Imagination composition 50 words (8 practical articles)
Chase my tomorrow
2024-06-28 08:24:48

Imagination composition 50 words (1)

Imaginative composition: 50 words, 3 pieces

Imaginative composition 50 words: the future police station

Han Youpeng

The police station in the future has become networked. As long as the police station controls the network, it can catch criminals. At that time, I was a director of the police station.

But once, hackers used computers to destroy the network center system in the bureau. Of course, I could not catch the criminals through the network. I had to drive to the scene with several police officers.

At the bank, the police were trying to crack the hacker's password. Finally, a police officer found the hacker's password. The money in the hacker's bank card had reached 130 thousand! I gave a command and said, "Get rid of his bank card!" The hacker was defeated by my invincible wisdom.

This is the future police station.

Imaginary composition 50 words: robot for cooking

Shi Aoran

Today, I had a dream that I came to the future world, where the environment is clean and the scenery is beautiful.

When it's time to eat, the cooking robot will be fully charged, but the cooking robot is not charged normally, but charged by solar energy. When the robot is cooking, there is a small radar in his body, which can see what materials should be put, and he can go to the refrigerator to get some materials to be used. After finishing the meal, the robot can automatically put it on the table for you. As long as the owner inputs the desired food into the robot's computer, it will do it automatically. It also knows a lot of knowledge. For example, when I want to eat bananas, it will say: "Don't eat bananas when you are empty. The host should eat something else first!"

Do you think the robots in the future will save electricity and protect the environment? They are really good helpers for human beings!

Imaginative composition 50 words: cup of the future

Hou Siyu

The current cup is too out of fashion. Look at the "universal cup" invented by our company.

This cup has four buttons and a screen. One button is: if you want to drink water, press the red button on the cup, and the cup will automatically unscrew the lid to let you drink water; If you can't answer any question, press the blue button, type the word you want to check in the above Chinese phonetic alphabet, and he will give you a satisfactory answer until you understand it; There is also a yellow button. When you have bad behavior, the cup will teach you like your mother; There is also a green button. If your cup is out of water and you want to drink again, press the green button. The cup is immediately full of water and you can drink.

How about my invention? Imaginative composition 50 words

Imagination composition 50 words (2)

But once, hackers used computers to destroy the network center system in the bureau. Of course, I could not catch the criminals through the network. I had to drive to the scene with several police officers.

At the bank, the police were trying to crack the hacker's password. Finally, a police officer found the hacker's password. The money in the hacker's bank card had reached 130 thousand! I gave a command and said, "Get rid of his bank card!" The hacker was defeated by my invincible wisdom.

This is the future police station.

Imagination composition 50 words (3)

One day, Mother Yun asked me to go to the world with my sister and brothers. My sister and brothers were very happy in the car driven by Uncle Feng. We crossed mountains and rivers, and I suddenly found a dry land. I took my sister and brothers to jump down

Imagination composition 50 words (4)

The mother cat saw it, frowned and said to the kitten in distress? "Every time you finish eating fish, you throw the fish bones around. I have to help you clean up. Throw the fish bones away. It's a pity that if you don't throw them away, our family will become a" world of fish bones. "The kitten listened and turned her eyes, and came up with a good idea. It took the fish bones into the room, and then brought cardboard, double-sided tape, ribbons, scissors into the room to dress up the fish bones, so that they became a strong and durable "comb".

The mother cat saw it and said to the kitten, "You are so smart. You can kill two birds with one stone. You can eat fish and sell combs." She immediately took the fish bones to the market to sell them. It immediately set up a tent, spread cloth, and put the "comb" on it. Just shouted: "Buy combs!" The combs were snapped up.

Imagination composition 50 words (5)

My smile and joy are just my disguise

Nannan, you are my bosom friend. I told you all my secrets. Will you help me keep them secret?

Grade 5: Wang Xuan

Imagination composition 50 words (6)

The son said, "Dad, the teacher assigned a lot of homework."

The father frowned, "I remember the teacher said that he would not assign too much homework, and," he looked at his son, "I don't like a kid who can tell lies. Our life has been tense recently. If you can help, both parents will be very happy."

The son waited patiently for his father to finish, without crying or contradicting. He just said, "But, Dad, I remember you hit me several times and scolded me, and I was just doing my homework at that time." Father opened his mouth and thought for a long time before he said, "Is there anything? I... don't remember... Besides, it's normal for parents to lose their temper occasionally when encountering unpleasant things......" Father's voice is getting smaller and smaller.

The son looked up at his father and said, "Yes, Dad, you may or may not have forgotten. This may be a small matter for you. But I will not forget, I still remember."

Imagination composition 50 words (7)

When you were young, you should study hard and learn more knowledge. When I grew up, I really became a scientist. I invented many things that are not available in modern times, such as time shuttles, so that people can play and have a look in the original era. Super light speed trains enable people to reach their destination quickly. Automatic identification lock, only knowing the owner of the house, not allowing thieves to enter.

Look, is my invention creative? I will work hard.

Imagination composition 50 words (8)

Imaginative composition: 50 words, 3 pieces

Imaginative composition 50 words: the future police station

Han Youpeng

The police station in the future has become networked. As long as the police station controls the network, it can catch criminals. At that time, I was a director of the police station.

But once, hackers used computers to destroy the network center system in the bureau. Of course, I could not catch the criminals through the network. I had to drive to the scene with several police officers.

At the bank, the police were trying to crack the hacker's password. Finally, a police officer found the hacker's password. The money in the hacker's bank card had reached 130 thousand! I gave a command and said, "Get rid of his bank card!" The hacker was defeated by my invincible wisdom.

This is the future police station.

Imaginary composition 50 words: robot for cooking

Shi Aoran

Today, I had a dream that I came to the future world, where the environment is clean and the scenery is beautiful.

When it's time to eat, the cooking robot will be fully charged, but the cooking robot is not charged normally, but charged by solar energy. When the robot is cooking, there is a small radar in his body, which can see what materials should be put, and he can go to the refrigerator to get some materials to be used. After finishing the meal, the robot can automatically put it on the table for you. As long as the owner inputs the desired food into the robot's computer, it will do it automatically. It also knows a lot of knowledge. For example, when I want to eat bananas, it will say: "Don't eat bananas when you are empty. The host should eat something else first!"

Do you think the robots in the future will save electricity and protect the environment? They are really good helpers for human beings!

Imaginative composition 50 words: cup of the future

Hou Siyu

The current cup is too out of fashion. Look at the "universal cup" invented by our company.

This cup has four buttons and a screen. One button is: if you want to drink water, press the red button on the cup, and the cup will automatically unscrew the lid to let you drink water; If you can't answer any question, press the blue button, type the word you want to check in the above Chinese phonetic alphabet, and he will give you a satisfactory answer until you understand it; There is also a yellow button. When you have bad behavior, the cup will teach you like your mother; There is also a green button. If your cup is out of water and you want to drink again, press the green button. The cup is immediately full of water and you can drink.

How about my invention? Imaginative composition 50 words