Observation of composition silkworm (collection of 6 articles)
The only faith
2024-06-15 08:51:27
primary school

Observation of composition silkworm (1)

This article, "Diary of Observing Silkworm 200 Words", is arranged by the composition collection of primary school students for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

silkworm cocoon

Day by day, I am quietly waiting for my silkworm to spin silk and become a cocoon.

Finally one day, they began to spin silk. They first protrude a section of white silk with their mouths and weave it into a "zigzag" shape. Then they use silk to circle themselves into a transparent ball. When they look into the cocoon, the head of the baby silkworm shakes and swings, weaving the cocoon constantly. Slowly, the cocoon becomes thicker and no longer transparent.

Next, they began to spin silk one after another. There were many white cocoons on the wall of the box.

Silkworms will hatch slowly inside. I think they will eventually break out of their cocoons and become moths. They will also mate with female moths and give birth to babies.

Silkworm, hatch quickly. I'm waiting for the day when you are born.

Observation of composition silkworm (2)

When these silkworms first hatched, they were small black worms, and they didn't like to move very much. They would fall off the mulberry leaves with a gentle shake, and they might not be found. So you must be careful when changing the mulberry leaves for them. When my father changed the mulberry leaves, he first used a small stick of paper roll as a backup, and then used toilet paper to clean the fresh mulberry leaves. I thought this was strange, so I asked my father, "Why use toilet paper to clean the mulberry leaves?" My father replied, "There will be water and dust on the mulberry leaves. If not cleaned, the silkworm will have diarrhea after eating the mulberry leaves, and then die." After wiping the mulberry leaves, Dad picked out the little black worms one by one with a stick made of paper and carefully placed them on the fresh mulberry leaves. In a twinkling of an eye, many silkworms disappeared, because they all climbed under the mulberry leaves!

Slowly, when the silkworm grows up, I find it strange that the silkworm eats mulberry leaves. It seems to be nodding ceaselessly. Its mouth looks very small, but it will soon chew out a big hole in the leaves. It seems that it eats fast! When the silkworm grows to be thick and long, it will see two "brackets" on its back, one at the head and the other at the tail. I think it's strange, so I went to ask my father, but my father doesn't know what this is, and this problem is still a mystery.

One day, when I went to see them, I found a large pool of water behind the buttocks of several silkworms. I was worried whether they were ill, so I hurried to find my father, My father said to me: "When the silkworm is ready to spin silk, its body will become somewhat transparent, and will drain the excess water from its body, and its body will shrink accordingly, becoming a little shorter. So as long as it sees that the silkworm's body is somewhat transparent and shorter, it means it is going to spin silk, and the silk it spins will wrap itself up, turning into a cocoon, and then into a moth after a while After biting the cocoon, the male moth and the female moth coming out of the cocoon will give birth to many eggs after marriage. They will hatch in the spring of the next year, and so on. " Oh, so it is. Looking at the silkworms that are spinning, I am thinking that there will be more silkworms to raise next year.

Silkworms are really cute. I like them.

Observation of composition silkworm (3)

The newly born silkworm is only one millimeter, black, like black sesame. I took a young leaf, stuck it in the silkworm rearing box, and swept the newborn silkworm into the box with a feather. After doing this, I went to bed and slept soundly.

The next morning, I hurried to the silkworm rearing box without washing my face. I looked at my silkworm. It grew to five millimeters. There were many small holes in the leaves. There were many small black balls pulled out by the silkworm beside the small holes. I quickly picked up the feathers and cleaned the silkworm rearing box.

On the third day, my baby silkworms turned green and ate more. In the past, only one leaf was enough to eat for two days. Now, half a day requires a whole leaf. Fortunately, it's summer vacation, otherwise I would be too busy. It grew fast enough to become two centimeters.

On the fourth day, I found them motionless. I thought they were dead! He ran over and told my mother. Mother smiled and said to me: "They are not dying, but peeling. They peel three times in their life!"

Sure enough, on the fifth day, they asked me for food again. There is also a layer of "coat" beside me. I am very happy and give them a lot of mulberry leaves.

On the fifth day, they will peel again. In this way, they will peel off again and again. On the ninth day, they will finally not peel off.

On the tenth day, I suddenly found that they had widened a lot and reached a length of more than four centimeters. Now, a silkworm's appetite is two mulberry leaves.

On the eleventh day, they began to spin. I found that they had a habit of spinning: first from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom.

On the twelfth day, they became miniature "goose eggs".

Until the 15th day, two white and fat silkworms were drilled out, and the others did not come out. Later, I learned that if there were several male and one female silkworms, the male would react as if only one came out, and the rest were waiting for death inside. They gave birth to more than 50 proteins and died unexpectedly.

This is their life, from which I understand the truth of cherishing time. Yes, people are the same. Although life is very short, they can do many meaningful things.

Observation of composition silkworm (4)

After my careful observation, I found that the black spot was their small mouth. I tell you, it's very interesting for Silkworm Baby to eat mulberry leaves! They eat the outer contour of the leaves first, and then nibble the middle part bit by bit. When they eat mulberry leaves, the wrinkled skin on their heads keeps stretching and stretching, which is really funny. The last mulberry leaves are only its stems and veins.

Silkworm babies really deserve the name of "Little Fool"! There is so much food to eat every day. I just picked mulberry leaves and put them in. In a short time, they became bare "vegetable dregs". They didn't seem to have enough. They looked around and around, as if they were looking for delicious food. You know, every time they were full, they would lie down in the paper box and sleep quietly.

After many quiet days, strange things happened again. My lovely silkworm babies didn't eat or drink one after another, like "little lazy worms", lying there and even being too lazy to move. The mulberry leaves, which were delicious and delicious to them in the past, are now ignored. At this moment, I felt a little flustered and thought eagerly: "What's wrong with the silkworm babies? Can they be ill? With this puzzling, one day has passed.

The next morning, I quickly ran out of bed and found a totally different scene from yesterday: Silkworm babies were all energetic, some were crawling around in high spirits, some were gorging on delicious mulberry leaves, some were gathering together in two or three pieces, as if they were discussing something or playing... At this time, in the corner of the box, I found several pieces of dry leather, and suddenly realized that the mystery in my heart was finally solved: when the silkworm doesn't move, it means that it is taking off its old "clothes". You see, the playful silkworm has changed into new clothes!

Eating so many mulberry leaves is not a waste. As time goes by, baby silkworms grow up a lot. They are thicker and longer than my little fingers! But their original loveliness did not change at all. They ate and played and slept, but one of the bigger silkworms began to spin silk. He climbed into a small corner of the box and started his own work. I specially watched his silk spinning that day. He first found a position for fixing the silk, then climbed up carefully, and then found a suitable position to connect the two places with silk. In this way, the silkworm babies painstakingly climbed up and down, busy, It took about half a day, and the outline of the cocoon finally appeared.

After a long time, there was a sound of "rustling, rustling" in the box. I opened the box curiously and saw that all the silkworm babies had disappeared, but there were five more cocoons in the box. Some were pure white, some were pink, and some were golden! Silkworm babies are wrapped in thick cocoons. Only two cocoons remain, and they can vaguely see the busy figure of Silkworm babies

My baby silkworms have undergone earth shaking changes. They are like "magicians", turning into silkworm moths and emerging from their cocoons. Looking at them at this moment, my eyes are a little wet. As soon as they lay eggs, they will be buried in the ground and sleep forever underground

As the days went by, the belly of the silkworm moth grew bigger and bigger. It was said that they were ready to lay eggs. After a few hours, I gently opened the box, and found that the box was full of silkworm eggs, dense, and the belly of the silkworm moth became smaller, and they quietly lay down.

How short is the life of silkworm babies! But how great is its selfless contribution to people, it is really "the silkworms in spring are square necked to death! I remember a children's song: the whole body of the silkworm is treasure, the silkworm excrement is used as pillow, the silkworm pupa is delicious and delicious, and the silk can be used as clothes... I was deeply moved by this noble quality.

Observation of composition silkworm (5)

This spring, my mother bought some silkworms for me, and I was very happy. Because, this spring, we can play happily with silkworm babies again. It's good! I specially found a beautiful paper box to be the home of silkworms. I hope they can live happily, live and work in peace, and multiply their descendants in this new home. This is my good wish! Every day, I will bend down to carefully observe these little cute. Grab one and put it on your hand, ah! The silkworm is ugly and fat. It is wearing a spotted flower coat. Its small brown mouth is wriggling up and down, and its eyes have been looking around. It may have never seen the world from such a height, and it may be surprised at the size of the world outside the silkworm box. It explored, found that there was no danger, and began to climb up on my hands. Its little paws were busy, and its body was wriggling forward little by little. I felt itchy and couldn't help shaking my hand. It seemed to be frightened and stopped in a panic. Then it raised the upper half of its height and shook its teeth, as if looking for a way to escape. I quickly put it back home, and it was happy again, and began to crawl around in the silkworm box, playing with his companions. Maybe it was telling the partners about the adventure he had just experienced.

When silkworms eat mulberry leaves, they will make a sound of "sand sand", just like the sound of drizzle in spring. It's very pleasant and comfortable to listen to. Look, how delicious this silkworm is eating. It tightly grasps mulberry leaves. Its mouth is like a harvester devouring mulberry leaves. After a few strokes, it eats a long beautiful arc. This gluttony is really adorable. I love them so much that sometimes I forget time.

After a while, some silkworms have cocooned, and the colors are even more colorful, including orange, pink, yellow and white. I don't know that these "treasures" are still in their small bodies. Before long, the silkworm in the cocoon will become a moth and break out of its shell, giving birth to new eggs and giving birth to new life. The result of alternative is tragic. The silkworm moth will die, but it will exchange its own life for new life. This spirit deserves our respect! As the saying goes, "I will spare no pains to bind myself up again and again, just for the time when spring comes to cocoon."

I love these silkworms. They give me endless happiness. I also hope these silkworms will become moths as soon as possible, come out of their cocoons intact, and finish their beautiful life!

Observation of composition silkworm (6)

I found that before molting, there would be a gap between their head and chest, as if they were going to separate. Their bodies looked shorter, but actually they were going to peel, and they would look like an old man. Their body would not move, even eat all day. After molting, they would be alive again.

There are some points below their anus. If there is only one big blue transparent point, it is male. If there are four small blue transparent points, it is female. The third instar silkworm is like a weak girl. Its long and thin body is easy to loose bowels once it is blown. I have to take care of them carefully. The fourth instar silkworm seems to be a naughty child blowing balloons. It has a big appetite, and its body is "one inch bigger at night". It is very cute! The fifth instar silkworm is not inferior to the weight lifters. Its fat muscles show that it is a powerful warrior. If there is a stool that prevents it from eating, it will bite it up and shake it away.

When silkworms spin silk, they will keep looking for places to change cocoons until they are satisfied. Once they start spinning silk, they will never stop. Watching it weaving their own home every minute, I saw how small silkworms have such tenacious perseverance. Late at night, I bent down to listen to the sound of silkworms' feet on the silk line, like a tight and elastic drum sound "Jump Jump", Back and forth, one after another... In the morning, the pure white cocoon has separated me from it, but through the light, I clearly saw that the familiar dark shadow was still busy in the cocoon with the rhythm of yesterday, and I knew that it was trying to complete a sacred mission!