Fifth grade composition Father's Love (20 selected articles)
Listen to the wind in the rain
2024-06-13 02:45:32
fifth grade

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (1)

Deep Father Love Grade 5 Composition

Whether in school or in society, people have more or less come into contact with composition. Composition is a narrative way in which people express the relevant knowledge, experience and thoughts stored in their memory in written form. I believe many friends are very distressed about writing compositions. The following is a carefully edited composition for Grade 5, which is only for reference. Welcome to read it.

As the saying goes: maternal love is the greatest in the world. However, I think fatherly love is also great.

When I was in the third grade, the school was going to hold a small production contest to see who was a skillful hand. After returning home, I asked my father to buy one for me, but my father asked me to do it myself. In the end, I had no choice but to allow.

Every afternoon after school, my father uses his rest time to make wind chimes with me. We bought bell, needle, thread and other materials. Just do what you say, and it will be finished in a few days. But in the end, how to sew the thread and cloth bag? My father and I knew nothing. My mother taught him needlework after my father repeatedly begged. My father sewed it for me. He hurt his hand many times. My father always smiles. Finally, we finished the wind chime with great efforts. This time, I got the second place in the whole school. My father and I laughed happily when we saw the heavy certificate.

Dad's love is more than that! One night, I caught a cold and coughed very badly. My father carried me to the hospital in one breath, regardless of three or seven or twenty one. Beany sweat dripped down from my face, but he never cared. My father has been waiting in front of my bed. When I woke up in the morning and looked at my father's haggard face, my "Jindoudou" couldn't help falling down. All of a sudden, my father and I felt much deeper, and the cold seemed to be much better. Since then, my father has paid more attention to me. He will call me every day even if he goes out to work.

"There are only parents in the world. Children with parents are like treasure..." "Dad, are you all right? I love you forever!"

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (2)

I remember when I was four years old, my father took me back to my hometown for the Spring Festival. After the Spring Festival, when we went home by train, because I was very active, I always ran in the corridor of the carriage, climbed up and down in the sleeper, and finally damaged a valuable thing of a passenger on the train. Dad quickly apologized to others, and also lost some money. After losing the money, I lost my father's wallet again. When we got to Shimen Railway Station, Dad had no money, so he had to carry me home.

My father walked a few steps behind me, afraid that I would be cold, he took off his cotton padded clothes and put them on me, and continued to carry me forward. Because I am very fat, and my weight is heavier than that of children of the same age. My father carried me on his back and carried a heavy travel bag in his hand. Therefore, although it was still very cold, the sweat on my father's face soon seeped out. I want to go down and walk by myself, but my father just carried me home! I think how much I love my father!

When I grew up, I sometimes mentioned it. My father said, "You are my daughter. I seldom stay at home and have no time to accompany you. I just cherish the time I spend with you." Indeed, my father gave me the truth that money cannot replace. Maybe someone else's father just called his family to pick us up at the railway station, but my father gave me his warmth and love.

To this day, I can clearly recall the scene that my father bent over and carried me home, and the look of the big cotton padded jacket with my father's temperature. I can smell the sweat smell on my father and feel the warmth of the big cotton padded jacket. I really want to say loudly to my father: "Dad, I love you!"

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (3)

In the ordinary study, work and life, everyone has dealt with composition. Composition can be divided into primary school composition, middle school composition and college composition (thesis). In order to make your composition more simple and convenient, the following is a collection of essays on fatherly love in grade five, which is for reference only, and I hope it can help everyone.

When we were young, who held our hand and accompanied us to maturity step by step? Is the father; When you were sick, who was so sad at your bedside? Is the father; In the rain, who is holding an umbrella for you while standing in the rain? It's my father.

Maybe everyone's father expresses his love in different ways, but their starting point is the same. When you were young, your father was the mountain you relied on, the person you helped you in the pain and frustrations, and also your warm harbor.

When you grow up and your father grows older, his memory may decline, but what he remembers most clearly is his children.

When you are mature and your father is rare, don't stay away from home often. Maybe your father looks out of the window every day.

When your old father scolds you, don't hit back at your father, because you may not hear his scolding in the future.

When your father is in danger, what your father wants to see most at that time must be his own children. Even a glance is good.

When your father is no longer in the world, you may often recall the time when your father was with you, because at that time, he was the only thing left in the world.

Father has gone, father's love is eternal, love has no trace!

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (4)

On Sunday, just after dinner, two children called their son downstairs and asked him to take a skateboard to play with them. Of course, the son was so happy that he quickly picked up the skateboard from the balcony, opened the door and ran down. The dishwasher straightened up and said "Be careful" to my son, who did not look back, and continued to do my housework.

My son and children were sliding their skateboards in the building, constantly changing patterns. Their happy laughter and screams made me feel that life was really like a glass of wine. I hummed a song while doing housework. Soon I washed the dishes and cleaned the floor.

When I listened to my son's occasional laughter and screams, I felt very happy and secure. After about thirty minutes, there was no noise of children downstairs. I opened the balcony and bedroom windows and looked out, but could not see my son's figure.

At nine o'clock in the evening, I still can't see my son. I can't sit still. Where has the boy gone? Is there any danger? As soon as he went out, he went crazy and totally forgot the anxiously waiting for his mother at home! My husband was also worried. He opened the window and shouted his son's name. There was no response from the nearby downstairs. "Let's go to him separately."

My husband and I said together. We changed our shoes and ran downstairs quickly. As he was in a hurry, the husband accidentally stepped down a step, and his foot was twisted. He cried out in pain. He rubbed his ankle with his hands, endured the pain and ran forward.

After a while, the husband came back with his son. The son looked at his limping father and wrote an apology on his face. I breathed a long sigh of relief, and tears could not stop flowing down.

Without loud scolding and scolding, my husband and I gently took our son's hand, slowly went upstairs, opened the door, and entered the warm home.

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (5)

Father's love is warm and honest, sometimes a warm and generous embrace, sometimes a deep and powerful encouragement.

Father love has two opposite natures, but it can be shown in the same little thing, just like that time

On that day, it was time to do the Olympiad Maths problem again. I had just put down an appetizing book. I was eager to know the following plot, but unexpectedly I was arrested to do the math problem, which made me seem absent-minded.

When my father came over, he saw at a glance that my thoughts had gone nowhere. He was very angry. My father, he has a stiff face; My father, his thick eyebrows twisted; My father, his eyes are sharper than ever before, and he seems a bit gloomy. He rubbed his hands and put them on his waist. He said forcefully, "At once, how can you do this? Cheer up!" The last sentence was almost drinking. It looked like a strict teacher holding a whip in ancient times. I shrink my neck with a guilty conscience, dare not look at my father, and bury my head in doing it very seriously.

It took more than an hour to do the exercises. My father took his professional books as an example and sat beside me to read them. He did not make a sound for a long time. He was completely immersed in his exercises and was very focused, so that I was also driven to keep my voice shut and write fast.

It was a cold night, and the moonlight was like a layer of pale frost, plating everything with delicate but cold luster. The temperature dropped suddenly at night. The cold wind came through the window. It was freezing cold. I curled up, my hands were red and crisp with cold. My father didn't say anything. He used to close the windows and doors carefully without leaving a crack. He moved the heater and then brought me a thick cashmere coat.

My heart is warm and harmonious. Sometimes my father's love is severe, like the roaring north wind, sometimes it is warm, like the gentle spring wind. However, whether it is the spur of the north wind or the encouragement of the spring wind, it comes from the strong father's love. This kind of care makes the cold winter night warm and comfortable.

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (6)

I came to this world with a baby's tender cry. You accompany me to grow up with your kind eyes and warm hands. Every time you talk and walk, you will give me a look of approval and encouragement. With your help, I am 9 years old.

At the age of 9, I have enjoyed too much care from you. In the wind and rain, mother, you hold up a big umbrella for me; In the confusion, father, you illuminate the road to success for me; Under the light, mother, you brought me a cup of warm water; Under the bookshelf, father, you tell me the story of enlightenment

I remember three years ago, I spent three unforgettable weeks in the hospital. In February, the chill of winter was still in the air over the city. I was diagnosed with Guillain Barre syndrome by the doctor and was hospitalized immediately. Infusion and injection every day make me weak. You take care of my food and clothing day and night, afraid of my loneliness, and buy my favorite snacks and game machine from the shop to play with me. You tell me interesting stories in your spare time. Every night I lie on the bed and fall asleep, but you can only take a nap on the edge of the bed, mostly all night, just to take better care of me. In those days, you made me feel the warmth of spring. With your careful care, I recovered quickly.

Sometimes, when I make mistakes, you teach me in a gentle tone; Sometimes, when I fail, you encourage me with firm words. People often say: "Father's love is like mountain, mother's love is like water", I really have personal experience.

Senior 1: Lai Xiaoxin

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (7)

There are many kinds of love in the world, and their expressions are different. My parents also love me like other parents in the world. Their love for me is simple and ordinary, like the spring breeze blowing across my face, like the warm sun shining through my heart, making every day of my life happy and practical.

I am a naughty boy, and I always have this or that situation at school. Once, I argued with my classmates and moved hands with each other. I was kicked by my classmates. The teacher informed his father immediately. Soon, Dad came to school. I thought Dad wouldn't come! Because of my naughty, my father often runs to school. I still remember the last time my father said angrily, "No matter how naughty you are!" But I didn't expect that today my father would know that I was injured, or put down my work again and rushed to school.

Seeing my father's anxious and worried face, I was extremely ashamed. Because my disobedience once again affected my father's work. I followed my father with my head down. My father reached out his big hand and held my small hand. He asked with concern: "Is it still painful? What's the matter?" Along the way, I told my father the whole story. My father carefully helped me analyze my problems and told me a lot of truth. His hand never leaves mine. Holding that rough but warm and powerful hand, my heart is filled with a warm current.

When we got home, my mother treated my wounds like a doctor when we came in, and taught me a lot of safety knowledge, so that I should learn to protect myself.

This is the love my parents gave me. It is not as thick as mountains or as long as the Yangtze River, but as gentle as spring water. What an ordinary but great love!

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (8)

Father's love is like a mountain, mother's love is like a river. Although the seasons are changing, parents' love is eternal.

My parents care about me very much in life.

A few days ago, I was ill. On the third night, it was raining heavily. Mom and Dad took me to the hospital. On the way, my mother carried me with an umbrella and took me to my father's car. My father took me and my mother to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, it was more than nine o'clock. My father helped me register, my mother accompanied me, and I fell asleep in my mother's warm arms. After a while, it was our turn to see a doctor in the consulting room. My father took out the medical record book that the doctor had seen me the day before yesterday and showed it to the doctor. After the doctor saw it, he suggested that I go to have an injection for a day, which could alleviate some of my illness.

When I entered the injection place, my father first found a place for me to sit down. A few minutes later, the nurse asked me to go in for an injection. Because I hadn't had an injection for a long time, I felt a little scared, so I asked my mother next to me, "Will the injection hurt very much?" Her mother smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, you have also had an injection before."

After some advice from my mother, I finally boldly entered the injection room. When I entered the injection room, I put my hand on the table. The nurse took two cotton swabs and dipped some liquid medicine on my hand. When I saw the needle, I could not help sweating for myself. The needle was thin and sharp. I closed my eyes because of fear.

Suddenly, I felt a pain. When I opened my eyes, the needle had already inserted into my right hand. "OK," the nurse said. My mother took the injection liquid and took me to the position my father found for me. "Tick tock" time slowly passed. When the nurse helped me pull out the needle, my father took me and my mother home again.

After that night, I once again felt that the love of my parents is the greatest and most selfless in the world. I love you, Mom and Dad!

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (9)

My father is very dedicated and works very well. He seldom talks at home, but he is very friendly. He loves me very much. That was a few days ago, because I had finished learning New Concept English Level 1, but my English score still did not improve significantly. I only got 92 points in the final exam. My father wanted to improve my English, so he decided to practice my oral English during the summer vacation. He said to me seriously: "Rongrong, from today on, my father will train you in English and take you to read a lesson of New Concept English every night, OK?" I agreed to my father freely. Today it's time to read English again. I'm waiting for my father to come back. The phone rings. It's my father's phone. My father said to me, "Tonight, my father will accompany the company's customers, so I won't go home for dinner." I was very happy when I heard this. I thought: this time, my father must come back very late, so he won't ask me to read English, and I can have a big game. After two hours, I was about to go to bed. My father came back. As soon as my father entered the door, I smelled a smell of wine. I asked my father, "Have you drunk?" My father did not answer me. He sat down on the sofa and said to me, "Rongrong, bring your English book, and my father will take you to read English." The mother sitting beside said, "You should let the child rest early, and you should go to bed early, and go to work tomorrow morning." The father said stubbornly, "No, we should do what we promised the child, and we must let the child develop the good habit of reading English every day." I was very upset when I looked at my father's fatigue. After reading English, I watched my father drinking tea quietly from the crack of the door, with a headache and a fever in my heart. Dad, your love is in every bit of life. Set an example and urge me to study hard.

What moved me even more was that three days before my final exam, you gave up watching your favorite football game in order to reassure me to study. You also taught me: "Sometimes people should know how to choose and give up." After hearing your words, I felt a warm current in my heart. Your love was so ordinary, but in my heart, I really felt the father's love like a mountain.

Dad is a very excellent person in my mind. He not only works well, but also has a strong sense of responsibility for his family. This fatherly love gives me courage when I encounter difficulties. When I am bored, it brings me fun. Thinking of my father, let me say sincerely: "I love you, Dad."

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (10)

My father is an electronic engineer. He is not tall. He often makes some funny things, such as that time.

That morning, my father was walking, and I followed him to the gate of the community. My father heard the conversation of several other dads. Some of them said they would stew fish for their son today, and some said they would make scrambled eggs with tomatoes for their family today. After listening to their conversation, my father said, "Son, my father will stew bass for you this afternoon." After listening to this sentence, I jumped and said, "Great, your cooking must be wonderful."

When I came to the market, my father bought the bass. He bought everything from coriander to spices. Back home, my father rolled up his sleeves and worked. He sprinkled spices, coriander, etc. on the fish, and then put the perch in the pot to stew. He covered the pot and left, leaving the steaming pot alone in the kitchen.

After a long time, my father suddenly rushed into the kitchen and quickly put out the fire. When I opened the lid of the pan, there was something dark in it. I smiled and asked my father what it was. My father replied, "This is a sea bass!" I looked again and saw that this was not a sea bass. It was clearly a honeycomb briquette. It's terrible. My father asked me to taste it. Alas, I can't do anything with him.

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (11)

I listened to the teacher's reading quietly. It was an American father's confession "Dad is wrong".

Strangely, I was surprised that I was always unmoved. A father could kneel beside his son's bed and deeply regret what he had done before. What force made the father kneel beside his son's bed? Aren't you afraid of being laughed at? What force impelled the father to regret and write a confession? Yes, father love! It was this unfathomable power that made the father throw aside his dignity and kneel down beside his son's bed recklessly.

Every father likes his own children, and every child has his own father's love, but each father expresses it in a different way. Some of them are patient education, some are fighting, some are scolding, but regardless of the way, they all have a common goal, that is, they hope their children can become Jackie Chan and Jackie Chan!

Father's love always makes people do extraordinary things. Once upon a time, there was a father in the United States who waited until his children were dug out of the rubble in the earthquake, risking being killed by falling or exploding. Another father, in order to make his children happy, sold his blood to support his family. In addition, there are many fathers who silently bear the hardships of life for their children.

Children, children who complain about their father, please observe your father carefully, pay attention to the changes of his body, and dig out your fatherly love!

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (12)

Like a mountain, selfless dedication; Like an umbrella, it protects us; Father's love, like rain, moistens us. Father's love is great and has unlimited energy—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

There will always be one person in our heart, that is. It is great and selfless. He will sacrifice himself and do everything for his children. He worked hard all day, went out early and returned late every day, supporting the whole family.

When I still remember things, my father was a busy man. He had to send me to kindergarten every day, and then he hurried to work immediately. My father doesn't come back after I go home. Only rarely does my father come back before I go to bed. I always hug and kiss me.

Later, when I grew up, I learned that my father's work was not easy. Although it is not too late to go home at this time, I am still too late, because kinship cannot be isolated.

One day on my birthday, my father bought me a birthday gift. I couldn't help being surprised because it was my father's birthday gift. In the following birthdays, my father went home early to see me and send his best wishes. Whenever I think of it, I feel warm in my heart. When I blow out the candle again, I think of everything between my father and me at the moment when I close my eyes. When playing with me, giving me encouragement, helping me, carrying me to the hospital... I will always remember these times.

Ah, father! You are as tall and straight as a mountain peak, supporting the whole family; You are as tender as Bibo, caring for us; You are as fierce as a soldier, protecting us. I will remember your love for us, you are the greatest!

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (13)

Father's Love Composition Grade 5

From childhood to adulthood, I thought my father was strange, because every morning I opened my eyes to see my mother, and at night I saw my mother. But since I didn't begin to remember it, I only remembered it and knew that they actually cared about me, but they were not good at expressing themselves.

Because I didn't remember anything at that time, I only vaguely remember that night when our family ate three meals, it was a brightly lit night, and the lights on both sides flashed beautifully. I drove us home in a van like car, and I, perhaps because the beautiful lights on both sides flashed hard, I was so happy that I kept jumping up and down like a monkey. My mother said with concern: "Be careful, don't jump, be careful about falling." It was a rare time to come out. How could I let this crazy opportunity go? My mother had no choice but to let me go.

But at this time, maybe it was God's grandfather who deliberately taught me a lesson of "Don't run around while sitting in the car". The car in front of our car suddenly stopped. My father also stepped on a sudden brake because he was unprepared, and I was playing in the back and fell to the front by the sudden brake, hitting a row of buttons in front of the car.

I was startled by this sudden event, and then instinctively cried. My mother also reacted from what had just happened, and immediately ran to me and asked me if I had anything to do.

As for Dad, he was full of anger, stopped, rushed out of the car, ran to the owner of the car in front of him, pulled him out of the car, and swore loudly (although it was not civilized, people could not control so much when they were really angry). I saw that the situation almost didn't start. It was a police officer. He asked Dad what was going on, He told the police - inspector, inspector - inspector why the owner stopped the car, she said to look at the road signs, "look at the road

I don't think so of the cards. He braked so hard that my daughter cried. " Dad said in spite of anger. Then I saw that the car owner repeatedly apologized to his father. At that time, I got out of the car and said to his father that I was OK. Then he was relieved. The police inspector said to the car owner that he should not look at the road signs like this again in the future. "Yes," he immediately agreed.

Although this is just a trivial matter, I understand that the father loves his children deeply. Our love is silent. But it is like a compelling film printed in my heart, unforgettable and nostalgic. Father love is not as delicate as mother love, but it is a kind of real love from the deepest heart!

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (14)

Father's love is often ignored by people. Although father's love is not obvious, father's love is just like mother's love, which is worth cherishing.

Father's love is like a mountain. I still remember that year when I was in Grade One. One day, my stomach began to ache. I vomited up and down. I vomited as soon as I ate. After checking in the hospital, I found that I was seriously ill and needed surgery. After a few days, I went to the hospital immediately. My mother was pregnant with my sister and couldn't take care of me. My grandmother died early, so my father asked for a three-month leave to take care of me. Every night, Grandma came to deliver food, and Dad went back to eat. During my stay in the hospital, I made constant efforts to review. On the day of the operation, everyone was worried. Until now, I clearly remember my father's worried expression. After the operation, I woke up after two days in a daze. The first thing I saw was my amiable father. In the next month, my father took good care of me. After the second grade, I recovered completely from my illness and got the first prize in the mid-term and final examinations. Dad was overjoyed. He thought I would fall behind after I was hospitalized. The students also looked at me with new eyes. I use this achievement to repay my father for taking care of me, but I can never repay my father for his strong fatherly love.

Father's love is worth cherishing. I will never forget my father's love for me. Father love, it will stay in my heart forever.

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (15)

Dad, is a very gentle person. Since my mother works in other places, my daily life is arranged by my father. Recently, he has been very busy, taking my grandparents over to take care of me.

When I remember, my father's big hands held me and taught me to walk. When I was older, I often played on my father's shoulders and listened to his fairy tales on his knees. Now I am in primary school, especially in winter morning, and I don't want to climb out of the warm bed. When my father picked me up, he always called me: lazy pig, happy treasure.

That year, in the first grade of primary school. I had a high fever at 12 o'clock at night. My whole body trembled and my teeth rattled. My father began to touch my forehead and brought me antipyretic medicine. I could not go back. That night, only my father was there. My father was worried. Tears were swirling in his eyes. He constantly comforted me and prepared things to go to the hospital. At 1 o'clock in the morning, my father carried me on his back and walked 4 miles to the emergency department of the county hospital. He gave me a bottle of water and soon put the fever down. I fell asleep peacefully, but my father was kept awake all night. The next day, he went through the hospitalization procedures for me, Observe the treatment to prevent repetition.

But when I did something wrong, one look from my father made me know how to correct it. The naughty me will also bring trouble to my father. Once, it was a summer day. My father went to work and I finished my homework early. My father bought me a paper-cut art book to read. I was bored with it. I cut a big hole in the window screen. My father came back from work and saw it. He simply said that I should not do such silly things in the future.

My father gave me a feeling like the sky, broad enough to let me fly freely; My father makes me feel like the earth, so broad that I can rest assured.

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (16)

On the road, "flowers" of different colors appeared, and the raindrops danced in the air. When it rained, I stood at the school gate looking around, but could not see my father's figure all the time.

This morning, my father came to pick me up by bike and said that he would show me his cycling skills. Looking at my father's confident face, I readily agreed.

"Why hasn't Dad come yet?" I looked at my watch and said angrily, "Really, it's a lie to say that he wants to show me his driving skills“

Five minutes passed, ten minutes passed, but Dad still didn't come. I complained: "Forget it, I'd better go home by myself without waiting for him." Then I got up and left.

"Mengmeng, I'm sorry, my father was busy, so I missed some time. Hurry up and get on the bus. Let's hurry home. It will rain soon." My father's familiar voice suddenly sounded in my ear. Ah, my father came to pick me up. I was so happy that I danced and jumped.

My father was late, but I didn't know how to get on the bus happily and talked to my father all the way.

On the way home, I suddenly saw a tiny blood stain on my father's forehead! I was shocked and thought to myself: Dad must have been anxious to pick me up before he got hurt, but he was still silent so that I wouldn't worry about him! My heart was as painful as a needle. I could not help leaning on my father's back, and involuntarily shed two tears.

I was very excited at that time. I was thinking that my father's love was like a mountain. When this mountain gets old, I will repay him!

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (17)

I have a kind father. His face is fat and he looks very energetic. His face is bronze, which is also the mark left by years. Dad's eyes are always very bright and kind. I like talking with him. Dad's hair is thin on his forehead. He always says that this is to give his brain more sunshine. My father is a humorous person. No matter how busy and tired he is at work, as soon as he enters the house, he says exactly that as soon as he sees me, he will immediately smile and I will dance with him.

My father's love for me is selfless. I remember when I was young, my father always asked me what I wanted to eat? I always said to eat this and that, and my father always made it for me unconditionally.

I remember one time when I was peeling an apple myself, my father came to me quickly, took the apple knife in my hand and said, "It's too dangerous to peel an apple. I'll peel it for you if children can't do it." Then my father carefully peeled the apple for me, then handed it to me and said, "Eat it. Tell me when you want to eat an apple later that I can peel it for you instead of myself." I listened to my heart and ate the apple happily. From then on, I only ate the peeled apples from my father.

Another thing that I still remember is that it happened to rain heavily one day after school. What should I do? I didn't bring an umbrella. When I was worried, I saw my father coming to me with my blue umbrella. On the way home, the wind was too strong, and the small umbrella could not cover the strong storm. Dad used his body to help me cover the wind and rain. When I got home, my clothes were not wet at all, but Dad's whole body was soaked.

Father's love is selfless. He has given me great love that no one else can give. Therefore, I will love my father very much and love him very much in the future. Let him feel happy.

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (18)

I have a good father who loves me very much. My father has a pair of black jewel like eyes, a tall man, and a pair of warm hands. I feel my father's love for me all the time.

On a cold winter night, I felt cold all over and had a splitting headache. It turned out that I had a fever. When my father found out, he immediately put on thick clothes for me, but he only wore a single coat because of his nervousness, and immediately carried me to the hospital to see a doctor. On the way, I lay in my father's warm arms and fainted. When I got to the hospital, my father kept close to me, and I woke up gradually after the doctor gave me an injection. At that time, I could not move when I was lying on the hospital bed. When I woke up, my father's eyes turned from anxiety to surprise, and he quickly took my hand to ask questions. I felt my father's hands were cold and cold, but I saw tiny beads of sweat seeping from the tip of his nose, and his face was so haggard. My nose was sore, and I could no longer control my emotions. "Wow" I hugged my father and cried. My father seemed to see through my mind, patted my back gently, wiped my tears away with a warm hand, and said gently: "It doesn't matter, my son. As long as you are healthy, my father will be happy, and my father can do anything for you." After listening, I hugged my father tightly, Dad also embraced me with his thick shoulders.

"What a warm and happy feeling!" I will never forget that moment. Father's love is like a mountain, but it is more lofty, deeper and bolder than the mountain. I love my father. In life, I feel the power of father's love at all times. In my heart, the most important thing to say is "Dad, I love you forever"!

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (19)

Great fatherly love

I remember that when I was 8 years old, I only got 85 points in my English final exam, and I didn't have any good results this time.

I went home with a feeling of uneasiness. When I got home, my father, who was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, said to me, "Are you back? How many points did you get in the final exam. My father saw that my face was not right, so he grabbed my report card and began to read it. My father first looked at Chinese, maybe he saw my bright red 100 points, smiled and gave me a thumbs up; Then I looked at the math, saw the bright red 97 points, and smiled at me. When he saw the English report card, his smile stiffened at that moment. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the report card in surprise.

A few minutes later, my father came back to himself. He shouted at me, "Don't you want to review? This is your first time!" I was frightened by my father's change in less than a minute. I felt guilty and didn't dare to speak out. My father lost his usual kindness, slapped me and scolded me for a long time. I am very sad. I have participated in almost 6 competitions recently, and the pressure has been very high. Not only did you not encourage me on the basis that I scored 100 points in the Chinese exam, but you also made it worse for me! I'm also very angry. Isn't that 85 points? I am the third in English in our class, and I am still the fifth in the whole grade!

Since then, I don't love my father anymore. On the street, I no longer let my father take me into the "ah ah" to buy bears; After school, I will never let my father buy me a mousse cake again. Let mother include them. Until one time, let me thoroughly understand - father love! It was very cold that day. My father had already gone to sleep. I wrote a diary under the light, which was telling me that I had such a father. I was getting sleepy and fell asleep on my desk. My father told me that in the middle of the night, he came to see me and found that I had a fever. He hurriedly put on his coat for me and carried me to the hospital step by step regardless of his coat. I heard tears coming from here. My father's foot had been broken. He took me to the hospital step by step. The storm was so heavy that night, but he was not afraid. He walked quickly, and was afraid that I would have a bad situation.

The next day, my fever subsided and I found myself in the ward. I looked around curiously and was surprised to find that my father was sleeping beside my bed. His pale face was full of worry and looked so weak. My nose was sore, and tears ran across my cheeks and dripped onto the back of my father's hand. My father suddenly woke up and saw that I was all right. He smiled reassuringly and said, "Oh, you are awake!" Then he kindly handed me a red apple and said, "Sorry, I was too impulsive that day. In this way, you will study hard in the future and my father will buy you a 5 meter bear." Although my father's words were very naive, I deeply felt the father's love! After school, my parents took me to eat mousse cake. On the weekend, my parents accompanied me to the boutique to buy bears! Although there is no 5 meter bear, I know the greatness of fatherly love!

Extraordinary fatherly love

We often say, "Our parents love us very much, and we love them very much." In fact, our parents love us is the sea, and our love for our parents is only a transparent stream at most, which is insignificant compared with the vast sea. For us, parents' love is great.

We learned a text called "Father and Son in Earthquake". The text tells about the great earthquake that occurred in Los Angeles in 1994. A father risked his life and finally rescued his son and 14 classmates after digging in the ruins for 38 hours. The father in the article impressed me most. I think the father in the article is great, because he believes his son is still alive. For his son, he keeps his promise and perseveres. How responsible he is!

In my growing up, my parents have always taken care of me. There are countless things in the process, but one thing that I will never forget happened in my second grade, which is still fresh in my memory. On that day, my mother went on a business trip, and my father went to Hong Kong to do business. My aunt came to my home to take care of me. After dinner, she went home. That day, I was preparing for the final exam in three days. I want to get a good result and surprise my parents. After dinner, while doing my homework, I waited for my father to come back. But at this time, I was sick and had a high fever. At this time, I was totally distracted. Although I tried to cheer up, my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. Finally, I fell asleep on my desk.

When I woke up, I found that I was lying in bed, and my father put a cold towel on my head. I dozed off again. I don't know when I woke up. At that time, I vaguely saw 2 o'clock under the desk lamp. When my father asked me to take the medicine, I fell asleep again. It was getting light. When I woke up, I saw my father lying on my bed and sleeping.

Although the love of parents is ordinary, it nurtures everyone in the form of life. It is as clear and transparent as the spring water; It is like a gorgeous flame, burning itself and illuminating others; It is also like the blue sky, which is extremely clear and beautiful; The love of parents is like a lively and cheerful brook, which has accompanied us from ignorance to understanding, leading us into the golden childhood, and also leading us from childhood to today.

Father's love is warm

When the sun goes down and the stars shine at dusk; Then he guarded a star and watched the light of the pale moon flowing with mercury. My father and I, riding the evening wind, walked slowly on the horizontal, straight, winding road. The sun's rays slanted on his father, and the ground immediately reflected a beautiful silhouette.

In this quiet moment, I will slowly count the past. The days with my father. You should know how hard it is to walk with my father in the sunset. Those happy rosary beads are shaped in love and emit fragrance from time to time. "Dad, shall we play on the swing?" I made unreasonable demands regardless of the occasion, location and status. His father was about to speak, but he closed his mouth again. He was obviously "scared". Looking at his deep pool like eyes, I seemed to see a broken tail fish falling into the deep pool, and I could not find the way; The old green silk is spreading. I then opened my mouth to take back what I had just said, but it was still quiet.

There was silence, and stars and lights flashed in the near and far windows. "All right! Play with you once." Father finally compromised. Although he is not used to it, he is willing to match his nature of loving girls for my "caprice". I took my father's broad and old hand and walked to the swing. This was the paradise for me and my father when I was young, but I never came back after "growing up". When I was going to sit on the swing, my father beat me to it. My father loved playing more than I did. But the father picked up the paper in his pocket and carefully wiped the dust. He sat down first to see if it was broken, and tied a knot in a slightly loose place.

I sat on it carefully, and my father pushed it gently. I thought it was too low, so I wanted to go higher. My father just answered me softly, which added a little strength to me. Before long, I began to cry for the feeling of flying again. My father stopped and said with extremely gentle anticipation, "That's too dangerous. If it falls, it's not good." As if nothing had happened, I told my father with confidence, "No". My father was still worried. From his worried eyes, I saw fear. Because once I also fell once and fell on my foot.

In order not to hurt me, he tied me with branches and ropes, like a safety belt. The moment I swung up, I saw the last sunset, and the red afterglow fell on the soft shade of the garden. In an instant, everything around was obviously dark. But beside me, there is a warm sun, which is giving me a warm and moving atmosphere like music.

Father, always gives people the warmth of the sun, even in the dark, there is also a ray of light. Father's love is like the spectacular scene of "flying down three thousand feet", and the vicissitudes of "old rattan trees and crows". It is always destined to be an emotion that grows up in the grinding of time and changes in the world.

Grade 5 Composition Father's Love (20)

When I was eight years old, I was very obsessed with playing table tennis. I wanted to go to the school table tennis match but didn't have a table tennis racket. I was embarrassed to ask my father for money. Dad said, "We don't have any extra money. Let's make ping-pong rackets together."

Do it yourself? I was full of doubts, but I had no choice. Later, my father sacrificed several Sundays to choose wood with me, buy sponges and rubber sheets pasted on the outside, and even glue was bought after several stores. Finally, our table tennis racket was made. I always have a question. The money spent on materials is enough to buy several pairs of table tennis rackets. Why do you have to make them yourself?

When the day of the game came, I took out my own table tennis racket. My classmates asked me what brand of my racket was? I was so embarrassed that I had no choice but to say frankly: "It was my father and I who did it together." They were a little envious and said: "Your father is so kind. Our father only knows business, and he can hardly see him once a year." The embarrassment just vanished. It's my turn to play. I compare with Yang Shuai, who is a chopper. His ball is often very spinning. The first ball was served by me. I stood in the backhand position and served an topspin. He calmly wiped down the ball. The ball immediately turned into a backspin and flew towards us quickly. When I pulled back, he hit a cross to block the ball back, but it was too high. I used a backhand, and he tried to block back, but he could block the first day of the junior high school, but he could not avoid 15. I hit him unprepared with another forehand. "1:0" announced the little referee. Later in the game, we played more and more fiercely. At 15:14, I was only one goal ahead. It was his turn. He turned sideways. I pulled the backhand and he cut the forehand. Because of the fast speed, I had to step back two steps to reverse the backhand. His forehand attacked the side spin, and I calmly blocked it. He pulled another downward spin, I cut my forehand, he pulled another upward spin, and I blocked it again. He finally lost his temper and hit the boundary. "At 16:14, Si Ke wins." The little referee declared me the winner. "Great, I finally won."

I didn't know Dad until today when I still used this racket. He didn't have money to buy me a ping-pong racket, because he wanted to share some time with me. Indeed, my father gave me money that could not replace the truth. Other people's fathers may simply buy a pair of ping-pong rackets for their children, while my father gives me his time and his love. Holding the racket in his hand, he smelled the smell of glue, heard the sound of "ping-pong, ping-pong" when playing, and seemed to see the smile on his father's face, especially those eyes full of love.

Composition 2: fatherly love

Spring is coming, the spring wind has greened the willows, green the grass, wrinkled the river, and blown the buds of peach trees. Spring is so beautiful. What's more beautiful is that swallows fly from the south to enjoy the beautiful scenery. There are also two swallows who have settled down under my roof. I'm so happy.

Every day when I get home from school, I have to see the swallows first. Once, I found two small heads sticking out, looking at the sky and the earth, and I thought everything was wonderful. Eh! Did the swallows have babies? After a while, father and mother Yan came back from catching insects. They fed the baby mouth to mouth. Looking at the happy family, I was also happy for them.

One day, I heard my family's cat calling "miao miao", and I ran out quickly! The little swallow fell out of the nest. Its feathers were not plump yet, and its wings were stained with red blood. It cried and struggled feebly. I found the big cat's eyes were staring round, and the swallow in the nest also cried in horror, as if to say, "Please, let the little swallow go!" At this time, the big cat ran to the little swallow and sniffed and opened its mouth. oh dear! No, the big cat is going to eat the little swallow, so I hurried to it. Suddenly, a big swallow flew down from the sky. It may be the father of Yan! It stood in front of the swallow, spread its wings and screamed loudly. The big cat was frightened and stepped back a few steps, but the big cat didn't give up and rushed forward. But father Yan didn't back down at all. I ran over and stamped my foot. The big cat was scared away.

I asked my father to come out quickly. I took a ladder and asked my father to send the swallow home. I also deliberately caught some small insects to heal the swallow, and the bird's nest was full of "twitter". I can't say how happy I am when I see the little swallow's family is so happy. I think this is the power of "fatherly love"!

Composition 3: father's love is boundless

Father's love is a solid wall that shields me from wind and rain every day; Father love is a book, every article is full of love; Father's love is a river, every drop of water is full of meticulous care; Father love is an invisible hand, holding me in the palm of my hand every day

In the world, there are many ways to express my father's love, but the love my father expressed to me made me very moved. My father is a workaholic. He goes to work at seven o'clock every morning and doesn't go home until seven o'clock in the evening. The pressure of work makes my father develop good living habits. I like to sleep late. I can't be lazy at all in front of this industrious "cock". Over time, I have developed the good habit of going to bed early and getting up early every day. Because of this, I am much taller and more sensible than children of the same age. Dad has a lot of social intercourse. Even so, he always comes home before 9 o'clock in the evening in order to communicate with me. This period is my happiest and most excited. Like a little myna, I told my father all the happy things and troubles I had in school one day, and often asked my father for advice on my doubts in learning. My father is a writing expert who graduated from the Chinese Department. He has a clearer mind and ideas than most people. After his persuasion and analysis, everything can be solved. I used to think my composition was childish and funny after reading it. After my father explained it to me several times, I found some writing skills. My father said that the composition should not be comprehensive, and there should be no theme. We should pay attention to details, echo the beginning and end, and highlight the theme. It is best to combine current affairs and politics, and sublimate the theme.

I remember that one cold winter evening, my mother was on a business trip, and I tried my best to write a difficult composition. The clock was ticking towards 9 o'clock, and Dad came back. I hurriedly covered the poorly written composition with my hands to prevent him from reading it. My father smiled and teased me: "What's troubling the great poet of our family? Come on, show me!" My nervous mood immediately relaxed a lot, I couldn't help but take my composition book to my father, and then looked at my father nervously to see how he evaluated my article. "Oh! Not bad. If you put your true feelings through the whole article, and then capture a few details to highlight the theme, the article will be more vivid, don't you think?" It seems that all of a sudden, I got through, and I picked up a pen to write.

To encourage my interest in writing, my father asked my mother to be my full-time contributor and typist. So far, I have contributed to several websites and employed three articles. Now, I can write a composition easily and easily. I have to thank my father for everything. He gave me a poetic name, encouraged me to practice writing, and taught me how to write correctly and how to look at life.

I want to thank you, my father! Your love, though ordinary, is great. It is the wealth of my life, so that I will never be poor

Composition 4: fatherly love

Some people say that maternal love is as deep as water and as high as mountains. Others say that maternal love flows into our hearts like a clear spring, but I think that father love is not easy to express, but it contains expectations for future generations.

Maybe you said that his father was very serious and stared all day, but his eyes told him not to be too proud and to study at any time. Even if you got a good result in the exam, you should make progress. If you said that, he could praise you secretly. Really, his father didn't want you to talk sweetly. As long as you face it sincerely, you will be satisfied. Sometimes it will make you sad, but not like that. Remember one night, I carefully prepared a pear, but my father lost it. I was puzzled, and even hated my father. Gradually, I understood my father. People can't force it, just like what was said in the wonderful and terrible book. Now I still remember it.

Ah, father's love is always silently dedicated. If you love him, remember to face it sincerely!

Composition 5: Understanding Father's Love

As time went by, I felt on pins and needles. Looking at the rows of black cars at the school gate, I was very anxious. How I hoped he would not come!

The teacher could not remember what he said on the platform. In fact, he could not listen. He looked out of the window again. Fortunately, he did not come. I gave a long sigh of relief

The fatal bell rang, and I flew out of the classroom with my schoolbag and plunged into the boundless rain curtain. The rain quickly poured down from the top of my head, but I was glad that he didn't come. Looking back at the school gate, the letters from students got into the warm and spacious car one by one, and the sound of the motor gradually covered my mind... "Son!" A thunder woke me from the "dream", the familiar sound... No! Follow the reputation. Here he comes! He was holding an old umbrella and a master bike. The rust on the bike was as irregular as the wrinkles on his face. He had a smile on his face. Although he was kind, I felt uncomfortable all over. "Dad is late, sorry, take your umbrella, Dad will take you home." He said slowly. I drove cars one after another beside me, and I felt that the students in the car must be watching him and his old bicycle with disdainful eyes. My face felt a burning pain... He seemed to know something, took out a worn five yuan note from his arms, and carefully handed it to me. Where he stood, there were only dense raindrops and two smoking cigarette butts. I know that he never smoked

A stream of heat came to my heart. Some people say that handstand can prevent tears from flowing, but my tears have been out of control and I am confused. He is my father! Poverty can't change the deep feelings between father and son! I rushed forward to catch up with my father, hugged him tightly, and two fiery hearts melted everything

Composition 6: I understand father's love

I always thought that my mother loved me, but my father didn't love me very much, because usually my father was stuck in work all day long, let alone accompany me to play, and seldom saw his face even at dinner. Unlike other people's fathers, they talk and laugh with their children all day long, which is really enviable.

But after that incident, I changed my original view and finally realized that my father really loved me. That was something that happened during the summer vacation. My father finally found time to accompany my mother and me to Beijing for a trip.

Along the way, our family talked and laughed and visited many famous scenic spots together. But, unfortunately, something happened. Because I can't get used to the food in the north, I even had diarrhea. What's more unfortunate is that I will visit the Great Wall the next day. This is the place I always dream of. I said, "You are not a hero until you reach the Great Wall." How can I miss it? No matter how my parents persuade me, I will never give up. I can't help it. My father had to promise to go with me in the car. We'll talk about it at the foot of the Great Wall. After several bumps, the car has arrived at the foot of the Great Wall, but my body is still weak without any improvement. Looking at my sickly appearance, my mother refused to let me climb the Great Wall. My parents had to stay with me in the car. After my mother's repeated persuasion, my father reluctantly agreed to go to the Great Wall alone on behalf of our family. However, after a while, my father came back and said, "Come on, Shangqi, go with you, and my father will carry you to the Great Wall!" I jumped up with joy, and even my illness seemed much better. In this way, my father started our trip to the Great Wall with me on his back.

I leaned on my father's thick back and put my hands on his broad shoulders. Ah, sweat beads came out on his forehead! At this time, my heart involuntarily swelled a warm current, I finally understood that my father also loved me, and he loved me deeply!

Composition 7: fatherly love

This afternoon, I, Luo Liang and Yu Zhiwen played football together.

Let's kick around, not to mention how happy we are! After a while, a teacher and a high school student came to grab our ball. The teacher was over 30 years old, wearing a pair of glasses, tall, wearing a gray coat and a green hat. His son was only about three years old. One of us is the most powerful. Every time he grabs the ball, he kicks it with his left foot and right foot, making it impossible for us to grab it no matter how hard we try. He first shook us off, then kicked the ball in front of his son, and then prevented us from grabbing the ball. Finally, he asked his son to kick the ball out, and then he went to grab the ball.

When we saw this amazing scene, we said: "Let the teacher's son kick enough." After we let his son kick enough, we went to play. We scrambled back and forth.

If the ball was snatched by me, I would run forward quickly, hoping to hold them like the teacher, but the high school student caught up with me. I was snatched like the teacher, kicking with my left foot and right foot

Today I finally know that fatherly love is selfless

Composition 8: fatherly love

Some people say that cows know how to be grateful. They eat grass and milk; The tree is grateful. It inhales carbon dioxide and exhales oxygen. Others say that gratitude does not need to be grandiose, as long as we can take care of the details; Gratitude does not lie in rich and generous feedback. As long as you have a sincere heart, everything will be enough. What about me? How can we repay this heavy and selfless love?

Father's love is a ray of sunshine, which makes your heart feel warm even in the cold winter; Father's love is a clear spring, making your feelings pure and clear even though covered with the dust of years.

Father's love is as selfless as mother's love, and he doesn't ask for return; Father's love is a kind of feeling that is unknown and invisible. Only people with heart can understand it.

The moment of having thought is happy; Having the pleasure of feeling is happiness; Having fatherly love is also happiness

Father's love is great, extensive and long; What it left me is; An indelible memory Father is a brave ship in the sea. When I was born, you took me to ride the wind and waves to the boundless sea