Ke Yan's Composition (Collection of 19)
Half a cigarette
2024-06-10 07:52:45

Ke Yan's Composition (1)

During the Spring Festival, my father took the time to drive me and my mother to the long-awaited national 4A level Keyan Scenic Spot, which is a scenic spot with the connotation of ancient Yue culture and the integration of Shaoxing's water style, ancient stone quarrying heritage and mountain forest ecology. Ha ha! I tell you that my ticket is free because I have a small reporter's certificate. I'm really happy.

Just at the entrance of the gate, the scenic spot management committee was celebrating the Spring Festival. The scene was spectacular. Look at the Eight Immortals here competing to pay New Year's greetings to everyone, and Ah Q over there congratulating everyone... The most happy thing is to send out happy candy. You compete with me and everyone wants to bring happiness home.

After passing a path full of insects and birds and a green path, we walked to the worship platform. In the lake in front of the worship platform is a huge stone several tens of meters high, in which is carved a kind Guanyin Bodhisattva. She held a willow bottle in her hand and sat upright on the lotus platform, smiling, making people feel very kind. Beside the worship platform is the "stove pillar with clear smoke". It is actually a large stone pillar more than 20 meters high, but it is very strange. The bottom is very thin, but the top is like a large platform, which is very large. I really admire the ancient people's ghost axe craftsmanship for carving such a wonderful landscape.

Walking, we came to Jianhu Lake. The black covered boats shuttling back and forth, the antique ancient stage, the big black felt hat that I don't know who can wear... What surprised me was that the yellow rice wine poured down from the wine jar in front of the hotel door was always endless, and how did the wine jar hang in the air? The most happy thing is that sitting on the cruise ship and watching the scenery on both sides of the river is really like the feeling of "boat walking on the blue waves, people swimming in the painting".

When I arrived at the Luzhen Scenic Area, I felt that I had returned to the ancient times, and the characters described by Lu Xun also appeared on the streets, eating stinky tofu and unconsciously leaving the scenic area with the bustling flow of people.

Ke Yan is really a bright pearl in Shaoxing. Ah, Ke Yan Scenic Spot, you are so beautiful!

Ke Yan's Composition (2)

Today is Sunday. Taking advantage of the weekend, my mother took me and my brother to visit Ke Yan in Shaoxing.

Walking into Ke Yan, I took a breath of fresh air, which immediately made me awake. As soon as you look up, you can see a big stone holding a Buddha statue. She is so tall and powerful. It seems that it is not a Buddha, but a soldier on the expedition. I am so small standing at its feet. Then I walked about 10 meters inside. There was a huge lake. I looked into the lake and found several fish swimming around the bank, as if saying, "Throw down the food quickly, we are hungry.".

As if I heard the call, I immediately took out the potato chips from my bag, tore a hole, took out a piece and threw it down. The fish in the water began to scramble for the potato chips crazily like chicken blood. A big fish suddenly jumped up and swallowed the potato chips. My brother and I were dumbfounded.

My brother and I began to throw into the water one by one, and those fish began to eat crazily. After a while, a bag of potato chips was thrown away by our brothers for nothing.

After passing the Natural Giant Buddha, I never forget to look at the cloud bones that pierce the sky, which is also called the best stone in the world. It is big up and small down, and its top is like a mushroom top, which blocks the wind and rain. The ancient stone masons used their uncanny skills to cut it into the cloud bone. But what's unexpected is that this heavy stone with light feet has withstood countless trials, and still stands here today. Look, how high it is. It rises from the ground, and the dangerous peaks stand out into the sky, like the bones of clouds. Further inside, there was a maze. My brother and I went in and had a look. Curiosity came and we had to go out by ourselves. When we got to the center, my brother and I could not go out. I walked to the edge, climbed up to see, remembered the route, and led my brother out.

It was getting late. My mother took my brother and me out. When we stayed in the hotel for the night, I looked at today's photos and couldn't help laughing.

Ke Yan is really a fun place. It's a worthwhile trip. I hope I can come to Ke Yan again next time!

Ke Yan's Composition (3)

Today, Father Sun is like playing hide and seek with us, hiding in the clouds from time to time. After the continuous hot weather, the slight coolness is really a good weather for traveling. Just in time, my parents had a rest today, so they took me to Ke Yan to play.

When we arrived at Ke Yan, we first came to listen to the sound of the lotus flower. We saw a huge stone lotus flower in full bloom. The lotus flower was round and its petals were carved lifelike. In front of the lotus, there is a wall that wraps half of the lotus. I clapped my hand and there was an echo. It was amazing! When you go to Ke Yan, you must not forget to look at that piece of cloud bone that goes into the sky. It is also called the best stone in the world. Its shape is large at the top and small at the bottom. Its top is like a mushroom top, shielding the wind and rain. The ancient stone mason used the technique of ghost axe to slash it into the cloud bone, but it is unexpected that this heavy stone has not only withstood the test of history, but also withstood numerous trials and tribulations, and still stands here today. It rose to the sky.

Then we arrived at Jianhu Lake by boat. The water of Jianhu Lake is clear to the bottom, and the lake is sparkling. Jianhu's water is very green, green like a piece of ice jadeite. Jianhu Scenic Area is not only the scenery of lakes and mountains, but also the white jade levee that imitates the ancient fiber road bridge.

Finally, we came to Lu Town. The houses here are white walls and black tiles. They are antique. I walked into the Chen Banding Memorial Hall. There are many paintings and characters he once painted. There are many folk articles in the folk custom street, including stinky tofu and dragon whisker candy

On the way home, the beautiful scenery of Ke Yan Scenic Area has always been in my mind, with endless aftertaste.

Ke Yan's Composition (4)

The sky passed behind the geese that day. When the air was filled with the aroma of fruits, I knew that it was another autumn; When there is a traffic jam on the road and people flow into a river on the street, I know that it is also a National Day holiday and an opportunity to travel.

When the car stopped, we walked on the journey, full of inexpressible joy. What stood in front of us was the big "Ke Yan" on a stone tablet. We could no longer restrain our excitement and could not help speeding up the pace.

After walking a few steps, we saw that a clear lake was surrounded by lush trees, and the residential area on one side could be described as "near the mountain and beside the river", just like jewels inlaid on the white skin. It was very eye-catching. I was full of joy, but my sister told me that this was not Ke Yan. I was stunned, but more than that, it was a joy and a hope, How I look forward to seeing the real Ke Yan earlier.

After checking the ticket, I really appreciate Ke Yan's "picturesque" scenery. A faint fragrance came, and I followed it. It was the osmanthus blooming on countless osmanthus trees on the roadside. The osmanthus was golden yellow, in sharp contrast to the green leaves. Decorated on the trees, it forms a beautiful scenery.

I craned my neck and carefully tasted the sweet scented osmanthus. I still felt not satisfied, so I carefully picked several blooming osmanthus from the tree. When my mother saw it, she said to me earnestly, "This sweet scented osmanthus is in the park. If everyone is like you, there will be no flowers in the park!" I listened and nodded vaguely. However, since then, I have never picked flowers and grass on the tree. I felt that it seemed that this could make me enjoy flowers more at ease.

Flowers are everywhere, and anyone can plant such fragrant flowers. But you must have heard of Ke Yan, the world-famous stone. On the stone tablet in front of me, several beautiful characters, "The Best Stone in the World", were introduced to my eyes, but I looked everywhere but could not even see the shadow of that stone. Looking up, he saw that he was standing in the sky. It's really "the first stone in the world". She deserves the name of "the best stone in the world". I looked up my neck and saw the whole picture of it. The stone has rhombus and horns, like a rich man with his hands akimbo, showing off his power to others. This is a vivid portrayal of an old social landlord, that is, nature is insinuating, telling us the situation of the feudal era, and I can't help feeling the rich hand of nature.

My eyes turned slightly and stayed down again, because I saw a beautiful scenery line again. It is a giant Buddha as high as the "No.1 Stone in the World". The difference is that the giant Buddha has been artificially carved and carved very carefully, but they all look so grand. They are all treasures of the Chinese nation. This giant Buddha contains the blood and sweat of many working people. I admire their invaluable spirit. Thinking about it, I quickly picked up the camera and took a picture of this Buddha.

"There are so many goldfish here!" My sister's familiar voice behind me interrupted my thoughts. I turned my head and saw that there were thousands of giant goldfish in the pool. From time to time, when we were not paying attention, we shook our gossamer tail. The ripples on the water surface were like snowdrops spreading one after another, splashing all over us. How come there are so many goldfish? After a while, I looked up and found that there were three big characters written on the stone tablet above the pool, "put the fish pool". There are so many kind-hearted people in the world.

Taking the boat, we went from Ke Yan to Jianhu Lake, which is really a holy land of water. We spent a long time in the water before we could swim out of that lake. When I got off the boat, I looked at the ancient path without guardrail in front of me, hesitating to go forward. My sister threatened me that you could not see the scenery on the other side until you walked through the ancient path. In order to see the beautiful scenery on the other side, I held my mother tightly, step by step

When I got to the other side, I couldn't help but be glad that if I had not been on the ancient path just now, it might have been a pity in my life. It's really like Tao Yuanming wrote in The Peach Blossom Garden. I was just like Tao Yuanming discovering a paradise and Columbus discovering a new continent. I cheered heartily, and a "click" fixed the time one after another at the moment when I smiled.

We also visited Luzhen, where celebrities gather, and bought a special snack, Longxu Candy. Ah! Ke Yan, you really make me intoxicated.

Ke Yan's Composition (5)

The warm spring breeze of Keyan in Shaoxing gently blows the earth. Everything wakes up and flowers bloom. The earth is covered with green clothes, like a painting. Resurrection, nature is full of vitality. In this cool spring day, I have the "Shaoxing Keyan Scenic Spot".

I marvel at the scenery there. The goldfish in Shaoxing Keyan Scenic Spot are really unforgettable! Thousands of small fish live in the "Jade Pool". The word "thousands" is exaggerated! I was half convinced that I threw a piece of bread at the "Jade Pool" and saw a golden ribbon in the distance, like a meteor across the pool, rushing to my feet. Suddenly, I was dumbfounded. This scene will be unforgettable for my life. Thousands of small fish scrambled for food. It was fun! Shaoxing Keyan Scenic Spot is not only full of fish, but also the former residence of the four ancient beauties, Xi Shi! One of them is Nianshi Lake in memory of "Xishi Lake". The water in the lake is crystal clear and swarms with small fish.

There are all kinds of strange stones in the shallow lake. Looking at the lake from a high place, the strange stones in the lake form a beautiful pattern of "Xi Shi". The necklace on the neck of "Xi Shi" will give off colorful light in the sunshine. The design of the lake makes me full of praise. It's really beautiful! Shaoxing Ke Yan Scenic Area has an ancient tradition and modern scenery. Chen Ziang's "feeling" It tells the scenery of Shaoxing, "Lan Ruosheng is born in spring and summer, Qian Wei and He Qingqing. The forest is secluded and empty, and Zhu Rui sprouts purple stems". I was attracted by the quiet scenery and was silent in nature

Xingwu Peng boat is famous all over the world. This time, I finally felt the following. Sitting on the black black awning boat, people seemed to walk in the water and stagger. With the cheerful singing and leisurely movements of the boatman, I am intoxicated with the rhythm in this beautiful landscape. I listen to the singing of birds and enjoy the dancing of butterflies. I took colorful fish food and sprinkled it on the lake. The small fish followed the boat. When the boat was fast, the small fish became ribbons and tied them at the stern. I casually took a willow leaf from the lake. The sharp tips of willow leaves dance in the water, and one after another ripples appear in the water. What a "natural landscape painting"!

Ke Yan's Composition (6)

On Friday morning, my parents and I went to Shaoxing Ke Yan for a day.

There is a big Buddha standing in the middle of the lake. There are fish of various colors in the lake. They are black, white, red, yellow, and gold. They are fat and big. We feed them food. The fish scramble to eat. Some fish "snap" out of the water. There is a small turtle looking for food among the fish, but it is too slow to grab food, I threw the food to the turtle desperately, and finally he ate the food.

After feeding the fish, we walked along the Long Causeway. The sun shone on the lake. The water on the lake was sparkling. The water patted the Long Causeway, like waves singing.

Then I went riding with my father. I was riding a big white horse. The weather was a little hot, and the white horse kept sticking out its tongue. When the horse left, my body followed the S shape.

After riding the horse, we went to the theatre again. Two actors in ancient clothes were singing on the stage. This is Shaoxing's famous Shaoxing Opera. Although I can't understand it, I think it's very beautiful because they are dressed beautifully.

We also took a Wupeng boat and tasted delicious food. My favorite food is smelly tofu.

Although I was tired after playing all day, I was very happy.

Ke Yan's Composition (7)

As the saying goes, Keyan Scenic Spot takes the ancient Yue culture as its connotation and the ancient stone quarrying heritage as its feature. Today, I went to Ke Yan, which is rich in cultural background. Early in the morning, I got up early and set out with my family. Along the way, I was ready to rush out of the car with great expectations. As soon as the car stopped, I jumped out of the car and ran towards Ke Yan.

Walking along the vibrant green path, I saw a huge Buddha statue. The statue of Buddha stands safely on a beautiful lotus flower. His left hand was naturally placed beside his legs, his right hand was upright on his chest, a pair of large earlobes were on both sides, and a pair of thin and long eyes were looking at the people below.

On the right side of the statue of Buddha is the world's most famous stone - cloud bone. It is like a sharp sword with cold light shining straight into the sky. Then look at the ancient pines sticking out of the cracks on the boulder, making the cloud bone look more magnificent.

Then, we walked down the steps: Wow! There are a lot of fish in the lake. They are wearing gold armor and holding gold long guns, like brave soldiers fighting on the battlefield.

Going further, I saw a long waterfall falling down. "The sound of rushing reminds me of Li Bai's poem: the river flew down three thousand feet, which is suspected to be the Milky Way falling nine days. The water splashed from the waterfall is as gentle and beautiful as my mother's hand touching my face. When I looked up, I saw a rainbow of seven colors. At this time, I seemed to be in the beautiful scene, and it took me a long time to come back to myself.

This is the Ke Yan Scenic Area that makes me forget to leave. I admire people's "uncanny workmanship", and even more the wonderful workmanship of nature.

Ke Yan's Composition (8)

The weather is cool today. Our family went to the Lu Town of Keyan Jianhu.

Keyan Scenic Area has many natural landscapes, such as stone walls, rocks, caves, and pillars. One of the most spectacular is the Maitreya Stone Buddha and Cloud Bone, which were excavated in the Sui and Tang dynasties, and then built one hundred years later. The cloud bone is called "the best stone in the world". It pierces into the sky from the flat ground. It is zigzag, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, like an upside down pagoda. It is more than 30 meters high, only 6 meters around the bottom, and less than 1 meter at the thinnest part. Seen from afar, it looks like a column of furnace smoke, curling into the sky. So it is not called "furnace smoke". It is really amazing. "Lotus Listening" is the most interesting. It is carved from 99 huge stones. When you stand in the center of the stone lotus flower and talk to the stone wall, the echo sounds like a hollow valley. If you go there, don't forget to try!

Visiting Keyan Scenic Area enables people to appreciate the unique stone culture of Shaoxing. Then, we went to Jianhu Scenic Area by boat to enjoy the water culture and bridge culture of Shaoxing. Jianhu Scenic Area is most beautiful not only because of its beautiful lakes and mountains, but also because of the white jade causeway and the "Five Bridges Step on the Moon". If you are interested, you can also go to "Hulu Drunken Island" to taste wine and listen to music.

Finally, we came to Luzhen Scenic Area. Walking through the streets and alleys paved with bluestone slabs in Lu Town, the shops with white walls and black tiles, the riverside shops, the simple and tall Taimen houses, the stone bridges and stone lanes with various shapes, the crisscross water lanes and rivers, and the theaters with cornices and corners will surely dazzle you. Unfortunately, because it is not the peak season for tourism, there are many folk customs that I cannot experience personally. However, I saw the production of white sugar and dragon beard sugar there, and tasted this delicious food again.

I'm so happy today. Where will my parents take me next time? I'm looking forward to it.

Ke Yan's Composition (9)

As the saying goes, Keyan Scenic Spot takes the ancient Yue culture as its connotation and the ancient stone quarrying heritage as its feature. Today, I went to Ke Yan, which is rich in cultural background. Early in the morning, I got up early and set out with my family. Along the way, I was ready to rush out of the car with great expectations. As soon as the car stopped, I jumped out of the car and ran towards Ke Yan.

Walking along the vibrant green path, I saw a huge Buddha statue. The statue of Buddha stands safely on a beautiful lotus flower. His left hand was naturally placed beside his legs, his right hand was upright on his chest, a pair of large earlobes were on both sides, and a pair of thin and long eyes were looking at the people below.

On the right side of the statue of Buddha is the world's most famous stone - cloud bone. It is like a sharp sword with cold light shining straight into the sky. Then look at the ancient pines sticking out of the cracks on the boulder, making the cloud bone look more magnificent.

Then, we walked down the steps: Wow! There are a lot of fish in the lake. They are wearing gold armor and holding gold long guns, like brave soldiers fighting on the battlefield.

Going further, I saw a long waterfall plunging down. The sound of "whoosh" reminded me of Li Bai's poem: "It flew down three thousand feet, and the Milky Way is suspected to fall nine days". The water splashed by the waterfall was as gentle and beautiful as my mother's hand touched my face. When I looked up, I saw a rainbow of seven colors. At this time, I seemed to be in the beautiful scene, and it took me a long time to come back to myself.

This is the Ke Yan Scenic Area that makes me forget to leave. I admire people's "uncanny workmanship", and even more the wonderful workmanship of nature.

Ke Yan's Composition (10)

Today is the first day of the May Day holiday. Early in the morning, my excited heart began to be busy. I filled my small backpack with all kinds of things, hoping to be useful when traveling. Then I waited patiently. Later, my mother, a "slow woman", was ready to go. It seems that after a long time, a car finally waited downstairs, so we got into the car and immediately headed for Keqiao, Shaoxing.

When I came to Shaoxing Keyan Scenic Spot, everything in front of me made me like this place. At the beginning of the journey, on both sides of them were small peach trees in the "youth age". Their branches were extremely soft, like the graceful arms of a girl.

At the end, turning left, he saw a stone called "the most wonderful stone in the world", on which were carved two powerful words: cloud bone. This may be the name of the strange stone! There are three pine trees growing on the cloud bone. They grow hard in the cracks of the stone, which seems to symbolize perseverance and self-confidence!

There is a big Buddha beside the strange stone. He is "meditating" as if he were comprehending Buddhism! When mother saw the Buddha, she quickly bought two big candles beside him, let them burn in front of the Buddha, and knelt in front of the Buddha to worship a few times to show her piety. The Buddha stands in the lake, where there are groups of fish. I was so happy at the sight that I bought a bag of fish feed and began to feed the fish with enthusiasm. As for the scenery in front of me, I could not enjoy it!

After feeding the fish, I followed the crowd to the grassland. Just as I wanted to get down, I suddenly saw a horse passing by me. I was very curious. I followed it and found that there were two horses kept there, which were specially used to take photos for tourists and also for tourists to ride. My mother understood my mind and paid for me. I came back after a while. Although it was a short time, I was finally allowed to ride a horse.

Of course, there are many places for Ke Yan to play. Otherwise, how can he be rated as a four-star national tourist attraction? But we are "in a hurry to come and go", and other places have to wait for the next visit. My mother said that this was a very ordinary place. Over the years, it has become what it is now through the careful design and construction of the builders and continuous improvement. She embodies the sweat and wisdom of the builders. I praise them and thank them!

Shi Pu, Class 5 (1), Zhuji Experimental Primary School

Ke Yan's Composition (11)

During the National Day holiday, my father and mother decided to take me to Keyan Scenic Spot in the suburb of Shaoxing because I did well.

Early in the morning, we took a bus to Ke Yan. Just getting off the bus, I saw a pool of clear water, which is Jianhu Lake. From a distance, I saw a huge stone tablet with the word "Jinghu" written on it. When I looked closer, it turned out to be a stone tablet carried by a turtle. My father told me that the word on it was the imperial pen of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. Standing in front of the monument, Jianhu really looks like a mirror, bright and clear. The green lake water looks like flawless' jadeite. When the breeze blows, the lake surface is wrinkled with slight ripples. In the face of such a scene, my heart is extremely relaxed.

After entering the main gate for a while, we saw a huge stone. From a distance, it looked like a big burning torch, turning an angle, and like a rising white mushroom cloud. Then we walked along the lake. The green grass was dotted with colorful flowers, red, yellow, white... It was like laying a beautiful pattern on the earth, The water in the lake is clear, and you can see the fish in the lake.

At last, we arrived at Lu Town after passing through Jianhu at Jianhu Boat Station, where I saw antique houses and dark black canoes. The scenery was really beautiful.

Ah! Beautiful Ke Yan.

Ke Yan's Composition (12)

Although I don't know how many times I have been to Ke Yan, every time I have been to Ke Yan, I have a different feeling.

Today, my brother and aunt came to Ke Yan, a place that is familiar but a little strange.

I can smell the faint fragrance of osmanthus far away. As soon as I entered the gate of Ke Yan, another burst of sweet scented osmanthus fragrance came to me. This may be that Ke Yan Scenic Area was trying to meet me. I thought to myself and couldn't help laughing secretly. "Hi, my fish friends, I've come to see you again!" With my cheering, we came to the Great Lake and took out the bread that had been prepared for them. These fish were obedient, so we clapped a few hands, and the colorful big goldfish came one after another. One after another fish scrambled for food. Their mouths opened and closed one after the other, and some even squeezed their whole bodies out of the water. Some fish looked left and right, looking around, as if to say to their companions, "Come on, fellows, there is something delicious again." The fish kept going here until we had fed the whole loaf of bread

Then we followed the winding path to a large grassland, where there were statues of famous people. My brother and I walked around and came to the statue of Confucius. We saw Confucius on the statue, bent down, with his left hand behind his back, his right hand touching his beard, and our eyes looking at the student sitting on the ground. My brother and I were naughty enough to learn. Unexpectedly, my aunt took a picture of our funny childhood and recorded the moment. When I learned about it, I said shyly, "Alas, I made a fool of myself!" But it was also funny to think about it.

After that, we also went to the scary Bat Cave, Jingshui Waterfall, which "flew down three thousand feet", and many other famous scenic spots.

This visit to Keyan Scenic Area allowed me to record the wonderful time of my childhood.

Ke Yan's Composition (13)

In real life or work and study, everyone inevitably has to come into contact with composition. Writing composition is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following 600 words of Ke Yan's travel essays are collected and sorted out by my editor. They are for reference only and I hope they can help you.

During the Spring Festival, my father took the time to drive me and my mother to the long-awaited national 4A level Keyan Scenic Spot, which is a scenic spot with the connotation of ancient Yue culture and the integration of Shaoxing's water style, ancient stone quarrying heritage and mountain forest ecology. Ha ha! I tell you that my ticket is free because I have a small reporter's certificate. I'm really happy.

Just at the entrance of the gate, the scenic spot management committee was celebrating the Spring Festival. The scene was spectacular. Look at the Eight Immortals here competing to pay New Year's greetings to everyone, and Ah Q over there congratulating everyone... The most happy thing is to send out happy candy. You compete with me and everyone wants to bring happiness home.

After walking along a green path full of insects and birds, we came to the worship platform. In the lake in front of the worship platform is a huge stone several tens of meters high, in which is carved a kind Guanyin Bodhisattva. She held a willow bottle in her hand and sat upright on the lotus platform, smiling, making people feel very kind. Beside the worship platform is the "stove pillar with clear smoke". It is actually a large stone pillar more than 20 meters high, but it is very wonderful. The bottom is very thin, but the top is like a large platform, which is very large. I really admire the ancient people's ghost axe craftsmanship for carving such a wonderful landscape.

Walking, we came to Jianhu Lake. The black covered boats shuttling back and forth, the antique ancient stage, the big black felt hat that I don't know who can wear... What surprised me was that the yellow rice wine poured down from the wine jar in front of the hotel door was always endless, and how did the wine jar hang in the air? The most happy thing is that sitting on the cruise ship and watching the scenery on both sides of the river is really like the feeling of "boat walking on the blue waves, people swimming in the painting".

When I arrived at the Luzhen Scenic Area, I felt that I had returned to the ancient times, and the characters described by Lu Xun also appeared on the streets, eating stinky tofu and unconsciously leaving the scenic area with the bustling flow of people.

Ke Yan is really a bright pearl in Shaoxing. Ah, Ke Yan Scenic Spot, you are so beautiful!

Ke Yan's Composition (14)

Keyan Scenic Area, with beautiful scenery, is the epitome of Shaoxing's water town.

Entering the gate of the scenic spot, a cool wind blows in your face, making you feel more comfortable. Following the path covered by green bamboos, flowers and trees, we came to the "Lotus Listen to Music". A huge stone lotus flower bloomed in the sky, echoing the sky from afar. The round lotus flowers are beautifully carved with petals. In front of the lotus flower, there is a semicircular wall engraved with calligraphy. Wrap up half of the lotus flower. The wall is called "Echo Wall". When you stand on the lotus flower and clap your palm hard, the Echo Wall will give a "pa pa" echo. It is said that the production principle of the Echo Wall is the same as that of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing!

By bypassing the "Lotus Listening", I came to the "Heavenly Craft Giant Buddha" - Buddha. Originally, it was only an unknown stone in a rock mountain. After the quarryman in Yuezhong emptied the stones around it, it was left abruptly. Originally, it hid in the stone and was not recognized by the world. Now, the left and right stones are emptied, leaving it alone in the morning wind and evening rain. So it became the best raw material - the raw material of the protruding Buddha on the flat ground. Ding ding dong dong, stone splashing, that one towering in heaven and earth Buddha will be born in the sky. Today, the Giant Buddha sits serenely in a cave in the water, and its 18 meter high body is enough for believers to look up.

Yungu, the twin brother of the Heavenly Craft Giant Buddha, stands quietly and also rises into the sky. It has the reputation of "the best stone in the world". It is so big and small that it looks like a mushroom that can block the wind and rain. We should not only feel the wonderful idea of the ancient stone masons, but also admire their exquisite craftsmanship. This strange stone stands still, still and firm after countless storms.

The water of Jianhu Lake is glistening, luring people to follow the stone stack to the middle of the water. Jianhu water, which he did not pay attention to, crushed the smell of spring into the water, dyed the green of spring mountains, and mixed the clean sky. The narrow stone stack extends at the foot, into the deep of the green lake, as if casting a gaze into the eyes.

Lu Town has a unique style. The stage that comes into sight, the Tugu Temple with the closed door of the Jingxiu Temple hidden in the deep of the building, and the dense Jianhu water vividly depict the charm of Jiangnan water town. On both sides of the bluestone slab, there are two dishes of rice wine and small dishes, and a tune of falling lotus, which intoxicates tourists and Lu Town itself.

The water vapor in the dusk is thicker, and the melodious voice of lotus falling is also floating into the dusk. In the afterglow, Ke Yan, together with the small town perched by the water, entered the dream of Jiangnan.

Ke Yan's Composition (15)

After sitting on the bus for three hours, we arrived at our destination.

Each of us got a ticket and went in eagerly. Look! A large stone tablet with Wang Xizhi's handwriting came into view. The four big black characters are very conspicuous, as if even blind people can see them.

Go further and stand in front of the Buddha. A thousand year old ancient statue still stands majestically in Shaoxing Keyan Scenic Area and in the east of the motherland.

On the right is the best stone cloud bone in the world. But because of time, we ran in the opposite direction.

In a twinkling of an eye, we arrived at the river. Here are beautiful mountains and rivers, and the scenery is pleasant. Everyone boarded the passenger ship in unison. Although the passenger ship is very large, there are almost 50 students here, plus teachers and other tourists, it is very spacious. Everyone huddled together and stayed in the boat for five or six minutes before coming out.

After getting off the boat, we came to a place that seemed to be a square. There are many statues here. Look, isn't that Zhang Fei, Guan Yu and Liu Bei, who became sworn brothers in Taoyuan? Why are they holding a wine jar in their hands? There is still endless water in the wine jar. I don't know who designed this wine jar. It's so interesting!

Alas, it was only four o'clock, and it was already dark. The setting sun sent us home. I hope to see Ke Yan next time.

Ke Yan's Composition (16)

After a long ride, we finally arrived at the Keyan Scenic Spot in the ancient town of Shaoxing. We got off the bus, the guide bought us tickets, and we entered from the entrance of the scenic spot. Ke Yan Scenic Spot consists of three scenic spots: Ke Yan, Jianhu, and Lu Town.

What we are advanced in is that there is a stone tablet inscribed by Wang Xizhi, a great calligrapher, and the largest stone lotus flower in the Ke Yan Scenic Area. There is an echo wall beside the stone lotus flower. As long as you stand in the center of the lotus flower and shout to the echo wall, you can hear your own echo. It's amazing! Further inside, there is a stone Buddha. The guide said that the Buddha's ears are empty, which can let a child about one meter walk in his ears. He is really big. Then there is the "cloud bone", which looks like a leftover apple beard, more than thirty meters high!

We took a boat to Jianhu, where the scenery is beautiful. We will take a water bike, which is very exciting.

Finally, there is Luzhen. We went to the madman's mansion there. There is a magic hole in the madman's mansion, and there is a magic slanted house. I had my favorite stinky tofu in Luzhen. It was so delicious that it became my lunch. Ha ha, it's really enjoyable! Mom also bought me a bow and arrow in Luzhen, which is super handsome! At 3:30 p.m., we got on the bus and returned to Hangzhou on time.

This trip is really interesting, Shaoxing is really fun!

Ke Yan's Composition (17)

On Friday, our class went to Ke Yan to play and sat on the bus. Along the way, we sang the nursery rhyme "outing" loudly.

When we got there, we came to the maze. We circled around like water snakes, and finally came out. We went on walking for a while and found a green lawn. "Let's eat snacks here!" the teacher said. "Good," we answered with one voice. When we step onto the lawn, we feel like we are sinking into it. Then move freely there. I said, "Let's play catch!" "OK," Chen said. The game started. We ran and ran to a pirate ship. The name of the game was "Smooth sailing." It must be very uncomfortable to sit on the pirate ship when watching it swing from side to side. Regardless, I continued to immerse myself in arresting people.

Playing, the teacher blew the assembly whistle. Old Time reminded us to go to Lu Town! When we arrived in Luzhen, we saw Ah Q and the senior officials. We had to fight to see the play. Ah Q pointed to the senior officials and said, "He is fake!" We all laughed.

This is really a happy trip to Ke Yan! I will never forget it. I really look forward to playing there next time!

Ke Yan's Composition (18)

Entering the gate of the scenic spot, a cool wind blows in your face, making you feel more comfortable. Following the path covered by green bamboos, flowers and trees, we came to the "Lotus Listen to Music". A huge stone lotus flower bloomed in the sky, echoing the sky from afar. The round lotus flowers are beautifully carved with petals. In front of the lotus flower, there is a semicircular wall engraved with calligraphy. Wrap up half of the lotus flower. The wall is called "Echo Wall". When you stand on the lotus flower and clap your palm hard, the Echo Wall will give a "pa pa" echo. It is said that the production principle of the Echo Wall is the same as that of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing!

By bypassing the "Lotus Listening", I came to the "Heavenly Craft Giant Buddha" - Buddha. Originally, it was only an unknown stone in a rock mountain. After the stone quarries in Yuezhong emptied the stones around it, it was left abruptly. Originally, it hid in the stone and was not recognized by the world. Now, the left and right stones are emptied, leaving it alone in the morning wind and evening rain. So it became the best raw material - the raw material of the protruding Buddha on the flat ground. Ding ding dong dong, stone splashing, that one towering in heaven and earth Buddha will be born in the sky. Today, the Giant Buddha sits serenely in a cave in the water, and its 18 meter high body is enough for believers to look up.

Yungu, the twin brother of the Heavenly Craft Giant Buddha, stands quietly and also rises into the sky. It has the reputation of "the best stone in the world". It is so big and small that it looks like a mushroom that can block the wind and rain. We should not only feel the wonderful idea of the ancient stone masons, but also admire their exquisite craftsmanship. This strange stone stands still, still and firm after countless storms.

The water of Jianhu Lake is glistening, luring people to follow the stone stack to the middle of the water. Jianhu water, which he did not pay attention to, crushed the smell of spring into the water, dyed the green of spring mountains, and mixed the clean sky. The narrow stone stack extends at the foot, into the deep of the green lake, as if casting a gaze into the eyes.

Lu Town has a unique style. The stage that comes into sight, the Tugu Temple with the closed door of the Jingxiu Temple hidden in the deep of the building, and the dense Jianhu water vividly depict the charm of Jiangnan water town. On both sides of the bluestone slab, there are two dishes of rice wine and small dishes, and a tune of falling lotus, which intoxicates tourists and Lu Town itself.

The water vapor in the dusk is thicker, and the melodious voice of lotus falling is also floating into the dusk. In the afterglow, Ke Yan, together with the small town perched by the water, entered the dream of Jiangnan.

Ke Yan's Composition (19)

Keyan Scenic Area has many natural landscapes, such as stone walls, rocks, caves, and pillars. One of the most spectacular is the Maitreya Stone Buddha and Cloud Bone, which were excavated in the Sui and Tang dynasties, and then built one hundred years later. The cloud bone is called "the best stone in the world". It pierces into the sky from the flat ground. It is zigzag, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, like an upside down pagoda. It is more than 30 meters high, only 6 meters around the bottom, and less than 1 meter at the thinnest part. Seen from afar, it looks like a column of furnace smoke, curling into the sky. So it is not called "furnace smoke". It is really amazing. "Lotus Listening" is the most interesting. It is carved from 99 huge stones. When you stand in the center of the stone lotus flower and speak to the stone wall, the echo sounds like a hollow valley. If you go there, don't forget to try!

Visiting Keyan Scenic Area makes people appreciate the unique stone culture of Shaoxing. Then, we went to Jianhu Scenic Area by boat to enjoy the water culture and bridge culture of Shaoxing. Jianhu Scenic Area is most beautiful not only because of its beautiful lakes and mountains, but also because of the white jade causeway and the "Five Bridges Step on the Moon". If you are interested, you can also go to "Hulu Drunken Island" to taste wine and listen to music.

Finally, we came to Luzhen Scenic Area. Walking through the streets and alleys paved with bluestone slabs in Lu Town, the shops with white walls and black tiles, the riverside shops, the simple and tall Taimen houses, the stone bridges and stone lanes with various shapes, the crisscross water lanes and rivers, and the theaters with cornices and corners will surely dazzle you. Unfortunately, because it is not the peak season for tourism, there are many folk customs that I cannot experience personally. However, I saw the production of white sugar and dragon beard sugar there, and tasted this delicious food again.

I'm so happy today. Where will my parents take me next time? I'm looking forward to it.