Spring Beginning Composition (15 practical)
Ningshan still water
2024-06-02 05:44:47

Spring Beginning Composition (1)

In the morning, I went shopping with my parents. It was very warm outside. We were all wearing cotton padded clothes and it was a little hot.

"Is spring coming soon? Is it so warm?" asked his mother.

In fact, today is the beginning of spring. In the evening, when my parents and I went out to dinner, the aunt invited us to order spring cakes.

Oh, we have finally survived the cold winter and are about to usher in the warm spring. We can't help but be delighted. You think, the sun is shining, the spring breeze blows, the grass begins to sprout, and everything is full of vitality. How delightful!

The waiter in the restaurant served spring cakes. It turned out to be a lotus leaf cake, which is a kind of hot face pancake. Use two small pieces of water, smear oil in the middle, roll them into pancakes, and peel them into two pieces after they are cooked. Even if it is not the beginning of spring, my mother often cooks food for me.

"Why eat spring cakes?" I thought to myself.

When I went home in the evening, I checked the customs about the beginning of spring on the computer. It used to be called "bite spring" to eat spring cakes on the Spring Day. People in the Tang Dynasty have begun to taste spring cakes. People eat some fresh vegetables in spring on the first day of spring, which is not only to prevent diseases, but also to welcome the new year.

In ancient times, Spring Posts were also called Spring Posts, Spring Posts. This is a kind of post with verses in the book cut and posted on the palace gate on the "Spring Festival" day. The style of poetry is close to palace poetry, and the content is mostly to sing praises or remonstrate. It was very popular in the Song Dynasty to post Spring Posts and write Spring Posts on the "Beginning of Spring" day.

Hehe, the ancients welcomed the spring, which was much more romantic than us.

Beginning of Spring Composition (2)

Today, I got up early. It used to be so quiet in the morning that there was more noise. With curiosity, I quickly dressed, washed and rushed downstairs to see what was going on.

It turned out that my grandfather was busy setting off firecrackers. Although he was over 60 years old, he was very energetic. I asked my grandpa why he put so long and so many firecrackers. My grandpa said that today is the beginning of spring, the first day of the Year of the Gengzi Rat. The custom left by our ancestors is that the beginning of spring is bigger than the beginning of the year. We should use long firecrackers to welcome the arrival of spring. Spring returns to the earth, and everything recovers. This year is another harvest year! I nodded vaguely.

My grandpa said that on the first day of spring in the past years, there was a lot of noise and excitement outside. Because of the abominable virus, everyone stayed at home with nothing to do and did not go out. They only had to set off firecrackers and fireworks in front of their house to welcome the spring. I also went to the roof of the building to have a look. Only a few pedestrians with masks hurried on the busy road.

At 17:3 on February 4, the Spring Festival began. Every family set off firecrackers in front of the door to officially welcome the arrival of spring. Grandma cooked a table of delicious food in the evening, and our family happily ate hot delicious food.

Winter has passed and spring has come. Everything will be fine. Let's wait for the spring to bloom.

Beginning of Spring Composition (3)

Do you know what's different about the Spring Festival in my hometown?

As a folk saying goes, the Spring Festival is as big as the year. People in Cangnan County can pay attention to the beginning of Spring Festival. The lively atmosphere is no less than that of the Spring Festival. At the beginning of spring, the ancestors would stack branches of camphor trees on the ground at home and light them. When the fire was not burned out, they would let the children jump over the fire. It is said that the children can grow up safely. Don't mention how interesting it is to jump into the fire. At the beginning, you push a bunch of children, and they make none of you dare to jump first; Finally, with the encouragement of the parents, the first child jumped over trembling, and the cheers aroused everyone's enthusiasm and courage. All of a sudden, everyone scrambled. While jumping on the fire, the old people still recite "the old spring is going, the new spring is coming, and bless the big fortune this year" for luck.

Then every household set off firecrackers, and the loud sound of firecrackers kept rising. These are called "Jiechun".

Another custom is to eat "spring tea". Boil red beans, dates, oranges, osmanthus and brown sugar together in a pot. I heard from my ancestors that we should first offer sacrifices to the ancestors of the six gods, and then drink with our families. Drinking spring tea can improve eyesight and intelligence.

There are a lot of customs about the beginning of spring in my hometown. Now you know it.

The beginning of spring is the beginning of a new year. With the smile and hope of spring, let's enter a better year together!

Beginning of Spring Composition (4)

I once heard my grandfather said that in the beginning of spring, he would dig a small hole in the land and put light down like goose down in it. After a while, the down would be blown up by the rising heat in the ground. It's just like the Arabian Nights. I don't believe it. Grandpa said that today is the beginning of spring. If you don't believe me, try it.

So I borrowed some fluff from the rooster at home and ran to the field to test. My heart is full of joy, and I am full of expectations for verifying the changes of the ancient solar terms.

From grandpa's house to the field, there is a path with luxuriant vegetation. The leaves of the trees have not withered, but they are not as energetic as summer. There are some sparrows chirping in the tree, as if to say, take a closer look. Sure enough, I saw a thin and delicate bud tip at the root of the leaf. I know that when spring comes, they will sprout first.

The newly frozen brook beside the road flows silently, clear and transparent. I found a flat piece of land on the side of the stream and dug three small holes in it. I took chicken feather out of my pocket and carefully put it into the hole one by one. The weather is fine today. The sun is rising higher and higher. I looked at the ridge under the sun for a moment. I saw that the ground under the wheat seedlings was a bit dry. When I came back to look at the holes, I was surprised to find that the chicken feathers in two of the holes had been blown up by the ground air.

This is really amazing. The east wind warms the earth, the earth thaws, the vitality starts, and everything recovers. This is the beginning of spring.

Beginning of Spring Composition (5)

The beginning of spring is the most beautiful season in the four seasons. Many people at all times and in all over the world are impressed by her charm, because she is not only a sign of beauty, but also an ambassador of life.

At the beginning of spring, the branches pulled out tender green branches, the grass opened its eyes lazily, and the flowers were also in full bloom, red, blue, yellow, purple, strange and colorful. The flowers send out intoxicating fragrance and attract a large group of butterflies. The butterflies dance in the air, which is really beautiful!

The spring rain came quietly, and everything in my hometown was awakened by the spring rain. For example: corn seed, cucumber seed... to visit the charming world, flowers are blooming, and there are beautiful flowers such as morning glory, jasmine, yellow chrysanthemum, and so on. They are very beautiful! The grass has turned green and the fields are full of vitality. The warm spring breeze brings infinite happiness to people. The branches became soft. Standing on the roadside, the unobtrusive Diao Tianyang's gray body turned pale green, and the buds sprouted from the shoots, swinging gently in the humid breeze. The charming and colorful weeping willows, with their long hair floating and dancing, gently brushed people's shoulders. On the interlaced branches, tender green buds sprouted, shaking their heads with the breeze.

I slowly walked to the farmland and fields, where the wheat seedlings turned green, as if they were green waves. The golden cauliflower is shining in the green wave.

Looking at the scene in front of me, I can't help feeling ups and downs. Our motherland is like the beautiful scenery at the beginning of spring, full of vitality and colorful everywhere. Let's work together to make the beautiful scenery stay forever, and the motherland will never have "scars"!

Spring Beginning Composition (6)

Time flies, and spring has come unknowingly. It indicates that it has brought us new goals. Let us begin to struggle in the beautiful spring with flowers in full bloom to complete the mission entrusted to us by the times.

Spring brings us the spring breeze of singing and dancing, and she blows the earth green in the symphony melody. Spring brings us spring rain. She bathes everything, wakes the sleeping plants, fills everything and starts a new life. The trees are green in the spring wind. They dance to thank the arrival of spring. The spring wind blows away the cold and brings warm wind. The trees grow buds under the wind. After a spring rain, the peach, plum and apricot trees all have beautiful flowers, showing their beauty among tourists. They dance their branches to compare with each other under the wind of spring.

Under the bright sunshine in spring, the ice and snow of lakes, rivers and streams melt... They sing happy songs to thank the beautiful scenery brought by spring. In spring, she waved Ma Liang's magic pen to draw a beautiful blueprint. She gently touched the flowers with a magic brush, and the flowers immediately opened their smiling faces. Under the wind of spring, a hundred flowers bloomed and bloomed, which was a beautiful spring scenery!

I walked with light steps on the path to school, and the air began to diffuse the intoxicating fragrance of flowers. The warm spring wind blew me, and the beautiful figure of spring was everywhere. When I walked into the campus, the flowers and trees on the campus were another extraordinary spring scenery, mixed with the bright sound of reading, which made me feel so comfortable in the air and mood. Spring makes me energetic and confident. I speed up my pace and prepare to meet new learning tasks.

With the arrival of spring, she let the swallows who traveled far in the south return to their homes happily. They fly back and forth, jumping up and down to thank the arrival of spring. The arrival of spring wakes up the hibernating animals. They come out of the cave one after another, greet each other with friends, gather in the beautiful spring home, and begin to move towards a new life.

Spring brings bright sunshine, warm spring breeze, revives the earth, revives everything, sprouts trees, lets flowers and plants grow and open heartily, and lets swallows, birds, and hibernating frogs enjoy the happiness brought by spring. Spring brings warmth to human beings, making people who have rested all winter go out of their homes and get busy waiting for the autumn harvest.

"One year's plan lies in spring, and one day's plan lies in morning." Students! Friends! We must start in this beautiful spring and face all challenges bravely! Work hard! Strive for greater harvest after autumn!

Beginning of Spring Composition (7)

The first of all solar terms in a year is the beginning of spring. It can be imagined that the importance of its status, stress and customs are also varied.

"The beginning of spring, also known as' playing spring ',' biting spring 'and' announcing spring ', is related to many folk customs evolved around the beginning of spring in history," Zhu Wei said.

Spring Festival means that villagers beat spring cattle with wheat, rice and beans to encourage farming and develop production. "In ancient times, there was also a legend that when the beginning of spring was coming, the county magistrate would take local celebrities to dig a hole in the ground, and then put feathers and other light objects in the hole." Zhu Wei said slowly, "At some time, the feathers in the hole would float up from the hole, and it would be the beginning of spring immediately. People began to set off guns to celebrate, and wished that the weather would be good and the grain would be abundant next year."

In the past, there was a custom of touching cattle feet in the south, which was called "touching cattle feet in spring to make money"

Eating, of course, is indispensable. At the beginning of spring, both adults and children have to eat a few mouthfuls of radish, which is called "gnawing spring". It is said that eating turnips on this day cured the plague in many villages and returned to peace and happiness; It is also said that radish can "solve the spring difficulty", thus forming the custom of gnawing spring.

In addition, spring cakes began to appear in the Tang Dynasty. In the north, lettuce is used as the "spring plate" for rolls, while in the south, spring rolls are popular to be given to relatives and friends or eaten by themselves. This series of food customs is also called "bite spring".

The Spring Greeting God is an ancient festival activity. In ancient times, "On the first day of spring, the emperor personally commanded three dukes and nine ministers, and the princes and officials greeted the spring in the eastern suburbs." In the Qing Dynasty, local officials of various states and counties also went to the suburbs to worship the god of awn on the first day of spring. After the sacrifice, people wanted to break the "spring cattle" made of colored paper, and children scrambled to eat the dried fruit food scattered in the belly of the spring cattle.

Beginning of Spring Composition (8)

After the exam, the days relaxed. In the early spring, the wind faded away and the cold gradually softened. The clear sunlight shines everywhere, and I suddenly feel surrounded by a kind of warm light mist without any trace. I feel a kind of spiritual tranquility, leisure in taste, carefree, lighthearted, and unconsciously shedding sadness.

In such a sunny day, we shouldn't look at those sad old poems. The old poems are full of paper flowers, red flowers, dusk and swing. Loneliness has become a cheap word, often lost in affectation. Moonlight is either sweet in love or lovesickness after separation. Although it is beautiful, it is also true, but it is too boring to use too much. It seems that ancient poets did not love sunshine. They did not write about the bright mid spring in spring, but more about the early spring when it was warm and cold, the early spring when it was cloudy and sunny, or the late spring when the east wind was weak and the flowers were broken. The autumn they wrote was even more bleak. If it rained again, they would be even more worried.

I used to be addicted to the misty sadness in the old poems, and there was no sunshine in my world. Such weather could not arouse my sense of joy. I used to hold a pessimistic philosophy. I even thought that there would be no sunshine in my life.

After so many years, I finally ushered in the spring of life. The sun is shining brightly in my heart.

There will be cold winters and disastrous weather in nature, but they will pass. People are the same. Maybe it will be cloudy and snowy for a while, but there will always be a day when people will smile to welcome spring. The river of life is endless. I opened the window and let the sun kiss my face. I immersed myself in the holy light. Nothing exists for the time being, only the peace of mind and the joy of life.

Regardless of care and arrangement, we can get it now.

Beginning of Spring Composition (9)

After the exam, the days relaxed. In the early spring, the wind faded away and the cold gradually softened. The clear sunlight shines everywhere, and I suddenly feel surrounded by a kind of warm light mist without any trace. I feel a kind of spiritual tranquility, leisure in taste, carefree, lighthearted, and unconsciously shedding sadness.

In such a sunny day, we shouldn't look at those sad old poems. The old poems are full of paper flowers, red flowers, dusk and swing. Loneliness has become a cheap word, often lost in affectation. Moonlight is either sweet in love or lovesickness after separation. Although it is beautiful, it is also true, but it is too boring to use too much. It seems that ancient poets did not love sunshine. They did not write about the bright mid spring in spring, but more about the early spring when it was warm and cold, the early spring when it was cloudy and sunny, or the late spring when the east wind was weak and the flowers were broken. The autumn they wrote was even more bleak. If it rained again, they would be even more worried.

I used to be addicted to the misty sadness in the old poems, and there was no sunshine in my world. Such weather could not arouse my sense of joy. I used to hold a pessimistic philosophy. I even thought that there would be no sunshine in my life.

After so many years, I finally ushered in the spring of life. The sun is shining brightly in my heart.

There will be cold winters and disastrous weather in nature, but they will pass. People are the same. Maybe it will be cloudy and snowy for a while, but there will always be a day when people will smile to welcome spring. The river of life is endless. I opened the window and let the sun kiss my face. I immersed myself in the holy light. Nothing exists for the time being, only the peace of mind and the joy of life.

Regardless of care and arrangement, we can get it now.

Beginning of Spring Composition (10)

Deep and solemn, Grandpa Winter left us quietly with the cold all over his body, while Miss Spring came to the world with the willow wind in February. When the ice and snow are melting and the river is gurgling, ducks in twos and threes stroll on the sparkling water. They "quack", as if they are welcoming the arrival of spring. The willows along the river also rushed to spit out fresh green buds, all of which brought us the message of spring.

In Zuohe River's "Beginning of Spring", it is described that "the east wind melts into the rain and the west wind drives the west wind, and the earth is sunny and warm. All things are awakened by Su Meng's mountains and rivers, and farmers are planning to plough again at the beginning of the year". The solar term of the beginning of spring appeared as early as the Spring and Autumn Period. On that day, there will be many Spring Festival customs, which also represent many moral meanings. Of course, the most important thing is the recovery of everything, and farmers are busy. The gusts of spring wind blow, melt the ice and snow, green the lawn, and warm people's hearts. The fields are no longer desolate, but become lively: Xiaomiao sticks out of the land, dances with the wind, and birds stop on the branches, chirping to accompany Xiaomiao's dance. This lively scene also reminds people that spring is a good time to sow seeds. We should seize this good opportunity to sow hope and make the life of the new year more colorful.

In fact, spring is not only beautiful scenery, but also a lot of food. Spring rolls are of course essential food in spring! First, use glutinous rice to grind into flour and make pancakes. Then, use bamboo shoots and minced meat and other ingredients to fry them. They taste crisp and powerful. They also have a unique taste in spring and can compete with glutinous rice in winter! The bamboo shoots rice in spring is really colorful, fragrant and delicious. Cut the fresh bamboo shoots into slices or shreds, mix with chicken and various seasonings, and stir fry them together. Finally, pour the dishes and rice together, which tastes like water flowing through people's mouths.

At the beginning of spring, this solar term is a farewell to the past year and also indicates the new hope of the new year. It's good that spring is coming!

Spring Beginning Composition (11)

Today, I sat at home facing my desk, and my thoughts drifted to the beginning of spring this year.

"The spring rain startles the clear valley sky in spring, the summer is full of sunshine, the summer is connected with the summer, the autumn is exposed, the autumn is cold and frost falls, the winter is snowy, and the winter is slightly cold." That day, spring began. Winter has gone and spring has come. Although the cold wind and snow still refuse to leave, the snow has slowly melted. Water drops fall down the eaves, splashing on the ground one after another. The snowman on the balcony is still tall and straight, but sweat drips down his cheeks. Snowflakes are still floating in the sky, but it is not as complicated as yesterday. Spring is coming, but how far is it from the "thousands of households set off the green micro room"? The scene of white jade and white jade is a world away from the colorful spring.

Although it is spring, the winter elves still shine. Yes, spring is full of green; Spring is the leap of life; Spring is the beginning of hope. But who said that spring cannot have the artistic conception of winter? Spring, summer, autumn and winter were originally a vague concept. Why did the solar term song clearly distinguish them? It should be for farming!

Anyway, on that day, spring finally arrived. Day after day, year after year, as the three character scripture says: "Spring and summer, autumn and winter. These four seasons are full of luck." Although the days are endless, our time is limited. Let's dance our own colors and sing our own melodies in this short but beautiful day. Don't let time pass silently without leaving a trace.

Spring Beginning Composition (12)

I like spring very much, because in spring, grass begins to sprout and flowers begin to bloom. Spring is a season full of vitality. Today is the beginning of spring. My mood is very excited. The spring I look forward to has finally arrived, and I will walk into the steps of spring.

But when I saw the green willows outside the window, my heart suddenly felt heavy. They had already passed through the harsh winter. Did they appreciate the joy when spring began? They drink clouds, rain and dew all day long, and strive to grow up, but in the end, they cannot escape the sorrow of withered leaves in autumn? If so, why should we work so hard and struggle so hard?

While I was pondering, a breeze blew the pure fragrance of willow branches and leaves, and my mind suddenly woke up. It suddenly occurred to me that the unremitting reincarnation of willows was not for the faint fragrance of the dense heaven and earth? Their hearts have long been looking forward to the warm beginning of spring, knowing that there will be dead leaves all over the sky, and that there will be snow frozen branches. But they don't care about the final result, but enjoy the process and offer their own fragrance for this spring.

I was pleasantly surprised. Yes, I knew what the final result was, but I did my best to add a little green to spring, not for anything else, but for the dream in my heart, I understood.

Spring Beginning Composition (13)

It is said that a long time ago, there was an evil god in charge of the world's spring, summer, autumn and winter. He did not care about people's life or death, but because she did not like spring, she directly omitted spring, from winter to summer. One year, a god who called himself God Jumang was sent by the Jade Emperor to explore the world. When he found what the evil god had done, he immediately subdued him and let the evil god return to the world. Spring has finally returned to the world, and people are happy to start farming and weaving. From then on, people called this day "Beginning of Spring" and prayed to God Jumang for a good harvest this year.

At 17:03:12 on February 4, 20XX, this moment is the beginning of spring. Spring, one of the 24 solar terms, is the beginning of a new year and the time when farmers begin to cultivate. As for the meaning of the word "spring", "standing" means beginning, while "spring" means warmth, growth and hope.

On the evening of the beginning of spring every year, seven shining stars will appear in the sky. Its name is "Big Dipper". At more than seven o'clock in the evening, standing in the courtyard and looking up at the stars, you will see the Big Dipper. Scientists believe that at seven o'clock, the stars are pointing to the northeast with an azimuth of 45 degrees, so the ancients called them one of the eight trigrams, the direction of Gen trigram.

In the era of Ganzhi, the beginning of spring is the first year. The beginning of spring means that a new cycle has been opened, which is the beginning of all things and the meaning of all regeneration. Before the Qin and Han Dynasties, the emphasis of etiquette and custom was not the first day of the lunar month, but the first day of the spring. Major festivals, such as worship of gods and ancestors, blessing and praying for the New Year, exorcism of evil spirits and fighting against disasters, cleaning up the old and restoring the new, welcoming the spring, and farming celebrations, were held on and around the Spring Festival. This series of festival activities not only formed the framework of the New Year celebrations in later generations, but also its folk functions have been preserved to this day. It is said that on this day, if you pray for the God of Happiness, you will worship to the south; If you pray to God, it is like worshiping in the east; If you ask the god of wealth, worship to the west.

In China, the real beginning of spring should be in Xi'an. In the beginning of spring, there will be many folk customs, such as cattle pasting, cattle fighting, spring outing, spring biting, eating spring plates and other customs. For cattle paste, it is to use bamboo rice to make the cattle skeleton, and then paste red or yellow paper on the skeleton, representing good luck. I wish this year a good harvest. After pasting the cattle, a lighting ceremony will be held, followed by "beating the cattle".

Outside the east gate of the county government, there was a cow made of loess, which was called "Li Niu". Beside it was a dummy carrying farm tools, waving a whip and shouting, called "ploughman", to show the arrival of the beginning of spring. Then a man waved a whip, whipped a hundred dozen whips on the back of the cow, smashed the cow, and echoed with the people, he said loudly: "Good weather, good harvest, the country is prosperous and the people are at peace. After the cattle were broken, people rushed to grab the broken pieces of soil. The one who grabbed more would have a good harvest this year.

On this day, the streets of Xi'an are also bustling with all kinds of snacks on the table. In the middle of the table, there is a large round plate, which contains many spring cakes. The dishes are eaten in the spring cakes. This scene reminds me of a poem: stop drinking and wait for spring to come. Lettuce is suitable for rolls, and Luopan scissors are called Lianchai.

The beginning of spring has come. The gears of time begin to shift, stepping into a new cycle.

Spring Beginning Composition (14)

One day in winter vacation, go out to eat. The cold wind made my face ache. I could not help wrapping my clothes tightly. It's February, and the temperature in Hangzhou is still in the single digits.

Under the leaden sky, everything was lifeless.

Passing the green belt around the opposite community. The bushes were covered with thick ash; From time to time, there are crazy cars passing by, and mud and water splashed on the road after the rain; The paint used up in the decoration was splashed on the branches and leaves of these poor vegetation. They are forgotten.

I was also forgotten, and I was also in a bad situation. I was in the same boat with my friends! In the last final exam, I used unsatisfactory results to illustrate my ordinary and lack of brilliance in the group. I had no choice but to smile bitterly. God let me live just like this, just as a foil.

On New Year's Eve, it was the beginning of spring. When I walked along the path again, everything there was as old as before. However, I clearly saw a bright color in this gloomy vitality - a bright red camellia, quietly and joyfully open. "I am the phoenix of nirvana, and I am my own emperor. I am reborn in the darkness, starting a prairie fire into the dawn", which is probably the same meaning in the lyrics. I picked up the mobile phone I hadn't touched in a month, clicked on QQ, and immediately overwhelming information flashed before my eyes like fireworks on New Year's Eve. Click on those familiar avatars, and their messages, like fireworks outside the window, burst out with beautiful light: "You have always been our most kind, beautiful, lovely and generous' class flower '" "You have the whole class in your heart, and you are our SuperStar" "I hope you will continue to be heroic and guide the country in the new semester"

It's spring. I seem to understand something.

The day before school began, I went to see my friends who had been in the same boat with me. I saw a large red flower from a distance, as bright as fire. This blossoming head is smiling, and this blossoming head is shy, just like a woman with different natures. This one is more beautiful, this one is more elegant, but it's all beautiful.

In front of me, the camellia with various postures and unique beauty suddenly, how can I deny everything because of a small failure? I still have a lot of shining points, and I still have a flower like heart! Besides, this is just a small failure. My heart is full of spring, and a clear sound of birdsong reverberates among the trees.

Spring is beginning!

Beginning of Spring Composition (15)

In this alternate season, it brings the breath of spring with the residual winter cold. In the winter of snow and ice, it was a dead branch. After the sound of firecrackers, its green leaves grew and its limbs stretched out. It had no fear. He wanted to radiate his own vitality and vitality. He brought the breath of spring. He told us that willows sprouted, swallows flew back, and it was time for farmers to cultivate.

The same is true of life. When you experience hardship, it is like a winter with snow and ice, like a dead branch. What did the dead branch do when it went through hardships? Is it retreat? Is it giving up? Is it because you can't get up after a fall, or after a bath, you will be refreshed. Like the withered branches of spring, sprouting and climbing. Many people are confused at this critical moment, just like a ship lost its direction. They gave up, but did the dead branch shrink back? He is climbing in the winter cold season. After suffering, life is like a dead branch at the beginning of spring. He brings new rebirth and hope.

Although the beginning of spring brings the residual cold of winter, it brings the breath of spring, new rebirth and hope. Similarly, after suffering, it is a new spring. Although there is still cold, he brings new hope.

It's the beginning of spring again. Forget all the unhappiness and hardships in the past, and turn into dust in the new and old seasons. Let him drift away with the wind. It's the beginning of spring, another new spring, a new me.