Waiting for Successful Compositions (10 recommended)
2024-06-28 02:11:48
Junior 1

Waiting for Successful Composition (1)

Bill Gates' success has inspired countless people's dreams. Almost for a period of time, countless people took him as an example, countless people took him as an idol, crazy pursuit. It seems that as long as there is talent, countless efforts, efforts and sweat, anyone can become the richest man in the world at the next moment. In fact, Gates is so brilliant that his family background is almost obscured. His success is indeed the result of his countless efforts, but there is no lack of help from his family. Gates was strongly opposed by his family when he dropped out of Harvard University. His family asked him: "Why do you survive in this world, just because you are a dropout of Harvard University?" Gates answered more forcefully. He said: "Is it not enough just because my father is a lawyer and my mother is the chairman of Harvard University?"

If Gates is a little far away, then Guo Jingming is really well known by many people. He was famous for his work Fantastic City, and then published many great works. Now he has more than 100 million assets, and he is also the second generation rich man.

These words are not meant to be derogatory, nor are they biased against the second generation of rich people. After all, success is inseparable from their own efforts, and the second generation of rich people can also compete with the second generation. I just want to say that although hard work and talent can give success and wealth, many external factors are also very important. After all, there are only a few people who can achieve success at a young age. In addition to talent and hard work, we should also have patience and long-term vision.

Waiting for Successful Composition (2)

Insist on just waiting for the moment of success

In the ordinary study, work and life, the most unusual thing is composition. Composition can be divided into timed composition and non timed composition according to the time limit of writing. What kind of composition have you seen? The following is the fifth grade composition of Xiao Bian, who carefully insists on waiting for success. Welcome to read it, and I hope you can enjoy it.

In the memory of my golden childhood, there is a beautiful "star" that I still remember, that is the long and short journey from not being able to skate to learning to skate.

When I came into contact with skating, I was just a 6-year-old boy. It was an accidental chance. I went into a place called "Children's Joy City" with my parents. I wandered with my parents. Suddenly, a pair of blue and white skates caught my eye, So I have my own pair of skates.

At first, I felt very excited. I quickly put on my skates and asked the coach in the skating rink to teach me. With the support of the coach, I took a step forward. At this time, the coach and my parents both gave me admiring glances and thumbs up, which made me feel that skating would definitely accept Yi, so I resolutely broke away from the coach's hand and started skating myself. But skating is not as simple as I thought - I just skated a few steps, and then a somersault, so that people turned upside down. I didn't admit defeat because of this "unexpected disaster", so I got up again and continued to slip. But several times later, I had several "upside down". This time I was really discouraged, so I took off my skates and threw them away, vowing never to skate again.

When I was being petty, my mother always encouraged me and supported me, but I still didn't want to slip away; But my mother's persistence finally moved me, so I doubtfully picked up the skates and went straight to the skating rink, where I met the coach again, so he taught me again; He first asked me to walk with skates. This time, I learned very hard and seriously. In addition, the coach gave me good guidance. I soon practiced the basic skills of skating. Then the coach asked me to walk while holding the railing. The effect was remarkable, but after a while, I was reluctant to use the handrail. At this time, the coach was also excited for me, which made me "morale boost" and let me no longer feel inferior: I felt ashamed because I could not skate.

In this short and long month, I learned to skate. This month, I had a hard time. Every time I came home from school, I wrote my homework and went to the coach to teach me how to skate, so it seemed very long; Although I often fell down in this month, I was often praised by my coach and encouraged by my parents, so I felt very short. In this period of learning skating, I have tasted the ups and downs of life, and I have not only learned how to skate, but also learned the truth of being a man. That is: in the long journey of life, there are inevitably bumps and rugged, but as long as there is the belief that bad luck cannot defeat, the light of hope will drive the clouds of despair!

Waiting for Successful Composition (3)

Today, I got up very early; Because I want to experience the journey of Dalian by myself.

We came to the assembly place first, but the guide aunt didn't come; After waiting about half an hour or so, she finally came. When my mother's name was called, I wanted to put 100 wings on and fly over.

When I got on the bus, my heart jumped like a lively rabbit. I thought: "My Dalian......, I found the kingdom......, my Shengya Ocean World......" I began to think about it

On the bus, I asked my mother what time it was; Moreover, I was very sleepy, tired and worried; But my mother said, "Don't worry, I'll tell you when it comes." But I'm still in a hurry. It's still a question for a while. My mother always says what time it is. Why is it not there? I wonder. The journey of more than 4 hours has finally come to an end. We are going to start our real trip to Dalian.

The first stop for us to play is to discover the kingdom - "Rush into the torrent"

There are so many people waiting in line, more than three times as many people playing this game in Anshan! The team is like a huge dragon. It doesn't move at all. Our arrival seems to have no effect on it. It seems that we have to wait for a while. Why do you always wait and wait... Mom said: "Don't worry, this is to exercise your endurance".

At this time, I thought of a story - The Waiting of Polar Bear. It is about the polar bear, in order to wait for the appearance of prey, firmly holding a vent, one day, two days, three days... This kind of waiting tests the perseverance, will and courage of the polar bear. Because it knows that it has to go through a long wait and suffering before success. Only when it knows how to wait and can withstand the hardships and blows while waiting for success, can it get the results it wants.

Polar bears can do it, so can I. I'm not worried at first. I also met a little sister from Daqing. We both talked and laughed; I also told many stories together! Unfortunately, I forgot to ask her name and phone number. Time is really fast. It seems that it's our turn soon. My mother said, "In a moment, please shout loudly, otherwise, the line will be empty for two hours." I knew that my mother was teasing me and comforting me.

At this time, while putting on a disposable raincoat for me, my mother said: "People wait because they have hope; it is because they have the patience to bear waiting that they will have results." Do you understand?

I seem to understand a lot at once; No one's success is easy to get, even if it is a long wait and suffering, it is not enough to scare me. In order to make my "flower of success" open, it must be watered and shined with patience that bears waiting and suffering.

I have gained a lot from this trip to Dalian

Waiting for Successful Composition (4)

Among the memories of my golden childhood, there is one that I still remember fresh and beautiful "Stars", that is the long and short process from my never being able to skate to learning to skate.

When I came into contact with skating, I was just a 6-year-old boy. It was by chance that I went into a place called "Children's Joy City" with my parents. I wandered with my parents. Suddenly, a pair of blue and white skates caught my eye (I didn't know that was called skates at that time), so I clamoured to buy that pair of skates. They couldn't beat me, So I have my own pair of skates.

At first, I felt very happy. I quickly put on my skates and asked the coach in the skating rink to teach me. With the help of the coach, I took a step forward. At this time, the coach and my parents both gave me admiring glances and thumbs up, which made me feel that skating would be very easy. So I resolutely broke away from the coach's hand and slid myself. But skating is not as simple as I thought - I just skated a few steps, and then a somersault, so that people turned upside down. I didn't admit defeat because of this "unexpected disaster", so I got up again and continued to slip away. But several times later, I came here several times. This time I was really discouraged, so I took off my skates and threw them away, vowing never to skate again.

When I was being petty, my mother always encouraged me and supported me, but I still didn't want to slip away; But my mother's persistence finally moved me, so I picked up the skates suspiciously and went straight to the skating rink, where I met the coach again, so he taught me again; He first asked me to walk with skates. This time, I learned very hard and seriously. In addition, the coach gave me good guidance. I soon practiced the basic skills of skating. Then the coach asked me to walk while holding the railing. The effect was very good, but after a while, I just managed to get rid of the railing. At this time, the coach was also happy for me, which made me "boost my morale" and let me no longer feel inferior: I felt ashamed because I could not skate.

In this short and long month, I learned to skate. This month, I had a hard time. Every time I came home from school, I finished my homework and went to the coach to teach me how to skate, so it seemed very long; Although I often fell during this month, I was often praised by my coach and encouraged by my parents, so I felt very short. In this period of learning skating, I have tasted the ups and downs of life, and I have not only learned how to skate, but also learned the truth of life. That is: in the long journey of life, there are inevitably rugged and bumpy, but as long as there is the belief that bad luck cannot defeat, the light of hope will dispel the clouds of despair!

Waiting for Successful Composition (5)

Hope, wait and succeed!

Today, I got up very early; Because I want to experience the journey of Dalian by myself.

We came to the assembly place first, but the guide aunt didn't come; After waiting about half an hour or so, she finally came. When my mother's name was called, I wanted to put 100 wings on and fly over.

When I got on the bus, my heart jumped like a lively rabbit. I thought: "My Dalian......, I found the kingdom......, my Shengya Ocean World......" I began to think about it

On the bus, I asked my mother what time it was; Moreover, I was very sleepy, tired and worried; But my mother said, "Don't worry, I'll tell you when it comes." But I'm still in a hurry. It's still a question for a while. My mother always says what time it is. Why is it not there? I wonder. The journey of more than 4 hours has finally come to an end. We are going to start our real trip to Dalian.

The first stop for us to play is to discover the kingdom - "Rush into the torrent"

There are so many people in line, more than three times the number of people playing this game in Anshan! The team is like a huge dragon. It doesn't move at all. Our arrival seems to have no effect on it. It seems that we have to wait for a while. Why do you always wait and wait... Mom said: "Don't worry, this is to exercise your endurance".

At this time, I thought of a story - The Waiting of Polar Bear. It is about the polar bear, in order to wait for the appearance of prey, firmly holding a vent, one day, two days, three days... This kind of waiting tests the perseverance, will and courage of the polar bear. Because it knows that it has to go through a long wait and suffering before success. Only when it knows how to wait and can withstand the hardships and blows while waiting for success, can it get the results it wants.

Polar bears can do it, so can I. I'm not worried at first. I also met a little sister from Daqing. We both talked and laughed; I also told many stories together! Unfortunately, I forgot to ask her name and phone number. Time is really fast. It seems that it's our turn soon. My mother said, "In a moment, please shout loudly, otherwise, the line will be empty for two hours." I knew that my mother was teasing me and comforting me.

At this time, while wearing a disposable raincoat for me, my mother said: "People wait because they have hope; it is because they have patience to bear waiting that they will have results." Do you understand?

I seem to understand a lot at once; No one's success is easy to get, even if it is a long wait and suffering, it is not enough to scare me. In order to make my "flower of success" open, it must be watered and shined with patience that bears waiting and suffering.

I have gained a lot from this trip to Dalian

School: Qinghua Primary School, Hunan Street, Tiedong District

Class: Class Three, Year Two Author: Cui Rongrong

Instructor: Bai Chunyang

Waiting for Successful Composition (6)

In our ordinary daily life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be familiar with it. Composition must be focused on the theme, and in-depth elaboration must be made around the same theme. Do not ramble, the theme is lax or even no theme. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is a collection of 800 words of excellent compositions waiting for success, which I hope will be helpful to you.

Today, I got up very early; Because I want to experience the trip of Dalian by myself.

We came to the assembly place first, but the guide aunt didn't come; After waiting about half an hour or so, she finally came. When my mother's name was called, I wanted to put 100 wings on and fly over.

When I got on the bus, my heart jumped like a lively rabbit. I thought: "My Dalian......, I found the kingdom......, my Shengya Ocean World......" I began to think about it

On the bus, I asked my mother what time it was; Moreover, I was very sleepy, tired and worried; But my mother said, "Don't worry, I'll tell you when it comes." But I'm still in a hurry. It's still a question for a while. My mother always says what time it is. Why is it not there? I wonder. The journey of more than 4 hours has finally come to an end. We are going to start our real trip to Dalian.

The first stop for us to play is to discover the kingdom - "Rush into the torrent"

There are so many people waiting in line, more than three times as many people playing this game in Anshan! The team is like a huge dragon. It doesn't move at all. Our arrival seems to have no effect on it. It seems that we have to wait for a while. Why do you always wait and wait... Mom said: "Don't worry, this is to exercise your endurance".

At this time, I thought of a story - The Waiting of Polar Bear. It is about the polar bear, in order to wait for the appearance of prey, firmly holding a vent, one day, two days, three days... This kind of waiting tests the perseverance, will and courage of the polar bear. Because it knows that it has to go through a long wait and suffering before success. Only when it knows how to wait and can withstand the hardships and blows while waiting for success, can it get the results it wants.

Polar bears can do it, so can I. I'm not worried at first. I also met a 'little sister' from Daqing. We both talked and laughed; I also told many stories together! Unfortunately, I forgot to ask her name and phone number. Time is really fast. It seems that it's our turn soon. My mother said, "In a moment, please shout loudly, otherwise, the line will be empty for two hours." I knew that my mother was teasing me and comforting me.

At this time, while putting on a disposable raincoat for me, my mother said: "People wait because they have hope; it is because they have the patience to bear waiting that they will have results." Do you understand?

I seem to understand a lot at once; No one's success is easy to get, even if it is a long wait and suffering, it is not enough to scare me. In order to make my "flower of success" open, it must be watered and shined with patience that bears waiting and suffering.

I have gained a lot from this trip to Dalian

Waiting for Successful Composition (7)

How can we achieve success?

Success requires firm will. On the road to success, it is inevitable to encounter many setbacks and face repeated failures. This has become a "roadblock" on our way. If you cannot have a firm will to defeat him, you are doomed to failure. Many people give up because they dare not face failure or frustration. They become losers on the road of life, and they are defeated by difficulties. Phyllostachys pubescens is a common thing, but how many people know their growing experience? In a few months after growing, the bamboo only grows several tens of centimeters long. In order to grow up, they would not hesitate to take three years to take root and absorb nutrition. In three years' time, they will grow up to ten meters high. Yes, they have succeeded. They will look down on everything in the world. They are the successful ones.

Success requires the determination to never give up. When facing great pressure on the way to success, do you say to yourself: Forget it, give up! The premise of success must be the determination to never give up, no matter how difficult you encounter, no matter how much pressure you face, no matter how many people persuade you to give up. If you want to succeed, you cannot threaten to give up and fail. Just like the great physicist Joule, he spent his whole life dealing with electricity, sitting in the laboratory and forgetting to eat and sleep, doing research and experiments for decades, but he did not face himself or his family with a heart of failure. More than ten years later, he succeeded. He developed the Joule Law, which caused a sensation in physics. He became a great man in people's hearts.

Success - also requires strong self-confidence. Most contemporary people are not confident of themselves, which is also a reason why we cannot succeed. We should say to ourselves every day: "I believe I can do it!"

Success depends on persistence, hard work and confidence! If you do this, you can see that success is waving to you not far away!

Waiting for Successful Composition (8)

Waiting for Successful Narrative Composition High School Chapter 1

I don't know how many tears I have shed over the years. Some are excited and joyful, and some are sad and heartbroken. Tears are not bitter, but sweet. She moistens my heart, cleanses my heart and surges my enthusiasm. In tears, I choose to be brave and strong. In tears, I grow up gradually. In tears, I move towards success.

In the sixth grade of primary school, the students went all out to prepare for the review of the primary school and the junior high school. Everyone worked hard, and many people were burning the midnight oil, hoping to win the prize in the provincial math contest and become the coveted intensive class of Wentong Middle School. I am no exception. After layers of screening, I got the preliminaries ticket by virtue of my strong strength. Faced with the hard won opportunity, I was overjoyed. I thought I could walk on the Walk of Fame and be sure to win. I was immersed in the joy of victory. In the next series of intensive review training for the final, I lost my way. Others listened with interest, and the teacher spoke with high spirits, but I could not listen at all. I'm proud. When I participated in the training, I completely acted as a supporting role. I lowered my requirements and wasted valuable time. I was afraid. Later, although I tried my best to learn, the time for the final was getting closer and closer, and my heart was more worried. I had to comfort myself: instead of sighing, let's fight!

When I walked out of the exam room in a daze, I was very depressed. As expected, I failed. Mom's complaints are like needles. Father's stern eyes seemed to penetrate my chest. My mental defense completely collapsed, and my tears poured out. I really regret that I can't waste any more time. I must work hard and constantly strive for self-improvement. I couldn't help humming Zheng Zhihua's song Sailor: "He said that the pain in the wind and rain was nothing, and drying up our tears was not afraid that at least we still had dreams. He said that the pain in the wind and rain was nothing, and drying up our tears was not about why..." So I worked hard every day, asked for quality in the classroom for 45 minutes, more teachers and more classmates. My little bird grew up in tears, and I know how to cherish time more. I want to work hard, I want to struggle, and I want to make progress... Miracles have occurred! I was admitted to the intensive class of Wentong Middle School with excellent results, and my efforts finally paid off. This success did not let me forget the pain of yesterday. The tears of that time impressed me. They always encouraged me to move forward and became a brilliant mark in my growth history.

Tears will enrich your resume and make you stronger. Taste the tears bravely and experience them with heart. You will find that they are not bitter. Be kind to tears and setbacks in the process of growth. You will find that this is also an unforgettable asset and a ladder to success.

Waiting for Successful Narrative Composition High School Chapter 2

In the memory of my golden childhood, there is a beautiful "star" that I still remember vividly. That is the long and short process from my never being able to skate to learning to skate.

When I came into contact with skating, I was just a 6-year-old boy. It was by chance that I went into a place called "Children's Joy City" with my parents. I wandered with my parents. Suddenly, a pair of blue and white skates caught my eye (I didn't know that was called skates at that time), so I clamoured to buy that pair of skates. They couldn't beat me, So I have my own pair of skates.

At first, I felt very happy. I quickly put on my skates and asked the coach in the skating rink to teach me. With the help of the coach, I took a step forward. At this time, the coach and my parents both gave me admiring glances and thumbs up, which made me feel that skating would be very easy. So I resolutely broke away from the coach's hand and slid myself. But skating is not as simple as I thought - I just skated a few steps, and then a somersault, so that people turned upside down. I didn't admit defeat because of this "unexpected disaster", so I got up again and continued to slip away. But several times later, I came here several times. This time I was really discouraged, so I took off my skates and threw them away, vowing never to skate again.

When I was being petty, my mother always encouraged me and supported me, but I still didn't want to slip away; But my mother's persistence finally moved me, so I doubtfully picked up the skates and went straight to the skating rink, where I met the coach again, so he taught me again; He first asked me to walk with skates. This time, I learned very hard and seriously. In addition, the coach gave me good guidance. I soon practiced the basic skills of skating. Then the coach asked me to walk while holding the railing. The effect was very good, but after a while, I just managed to get rid of the railing. At this time, the coach was also happy for me, which made me "boost my morale" and let me no longer feel inferior: I felt ashamed because I could not skate.

In this short and long month, I learned to skate. This month, I had a hard time. Every time I came home from school, I finished my homework and went to the coach to teach me how to skate, so it seemed very long; Although I often fell during this month, I was often praised by my coach and encouraged by my parents, so I felt very short. In this period of learning skating, I have tasted the ups and downs of life, and I have not only learned how to skate, but also learned the truth of life. That is: in the long journey of life, there are inevitably rugged and bumpy, but as long as there is the belief that bad luck cannot defeat, the light of hope will dispel the clouds of despair!

Waiting for Successful Narration Composition High School 3

A famous marketing master wanted to bid farewell to his years of marketing career. Many people asked him to hold a farewell ceremony and introduce his successful experience. So the master prepared a tall iron frame, on which a huge iron ball was hung with steel rope.

At the beginning, the master asked several young people to take turns to hit the iron ball with a big hammer, but the iron ball did not move. Later, the master took a small hammer out of his arms and began to strike the iron ball. Ten minutes later, twenty minutes later, the iron ball was still, and the people on the stage began to stir, But the master did not seem to respond to everything on the stage. He still focused on hitting the iron ball, once, twice, three times... More than half an hour later, the stage has become a mess. Suddenly, a woman sitting in the front row shouted: "The iron ball moved." People immediately calmed down, glared, held their breath, and looked at the big iron ball. The iron ball slowly left its original position, moved, really moved, and people even heard the sound of the iron ball pulling the steel rope. At this time, the master put the hammer away, looked at the people on the stage, and said slowly: "On the road to success, if you have no patience to wait for success, then you have to face failure with lifelong patience.".

I remember that one year's composition was composed by looking at pictures. A man with an iron shovel was digging a well. He had dug from one place for a long time, but when there was no water, he changed to another place, dug again, didn't dig again, changed again... The first place he chose, if he dug down, he would see water immediately, but he gave up. As a result, he failed to succeed. We all hope to succeed, but what we need most on the way to success is patience and persistence. This is far more important than the goal itself, because only by sticking to the end can we win. Many of us do not lack lofty ideals, but perseverance and perseverance. This is the biggest obstacle to success. Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching said: "A tree that is held together is born at the end of the tree; a platform with nine floors is born at the base of the earth; and a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.". Xunzi also said in his book "Persuasion to Learn" that "one cannot reach a thousand miles without accumulating steps; one cannot reach a river without accumulating small streams; one cannot take ten steps with one leap on a steed; one cannot let go of a weak horse without giving up. If one perseveres, one cannot break the rotten wood; if one perseveres, one can carve out gold and stone". These sages and sages are telling us that people should have perseverance, perseverance and perseverance in everything they do. This is the most valuable and rare quality.

Life is a long journey. We can't go blindly. We should always have our own goals, correctly position ourselves, and choose the mountains that we can climb. Even if this goal is small, it is suitable as long as it meets our inner needs. Then, move forward step by step and persevere. In this way, if you have a chance to succeed, if you have no chance to succeed, your life will be meaningful. Whether life is full and happy depends on the process of pursuit. Whether life is beautiful or not depends on the scenery on the road. In this sense, your life is already a success no matter whether your goal is achieved or not.

Waiting for Successful Composition (9)

Waiting for success 800 words Composition 1

Hope, wait and succeed!!!

Today, I got up very early; Because I want to experience the journey of Dalian by myself.

We came to the assembly place first, but the guide aunt didn't come; After waiting about half an hour or so, she finally came. When my mother's name was called, I wanted to put 100 wings on and fly over.

When I got on the bus, my heart jumped like a lively rabbit. I thought: "My Dalian......, I found the kingdom......, my Shengya Ocean World......" I began to think about it

On the bus, I asked my mother what time it was; Moreover, I was very sleepy, tired and worried; But my mother said, "Don't worry, I'll tell you when it comes." But I'm still in a hurry. It's still a question for a while. My mother always says what time it is. Why is it not there? I wonder. The journey of more than 4 hours has finally come to an end. We are going to start our real trip to Dalian.

The first stop for us to play is to discover the kingdom - "Rush into the torrent"

There are so many people waiting in line, more than three times as many people playing this game in Anshan! The team is like a huge dragon. It doesn't move at all. Our arrival seems to have no effect on it. It seems that we have to wait for a while. Why do you always wait and wait... Mom said: "Don't worry, this is to exercise your endurance".

At this time, I thought of a story - The Waiting of Polar Bear. It is about the polar bear, in order to wait for the appearance of prey, firmly holding a vent, one day, two days, three days... This kind of waiting tests the perseverance, will and courage of the polar bear. Because it knows that it has to go through a long wait and suffering before success. Only when it knows how to wait and can withstand the hardships and blows while waiting for success, can it get the results it wants.

Polar bears can do it, so can I. I'm not worried at first. I also met a little sister from Daqing. We both talked and laughed; I also told many stories together! Unfortunately, I forgot to ask her name and phone number. Time is really fast. It seems that it's our turn soon. My mother said, "In a moment, please shout loudly, otherwise, the line will be empty for two hours." I knew that my mother was teasing me and comforting me.

At this time, while putting on a disposable raincoat for me, my mother said: "People wait because they have hope; it is because they have the patience to bear waiting that they will have results." Do you understand?

I seem to understand a lot at once; No one's success is easy to get, even if it is a long wait and suffering, it is not enough to scare me. In order to make my "flower of success" open, it must be watered and shined with patience that bears waiting and suffering.

I have gained a lot from this trip to Dalian

Waiting for success 800 words Composition 2

Persist only to wait for the moment of success

In the memory of my golden childhood, there is a beautiful "star" that I still remember vividly. That is the long and short process from my never being able to skate to learning to skate.

When I came into contact with skating, I was just a 6-year-old boy. It was by chance that I went into a place called "Children's Joy City" with my parents. I wandered with my parents. Suddenly, a pair of blue and white skates caught my eye (I didn't know that was called skates at that time), so I clamoured to buy that pair of skates. They couldn't beat me, So I have my own pair of skates.

At first, I felt very happy. I quickly put on my skates and asked the coach in the skating rink to teach me. With the help of the coach, I took a step forward. At this time, the coach and my parents both gave me admiring glances and thumbs up, which made me feel that skating would be very easy. So I resolutely broke away from the coach's hand and slid myself. But skating is not as simple as I thought - I just skated a few steps, and then a somersault, so that people turned upside down. I didn't admit defeat because of this "unexpected disaster", so I got up again and continued to slip away. But several times later, I came here several times. This time I was really discouraged, so I took off my skates and threw them away, vowing never to skate again.

When I was being petty, my mother always encouraged me and supported me, but I still didn't want to slip away; But my mother's persistence finally moved me, so I picked up the skates suspiciously and went straight to the skating rink, where I met the coach again, so he taught me again; He first asked me to walk with skates. This time, I learned very hard and seriously. In addition, the coach gave me good guidance. I soon practiced the basic skills of skating. Then the coach asked me to walk while holding the railing. The effect was very good, but after a while, I just managed to get rid of the railing. At this time, the coach was also happy for me, which made me "boost my morale" and let me no longer feel inferior: I felt ashamed because I could not skate.

In this short and long month, I learned to skate. This month, I had a hard time. Every time I came home from school, I finished my homework and went to the coach to teach me how to skate, so it seemed very long; Although I often fell during this month, I was often praised by my coach and encouraged by my parents, so I felt very short. In this period of learning skating, I have tasted the ups and downs of life, and I have not only learned how to skate, but also learned the truth of life. That is: in the long journey of life, there are inevitably rugged and bumpy, but as long as there is the belief that bad luck cannot defeat, the light of hope will dispel the clouds of despair!

Waiting for success 800 words Composition 3

Sow the seeds of dreams and wait for success in the coming year

Without ideal people, living is like a cold machine. So if I'm just a pawn, I'm the soldier who wants to be the commander in chief. My dream is to get rid of the extraordinary self in the ordinary life and hope that I can live a more valuable life. However, the stage of life is very big, but the audience is not necessarily many. Speaking of the distance between me and my dream, only sadness stands.

I am not Liu Yong, so I disdain vanity, but I am not Fang Shanzi, willing to be indifferent and lonely. I do not linger on fireworks, nor do I yearn for prosperity, because I know that after the vicissitudes of life, I look at the world coldly. It is nothing more than clouds in the sky and water in the bottle, returning to reality. I am still me. The mountains are still the same mountains, and the water is the same water. When I stand in the field of youth, the time is not as long as I imagined. I don't want to live my life in a leisurely way. Although I am pleased with the ordinary, I also don't want to do nothing. So I try to transcend the mundane and self. I have no choice but to go to the battlefield and live in a dead horse. It is a peaceful time now; I want to write like a dragon or a snake, and my tears sprinkle on rice paper, but I am not so talented and forget to write; I want to appeal to Bo Gongtang for the people, but I'm just a civilian, and I don't have the ability to judge cases; He wants to be immortal and famous in history, but he has no interest and strength. Endless reverie weakened my motivation to face turbulence. My dream is so passionate, but my tears are so frivolous. I am wandering in the struggle, and I am also wandering in the ordeal. I cannot find the future paradise. The past has wet my eyes. What echoes in my dream is just fantasy, and what shakes up is just a gorgeous coat. The role of life is capricious, and what is difficult to play is myself. The road has turned a few turns, and the end is too long and sad too often, No one wants to be a puppet of life. If I don't correct my attitude, I will lose myself between reality and dream, and finally I can't extricate myself.

Throw it into the water to make yourself more sober. The dream is beautiful because it is illusory. The reality is true, but I cannot deny its existence because of its cruelty, because escape cannot solve all problems; The dream is beautiful, but I cannot think it is far away because of failure, because the person who gives up is not qualified to say. When I saw that the hand that once waved for me was no longer carnival, I decided to make myself stronger, and let sadness turn into strength in crying, so I was no longer afraid of falling, because I knew that this was the pride necessary for success.

When the window passed a ray of sunshine, I saw my dream lit up again, and the brightness wiped out my sadness last night. I spread my arms, roamed in the blue sky, sowed the seeds of my dream, and waited for the harvest of the next year. Hard work may not succeed, but not hard work will not succeed.

Waiting for Successful Composition (10)

Li Bai said, "There will be times when the wind and the waves break, and we will sail straight to the sea." Yes, as long as we dare to fight for our dreams, as long as we dare to challenge the hardships of life, one day we can overcome the difficulties, and one day we will also climb to the peak of success with pride and confidence. Therefore, when you feel that the road under your feet is too muddy, please bravely fight for it, and also please bend down strongly to turn those roadblocks into stepping stones. Only in this way, your injuries will not be in vain, and your suffering will not be in vain.

Do you know that although the things we adhere to still have no results, the beliefs we adhere to still have no hope, and the dreams we adhere to still have no results, that does not mean that we have not grown, nor does it mean that we have not gained. On the contrary, all our efforts are just to firmly take root. When our roots are firmly rooted, our water reserves are enough, and our strength is strong enough, we can also go crazy, and we can also blossom and bear fruit with confidence. Therefore, we should understand that temporary darkness is not permanent frustration, and temporary failure is not permanent despair. In the face of ups and downs, we do not need to be discouraged, nor do we need to worry and panic. We only need to bite the bullet silently and stick to it, as long as we are strong enough to enrich ourselves.

There is another shore for success, and we are still on the way of sailing. Today, the wind is not enough, it doesn't matter, we will go slowly; Tomorrow's storm is too fierce. It doesn't matter. Let's go to the harbor to have a rest; The day after tomorrow, we will encounter rapids and rapids. It doesn't matter, we will bravely make it through; The day after tomorrow, we will fall into the vortex. It doesn't matter. We will try our best to avoid him. As long as our voyage continues, as long as our journey does not end, one day we will meet big waves, and one day our ship will dock.

Sometimes, waiting is also a kind of happiness, and waiting is also a kind of enjoyment. Therefore, please be strong and work harder for the rest of your life. I hope we will not give up if we have dreams, and not slack off if we have goals. Because success is so beautiful, why not wait patiently for his flowering time?