Composition of Big Trees and Small Grass (20 in general)
A game, a dream
2024-06-10 02:15:58
Senior One

Composition of Trees and Grasses (1)

At the side of a stream, there is a big tree and some grass. Dashu is very lonely and wants to find someone to talk to. He looked around and found that

A few short grass casually asked, "Hey, little guy, what's your name?" "Brother Dashu, my name is Xiaocao." Xiaocao didn't expect Dashu to talk to him.

The tree looked at the grass and said sarcastically, "Grass? You are really too small. How did you grow up like this?" The grass replied, "Big tree

Brother, you are tall and healthy, and I am proud to be your friend. " Dashu said angrily, "What friend? Don't forget, you are

Xiaocao, my identity is much higher than yours! " Xiaocao calmly said, "We are on the same land, and we also absorb the nutrition of Mother Earth

What can't you call a friend? " When the big tree was on fire, it shouted: "Shut up and be reckless! I have made great contributions to mankind, ranging from tables and chairs to mines and railways

Okay, less me? You will only compete with me for nutrition, which is outrageous! " Xiaocao explained: "I also have a role, such as protecting the soil, greening the environment, and making livestock feed..." Dashu impatiently interrupted Xiaocao, saying, "Come on! Just brag, poor little one!" Xiaocao could not help but say, "Don't bully people too much, wait and see!" Dashu said contemptuously, "Joke, am I afraid you won't succeed?"

Just as it happened, a storm came. A gust of wind blew, and then lightning cut through the sky. The rainstorm poured down, and the tree body was askew.

Another gust of wind hit the tree, "click", the tree fell heavily on the ground, and could not get up again. And the grass is close to the earth, safe and sound.

The next day, the wind stopped and the rain stopped. After the baptism of this storm, the grass is more lush and straight. And the big tree lies across the stream

Edge, like a dead body, withered. Watching all this, Xiao Xi said with deep emotion: "This is called 'full loss, modest benefit'!"

Composition of Trees and Grasses (2)

Look! Why did a big tree fall on the roadside? It turned out that this was how it happened... As the strong typhoon approached the sea step by step, Dashu decided to seize this rare opportunity to show his strength and compete with Xiaocao. They both agree that whoever falls first will lose! Strong trees against strong grass, who will win the game? This seemingly huge competition started at the moment when the typhoon landed.

As the wind and rain gradually intensified, Xiao Cao looked at the confident expression on the tree's face, and he dared not take it lightly for a moment. He knew that Dashu's strength should not be underestimated, but he also believed that as long as he had confidence and the spirit of never giving up, he had a chance to win the final victory. So he decided to go all out and fight hard!

The wind roared in their ears. Facing the same difficult challenge, grass and trees took different ways to face it. When the wind blows, the grass will lie down with the wind; As soon as the wind passed, he quickly stood up again. The proud, savage and arrogant tree, in order to show his strength and courage, grasped the soil under his feet, held his head high and did not want to bow to anyone.

In this test of time and endurance, the performance of both sides was equal at the beginning, and the strength seemed to keep pace; But after all, the huge tree could not compete with the crazy nature monster. With a roar, the tree broke, and officially announced that the champion of this competition was grass!

In fact, Xiao Cao's strength is inferior to that of Big Tree, but he knows how to think from another angle and face challenges in a different way. As long as he can work harder and stronger than others, no matter how dangerous and harsh the environment, he will have a chance to succeed! I want to thank Xiao Cao for having taught me this valuable lesson!

Composition of Trees and Grasses (3)

Every time I go home, I always want to count whether there is another strand of white hair between your temples; Every time I go home, I always want to see if the wrinkles between your eyebrows are deeper; Every time I go home, I always want to see if your back is bent again... People always do this. The lost time is always worth cherishing. In the end, it is a waste of life and time. The same is true for you and me. We seek and often recover. Finally, you take root in the earth and I fly in your heart

This is the big tree. It selflessly gives its food to the grass, which makes it suffer. The grass will repay the trees with a touch of green.

Suddenly, I remember those childhood days: I, a young and innocent child, always like to snuggle up beside you and sit on a small bench in winter. At this time, you often take out the baked sweet potatoes for me, shake off the soot on the potato skin with one hand, peel off the potato skin with the other hand, and say, "Be careful, don't burn it." But I seem to be impatient every time, when I see the sweet potato meat, You will bite it, and then burn your mouth to make big bubbles.

Slowly, the child became a girl. She was thoughtful and powerful, and she would also rebel against your tent to block the sun. But one day, the girl's mother came back, and she wanted to take the girl to a larger place - a place where there was no you. In those late nights, the girl would often lie in your arms, crying and saying, "I don't want to go to that place, I don't want to leave you." Although you also shed tears, you waved goodbye to the girl in that cold morning and said, "Remember, my child, as long as I am not old, your roots will still be here." The girl burst into tears.

Now, the girl grows up again, this is me. After leaving you for so many years, I returned to your side again, just like the wandering grass, I found the direction of home again. But you don't have the time and energy to sit on the bench with me, eat baked sweet potatoes, and listen to me cry. But my heart, I think, is still the direction of yearning for you! You are a tree, I am a grass. Although grass can "grow again", it still needs to be fed by big trees. Can you still feel it?

In autumn, the apricot leaves turn yellow again, and all the vitality has disappeared. Only grass, still nestling beside the trees, can understand the big trees' "plopping" heartbeat. How I wish I could hold your hand, the hand that once held me and fed me, walk along the footpath, step over the fallen leaves, and walk forward together

I don't want to attach high praise to you any more, because I know that you are simple, you are plain, although you don't know a word, I understand, you will like this article I wrote for you, these simple words, these words I always want to say to you - trees and grass, I and you, grandma and granddaughter, will always be together

Composition of Trees and Grasses (4)

At night, the moon shines by the sun; During the day, plants grow by sunshine; In the hot sun, I enjoy the cool by the shade of the tree; In the drizzle, I leaned against the tree to shelter from the rain

On the holiday that day, I was walking on the street with my classmates. Suddenly, I saw a familiar figure, looking forward with joy and expectation, and casually called out, "Grandpa. After running for a while, my classmate teased me: "This is just the beginning of school, and I miss grandpa?" I said "Yes", and my mind could not help drifting away

When I was young, my grandfather always kept the image of my father in my mind. At that time, I only thought Grandpa was so tall. Grandpa likes to carry me on his back to visit the mountains and rivers. Of course, he climbed the slope behind our house to see the food. I remember that time, we found a yellow orchid sapling on the way of "touring the mountains and waters". It was not too big at that time, so I told my grandfather to transplant it in front of my house, and my grandfather started work immediately.

Later, the young tree settled in my house. Because my grandfather took good care of it, it grew up slowly, accompanied by a small herb. When I asked my grandfather why he planted the grass, he just smiled and said, "If we don't plant some flowers and grass, how lonely our tree will be. The wind blows and the rain falls, and the trees only shelter the grass

Gradually, the big tree and the grass became Grandpa and me.

I am a day student, and my home is far away from the school. My grandfather took the responsibility of sending me to school.

Whether it's windy or rainy, the sun is high, or the sky is full of thunder, Grandpa always protects me with part of his body like a tree. On rainy days, he picked me up from school with my "biggest" umbrella - just an ordinary umbrella. In order to ensure that I would not get wet, he wetted half of his arms. On windy days, he always carried me away and let me bury my head in his arms. When the sun was burning, he always asked me to walk under his shadow, but he was soaked with sweat. But when it thundered, Grandpa only used his rough hands to clumsily cover my ears

When I grew up and stepped into the hall of youth, I became a girl and had less contact with my grandfather. After high school, I met almost once a month. It was always dark when I returned to the town by long-distance bus during my summer vacation. Through the dim street lamp, I could always see the shadow like a tree looking forward under the street lamp. At this time, I could always find the tree I was looking forward to like a small grass.

Grandpa, you appear in my memory like a big tree, and you protect me like a big tree. But I, the grass, take your nutrients honestly at your side, but you are very happy and willing. You can rest assured that the grass will eventually grow into a shrub, and you will not be lonely as a tree.

Composition of Trees and Grasses (5)

You are a ray of sunshine in winter, happy and warm; You are a wisp of spring in the dry field, refreshing people's hearts. Because of you, I have never felt the thunder and lightning in the storm; Because of you, I have never felt the wind blowing in the sea. You are a tree, and I am a grass. I am your world, and you are my patron saint.

You have given me the best since childhood. Although I am a left behind child, I have received no less love than others. People often envy me and say, "Your grandparents treat you well. But these are seen by others. Who knows the bitterness?

Time has left deeper and deeper marks on my grandparents' faces, but the love of the two old people for me has not changed with my age. Every time I came home from school, my grandmother would cook a large table of dishes for me, which I liked to eat. Grandma would keep asking me how my school life was going, and my grandfather would also say in a very loving tone: "At school, it's hard for my lovely granddaughter. Eat more quickly." Then he turned to his grandmother and said: "Grandma, tomorrow we will cook more food and ask our granddaughter to take it to school to eat. ”So we ended our dinner with laughter. But I know in my heart that my grandparents must have been frugal when I didn't go home. I always ask my grandparents if you ate as well as I did when I returned home. Every time, my grandparents smiled and answered me, "Of course." They held out their fingers to count what they had eaten, and my mouth watered.

But I didn't tell them when I was sick and went home. It was lunchtime that day. When I got home, my grandparents were having dinner. There were no other people at home, only two dogs to accompany them. There was no bustle on the table, only silence. I saw that there was no meat on the table, only a plate of cabbage. It looks like it was left over from the last meal. I cried. My grandparents asked me what was wrong, and I said I was uncomfortable. But what I cry 'is actually not this, what I cry is the thrift of my grandparents; What I cried was a white lie told to me by my grandparents; What I cry is that every time I go home, my grandma makes a big table for me. At the moment, it seems that my mind is full of the scene of my grandparents eating at home and eating sauerkraut every meal. I know my grandparents are thrifty people. But I never thought they were so thrifty.

This reminds me that every time I go home, my grandma has washed the clothes and hung them up before I got up. The water was bitterly cold in winter. Grandma was unwilling to use the washing machine to save electricity, and her hands were red with cold. Grandpa was busy from morning to night, carrying two buckets on his shoulder to water the vegetables. The carrying pole was bent under the weight of two barrels. The bamboo pieces on the bucket are pressed to make a squeaking sound, and the water in the bucket seems to be a naughty child who feels like jumping out of the bucket at any time. Every time I think of this, my heart is sour.

Grandparents are like big trees, sheltering me from the wind and rain, and growing up with grass. I don't want grass to suffer a little hardship and be a little tired. Everything has its own shoulder. But now the big trees are getting older, so the small trees want to grow up quickly and become towering trees, so that they can enjoy the shade. To support a blue sky for them, so that they can not help but sigh: "Wow! It's beautiful."

Composition of Trees and Grasses (6)

The autumn leaves have already fallen, and the originally cool wind is now slightly cold. The autumn wind went through the branches and made my face red. I saw the withered black trees still supporting their arms to protect the last dying grass

"Whose child dares to steal my fish!" The owner of the fish pond shouted and ran toward here. Fortunately, I was so quick - sighted that I ran home with a plastic bag filled with goldfish. It was a relief to close the door hurriedly and stick it to the crack of the door like a thief and listen to the silence outside. Shuer, the heart mentioned the throat again, and looked around hurriedly. Grandpa was still doing farm work in the field and did not come back. I sat on the ground with a long sigh of relief.

Grandfather never allows me to do such things. What can I do if he finds out? When I was racking my brains, I thought about it and looked at the big vat of rainwater in the yard and smiled with understanding... Grandpa came home in the evening to see me playing with cats in the yard and went into the inner room to smoke cigarettes. Everything was as usual. I think as long as the little goldfish is safe after today, I will be safe.

However, all this was broken by a sharp knock on the door. Grandpa put down his cigarette and walked towards the door. I followed him timidly and shivered. Originally, the distance from the inner room to the front yard was only six or seven meters, but it made me experience all the flavors of life for a while. I was lucky, but I couldn't help being afraid.

The door slowly opened under Grandpa's rough big hand, and the owner of the fish pond finally came to the door and scolded: "How do you take care of your children? You want to run away after stealing my fish?" The sweat on your forehead ran red at some time, and suddenly Grandpa held my hand firmly with his big hand to protect me behind. The mist in my eyes made me unable to see Grandpa's firm and serious expression. Only those big hands gave me some consolation. My grandfather's voice was sonorous and slightly humble: "I'm sorry for my poor discipline. I'll pay you for what you said. After all, she is still a child of several years old, so don't be angry with the child. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The owner of the fish pond was embarrassed to say more when he saw that he was a sincere person. He took the money and left. My grandpa held my hand and never let it go.

When the storm ended, Grandpa squatted down and said kindly, "My dear granddaughter, let grandpa see what kind of 'fairy fish' you can love so much." I dared not look up or speak. I pointed to the big vat, and grandpa walked along the direction of his fingers. Looking at the fish in the water, it was not beautiful but a bit smart. My grandpa laughed loudly, hugged me, rubbed my face with meat bound beard dregs and said, "If it's really a good fish, let's keep it in this water tank. Who will let my granddaughter like it?" I finally couldn't hold my breath and cried loudly, because my naughty grandpa was so cold, and those "sorry" sounds made my heart ache. But grandpa still smiled and said, "grandpa knows that you love grandpa, but don't be so headstrong next time. If you want something, tell grandpa, even the star in the sky grandpa also killed his life to pick one for you. You should remember that grandpa is the tree behind you, always sheltering you from the wind and rain." grandpa wiped my tears, and I looked at the unfathomable 'star sky, I think that I am the grass under the big tree that will never be beaten by the wind, and I feel extremely relieved

I thought everything would be so beautiful all the time, but in that cold winter came the bad news that Grandpa had left. I only remember that it was very cold that day, and the sky above my head seemed to collapse a corner. I cried and said that grandpa would protect me all my life and would not leave

Everything seems like yesterday, but it really passed a year. I gazed at the bleak branches, just a gaze, and held the years of dawn and dusk

The big tree is gone, but the grass is still growing strong. He became self reliant, learned to face everything alone, no longer needed anyone's protection, but still missed his big tree. He wants Dashu to see his growth so that he can tell everything to Dashu in his dream

Composition of Trees and Grasses (7)

In the forest, the grass dances with the wind. Whether it's rainy or hot, summer or winter, they are still the same. Looking up at the sky, the sun shines through the forest. It is they who protect the grass. Trees shelter the grass, and the grass grows gradually.

The rain pattered on the leaves, and the ground was washed muddy by the rain. A string of small footsteps came from a distance. His hair was wet, he ran barefoot in the rain with a toy car, and giggled. He followed a person closely behind him - shouting: "Slow down, child. Mom can't catch up with you. Don't get wet." The little boy heard some anxious voices behind him, turned his head to look at the woman, stopped and waved her small hand to the people in the distance. The woman came to him, took an umbrella in one hand and dried his wet hair in the other, worried and complained: "Look, we are wet, let's go home." She took his hand, leaned the umbrella towards the boy, and covered the falling raindrops with her body and walked home. The child is still young and does not understand his mother's love. He only knows that as long as his mother is there, he will not be wet by the rain.

Under the protection of his mother, he gradually grew up, but his mother gradually grew old. He was taller than his mother. At night, he was alone at home, and his mother was still working. The big tree sways with the wind, and the strong wind blows up the fallen leaves on the ground and scatters them in the air. He stared out of the window. Suddenly, lightning broke through the sky, making the originally dark road bright. Raindrops fell from the sky, and the ground gradually became wet. It was also a strong light. With a loud sound, the rain poured down, and the big raindrops poured down the window. Looking out of the window, his mind flashed his mother's gentle face. He seemed to think of something, Then he took the umbrella and ran out of the house quickly. He walked quickly in the familiar street against the wind and rain. He stopped in front of the building where his mother worked and waited for her arrival.

As time went by, familiar figures appeared. Smiling, he took his mother's arm and opened his umbrella. They enjoyed the happy time together and walked slowly in the deserted street. When the mother did not see her son holding an umbrella for her, she intentionally or unintentionally tilted the umbrella to her side, just like when she was a child holding an umbrella for him. When he returned home, he went straight to the room and wiped his wet shoulder with a cloth. Even though the weather was cold and the cold rain soaked his clothes, his heart was particularly warm. Mother pushed the door open and said softly, "I'll help you." Mother took the cloth and sat beside him, carefully wiping it for him. He turned his head and smiled at his mother

Big trees take care of grass, just like mothers take care of children. Grass can grow better because of the protection of big trees. Grass will never leave big trees. They depend on each other. Love always nourishes our hearts unconsciously, so that we will not be lonely.

Composition of Trees and Grasses (8)

The tree looked at everything under its feet and was very arrogant, because who called it the tallest on the grass?

It's raining, and the rain is so heavy that the raindrops flow into streams in the cracks of the flagstones. People are sheltering from the rain under big trees. The tree laughed at a grass: "Can you let people hide under you? Can't you? Ha ha!"

The grass is silent.

When the Arbor Day came, people planted some young trees on the grass. Of course, people also water big trees. Dashu thought it was his respect and love. Then it laughed at the grass again: "Hum! You can only drink a little water, but I can drink the water that is specially sprinkled for me, hahaha......"

The grass shook its head gently.

Big tree thinks that it has made the greatest contribution in the rain, so it expands the upper area and reduces the underground area. So people boast: "What a sturdy tree!" The tree is even more arrogant after hearing this. It laughed at the grass again: "Hey! Do you hear me? This is a compliment to me, and you? Surely not? Is it?"

The grass doesn't listen and grows hard.

One day, there was a storm, and people ran around, just not standing under the tree. Lightning, thunder and strong wind. The tree was afraid, but it still held its back and thought: "Nothing to be afraid of, nothing..." With a "rush", one of the tree's roots was pulled up by the wind, and the tree cried: "Help! Help!" The grass shouted: "Don't be afraid, I'll help you!" The grass tried to seize the root with its leaves and pull it up.

But how can a small grass pull a big tree? Soon, a thick root of grass was pulled out. Just when the tree was about to despair, a small pill flew over. It was green and beautiful. It flew into the body of the grass. She changed into a grass fairy. She waved a small magic wand, and the tree grew back again.

After the storm, the tree asked the grass fairy, "Who are you?" The grass fairy replied, "I am the daughter of spring." Then she disappeared.

Ashamed, Dashu thought, "Ah? It's the daughter of Spring! She is so kind. I laughed at her so many times, and she sincerely helped me."

From then on, Dashu dared not laugh at others. He waited hopefully for the lovely grass fairy.

Composition of Trees and Grasses (9)

Big trees are always tall and straight, helping the earth grasp the soil and reduce disasters; The grass is always so small and humble, and is trampled by everyone. Compared with grass, big trees are a world of difference.

The grass asked the tree every day, "When will I grow as tall as you?" The tree ignored the grass because it was so small. He thought that the grass's question was a fantasy. Big trees enjoy bright sunshine every day, and small grass strives to grow high every day.

Once, a little boy climbed up a big tree, but accidentally fell down. Fortunately, the grass under the tree was used as a cushion, so that the little boy was not seriously injured, but slightly bruised. At this time, Dashu suddenly felt that grass also has an extraordinary value, and everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Although the grass is short, it can protect those children who fall down. It is really a small soldier who makes great contributions!

One night when the storm came, the big tree could not withstand the destruction of the storm. The tall and straight tree was blown off, and he wailed bitterly; The grass just bent down and swayed its body against the wind, surviving with its softness and toughness. Because of his insignificance, the grass suddenly felt that he was happy. We can't discriminate against a thing because of its size, just like the appearance of big trees and grass. Big trees that originally looked down on grass also suddenly feel that their previous behavior is really wrong.

In fact, life is the same, we should have a heart of contentment. If you want to compare everything with others, in terms of height, grass can't compare with trees, but a tree on the flat ground can't compare with a grass on the Himalayas. If Big Tree hates being in the sun all the time, being tortured and teased by the wind, and Little Grass always complains that he is trampled and urinated by dogs... If they exchange, they may envy others if they feel the situation of others.

Are you a tree or a grass? Big trees and grass have their own advantages and disadvantages. What we must learn is that big trees are strong and strong; We must learn from the perseverance and tenacity of grass. So no matter how big or small you are, you have strong willpower and perseverance when encountering setbacks. This is a truly indomitable giant!

Composition of Trees and Grasses (10)

Spring is colorful, which is the gratitude of flowers to the world; In summer, trees are in shade, which is the gratitude of big trees to the world; In autumn, the golden waves are surging, which is wheat's gratitude to the world; In winter, the snow is covered with snow. This is snow's gratitude to the world. Thanksgiving brings happiness, warmth, and love to the world!

Nietzsche said: "Thanksgiving is the health of the soul". Unhealthy souls don't know what gratitude is. Whenever you leave behind the word "gratitude", think about how people around you helped you in your most difficult times. Parents' comfort, teachers' encouragement, friends' help... It is they who help you tide over difficulties. Without their help, would you be out of trouble now? Have you ever been hurt? Gratitude is not asking you to give them much in return, but a heartfelt word of thanks and help when they are in trouble. Only when you know how to be grateful can you reap the true feelings of the world and love.

The sailboat "Mayflower", loaded with poor people from Britain, sailed to the American continent. Along the way, disease and hunger took most people's lives. After landing, they began to sow seeds. Whether they can survive depends on this harvest. They can only pray constantly and pray for God's blessing. In autumn, the long-awaited harvest finally arrived. They prayed before dinner that day to thank God for blessing them. This is now Thanksgiving Day. This custom has lasted for hundreds of years. Thanksgiving has enabled the American people to harvest happiness, happiness and good memories, and more importantly, a kind heart.

A couple who drove a bus, with the help of the People's Liberation Army, never charged for their car for more than ten years. A student from a poor family, supported by kind-hearted people, started his own charity when he grew up. A successful entrepreneur, because a passer-by gave him a steamed bun when he was wandering in the past, and he took his benefactor as his father to support him after his successful career... These heartwarming stories are created by gratitude? Thanksgiving is a fire in winter, warming people's frozen hearts; Gratitude is a spring in the desert, nourishing people's dry soul; Thanksgiving is a spring breeze in winter, which wakes up people's kindness.

A drop of grace is rewarded by a spring. Learn to be grateful, so that you can benefit a lot in life; Know how to be grateful and make your world full of love!

The big trees shelter the grass from the wind and rain, and the grass also makes the big trees live!

Composition of Trees and Grasses (11)

Han Feizi once said that small faithfulness leads to great faithfulness. However, my dearest parents occasionally "lie". When I was young, I was always the best eater at home. At that time, my parents often said that we didn't like to eat these things. It would be a pity to throw them away. At that time, I didn't understand, but now I do. There is nothing I don't like to eat. I just want to leave the best thing for me and lie that I don't like it. Just like the lyrics in Father, "always try your best to give me the best". Parents entrust their children with "the best thing in the world".

I heard my brother, who just entered the university, said that home is the warmest haven. Yes, no matter how difficult you are, you are still the treasure in your parents' hands after you return home. When I was in high school, I could only go home once a week, so I began to study at home specially. In high school, I always met some unhappiness, such as grades, friends and so on. But I only need to see my parents when I get home at the weekend. The whole person will be completely relaxed, just like unloading the golden burden on his back. For me, parents are like trees to grass, and they place the most impeccable protection on grass.

Why should we work hard? One answer I once saw on the Internet was that no one would dare to turn the table when you are serving food at the table in the future. This sentence seems unorthodox, but it is very realistic. I work hard for my parents, so that they can stop nodding and bowing for me, so that the cocoon on their hands will not thicken, and so that their hair will not be white so fast. Now that the grass has grown up, it should be the grass to protect the big tree, not the big tree to protect the grass forever.

When I was young, I was making trouble and they were laughing; Now, I am growing up and they are aging. As time flies, my parents seem to grow old by accident. This process is too fast for me to catch. The sun, please tan your parents' white hair, so that the grass can protect the trees for a longer time.

Composition of Trees and Grasses (12)

I don't know when a touch of life came out of the monotonous soil. The thin buds trembled in the wind, like a beam of strong light. A few drops of rain could destroy this little life. "I have an obligation to protect it", the big tree thought, and he stretched out a piece of leaves to block the sharp wind and dazzling light for the grass. As if to thank, the grass swayed happily in the shade of the tree, and at the same time, a sense of responsibility came into being in the heart of the tree.

A cry of life came from the delivery room. The husband could no longer bear it. His hands were trembling, and he took over the new family member from the nurse. How fragile and childish he was, but how real he was. A magical force hit the softest part of the husband's heart in an instant, and from then on, he had another sacred identity: father. He felt heavy on his shoulders, but could not stop being proud.

Dashu always remembers that night, when the wind was like a hungry ghost devouring everything, and Dashu also felt trembling in the face of disaster, but a stronger belief overcame fear. It was responsibility, it was love, and perhaps he did not know what it was. After the disaster, the big tree was almost broken at the waist, but no one would find that under the broken branches and leaves on the ground, there was a lively but fragile grass.

Father will never forget that night. On that day, he lost his beloved partner and the child lost his mother. With trembling lips, he signed on the notice and froze there. He thought a lot, even died, until a weak voice woke him up. "Dad... Dad", the young child did not know what was happening, and his worried face pulled his coat. This determined man could not restrain his tears at this time. Under the street lamp at home, there were only two shadows, one big and one small, but they walked so firmly.

Since then, the big tree is no longer tall and straight, and the father is gradually aging, while the grass and children are strong day and night under meticulous care. They begin to be unaware of the love of the elders, but are tired of the confinement on their bodies. The grass feels that the big tree competes for his sunshine and rain, making him so thin and weak; The child thinks that his father is too rigid, which restricts him to go to a larger world. He often quarrels with his father, and even fights with him. Finally, the big tree was transplanted to a far place, and the children got the admission notice from another place. They were free and escaped from the place where they loved them deeply.

In the days to come, the grass must face the wind and rain alone. He understands the hardships of the tree. Even if he got more nourishment, he did not feel happier. For some reason, he often thought of the days with the big tree and the memories that could not be returned.

The busy study often makes the child forget his homesickness, but late at night, he will still remember his hometown community, the amiable aunt in the community, the uncle exercising in the park, and his father. The hardships of life gradually made him understand his father's difficulties, and various warm memories of the past came to his mind like slides. It was chaotic but clear. He felt guilty about his childishness in the past, but more importantly, he missed

One late night, he could no longer control himself, turned on his mobile phone and clicked the long lost name. There was no talk on the other side of the phone, but the child and father could feel each other's restless heartbeat. Finally, the tears could no longer hold back, "Dad... Dad...".

The wind blows the leaves from afar, and water drops tremble on the grass tip. I don't know whether it is rain or tears.

Composition of Trees and Grasses (13)

There is a thin grass in that piece of wild grass. Its thought is different from that of any other grass. It cherishes its own life and thanks it for bringing it to life. But it has an unrealistic dream in which it fantasizes that it is for a big tree or a small grass that everyone likes. It told its companion and the tree about its dream, but they all laughed, laughing at its extravagance, even though it still smiled.

Because it grows a little different from other grass, she always lowers her head when they talk about their bodies.

It was a sunny day, and it was a good time for animals to come out to hunt. A group of wild goats came here. They stepped on this piece of young grass, and the grass all gave out painful screams. After a while, they could not hear their cries. The grass escaped because it was too thin to attract sheep's attention. It gave a long sigh of relief.

Before long, two giraffes came together. They stretched their necks. The height of the tree was just right for them. They ate a leaf in a very comfortable position, then continued to eat in another direction. When they were full, the lush leaves of the tree were gone, leaving only bare branches. The tree shook its body, The sound of pain haunted the tree's ears and could not leave for a long time.

Now grass is asking himself, is his dream really right? But this thought only stayed in the mind of Xiaocao for a short time. After that, he was still thinking about how he could become more beautiful and stronger.

Now the forest is becoming smaller and smaller, until one day a group of people dressed in uniform and acting stealthily came up with large and small boxes. They walked under the tree and touched the trunk of the tree with their hands. Their faces were full of smiles. They stood together as if they were whispering something. Then they snuffed out the smoke in their hands. Open the box, take out the saw and start working.

It didn't take long for the big tree to fall to the ground. The grass was afraid and sad for the big tree. Although the big tree didn't treat it well at ordinary times, it was accompanied by the big tree from its birth. It is still in a bad mood.

But now Xiao Cao also understands that he is always himself, and don't think about something impossible. We just need to be good at ourselves.

Composition of Trees and Grasses (14)

This small yard is located in the back of the country. It is the owner's hometown. He will only come back to see it when he is on vacation. The owner just picked the tree and left here. Now, the withered trees are becoming more and more exhausted without human care. Only because his roots were buried under the earth, he was strong enough to support himself. Nobody knew how long he could live.

How about some children coming home from school? When they passed the yard, although it was empty, there was a dead tree. The children were very surprised. Could the tree have died? The naughty child plucked its leaves along its bark. After cutting the dead branches all over the place, he left here skipping.

A beggar staggered into the backyard. He was in rags and smelled bad. He held a wine pot in his left hand. It was probably because he had drunk all the wine, so he filled some water. He held an iron rice bowl in his right hand. There were several coins in it. He was afraid that he was drunk, fell down at the foot of the tree, fell asleep, and his cup fell to the ground, The water was so important to him that the beggar stumbled out of the land the next morning.

After spring, summer, autumn and winter, this big tree is still here. Beggars come here every day to sleep. Of course, his water is also indispensable. Sometimes it is his remaining water. Sometimes, the beggars are kind enough to irrigate the big trees.

It was the spring of another year. The big tree slowly regained its vitality, smelled, and a few grass sprouted at its feet. They stood out quietly for fear that everyone would find them. The master returned to his hometown's backyard at this time. He wanted to renovate it all and make it a botanical garden. He saw that the original big tree was growing more and more luxuriantly now, He carefully cultivated her big trees to become bigger and stronger, and there were more and more plants in the yard.

But the grass at the foot of the tree was regarded as a weed by the owner, who wanted to pull out his knife. The grass saw the big tree grow up, and he was happy, but he could no longer accompany him. The big tree has grown into a towering tree, and he has forgotten that it was the grass that always accompanied her, and stayed with him when she was most lonely and difficult. The big tree is happy now, and he grew up by himself, He had a new friend, but he didn't have a few happy days. Without the protection of grass, he was quickly bitten by pests. Without the protection of grass, he didn't have a mud quilt, and the water was evaporated.

Now, in the plant yard, there are many kinds of rich trees, but there are also many plants, but there is no such thing as the towering tree and the insignificant grass at his feet.

Composition of Trees and Grasses (15)


Once upon a time, there was a family living near a pond. They planted all kinds of colorful flowers around the house and did not forget to scatter some grass seeds under a big tree. After a few years, this is a picturesque fairyland on earth all the year round, but that family has moved away, leaving only this small garden.

"Hey, hello!" One of those forgotten grass seeds finally poked out its little head in the spring of the fifth year and said to the flowers blooming in the shade, "Why are you some red, some white, and some purple, so beautiful! But I'm just green, so ugly and so short?" "Ha ha, who wants you to grow under this tree? It is he who has taken away a lot of your nourishment!" Those gorgeous flowers sneered. "Ah..." The grass began to cry. From then on, although the world around him was so beautiful, he was still unhappy. He became more and more depressed and blamed the tree more and more. But he didn't know that the family moved away because the land here was too poor, and the few nutrients were also taken away by the flowers competing for beauty. One night, for some reason, a terrible storm suddenly came. The flowers were all cut off by the wind, waiting to be integrated with the soil. Although the grass was weak, the big tree that had been scolded in the ordinary days put out a strong arm to protect the grass. The grass did not know how to be grateful after that.

Finally one day, the big tree was moved away. It was said that it was in a rich family's big garden with fertile soil and spring all the year round. The grass is overjoyed and feels that its beautiful days are not far away. But this is not the case. The sun exposure and the barren land make the grass die, but it also makes him feel grateful and know how to thank trees for their selfless care. Fortunately, he was moved to the big garden by the young master of the rich family, and still under the big tree. "Hey, friend, long time no see, I... I want to apologize to you!" Cao'er bowed his head in shame. "Ha ha, it doesn't matter, my old friend." Big tree smiled kindly. "Thank you. I think it's best to have your protection under the shade of the tree. Please forgive my ignorance before and accept my apology and gratitude to you now!" Xiaocao's eyes were filled with tears. "If only you had such a grateful heart. It's also very beautiful. Don't feel guilty," said the tree. After that, they overcame one storm after another, and thanksgiving made their future more than just the splendor of the world.

A grateful heart will not die, it will only make this gorgeous world more love, more hope of life in despair!

Composition of Trees and Grasses (16)

The tree asked him in a somewhat sarcastic tone, "Hey, little guy, why did you come here in winter? Aren't you afraid of being frozen to death?"

Xiaocao shook the snow hard, looked up and said stubbornly, "What are you afraid of? I would also like to thank God for giving me the opportunity to see the world ahead of time and appreciate its beauty under the shade of white flowers. I was born in this winter, and I don't feel sad. With you as my companion, I don't feel lonely. God treats me very well. I also want to decorate this temporarily monotonous world with my simple and pure green. " The tree does not speak, but the heart no longer despises the seemingly weak grass.

The cold winter messenger left quietly, and the spring girl appeared with leaping steps. The big tree and the grass in front of the door have already been overjoyed. They can't wait to welcome the revived things. The growth of all things has also opened up new wonderful stories in the world, and added color to the sky, earth, mountains and water. But the most striking thing is the bundles in the mountains and plains, with beautiful smiles. The big tree compares these charming flowers with the grass beside them. The grass seems to lose its color, so insipid and tasteless.

Dashu couldn't help asking Xiaocao, "Hey, little guy, are you enjoying the early spring? Look at the delicate peach blossoms and the golden spring jasmine, which are all competing with each other and attracting the attention of passers-by, don't you think it's unfair?"

Xiaocao twisted her soft waist and said with a smile, "I don't feel unfair. I want to express my gratitude to God for giving me this beautiful scenery. Look at those flowers swaying in the wind, comforting lonely people and encouraging people to move forward. How great they are! I'm also glad that I have this light green dress, which can add a little clarity to the world. Under my background, the flowers can show their colorful. " After hearing this, Big Tree subconsciously looked around the world, and the flowers and plants were really very beautiful.

After the watering of spring rain, the branches of big trees are more and more flourishing, and the size of grass is much higher. As the spring breeze gradually blows away, it takes away the cool and leaves the hot. The sun in summer is not so gentle, and it is as fierce as a warrior who is about to fight. The scorching sun made the grass droop its head, and had to constantly absorb water from the soil where it took root. The tree also tried to stretch its arms to bring shade to more people.

The tree looked down at the grass trying to find water to nourish it, smiled at it kindly and asked, "Grass! Can you hate the torture of the scorching sun?"

Xiaocao blocked the dazzling sunshine with his hands, looked up at the tree and said sincerely: "I don't hate the hot sun, on the contrary, I think it is a test for me, and I thank God for giving me this opportunity to challenge. Let me find ways to maintain my life in difficult situations, so that I won't be out of the game and surrender prematurely on the road of life. I will face the hot sun and grow better." Looking at the firm look of grass, the tree found that the sun not only casts sunshine, but also has the power to move forward.

No matter how hot the sun is, it can't resist the coolness of autumn. Elegant and cold autumn brings full and tender fruits, golden and dazzling rice. However, it is ruthless, taking half of the world's green as the price. And the grass was also among them. The big tree looked at the grass's withered and yellow hair day after day, and did not speak again this time.

To my surprise, the grass opened his mouth first: "Big tree! My life is coming to an end, but I am not afraid of it at all, because my life has been satisfied. I am very grateful for the life that God has given me, so that I can see the sun and dusk, go through spring, summer, autumn and winter, and taste all the flavors of life. I have been grateful all my life, and try to look at God and see everything in the world with a grateful heart. They have not let me down. They always give me hope and let me find a strong reason. I have no regret for this time of leaving. " After saying that, the grass slept on the land with a serene smile and no longer spoke.

Seeing the grass slowly decaying and dissipating, the tree seemed to be greatly encouraged and began to shake its body ceaselessly, shaking down every leaf. It wanted to use these leaves to nourish the land where it took root. At this time, Dashu is in a happy mood, and finally understands the truth that Xiao Cao summed up in his life: always be grateful, smile at life, and God will treat you well after all.

Composition of Trees and Grasses (17)

You always make me my favorite food. The happiest thing in my childhood was that I could eat your food every day when I came home. You are just like your mother when your mother is not around. You have a bike, but that was many years ago. Every day before, I sat behind the bike and hugged you in front. In the cold winter, my hands around you can always get a little warmth from you. There is always grass beside big trees. You always say I am your little tail. I will follow you wherever you go. When you talk about me to others, you always have a smile on your face, like pride

When you get older, your height and my height are almost even. I don't need to hold your clothes and look up at you.

You always see me off, looking at my receding back. Because your bike can't carry me anymore. Your snow-white hair seems washed by the years, and your fading vision is the passing of time. You always straighten your back, so that now you don't look slightly bent. You are full of me, even when you have a heart attack, you told your mother to arrange me well. That morning, it was the alarm clock that woke me up, not you. The house was empty, and there was no smell of breakfast in the kitchen. Neither you nor grandpa is here. At that time, there was no mobile phone at home. I didn't know where you went, and I didn't know where you went... Later, when I learned that you were in the hospital, my grandfather had already sent me home to school. The porridge and vegetables I ate in the shop that morning were not as delicious as those you cooked. When the head teacher combed my hair in the office that day, I thought that you used to tie two pigtails for me every morning. You always praise me for my long hair, thick black and thick, with thick and long pigtails... The head teacher also made pigtails for me, but I don't think they are as beautiful as yours. The braids you tied for me will not break up even if I and the children go crazy all day. I missed you very much at that time.

In junior high school, I am much taller than you. You can only reach my chest, but you are still my tree, sheltering me from wind and rain, and giving me warm support.

Junior high school is a boarding school. You always say, "I'll be quiet after you leave, and I won't have to get up early to cook." But every week when you go home, you are always happy, and you stew a big pot of soup, saying, "My dear granddaughter, I miss you so much." I like the soup you stew, which has the bitterness of dangshen and the sweetness of jujube. It's like adding your love to it. You said you missed me. I always followed you before, but now you want to spend more time with me. You always ask for my advice and want to sleep with me. You want to hug me like you used to. You said that when I was born, I slept next to you. At that time, I was only a few tens of centimeters long, and my feet could still shrink on your stomach

I grew up in your arms. I am no longer the baby who can curl up in your arms. How sad, how sad

Trees and grass, you and I. Maybe I am a mark on your life journey, but I want to write a hymn for you with this mark. However, thousands of words can not be enough to accompany, but good treatment. I just want you to wait for me, waiting for me to have more time to accompany you.

Slow down the time

What is the relationship between trees and grass? Maybe just like us! Maybe we are the door to happiness. You always praise me to others. I also want to write a hymn for you.

Grandma, my big tree, I miss you too.

Composition of Trees and Grasses (18)

It is grass. It has slender stems, delicate leaves, and is short and energetic. It is green for people's eyes. The green among the leaves flashes peace and hope. In the early morning, accompanied by bird singing, dew drops doze on the leaf tips, reflecting the veins of the leaves clearly and brightly; In the evening, with the setting sun, the sun left a shadow on the leaves. It nestled in the arms of a big tree, avoiding the cold wind and rainstorm. The midday sun crept in through the gaps between the leaves and formed spots on the ground. When the wind blew, it jumped and swayed with the wind, and it was also slightly affected. With the beating of the spots, it floated slightly, which was quite like a "thousand layer wave".

The fleeting years are filled with time, and the silent and long time has passed quietly by the grass and flowers.

The trees are old and the grass is tall.

The big tree is no longer as strong as before. The ravines on it are deeper and deeper, the trunk is more and more dry, and the leaves are more and more yellow, no longer green. Occasionally, when a gust of wind blows, the already dry leaves and stems without water will fall off automatically, making butterflies fly, rotate and fly all over the sky... The waist of the tree is bent, and the body is bent. The bare trunk interprets its aging, and the tree is old.

The grass grows taller and stronger than before. Its slender stems are thicker and thicker, and its delicate leaves are more and more tough. It stands upright in the original corner and confidently welcomes the wind and rain. The leaves are no longer green, but gradually become dark green. The grass is tall.

The big tree is old, which we know. It begins to be destroyed by the wind, and it begins to be eroded by the rain, but it still wants to protect the grass. He tried to stretch his bent body forward, covered the grass with his bare trunk, and tried his best to protect the grass.

The grass is tall, which we also know. It began to like to bathe in the sun, and kept sticking out from behind the bare branches of the tree to do what it liked. The big tree tried hard to protect it. Gradually, it began to get tired of the constraints of the big tree, deliberately and mischievously swayed its body at will, making the big tree move hard to protect it.

On a cold and windy afternoon, the big tree fell down. The grass is no longer constrained by the big tree, but it is getting thinner and withered. Xiaocao doesn't know why. When there is no big tree, he is really lonely

Composition of Trees and Grasses (19)

The seeds of the tree fell straight on the ground and rolled for several circles. The grass seeds ran for a long time with the wind. Coincidentally, they met. Just met, grass seeds and tree seeds exchanged greetings. The grass asked the tree, "What are your plans in the future?" The tree replied, "I will become a useful person." The grass asked, "You can't walk, move, and explore the new world like insects and birds. Do you hate this world?" The tree sighed, looked at the towering trees around, and said, "The world has given me life, and I have been grateful for it. How can I hate it. I also pray that I can be buried in the ground and turn into spring mud after dying. " Grass eyes filled with tears sighed: "Although I am very young, my ambition is the same as yours! But before I die, I want to see my mother."

As a result, these two different seeds with the same idea became the best friends when they were young. Like grass, trees are destined to grow branches and fall leaves here all their lives after they decide where to land. Grass grows much faster than trees. When trees grow a foot long, grass is already an old wise man in his twilight years. The tree knows what this means. It often uses branches to help the grass keep off the big raindrops, and uses branches to let the grass lie down and rest. Time flies. The tree often looks down at the sadness, while the grass smiles at the tree to put down its mind.

Perhaps grass is the childhood of trees, and trees become the life of grass.

Finally, on that day, a small ball of seeds poured out from a bud, and those seeds, like the grass of the year, roared away with the wind. While the new seed is laughing and exploring the new world, the tree is crying.

The tree cried for its childhood playmates, the tree cried for the injustice of the world, and the tree cried for grass, even though it could not see its mother before dying. When the pile of seeds ran out laughing, one seed resolutely resisted the wind and refused to leave here.

Maybe plants will have the same memory from generation to generation. Maybe the new seed knows that this tree is good to its mother, and it can't bear this tree to be lonely. It must stay with it.

In the face of familiar and unfamiliar faces, the tree sighs. It told the seed to take advantage of the wind to find a new life. The grass shook his head and said: "I want to be here. There are memories and traces of my mother. My mother has always wanted to say thank you to you. It let me tell you."

The tree cried again, but it cried soundlessly. All the leaves trembled for it. The tree understood that it didn't want to thank the grass? Because of the grass, the tree felt the beauty of life. Because of the grass, the tree did not live in the dark, timid and lonely like other trees. When it met the grass, the tree thought it was the luckiest tree.

The tree treats the new grass as it treats its old friend.

Perhaps the world is originally reincarnated, and the cross ethnic friendship between trees and grass will continue forever.

The tree remembers that the grass once said that he wanted to turn into spring mud after death - like the tree, they all wanted to use this way and only this way to give thanks to the land that raised him.

People are not plants, who can be ruthless? Is grass and wood really ruthless? They know how to be grateful.

Perhaps one day, there will be a day, a touch of sunset, a pair of tree shadows.

Composition of Trees and Grasses (20)

"Whose child dares to steal my fish!" The owner of the fish pond shouted and ran toward here. Fortunately, I was so quick - sighted that I ran home with a plastic bag filled with goldfish. It was a relief to close the door hurriedly and stick it to the crack of the door like a thief and listen to the silence outside. Shuer, the heart mentioned the throat again, and looked around hurriedly. Grandpa was still doing farm work in the field and did not come back. I sat on the ground with a long sigh of relief.

Grandfather never allows me to do such things. What can I do if he finds out? When I was racking my brains, I thought about it and looked at the big vat of rainwater in the yard and smiled with understanding... Grandpa came home in the evening to see me playing with cats in the yard and went into the inner room to smoke cigarettes. Everything was as usual. I think as long as the little goldfish is safe after today, I will be safe.

However, all this was broken by a sharp knock on the door. Grandpa put down his cigarette and walked towards the door. I followed him timidly and shivered. Originally, the distance from the inner room to the front yard was only six or seven meters, but it made me experience all the flavors of life for a while. I was lucky, but I couldn't help being afraid.

The door slowly opened under Grandpa's rough big hand, and the owner of the fish pond finally came to the door and scolded: "How do you take care of your children? You want to run away after stealing my fish?" The sweat on your forehead ran red at some time, and suddenly Grandpa held my hand firmly with his big hand to protect me behind. The mist in my eyes made me unable to see Grandpa's firm and serious expression. Only those big hands gave me some consolation. My grandfather's voice was sonorous and slightly humble: "I'm sorry for my poor discipline. I'll pay you for what you said. After all, she is still a child of several years old, so don't be angry with the child. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The owner of the fish pond was embarrassed to say more when he saw that he was a sincere person. He took the money and left. My grandpa held my hand and never let it go.

When the storm ended, Grandpa squatted down and said kindly, "My dear granddaughter, let grandpa see what kind of 'fairy fish' you can love so much." I dared not look up or speak. I pointed to the big vat, and grandpa walked along the direction of his fingers. Looking at the fish in the water, it was not beautiful but a bit smart. My grandpa laughed loudly, hugged me, rubbed my face with meat bound beard dregs and said, "If it's really a good fish, let's keep it in this water tank. Who will let my granddaughter like it?" I finally couldn't hold my breath and cried loudly, because my naughty grandpa was so cold, and those "sorry" sounds made my heart ache. But grandpa still smiled and said, "grandpa knows that you love grandpa, but don't be so headstrong next time. If you want something, tell grandpa that even the stars in the sky grandpa has spared his life to pick one for you. You should remember that grandpa is the big tree behind you, and will always shield you from the wind and rain." grandpa wiped my tears, and I looked at the unfathomable stars, I think that I am the grass under the big tree that will never be beaten by the wind, and I feel extremely relieved

I thought everything would be so beautiful all the time, but in that cold winter came the bad news that Grandpa had left. I only remember that it was very cold that day, and the sky above my head seemed to collapse a corner. I cried and said that grandpa would protect me all my life and would not leave

Everything seems like yesterday, but it really passed a year. I gazed at the bleak branches, just a gaze, and held the years of dawn and dusk

The big tree is gone, but the grass is still growing strong. He became self reliant, learned to face everything alone, no longer needed anyone's protection, but still missed his big tree. He wants Dashu to see his growth so that he can tell everything to Dashu in his dream