Tolerance Narrative Composition (5 required)
know by oneself whether it is cold or warm
2024-06-15 06:03:31
Junior two
topic of conversation

Tolerance Narrative Composition (1)

He is a good friend of mine. He is not tall. He wears a pair of black frame glasses and a lovely face, which makes people want to pinch. We live in the same community and often go to school together. He is like a brother. But that time, I almost lost this good friendship.

It was a seemingly ordinary afternoon. It was sunny and sunny. We listened to the class as usual and had a lot of fun after class. In the afternoon after school, the sun shed its last light on the western hills at dusk, and the clouds in the sky were also dyed red. We both talked and laughed and carried our bags to the parking lot. We found our bicycles and pushed them outside. The ground in the parking lot was covered with stones. My body suddenly deflected, and my handlebar hit his handlebar. I didn't care about that at that time, But when I saw that he was holding a hand and his face was in pain, I thought: It's broken! I quickly asked, "Are you all right?" He shook his head and gave me a thumbs up. When I saw that, he was still bleeding. Before I asked whether to go to the hospital, he inexplicably said, "What do you want to do?" I was stunned: "What should I do?" "You should compensate me for a fun, how about" Three Kingdoms "?" Looking at his proud smile, I suddenly felt very angry. I felt that he had been premeditated and my friendship had been cheated. I was so angry that I ignored him and went home.

After returning home, the more I think about it, the more angry I am. It's OK not to pay such a friend!

The next day I gave him my three kingdoms and decided to ignore him no longer. Since then, there has been a group of inseparable good friends and a pair of enemies on the campus of No. 8 Middle School. Each time we meet, our eyes meet, and we turn away. Later, the teacher learned that he mediated for us, his mother also reasoned for me, and other students also repeatedly persuaded me that the ice in my heart slowly began to loosen, and one slap could not make a sound. This was my mistake. First, I accidentally hurt him, and then I didn't care about the other's' pain, Then no contradiction will occur. I thought of a sentence of Mencius that I once read: "Do what you want, do what you want", which means that if you do not succeed, encounter setbacks and difficulties, or interpersonal relationships are not good, you should reflect on yourself, and find reasons for everything from yourself. But my usual practice is often contrary to that of saints. If there is a problem, it is not introspection, but complaining. So I lost a good friend and a good brother. Thinking of these, my heart suddenly brightened.

The other day when we were cleaning up, we met again. Standing in front of him, I felt a little embarrassed, but I still stopped him: "I'm sorry for what happened before!" He turned around and said low, "I'm also wrong." "Shall we make up?" "OK!" I held him, and he also held me, and a pair of enemies turned into a pair of good friends!

The sky is clear, even the sun is shining. The power of tolerance is infinite. Tolerance to others is also tolerance to yourself!

Tolerance Narrative Composition (2)

Some people say tolerance is a kind of cultivation, a virtue, and I think it is true. Tolerance enables us to cultivate. Once this virtue is carried forward, the world is full of love, making love everywhere... (excerpted from a song) When we learn tolerance, you will feel that the world becomes more beautiful. The disputes you once had with your classmates will be resolved because of a factor (tolerance), which shows that tolerance is very important, So everyone should learn tolerance.

I still remember clearly that in our Chinese books, we wrote a story about the 16th President of the United States; The story of Lincoln's election. When Lincoln ran for president, he was humiliated by a senator. The senator said, "Mr. Lincoln, before you begin your speech, I hope you will remember that you are the son of a shoemaker." I thank you very much for reminding me of my father, who has passed away. I will always remember your advice. I know that I can't be as good as my father as a shoemaker when I am president. "Lincoln said.

The Senate fell silent for a while. Lincoln turned to the arrogant senator and said, "As far as I know, my father has made shoes for your family before. If your shoes don't fit, I can help you correct them. Although I'm not a great shoemaker, I learned shoe making skills from my father when I was young."

Then he said to all the senators, "It's the same for everyone in the Senate. If you wear shoes made by my father and they need to be repaired or improved, I will try my best to help. But one thing is certain, I can't be as great as him, and his craftsmanship is unparalleled." Lincoln shed tears, All the ridicule turned into sincere applause. Later, Lincoln became President of the United States.

As a man of humble origin, Lincoln had no conditions in a noble society. The senator wanted to humiliate him. He did treat him with a friendly attitude and received applause. It was the climax of a spiritual realm. And it is precisely in the realm of tolerance that a humble Lincoln won the presidency.

From this story, we can see that tolerance is a kind of cultivation and a virtue. If we learn tolerance, we will help you at the right time. Maybe we will be like Ken, give you wings, win the laurels, and have our own dreams.

This is the benefit that tolerance can bring to you. Learning tolerance seems simple, but it also contains philosophy. Therefore, it is not easy to learn tolerance. The virtue of tolerance should be carried forward, so that the world will become a beautiful world.

Tolerance Narrative Composition (3)

Hugo, the British writer, once said that the broadest thing in the world is the sea, the sky is broader than the sea, and the mind of people is broader than the sky.

With the heart of tolerance, we can turn big things into small ones and small ones into small ones, and compose songs of harmony. I didn't really understand the true meaning of tolerance until that one.

It was a Sunday. I came to my aunt's house singing. My aunt lives on the fourth floor and has just moved to a new house. Neither of my neighbors are familiar with her. I poked my head out curiously to see the beautiful scenery in the morning. But there was a sound of patting quilts from upstairs, and then some dust and cotton crumbs fell. They were flying all over the sky and made faces at me from time to time! I was so angry that I said: "I wanted to see the beautiful scenery in the morning, but someone" obstructed "the environment and destroyed the taste of others." The sound from upstairs is getting louder and louder, without any intention of stopping, and it is getting more and more exciting. The "guys" of "grey head and grey brain" are lined up one by one, ready to "dance" at any time. Although I was furious, I had to be a "shrinking tortoise" because someone else was in a good position.

When the sound stopped, I put my head out again. Suddenly, I saw that the pomegranate flower was in full bloom, but was "infected" by those "gray heads". I picked up the watering can to water the flowers. Little drops of water bathed in flowers, some quietly lying on the green leaves to bask in the sun, some playfully jumping out of the flowerpot and going downstairs along the "original route". I looked downstairs, and the small drops of water were falling on the neighbor's quilt downstairs. I thought to myself: I will be scolded by the people below. At this time, the people downstairs also poked their heads out. My heart was pounding, as if I had knocked over the Schisandra bottle -- sour, bitter, hot, salty, but not sweet. It was an old woman who poked her head out. She smiled and said kindly, "Well, it's time to water the flowers. Look, how beautiful the flowers are!" Then she moved the quilt aside and went into the room.

I lowered my head in shame and thought: Well, Grandma is so tolerant! Eh? What inspiration did I get? The sound of tapping the quilt upstairs interrupted my thinking. I suddenly realized it. I looked up and just saw the aunt upstairs. She said, "Well, look at the weather! It's time to dry the quilt." The aunt seemed to understand something, and her face immediately became extremely red, as if she had smeared a layer of pepper oil on her face. She patted the quilt and went into the room.

You must want to know what I understand. Let me tell you. Tolerance not only resolves all coldness and unhappiness like a hot spring, but also serves as a gift for each other. Tolerance is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation, and we should continue to carry it forward!

Tolerance Narrative Composition (4)

As an old saying goes, "The sea contains hundreds of rivers, and its capacity is great". Today I say: "The heart accepts the world, this is tolerance".

It is a matter of course that we should tolerate others because things are small.

Small things cause contradictions, estrangement and even resentment between two people. If we treat these contradictions with a tolerant heart, they will become insignificant. When others accidentally step on us or hurt us with words, if we treat them with a tolerant heart, there will be more harmony and happiness around us. A gentleman does not stick to small matters. Maybe we are not all gentlemen, but even an ordinary person should use tolerance to resolve minor contradictions around him, so that people can get along well with each other!

However, we should also have a tolerant heart before major events.

In the face of major events related to personal destiny, even the survival of the country, we may not be able to treat them with a tolerant attitude. One day, you will find that proper tolerance will have unexpected effects. In the face of foreign journalists' relentless questions, he treated them with tolerance and answered them in a humorous and appropriate way, which won the respect of the world.

On the other hand, tolerance does not mean to forgive all people and things. What can we forgive a person who has committed an unforgivable crime, a person who has made a big mistake but never knows how to correct it, and a person who has lost his conscience? Zhuge Liang had no choice but to kill Ma Su with tears. Why didn't he want to forgive him? But, for the sake of big cause and determination, he has no choice... So, when facing big events, we should treat them rationally!

Tolerance is not cowardice.

Tolerance does not mean you are weak. Lin Xiangru sent an envoy to the State of Qin for the safety and adventure of the State of Zhao. The heroic act of returning to the State of Zhao was admired by all the people in the State of Zhao. Lianpo was jealous of it. But when Lianpo understood that only the two of them could save Zhao, he pleaded guilty, and Lin Xiangru also tolerated him. Lin Xiangru forgives Lianpo from the point of view of Zhao State, not because he is cowardly, on the contrary, it just proves his magnanimity and nobility. Therefore, when you have a tolerant heart, some of you are not cowardly, but courageous!

Tolerance is a quality that everyone should possess. It is like a clear spring that purifies people's hearts. Have tolerance, face tolerance!

Tolerance Narrative Composition (5)

Tolerance as Topic 700 Words Narrative Composition High School 1:

Turgenev, the Russian realist master, said: "Those who will not tolerate others do not deserve to be tolerated by others." Yes, tolerance is a bridge of friendship between people, which can connect their hearts; Tolerance is a lubricant, which can eliminate friction between people; Tolerance is a bunch of sunshine, which can melt the snow of mutual suspicion; Tolerance is a poem, let's recite it!

I remember once having such a thing, which is unforgettable in my heart. It was an ordinary break. I was playing a game with my good friend Huang Caiwei, but I accidentally dropped Zhou Xinying's new cup. Shortly after, Zhou Xinying returned to her seat and found her cup had been broken. She asked her deskmate if she saw who had dropped it. Her deskmate said she didn't see it, and she asked me. I was embarrassed to say that I had accidentally dropped it, I thought to myself: that's her new cup. Now I accidentally broke it. She must ask me to pay for it. But she said, it's OK. I can go back and change it. I said, it's not so good. I'd better pay you one. One person does one thing, and I'll pay you one. I was about to take my wallet when she stopped me and said, "It's OK! I'll buy another one, I'm not so stingy." Suddenly, a warm current flowed into my heart. Tolerance is beautiful and warm. It will form a warm current in your heart and warm your heart! Tolerance is the first warm thing!

Tolerance is encouragement to each other; Tolerate each other is trust to each other; Tolerance is the expectation of each other!

It must be known to all that Lin Xiangru of the State of Zhao was granted the title of Shangqing by the King of Zhao for his meritorious service in the Warring States Period, and his official position was even more honest than that of a veteran general. Lian Po was very unconvinced and wanted to embarrass Lin Xiangru. Lin Xiangru tried to avoid Lianpo. Others thought he was afraid of Lianpo, but Lin Xiangru said that he was not afraid of the King of Qin. How could he be afraid of General Lianpo! Just because he and Lianpo are the pillars of Zhao. If they become enemies, Zhao will be in danger. When Lian Po heard this, he was very ashamed, so he went to Lin Xiangru's home to admit his mistake, bare his upper body and carry a thorn on his back, and the two became friends of life and death.

Tolerance is a warm and happy poem!

Tolerance as Topic 700 Words Narrative Composition High School 2:

Tolerance, how ordinary and simple these two words are, is a kind of understanding as well as a kind of respect.

Remember once in school. After class, one of my classmates hit me hard with his arm when handing in his homework. At this time, I was writing carefully with a pen. Unexpectedly, he would "hit" me, so the ink splashed on the paper, and blue traces immediately appeared on the white paper. I suddenly got angry and shouted at the student: "What's wrong with you? How can you do this? You compensate me!" The way I shouted and patted the table probably scared the student. He kept apologizing to me: "Sorry, I didn't mean to. I don't know how to compensate?" I saw that he was serious, He also continued to order him with a ferocious gesture: "Tomorrow, bring me 10 yuan as compensation for ink and paper, as well as my time and mental losses!" He really agreed.

When I got home, I was still angry, as if this man owed me a debt in his previous life. After asking about the situation, my mother began to criticize me: "You really shouldn't have done this. No matter how he met you, he didn't mean it. Besides, he apologized. You shouldn't ask him for 10 yuan!" I was even more angry when my mother spoke for this classmate: "Mom, he wasted my long hard work, wasted my ink, wasted my white paper, and made me angry, so I am very hurt. Do you know it?" My mother began to teach me with great seriousness: "Children, you can't be too careful. You should not be too demanding of others because they have offended you. Yes, you will lose, but it doesn't matter. When you open your mouth to accuse the person who offended you, do you think he will feel better? If something is broken, it can be repaired. But the heart is broken, but it can't be mended. Therefore, you should be kind to others.

The next day, when the classmate gave me money, I refused and was glad to forgive him, which surprised him greatly

Yes, as the saying goes: step back, open the sea and sky, endure for a while, and calm the waves. There is no reason to blame others for their mistakes. But if you can tolerate others with a broad mind, you can make the world more exciting.

Tolerance as Topic 700 Words Narrative Composition High School 3:

Tolerance is not only a kind of cultivation, but also a virtue. Tolerance is not timidity, but tolerance. Be tolerant.

Tolerance is like water. Tolerance means forgiving others' mistakes, not being bitter about them, not being penny wise, being kind and generous. Tolerance is as gentle as water. When encountering contradictions, it is often more effective than extreme revenge. It is like a clear spring, which wipes out the temporary hostility and makes people calm and sober.

Tolerance is like fire. Because a higher level of tolerance means not only ignoring personal gains and losses, but also warming others' hearts with their own love and sincerity. It is rare to have a tolerant heart as smooth as water; The tolerance of giving timely help is more valuable and moving. Tolerance can melt the ice in each other's hearts, and also radiate the heat of love into each other's hearts. In this era of competition, isn't this tolerance what people need? To choose tolerance is to choose love and warmth, but also choose the breadth of life.

Tolerance is like poetry. Tolerance is a poem of life. The tolerance of the highest realm is not only shown in the handling of something in daily life, but also sublimated into a life attitude of treating people and doing things. The meaning of tolerance is not limited to the understanding and love between people, but the tolerance and fraternity of all life in the world.

Tolerance is a science. For small mistakes, small mistakes, you can happily tolerate each other. But when it comes to big mistakes, we should consider them clearly. Tolerance is not shielding or concealing, but helping.

Of course, tolerance should be more "strict with oneself and lenient with others". Forgive yourself easily, it is not tolerance, it is cowardice. "Be lenient to others" also depends on the object. It is abusive to tolerate people who do not cherish tolerance; To tolerate those who are not worthy of tolerance is appeasement; To forgive the unforgivable is indulgence. Therefore, tolerance itself is a knowledge.

Because of tolerance, the complicated life becomes pure; Because of tolerance, the monotonous life looks fresh. Tolerance gives life a beautiful color!

The world is so broad, but there is something broader than him - the heart. Let's learn tolerance!

Tolerance as Topic 700 Words Narrative Composition High School 4:

Hugo once said: "The broadest thing in the world is the sea, the sky is broader than the sea, and the mind of people is broader than the sky." It can be seen that tolerance can make your mind wider and your life more exciting. But I really understand this sentence is due to an accidental experience.

My character is easy-going, and I don't usually get angry with others, but there are exceptions. Once, a classmate said that he wanted to borrow my pen for use, and I lent it to him quickly, but this little thing unexpectedly started the conflict between us.

A few minutes later, he returned the pen to me. After all, I have been a classmate for many years, so I won't worry about it. But when I came home, I took out my pen to write, and found something strange. After a careful look, I found that the cap of this pen was not the original one. I was immediately angry: this is my birthday, my aunt gave me a gift ah, I particularly cherish and love it! But now, it has changed. Anger filled my brain: Hum, I will go to school tomorrow to find you how to account!

The next day, I walked up to the classmate angrily and said, "What did you do to my pen? You want to compensate me..." Then I cried bitterly. He stood there at a loss. After a while, I gradually stopped crying. Seeing him standing there like a child who has done something wrong, I couldn't help being soft hearted. When I was a child, I used a knife to cut the sofa at home. My father only educated me, and did not speak harshly to me. Dad can forgive me for being so naughty, but now why should I bother my classmates? Thinking of this, I smiled at him and said, "Well, it's OK, I forgive you." Seeing the incredible exaggerated expression on his face, I made a joke: "Well, I scared you. It seems that my acting is pretty good." Then we both laughed.

We can learn to be tolerant from such small things in life, treat others with a tolerant heart, and also use a tolerant heart to reduce pressure on ourselves.