Chronicle composition 100 (popular 17)
2024-06-07 02:02:29
second grade
topic of conversation

Narrative Composition 100 (1)

One day, we all went to my grandma's house to play and returned after many days.

One winter, my uncle, my brother and sister and I went to an amusement park. It was all selling things. From the outside, it was a very big supermarket. My brother and sister and I went to the amusement park together. We had a very happy time. Once we went in, I was very happy. We all had a very happy time. After a long time, we didn't want to go, and after a while, Suddenly, he fell down and almost bled. My brother cried. I was busy for an hour and a half, but my brother stopped crying. We left. We came to KFC, and there were many delicious foods in it, including French fries, cola, hamburgers, corn ears, and many more. We finished eating and returned to grandma's house. I am so happy today.

Narrative Composition 100 (2)

Last night, my sister, Li Shaohui and Li Yilin went to the playground of Longquan Lake by car.

When we got to the playground, Li Shaohui and I couldn't wait to run to the shop opened by Li Shaohui's uncle. After entering the store, Li Shaohui and I rushed to the trampoline like a 100 meter race. We took off our shoes first, and then entered the trampoline. We played inside for 20 minutes and then came out to find our sisters. Suddenly I saw a new trampoline near us, and I led them to the new trampoline. We played in it for nearly an hour, and it was more than 11 o'clock before we walked out of the door.

How happy you are today!

Narrative Composition 100 (3)

On Sunday, my mother was cleaning the house. I saw my mother's hands kept wiping the floor. I thought she must be very hard, so I wanted to help my mother.

I helped him do housework together, so I went to help, but my mother said, "Go and play." At that time, I felt very sad, and was killed by my mother. I really wanted to tell my mother, "I can do it, don't look down on me."

Narrative Composition 100 (4)

Today, my mother and I went to Xinhua Bookstore to read books. The Xinhua Bookstore is very large, and the books are all kinds.

I bought the book of haunting bears, the book of Snow White, the book of Three Character Classic, and the book of famous fairy tales.

I hope I will master more knowledge and become very smart.

Narrative Composition 100 (5)

Today is Saturday. In the morning, I got busy in the kitchen because I had to make a smiley face breakfast.

I prepared flour, vegetables and fruits, and then kneaded the flour into dough and then into cakes. Then cut vegetables and fruits into five sections and stick them on! My masterpiece has been made.

I wolfed it down. How delicious~ But I ate my masterpiece```

Narrative Composition 100 (6)

On a bright day, Xiao Hong and her classmates came to the park together. The park is really beautiful!

There are white clouds floating in the sky. Under the clouds are mountains, pavilions, rockeries, grass bushes, and streams. Xiaohong was playing on a piece of grass. She saw chrysanthemums blooming in the grass. Xiaohong was about to pick chrysanthemums. Her mother stopped her and said, "Don't pick them, it will wither the chrysanthemums." Xiaohong listened to her mother's words: "I will never pick flowers again."

Xiaohong and her mother went home happily.

Jinan Binhe Primary School Liu Xinhang

Narrative Composition 100 (7)

One day, my mother was ill and there were many medicines on the bed. My mother fell asleep after eating the medicine. My father was not at home, so I wanted to cook a bowl of noodles for my mother. I came to the kitchen, first boiled the water, and then put the noodles in. After about five minutes, the noodles were ready. I took the noodles to my mother's bed, and gently touched her. When she woke up, I said, "Mom, this is the noodles I cooked for you. Eat while it is hot!" Mom said, "What a good child." I said, "When I grow up, I will cook delicious food for you every day.

Narrative Composition 100 (8)

It's New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve, and every household is hung with happy red lanterns. It's a jubilant scene. I'm excited like a happy bird, running east and west. On the evening of New Year's Eve, we all sit together and enjoy the New Year's Eve dinner. I can eat enough good food at a large table. Grandpa, Grandma, Dad, Mom, and I also have a lot of lucky money, Holding the lucky money, I thought to myself; "It's a new year. I'm one year older."

After dinner, my father took me to a small bridge in front of my house with a bundle of firecrackers that I had prepared for a long time, and arranged them row by row. My father was nimble. One, two, three lights were lit one by one. The scene was very beautiful and lively! The children, father and mother beside us all have happy smiles on their faces. It's so funny. The atmosphere of the New Year is so wonderful!

Narrative Composition 100 (9)

On Sunday morning, when I was still sleeping, my mother was scared. "Jia, get up quickly. It's snowing!" "I quickly put on my clothes and ran to the balcony to look out. Wow! The heavy snow is like a jasmine flower falling from the sky. As soon as I pulled my mother, I ran out. As soon as I went out, white branches and thick silver quilts appeared on the roof. Looking at the ground again, the snow melted. I was a little disappointed that I could not make a snowman.

A cold wind blew, making me feel that water drops fell into the ice, and the cold winter of earth movement came. Mom said. "Snow is a good harvest year, and next year must be a good harvest." ".

Narrative Composition 100 (10)

This winter is very cold and the snow is very heavy. I honestly stay at home, watching TV and surfing the Internet day and night to pass the time.

The scene of going home is clear in my mind. It is a good day, and the car ride is also very smooth. It's cloudy and snowy when I go home. It's dark and makes me collapse.

At the beginning of the snow, I was very excited and ran out. When the ground was full of snow, I opened my umbrella and walked around. I saw my brother and his friends playing a snowball fight. One person collected snowballs for his brother, but other members wanted to grab snowballs. It was really interesting to "fight and kill".

The heavy snow is very interesting.

Narrative Composition 100 (11)

Today is the first day of winter vacation. I am very happy because I can enjoy watching my favorite cartoons, playing my favorite computer games, and sleeping in! There are so many attractive things, of course I like!

When I was happy, my mother said, "You can't play like this. You have to make a winter vacation plan." I think my mother was right, so I immediately made a winter vacation plan: 1. Study and read for 2-3 hours every day; 2、 Exercise for 1 hour every day; 3、 The rest of the time can be arranged freely.

My winter vacation has begun. I want to enjoy this wonderful holiday!

Narrative Composition 100 (12)

Today is the last night of the National Day holiday, and tomorrow we will start a new study. Although I didn't go on holiday, I was very happy at home.

In the seven days of the holiday, I went to my aunt's new home, where I met with my little aunt and uncle who came back from Beijing, as well as my uncle and aunt who were usually busy with their work and their little doll. I was very happy because they all worked far away and could only come back on holidays. In addition, I also played with my good friends who grew up, and went to the playground in the park with my sister. I hope every day is a holiday, so that we can always be together.

Narrative Composition 100 (13)

On Sunday, it was sunny and sunny. Uncle warmly welcomed us to dig potatoes for him.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw my uncle working hard. He asked us to pick beans first, so we went to pick beans. We picked a big bag full of beans, which could not be filled.

After picking beans, we began to dig potatoes again. I took the shovel and plunged into the deep soil. Mother told me that where there is a stem, there will be potatoes. So, I went to the stem to dig, and really dug potatoes. We dug one big and yellow potato after another and returned with full loads.

Leaving Uncle's house and passing another family's courtyard, we saw yellow apricots full of trees. How beautiful!

Narrative Composition 100 (14)

Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My parents, grandparents and I went to the countryside to visit the graves. My father lit the paper money and incense first, and we took turns to worship our ancestors and make our own wishes. After worship, we will clean up the garbage in the cemetery. At this time, I thought of a familiar ancient poem: during the Qingming Festival, rain fell in succession, and pedestrians on the road wanted to die.

[Qingming Chronicle Composition 100 words 2]

In China, the Qingming Festival is also called the "Spring Festival". In this holiday, first of all, I spent a lot of time doing homework and sports. Then I helped my parents do a lot of housework. On Wednesday, the wind is strong, so my friends and I go to the park to fly kites. The wind blew hard, and our kites flew high and well. On this day, we had a good time!

Narrative Composition 100 (15)

During the lunch break today, Yuan Jie created a game of throwing shuttlecock. This game is very special. One person throws the shuttlecock backward in front, and some students behind try to catch the shuttlecock. If you are hit by a shuttlecock, you must step back three steps. If the people behind catch the shuttlecock, they can take three steps forward.

Today, I am a big winner in this game! Because I am strong, none of them can catch me.

Part 2: Eagle Catches Chicken [100 words]

In today's Chinese class, Mr. Cai played an interesting game for us. The title was "Eagle Catches Chicken". We had a good time. Fang Zhenyu and Zheng Xinyi were the eagles and hens. Many children and I were "chickens", pulling clothes one by one behind the mother of the "hen". In order to protect us from being caught by the eagle, Mother Hen opened her arms and crossed her legs, moving from left to right, which was very interesting.

This game makes me feel that unity is strength and persistence is victory.

Chapter 3: Draw the nose [100 words]

This afternoon, we were all very happy because we played the game of drawing nose again. The game started. I covered Qiaoqiao's eyes and asked her to turn around three times. Then I handed her the chalk and asked her to draw nose. Qiaoqiao walked forward, but unfortunately she walked obliquely, sliding her nose to the outside of her face, and I smiled. She said, "No, no, no, no, I drew a wrong picture, you help me erase it, and I will draw again." After that, she drew a nose. This time, although she drew it on her face, it was still oblique. I said, "Qiao Qiao, take the cloth off your eyes and have a look." Qiao Qiao also laughed after taking the cloth off!

Drawing nose is very interesting. I like the game of drawing nose!

Chapter 4: When class is over [100 words]

Every day after class, I play the game of "bulldozer" with Zhu Liheng.

The game of bulldozer is actually a game of catching people. Zhu Liheng chases me behind and I flee in front. Our classroom has two doors. I enter from the front door and exit from the back door. Sometimes I will enter from the back door and exit from the front door, so Zhu Liheng seldom catches me; Sometimes when I see a crowded place, I go around and hide behind people, so Zhu Liheng can't see me; Sometimes I will hide in the crack closest to the front door in the first row of the first group. If Zhu Liheng catches up with me, I will escape from the crack. Then Zhu Liheng will be trapped and can only retreat.

Chapter 5: Eagle Catches Chicken [100 words]

One day, several children and I were on the grass "playing the game of eagle catching chicken". We choose Yujie as the hen, Mido as the eagle, and the rest as chickens. The game began. "Chickens" grabbed the clothes of the students in front, "hens" opened their hands at the front, eagles grabbed the chickens in front, and "chickens" ran around with "hens". Suddenly, the eagle caught a chicken.

The game is over and everyone has a good time.

Narrative Composition 100 (16)

Today is December 31. My father has not come back from working overtime at work. My mother and I are at home. My father said he would come back later. I want to play with my father.

Tomorrow is January 1, and the new year is coming. I wish Grandpa, Grandma, Dad and Mom a happy New Year, teachers, students, uncles and aunts, kindergarten teachers and friends a happy New Year!

Chapter 2: Happy New Year [100 words]

On the first day of the New Year, the weather was very cold. There was a house with couplets on the door to celebrate the happy New Year. In front of the house are two children, Xiao Hong and Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming on the left is half squatting on the ground, his left hand covering his ears, and his right hand holding a match is lighting firecrackers. Xiaohong on the right is playing a lantern and runs towards Xiaoming, hoping to set off firecrackers with him. They were nervous and excited.

They had a very happy holiday!

Part 3: The New Year is coming [100 words]

The New Year is coming. On the morning of the first day of the New Year, I gave my father and mother two "Fu" pendants that I bought with my lucky money.

My father and mother were very happy and praised that I was really sensible when I entered primary school. Mom went out with the gift and hung it in the car. I hope my father and mother will be happy and safe in the new year.

Chapter 4: The New Year is coming [100 words]

Today is New Year's Day, the beginning of a new year. My mother asked me, "What's your biggest wish this year?" I said, "Go to Hong Kong, go to Disneyland."

My mother said that I have been studying hard recently, so I will take me there this holiday. I'm so happy!

Article 5: New Year is coming [100 words]

Tomorrow is New Year's Day, and it's New Year's Day again. Our class held a get-together today, and I also performed a program. It was the "Little Snowy House" I learned in my preschool class. In fact, I wanted to play the harmonica, but I forgot to bring my musical instrument. I was really confused. I still want to say tongue twisters, but I can't remember all the words.

After the New Year, we will have a final exam. I hope I can work hard to get a good result. Happy New Year to Mr. Zhang, Mr. Yang and all the teachers! I also wish my classmates and all our parents a happy New Year!

Narrative Composition 100 (17)

"It rains in the Qingming Festival, and passers-by on the road want to die. Ask where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy points at the Xinghua Village." This poem is called Qingming, and was written by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty.

On April 4, it was Tomb sweeping Day. My grandfather, grandmother, parents took me to the grave. My father took a piece of paper money and lit it. Then he asked me to take the paper money and burn it in the fire. He also asked me to burn it while shouting, "Take the money, take the money." The fire was burning. I felt very sad in my eyes, and had an indescribable sad feeling in my heart. My father, mother, grandfather and grandmother are also very sad like me.

This is the first Tomb Sweeping Day in my memory.