Parent's Meeting Sentiment Composition (17 in total)
bon voyage
2024-06-23 08:06:43
primary school

Composition of Parents' Meeting (1)

Today, we had a parents' meeting in Class XX of the second day of the junior high school. The students were very nervous one by one, and my heart was up and down. I didn't do well in the exam, but it was really my real talent. I had missed the class before, and I felt that I could never make up for it, but I didn't mean to be so successful this time. Now I want to study hard and be a good child. I don't want to give up my studies. I want to study hard. If I don't go to school, I will really not be a useful person. Will I be a social bully? It's impossible. I'm as thin as a wood and I'm not a "talent" in that field. If I don't pass the exam, I'll be a worthless person. But I really didn't pass the exam. My mother might as well not go to the parents' meeting. After ten visits, I blackened my mother's face. I know this is the cause of my mother's heartache. I think I'm stupid, but I won't be so stupid that I don't even care about my mother, I am not a good student, so I should be a good daughter, at least a good daughter of Mom and Dad!

I don't think I have a good head teacher. Mr. Liu is my teacher. Maybe you will say that I am a bad boy and even the teacher scolds me, but I can't accept his kind of person. I really think he is bad. You have seen that teacher who takes care of students' hair cutting and clothes dressing. I really can't learn from such a teacher. My brain is good, not my praise, But I think it is not forced by others to learn like this? I don't want to, I can't help it. Miss Liu is the teacher I hate most. Miss Miao is my favorite teacher. There is a big age gap between us, but I still like her very much because she is amiable. He tries to learn from our new era to point the distance between us. The teacher also gives me the greatest encouragement in learning. She is the teacher I cannot forget. I know that I am an incompetent student, But all this is helpless. In fact, holding a parent meeting is to put pressure on students. I can study hard, but I still hate him. I hope he will never turn over and stop hurting students when he is a teacher. I hope the teacher will stop hurting students.

Parent's Meeting Sentiment Composition (2)

Today, we had the parents' meeting in Class 78, Grade Two. The students were all nervous and my heart was up and down. I didn't do well in the exam, but it was really my real talent. I had missed the class in the past, and I felt I could never make up for it. But I didn't mean to be so successful this time. Now I want to study hard and be a good child, I don't want to give up my studies. I want to study hard. If I don't go to school, I really won't be a useful person. Will I be a social bully? It's impossible. I'm as skinny as a log and I'm not a "talent" in that field. If I don't get on, I'll be a worthless person. But I really didn't do well in the exam. My mother might as well not go to the parents' meeting. After ten visits, I blackened my mother's face. I know this is the reason why my mother feels sad. I think I'm stupid, but I won't be so stupid that I don't even care about my mother, I am not a good student, so I should be a good daughter, at least a good daughter of Mom and Dad!

I don't think I have a good head teacher. Mr. Liu is my teacher. Maybe you will say that I am a bad boy and even the teacher scolds me, but I can't accept his kind of person. I really think he is bad. You have seen that teacher who takes care of students' hair cutting and clothes dressing. I really can't learn from such a teacher. My brain is good, not my praise, But I think it is not forced by others to learn like this? I don't want to, I can't help it. Miss Liu is the teacher I hate most. Miss Miao is my favorite teacher. There is a big age gap between us, but I still like her very much because she is amiable. He tries to learn from our new era to point the distance between us. The teacher also gives me the greatest encouragement in learning. She is the teacher I cannot forget. I know that I am an incompetent student, But all this is helpless. In fact, holding a parent meeting is to put pressure on students. I can study hard, but I still hate him. I hope he will never turn around and stop being a teacher and hurting students. I hope teachers will stop hurting students.

Composition of Parents' Meeting (3)

After school on Friday, all classes of the school held a parents' meeting.

My father came back from the school after the parents' meeting. He slammed the door as soon as he came in, which made me afraid to move. Dad sat on the sofa, sulking all by himself and smoking non-stop, which made the house a mess. I wonder if it was because I dozed off in school, the teacher told my father, or my father learned about fighting with classmates

The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became. I heard the teacher read aloud at the parents' meeting: Li Zexi slept in class because he played games late at night... I seemed to see the parents looking at my father with strange eyes. I heard the parents whispering: "This parent is too irresponsible, and even the children are not well disciplined, really!" I seemed to see my father's face blushing with shame, and his head bowed. I wished I could find a hole in the ground and never come out.

The mother looked at the angry look of her father and asked, "What's the matter? Is it the child's mistake again? Don't be angry if it is so..." Before the mother finished speaking, the father shouted loudly: "It's you who always spoil the child. You spoil the children." The mother was silent after her father said a few words. After listening to their conversation, I didn't even dare to raise my head.

Suddenly, a loud voice shouted: "Li Zexi! Come to me!" I stood up timidly, walked past trembling, glanced at my father again, and became more frightened, even my legs began to shake. I thought: Will Dad hit me? God bless! Only my father asked seriously:

"Why did you behave so badly in school?" "I... I... Hmm." I hesitated. Dad saw that I didn't answer back, and his anger slowly subsided. He patted me on the shoulder and said, "Be obedient, son, and come on!" Then my father asked me to go back to the room to reflect. Ha! My prayer worked, and I was silently happy.

My father didn't beat me, but I had to win honor for my parents and study hard.

Composition of Parents' Meeting (4)

Yesterday, our school held a parents' meeting. Only parents attended, while I stayed at home.

At home, I feel very uneasy: will the teacher say my shortcomings and praise me? What will mother do to me when she comes back? The more I thought about it, the more frightened I was. So later I thought of a good way to relieve the pressure by watching TV. But I was still worried, so I began to comfort myself: rest assured! The teacher said that I have made great progress in this period of time, and will never say my shortcomings! At this time, the stone hanging in my heart finally fell down. I watched TV in peace. After watching TV for an hour, I decided to start doing my homework. I thought to myself: there is very little homework today, so watch TV after finishing it!

After finishing my homework, I immediately sat in front of the TV and watched TV again,. After a while, the phone rang, which startled me. It took me a long time to recover: "Hello, who are you?" "It's me, I want to settle accounts with you today!" A terrible voice came from the phone, which was my mother. I quickly turned off the TV and thought: "It's over. It must be the teacher who told his mother.". My heart was full of fear. After a while, my mother came back and asked me if I hadn't recited the text. It turned out to be just a small problem, and my heart was finally put down.

When will the parents' meeting praise students more and criticize students less!

Composition of Parents' Meeting (5)

The parents' meeting may be a dark place for those who have poor grades, because they are so naughty in school at ordinary times and fail in the exam. They have no courage to tell their parents that they are afraid of beating him. Now when the parents' meeting is held, the teacher will show all the test papers to their parents. When parents see that the person's performance is so poor, they will scold him when they go home, For those whose performance is so poor, the parents' meeting may be a time of praise, and also a time of reward from other parents. Therefore, everyone with good performance likes to hold a parents' meeting.

I am an average student. My mid-term test scores are 94 in English, 97 in number, and 69 in English. English is the worst of the three subjects, probably because I hated English since I was young. For me, the parents' meeting may be praise or criticism, but I also hate it, but I can't let the time stop. It always has to be held. But God is so rude. The parents' meeting will be held next week. God can't help me!

Is there so much good in holding a parent meeting? When the head teacher reports a person's grades, the parent may beat the child or even lock him in the room when he comes home. He also said that it is necessary to increase the chances of contacting the school with parents. Maybe it is a blow to children's self-esteem. I hope parents can understand children more in the future, encourage children more, and don't beat and scold them. I believe we will work harder to improve our performance next time, and get to the top.

Parent's Meeting Sentiment Composition (6)

I feel greatly benefited from this parents' meeting

November 12 is both my birthday and the day of the parents' meeting. After careful preparation, our class ushered in the first parents' meeting of Grade 8. The theme of this parents' meeting was "BabyFace in Transformation". Seeing this theme, I couldn't help thinking of the liveliness of our seventh grade and the growth and maturity of our eighth grade. I benefited a lot from this parent meeting.

Although the initial group recitation was flawed, I read the parents' happiness in the eyes of their appreciation. Then there is the speech of the Chinese and math teachers. The language teacher told us how to deal with Chinese learning in the right way, while the math teacher made us understand that homework should be done independently at ordinary times, and hard work is the key. The two teachers' speeches made the parents present nod and praise. We students get a lot of learning methods and goals from it. This has benefited me a lot. I feel that my understanding and learning direction have been further improved from the teacher's words. The mid-term exam of Tu Wenjing and Wang Yanzhou before the teacher's speech and the October summary let me find my naivety. In general, this link taught me how to study hard.

Finally, Zhou Songzi's mother gave a speech, which made parents further understand how to educate children and let them grow up in learning and relax in entertainment. Zhou Songzi's mother said to make a plan. In fact, I did, but I didn't insist on it. So from the parents' speech at this parents' meeting, I learned the principle that we should insist on making plans, and work and rest together to study hard. This gives me a new layer of knowledge.

The parents' meeting was very successful, and students and parents can learn a lot from it. Of course, I will also reflect on my own shortcomings from the parents' meeting. I also gained new knowledge. When the teacher announced the end of this parents' meeting, I still didn't want to go ahead. I hope I can learn from it in the next parents' meeting. Sometimes these gains can give me correct guidance on my way of learning. Let me study and live in a better way.

This parents' meeting has benefited me a lot. Thank you for this parents' meeting!

Composition of Parents' Meeting (7)

Yesterday, our school held a parents' meeting. Only parents attended, while I stayed at home.

At home, I feel very uneasy: will the teacher say my shortcomings and praise me? What will mother do to me when she comes back? The more I thought about it, the more frightened I was. So later I thought of a good way to relieve the pressure by watching TV. But I was still worried, so I began to comfort myself: rest assured! The teacher said that I have made great progress in this period of time, and will never say my shortcomings! At this time, the stone hanging in my heart finally fell down. I watched TV in peace. After watching TV for an hour, I decided to start doing my homework. I thought to myself: there is very little homework today, so watch TV after finishing it!

After finishing my homework, I immediately sat in front of the TV and watched TV again. After a while, the phone rang, which startled me. It took me a long time to recover: "Hello, who are you?" "It's me, I want to settle accounts with you today!" A terrible voice came from the phone, which was my mother. I quickly turned off the TV and thought: "It's over. It must be the teacher who told his mother.". My heart was full of fear. After a while, my mother came back and asked me if I hadn't recited the text. It turned out to be just a small problem, and my heart was finally put down.

When will the parents' meeting praise students more and criticize students less!

Composition of Parents' Meeting (8)

In the first class this afternoon, I was a bit restless because of the annoying parent meeting. As soon as the first class was over, our class was going to hold a parent meeting that frightened me. Although the teacher repeatedly stated that he would not hold the parents' meeting as a complaint meeting, but only discussed with the parents how to combine home and school education to help children make greater progress and let each child grow up healthily and happily, my heart has never been quiet. Because the teacher likes to take notes, and this note is specially for those students who have done wrong. Of course, sometimes remember the names of the students who did good deeds. I am among the "bad" students. How can I not be nervous.

Class is finally over. We have PE in the second class. But my favorite lesson and favorite recreational activity in the past - rope skipping, today I can't catch my interest.

It was not easy to stay up until the class was over. Ma Yuxi and I rushed to the door of the class, but the door was closed. I looked across the door and found that the projector was displaying the Star Awards in September, October and November. I was relieved that the teacher really gave priority to encouragement. It seemed that my concern was unnecessary.

Oh, no, why did the "class problems" appear on the projector again? It seems that the teacher cheated us. Eh? Why didn't the parents have a big reaction? It turned out that the teacher did not call the roll, but just pointed out the problems and reminded parents to urge their children to correct. Hey, the teacher is really trustworthy, and I finally let go of my suspense.

The bell rang, so I had to go to the information class. In the information class, I listened to the teacher attentively because I trusted the Chinese teacher. On the way home from school, my mother did not complain about me as she used to, but said that the teacher praised me. I was happy to think that the teacher did not "betray" me, but also secretly determined to get rid of his bad habit of losing everything when doing homework.

Composition of Parents' Meeting (9)

On the 18th of this month, my father went to the school to listen to Dr. Dong's lecture on family parent-child education, and he came back with deep feelings. At dinner the next day, our family discussed this issue.

My father said first that he was more in favor of Dr. Dong's education method - more encouragement and support to make the children full of self-confidence. Then several examples were given: two children of the same age were asked by two mothers to walk with a cup of milk in hand, and one mother shouted in front: "Don't spill it, don't spill it!

”As a result, the child really spilled the milk without taking a few steps. Another mother said to her child, "Hold it steady, hold it steady!

”Of course, the child didn't spill the milk. He also said that both of them failed. One parent said, "It's OK. You still have room for improvement." Another mother said angrily, "It's really hopeless to do so badly." As a result, the first one made progress in the second exam, while the second one really regressed.

My father said that, my mother nodded thoughtfully and said, "Yes, I also made such mistakes in educating my children. I criticized you too much. Sometimes you have tried your best to do well, but I still complain, complaining about this is not good, that is not good. I should encourage more."

But I think my parents have done well. Whenever I report good news, they always look at me with encouraging eyes and are happy for me. When I kept telling my parents that I was inferior to others, they always let me see my advantages. Parents are a lamp that warms my heart and gives me strength.

Whether it's encouragement or criticism, I think it's all parents' painstaking efforts, which contains too much love from parents!

Parent's Meeting Sentiment Composition (10)

Finally, I look forward to this day - the parents' meeting. This is the most important day. We prepared everything yesterday.

After breakfast in the morning, I saw many parents at the door. The teacher said that the parents who came in the morning would hold a parent meeting after class, and the parents who came in the afternoon would hold a parent meeting before class. Alas, in fact, it's better to come in the morning, because people who come in the morning spend more time communicating with their parents. When reading the classics, Hu Wanli and I came to meet the parents. Because I was the face of the class, I took the responsibility. I can't live up to my teacher's expectations.

Parents will come, Hu Wanli and I will share a stool and smile. Later, an uncle came and I gave him the stool, but he didn't want it. It was embarrassing! Then the parent took a look at Mr. Tian, who asked him to come in, and we gave him a stool.

When I went to bed in the afternoon, I slept soundly. I dreamed that my mother would hold a parents' meeting for me. I'm so happy! We came to the classroom. There were many parents in the classroom, including mine. Our first class was Chinese, and the second was PE. During the class, our parents took pictures of us. I was nervous when I reported to our group. My mother encouraged me and took pictures of me. When I was in PE class, my mother also looked at me all the time. How happy! However, the happy time is always so fast. Soon, my mother left. I'm not particularly sad, because I can watch TV at night!

I really like this parents' meeting. It's different from usual. I can also have classes with my parents. How happy!

Composition of Parents' Meeting (11)

November 21 is a day worth remembering. Because on this day, at the parents' meeting of Class 18, Grade 1, I learned a lot about the importance of traditional Chinese culture, how to plan time reasonably, and how to take notes in class!

First of all, father Qi of Dong's family explained to us the excellent traditional Chinese culture with a long history as the chairman of the family committee. There are two main points: please come in and go out! Please come in, hoping that parents can invite their educated friends to the school to explain knowledge to us; Going out is to encourage parents to take students out to visit museums, Confucius Institutes in the world and other places.

Jingle, jingle, Miss Gao's lecture begins! The content of this class is mainly to give some suggestions to parents and point out some very unworthy problems that students often have in their calculations. Cough! Parents should listen carefully. In the future, we must not help our children with their homework. Why? Because parents may learn differently from children, and if children are allowed to read books and find ways, they can also exercise their ability to read and extract information. The flaws in the calculation are mainly that there is no sign change in subtraction and addition, and brackets are needed to connect two symbols.

Then, let's talk about Li Jiayi's sharing. What Li Jiayi said is particularly important, that is, how to take notes in class comprehensively. Before the midterm exam, Li Jiayi sent her political notes to the class. I read it and wondered how she took such comprehensive and neat notes in class? It turned out that Li Jiayi said, don't just copy the blackboard written by the teacher on the blackboard. Sometimes the teacher may omit, but he should complete the omitted part. This is the collection and crystallization of the knowledge of two students in Damei Class 8 and other parents and teachers. God rewards diligence and humanity rewards kindness. I must study hard and help others to achieve good results in the final exam!

Composition of Parents' Meeting (12)

Parents' feelings after the parent meeting

Last Friday, I attended my daughter's parents' meeting, and the children's first monthly exam results were also presented. Anxious parents are eager to know their children's achievements. The children's test papers are on the table. Looking at their children's achievements, some parents are happy and others are worried. The teachers of all subjects also announced the overall examination situation of the children, and the parents also took their seats according to their number, knowing the general situation of the children in the class. The parents' meeting began in the midst of the noise

If children don't do well in the exam, they will be disgraced as parents. I heard from several parents that they taught their children a lesson when they went home. Other children can do well in the exam. Why can't their own children do well in the exam? Some parents teach their children a lesson and get their children's rebuttal, "Do you think I feel good?" Yes, it is not their will that the children fail in the exam. Parents do not find their own reasons, but only find the reasons from the children. I also learned that many parents have signed up for classes for their children, some even for three subjects... I was worried because I didn't agree to sign up for remedial classes for children, so my daughter only signed up for a piano specialty class. My daughter's grades are OK, Chinese 99, math 95, English 100. Generally speaking, they are good. But listening to the parents' comments, I was also moved. I wanted to apply for the Olympic Maths Class for my children, but I was afraid it was unnecessary. I was also confused. After discussing with my husband, there was no result. The teacher in Xiaocheng solved my doubts and listened to the children's opinions. If they were willing, they would report. If they were unwilling, they would not report. It is not necessary to report. So, my daughter is still a piano class.

Also, now many parents see that their children's performance is not good, or does not meet their own requirements, and begin to apply for various classes for their children. No matter whether the children are willing or not, they feel that their children can only learn, but they do not know that their children have learned at all, let alone improve their performance. As a parent, I didn't find the real reason why my child couldn't learn well, but blindly applied for various remedial classes. The child went to class. What was the result?

In my opinion, as long as children listen carefully to the class every day for 40 minutes and finish the exercises after class, that is efficient learning. I have heard from my friend that her children always make small movements in class and do homework at home, never paying attention. Such a child's performance must be no better. The quality of a child's performance is directly proportional to his habits. A child who listens carefully in class, finishes all the homework assigned by the teacher after class, and has a good habit of reading, who can believe that such a child has bad grades?

Think about your daughter's study habits. According to the teacher, my daughter spoke very actively in class and listened carefully in class. I said that she was an activist, and the teacher was unwilling to ask questions. Homework is to start writing at home without reminding. Since the fourth grade, I have not checked her homework any more, but checked it by myself. If I can't, I can explain it to her. I am mainly responsible for signing! Moreover, my daughter is a book lover. Reading every day is an essential job for her. She can repeat a book several times without getting tired of it. She also likes reading at night. She won't rest if she doesn't hurry three or five times every night. She also said that I always disturb her study. This kind of reading habit has been started since primary school and never stopped. The daughter said, "When our class heard the teacher's request to write a composition, they were afraid, but I was not afraid! I like writing!" The daughter was also an English lover. She likes English, memorizes and never says hard. Go to the park, she will ask flowers and trees how to say in English; When eating, I will ask what to say about various dishes; On the way to school, she would say some dialogues or ask some questions to let me talk to her... Now I listen to the teacher's advice: play English songs to children every day, so that children can have more language environment. Therefore, the washing time every day is our time to learn English songs. I will learn and sing together with my children... The children are more interested in English. My daughter has been reading English since she learned English in the third grade, and her daughter's English has never come down. In mathematics learning, it is necessary to listen carefully in class, and the exercises after class should not be sloppy. After each exam, I will look at the child's weak links and strengthen them for her. It's OK to be careless and serious. If not, I will explain them again and again until I understand them. So my daughter's study is very easy for me.

In fact, I think it is not important for children's academic performance, but to form good habits. As long as children develop good learning habits and have good learning habits, their performance will naturally improve.

The parents' meeting is not only to inform us of our children's achievements, but also to help us respond to their weaknesses, turn some of their bad learning habits into good learning habits, solve our confusion for them, and help them improve themselves!

Composition of Parents' Meeting (13)

Teacher Zhai held a parents' meeting "Good habits are good for life". It's a pity that I didn't attend. I also apologize.

As for the cultivation of good habits, Mr. Zhai takes great pains to cultivate children's good habits. This good habit is not just a one-sided learning companion, but a multifaceted and all-round cultivation. For example, "in terms of learning, insist on letting children read more books, learn to be good at observing and recording blogs, and insist on practicing calligraphy. In terms of daily behavior, we parents and friends know that children are growing in a good direction unconsciously, and it is these good habits that make children become better and better day by day.

As a parent of children, I can deeply appreciate Zhai's hard work. I want to say "Thank you" to Teacher Zhai! Although it is not enough to express my gratitude, it is from the bottom of my heart. " Of course, the teacher can't bear all these things alone. I will also stand with you and work hard together. Our parents and friends, let's work together with Teacher Zhai to cultivate children's good habits. Let Zhai know: "You are not struggling alone!" Let us tell the children: "Good habits can benefit you for life. Maybe you don't understand it now, but you will understand it when you grow up slowly. You will thank teachers and understand the good intentions of teachers and parents. I know it's a long and difficult process, but I have my family and Mr. Zhai to accompany you to form a good habit. Let's join our teachers and children in cheering on! "

Finally, I want to communicate and learn more with Mr. Zhai and his parents and friends about the problem of good habits. In addition, we want our children to develop good habits, starting from self and starting from every bit. Set a good example for children!

Parent's Meeting Sentiment Composition (14)

In study, work and life, the most familiar thing is composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme through words. So, how to write a composition? The following is a 600 word composition of the parents' meeting carefully organized by the small editor for reference only. Welcome to read it.

After the parents' meeting, my father walked away quickly. I walked alone on the desolate road. The cold wind hung on my face like a sharp blade, scraping my cheeks one by one. At this time, a leaf of the parasol tree beside the road fell on my shoulder. I looked up at the desolate scene, and it seemed to be crying for me. Did my sadness infect it? Thinking of this, the home road in my eyes was getting farther and farther, and my vision was gradually blurred

When I returned home, I saw that my father had already prepared the food and put it on the table. I bypassed the table, walked directly into the door, bolted the door, and stayed alone in the room. I shivered and pulled out this report card. But now, the paper in my hands seems to be like a heavy stone. I made full efforts to get it out, Difficultly, I turned my eyes to the report card. Seeing the result of 30 places backward, my eyes were already wet unconsciously. My father gently shouted outside the door: "Come out for dinner, son." I replied: "Right away." I had choked up and my voice had changed its pitch. My father recognized the mystery in my voice and walked away consciously.

I went out of the room and sat down at the table. The simple food exuded the taste of fatherly love. A ray of sunshine shines on my father's head through the window. The sunlight also makes the white hair more prominent. I can't help but think of the old scene. The young father plays with me in the sun. The green of the plane trees beside him radiates a youthful vitality from the veins. Now I'm looking out of the window. The leaves have already lost their vitality and become withered and yellow. The trunk has already become older with the passage of time.

At the moment, I feel that the plane trees outside the window are like my old father.

Looking at my father at this moment, I could not help but feel a little more sad. I recalled that I was not serious about my study at school, repeatedly defaulted on my homework, and played tricks. My father went to school again and again, stood in the office, and listened to the teacher tell me my seed again and again. If you plant "bad behavior", you will inevitably feel a little guilty. After the parents' meeting, my father did not criticize me as he used to, nor did he talk about big principles, but just walked away silently. Did I make him lose face with this man who has strong self-esteem in my impression? The aspiring father; Are you disappointed with my disappointing son?

Looking at my father's aging figure, I made a decision in my heart. I can't continue like this. I want to start a new life, and I want to establish a new learning attitude.

Composition of Parents' Meeting (15)

My mother went to the parents' meeting, and I was very nervous. Because of this midterm subject contest, I didn't do well in math and Chinese. I was afraid that the teacher would call my name and criticize me at the parents' meeting. The teacher told us that the parents' meeting would be over at about 7:30 p.m., but after 8:00, my mother still did not come back. At this time, my heart was pounding, very upset. After a while, my mother finally came back. She took me aside and said kindly, "Xiaoxiao, although you didn't do well in the exam this time, don't be discouraged. As long as you can develop good study habits, study hard, and write clearly and correctly, whatever you do will achieve certain results, and your academic performance will naturally rise."

I did so badly in the exam. My mother didn't scold me, but encouraged me, which made me feel very ashamed. I have made a decision that I must study more seriously, diligently and diligently to form good study habits. It is mainly done according to the following points:

1. You should write correctly and keep it neat.

2. It is necessary to consciously complete the homework, do not procrastinate, do no small actions, carefully do every homework, and learn to check.

3. Take the homework of preview and review seriously.

4. Listen to more English tapes, read more and recite more.

In the future, I will conscientiously follow the above points, change my bad habits, study hard, and strive to become an excellent student in all aspects.

Parent's Meeting Sentiment Composition (16)

Feelings after the parents' meeting Composition 1

On Thursday of this week, our fourth grade held a parent meeting for the whole grade. It happened that my mother was on a business trip, and only my father was there. That is, my father went to hold a parent meeting for me. At this time, my mood is like 15 buckets of water - seven up and eight down.

After my father left, I did my homework and read books. Try to calm down. But the scene of the parents' meeting flew straight into my head. I thought for a moment that the math teacher would say that I was not serious and looked around. After a while, I thought that the Chinese teacher would say that I often don't speak in class and so on. Even the most interesting computer doesn't attract me.

Unconsciously, at 8 o'clock, my father came back. My heart was beating fast. Think: I will definitely be scolded by my father. Unexpectedly, my father came over and said kindly, "At the parents' meeting, the math teacher said that you learned very fast, lively and cheerful, but sometimes you were not careful in class and looked around. As long as you corrected this shortcoming, your math scores would be great." My suspense finally fell. I concluded that at the parents' meeting, the teacher must have told us many of our shortcomings, and my father was usually very strict with me, but this time it was different. This reminds me of an article I read, "The Story of a Mother and the Parents' Meeting", which tells a story about a child's poor performance at school. At the parents' meeting, the teacher specifically nominated and criticized the mother. When the mother came home, she did not criticize the child, but encouraged the child to study hard. Finally, the child became a rich man with her mother's encouragement. This makes me very moved.

After the parents' meeting, my father, just like the mother, spoke my strengths and weaknesses in kind words. Let me feel this is the love my father gave me!

Feelings after the Parents' Meeting Composition 2

After the mid-term exam, the school held its first parents' meeting. My mother attended the meeting.

In this midterm exam, although my performance was good and I was in the top of the class, it seemed that there was still a gap between me and my parents. For this reason, although I knew that I might be praised at the parents' meeting, I was still anxious to look forward to my mother's return with a feeling of anxiety, so that I could see what kind of result the parents' meeting would have for me from her expression or words and deeds.

Mother came back, and it seemed that nothing could be seen from her expression. She brought back a "Parent School Reader" and gave it to her father for him to see, and asked him to pick out the key points. After reading the book carefully, my father said nothing. He went into his study silently and began to work on the computer.

The next day, my father took out an article entitled "Feelings of Reading the Parent's School Reader of Yucai Success School" to read to my mother and me. "Dog girls have been studying for talent cultivation for several months." Once I heard it, I found that it was also in classical Chinese, which was my father's specialty. After reading the whole article, I seemed to understand something, but my mother seemed to understand it and kept nodding. After reading the original text, my father explained it to us again in vernacular. Now, I completely understand the meaning of my father's article.

It turned out that after reading the Parent's School Reader, my father wrote this article with deep feelings about his previous home situation. In this article, while affirming his previous correct practices, he also bravely criticized his incorrect practices. "Guan Yu and his wife are female dog teachers. Some of them are successful, some are ineffective, and some are unsuccessful. They follow the book and ask for their feelings. All of them are successful.". This is my father's heartfelt emotion after reading the Parent School Reader. Therefore, he said: "It is the responsibility of Yu and his wife to mellow the family atmosphere and create a good environment for the growth of canine women."

Father not only thought so, but also did so. From that day on, my father, who was hard to bear a little anger before, began to learn to tolerate. If I make what he called a low-level mistake in the exercise, he will no longer yell at me, but will patiently explain to me in whispers, or give me inspiration; Sometimes his mother's attitude is a little worse. He is no longer talking to his mother like before, but patiently talking and communicating with her. In this way, our already warm family is more warm. As his father said in his review of the book, "We should discuss everything in a quiet way, not talk with each other. The rest of the couple read books and encouraged each other."

It seems that I really appreciate the parents' meeting held by the school. It has changed my parents, created a deeper warm atmosphere for my family, and made me love my parents and my family more. So I think I have changed too.

Reflections after the Parents' Meeting Composition 3

On Thursday, the teacher sent out the notice of the parents' meeting. Suddenly, there was a lot of noise in the classroom. My heart was like 15 buckets of water. Would the teacher tell my parents about my performance in school?

However, night came. My mother wore makeup, put on her bag, and walked out of the house in high spirits. At the moment when my mother closed the door, an idea flashed in my mind: I followed my mother to school secretly. I closed the door quietly and slipped out of the residential building. When I arrived at the school gate, I couldn't help but shiver. The teacher on duty was at the door, I really want to have the eyes and ears of Erhuluwa, so I can hear and see what they are doing. Since there is a duty teacher at the door, I have to go home. When I got home, I couldn't even sit down. When I looked at the clock, it was only 6:40. After a long time, I went to look at the clock again, and it was only 6:50. At this time, I felt that the time was slow as a snail. I was really worried that my mother would severely criticize me when she came back.

It was not easy to endure until 8:00 o'clock. There was a death like knocking outside the door. I opened the door and bowed my head to be scolded. To my surprise, my mother did not criticize me, but praised and encouraged me. My heart finally fell.

Reflections after the Parents' Meeting Composition 4

Today, I felt uneasy and thought that there might be a "storm" today - my mother attended the parents' meeting this afternoon. If my father came to hold the parents' meeting, it would be better. But if my mother goes, I will "reward" me with a meal of "fried shredded meat with a belt" when I get home, because I didn't do well in the exam this time. In a few minutes, I arrived home. I looked downstairs and found that the car was not there. It seemed that Dad had not come back. I was a little relieved. When I got home, I learned that my father was at home because he was ill, and my mother went to the parents' meeting.

At more than ten o'clock in the evening, the voice that had been making me nervous finally sounded - Mom came back, and a fierce storm was finally coming. However, my mother's behavior surprised me very much. My mother slowly sat down beside me, talked about her ideas with me, and took out the notes she had made at the parent meeting. She seemed to have a good grasp of her mentality and carefully analyzed the advantages and disadvantages with me.

My mother said to me earnestly: "A child who knows how to make up for his mistakes is a good child. Although exam scores are not the only way to test your learning, it is also an effective test of your knowledge of recent learning. After each exam, have you seriously analyzed your mistakes?" My mother also said to me, "When we come to junior high school, we should be like our Chinese teacher said, 'Only when we can learn, can we learn', and each item should be 100%.".

I then reflected, summarized and planned according to my mother's words. In the aspect of Chinese, strengthen the ability of reading comprehension to reduce the rate of losing points in extracurricular reading. First, we should really understand the key parts of what the teacher said in class, and make complete classroom notes.; Second: We should read more books, but reading is far from enough. I should also carefully make reading notes, so that we can really read this book. In English, I must recite more words and texts, really master the use of sentence patterns and tense expression, and do more extracurricular reading exercises. In mathematics, I want to recite formulas more, but the key is to lay a good foundation in calculation, and try not to lose points in every calculation problem.

Next, I must study hard and try not to let teachers and parents down!

Reflections after the Parents' Meeting Composition 5

In many parent meetings, I think this time is unusual and the most special. It contains students' respect for their parents.

After the parents' meeting, my mother talked with me, which made me feel more motivated.

My mother praised me first, which made me feel happy.

She said happily, "Ah! Your study is not as bad as I thought. Keep working hard! I have 100% confidence in my daughter. I believe in you." I was overjoyed and said, "I will not let you down, rest assured!"

Later, he praised me and said, "On the way, I saw that you were much more generous than usual when you performed Pottery and Iron Pots, sometimes with a smile on your face! There was nothing to disappoint me." I said coquettishly, "Mom, you praise me too much." I touched the back of my head as I said.

Then instead of criticizing me, I expressed my expectations.

She said earnestly: "You are hoarse now, otherwise you don't have to waste your time reciting that English essay when performing! You can sing English songs, such as" Snow Ronghua "," Auld Lang Syne "..." I thought for a while and said: "OK! Mom, you are right. I will try to speak less and more sign language during the winter vacation! The action must let you see clearly. "

She said kindly, "Remember, after you finish your homework, you should read more extracurricular books. It's no use just studying at school. You have to rely on yourself to accumulate more experience and grasp what you have learned. It's still yours!" I lowered my head slightly and stammered, "I usually... no... I like reading... books very much?" "Not enough!" Mom immediately reflected, "You haven't read online, newspapers or magazines!"

"From now on, I will stand on the wall for ten to fifteen minutes every day, you know?" Mom said to me with a serious tone. "OK!" I replied loudly.

Mom, I don't need you to worry about my homework in the future.

Put down your heart, I will never let down your little hope for your daughter. Put more effort into it, and move forward to the ideal end of learning!

Composition of Parents' Meeting (17)

The parents' meeting thought that although I was in the fifth grade now, I had never changed my playful character. Every time I hold a parents' meeting, I find that some students are very happy. Those who usually do not hand in their homework seem to be worried. I'm not afraid. To be precise, I have nothing to say about my performance in class. Another thing is that I have a reasonable father and mother. Fortunately, I was so successful that I didn't make a fool of my parents at the parents' meeting.

The parents' meeting the year before last was the most unforgettable one for me. That was the first time I went to school to play with my classmates. Those who dared to go did well in the class. We talked about how the parents' meeting was going and what the teacher would say to the parents

I'm very looking forward to it, because every time after the parents' meeting, my mother will tell me what the teacher said about me and what his evaluation of me is. I like it best that other teachers can comment on my strengths and weaknesses. In this way, I can constantly improve myself.

My mother told me that the parents' meeting is not only about which students the teacher said or praised. It is mainly the teachers of various subjects who will talk about their study plans for this semester and how to study. Even if the teacher criticizes us at the parents' meeting, it is also responsible for us. There is no need for parents to criticize us. There is nothing to be afraid of. The most important thing is to recognize what is wrong and correct it. So I am very relieved and happy. Soon it was time for the parents' meeting. My mother held my hand, talked and laughed, and walked to the school

Soon, this year's parents' meeting came again, and I still remained optimistic. People should face the reality bravely, no matter praise or criticism.