and asked them, "Is it him?" "Yes, yes!" "Ah! It's over, giant!" The king fell down from his throne in fear. I walked across the roof of the hall and caught a small man. The others begged him for mercy and knelt down to call me king.

This trip to Lilliput really opened my eyes! Lian became king, ha ha!

Composition of Lilliput (9)

On November 8th, our whole class will go to Lilliput for outdoor teaching, so the day before yesterday I was so excited that I couldn't sleep, thinking about what games to play tomorrow!

After a long drive, we arrived at Lilliput smoothly. Once we entered, we took a small train to the model area to see the beautiful scenery around the world. What impressed me most was the antique Zhaocai Temple, which is the place where we can go to worship and the only place we can enter, Seeing the small and cute appearance of the fortune cat and the funny gesture, I could not help shaking the seal forward, bowing to the cat, and finally leaving.

After watching the model, we came to the game area. Of course, what we want to play most is the famous "Thunderbolt Skiing Boat"! As soon as we arrived at the station, we ran at the speed of Sonic Boy. I was afraid that we didn't get there. The emperor did not disappoint us. After waiting for a long time, we finally got there. When we rose at the speed of tortoise, I heard someone crying for his father and his mother, which made me laugh. At that moment, the boat suddenly dropped down, which made me cry "Ah - Ma -", but the wind kept pouring into my mouth, making my mother unable to take it. Suddenly, the sound of "brush" made the spray several meters high, and helped me wash my hair and shoes for free. It was really exciting!

When the assembly time came, we were almost finished, so I took a small train to the assembly site. At this time, I found that several groups had not come, so I had to wait for them. When everyone arrived, we reluctantly said goodbye to Lilliput, hoping to come again next time.

Composition of Lilliput (10)

The current environment is too poor, and resources are also very scarce, because there are too many people on the earth.

One day, I got up from my bed and looked out the window. The grass was as tall as the original tree, but the tree had become a towering tree. My chin was almost scared to the ground. When I went downstairs, I saw my grandmother taking three huge grains of rice from the rice bucket, cutting them in half and putting them into the rice cooker. After a while, they turned into delicious rice, and everyone was satisfied with only half of them. A barrel of rice will last us a year.

After breakfast, I walked to the yard and found a small house as tall as me. I looked inside and was stunned again. I saw an ant as tall as me.

After leaving the ant nest, I came to the aircraft. The aircraft has a pair of flying wings, which are no different from the ancestors' cars. The aircraft is easy to fly. I drive it everywhere. When I looked down from the aircraft, the main road was covered with green plants, the abandoned high-rise buildings became green, the whole world became green, and the air was very fresh.

I drove the aircraft home and fell asleep in bed

Lilliputian country is really wonderful. It can save energy and protect the environment.

Composition of Lilliput (11)

800 words composition on the arrival of a cold (1)


It was cold and cloudy. I caught a cold. I not only sneezed, but also felt pain all over the body. I had to go to the pharmacy to get some medicine.

I came to a small drugstore after a long walk. There were many people in the drugstore, and the business was very good. I stood outside the door and waited. There were still a lot of pedestrians on the sidewalk. There are also vehicles coming and going on the road. There are many beautiful colors in the distance. However, what I noticed was not that, but that he was an inconspicuous "second brother with back".

He is thin, not very tall. The hair is messy but shiny. It's probably because I haven't had shampoo for a long time. His gray coat has turned yellow, his big feet are stretched with a pair of black top shoes, and he has a big basket on his back, which makes him even weaker.

Maybe he has some disease or other reasons. Just as the "second back brother" strode forward, an accident happened. He fell down on the road with a sound of "poof", his whole body twitched, his hands and feet were pulled straight, as if he had been electrocuted. The vehicles on the road suddenly braked when they saw people fall down, looked out, turned around and drove away again. A lot of people were gathered around Brother Back, all of them were surprised. Some patients in the drugstore saw the excitement and ran away. Even a person who was in the process of infusion took down the liquid bottle and held it up to see the excitement. However, in store

It seems that our doctor is not interested in it. Continue to pack her medicine. Maybe he is afraid of causing some trouble!

"Second Brother Back" was still lying on the road, his face on the ground, and his body was shaking even more. His trembling hands kept stretching and bending, as if he needed something

Suddenly, the man holding the liquid bottle shouted, "110 or 120?" I think it's time to joke. How could the infusion be cured? You should go to surgery to see what color your heart is.

A staff member of the community said, "Doctor Wang, come and have a look!" The doctor said impatiently, "The man is suffering from epilepsy. After smoking, he will be fine after a rest, so why not take him to your community to have a rest..." The man didn't answer anything, but he disappeared after a while, afraid of causing trouble or being dirty... No one helped him, No one helped him.

At this time, the "second brother on the back" was getting better, and his hands and feet were at his beck and call. When two colleagues saw him passing by, they lifted him up and sat on the basket. When people around see that there is no excitement, they gradually disperse

In this matter, I am at a loss. Why not inject a little morality, warmth and love into some phenomena still existing in the society? With full sympathy and doubt, I watched the fatigued "Second Brother Backer" and hoped that someone would help him when he fell ill next time

I have a cold.

800 words composition on the arrival of a cold (2)

Cold Storm

As the saying goes, "The body is the capital of revolution". Only with a strong body can we learn easily. Unfortunately, I caught a cold this week. The taste is like drinking a cup of bitter coffee. I can never taste "sweet".

This Saturday, the cold officially came to my body, making trouble in my nose and doing all kinds of evil. When I got up in the morning, I felt my nose was like being gambled with a cork. I couldn't breathe and was very sad. At this point, the mouth takes over the task of the nose and begins to exhale and inhale. In this way, the mouth is dry and astringent soon.

At ten o'clock in the morning, my nose began to breathe like a tunnel that had been repaired successfully, but at this time it began to leak again. The original full bag of paper was used completely, and the garbage can was like a hill, rising constantly. The whole person is like a smoking machine, acting very slowly, and the brain seems to be unable to control its "general" - the nose. Sitting in front of my desk, I felt dizzy and dizzy when faced with those strange numerical symbols, profound English words, and complex and changeable physical formulas.

Only then can I feel the power of the virus. It's time for lunch. The degree of dizziness is getting bigger and bigger. A fragile body supports a heavy head. When eating, he would sneeze from time to time, and his face would become hot and red, quite like a child who has made a mistake and admits it in front of adults. I thought, fortunately, this didn't happen at school.

After a nap, I opened my eyes and got up. My eyes were dazed and I couldn't get up at all. At this time, my father gave me a bowl of ginger soup to drink. The "poisonous" ginger soup was like a sharp sword, which went straight into my throat. Slowly, the cold in my stomach seemed to be forced out. He took many cold medicines one after another, which tasted bitter. The disease stays in my nose

After one afternoon, my nose finally saw the "sunshine" again, and the whole person was as haggard as a yellow flower.

A cold is a small thing, but it also reflects the consequences of not exercising. I stayed in the air-conditioned room all summer vacation, of course, I can't stand such a big torture. Therefore, only by taking more exercise and developing good living habits can we stay away from colds.

800 words composition on the arrival of a cold (3)

Cold Record It's spring again, and cold germs are catching on again. Several students in our class have already suffered from serious colds. I'm also in the attack range of cold germs. That's really a cry of bitterness! My most annoying "Big Brother with Nose" shakes around his mouth. His nose seems to be stuffed with two cloths of cloth. He sneezes incessantly and his limbs are very weak. This is nothing. I need to do more "painful" things when I have a cold. The pain index of body temperature measurement is "Yifan, take your temperature quickly!". "Yifan, don't move when you measure your temperature, or you won't be able to measure your temperature without clamping your hands. My mother also talked about her long speech. The long five minutes finally passed. I handed the thermometer to my mother, and then continued to watch TV. Another hour later, my mother cried again:" Yifan, quickly measure your temperature and drink water pain index "Quick, drink! If you have a cold, drink more water. " Mother ordered. "I really can't drink it!" "If you don't drink it, I will cut off the broadband, so that you can never access the Internet!" I had no choice but to drink two bowls of water. It's cruel to take medicine. I have a cold. Of course, I can't help taking medicine. I'm not afraid of the any bitter medicine, but Shuanghuanglian Oral Liquid. Now I must take it three times a day, alas! poor. It's time to take medicine again. I hold my nose and drink Shuanghuanglian Oral Liquid in one gulp. Then I quickly pick up a sugar and put it into my mouth. But the sugar is not as sweet as the medicine. After eating the sugar, my mouth is still slightly bitter. At the end of the cold, when will you tell me 886!

800 words composition on the arrival of a cold (4)

"Cold": "Hum... hum..." Recently, it is the flu season. I also caught up with the "fashion" and caught a cold. Although it is not very serious, it has also brought me a lot of trouble. "Oh, how come again!" I covered my nose and murmured in my heart. I could only feel something strange in my nose - runny nose. I quickly picked up the paper towel and tried to "hum" for a while, and I felt much more comfortable. "Dinner is ready!" my mother called, and I immediately sat down at the table. Facing the delicious food, I picked up chopsticks and ate with relish. The hot air crept into his nose like smoke. The slug began to feel uneasy. "Not good!" I immediately picked up the paper towel and carried out the action of removing the snot. As soon as I moved my chopsticks, the next generation of slug seemed to avenge its father and rushed out at the fastest speed. I picked up the paper towel again - again and again, I simply put the paper tube on the dining table. Alas! I can't even eat. I lay on the bed at night, ready to sleep well, but the slugs still refused to let me go, and used their unique skill - nasal congestion. I turned over and over again, and my nose was like being blocked by a big stone. It was very uncomfortable. It seems that I lost the battle with the cold! Sixth grade: Zhang Jiajun

800 words composition on the arrival of a cold (5)

Cold When I sneezed for the nth time, I had the idea of writing something for my cold. - On March 18, the weather was so good that the sky above me was so clear that it could be described as transparent, The sun, which had not been seen for a long time, suddenly shot up from the horizon. I thought he was going to take a holiday, but now he was kicked out of his home to be on duty. Because the holiday was in vain, I was in a bad mood. Unfortunately, I was caught by a cold in this "bright spring" day. I can still use my personality guarantee now, When I said this, my expression could be described as "gnashing my teeth". Well, it must be the most appropriate. Yes, I remember a great man said - winter has passed, can spring be far behind? And I was thinking: the cold has come, will the fever be far behind? Thinking of this, I can't help but have a cold war. Because I seem to have seen a huge needle cylinder aiming at the veins on the back of my hand with its sharp weapon, and sent out bursts of grimace. Meanwhile, he said to me gently, "It's my honor to serve the masses of the people..." A few minutes later, I frothed and fainted. Seeing that I had bowed to its "lullaby", he smiled with satisfaction, and then waved a weapon to fight with my cell, which I always beat a few times. Finally, with tears in my eyes, I raised the white flag and surrendered to Brother Needle Barrel. God, it's terrible. After thinking this way, I hurried to the pharmacy at the fastest speed in my life. Buy some so-called cold medicine like candy for children. Then "hard" to swallow them, run to sleep. It should work. I looked at the ceiling and talked to myself. Although the drugstore aunt laughed very similar to the charlatan in the TV series, her perfect speech was really irresistible. I even think that her eloquence is so good that it is a pity to do a small job in a small pharmacy in this small city. Then, close your eyes and fall asleep. Tomorrow should be a fine day. I hope I can get rid of my cold earlier. Hehe.    

800 words composition on the arrival of a cold (6)

Cold At present, it is the eve of spring. It is a time of alternating cold and hot. Upper respiratory tract infections are very easy to occur. As a healthy and strong person, I unfortunately caught a cold and became very ill. I looked listless and dejected. Wearing an old thick coat, I shivered on the sofa. I coughed so hard that I almost coughed my lungs out. My head felt dizzy, dizzy, and headache was splitting. My father would not let me go downstairs immediately, stopped a taxi and went straight to the hospital; The doctor asked me to take my temperature, and I sat there for a long time. Mother was in a hurry, pacing back and forth, sometimes stopping to think about something. Her eyebrows were almost in a line, wrinkling violently. Mother murmured words, as if praying to God Daluo; By contrast, Dad was much more calm. He sat on the stool, staring at something, fidgeting with a cigarette with both hands, and smoking it from time to time. It was funny that he forgot to light the fire carelessly. Finally, it was our turn to take medicine. We grabbed a bottle of brine and several packs of medicine, left the money, and went straight to the infusion room. Looking at bright needles, listening to the crying of children coming and going, and smelling the strong smell of disinfectant, I spent more than an hour. When I got home, with the help of my parents, I slept in a mess, but I couldn't sleep at all. Mom and Dad were whispering about something under the dim light on the balcony. His hair and her hair had turned gray and wrinkles had increased. Suddenly, I felt infinite emotion in my heart. I felt sorry for the parents all over the world! Parents' grief for their children broke their hearts

800 words composition on the arrival of a cold (7)

I have a cold composition 350 words

At present, it is the eve of spring. It is a time of alternating cold and heat. Upper respiratory tract infections are very easy to occur. As a healthy and strong person, I unfortunately caught a cold and became very ill. I looked listless and dejected. Wearing an old thick coat, I shivered on the sofa. I coughed so hard that I almost coughed my lungs out. My head was dizzy, sometimes dizzy, sometimes with a splitting headache. I took syrup and a cold powder.

At night, my cold seemed to be getting worse and worse. My mother took care of me patiently at the bedside, regardless of her own affairs. So did Dad. Hearing that I was hungry, he immediately went to the kitchen to get food for me. When he came back, he sweated heavily, but he didn't say a word. At this time, I felt that my family was so warm, and I didn't regret my cold because my parents were busy with work, so they ignored me. Sometimes they didn't pay attention to me, so I was loved by my parents again.

Time passed quickly. It was early in the morning. Because I had a cold, my parents specially asked for a leave to take care of me. After breakfast, I went to the hospital to take my temperature. I sat there, and the time seemed so long. The temperature finally came out, and the 38 ° fever of the heart was almost gone. I really thank my parents. If my parents hadn't taken care of me yesterday, my fever would not have gone away so quickly. I would like to thank my parents.

This is me

Composition of Lilliput (12)

A strong wind suddenly blew me up. I can't see anything, just feel rotating, rotating

When I opened my eyes, I found that I was no longer at home. When I looked down, there were several two inch tall villains staring at me with malice. I felt strange, so I squatted down and looked at them carefully. They were all wearing gold clothes, silver shorts, and red words on their clothes. Unfortunately, I couldn't see clearly, so I had to pick up one of the little people and watch carefully. At this time, I saw several other little people running away like wind. I went up to the clothes of the villain and looked at them. It was originally printed with "Lilliputian Residents". I was stunned for a moment, "Did I really come to Lilliput?" I was thinking, suddenly many Lilliputians ran over, I looked closely, and each of them still had a thumbtack in their hand! (Is this their arrow?) From the sight of this scene, I know they must regard me as the enemy! I thought for a while, took out some sugar from my pocket, peeled off the sugar paper and put it in front of them. One of them approached a candy curiously, licked it with his tongue, then gabbled to his companions for a while, and then made a "please" gesture with his hands. When I looked in his direction, there was nothing in front of me. But I still couldn't resist my curiosity and walked in that direction. As you walk, changes have taken place around you

Three inch tall trees are planted on both sides of Lilliput, surrounded by one meter high buildings. Moreover, Lilliputian is still very quiet, and there is no noise! (It should be that the voice of Lilliputian is too low. I, a giant, can't hear it.

Slowly, I came to the palace of the king of Lilliput.

The King of Lilliputian asked me to have a cup of Coke, and I motioned for ten. Soon, his expression changed from smile to surprise. However, he still told his servant. Brought me ten cokes. When I drank all the Coke, the king's expression changed from surprise to dumbfounded.

After spending some time in Lilliput, I want to go home. When the king knew this, he gave me many things. At this time, I felt that the sky was dark and the ground was spinning, which made me unable to open my eyes.

Alas, I really want to go to Lilliput again.

Composition of Lilliput (13)

I went traveling alone, walking, the compass failed! I had no choice but to rush forward. Gradually, the trees are getting shorter and the houses are getting smaller

After a while, I found that the house was only my knee high, and the highest of people was only my shoes. Every step I take, the "earth" shakes once, and the truly "Lilliputian country" has experienced an unprecedented magnitude 9.0 earthquake because of me. Just listen to "Peng". Let me see. Alas, sin! My foot accidentally kicked over a "senior residence".

"Help, help!" I went to look for reputation - ah, many robbers and thieves rob others' property while in disorder. Then, hum, these shameless "little ants" are simply unforgivable. I was so angry that I hanged them in the air with my own hands, tied them with silk thread, and prepared to hand them over to the police. Everyone cheered.

The king of the "Lilliputian Country" was both happy and upset after listening to the report from others. The happy thing was that I caught the "lawbreakers" and the trouble was that they had to spend a lot of money to rebuild their "homes". I volunteered: "It doesn't matter, just invite engineers and a few workers. I can top hundreds of" Lilliputians "alone!" The king extended his eyebrows again and promised that we would be ready in two weeks for the project that seemed to be completed in two years. So the king gave me a certificate of honor. (It is only the size of the thumbnail.)

The king also asked me to be the chief of the police station to catch "outlaws." I have to walk on tiptoe every time I go to the street to avoid hurting the innocent.

I went out to relax and soon found my way home. Suddenly, I was surprised to find that I was staying in bed. Oh, it was a dream!

Composition of Lilliput (14)

Today is the weekend. I took out the Adventure Time Machine from the treasure chest, picked up my backpack and jumped into the time machine to begin my adventure.

Suddenly, a "bang" shook me to a place and made me dizzy. I looked down and saw that there were many ants. I saw that there were villains standing beside me. Some slowly crawled up to me, some got into the ears, some climbed into the nostrils, and some jumped up and down on their hair as jumping beds. Suddenly several people in small armor came to my ears and said loudly, "Miss, who are you?", Our emperor invites you to the palace. "

After arriving at the gate of the imperial palace, because the door was too small, the emperor had to set a banquet at the palace gate and sleep and chat there.

A few days later, a queen came to the palace gate to see the man who was bigger than herself. There are many desserts to eat.

After several days of wind and rain, I finally couldn't help but go home. So I went to the place where I was found by the children and looked for an exit. I found an exit after several days. I had to wait for a miracle to come. One day, a miracle happened and found some clues. With this clue, I finally found the only exit.

The next day, I reluctantly left Lilliput with my backpack. After a while, I still remember the reason when I got home. In order to find out why the export suddenly disappeared, I spent a day checking information and finally knew the reason.

Composition of Lilliput (15)

Once upon a time, there were two countries, one was the Great Kingdom, the other was the Lilliputian Kingdom. The relationship between the two countries was particularly bad. One day, the kings of the two countries took their queens, princesses and a group of troops to the grassland for a picnic. The king of the Great Kingdom also took their queens, princesses and a group of troops to the grassland for a picnic, The picnic equipment and food of our country were put on the blanket on the lawn, and the tableware of our country was also put in place. While our country's guards were not paying attention, our country quietly came to a big ice cream, took out a ladder, climbed up to it, and our country ate this huge ice cream, but, The Lilliputians ate all the chocolate on the ice cream. The Lilliputians ate all the food. They didn't eat a mouthful of the tableware prepared by the Lilliputians themselves. When the King of the Lilliputians came, the guards found that the ice cream was gone. The guards began to quarrel. One of the guards said that his partner ate the ice cream secretly. The partner said that the guard might have eaten it, They quarreled all the time. When the king came, he saw that his favorite ice cream was gone, and said, "You must have eaten it! Cut off your head!" At this time, there was a sound of "birds chirping". It was not the sound of birds, but the Lilliputians had worked together to move the ice cream to their own country.

Another time, Lilliput sneaked into the flower garden of Lilliput. Lilliput climbed onto the flowers to eat honey and ate all the nectar in the garden. Some gathered honey in a big bucket and moved back to Lilliput with concerted efforts. The king of Lilliput began to check the honey collection of bees. After checking for a long time, all the bees seemed to have no honey, and the honeypot was empty, The king said, "It must be you again. If you don't guard the door well, cut off your head!"

Well, the story is over. From this story, I realize that as long as we work together, everything can be done!

Composition of Lilliput (16)

On that day, I arrived at the school full of expectations. After repeated instructions from my teacher, we can't wait to set out to the Lilliputian Country, which is located in the suburbs more than an hour away!

First of all, everyone took a small train to the park. On the way, the breeze slowly came in, and the gray sky was drizzling, making this place that should have been full of laughter suddenly look poetic! Then, everyone rushed to the most popular amusement facilities to surf. My friends and I put on raincoats, placed valuables on both sides, sat on the boat, and waited for the track to rise slowly. Suddenly, a turn occurred, and the boat suddenly dived down. A huge wave hit everyone, which made my heart jump out of my head. It was very exciting! We have played twice in a row!

Then, our group of girls ran to take the merry go round. I rode on the white horse and spun under the colorful lights. The feeling of lightness was really fantastic! There is also the ferris wheel, which has to be seated. Although it moves very slowly, with the distance rising, the cold wind relentlessly blows to us, and the carriage shakes left and right, making us scream again and again! However, when the carriage reached the highest point, I looked down at the sweeping scenery, and my nervous mood could not help but relax. My friends also took the opportunity to taste snacks while enjoying the beautiful moment.

I seem to be a honey bee, roaming in Lilliputian country, exploring everywhere, playing heartily and can't bear to leave!

Composition of Lilliput (17)

In life, work and study, everyone has written a composition. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. What kind of composition have you seen? The following are the excellent junior high school compositions collected and sorted out by my editor, hoping to help everyone.

It is said that there is a Lilliputian country in this world, where is the home of dreams, but ordinary people cannot reach it.

In the boy's toy city, there is a beautiful little girl Tina and a determined soldier Jim. Tina and Jim always stand firm.

One night, Tina had a dream. She dreamed of a fairy. The fairy said to her, "In this magical world, there is a Lilliputian country, where there are many people and elves the same size as you, but no one has ever found it. I think that with your determination, you will be able to find the Lilliputian country that is as beautiful as a fairyland, which must be very suitable for you."

In the morning, the little girl told the story to Xi Bing, who said, "I had this dream, too." The little girl believed that what the fairy said was true, so they planned to go to Lilliput and live there. So they set out to find Lilliput.

On the night of the first day of travel, they dreamed of the fairy again. She said, "At the end of the east where the sun rises, there is the Lilliputian Country." The fairy smiled and disappeared.

They kept going east, but they could not find the end. They climb tall trees every day and chew the sweet fruits to replenish their strength.

They walked, walked, walked, walked... How hard their journey was, but they always believed: I will find it - Lilliput.

For an ordinary person, it was such a hard journey. What's more, it was not easy for a person with a big thumb.

They swam across the brook, through the jungle, and climbed over the mountains. What a hard journey they made all the way. They never complained, never gave up, and still continued to walk eastward in mystery. They walked through the woods and saw a little man in front of them. "Hi!" Xi Ping waved to him and said, "Hello, my name is Tom." Xi Ping said, "I am a tin soldier. I have been walking for so long, and I saw a man as big as my thumb for the first time." The little girl smiled and said, "Where are you going? "A fairy told me that there was a Lilliputian country at the end of the car side, and I would go to find it." "You also go to the Lilliputian country?" Tin Bing and the girl said in unison. "Yes." Tom answered firmly. Tin Bing said, "It seems that we have the same goals! Let's go to Lilliputian country together! I think it must be beautiful there. Let's go! "They marched excitedly to the end of the east.

They talked and laughed all the way, full of spirit. I don't want to go all the way. After the 'bumps' along the way, they are getting closer and closer to the end of the east, because the pools feel the sun is getting stronger and stronger!

"Ah! Lilliputian country." The tin soldier suddenly shouted, and everyone was so happy that they forgot themselves. Looking around, people there are as big as they are. What's more, people there live in beautiful flowers, smell the faint fragrance of flowers, look at the green grass, lie in the comfortable stamens, and are warm and comfortable under the bright sunshine. Everyone frolicked and played on the lawn, and they suddenly felt heaven.

They have been intoxicated by the beauty of Lilliput, and they are determined never to leave this place, because they have dreams in their hearts and more firm perseverance, which is the symbol of every member of Lilliput.

Composition of Lilliput (18)

One day, he was looking for food. Suddenly, he saw a sesame seed in front of him, and it ran to eat it. Unexpectedly, this sesame seed was experimented by scientists! After eating it, it found that its body, head, legs, tentacles and antennae were much bigger. It looked down at itself, stunned.

When he woke up, he felt that his body, head, legs, tentacles and antennae could not move. It was carried to Lilliput by many Lilliputians.

Suddenly, several small men with bows and arrows walked up to its chest, and then a dozen more small men came up in battle line. Mary cried out with fright, "Ah! What's the matter?" All the little people ran away immediately, but soon ran back again and boarded its body.

Mary struggled for a moment to move her body, but as soon as she moved, countless small arrows shot at her like raindrops. It felt pain like a needle in its body, so it had to lie quietly and did not dare to act rashly.

After a while, Mary felt very hungry, so she put her tentacle to her mouth to show that she was hungry. These little people immediately put a ladder beside it, and then climbed up, first poured water into its mouth, and then put delicious sesame seeds into it.

When he was full, Mary fell asleep. When he woke up, he found himself a little ant again.

Composition of Lilliput (19)

He came to a path, which was empty. The puppet saw a small black spot. He came closer and saw that it was a small man the size of a thumb! The little puppet asked in surprise: "Who are you?" The little man said: "I am a seaman of Lilliput. I have already explored the sea and am ready to go back to Lilliput." The little puppet's eyes flashed a curious light: "Can I go with you?" Unexpectedly, the hospitable seaman promised happily. The puppet went to Lilliput with the sailors in the boat he found.

When we arrived at Lilliput, the puppet saw a very small castle at the first sight. The gate was just as wide as the puppet's waist. The puppets bent down and crept in through the gate. People were stunned when they saw the puppets one by one and said, "It was strange that Gulliver came here last time. This time there was another puppet, and this year there were so many strange things!" The puppets walked carefully, afraid of stepping on people. Suddenly, he found a thief who stole money and drove a car to run around, rampaging, The house of Lilliput was damaged, and the citizens of Lilliput were injured. In the face of such an arrogant thief, the police could not catch up with him at all, and watched him escape farther and farther. The little puppet was in a great mood. "How unreasonable! Let my little puppet take care of him!" He said. He took two big steps to catch up with the thief's car, picked him up with two fingers, and sent him to the police station with one big hand. People cheered warmly and called the little puppet "puppet hero." In order to thank the little puppet, He sent him a lot of food, but the puppet couldn't eat enough. He thought to himself, "Lilliputian country is not suitable for me. I'd better go somewhere else to adventure!"

The puppet said goodbye to Lilliput, boarded the boat and went to other places for adventure. Guess where he will go next time?

Composition of Lilliput (20)

The old man held a magic wand in his hand. His beard was very long. He was wearing a blue hat. The magic old man said that you would like to be king in Lilliput? I readily agreed. I don't know what kind of magic words the old man used to send me to a forest. When I got up, I walked straight ahead. Suddenly, I saw the city wall modeled on a human face. Suddenly, two soldiers of Lilliput pointed at me with knives and swords. They said, "Who are you? What's your purpose in coming to Lilliput?" I said to him, "I come to be the king of Lilliput." He immediately knelt down to me and said, "Hello, dear king, welcome to Lilliput."

As soon as I entered the city gate, many little people said to me, "Give me some food! We haven't eaten for several days." I went into my palace and sat on a dragon chair that only the king can sit on. So I asked everyone in the palace to help the poor. I started to teach the poor how to wash clothes, and I taught them how to do business, Make Lilliput money in the palace. I also taught them how to defend their country. I found that many Lilliputians died here because they could not get water and lost their precious lives.

So I went to look for water sources with several bodyguards. We crossed several mountains and found a river on the top of a mountain. We told the residents of Lilliput, and the people of Lilliput cheered. They shouted, "Long live the king, long live the king!" The sound was deafening.

Suddenly, I heard my mother's voice. She was calling me: "Son, wake up soon, you should go to the tutorial class!" I suddenly woke up. It was a dream, and the Gulliver Travels book was right beside me.