Composition of learning swimming for the first time (practical 17)
Cooked Man with Beancurd
2024-06-15 00:50:36

Composition of learning swimming for the first time (1)

My mother applied for a swimming class for me this summer vacation. "I'm going to learn swimming" is so beautiful! I'm so happy. I made up my mind to learn how to swim.

"It's almost time to swim. Mom, hurry up.". I hurried my mother. My mother sent me to the swimming pool, and I quickly ran to the men's swimming pool to change my clothes in the men's locker room. Standing on the edge of the swimming pool, I started the warm-up exercise under the guidance of my teacher, and I sweated a lot.

"It's OK to go into the water", the teacher ordered, and the students went into the water like dumplings. I didn't dare to go into the water like them. I held the handrail and walked slowly down the stairs. The teacher said when he saw that everyone had already gone into the water, "Everyone held hands in a circle, and then sank their heads into the water without breathing.". At first I didn't dare to sink my head in the water at all. When the teacher saw it, he encouraged us all to say: "Don't be afraid. You can do it according to the way the teacher said. It will be OK. I will also protect you in the water." With the reassurance of the teacher. I slowly sank my head into the water, but soon my head came up again, and I was out of breath. There have been several consecutive times. I can finally carry it in the water for a few seconds. After repeated practice, I can float in the water. With the correct guidance of the teacher, I can finally swim with my hands and feet. You can swim like a small fish in the water.

How happy!

Composition of learning swimming for the first time (2)

Open my growth file, where I stored my joy, anger, sadness, and joy. What I remember most is my first swimming.

That time was a hot summer, my father took me to swim. When I got there, I saw the clear water at the bottom, emitting green light. After a while, Dad had changed his swimsuit, and he jumped into the water with a plop, and the water surface began to ripple. My father "slid" happily like a fish in the water, and then said to me in the water, "Jump down! Jump down!" He also splashed water on me. I was impatient, picked up the water gun and loaded the "bullet", sprayed a "land and water war" on my father, but my father became a "submarine" that I could not defeat. My father splashed water on me and dived again, saying, "If you have the ability, come down and fight with me!" I was unconvinced, so I sent my father an "air missile".

Come here for a while. I also went into the water. My father will teach me how to swim. Once I got into the water, I felt very deep and scared. I wanted to go back to the shore. But I thought of the teacher's words "How can you see a rainbow without wind and rain?" So I got up the courage to row like my father. After learning for a long time, I didn't learn how to row. I was about to give up, but my father always encouraged me and advised me not to give up, He has been teaching me how to swim. Finally, I listened to my father's words and learned how to swim.

I was most impressed by this incident on my growth path, because I learned to insist on not giving up, so that I can succeed in doing things.

Composition of learning swimming for the first time (3)

Students, you must be able to swim, right? And are you studying hard? As you work so hard, let me, the little guy who just started swimming, enter the swimming world!

Today is my first time to learn swimming.

At first, my heart was pounding and I looked very nervous. When I got to the swimming pool, I went into the water. I saw many students, a serious and cheerful teacher teaching us. The water is not deep, but very shallow. The knowledge we need to know about swimming is: first learn to dive, hold your breath. At first, I could only hold it for a few seconds, but many times, when I dive into the water, my body can float, and it can last for dozens of seconds! The water is very, very warm. I feel like taking a bath in a hot spring. How comfortable!

We practiced for an hour. In this hard process, the coach praised me! I gradually became less nervous. I thought: It seems that swimming is really interesting. I must study hard in such warm water. The water is shallow!

Finally, I went ashore, ah! I felt my legs were heavy, like a big stone pressing on my feet, and I slowly walked home.

It seems that swimming is really interesting. I will study hard!

Composition of learning swimming for the first time (4)

Today, my father finally took me to swim. I'm so happy!

Because I can't swim, my father brought me a swimming circle and a floating bridge. There are not many people in the swimming pool. The water is blue and beautiful.

My father put on the swimming ring for me, so I couldn't wait to get into the water. The water temperature was very comfortable. But I can't swim, so my father gave me some swimming moves and basic skills, but no matter how I row, I still can't, sad!

Why is it so difficult to learn swimming? My father told me not to worry, just like learning, it is impossible to eat fat at one mouthful, and I have to take it step by step. I can't help it. I can only splash in the water like a dry duck. Ha ha ha... I'm really happy, and I also know a little boy. We play in the water together, holding our breath, far away from who's flapping. I'm really happy.

It's hot. Swimming is a good way to stay cool and exercise. I really want to go there every day!

Composition of learning swimming for the first time (5)

After learning accordion for a year, my mother asked me to learn another specialty. My mother asked me whether to learn painting or swimming. When I thought swimming was fun, I said learn swimming. So my mother enrolled me in a swimming class. On the first day, the swimming teacher asked us to practice holding our breath in the water. I felt cold in the water and kept shivering; The next day the teacher taught me to float in the water, and the third day the teacher taught me to kick on the shore; The fourth day, the teacher taught me to kick in the water. When I got home, I felt cold all over. My mother took my temperature. When I saw that I had a fever, my mother took me to the hospital.

Later, I didn't learn swimming. It's not easy to learn swimming, and I feel a little cold in the water, but I think swimming is very interesting.

I will learn it next time.

Composition of the first time to learn swimming (6)

My father told me that I'm a little man, and I can't be a dry duck. So at the beginning of this summer vacation, my mother applied for a swimming class for me. I think it's very interesting.

With the help of navigation, my mother's car drove around for a long time, and finally arrived at the swimming place - Huating Lijing. The swimming pool here is really beautiful! It's bigger than our school's basketball court. All around and on the roof are spotless transparent glass, which is simply a huge sunlight room. The water is blue and clear! The people and walls around them are reflected in the water. I can't wait to get into the water. But the coach said that we had to practice kicking on the shore first. We had no choice but to do so. Youyou, Yao Yao and I lie on the ground in order, listening to the coach's instructions: close -- score -- push -- clip, close -- score -- push -- clip... repeated over and over again, I don't know how many rounds later, I finally got the coach's consent, and I can go into the water!

We jumped into the water like a group of happy ducklings. The water in the pool is cool, so comfortable! After entering the water, we first practice holding our breath, poke our head out of the water, open our mouth, and take a deep breath. It's like filling our stomach with a gas pump, then quickly put our head into the water, and desperately hold our breath. At this time, I only feel vaguely in my eyes, and the sound of "gurgling" comes from my ears. I can't hold it anymore. I quickly raise my head, come out of the water, and gasp for breath

Unconsciously, an hour passed quickly, so I had to say goodbye to my friends, coaches and swimming pool tomorrow!

Composition of learning swimming for the first time (7)

There were many firsts when I was growing up. The first time I learned to swim is still fresh in my memory.

Last summer vacation, my mother enrolled me in a swimming class and asked me to learn swimming. The first time I went into the water, the water was really cold! But as the coach moved in the water, I didn't feel cold soon. With the help of the coach, I learned step by step. Once, I accidentally choked a few mouthfuls of water, which made me feel uncomfortable and afraid. At this time, the coach gently said to me: "The pain of eating is bitter, and the sweet side is sweet. As long as you work hard, you can certainly learn!" I was full of energy and began to practice again, never choked by water again.

When practicing breaststroke, I learned it quickly under the guidance of my coach. "How awesome!" I was praised by the coach, and I felt very happy.

The coach asked me to compete with my classmate Xiao Liang at the graduation presentation. As soon as I got into the water, I kicked my legs and paddled my arms. I memorized the pithy formula taught by the coach. I soon overtook him and was the first to reach the end. "Yeah! I won!" Xiao Liang looked at me admiringly, and I was very proud! The students and parents who watched praised me for my fast learning and good swimming. I blushed with embarrassment.

The swimming class in this holiday made me unforgettable all my life. Learning swimming for the first time brought me endless fun.

Composition of the first time to learn swimming (8)

My grandma sent me to kindergarten to learn swimming for the first time.

When I went to the swimming pool, the water in it smelled cold, and I felt a face on the water was grinning grimly. As I walked, I was thinking about things. Suddenly, I saw several younger brothers who were older than me diving and making a loud noise of "bang, bang, bang". My body shook involuntarily.

I changed my swimming clothes and got ready to go into the water. My feet got wet and I took them back immediately. God, the water is so icy! Here comes the coach. He taught us to hold our breath. Does the coach want to pit us? We are not fish. We can only breathe with our lungs, but not with our cheeks. I had a brainwave. I thought that I could expose my nose, and the lower part of my nose was immersed in water, so I would not be found by the teacher!

I started training. I used my tricks to get by, but it wasn't long before I was discovered. The coach picked me up and threw me out. I used all my strength to float up, but the coach saw that I didn't learn, and I was thrown up again. I grew up in training time after time. Gradually, I learned to hold my breath and overcome difficulties.

When I came home that day, I was very excited and hurriedly told my parents that I learned to hold my breath. I think I'll learn to swim soon.

Composition of the first time to learn swimming (9)

Summer vacation, my mother applied for swimming lessons for me. The first time I went to class, I was so scared that I cried out. My mother encouraged me and said to me, "Don't be afraid, just study hard and bravely."

When I came to the swimming pool, my good friend also came. He was also a little afraid. Just like me, we encouraged each other. The teacher took us into the water first, let us adapt to the temperature in the water and the feeling in the water. We all thought it was fun, so we fought a water war.

At this time, the teacher said: "Dear students, today we will learn to hold our breath and float. Before learning, we will do swimming exercises." So we followed the teacher carefully. After that, the teacher explained how to hold your breath and float. "When you hold your breath and float, you must straighten your arms and legs so that you can float." After that, everyone practiced.

I didn't want to lag behind. I held the bank with my hands, straightened my legs and arms, held my breath and tried to float. When I couldn't hold it, I accidentally drank a mouthful of water. We practiced many times. Like me, we drank a lot of water, but we didn't give up. We kept on doing it until class was over.

At the end of the course, I have forgotten my original fear, and I also understand that we should work hard to do something, and perseverance can overcome difficulties.

Composition of the first time to learn swimming (10)

I took a small bag and sat on the motorcycle, feeling very excited. Because I'm going to learn swimming today.

When I got to the swimming place, a swimming pool larger than the basketball court was displayed in front of me, and people in colorful clothes were playing in it.

I began to learn. The coach asked us to practice holding our breath first. I put my head into the water regardless of the situation. As a result, I could not continue in less than three seconds. The coach said that we should take a deep breath before diving. As a result, I held my breath under the guidance of the coach, and the effect was much better. The coach also said that I practiced very well and must learn very quickly. After listening to this, I can't help being a little proud.

The second step, the coach let us practice floating. At the beginning, the coach asked us to practice on the edge of the pool, and I thought, "What's rare about this?" Soon, I would. However, the coach wanted to grab our hands and move in the pool! How dare you hold your breath! It was my turn. The coach took my hand and asked me to dive down. I took a deep breath and immediately dived down. I held on for a long time, drank some water, walked back and forth, and barely passed.

Later, it was even more hanging, and we were asked to float on the water. I just tried to float, but I almost sank into the water. Fortunately, the coach held me. The coach said, "Keep your body flat." I learned another move.

After class, thinking about the swimming skills just now, I once again understood that we should be persistent in everything we do, and we should not hold back because of a little difficulty.

Composition of the first time to learn swimming (11)

We can't wait to get to the swimming pool. Seeing that everyone else can swim, we decided that you must learn to swim.

I'll let my sister watch. I'll try first. My legs and feet swung up and down with force, and my arms circled in front of me. After a while, I stood up proudly. "Ha ha ha..." My sister laughed forward and backward. I asked my sister with doubts: "Why are you laughing? When did you come here?" My sister said: "You idiot, you have been swimming in situ. Let's race to see who can learn quickly." My sister also swam like me. She stepped back a lot, which made me laugh wildly. It seems that she can't swim.

No, I have to learn from others. I found that others' legs and feet were swinging up and down, arms were wreathed on both sides, arms were straight, and slowly swam forward. I looked at people who can swim like that. I learned their way and practiced slowly for a while. I can swim, too. When my sister saw me like that, she was unwilling to lag behind. After her unremitting practice for a while, she also learned how to swim in a race. Unexpectedly, our swimming scores were the same. Wow! It was a draw. My sister and I were both happy.

Composition of the First Time to Learn Swimming (12)

One day in summer vacation, the sky was clear and the weather was very clear. In the afternoon, Dad. My mother took me and my 3-year-old cousin Doudou to swim, and I jumped up happily. After changing our swimsuits, we can't wait to start. We talked and laughed in the car and forgot the heat brought by the sun.

When I arrived at the swimming pool, I saw that there were not many people in the pool. There were two swimming pools, one was a water park, which was specially designed for children; The other is a swimming pool accessible to both adults and children. It is divided into two floors. The first floor is a 1.4m shallow water area; The other layer is 1.9m deep water area. We put my brother in the water park and let my mother take care of him. My father and I went to another swimming pool to swim.

Once in the water, my father taught me to swim. He first taught me how to breathe, which is to breathe freely in the water; Then teach me how to swim. Dad told me: first, keep your feet balanced, and put the back half slightly downward. You can't row your hands and feet at the same time. You should row your feet first, so that you can move. You also need to know the skills. Don't try hard, or your strength will be useless. I tried several times, and finally I can swim 4 meters far!

I must make persistent efforts to practice until I can swim continuously!

Composition of the first time to learn swimming (13)

Today, I will welcome my first swimming. With great excitement, I rode my father's motorcycle to the swimming pool of No. 1 Middle School.

When I get to the swimming pool, I always worry about not swimming well. I followed my father into the locker room, changed my swimming trunks, and immediately came to the swimming pool. Wow, there are so many people in the swimming pool. Some are warming up on the shore, some are swimming in the pool, and some are tired of swimming, so they come ashore to drink water. I moved to the side of the pool step by step, and carefully tapped the water with my feet. Ah, it was so icy, and there were a circle of water lines in the pool. I was full of fear for this pool, and I didn't dare to enter it. Watching my father jumping in the water like a lively fish, I was brave. "It's swimming, who's afraid of who!" I said to myself. I plucked up my courage and jumped down in the blink of an eye. "; I fell into the water. Ah, I shouted for help, grabbed my father, and didn't let go. I slowly let go of my hand. My foot hit the bottom. I used to hold my breath, and my father said that people could float as long as they slept. I made a bold attempt. If it was true, it was like a swallow, but it was light. I thought that since I could float, I would swim. I put my hands and feet disorderly, and people really 'moved forward. My father also taught me to swim from Youyou. First of all, my hands should swing back and forth, and my feet should swing up and down. I tried again, and I really swam fast.

I'm so happy. Today I learned to float in the water and swim freestyle (although not standard), but it's good to learn this today. It will be better in the future!

Composition of the first time to learn swimming (14)

I was very afraid of water. In order to make me brave, my mother enrolled me in a swimming class.

The first day, I came to the swimming pool. Ah! The water is so deep, I'm afraid! The heart could not help but "thump". After a while, my swimming coach came. My mother smiled and said to me, "This is your coach." I whispered hello to the coach.

The coach then said to me, "Are you sure you want to learn swimming?" My mother replied, "Yes, he is afraid of water, so I signed up for this swimming training class for him, hoping that he can become bold and learn more skills." I also nodded.

I need to learn how to swim first. Step 1: learn to lift your hands upward first; Step 2: Keep your feet together and get ready; Step 3: Relax. In my opinion, the simplest step is the third step.

The first time I went into the water, I had a lot of swimming circles on my body. Therefore, I am basically floating on the water. I can swim around easily, like a happy little fish. I am not afraid at all.

But at the second training, I didn't have anything on my body. My heart was so nervous! My legs were shaking all the time. The coach kicked me like a ball. I accidentally drank some water. At that moment, I kicked my feet, opened my hands, and swam hard... I was surprised by my performance.

After a few weeks, my mother found that my swimming skills had improved much more than before. My mother was surprised and happy. A few days later, I even won a game! In this month, I learned many skills. I'm so happy!

Composition of the first time to learn swimming (15)

My mother enrolled me in a swimming class this summer vacation. Remember the first day of class, don't mention how nervous I was.

Before swimming, the teacher asked us to do swimming exercises on the square. Under the rhythmic whistle, I waved my head, hands and buttocks. After only doing it for a while, my limbs felt very sore. It seemed that I did too little exercise.

Before I went into the water, I was very excited and rushed to the front of the team. Unexpectedly, the hot sun burned the concrete floor on the edge of the swimming pool, so I had to point my toes and walk on it. Fortunately, the cement road is not too long. Finally, in front of the swimming pool, the teacher taught us how to float on the water. The teacher said, "Just straighten your legs, hands and body." I followed the teacher's instructions carefully. At this moment, the teacher suddenly shouted to me, "Come here." I hurried to the teacher's place, and the teacher said, "Keep your hands, body and legs straight and try diving." As soon as the voice fell, the teacher pressed my head into the water. I couldn't breathe in the water at all. When I really couldn't stand it, the teacher's hand loosened and I quickly stood up, Take a big breath of fresh air. The teacher said, "You have to practice hard to hold your breath." I nodded. After several students tried like me, the teacher let us practice by ourselves. I felt a little helpless in the water, not that I stretched out my arms and forgot to kick. Just kick your legs, forget to stretch your arms, don't mention whether you can float on the water, swim down the whole field, and feel like a dog paddle.

Although I didn't swim well for the first time, I believe that as long as I worked hard, I would definitely learn to swim.

Composition of the first time to learn swimming (16)

On a quiet Saturday, I got up early and heard my parents talking about something. I put on my clothes and rushed to ask them what they were saying. I asked my father if he could teach me how to swim today. When I saw that others could swim, I wanted to learn how to swim. Dad said, "Well, it's good to want to learn." We started after lunch. On the road, I was wondering if I would choke or drown when I swam. My mother said to me, "How can your father swim? He will help you." I didn't think so much. When we came to the swimming pool, we rushed in because I was looking forward to learning how to swim. After we went in and changed our clothes, my father rushed out and jumped, splashing a lot of water. My father asked me to jump. I saw that the water in the swimming pool was very deep and could barely drown my father, so I didn't dare to jump. Dad said some words to encourage me, and I thought for a while again. If I want to learn swimming, I must go through this step. I jumped down too. I choked in the water. It was an indescribable pain. Dad pulled me up when he saw me choking. I almost cried. I held back. My father said, "Everyone chokes when they learn to swim." After a break, I continued to practice. My father asked me to practice diving until I stopped choking. I practiced and practiced by myself. After one hour of practice, I didn't choke any water. I went to find my father, who asked me to learn from my brothers and sisters who can swim. I couldn't find a beautiful sister. I went to the sister and said, "Sister, can you teach me how to swim?" The sister said, "Yes, little brother." So I learned swimming with the sister. After a while, I seem to have a little meeting. I went to my father again and told him, "Dad, I can swim a little." Dad taught me some swimming skills, and I practiced myself for a long time, and finally learned to swim. I felt happy. I swam a few times by myself, and my father told us to go. I'm not willing to leave. But I still have to go. On the way home, I concluded that there is nothing in the world that can not be obtained, just as everyone said that nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it. This time, I learned not only how to swim but also such a truth.

Composition of the first time to learn swimming (17)

I'm ashamed that I can't swim even though I'm so big. I don't know why. I have never been interested in swimming. So I never swam.

On Sunday, what a hot day. I couldn't stand the sun. With the encouragement of my friends, I followed them to the swimming pool. After changing clothes, everyone eagerly jumped into the swimming pool to show their swam, but I didn't get into the water. Because they did not know that I could not swim, I was tortured in the ideological struggle between fear and shyness. While the struggle was not over, my foot was pulled by a hand that came out of nowhere, and I finally fell into the water! help. I shouted before I fell into the water.

ha-ha! It's funny. You can't swim at such a big age? In the ridicule of my partners, I was ashamed. I believe that my face is even redder than Guan Ergong's face after doing handstands for a whole day. I really want to dig a hole to hide myself. After a round of ridicule, as my good friends, how can they ignore my inability to swim? They carefully taught me how to breathe and other skills, and I also put what they said and did into my little head, but I still know everything - nothing. My friends are bored to death. They are all complaining about my talent. I can't help it. The talent is not my decision. It can only be blamed on God's injustice to me. Finally, one of the partners was on fire and threw me into the water. Out of a conditioned reflex, I called for help again.

In the water, I kept struggling, but it was useless, and the more I struggled, the more my body would sink. As I was dying, my partners reminded me to make good use of the knowledge I had just taught. When I remembered what they had just taught, I used it unconsciously, and it was very handy! Finally, I got through the last trick. It's so pleasant that I can't stop swimming.

Originally, I am not stupid! The first time I swam, I got such a good result, which made me understand that only by practice can I succeed. Oh! I really benefited a lot today!