Just a Good Composition (Collection of 6)
Between two smokes and water
2024-06-25 07:08:00

Just Good Composition (1)

No matter in school or in society, everyone must have been exposed to composition. Composition requires a complete text structure and must avoid the appearance of open-ended composition. I believe many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is a carefully arranged composition of 800 words, just for reference. Welcome to read it.

Recently, there is a trend of writing letters to friends in the dictionary. Suddenly I felt something, so I wrote this article.

I believe that there are beautiful things in the world, and those things must be more beautiful than the fog at dawn, and more sweet than the wild flowers in the mountains. But I believe that interpersonal communication is the best at the beginning, which is hypocritical and enthusiastic.

In fact, I think people are the same. They all like to wear new clothes rather than old ones, which is the same for people. They leave all their smiles to strangers, but point their sharp blades at the people close to them. Even, they will feel that it is human nature to like the new and hate the old. I once accidentally saw a dynamic message from a friend who had a treasure, and they thought that staying in the treasure would be more comfortable than staying in reality. I am an inquisitive person. When I saw this sentence, I suddenly felt strange. The Internet can really give people a sense of peace, but where does this sense of peace come from?

Finally, I found the answer. You and I are separated by thousands of rivers and mountains. We only know each other through simple phone calls, but we feel that, uh, you are a good person and a friend worth making contact with. It is because of such a long distance that we can put down our posture, face and achievements, which has made our friendship today. So distance produces beauty.

In the most vivid way, if we are all myopic people, when classmates ask: "Am I beautiful? Do I have acne on my face?"? "You said:" It's beautiful, no, no. "Then he said:" Don't ask others again. After all, I am nearsighted and can't see anything. "The distance between the eyes makes the world a better place. Seeing the flowers bloom and fall, the clouds rise and fall, everything is beautiful and dreamy.

When you get along with your classmates, there will always be good relations with you, and there will always be bad ones. From your own perspective, you will find that they are all good. Their morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and work have developed in an all-round way. Looking back at their deskmates, you will find that at the beginning, you feel that they are worthy friends, but you will find problems in the process of getting along slowly. It turns out that they also have shortcomings. Although this does not affect their friendship, they always feel quite different from their own people. So distance produces beauty.

Therefore, people should keep a distance when standing in line, and people should also keep a certain distance when cooperating, so that we can feel that the world is beautiful.

The same is true of interpersonal communication. At this point, it suddenly occurred to me that the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. Although it is light, it is also true. Their friendship will continue all the time, perhaps also for this reason.

I hope that the distance between us is just right, not so far, not so close. At least, from a distance, it seems that it is still the image of a fair lady and a young man in white. It is already very good if the human facilities are not destroyed.

Just Good Composition (2)

Whether you are in school or in society, you will inevitably come into contact with the composition bar. Composition can be divided into timed composition and non timed composition according to different writing time limits. I believe that writing a composition is a headache for many people. The following is a 950 word composition carefully arranged by Xiao Bian. It is for reference only and I hope it can help everyone.

It's just the right time to meet you.


It's winter. There is no snow in southern China. Lazy purple morning glory blooms quietly in the cold morning. There are some small green vegetables in the farmyard. The pear tree is leafless, but it is also a beautiful scenery. It doesn't rain very often, and the air is slightly wet, which will lead to fog. The thin white fog is around the top of the mountain, trapping the whole village. I like to take pictures or write some words when I have nothing to do. The score of articles written carelessly is quite high. Occasionally, I received a message about making friends, and Xinxin agreed to it.

The beginning of the story is just right. At the end of January, winter hid all the gentle and warm light for our summer.

It's summer. The south is hot. A small cicada is hiding in the treetop, calling lazily. The clear stream is slowly going far away, neither arrogant nor impetuous. Occasionally, a small bird perched on the green bamboo, chirping happily. There is no homework, so I will post topics and articles. The communication line with mushroom was formally started at this time. I unconsciously remember her in my heart, and it has been since winter. But the feelings were blocked by the cold winter, and finally showed up in the summer.

The writing of the story is just right. It is the end of July, and the beautiful midsummer happened to come back with a gentle breeze.


Slowly the feelings began to warm up. At the beginning, there was no intersection. Nobody took the initiative. Later, no one thought how good it would be now. They were all the people who silently walked into each other's heart and silently remembered each other. It's fate, it's destiny.

The name of mushroom is very pleasant, just two words, clean and beautiful. Only the first letter is opened, which is the bear and the star. I have them in my serial, very coincidental. She is a quiet and beautiful girl. Her words are not hasty and impetuous. Meeting her is a chance encounter with beauty.

"Try to find the light source by walking towards the light without looking back." "Are you lost?" At that time, I was a bit impetuous. I piled up a lot of homework and other things. After that, I relaxed my mood and casually sent a topic to try my best. Mushroom's reply surprised and pleased me. Mushroom is the one who knows me best.

"Mushrooms are definitely my goddess!" The most amazing thing is her topic. I was very upset at that time. It was no use telling anyone, but mushrooms were different. The mushroom went online that day, and then I said a few words to her in a private letter. She later learned that she had actually taken practical action. At that moment, she was very moved and warm in her heart. It's really worth loving mushroom girls. She is very valuable.

"I want to protect you." This is the most impressive sentence. She said she would defend me to death, because she knew I would not make trouble at will. She is also the girl I want to protect. The girl is very gentle. She silently writes her serial without communication and waits for her master. Mushroom master will come back! Come on, mushroom, work hard to become excellent.


"Your present efforts will appear in various forms in the future." A simple sentence hit my heart. If I think of mushrooms, I will read those books patiently and study them slowly. We should work hard with girls. We have agreed to meet at a higher place and not break our promise. come on.

The first step is to see you, which is our great first step. We should try our best to participate in each other's rest of life. When we achieve the first step, other mountains and rivers will come. Melon text.

Your arrival is just right. In winter, the morning glory blooms lazily, and in summer, a bird sings gently on the green bamboo. So I came.

Just Good Composition (3)

After continuous rainy days, the sun finally appeared, and everything suddenly became clear. It happened to be an art class. Teacher Zhou took advantage of the rare spring scenery to take us to the campus to draw under the plum tree.

The plum blossom is in full bloom. On the branches, one after another plum blossom competed for beauty. The flower opened from the branch to the top of the tree, leaving no gap, adding a different style to this spring. They opened their smiling faces in the sunshine, revealing golden stamens. The pale pink petals are thin, crystal clear, simple and elegant, a bit of pure elegance. A refreshing fragrance slowly emanates and ripples in the breeze!

The students stood under the plum tree one by one, holding the drawing board in both hands, raising their faces and carefully observing the plum blossom. Some walked forward and gently stroked the petals; Some put their faces together and sniffed carefully; Others stood in front of the plum tree quietly, their eyes were full of seriousness, and their red faces were like plum blossoms... Our pens waved quickly on the paper, "rustling", how sweet! The wind gently blew the hair, and the sun gently stroked us. In this quiet and beautiful realm, plum blossoms seem to live, like lovely elves, jumping down from the tree and getting into the students' paintings, and the students' paintings suddenly have the smell of plum blossoms.

"Click!" The clear voice sounded. It turned out that our beloved teacher Zhou was taking pictures for us. She smiled softly and walked through the crowd. The beautiful scenes of flowers and people were fixed in her mobile phone. She also came to us from time to time, bent down and carefully instructed us how to draw plum blossoms. In the spring, Mr. Zhou's long brown and black hair shone with colorful light. There was a plum blossom falling on Miss Zhou's hair, as if she were dressing up beautifully. At this moment, flowers are beautiful, people are more beautiful

Sunshine, breeze, blooming plum blossom, teachers and students, everything is just right in this early spring time.

Just Good Composition (4)

Time slipped away from the cracks between fingers. The alarm clock at the head of the bed sounded earlier and earlier, the desk lamp on the desk was darker and later, and more and more papers were issued by Xuegong. We lost our homework because we vomited back Qi's empty words, but less and less. The full life made us less boring. In the third day of the year, we are working hard on every side, not for the rest, but for the goods we want from now on. The abundant life of striving for the desire is the greatest thing for every third day disciple.

After a test called the high school entrance examination, we are going to walk out of the school of practice and turn around. Those old faces will never be seen again, and those words that are too late to say will never be uttered unintentionally. We think that graduation is far away, and we feel that it is good to be with them. We may also accompany them to do a quadratic function without thinking. We may also accompany them to cry and laugh. But before the entrance exam, we think how exhausted we are. We have seen the public opinion for a long time. Three years of skills have passed quickly, but we have retained our most loyal companions. We have made troubles, we have quarreled, we have shivered, and we have been bored with each other. But when graduation comes on schedule, the truth is still reluctant. They have accompanied us for three years, and will soon accompany us to the first transfer point in life. They have made the dark third day existence have a different glory. Please caress every minute and every second while they are still around. "How can we be desolate and blessed when our friends are around?"?

As soon as we graduate, there is always a look of uncertainty on our faces. However, there may always be someone quietly helping us. Did your parents say to you 'nothing, clumsy' when you didn't think about it; When you were waiting for bus recitation, did you say to you, 'I smell you maybe'; When you buy a watch, only the aunt who is close to you said to you, 'You don't have to spell it out as if you can be beautiful'... With their encouragement and help, our life has a sweet taste.

Although these willing to give away the essence of sunshine is nothing, it is enough to be kind to every struggling soul of the third party in the junior high. The realization of composition increases my happiness. At this moment, the sun is just right.

Just Good Composition (5)

When we were young, you and I were very excited when it rained. "Hey, there is no one in my family, will you come to accompany me?" "Come right away," I waited at home, but soon it began to rain heavily, and my heart was disappointed. It seems that she can't come, and I was thinking that you would appear at my door. Because we were always so crazy when we were young, and that day was no exception. We played water pistols on the balcony, laughing and making noise, our laughter rippled in the rain

We have done many crazy things together: we explored the woods behind our home and almost got lost; Stepping on water in the rain, we all got a high fever: we played in the fields, but we didn't find that we trampled on many other people's vegetables. We have laughed, cried, made troubles and got angry together, but we still have gone through more than ten years together.

"Hey, it's time to get off the bus. What are you thinking about?" You teased me. "Oh, I see. I suddenly feel that we have spent more than ten years together unconsciously, and I feel very beautiful." She looked at me strangely, "Your brain is broken!" I chased her and pretended to wave to fight. We laughed and ran in the rain again. At the moment I caught you, the rain suddenly decreased and the sky gradually cleared up. We looked at each other and smiled.

It's sunny, just fine.

Just Good Composition (6)

When I don't like the bustle, it may be the time of my own highest level of loneliness. I can't imagine what kind of seclusion it was, but it did happen.

Family environment may affect one's starting. When I was a child, my best friend was my shadow. We ran together, played with the sand, and talked about the interesting things of the day. Although, very lonely, but will not reduce the desire to speak. Now, when I think of these things, I will remember the movie "Spirited Away", but I didn't meet Bai You, and I ended my journey alone.

Day after day, year after year, I began to grow, accompanied by a new silence.

If you ask me what the most lonely feeling is, I will tell you without hesitation that it is the time of "Ling Jue Ding". Once upon a time, it was a good place. The night was dark and serene, and the night view of the whole city was just like that. The lights are bright, but it is not my pleasure there. Like others, I have an expectation in my heart. Watching you walk past me with a smile every day, I think this is enough. Maybe others will say it's silly, but who will understand that playing a wonderful pantomime will only make each other's world safe, but you still haven't left.

One day, I was surprised to find that human is a single entity, but also an isolated entity living in human groups.

At that time, I went to college. In order to be far away from home, I tried to choose a school that was far away from home. But since then, I may have some reluctance. Finally, I stayed in the province, but still far away. I know that the life I pursue is what I long for, and no one can make me change my original belief. But otherwise, time has smoothed my edges and corners, and I have to go back to fulfilling others' requirements. In the past, people you met at home would ask you about your study, but now you are faced with the problem of falling in love and finding a job. Looking at those couples who are coming out of pairs, I will tell you that everything is just fine for me, who is alone, without making any noise.

I will grow up, and I will leave this once strange city inadvertently. There are you, him, her, and many others here. Life, still plain light through, not deliberately pursue the existence of too high profile. Learn, will eventually learn to have your journey, but will miss those days, although there will no longer be the passing of a sunset, but I still wait for tomorrow's brilliant sunrise.

Static, is a kind of state, is a person, or a person and a person.