Composition of the Mother's Hands on the Middle Line (6 anthologies)
Mature physical and mental exhaustion
2024-06-02 06:04:06

Composition of Kindness Mother's Hands (1)

Every mother loves her children and will do her best to help them. I want to thank my mother for knitting me a sweater.

I remember that winter, I came back from school very late every day, and my hands and feet were cold when I went to bed. My mother felt distressed when she saw me, so she used needles to knit sweaters for me every time when I was not at home. Every thread contains my mother's love for me. Each time, I pierced several holes in my hands, but one day, I found out about it.

That day, after finishing my homework, I wanted to get some air. As soon as I came out, I saw my mother clenching her teeth and enduring the pain on her hands. I asked curiously: "Mom, what's the matter with you?" She blushed and said: "No, it may have happened while cooking just now." I was half convinced. After a while, I was watching TV in my room, suddenly I had to go to the bathroom, and came to the bathroom with my stomach in my arms. After a while, my stomach finally stopped hurting. When I went out, I was moved by that scene. My mother was in pain knitting a sweater for me. I jumped into my mother's arms. After a few days, my mother finally finished the sweater, and I wore it to school every day.

Mom, I thank you, thank the loving mother for her "line".

Composition of Kindness Mother's Hands (2)

"The thread in the mother's hand and the jacket of the wandering son are sewn tightly before they leave, for fear of returning later..." Reading Meng Jiao's poem, the scene of last winter came to mind.

It was very cold when the final exam was coming. The sky was overcast, and the howling north wind rolled up the fallen leaves on the ground. Little snowflakes are floating in the sky, like little feathers, flying all over the sky. Gradually, it snowed more and more heavily. Small snowflakes were in the air. You held me, and I surrounded you, rolling down from the air.

"Linlin, hurry up, it's hard to walk on the road in such bad weather, so go out early." Mother cried eagerly. I hurriedly put on my shoes and followed. My mother launched the battery car, but something unexpected happened. The battery car broke down and couldn't move. However, my mother had to launch a rusty bicycle that she hadn't ridden for a long time.

The cold northwest wind was blowing, and my mother stepped on the worn bicycle vigorously against the wind, making a squeaking sound. I held my mother tightly, and the hateful wind still slipped in from my neck, making me shiver. I could not help but shiver, and murmured, "It's so cold!" When my mother heard this, she jumped out of the car immediately and cried, "Why don't you wear gloves and a scarf?" Then she immediately took off her gloves and put them on my head neatly, Take off your neck and wrap it around me. "Mom, what will you do?" I asked anxiously. Mother smiled and said, "Silly boy, riding a bike is all about exercise, not cold!" Then she jumped on the bike and continued to ride.

Mother rode hard, and she exchanged her hands from time to time, putting them in her mouth to breathe. I handed the gloves to my mother, who said, "Wear them yourself and don't move."

It's a long way today. I finally got to school. I jumped down and looked. I was shocked. The cold wind messed up her hair. Her hands were red and blue, her face was red and red, and her nose was dripping.

My eyes immediately moistened. I took off my gloves and scarf and handed them to my mother. My mother brushed the snow off my body and said, "Mom will be in the factory soon. It's not cold at all. It's better for you to do your homework instead of being cold, or the writing will be ugly." She motioned me to go in, get on my bike and drive away in the snow.

In this ice and snow, I am immersed in my mother's warm maternal love. As the saying goes, "Who can say that every inch of grass can repay the Three Chunhui", Mom, how can I repay you for your love for your daughter?

Composition of Kindness Mother's Hands (3)

Since ancient times, there has been Meng Jiao's Ode to a Wanderer. In this poem, "The line in the hands of a loving mother, the clothes on the body of a Wanderer." "Who speaks of the heart of grass, will be rewarded by the light of spring." Mother makes new clothes for the Wanderer who travels far. But how can we repay our mother's big favors with the same gratitude as grass? If there is no mother, how can we come to this world? Parents are selfless. From childhood to adulthood, your clothes, food, housing, transportation, and tuition fees are all given by your parents. Why don't we show filial piety to our parents.

There is also a poem, which is also very popular, called Mulan Poem. This poem is about a woman named Mulan, Mulan, who knows that Khan is asking for a name. The scrolls all bear her name as her old father. Mulan didn't have the heart to let her old father be in the battlefield, so she changed into men's clothes and turned herself into a man, so there is a saying that Mulan joined the army for her father. Mulan fought bravely on the battlefield, and even men were not as brave as her. Finally, "the general died in hundreds of battles, and the heroes returned ten years ago." The heroes who returned victoriously had her. Khan asked her to continue serving the country, but finally she chose to go home. After returning home, the countryside was very lively: "My parents went out to help the generals when they heard of the girl coming; my elder sister went out to take care of the red makeup when she heard of her sister coming, and my younger brother went out to the pigs and sheep when she heard of her sister coming." Mulan also went back to the house to take care of the red makeup, put on her own women's clothes, and went out, to the surprise of the accompanying brothers. For so long, she did not know Mulan was a woman. "The male rabbit's feet are flapping and the female rabbit's eyes are blurred. When the two rabbits walk near the ground, Ann can identify me as male and female."

Another story, which happened in Xiaogan, is one of the 24th filial piety, "Sacrifice yourself to bury your father".

Dong Yong, the hero of the story, sold himself as a slave because he had no money to bury his father. He asked a rich local family to lend him money to bury his father. Once, Dong Yong went out on business, and on his way back, he was stopped by a woman to be his wife. Dong Yong should not have been his wife at that time. Finally, the host family decided to let the two people marry, and let them only produce 300 pieces of cloth in a hundred days, and then let him go. The woman paid day and night, weaving 300 pieces of cloth a hundred days ago. Dong Yong has also become a free man. After the two left, the woman told Dong Yong that she was the seventh daughter of the Emperor of Heaven. Seeing Dong Yong's filial piety, she asked her to come to help, and now she will return to heaven. Then he disappeared. Because Dong Yong moved the sky, Xiaogan got its name.

As the saying goes, filial piety comes first. A person cannot be without filial piety, or that person will be rejected by the society.

Composition of Kindness Mother's Hands (4)

My mother gave me a pair of eyes to explore the mysteries of the world; My mother gave me a pair of hands to change the world; Mother gave me a pair of legs, let me go everywhere. People say that maternal love is like the sea, which reminds me of those things.

Once, when I was going to school, my mother said, "Son, it's raining today. Don't forget to take an umbrella." I thought to myself: It's still sunny now, how can it rain? Remembering my mother's words again, I'd better take the spare with me! When we got to school, it rained. Mom, I want to thank you for your reminding.

Another time, I wanted to eat chocolate, so I asked my father for it. My father said, "You just had dinner, you can't eat sweet food, and you can't eat these junk food." My mother heard my conversation with my father, and my mother quietly bought me some chocolate. When Dad knew it, he said, "You are used to eating these junk food." Mother said, "What's wrong with the child eating some chocolate, but he is not allowed to eat more. Besides, the cigarettes you smoke and the wine you drink are also toxic! Why don't you let him eat it?"

The next day, my father went on a business trip. My mother said that my father would come back in a few days. After that, my mother went to cook and had a good meal. My mother taught me to write and recite poems. This reminds me of a poem: "The line in the hands of a loving mother, the coat of a wandering son. Before leaving, the seams are tight, and I am afraid of returning late." I really feel my mother's kindness to me, and I secretly vowed to study hard to repay her! I told my mother this sentence, and her mother said, "Good boy, you can repay me when you enter the university!" I said proudly, "OK!"

Mom, you gave me selfless love. When I grow up, I will be filial to you.

Composition of Kindness Mother's Hands (5)

My mother's hands are fat and rough, but they are very capable.

A skilled hand at knitting sweaters

Mother likes knitting sweaters. Whenever she is free, she picks up wool and bamboo needles and knits them one stitch at a time. She is very serious, for fear of making a mistake. My mother knitted all my sweaters from childhood to adulthood. Wearing the sweater that my mother carefully knitted for me reminds me of a poem: "The thread in my mother's hand, the coat on my son's body, are sewn closely before leaving, and I'm afraid that I will return late. Who can say anything about the grass and win the Three Chunhui?" I wore a sweater to play in the community, and the neighbors praised my sweater for its beauty, and asked me where I bought it. I said proudly, "My mother wove it!" They all envied me for having a skillful mother.

A master of housework

Mother likes cleaning very much. The floor and wall of the house were cleaned spotlessly by my mother, and all the things in the room were tidied up by my mother. Mother is like an unstoppable top. She mops the floor, washes clothes, and basks in quilts. As long as my mother cleans the house, the whole house will be a new one. My mother is really an expert at housework.

A good cook

Mother is good at cooking, and many ingredients will soon become a table of delicious food when they are in her hands. Mother has many specialties, including fat but not greasy braised pork, sweet and soft glutinous dumplings, green and refreshing fried vegetables, and delicious crucian carp soup. When the guests arrived, my mother showed her cooking skills. Each dish was served on the table, and the guests ate with gusto and praise. I love all the dishes my mother cooks, among which my favorite is the egg dumpling made by my mother. Each golden egg dumpling is placed on the plate one by one, like a small moon. I picked one up, put it in my mouth and bit it gently. The smell of eggs and meat filled my mouth at once. It was delicious! I couldn't help eating one after another.

My mother is hardworking and capable. I want to thank my mother for giving me a warm and warm home with her skillful hands and love.

Composition of Kindness Mother's Hands (6)

It was very cold when the final exam was coming. The sky was overcast, and the howling north wind rolled up the fallen leaves on the ground. Little snowflakes are floating in the sky, like little feathers, flying all over the sky. Gradually, it snowed more and more heavily. Small snowflakes were in the air. You held me, and I surrounded you, rolling down from the air.

"Linlin, hurry up, it's hard to walk on the road in such bad weather, so go out early." Mother cried eagerly. I hurriedly put on my shoes and followed. My mother launched the battery car, but something unexpected happened. The battery car broke down and couldn't move. However, my mother had to launch a rusty bicycle that she hadn't ridden for a long time.

The cold northwest wind was blowing, and my mother stepped on the worn bicycle vigorously against the wind, making a squeaking sound. I held my mother tightly, and the hateful wind still slipped in from my neck, making me shiver. I could not help but shiver, and murmured, "It's so cold!" When my mother heard this, she jumped out of the car immediately and cried, "Why don't you wear gloves and a scarf?" Then she immediately took off her gloves and put them on my head neatly, Take off your neck and wrap it around me. "Mom, what will you do?" I asked anxiously. Mother smiled and said, "Silly boy, riding a bike is all about exercise, not cold!" Then she jumped on the bike and continued to ride.

Mother rode hard, and she exchanged her hands from time to time, putting them in her mouth to breathe. I handed the gloves to my mother, who said, "Wear them yourself and don't move."

It's a long way today. I finally got to school. I jumped down and looked. I was shocked. The cold wind messed up her hair. Her hands were red and blue, her face was red and red, and her nose was dripping.

My eyes immediately moistened. I took off my gloves and scarf and handed them to my mother. My mother brushed the snow off my body and said, "Mom will be in the factory soon. It's not cold at all. It's better for you to do your homework instead of being cold, or the writing will be ugly." She motioned me to go in, get on my bike and drive away in the snow.

In this ice and snow, I am immersed in my mother's warm maternal love. As the saying goes, "Who can say that every inch of grass has a heart that can repay the Three Chunhui", Mom, how can I repay you for your love for your daughter?