Mother Tears Compositions (8 recommended)
Rewrite happiness
2024-06-15 05:38:27

Mother Tears Composition (1)

My mother is a teacher. In my memory, my mother is very strong. But once, I saw my mother cry.

That day, after school at noon, my mother was organizing the students to leave school. I asked my mother for money to buy colored paper. Because I used to go to several grocery stores at the gate of the school alone to buy things, my mother thought I would go there to buy things, so she gave me money and was busy going to see the students standing in the line.

When my mother finished her work and saw that I didn't come back, she went to the canteen at the gate of the school to find me. However, she searched the nearby grocery store but couldn't find it. She went back to the school and asked the aunt in the mail room. The aunt also said she didn't see me. Mom was worried. She looked everywhere and called my name

When I came back, my mother saw me and rushed to me and slapped me, shouting, "Where have you been? I can't find you anywhere. I'm worried." My mother pulled me into the car as she said. Then he said, "You know what? Just now I thought you were abducted by bad people. If I can't find you, how can my mother live?" As she said, her tears fell down. Originally, I was beaten, but I still felt very aggrieved. Seeing my mother's tears, I know that my mother is "deeply loved and deeply responsible"! I also cried, threw myself into my mother's arms and shouted, "Mom, I love you!"

Mother Tears Composition (2)

Recently, my mother and I had a quarrel, so my mother cried. If you want to know why, just look down.

On Saturday, after I finished my chess class, I said to my mother: "I want to buy some snacks, OK?" My mother said: "That's no good. It's raining hard outside, and there is a lot of water. The shoes will be wet, so buy them tomorrow!" I said: "No! I will buy them today! I also won two yuan in the chess class competition today!"

I braved the rain and ran to the door of the shop. I asked my mother for money, but her mother said, "You said you won two dollars in the competition. Why don't you buy it with the money you took?"

I said hurriedly, "The money has not been distributed yet. You give me money to buy food first, and I will return it to you when the money is distributed."

Mother shook her head repeatedly and said, "No, you can't buy snacks until the teacher gives you the money." I was very angry, so I shouted, "Why not?"

Mother frowned and said, "Just not!" I ran home angrily. Mother was very angry, but she bore it.

After returning home, I asked my mother, "Why don't you let me buy food?" My mother shouted, "No, no!"

The more we quarreled, the more fierce we became. I was so angry that I accidentally punched my mother by mistake. Mother was so angry that she shed tears.

Later, I reflected on myself. My mother usually paid a lot for me, but I beat her. I admit my mistake, and I can never do such things again!

Mother Tears Composition (3)

After lunch, my mother sat on the sofa, sewing, chattering and urging me to keep a diary. I seem very impatient. These days, I'm in a bad mood. I'm listless in everything I do, probably because I don't have math. Seeing that I was indifferent, she raised her voice again. I walked out of the bedroom slowly and came to her side to discuss my writing ideas with her. Unexpectedly, without saying a few words, we quarreled. I said angrily, "I write my composition without your interference." Mother was stunned, put down her needle and thread, and her face sank. Staring at me, she did not expect the always docile sheep to become so stubborn.

Adults will not give in to children, and so will mothers. She said sternly, "Say it again." I seemed to be offended by her words. I didn't know where the courage came from. I blurted out, "Never mind." Unexpectedly, this sentence stabbed my mother's heart like a sharp knife. Her face became pale, and she was silent for a moment. Tears flowed down, which was a scene I had never seen before. At this time, he slowly stood up, with tears in his eyes, silently walked into the bedroom and lay on the bed powerless.

Perhaps, I really broke her heart this time, at this time, I really don't know how, not only ashamed, or wronged, my tears also flowed down. I thought of how hard my mother raised me and how hard she worked for my study. I did not repay her with excellent achievements and good morality, but with vicious words. I regret it. In my heart, I told myself that this was the first and last time.

I opened the door gently and came to my mother's side. I was stunned for a long time, but I didn't know what to say. I let my tears wet my eyes. My mother seemed to feel that I was standing beside her, but she just ignored me. I knew that she was still angry with me. So I cried, "Mom, I was wrong and I shouldn't ask you to forgive me like that. Mom, I will cherish your tears.

Mother Tears Composition (4)

Mother is very brave. She is like a woman, but women also cry sometimes.

Anxious tears

I have been naughty since I was young. Once, my family went to visit my aunt and uncle and planned to play there for a few days before returning. In the evening, my uncle and I went upstairs first. When we got upstairs, my uncle joked with me and said, "You should sleep under the bed today. It's cloudy, cool and comfortable under the bed, and there is a lot of space." I thought it was a good idea, and slowly climbed in. After a while, my mother came up to me and was worried when she found that I was not in the room. She asked my uncle, but he didn't say anything. As a result, there was a "whole family raid". They found all the places they could find, but they couldn't find them. Mother cried. Everyone comforted her not to worry, she would find it. I slowly crawled out when I heard my mother crying.

Moved tears

Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, I went to kindergarten. It was a day of Mother's Day. In the kindergarten, the teacher taught us to make a flower. I was very happy and ready to give it to my mother. After school, I accidentally tore up the flowers because of chasing and playing with my classmates. I was so sad that I cried. When my mother asked me why I was crying, I said, "I accidentally tore up the gift I wanted to give you." My mother held me and patted me, saying, "Yang Yang's intention is the best gift for her mother." At this time, I inadvertently saw the crystal tears in her eyes.

Sad tears

Slowly, I entered the fifth grade, and my grades were no longer as stable as before. One time, I only scored more than 70 points on a simple math paper. Once back, I told my mother about this and said that there were a lot of people in my class who had more than 90 points. I thought that my mother would severely criticize me, or even beat me, but I came to cry - my mother cried. I feel that at this moment, I feel worse than being scolded and beaten.

Mom, now that my son has grown up, I swear in my heart that I will never let you cry again. I want you to live in laughter every day and be a happy mother.

Mother Tears Composition (5)

In recent days, the weather has changed very frequently. My mother is very busy at work. She has no time to dress when it is cold, so she gets cold, has a fever, and has a cold. She asks for leave to recuperate at home.

When I came back on Friday afternoon, my mother was still sleeping in bed, with a towel on her forehead, and her face was as red as fire. After a while, my mother woke up and kept coughing. When I saw this, I immediately sent syrup, cold medicine and water, and my mother's face showed a happy smile. After taking the medicine, my mother went to bed.

After my mother went to bed, I fetched a basin of warm water, dipped some water with a towel, and wiped my mother's face. I'm still cleaning at home, doing things that my mother usually does. I'm exhausted! After finishing my work, I lay down beside the bed to rest and saw two tears near my mother's eyes.

Gradually, my mother recovered under my careful care. When I recovered, my mother said to me, "My child, you really grow up, and my mother is happy." I was even sweeter than honey.

Mother Tears Composition (6)

A famous person once said: "A mother's love is a lamp that lights the way at night; a mother's love is a tree that enables tired children to rely on.".

I remember every time when I came home from school and saw my mother's exhausted figure, it always made my heart ache and made me cry.

When I was young, I often had a high fever and was weak. My mother sent me to the hospital all day long. At that time, my mother's back was different from today's back. At that time, my back was broad, but now my back is exhausted.

I remember when I was in kindergarten. One day, when it was raining heavily, other people's parents came to pick up their children. I am alone, standing at the gate of the kindergarten, waiting for my family to pick me up. I can't help feeling resentful to my parents: why don't you pick me up? "

Suddenly, a familiar figure came to me slowly from the rain. When I looked carefully, it turned out to be my mother. I was very happy at that time, and my anger slowly disappeared.

My mother carried me on her back on the way home. I felt my mother's shoulder warm, and my heart suddenly changed from air to warmth.

I said to my mother, "I want to come down, mother." After I came down, my mother and I held the same umbrella. When I almost got home, my mother saw that my schoolbag was wet! So she gave me her umbrella and ran home.

In the rain, I saw my mother's back again. It was so scarred and tired.

The next morning, my mother caught a cold and lay in the hospital. I blame myself, why don't I let my mother run home with an umbrella, or my mother won't get sick!

At this moment, my heart aches. Seeing my mother lying in the back of the hospital, I shed tears again.

As soon as I read Meng Jiao's Wanderer's Ode, I seemed to see my mother's thin, tired and scarred back. I silently read in my heart, "Mom, you are the touch of my life!

Mother Tears Composition (7)

From my birth, to my toddler, to the little boy with a red scarf on his chest, I have devoted much of my parents' efforts! Every fall, every stand, condensed the parents' expectations! But I don't know!

When I entered junior high school, I didn't want to live in school. I was still a day student and still confused. One night when I was studying by myself, I punched out of school, but I didn't see my mother at the school gate. At once, I was very angry: didn't you know to pick me up earlier? Damn it! Chengdu in November is not too cold, but the wind at night is still biting. I waited for nearly half an hour in the cold wind before my mother drove there. On seeing me, my mother apologized: "Sorry, sorry, the company is bidding a very important bid. Today, all the people in the office are working overtime. It was not easy to ask for leave, so we were late." Cut! excuse! If you are late, you will be late. You have to find such a bad excuse! I got into the car without saying a word and didn't even look at her. My mother also wanted to explain. She looked at my face and said nothing. However, I forgot that my mother waited for me every day in that day, maybe ten minutes, maybe twenty minutes, but never complained!

When I got home, I finished the rest of my homework. It was very late. I didn't know why, I suddenly remembered to look at my mother, but I saw that there was no light in that room. Maybe I was asleep. The heart is like this, but the body wants to see more. I walked carefully, and a little light came out of the room. I was puzzled. When I came closer, my mother was working overtime with the computer. It's really overtime! No excuse! In order to pick me up, I should have said a lot of good things to the leaders, right? Looking at her figure, I hesitated. There was a little red on my face. I opened my mouth, but didn't say anything. Tears came out of my mouth, turned into thousands of words, and flowed through my face. Seeing me, my mother just said softly, "Go to bed early, and go to school tomorrow!"

At home, the mother is also a housewife; Get up early every morning and prepare breakfast for me; In the evening, I have to prepare supper for fear that I will not eat well at school; On weekends, we should prepare rich meals. Those delicious meals are full of love. Mother's kitchen is busy, and there are several snowy 'needles' in the dark hair. It may not be delicious, but it is love, the taste of maternal love.

But, mother, how can I repay you? "Who says the heart of an inch of grass will win the three spring sunshine". Mom, I never told you I love you, but I think you must know! I never told you that I knew what you expected of me, but I couldn't control myself and didn't meet your expectations; I never told you that even if I can't be the person you want to be, I will be your pride! The only reward I can think of is to be a self reliant when I grow up. When you grow old, I will take care of you and be considerate of you, just as you did to me at the beginning

Mother Tears Composition (8)

When I was in the third grade, I did not achieve good results in several examinations. In order not to disappoint my mother, I hid the test paper quietly. Although I tried to hide it, I was still afraid of the disappointed look in my mother's eyes when she found out. So, whenever my mother asked about the recent paper, I always blushed and said, "It hasn't been handed out yet."

Before long, my mother tidied up her desk and accidentally opened the drawer, revealing my secret. My mother picked up the paper and looked at it. "When is this paper?" she asked me angrily. "This - this..." I stammered. After listening to this, my mother did not hesitate at all. She grabbed the broom angrily and hit me face to face. Every time she hit me, she scolded: "It's the fault of mother to raise or not to teach. When did you learn to lie to you? When did you say that I scolded you because you did not do well in the exam..." I cried loudly, and my mother also shed tears, but the broom in her hand did not stop. It really hurts my son and my heart! This time I really let my mother's heart ache.

In the evening, my mother conscientiously analyzed my mistakes again and again until I completely understood them. Let me do the wrong question again, and then said earnestly: "It doesn't matter if you don't do well in the exam, but you can't lie to your mother. You should be good at analyzing wrong questions and summing up experience..." At 11 o'clock, my mother went to rest.

When I slept at night, I still felt some pain in my wound. I opened my eyes and saw that it was my mother who was applying medicine to my wound. With the help of the light, I found my mother's eyes filled with crystal tears

Love is a mother's job all her life. "Who can say that every inch of grass has a heart, can win the Three Chunhui" Thank you, Mom!