Composition of Suzhou and Hangzhou (8 anthologies)
Rewrite happiness
2024-06-20 00:50:14

Composition of Suzhou and Hangzhou (1)

After sleeping, wake up and have a look, ah! It's only 4:00 in the morning, so early! Mom and Dad haven't got up yet, I'll go play first!

However, it's not fun for me to play alone. I just lie on my bed and watch the scenery. Not long after that, my parents also woke up. To be exact, they were awakened by the children.

After breakfast, I played with my classmates and soon arrived in Hangzhou.

As soon as we got off the bus, we ran frantically to the tourist bus. More than ten minutes later, we rushed to the restaurant to have a meal. After that, we got on the tourist bus and went straight to the West Lake. A few minutes later, we arrived at the West Lake, took a cruise ship, and drifted on the lake. How beautiful the West Lake is! As the great poet Su Shi said, "If you want to compare the West Lake with the West Lake, it is always appropriate to wear light and heavy makeup." Then something funny happened. An aunt asked us if the West Lake was beautiful. But we didn't hear what my aunt said. We were just discovering a dead fish. We all said, "Ah, dead fish." This caused a lot of laughter.

On shore, we went to Wuzhen. Along the way, my eyelids began to fight. After sleeping in the car for more than two hours, I finally arrived in Wuzhen.

We toured around Wuzhen, saw a lot of beautiful scenery, and bought some things.

The beautiful Hangzhou is worthy of saying, "There is paradise on the earth and Suzhou and Hangzhou on the earth.".

Composition of Suzhou and Hangzhou (2)

Whether in school or in society, we are all familiar with composition. Through composition, we can gather our scattered thoughts together. I believe many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is a collection of essays on travel notes in Suzhou and Hangzhou collected by my editor for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

Composition 1 of Travel Notes to Suzhou and Hangzhou

On October 3, the National Day, our family set out to travel to Suzhou. Put on your backpack, everything is ready, and Dad drives off!

According to the news, there is a traffic jam on the highway, and "vacation" has become a "traffic jam". We were very successful without any traffic jam. I left Zhejiang and came to Jiangsu. However, I was blocked for a long time. There was an accident in front of me, which was very disappointing. The police car came to deal with the accident. The road was open. It was seven o'clock when I arrived in Suzhou, and I hadn't eaten dinner yet. Fortunately, there was my uncle in Suzhou. After dinner, we went to my uncle's house for the night. I played with my two brothers for a while and then went to bed

The next day, we said goodbye to my uncle's family, and we "attacked" Suzhou Yard. After buying the ticket and entering the gate, there is an unspeakable beauty. First, we came to the "hall" of the ancients: there was a round table in the middle, on which there was a shelf dedicated to antiques. At the bottom of the table was the chair for the master and the old lady, and on both sides were the chairs for children or guests. In the middle of the two chairs, there would be a small table with tea cups, flower pots, antique.

Walking out of the hall, the sun was shining on the lake. The weeping willows in the row beside the lake were listening to the stories told by the lake long ago. The weeping willows nodded from time to time; Standing on the bridge, I saw a lotus leaf floating on the water in the distance. There were yellow and pink lotus flowers in the middle of the leaves. If I didn't look carefully, I couldn't find them at all; Walking and walking, I came to the rockery and sat down to have a rest. Unexpectedly, I saw a lot of goldfish at the bottom of the lake. They played together. Some were sleeping in groups, some were playing hide and seek together, and some... Looking far away, I saw a small bamboo forest, short, green, straight, as if it was going to grow into the sky soon; The lotus leaves on the lake are very tall and straight, like the navy patrolling in green uniforms to see whether the small fish have damaged the lotus leaves, whether there is a quarrel, etc.

After leaving Lingering Garden, I came to Suzhou Paradise. My father and I played "Dream Yoga" first, sat down, fastened the seat belt, and started. We slowly went up again. To a certain extent, suddenly there was a 360 degree big rotation. I felt my face was very hot. Look at my father, he was red in the face, as if he had a high fever, and turned many 360 degree big circles, Finally, he stood on his head for ten seconds.

The second project, "tornado", is to sit around and swing around like a swing. At first, it was very comfortable. The sea breeze blew my face very comfortably. Later, it was more and more high, even out of the railing. I felt that my shoes were going to fall off, and it seemed that there were insects crawling in my stomach, which was very itchy

After lunch, we played a few more projects. We set out for Hangzhou. Due to time constraints, we took a look at the night scenery and hurried back to our warm home overnight.

Composition 2 of Travel Notes to Suzhou and Hangzhou

The long-awaited summer vacation has finally arrived. In the summer vacation, you should not only recharge your batteries, but also relax. After careful preparation, I started my trip to Suzhou and Hangzhou.

After bumping all the way, we finally arrived at Hangzhou Xixi Wetland Park in the afternoon. According to the guide, Xixi National Wetland Park is located in the west of Hangzhou, five kilometers away from the West Lake. Xixi Wetland is better than water. Water is the soul of Xixi. About 70% of the area of the park is rivers, ponds, lakes, marshes and other waters, which is the so-called "one stream, one smoke". When we entered the park, it was drizzling in the sky, so we could feel the atmosphere of misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River.

Stepping into the park and walking on the flagstone path, it is really a green world. Dark green, light green, tender green...... Countless green, connected, interlaced, as if it has been green to the horizon. Each leaf, washed by rain, shines with dazzling luster. The leaves are covered with one after another crystal clear dewdrops, reflecting the green leaves. It's lovely! Occasionally, I can see several white and lavender flowers hiding in the green grass, carefully blooming their own beauty. At this time, you can't help feeling its delicate petals. Squat down and smell its unique fragrance. Sometimes, you will hear one or two bird calls. Following the song, you will find that on a tree, the shadow of the bird is flickering in the green leaves. It is not complete, but the beautiful call has been coming from the leaves, which is refreshing.

Enjoying the beautiful scenery along the way, we came to a wide river. We will take a boat to visit the water scenery of Xixi Park from here. After getting on the boat, the journey of enjoying the scenery on the rowing boat set sail, and the boat splashed a series of fine and crystal waves across the water. We drove in the rippling water, sometimes happily enjoying the jagged reflection of green trees and grass on the water surface; Sometimes I am curious to watch the tall willows on the bank, the towering ancient trees, and the floating green river waves; Or quietly listen to the flowing water, listen to the dense drizzle blooming on the water surface, and then watch the bubbles stretch out circle after circle of ripples, until they hit the opposite shore. The trees on the bank grow luxuriantly. Some are straight, with a huge green crown on top; Some bowed down and dipped their heads in the water, like a young girl, with her long hair scattered, holding the cool river water and washing herself. There are also various forms of trees growing along the coast. The dense branches and leaves are like natural green barriers, making this a paradise for birds.

While talking, several playful water birds came into my eyes. The guide said that this kind of water bird is called a grebe. I enjoyed watching these lovely birds. They are smaller than ducks and have sharp beaks. Suddenly, several water birds disappeared when they plunged into the water. Just when I was confused, they appeared from the other side, "flapping on the edges" and played their "Flying Skill". There will be two small waves behind me, like shiny and broken silver, spreading out slowly, and new waves will come up one after another.

After swimming along the waterway, we started our journey on land again. Appreciating the ancient simple and elegant buildings at the foot of the mountain, they are all unified white walls and grey tiles, wooden doors and bamboo windows, which are flourishing and exposed to the wall. The small bridges outside the wall are flowing water, and the green forests and green bamboos are very elegant.

Unconsciously, we came to a reed marsh. It's really a "green reeds" scene. It's the first time I've seen such a tall reed. The stems are straight, and the spike heads are like big feathers, swaying in the wind. They are graceful, simple and unadorned, but they do not lose the interest of the wild. These lovely reeds make me throw away all my troubles and plunge into the endless reeds. Here, I am totally lost. When the wind blows, I seem to fall down with the reeds. I really want to sleep on the hairy reeds.

The journey soon ended. On the return trip, we took a ride in the battery car. The cool wind after the rain lifted my hair around my ears, blowing away my fatigue all the way. Farewell to the natural and novel Xixi Wetland Park. Tomorrow's trip will be better.

Composition 3 of Travel Notes to Suzhou and Hangzhou

At the beginning of August, I participated in the "Little Reporters' World Expo Interview Group" organized by the Sanxiang Huasheng Little Journalists Club. I not only visited and interviewed the World Expo Park, but also went to Hangzhou, Suzhou and other places. The scenery of Suzhou and Hangzhou is really beautiful. Let me tell you something!

1、 Visit the West Lake

Let's visit the West Lake first. But first I want to tell you the origin of the West Lake. During the flood control by the Great Yu, a place near the Qiantang River suffered from drought every year, while the Qiantang River suffered from floods every year. Dayu moved part of the water from Qiantang River to that land, which is now the West Lake. Although the West Lake is small, its beauty is incomparable among lakes, rivers and seas! There is another poem in the West Lake!

It is good to see the glittering water.

The sky and rain are strange.

To compare the West Lake with the West Lake.

Light makeup is always appropriate.

But even a great poet like Su Dongpo can hardly describe the beauty of the West Lake. The beauty of the West Lake is flexible and elusive. Its beauty is intoxicating. Its beauty allows people to put aside troubles, forget pain and enjoy the paradise on earth.

The water of the West Lake is crystal clear. The water of the West Lake hits the stone wall, and the sound is very natural.

The music fountain on the lakeside sprays high and low as the music changes. It is divided into three parts, one is straight, and the other two are like arcs, shaped like a bow and arrow. There are also Su Causeway, Bai Causeway and many beautiful sceneries in the West Lake.

If you are free, you should see this paradise with your own eyes.

2、 Suzhou

Lion Forest is one of the most distinctive gardens in Suzhou. It is made of some natural Taihu stones, which look like a group of lions from a distance. What interests me most is the maze of stone hills in Taihu Lake. There are hundreds of holes in this labyrinth and it twists and turns. If you don't give play to your superb wisdom, keen observation and strong physique, you will be trapped inside for four hours like Emperor Qianlong.

3、 Tongli

Tongli is an ancient town. The road there is paved with bluestone slabs. There is a long and thin road between the two prefectures, which is laughingly called "the way to lose weight", because fatter people will get stuck once they enter.

The river bank is scattered, and the water is a little turbid. The willows along the river gently brush the water, which is very beautiful.

The most interesting ones are Taiping Bridge and Ruyi Bridge. It is said that if a woman gives birth to a child and walks on the Taiping Bridge with her husband, the whole family will be safe. Ruyi Bridge means that the whole family will send a representative to stick their wishes on the bridge, which will ensure that everything is going well for the whole family. Therefore, the bridge is covered with colorful papers.

Composition of Suzhou and Hangzhou (3)

This summer vacation, in addition to traveling to Hong Kong and Nanning, I also went to our beautiful Jiangnan water town: Hangzhou and Suzhou. In Hangzhou, my parents and I enjoyed cycling beside the beautiful West Lake to enjoy the surrounding scenery: Leifeng Tower, pink lotus, and the island in the middle of the lake; In Suzhou, I visited one of the four famous gardens in China, namely, the Administrative Garden and Lingering Garden, the Suzhou Garden Museum with unique architecture, and the Hanshan Temple described in the ancient poem "Night Mooring on Maple Bridge". We taste Suzhou's famous local snacks: fried buns, sauce ribs; Dishes with strong local characteristics: ancient meat, salt and pepper steak, fat cow in wooden barrel, stewed egg with soy sauce; I like stewed egg with soy sauce best. Now I want to eat it again.

Composition of Suzhou and Hangzhou (4)

Soon, the summer vacation was coming to an end. In the last week of the summer vacation, in order to leave a deep memory at the end, my mother and I signed up for a "three-day tour of Suzhou and Hangzhou" parade.

On the morning of August 25, my mother and I arrived at the Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge Service Area as scheduled at more than eight o'clock in the morning to wait for our tourist bus. Sure enough, the bus arrived shortly after. After getting on the bus, we had a good chat with our colleagues. From their words, we learned that everyone was looking forward to this journey.

After three and a half hours' drive, we arrived at the first stop of the trip: Wuzhen. On the bus, I heard the introduction of the guide, and I also got a little understanding of Wuzhen. Hangzhou and Suzhou, two cities we went to this time, are both economically rich cities, and the ancient towns also have an important position in these two cities, Hangzhou and Suzhou account for three of them respectively. Today we come to Wuzhen, one of them. Entering Wuzhen is like entering a different world, isolated from the tall buildings outside. I followed the tour guide to Wuzhen. My first impression of Wuzhen was that it was simple, elegant, quiet and natural. There was a kind of classical flavor in the ancient town. What impressed me most was the narrow and long river in Wuzhen. The previous boat was not easy to turn around because of the narrow river. Later, people turned around to facilitate the boat, In particular, an arc-shaped harbor was built for turning around.

Out of the ancient town, we started the drive to the second stop, Song City. At six o'clock in the evening, we came to the gate of Song City. It was already crowded and crowded. Entering Song City, it was even more lively. First, we came to the No. 1 Grand Theater of Song City to watch the performance: Eternal Love of Song City. Gorgeous costumes, props and backgrounds, music and dance show us the lifelike scenes of the emperor's birthday celebration, Yue Fei's devotion to the country, Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. After the performance, we still have more to say. We come to small streets, including food streets and market streets... not to mention how lively, All kinds of snacks and gadgets make you love them!

Ah, simple and elegant Wuzhen, lively and beautiful Song City, I love you!

Composition of Suzhou and Hangzhou (5)

In real life or work and study, everyone has tried to write a composition. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. What kind of composition have you seen? The following is a carefully arranged composition of travel notes in Suzhou and Hangzhou. I hope it can help everyone.

As the saying goes, "There is paradise on earth and Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth". Two days ago, my cousin and I went to Suzhou, Shanghai and Hangzhou to visit, and we really realized the beauty of Suzhou and Hangzhou. However, Suzhou has impressed me most.

We took the bus to Hanshan Temple in Suzhou, took a picture at Zhang Ji's "Night Mooring at Maple Bridge", and then went to Zhouzhuang in Suzhou. There is a water town, with densely woven river networks, crisscross, no busy streets, no rows of high-rise buildings, and no annoying car honking

We sat in a small boat waving in the water, green trees, white walls and green tiles on both sides flashed past. The boat didn't go far, and the female boatman began to sing a Jiangnan tune for us. Oh, how beautiful the song is! The fish play freely in the water, as if they are listening to the wonderful songs of the boatmen. Although the weather is very hot, I feel much cooler when I get to the water's edge. We went under the stone bridge in a boat. The small bridges in the south of the Yangtze River are very unique. There are simple and rugged flat bridges and exquisite stone arch bridges, forming beautiful reflections in different shapes on the water. There are trees on both sides of the river, and several willows are graceful, like a girl in the south of the Yangtze River with long hair standing by the water to dress up. The river ripples like a piece of crystal jade, which sets off the green trees and families on both banks. I was indulging in the beautiful scenery. Suddenly, an aunt beside me said, "I don't know how much the house costs. I really want to live here and enjoy the fairyland on earth."

When the time came, we always felt that we had not enjoyed ourselves, but we had to leave this Jiangnan town. Along the way, I was still reminiscing about the small bridge, flowing water and people in that town

Composition of Suzhou and Hangzhou (6)

As soon as I entered Wuzhen, the first thing I saw was a narrow alley, a path paved with stone slabs, and the small buildings on both sides were made of wood, and there were people living in it. Each alley is connected by the other. Some places are narrow enough to accommodate only two people in parallel. When you open the window upstairs, you can feel the window of the opposite family. Although Wuzhen and Zhouzhuang are both water towns and live near water, their houses are different. The small buildings in Zhouzhuang are made of green bricks and small tiles, while the small buildings here are all made of wood. In addition, some of the residents' houses extend to the river. The lower part of the house is driven into the riverbed with wooden piles or stone pillars, and the upper part of the house is built with wooden boards. This is the unique style of Wuzhen. There are many bridges in Wuzhen. It is said that there were more than 120 bridges at most in history, but now there are only more than 30. They are connected by bridges and streets and formed by rivers. They are very beautiful.

There are many scenic spots in Wuzhen. We visited the Hundred Beds Pavilion, the Lin Family Shop, the Fortune Bay, the Blue Printing Workshop, the Brewing Workshop, Mao Dun's Former Residence, etc. The guide uncle introduced the allusions of each scenic spot to us one by one. I've learned a lot.

Composition of Suzhou and Hangzhou (7)

Looking at the scenery in front of you, it makes you feel relaxed and happy. The myrica rubra forest stretches like umbrellas in the mountain forest, and the trees are full of round and green fruits. When you pick one, the sour taste makes your mouth full of body fluid. By the end of June, the annual Yangmei Festival will be held here. At the time of the festival, there are a lot of people and people here!

Arrived at the Yangjingwu Reservoir with rippling blue waves, she was like a bright pearl inlaid between green mountains and green waters. The crystal clear water is sparkling, shining with golden light in the sun. The mountain wind is rustling, and the waves are beating against the bank, singing like a song. Occasionally, birds fly by, making people happy. Wandering on the high embankment, looking at the green mountains around, overlooking the beautiful scenery, listening to the birds' chirping, people feel so happy and comfortable, and immediately recite a poem:

Yang Jingwu waves.

The mountain is full of trees.

There is no end to picking wild fruits.

The waterfall is like the Milky Way.

The West Lake is as beautiful as a fairyland

Walking on the long Su Causeway of the West Lake, you can see a sea of people. Interested people came from all directions to feel the scene of willow drooping in the south of the Yangtze River and the leisurely lake water.

On both sides of the Su Causeway, the weeping willows are like silk. The willows in the West Lake seem to be particularly different from those in other places. They seem to be more affectant. From leaves to branches, they are all soft and beautiful. They are so graceful and ethereal. The fish are swimming happily in the glittering water, which is so leisurely. The boat in the middle of the lake is leisurely, the kite is flying high in the sky, the roses are blooming everywhere, and the faint fragrance enters the heart. The distant green color is hazy, the green mountains are dark, and the lotus leaves are lightly shadowed, which can not help but enchant people with the scenery in front of them. Standing on the broken bridge, looking for the umbrella that White Lady gave to Xu Xian, looking for the figure of White Lady and Xu Xian slowly walking across the broken bridge, looking for their tracks, and moved by the eternal love.

Su Causeway Spring Dawn, Qu Yuan Wind and Lotus, Pinghu Autumn Moon, Broken Bridge and Fragmented Snow, Willow Waves and Warblers, Flower Harbor Fish Watching, Leifeng Sunset, Double Peak Cloud Inserting, Nanping Evening Bell, Three Ponds and the Moon, the ten scenic spots of the West Lake are all like fairyland, each has its essence, and the four seasons have different scenery. For example, in spring, there is "Su Causeway Spring Dawn", in summer, there is "Quyuan Wind and Lotus", in autumn, there is "Pinghu Autumn Moon", in winter, there is "Broken Bridge and Broken Snow", in the day, there is "Lei Feng Sunset", and at night, there is "Three Pools Impressing the Moon". So, it's a great pity that we can't reach the West Lake in Hangzhou!

When I came to the Yuewang Temple, I saw that the whole scenic spot was almost crowded with tourists. It has been a must for tourists to visit Xizi Lake for many years to mourn the ancients and despise Qin Hui.

Outside the mountain, there are green hills and towers.

In front of the Yuewang Temple, I sigh for the marquis.

Some families are happy and some hate.

Be faithful to the country.

Go east from the West Lake to Xiaoshan Mountain. The car is winding along the green road, and there are thick towering trees on both sides of the road, which makes people feel like a dream. It seems that the car is not driving on the highway of a provincial city, but in some primitive mountain forest. Such lush vegetation is rare in ordinary cities. There are mountains and water, and the water is green. It must have an aura. No wonder Hangzhou is called heaven on earth by the world!

Beigan Mountain Cuidang Heart Dust

Beigan Mountain has emerald peaks.

Climb high and look far.

Look at the river upstairs.

The beauty of heaven is like a dream.

Beigan Mountain is a mountain of Xiaoshan Mountain. It is rare to see such a natural mountain in the center of the city. Xiaoshan is located at the south gate of Hangzhou. In the past, it was only a county under Hangzhou, and later it was removed from the county to build a city. Now it has become a new district of Hangzhou, and Hangzhou's economic and architectural center has almost developed to Xiaoshan. With the rapid development of Xiaoshan's economy, the environment of Xiaoshan has also undergone tremendous changes. Beigan Mountain is a mountain forest that has always kept its original ecology, and it is also Xiaoshan's martyr cemetery.

Climbing up the stairs, the high steps can not help but make people gasp for breath. When you come to the top of the mountain and look down, you can have a panoramic view of the whole Xiaoshan City. Beigan Mountains are covered with green and luxuriant peaks. The path is flanked by a forest of steles, with steep cliffs on the left and dense jungle on the right. Unknown trees block the sky, warblers and birds sing crisply, and the fragrance of flowers is floating in the air. Standing on the Wangjiang Tower, overlooking the Qiantang River, the Qiantang River Bridge comes into view like a flying rainbow. There are rows of buildings on both sides of the Qiantang River. The 228 meter buildings in Hangzhou are not far from Beigan Mountain, like a sword inserted into the clouds.

Walking on the shady vagina, you can feel free, bathe in the fresh mountain breeze, listen to the wind and view the scenery. This feeling of washing your mind is so precious and happy in the noisy noise, so immersed in your heart, so comfortable.

Happy in Carnival

Come to Hangzhou Leisure Expo Park, a newly opened tourist attraction in Hangzhou in 20xx. This huge building complex takes leisure as the keynote, and gathers architectural styles from all over the world. The whole building is like the water city of Venice. The scenic spot runs through the crisscross waterways, zigzagging. Walking along the water in the corridor, listening to the sound of waves crashing on the shore, watching and listening to the waves, is a special interest. After enjoying the brief introduction of local customs, many businessmen with different skin colors shouted hard here when watching foreign performance groups perform various programs in the waterside pavilion. Watching, eating and unknowingly arriving at the adjacent carnival amusement park.

The carnival site is huge, which is known as the kingdom of leisure and the world of entertainment by tourists. All kinds of amusement facilities are dazzling and shocking.

The high rolling roller coaster and the screams of tourists stimulate the tourists' feelings. Some amusement projects, such as big turntables, high-altitude spaceships, surfing, bungee jumping, etc., make people's hearts jump out. The head is dizzy, and people are dizzy, which is dangerous and exciting.

In front of the haunted house and the Crocodile Belly Amusement Park, there was a foreign guide wearing a simulated skeleton dress. His eyes seemed to be unfathomable in the middle of the winter, and he kept making various humorous and funny moves towards the tourists. Some were frightened to run away, and some children were frightened to jump into their parents' arms. Before entering, people have been frightened by the bloody sculptures at the door, but can not help the exciting sense of adventure. I followed others nervously and walked in. Sometimes it was dark and sometimes the light was shining, which made me scared and covered with goose bumps. Those various creepy skeletons, accompanied by bursts of ghostly crying and wolf howling, are really horrible. I can't stand it anymore. I'd better close my eyes and "escape" with others by feeling!

Eating the ice-cream cone made by Turkish businessmen with funny and humorous actions, tasting the delicious mutton kebabs made by Xinjiang people, watching the Mongolian horse racing and shooting, watching the aerial cable car slowly wandering, the fear just now has gone out of the window! Then came the happy laughter and the reluctant return.

Composition of Suzhou and Hangzhou (8)

This summer vacation, in addition to traveling to Hong Kong and Nanning, I also went to our beautiful Jiangnan water town: Hangzhou and Suzhou. In Hangzhou, my parents and I cycled by the beautiful West Lake to enjoy the surrounding scenery: Leifeng Tower, pink lotus, and the island in the middle of the lake; In Suzhou, I visited one of the four famous gardens in China, namely, the Administrative Garden and Lingering Garden, the Suzhou Garden Museum with unique architecture, and the Hanshan Temple described in the ancient poem "Night Mooring on Maple Bridge". We taste Suzhou's famous local snacks: fried buns, sauce ribs; Dishes with strong local characteristics: ancient meat, salt and pepper steak, fat cow in wooden barrel, stewed egg with soy sauce; I like stewed egg with soy sauce best. Now I want to eat it again.