I learned to care about the composition (collection of 19)
Old boy
2024-06-13 02:49:08

I learned to care about composition (1)

One day, my father went fishing early in the morning, leaving me and my mother at home. That day I was just about to go to school, so I got up early. I found my mother was still awake, so I washed her gently for fear of waking her up. After washing, my mother still didn't wake up. I took the money left by my father on the desk, opened the door gently, closed the door gently, and went downstairs gently to run in the garden in the morning. After running in the morning, I helped my mother buy breakfast and put it in the rice cooker, plugged in the electricity, warmed it up, and left a note for her, which said, "Mom, I have finished running, and bought breakfast for you. Your breakfast is hot in the rice cooker, remember to eat! I have eaten breakfast, go to school, bye! Your daughter: Tian Jing".

Another time, Gold's father was in hospital, and Aunt Xiao was taking care of him in the hospital. I told Gold, "Gold, your father is in hospital, and your mother is taking care of him there. You can go to my home tonight! Tomorrow we can take a bus to school, OK?" Gold said hurriedly, "Yes, if I don't know what to do at night, you can tell me to do it." I said, "Yes." Gold said, "OK."

I learned to care about others, for which I was very happy.

I learned to care about composition (2)

What is caring? Care is a kind word, care is turning around the corner, care is a warm embrace. There is concern everywhere in the world. My father once said to me: "As long as you know how to care about others, others will naturally care about you."

I learned the depth of friendship, the strength of unity, and more importantly, how to care for others. Time, like flowing water, slipped away quietly without any trace. I saw my parents' hair was white.

I don't want my parents to have too much burden and pressure. I just want to sweep the floor for my parents, or drill screws to make a big bag of plastic. I will also beat my parents' backs. I have learned to care about my parents. But I also care about my classmates. When they are sad, I always go to comfort them and let them stop crying. I help my parents reduce the pressure. I am very happy and my parents are proud of me. How simple it is to care about others!

I learned to care about composition (3)

Learn to care about composition 400 words (1)

Love composition 400 words Love can make a heart warm, love can make the world connected. If everyone learns to love, there will be no quarrel, no dispute and no war in the world. You should know that the No. 6 bus at about eleven o'clock is very crowded. It's good to have a good seat, not to mention a place to stay. The car slowly arrived at the station and stopped right in front of me. As soon as the door opened, I stepped onto the car and dropped a coin. Before the coin reached the bottom, I turned around and occupied the front seat. I want to go to the mall. Fortunately, I have a seat. Otherwise, I will be exhausted. People poured into the car like flowing water. The car that was empty just now became airtight immediately. At this time, I saw an old woman with white hair, getting on the bus with difficulty. At each stop, many people can go down, but many people can come up. The empty seat was occupied by later people. The old man was pushed to the door and could hardly stand. I'm going to stand up and give my seat to Grandma. But there is still a long way to go Let it go, let it go, let it go! No I feel like two villains fighting in my heart. Love kicks away selfishness and decides to "give up your seat". When I was about to get up, a young man stood up neatly and said, "Old man, please sit down." He carefully helped the old man to sit on the seat. The old man smiled and thanked. Until I got off the bus, the young man still stood. In this casual moment, I learned what love is, love is to pay sweat, love is to ask for happiness. Caring has changed me. I am no longer selfish, and I do not seek return. Only for the convenience of others with their own efforts.

Learn to care about composition 400 words (2)

400 words of caring composition

Concerned composition 400 words (1)

Care is a spring breeze,>warming everyone's heart; Care is a torch, illuminating everyone's journey; Care is a harbor that comforts everyone who returns from a long voyage.

Some people say that eyes without tears are dry; Some people say that the night without dreams is dark; I said that the world without love is pale.

I can't forget my mother's advice to me when I go to school in the morning, my grandfather when I go home after school in the evening, and listening to the teacher's silent and earnest words in class

In fact, when you care for others, even a little bit, or even just a warm word, will ripple in their hearts.

When I was 12 years old, I gave my mother a wind chime that was not very finely made by myself on her birthday. My mother's tears were on my face. Mom said that I was a lovely child in her heart. At that time, I seemed to have the whole world at once.

When a student's pen is broken, please warmly hand over a pen and say, "Use mine!"; When a student is unwell and cannot come to class, please take some spare time to greet him at his home; When you meet old people crossing the road on crutches, please go up and help them; When „„„ all of these will be exchanged for a sincere thank you, you will feel concerned and beautiful.

There is no absolute thing in the world. Take care of everyone, whether they are relatives, friends, strangers or acquaintances. As long as you care about them, you will get from them.

Concerned composition 400 words (2)

There is only a mother in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure. When he is in his mother's arms, he cannot enjoy happiness

There are many people who care about me in the world - my father, mother, grandpa and grandma My mother is usually seven miles away. Only on weekends, winter vacation and summer vacation can she stay with me. Therefore, she is very concerned about me. Every day I call to ask about my study and physical condition, especially during the epidemic of A/H1N1 flu, my mother calls me every day to remind me to wash my hands with soap, go to bed early, and so on. A few days later, my mother's original phone call became a phone call in the morning, a phone call at noon, and a phone call at night.

In the morning, my mother usually wakes me up, arranges my books and goes to school. She tells me to listen carefully, do my homework quickly and well, remember to take the key, eat some steamed buns, steamed buns and soybean milk for breakfast, try not to eat fried food, be late for class, comb my hair beautifully, and wear more clothes when the weather is cold, If you feel hot, just take off a piece of clothing. Remember to wear a mask when you go to school. Don't go to places where there are many people. Don't talk to strangers.

When crossing the road, you should first look at both sides and pay attention to safety

At noon, when I got home, I called my mother to say that I had dinner when I got home. After a short rest, it was one o'clock, and my mother called me again: Did you listen carefully in class? What did you have in class? What did the teacher say? What did you learn? It was a bit hot in the afternoon. Let's change into thin clothes. Have you finished eating? Did you wash your hands with soap before eating? What did you eat and how many bowls of rice did you eat, If the teacher has not assigned homework, we should do it quickly. If there is no homework, please read Part A of the English text. Remember to go to school at half past one. Don't be late for school. Remember!

In the evening, when I finished my homework and had dinner, my mother called again: "Are you full? If the food is delicious, don't eat too much, it's called overeating, which is bad for your stomach. Have you finished your homework? What homework have you done? You should go to bed early and form a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early."

If I was not around, my mother would call me every day to care about my study and life. What about? My mother is a good mother. She cares about me very much!

Concerned composition 400 words (3)

I can't finish talking about my mother's concern for me. Today, I will tell you something that I will never forget.

It was a sunny morning. We were listening to the teacher quietly. Suddenly, it began to rain cats and dogs. Is it true that Cloud father and Cloud mother quarreled, and the raindrops slipped out quietly. "Terrible!" I almost cried, I haven't brought my umbrella yet!

School was soon over. I shared an umbrella with my classmates and walked out of the school. I was very anxious. Suddenly, I saw my mother's figure. Because my mother was short-sighted, she could not find me. She was also very anxious to look around. I thought, "Mom is really hard. It's raining so hard, and she came to pick me up." I stepped up to my mother and said to her, "Mom, I'm here!" My mother turned around, Said to me: "Is it cold? Don't catch cold. Let's go home quickly!" I nodded. After saying that, my mother took my hand and walked home.

On the way, my mother was always afraid that I would be hit by the rain dolls, so she always leaned her umbrella to me, but she was drenched by the rain. It was raining harder and harder. My mother asked me to go where there was no water, but she walked on the very wet ground. Sometimes, she stepped on the puddle and her pants were wet.

After a while, we returned home. My mother put a cotton padded jacket on me, and I was very moved.

Ah! Mother's love is the greatest in the world!

Learn to care about composition 400 words (3)

Learn to care about composition

Learn to care about composition (1)

I am already a middle school student in the first day of junior high school. I never cared about my parents who were worried even when I coughed at ordinary times. But now I know how to care about them.

Once, when my mother was not at home, my father went out for a drink and came back alone very late. Drunken, walking unsteadily. As soon as I entered the house, I fell on the sofa. I guess my father would vomit, so I quickly brought a basin and put it under the sofa. Sure enough, Dad vomited after a while, and I caught it with the basin. After Dad vomited, I poured out the dirty things, washed the basin, and then poured a glass of water for Dad to drink. Dad fell asleep on the sofa after drinking, so I took out a quilt from the room and covered it for Dad. Mother praised me when she came back.

Another time, I was at home alone. Seeing that there are still many clothes left in the basin, I thought: Mom usually comes back late from work, and there are so many jobs waiting for her to do, why don't I wash them for her! Just do it. I learned from my mother's usual way of washing clothes and dried up. I washed one side after another, but still didn't clean it. I didn't put soap powder into it, but I found soap powder and continued to wash. After washing, I was tired and had a sore back. I had to air the clothes. I used a clothes rack to air the clothes, but I couldn't do it. The clothes were too heavy. I didn't wring them out, so I wring them out again. Alas, I'm really tired, but I'm still happy to help my mother do something to lighten her burden. When my mother came home, she saw me and praised me.

Now I know how to care about them, but that's not enough. I have to learn to care about everyone, because caring is a kind of happiness. Learn to care about composition (2)

That day, the holy angel opened her care pocket and sowed seeds on the earth one by one. The seeds sown on my heart did not sprout until that moment.

On that day, the snowflakes danced, and the whole world turned white. It seemed that the angel in white came here, and there was silence. After a while, the children came to play with me. I was very happy. Although he finished his homework in thirty seven twenty one, he ran outside and played with them. We played until half past nine in the evening. Because it was too late to go to bed, we got up at half past six the next morning. I decided to go to school by bus.

When I got on the bus, I grabbed a seat and sat down. There were more and more people, so many people did not have a seat. An old man came up and stood for a long time, but no one gave up his seat. I still thought to myself, "Who cares? Who let him come up late?". After a while, a little girl of my age stood up and said, "Grandpa, please sit here with me.". The old man came slowly and said, "Thank you, little friend."

A few days later, I was late again and decided to take the bus again. When I got on the bus, I thought about the little girl last time. After a while, a younger sister than me came up. There was no seat. After standing for a while, the driver's car stopped, and the younger sister fell down. I helped him up and said to her, "Please sit here with me." She took a seat and said to me, "Thank you, older sister." I was so happy that everyone in the car stood up to me.

The angel of love is fair. It is she who makes the seeds of my concern not only sprout but also blossom. The two sacred words of concern remain in my heart forever.

Learn to care about composition (3)

"Little sluggard, get up!" In the morning, my mother came to my room and pulled me out of the warm bed. I rubbed my eyes and dressed slowly.

I came to the kitchen and saw my mother bought a carp and was about to kill it. I said to my mother, "Mom, let me kill the fish today." My mother looked at me and said, "Are you good at killing it?" "Of course! I have grown up!" My mother could not resist me, so she had to promise me. I rushed into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, and then went to the kitchen to kill fish. I caught the carp from the bucket several times, but the carp struggled desperately and escaped from my hands.

This is the power of life! With my mother's help, I finally caught the fish. The carp splashed in the pool, trying to make their upper body touch the water, even a little. My mother first taught me to scrape the scales clean. I did as my mother said, and soon scraped the scales. The carp was still fluttering, trying to jump out of the pool, but everything was in vain, but it never gave up, still struggling desperately. Then I cut the belly of the carp. I thought the carp

I learned to care about composition (4)

Caring for others can be a kind greeting, a warm hug, or a glass of water. You would think that a greeting is very simple, but not for me before, "Why should I care about others and let others care about me?" With this attitude, I was arrogant, indulged, unreasonable, and unreasonable. That was me before.

When I was in the first grade of primary school, I remember Ying Yumeng very clearly. At that time, my friends and I played very well in primary school. They were very enthusiastic about me. They took the initiative to play with me. There was a girl in the class who didn't like to talk. She was very successful and sincere, but she didn't talk much. My incomprehensibility still makes them gradually far away from me. After meeting me, they just politely make a move and then leave. Some simply ignore me. That frustration is really not a taste. Their old friends have become passers-by now. At that time, I really couldn't accept it. Now, I can't accept it. So I was left out by my classmates. I was also embarrassed to take the initiative to find them to play. So the relationship became more and more rigid. At that time, I didn't talk to my classmates very much. At that time, I became very withdrawn. One day, the girl who didn't speak came to me and pointed out all my shortcomings. At that time, I was stunned. Her popularity was very good, and I didn't know her well. She took the initiative to find me and told me this, which made me very puzzled. She told me a lot, and she always smiled, I only remember that she said, "You can care more about others and take more care of their feelings, so that everyone can play with you!" I don't know what to say, but simply replied with a thank you. At that time, we just had the summer vacation, and I transferred from the second grade to another school. I gave all the care that I had forgotten to the first grade students to the new students. We got along very happily. The students were very friendly. Everyone liked to play with me. When others did well in the exam, I would send my blessing. When others did not do well in the exam, I would comfort others. When others were sick, I would say I wish you a speedy recovery, When others are criticized by my teacher, I will say, "It's OK, the teacher is also for your own good." They often tell me some small secrets, and all kinds of unhappiness will also tell me. They don't know how unreasonable I was before.

I learned to care about others, and now I am very grateful to that girl. She made me understand that I should learn to care about others, care about others, and let me grow up such a big step. Let my feelings between friends and me become better.

I learned to care about composition (5)

As an only child, I was loved by my parents in every way at home. But I always feel that I don't care enough about my parents.

So I tried to find every little chance to care about them.

I remember that on the eve of the Spring Festival this year, my father went on a business trip again. Mother's hospital sent prawns, crabs and scallops for the Spring Festival. Mother was on duty on the first day of the New Year, and she cooked a delicious seafood dinner for me on the evening of the second day of the New Year. The red prawns, the purple red pound crabs, and the flawless white scallops all stare at us and welcome us to enjoy them.

Just as we were about to have a good meal, the phone rang. It turned out that my mother had asked her to go to the hospital to rescue the patient quickly. Mother put down the phone, copied a steamed bun and was about to leave. I quickly shouted, "Take a bite and then go. I leaned against the windowsill and looked at my mother's thin body, her hurried footsteps, and the white breath that was exhaled. Once again, I regret that I care too little about my mother. I think! Mom, mom, what a wonderful spirit you are devoted to your work! How hard you work for the patient, I really should care more about you. I sighed deeply and looked back at the table full of seafood. My appetite had disappeared, and I felt that it was not me but my hardworking mother who should enjoy them. yes! Yes. I found a piece of white paper, and the worker wrote: "My dear mother, you always cut back on food and clothing, and always let me eat, dress, and use good food. You are so weak, and you have to save so many patients. Your body will collapse after a long time. I didn't eat these seafood, mother. It should be you who enjoy them. Just eat them to make up for your health. It is also my duty to show filial piety. Love your son. " I finished writing the letter and pressed it under the plate. My mother worked late that night, so I went to bed first when I was really sleepy. In my dream, I seemed to see my mother reading my letter with a smile while eating seafood, and praised me as a good son who respected my parents.

I learned to care about composition (6)

Every healthy person has two hands, and each hand has a thumb. Look, does the wrinkles at the thumb joint look like an eye? Some are double eyelids! This means that all people are watching you silently. Maybe you haven't noticed it. Now, look carefully. Is it like?

We should also learn to pay silent attention to others, and take care of little things.

I have learned to care for others in small things.

In midsummer, it is extremely hot and mosquitoes are rampant. The boiling water in the thermos bottles of the school can no longer satisfy the thirsty mouths of the students. After all, senior students have lived in this school for several years, and they have poured mineral water into the guard room. The water is cool and sweet. The junior students' ability to collect information was not strong, and they were all surrounded by the only two thermoses in front of the junior teaching building, which were three floors inside and three floors outside. So the enclosure can turn into water? I walked over to a pair of twin sisters and heard their conversation: "What should I do? The water is gone." "It's all drunk." "It's thirsty." "It's so hot." I listened, squatted down and said to them, "Do you want water?" They were not afraid of living: "Yes, but the water is gone." "There is mineral water in the guard room, go to fill it." "Really?" "Yes, it's still ice!" They picked up the kettle and ran, with a blue and pink bow on their heads flying up and down. "They must be so happy," I thought, walking to the classroom.

This is a starting point for me to care about others since I completely remember. At that time, I was nine years old and in the third grade.

I learned to care about composition (7)

What is caring? It is the great world that sent me a great motherland; It is the motherland that gave me a peaceful society; It was the society that gave me a warm home, a well read teacher, a group of innocent and lovely classmates and friends. In the vast world, people care about us meticulously. With the passage of time, I also learned to care about others and everyone around me meticulously.

That morning, it was sunny and sunny; At noon, there was a thunderstorm. I was worried about becoming drowned, but just then, a familiar figure came into my eyes. It was my mother, and I was overjoyed. Mother love is everywhere. On the way back, a small light red umbrella moved around, fearing that the unpleasant rain would wet the other party, I snuggled tightly in my mother's arms, with a sweet smile on my face, because I learned the first thread of care - mother daughter love.

Another time, when I was in the second grade of primary school, I met a good friend Deng Leilei. She is cheerful and generous, and she is inseparable from me. It was a cold winter morning. The teacher was silent. With a stench, the classroom was like a frying pan. It turned out that Lei Lei vomited, and the students kept her at a distance. "Teacher," I said without hesitation, "I will send her home.". The teacher allowed. On the way, her eyes filled with tears, I do not know whether it is sweat or tears, silently fell on my shoulder. That night, I went to her home to help her make up for her missed courses. But I felt extremely gratified because I found the second thread of concern - classmate love.

I learned to care about others and care about others meticulously, so my life is full.

I learned to care about composition (8)

From childhood to adulthood, although I have always been in the concern of everyone, I am very unfamiliar with the word "care". As I grew up, I began to have a superficial understanding of "caring". It was not until that time that I really understood "caring" and learned to "care".

That time was a Sunday. My family and I went to the countryside to play. When we played, I found something on the road ahead. I walked up to see a bird lying there with blood on its wings! The bird looked at me in horror, and its bark seemed to make me stay away from it. I had an idea to help it. I grabbed it gently and looked carefully. It turned out that its wings were injured and there was no nest nearby, so I adopted it. After returning home, my father and I went to buy medicine. My mother wiped the blood off its wings, cleaned it, and put it in a cage. My father and I went to the pharmacy to buy medicine. After we bought it, my father and I bound it up. In this way, the bird began to live in my home. I always fed it carefully and healed its wounds. After a few days, the bird's wound was better, and we let it try to fly. We were very happy to see it flying around.

After a while, we took it to the park. It swished out of its cage. It flew higher and farther, and then flew back to fly around me. It seemed to say goodbye to me. I don't know why I thought of that bird when I saw it since then. I gradually missed it, and occasionally regretted letting it go, But I know it belongs to nature, not to me, so I can only miss him.

The word "care" is not only often used, but also we always use it to hope that care will not disappear in the world.

I learned to care about composition (9)

I got up early with the sweet sound of the bell.

I found my mother not at home.

Everyone needs to care, and everyone should learn to care. When I was young, I seldom cared about others. I still remember that one day when I went out to play, I saw a blind man crossing the road. I looked at him at the other side of the road and said to myself silently, "Am I going to help him?"? Or don't you go and help him? These two words have been around my ears, and I didn't care about him because I hesitated. Every time I hear the song "Thanksgiving Heart", my eyes shed tears from time to time, which made me determined to learn the little girl in the song. It was the little girl who taught me how to care about others.

I still remember one time, my mother caught a cold. She lay on the bed as soon as she got home and said to me, Sun Yuhan, my mother is a little uncomfortable today. If you are hungry, you can eat the money on the table yourself. Then I fell asleep. Looking at my mother's pain, I ran out with money, but instead of running to the food store, I ran to a nearby drugstore. I just ran to the drugstore doctor and asked me: What do you want, little friend? My heart suddenly panicked because this was the first time I bought medicine myself. I didn't know what to say. I said hesitantly: I buy cold granules. After I bought it, I washed it and put it in front of my mother, saying, "Mom, I bought a cold powder. You can drink it hot.". My mother said to me with tears in her eyes: My child has finally grown up.

Care for others, care for the motherland, care about the world, so that the earth is full of this beautiful quality.

I learned to care about composition (10)

The day I learned to care, the holy angel opened her care pocket and sowed seeds on the earth one by one. The seeds sown on my heart did not sprout until that moment. On that day, the snowflakes danced, and the whole world turned white. It seemed that the angel in white came here, and there was silence. After a while, the children came to play with me. I was very happy. Although he finished his homework in thirty seven twenty one, he ran outside and played with them. We played until half past nine in the evening. Because it was too late to go to bed, we got up at half past six the next morning. I decided to go to school by bus. When I got on the bus, I grabbed a seat and sat down. There were more and more people, so many people did not have a seat. An old man came up and stood for a long time, but no one gave up his seat. I still thought to myself, "Who cares? Who let him come up late?". After a while, a little girl of my age stood up and said, "Grandpa, please sit here with me.".

The grandpa came slowly and said, "Thank you, little friend." A few days later, I was almost late again and decided to take the bus again. When I got on the bus, I thought about the little girl last time. After a while, a younger sister than me came up. There was no seat. After standing for a while, the driver's car stopped, and the younger sister fell down. I helped him up and said to her, "Please sit here with me." She took a seat and said to me, "Thank you, older sister." I was so happy that everyone in the car stood up to me. The angel of love is fair. It is she who makes the seeds of my concern not only sprout but also blossom. The two sacred words of concern remain in my heart forever.

I learned to care about composition (11)

Care is the warmth between people, the channel of love, and the light of human friendship. No care, no love, no care, no warmth, no care, no light. The world is beautiful and warm because of concern, and human beings have feelings and charity because of concern. To strangers, family, friends and the world, we should have sincere concern.

From this, I learned to care. The cold wind poisoned the big underground, and the world was covered in the biting wind. I sat behind my mother's bicycle. When I passed a traffic light, my left foot got stuck in the rear wheel of the bicycle. "Ah" I cried out, only to see bright red blood seeping through socks and spilling onto the cement road. Someone with sharp eyes shouted to stop, "Bleeding!" I'm in agony. People riding bicycles and motorcycles on the roadside. One after another came down to help me take out my feet. Some people stopped a taxi, and others asked the car to make way for the taxi carrying me. In a blink of an eye, it made way for me.

Although I cried with pain, I could still feel the feeling of being cared for. The kind taxi driver not only confiscated my money, but also took the initiative to help me register. The snow-white socks were dyed red by blood, and care drove away my pain. I only felt that it was the most beautiful. It contained unlimited care, which was incomparable to care, and contained the best and kindest side of human beings. From then on, I learned to care, learned the most valuable things in life, gave me kindness, gave me pity, gave me true feelings.

Care is a breeze in summer. Although it is small, it cools others; Care is a cup of warm tea in winter, which warms others and warms oneself; Care is the true love in the world, which makes people kind.

I learned to care about composition (12)

Care, everyone has it. Do you want to hear my story?

·Once, my mother caught a cold, but she still cooked for me all the time. She cleaned the house every day. As soon as the guests were leaving, she opened the door for them. Every time after dinner, she would wash the dishes. But I didn't do anything for my mother. My father said, "You should take care of your mother!" My father's words reminded me of one thing: when I was in my hometown, my head suddenly hurt. When my mother learned about this, she took a bus from Nanjing to her hometown. Every day, she would accompany me until I was better. Looking back now, I really need to care about my mother, but I don't know when I can go. At first glance, it was 8:30, so I had to leave this "task" for tomorrow. The next day, my mother got out of bed happily, singing a song in her mouth. When I saw that something was wrong with my mother, I went to her and asked, "Mom, why are you so happy? Is your cold cured?" My mother nodded------

In fact, caring is our love. Let's carry it forward together!

I learned to care about composition (13)

This article "I've learned to care" is arranged by the composition of primary school students, for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Everyone needs to care, and everyone should learn to care. When I was young, I seldom cared about others. I still remember that one day when I went out to play, I saw a blind man crossing the road. I looked at him at the other side of the road and said to myself silently, "Am I going to help him?"? Or don't you go and help him? These two words have been around my ears, and I didn't care about him because I hesitated. Every time I hear the song "Thanksgiving Heart", my eyes shed tears from time to time, which made me determined to learn the little girl in the song. It was the little girl who taught me how to care about others.

I still remember one time, my mother caught a cold. As soon as she got home, she lay in bed and said to me, "Sun Yuhan, my mother is a little uncomfortable today. If you are hungry, you can go out to eat the money on the table yourself." Then she slept softly. Looking at my mother's pain, I ran out with money, but instead of running to the food store, I ran to a nearby drugstore. I just ran to the drugstore doctor and asked me, "What do you want, little friend? My heart suddenly panicked because it was the first time I bought medicine myself and I didn't know what to say. I hesitated and said," I buy cold granules. "I bought them back, I washed it and put it in front of my mother and said, "Mom, I bought a cold powder. You can drink it if you want." My mother said to me with tears in her eyes, "My child has finally grown up."

Care for others, care for the motherland and care for the world, so that the earth is full of this beautiful quality.

I learned to care about composition (14)

I learned to care

When the sun rises, the lake dresses for it; The new moon comes up, and the stars are its companions; Spring flowers are blooming, and green leaves set off against them; The birds sing and the crickets play the piano for them. Everything between heaven and earth tells us the story of love, because it is love that weaves the world.

My home is like a honeypot, and I sleep in the cradle like a honeypot. Here, the wind can't reach me, and the rain can't reach me. I am the baby that my mother holds in her hand for fear of breaking and holds in her mouth for fear of melting. I'm the youngest at home, so everyone gives me the go. I gradually become indifferent to others, and regard all love as plain and taken for granted. But after that, I finally learned to care about others.

It was a Friday evening. As usual, I flew home like a bird returning to its nest. When I pushed the door, the room was quiet. Why didn't I see my mother's busy figure in the past? I went straight to my mother's bedroom and saw her lying on the bed, her face red, her eyebrows twisted, and she moaned from time to time. I quickly put down my schoolbag and sat down beside my mother. "Mom, what's the matter with you?" My mother replied in a weak voice: "I have a fever, maybe I have a cold. The food is in the kitchen, maybe it's a little cold, I'll heat it for you." Then she got up and got out of bed. I quickly pressed my mother and said, "Mom, stop talking and have a rest!" I touched my mother's forehead with my hand. Ah! How hot! I hurried to call my father's mobile phone, but I couldn't get through. I was so worried that I looked like ants on a hot pot. Unable to contact my father, I had to think about what my parents did when I got sick. When I had a fever, my mother soaked a towel with cold water, and then put it on my forehead to let me reduce the fever. Well, I'll do the same! So I ran to the bathroom, soaked the towel with cold water, put it on my mother's forehead, took a thermometer, learned from the way my mother used before, and threw it hard for several times and put it under my mother's armpit. I sat by the bed and asked my mother about her illness. Mother smiled slightly and said, "Much better, you'd better go to study first.". After about ten minutes, I took the thermometer out of my mother's armpit, ah! 39 degrees. Mother has a high fever and must take medicine. I hurried to find cold medicine, made a cup of "Sanjiu Ganmao Ling", took two anti-inflammatory and antipyretic pills, and fed them to my mother to have a rest. I bought a Wonchun on the street. When I came back, I was already sweating and out of breath. When I watched my mother eat some, I felt relieved. I helped her lie down again. And I have always stayed by my mother, changing her towel, and touching her forehead from time to time to see if her fever has subsided. Gradually, my mother's face was not so red, and her spirit was much better. I felt very comfortable in my heart. I will finally care about others!

I saw my mother much better and thought: I finally learned to care about others!

I learned to care

Time flies, time flies. Just like Zhu Ziqing's<<Hurry>>, time went quietly like flowing water. Time has mercilessly drawn traces on everyone. Old Time has covered me with 15 rings of light, and 15 leaves have slowly fallen from the tree of life. I have grown up and entered the first starting point of life - the middle school era. For this strange environment, I am full of fear. It seems that there are dark walls around me. Fortunately, I am an optimist. I boldly tried to make new friends, but I was lucky. I was tightly surrounded by friendship, and I learned to care from it.

As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world. I gave my love and learned how to care about others. I have tried my best to do things no matter how big or small, or how deep or shallow I care.

"Ah" Whenever I hear the sighs of my classmates, my heart is as heavy as Mount Tai, as painful as a thousand needles, as deep as the ocean. At this time, I will try to care about him. Just like that time, I saw a classmate with a worried look, as if he was in pain, so I walked over and asked carefully: "This classmate, do you have any problems? Can I help you? I hope I can help you." At first, he was a bit hesitant, probably thinking about whether to tell me his troubles, But in the end, he told me so that I could help him. He finally opened his mouth. He said, "My English is always poor, and my grades always fly down three thousand feet like a waterfall on Mount Lushan. What do you think I should do?" This is not simple. I sincerely said to him, "This is very simple. As long as you listen carefully in class, review more after class, and remember more words, your grades will soar to the sky and be powerful." "Ha ha ha, it's easy for you to say. I know I have to memorize words, but I just can't remember. Is there any trick in the bag? Please give me more advice." He was a little unconvinced. "Genius comes from diligence. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. You should read, write and memorize more," I said solemnly. "I" he didn't know what to say, but he swallowed it back. He was convinced by what I said. In the days to come, he can be seen everywhere holding books and concentrating on memorizing English. His English has improved with his efforts.

Nothing is difficult for a willing person. As long as you are willing to work hard, you can overcome yourself, overcome difficulties, step on obstacles and reach the world's highest peak.

I learned to care. Caring for others means paying more attention to others and doing my best to help others. For you, maybe your concern is not worth talking about, it is as small as sand, but it is very helpful for others.

I decided to care more about others and hurt others less. Maybe I will become an angel. "As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better world." Concern for others made me happy and couldn't help humming a tune.

I learned to care

What is caring? Care is a mouthful of food when hungry; A sip of water when hungry or thirsty; It is a helping hand in times of difficulty. I learned this truth through that matter!

It was a stormy night, my parents went to the night shift, and I was alone at home. The cold wind outside was howling, and I sat on the sofa watching TV. "Cough, cough, cough" A sound came from somewhere. At first, I didn't care. Later, such a sound kept coming out. So I began to look for the sound. Finally, I found the voice. It was Grandma Wang who was coughing next door! Grandma Wang coughs all the year round. She has taken myrrh today. So I volunteered to buy medicine for Grandma Wang.

I took my money and umbrella and ran to the drugstore. The road was dark and nobody was there. I was still walking on the road. I stumbled over something and fell on the ground. I thought of Grandma Wang's cough. He got up, hummed a tune, braved himself and continued to walk to the pharmacy. Finally, I came to the drugstore. Several drugstores were closed, and one was open. I hurried to the drugstore, bought the medicine, and ran back to Grandma Wang's house.

When I got to Grandma Wang's house, I hurried to take medicine for Grandma Wang. After a while, Grandma Wang stopped coughing. Grandma Wang said to me gratefully, "Thank you!" I quickly said, "You're welcome!" When I saw that Grandma Wang was well, my mouth also smiled. I'm wet. I don't know whether it's rain or sweat.

Care is a beautiful emotion between people.

I learned to care

Care is a spring breeze, warming everything in the world; Care is a cool wind, a shower of rain, bringing a sense of freshness to the hot summer day; Care is a gust of autumn wind, driving away the summer heat; Care is the snowflakes flying in winter, laying the groundwork for the next harvest

I remember that when I was young and ignorant, I was always cared by others. Gradually, I entered the golden childhood, and I was always looking for opportunities to care about others. Once, a fellow student in the class was ill, but he still insisted on coming to school. After class, many students gathered around him to express condolences; I also made it. Suddenly, he covered his mouth, and everyone escaped to "thousands of miles" away, just because things were bad. Sure enough, the classmate vomited all over the place. The class immediately burst into flames, and everyone began to talk; Some said, "It's disgusting, let's go", others said, "Oh, my God, I'm going to throw up", and others said, "It's so pathetic, let's go and help her". I started to work with several classmates; I went to get mops. Some of them went to the kitchen to get coal, some went to get brooms, and some went to fetch water. Everyone began to work. Although the sweat is hot, our hearts are sweet and we continue to clean the "victim's place".

Those who just spoke empty words on the side blushed unconsciously; They also took action. The person who handed the paper towel, the person who served the tea, and someone was telling jokes to make her laugh!

Although this matter has passed for a long time, I still will not forget it, because from that moment on, I liked to care about others, and also deeply realized the true meaning of "helping others and being happy". Yes, as long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful tomorrow!

I learned to care

I am already a middle school student in the first day of junior high school. I never cared about my parents who were worried even when I coughed at ordinary times. But now I know how to care about them.

Once, when my mother was not at home, my father went out for a drink and came back alone very late. Drunken, walking unsteadily. As soon as I entered the house, I fell on the sofa. I guess my father would vomit, so I quickly brought a basin and put it under the sofa. Sure enough, Dad vomited after a while, and I caught it with the basin. After Dad vomited, I poured out the dirty things, washed the basin, and then poured a glass of water for Dad to drink. Dad fell asleep on the sofa after drinking, so I took out a quilt from the room and covered it for Dad. Mother praised me when she came back.

Another time, I was at home alone. Seeing that there are still many clothes left in the basin, I thought: Mom usually comes back late from work, and there are so many jobs waiting for her to do, why don't I wash them for her! Just do it. I learned from my mother's usual way of washing clothes and dried up. I washed one side after another, but still didn't clean it. I didn't put soap powder into it, but I found soap powder and continued to wash. After washing, I was tired and had a sore back. I had to air the clothes. I used a clothes rack to air the clothes, but I couldn't do it. The clothes were too heavy. I didn't wring them out, so I wring them out again. Alas, I'm really tired, but I'm still happy to help my mother do something to lighten her burden. When my mother came home, she saw me and praised me.

Now I know how to care about them, but that's not enough. I have to learn to care about everyone, because caring is a kind of happiness.

I learned to care

Before, I was a little girl, but now, I learned to care

Because I am the youngest at home, my family loves me very much. Surrounded by happiness, I don't know how to care about others, but only know how to accept others' care for me. I didn't know how to care about others until I read this advertisement, which is actually very simple. The advertisement content is: a mother and her own child wash their feet, and then go to wash their mother-in-law's feet. The mother-in-law loves her dearly, and said: "tired for a day, take a break!" But my mother said, "It's OK, I'm not tired. More bubble feet are good for your legs

From this advertisement, I learned to care about others. One night, my mother came home from work and was not feeling well. Although she pretended to be OK in front of me, I still found out. I said to my mother, "Mom, are you not feeling well?" My mother said, "No, look how healthy my mother is!" "Mom, don't lie to me, I know you are sick." I said. My mother saw that I could see it, I didn't lie: Mom is fine "

Sure enough, I took a temperature of 39.5 degrees, and had a fever. I quickly let my mother lie down. I took ice to cool her down, poured water for her, and took medicine for her fever. When my mother saw me running around, she said sadly, "Meiling, mother is OK, don't be busy." "Nothing" I said, "I'm not tired."

This is called caring. From this, I understand that caring can be a simple greeting, a glass of water handed over when thirsty, a massage given to parents when they are tired, or-------

In fact, caring is a very simple thing, but I have learned it until now. In fact, caring is every bit of life, only care if you find it

I learned to care about composition (15)

I learned to care about composition 1:

People often care about me in life, but I don't care about others. However, it was at that time that I learned to care

One cold winter day, the north wind howled, and my mother fell ill. A large basin of dirty clothes was piled up, and my mother was about to wash them. I stopped my mother hurriedly and said, "You are sick and need a good rest, let me do it!" My mother said in surprise, "Are you clean?" I looked at my mother's pale face and red nose, and I confidently said, "I will clean it!", I picked up the basin full of dirty clothes and went to the water pipe. The water in the faucet splashed in the basin. I rolled up my sleeve and put my hand into the cold water. I could not help shouting "ah", and my hand suddenly became red. I began to wash. After a long time, my hands became numb. I could not exert my strength when washing. I had to wash slowly. I want to back down, but I have the power to wash clothes when I think of the way my mother does not complain when she helps me wash clothes. After a long time. I finally finished washing my clothes. My mother praised me, and I felt happy.

Although the water is so cold when washing clothes, my heart is hot because I learned to care.

I learned to care about composition 2:

I learned to care about people, so happy.

This morning, I saw my mother didn't have breakfast when she got up in the morning, so I hurried to work in front of the computer. Listening to the ticking keyboard sound, I couldn't help admiring: Ah! Mom is really diligent! I went out to have breakfast and got ready to go. I thought to myself: Mom is working at home, and she started working early in the morning before breakfast. By the way, I might as well go to a store to buy instant noodles for my mother.

As soon as I finished speaking, I went to the shop opposite to buy instant noodles. When I got home, I began to make instant noodles for my mother carefully while boiling water. I poured spices into it and then boiled water. I covered the paper on the instant noodles with a book again. After about 15 minutes, I took the book away, tore off the page, and smelt it! It smells good! Instant noodles can be eaten.

I immediately gave instant noodles to my mother who worked upstairs. My mother saw them and immediately praised me, saying, "Ouch! Our Liu Zhongke is really grown up, so sensible!" I listened to my mother's words, like a breeze blowing through my heart, very comfortable!

Usually my mother cares about me. Now I have learned to care about my mother.

I learned to care about composition 3:

One day, my father went fishing early in the morning, leaving me and my mother at home. That day I was just about to go to school, so I got up early. I found my mother was still awake, so I washed her gently for fear of waking her up. After washing, my mother still didn't wake up. I took the money left by my father on the desk, opened the door gently, closed the door gently, and went downstairs gently to run in the garden in the morning. After running in the morning, I bought breakfast for my mother and put it in the rice cooker, plugged in the electricity, warmed it up, and left a note for my mother, which said, "Mom, I have finished running, and bought breakfast for you. Your breakfast is hot in the rice cooker, remember to eat! I have eaten breakfast, go to school, bye! Your daughter: Tian Jing"

Another time, Gold's father was in hospital, and Aunt Xiao was taking care of him in the hospital. I told Gold, "Gold, your father is in hospital, and your mother is taking care of him there. You can go to my home tonight! Tomorrow we can take a bus to school, OK?" Gold said hurriedly, "Yes, if I don't know what to do at night, you can tell me to do it." I said, "Yes." Gold said, "OK."

I learned to care about others, for which I was very happy.

I learned to care about composition 4:

During my growth, there were many trivial things, one of which made me unforgettable.

On a cold winter day, I came to the classroom and wanted to read Chinese books. Suddenly, I saw Xiao Chen Fu on the table. I looked curiously, walked past Xiao Chen and patted his back. Xiao Chen slowly raised his head. I saw that Xiao Chen's face was flushed. I touched Xiao Chen's head, face and hands, and his whole body was hot and cold. I heard her murmuring: "My head is dizzy, it seems that she has a fever." After hearing this, I immediately went to fill a glass of water for her to drink. I helped her up and took her to the school doctor's room. When I went to the school hospital, Xiao Chen said, "It's so cold." I quickly took off my coat and put it on her.

She went to the school doctor's office and said that she had a fever of 39 °. I was so surprised that I called her parents with Xiao Chen's school communication. Xiao Chen said to me, "Thank you." My heart felt warm. Soon, her parents came to pick her up.

At that time, I thought: caring and understanding others is really happy, and it can make my heart warm.

I learned to care about composition (16)

It was cloudy and the wind was howling. My mother rode back from her work. On the way, it rained cats and dogs. The raindrops fell like broken beads. My mother rode home at full speed in the rain. When she got home, my mother became a real "drowned chicken". When she came back, she felt very cold. My father worked overtime and was not at home. I was very worried about my mother's fever.

Less than half an hour later, as I expected, my mother really had a fever, and I was at a loss, like an ant wandering around on a hot pot. I rummage through the boxes and cabinets at home to find antipyretic drugs. Seeing my mother shivering and the cold sweat on her head, I was very worried. But the medicine seemed to be against me, but I couldn't find it. I didn't care about anything. I opened the door and rushed to the pharmacy to buy the medicine. Then I rushed back at a speed of 120 yards. I rushed to a cup one by one, washed the medicine and handed it to my mother, who looked much better after drinking it. The next morning, my mother got up early as usual to cook for me. After seeing my mother recover, my heart finally fell.

"My mother is for me, I am for my mother" made me learn to care and give back.

I learned to care about composition (17)

For many years, I have always believed that my parents should care about me, which is very normal. But something happened last winter that changed my mind completely.

It was only ten days before the final exam. When I tried my best to prepare for the last fight, my mother suddenly fell ill. The doctor diagnosed it as "prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc". According to the doctor's advice, my mother slept in the only hard bed in the family - that was my sleeping area. What's worse, my father went on a business trip, and the responsibility of taking care of my mother fell on me alone.

One night, I vaguely heard someone calling my name in my dream. I want to ignore and continue to sleep. Suddenly, I realize that my mother is calling me. I hurriedly open my heavy sleeping eyes and grope to my mother's bed. As expected, my mother's back pain was unbearable. I immediately took painkillers, poured water, and took care of her mother to take the medicine. Then I helped her turn over, so that her numb waist could be relaxed because she had kept a stiff posture for a long time. When I saw my mother's frown stretched out and she slept safely, I returned to my bunk with confidence. However, I didn't know where I was sleepy, and the past came to my mind like a movie.

When I was in primary school, I had a high fever for several days in a row. My mother stayed by my side all night, covered my forehead with a wet towel over and over, and fed me medicine and water... My mother always said that our generation only knew how to be cared about, not how to care about others. I argued plausibly: "Today's students are all like this..." At this time, lying on the cold floor, I suddenly realized that what I thought was right for so many years was actually the loving care of my relatives, and my self righteous reason only proved my ignorance and selfishness. I thought a lot that night, and tears accompanied by guilt and remorse flowed out of my eyes and heart... That is to say, from that day on, I took the time to study every day and squeezed out time to do more for my mother.

My mother's condition began to improve, and my mood also relaxed, even vaguely felt a kind of joy from the heart. Oh, it is a kind of happiness not only to be cared about by others, but also to care about others!

Chapter 2: Learn to Care for Others

"Learn to care" is a slogan put forward by UNESCO to welcome the new world. Do we care about others around us?

Learn to care: On the bus, some old people don't have seats, so let's give up our seats; The classmate who was riding together vomited. We went to help him (her) clean up the vomit and asked if he (she) was more comfortable... That time, I also learned how to care about others.

It was Mother's Day this year. I got up early and crept to the kitchen to put rice in the pot after washing. I was careful not to wake my parents who were sleeping. I closed their door, ran back to the kitchen, opened the fire and cooked the porridge. When the porridge was ready, I cooled them one by one in my parents' bowl. After about half an hour, my parents got up and looked at me, who had never cooked breakfast, being busy. My mother put her arms around me and kept praising me, "It's good. My daughter has grown up." I heard that, and my heart was sweeter than honey, because I knew how to care about my parents and others.

In life, we can start from small things and learn to care about others. For example, if your deskmate has a problem that he or she cannot understand, let's help him or her to understand a problem. This is also a concern, isn't it?

There is a good saying: "If you have a pot of charcoal fire, don't forget to give some to the people who are shivering with cold; if you have a pool of spring water, don't be stingy in giving a pot of clear spring to the people who have traveled a long way." Yes, if you give others charcoal fire, your heart will be warmer than the fire; If you give someone a pot of spring, your heart will be more comfortable than the spring breeze. If you care for others, they will care about you.

Students, hurry up and take action. Let's care about others and be an excellent citizen!

Chapter 3: Learn to Care

Care is a reflection of beautiful and warm feelings in the world. In life, we are often cared about by people around us, including parents, elders, teachers, classmates, friends, neighbors, and even a stranger to us

When receiving their care, we should learn to appreciate them. The so-called gratitude is not simply to say thank you, but to give them a feeling of concern. Therefore, we should learn to care about

The concern we received, the great concern should be our parents' concern for us! From our birth to today, we have received much care from our parents! How many storms they have experienced for us

We should be grateful to our parents, and at least learn to care about them - we should consciously do our own work, and try to do some housework within our power to reduce the burden of hard working parents. When parents come home from hard work, they will pour a glass of water for them when they are thirsty; Fan them when they are hot; When tired, help them loosen their backs. When parents are angry with us, we should not contradict them, but communicate with them well. We should be more considerate of them, respect them, and learn to understand and care about them

The elders care about us, we use the same care to repay them; We should repay teachers for their concern for us; When classmates and friends read our concern, we can also care about them selflessly; Even people we don't know

Care is a fire in winter, shining our body and mind as warm as spring; Care is a gust of wind in summer, which cools our body and mind like autumn. Good words warm in three winters, and bad words hurt people in June. Care is like this, even if it is just a simple greeting, as long as it is sincere care, it will make people feel warm!

Therefore, let's learn to care, and the world will be more beautiful!

Chapter 4: I learned to care

How important "care" is in the world! Although it is insignificant, it is the sunshine that warms in the heart for a long time and brings comfort to those who need help.

How can the world not care? If people don't care about each other, they will kill each other and bring about devastating disasters. As long as everyone has care, the world will be full of love.

In primary school, we changed from an ignorant child to a talented person. Don't teachers just want us to make progress every day and become the pillars of the country? Just like this, the teacher also cares for us like a mother and sincerely teaches us knowledge. Of course, it is also necessary to care about the strong and extremely warm light, which falls into our fiery hearts and is difficult to erase from memory. Let me give you an example!

I have lived in this school for only two years, but I saw that I met many interesting things. I just came here, timid and afraid, standing in front of me. I am weak like a flower, like a breeze blowing gently, I will fall. Mr. Zhu also takes good care of me. In the past two years of training and training, I learned the depth of friendship, the strength of unity, and more importantly, how to care for others. Time, like flowing water, slipped away quietly without any trace. During the holiday, I saw my father's white hair suddenly appeared between the two sideburns, and there was also white hair on his beard. I just don't want my father to have too much burden and pressure. I just want to do what I can for my parents. I sometimes help my father with cabbage, or drill screws to make plastic that can fill a large bag. I will also beat my parents' backs. The naughty brother always likes to chase others around. However, my parents are too busy to find time, so I have to find and shout. I learned to care about my parents, but I also care about my classmates. When my classmates are sad, I always go to comfort her and let him not cry. Tears are the root of the problem that cannot be solved, so we should face it firmly.

I help my parents reduce a little pressure. I am very happy, and my parents will be happy and proud of me. How simple it is to care about others. "Care" is so important to the feelings in the world. What a powerful force! Let's spread our concern to everyone's heart.

Chapter 5: I learned to care

Care is a spring breeze, warming everyone's heart; Care is a torch, illuminating everyone's journey; Care is a harbor that comforts everyone who returns from a long voyage.

Remember that time, my mother was ill, pale, purple lips, my mother will not have an accident? I am as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. My father is not here. What should I do! Now I have to use the fastest method. I turned the house upside down. What am I looking for? I was looking for amoxicillin antipyretic medicine, but I still couldn't find it. Later, I gently walked up to my mother and asked, "Mom, are you OK? I'll go outside to buy medicine, and you stay at home!:

"Hehe, it seems that you are my mother!" Mother forced a smile.

I looked at my mother's reluctant smile and couldn't help crying.

So I rode my bicycle, bought some medicine, soaked it, and lifted my mother up with both hands to feed her. Although I am tired today, I am very happy. Because she smiled when she saw the mother who usually gave us a lot of happiness and suffering

There is a good saying: "If you have a pot of charcoal fire, don't forget to give some to the people who are shivering with cold; if you have a pot of spring, don't be stingy to give a pot of spring to the people who have traveled a long way." Yes, if you give others charcoal fire, your heart will be warmer than the fire; If you give someone a pot of spring, your heart will be more comfortable than the spring breeze blowing your face!

Chapter 6: I learned to care

Time flies, time flies. Just like Zhu Ziqing's<<Hurry>>, time went quietly like flowing water. Time has mercilessly drawn traces on everyone. Old Time has covered me with 15 rings of light, and 15 leaves have slowly fallen from the tree of life. I have grown up and entered the first starting point of life - the middle school era. For this strange environment, I am full of fear. It seems that there are dark walls around me. Fortunately, I am an optimist. I boldly tried to make new friends, but I was lucky. I was tightly surrounded by friendship, and I learned to care from it.

As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world. I gave my love and learned how to care about others. I have tried my best to do things no matter how big or small, or how deep or shallow I care.

"Ah" Whenever I hear the sighs of my classmates, my heart is as heavy as Mount Tai, as painful as a thousand needles, as deep as the ocean. At this time, I will try to care about him. Just like that time, I saw a classmate with a worried look, as if he was in pain. So I walked over and asked carefully: "This classmate, do you have any problems? Can I help you?

I hope I can help you. " "I, I" At first, he was a little hesitant, probably thinking about whether he should tell me his troubles, but finally he told me so that I could help him. He finally opened his mouth. He said, "My English is always poor, and my grades always fly down three thousand feet like a waterfall on Mount Lushan. What do you think I should do?" This is not simple. I sincerely said to him, "This is very simple. As long as you listen carefully in class, review more after class, and remember more words, your grades will soar to the sky and be powerful." "Ha ha ha, it's easy for you to say. I know I have to memorize words, but I just can't remember. Is there any trick in the bag? Please give me more advice." He was a little unconvinced. "Genius comes from diligence. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. You should read, write and memorize more," I said solemnly. "I" he didn't know what to say, but he swallowed it back. He was convinced by what I said. In the days to come, he can be seen everywhere holding books and concentrating on memorizing English. His English has improved with his efforts.

Nothing is difficult for a willing person. As long as you are willing to work hard, you can overcome yourself, overcome difficulties, step on obstacles and reach the world's highest peak.

I learned to care. Caring for others means paying more attention to others and doing my best to help others. For you, maybe your concern is not worth talking about, it is as small as sand, but it is very helpful for others.

I decided to care more about others and hurt others less. Maybe I will become an angel. "As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better world." Concern for others made me happy and couldn't help humming a tune.

Chapter 7: I learned to care

Since I came to this world, my parents have cared about me meticulously, for which I am deeply moved. Here, I would like to say "thank you" for their efforts over the past ten years! But what I want to say today is that there is too much doting in this love. In addition to learning, my parents have covered everything and refused to let me do this or that.

I remember once asking them to let me ride my bike on the road. In fact, they all know that I am very skilled at cycling, and there is no problem on the road, but they just don't agree. I have told them many times, even begged, but every time I was disappointed and depressed, I could only sit on their bicycles, eagerly watching so many children of the same age or even younger than me, riding their own bicycles on the wide road freely, which made me envy!

Another time, when I finished my homework and saw my parents busy in the kitchen, I thought: I am so old, it is time to learn to cook. I told them my idea, but they said, "What are you doing when you are still young? Your task now is to do a good job in your study. Don't worry about anything else." Then they pushed me out of the kitchen. I collapsed on the sofa like a frustrated ball. Later, one time, the teacher asked in class: "Who can cook? Please raise your hand." Many students raised their hands high, with smiles on their faces, but I could only lower my head deeply. It was really uncomfortable.

Also, I want to help them with their food, because they are afraid of burning me; I want to help them wash the dishes. They are afraid that the water will cool me; And

Dad, Mom, I really want to tell you now: if the saplings grow only in the greenhouse, they will never grow into towering trees; Young eagles will never soar in the sky unless they are tempered. I am also the same. Only through more training can I become the elite of the society and the pillar of the motherland; Please don't spoil me, give me more opportunities to exercise!

Chapter 8: I learned to care

In life, some people have learned to care about people, some have learned to laugh at people, some have learned to satirize people, some have learned to satirize people, and some have learned to calculate people. And I learned to care about people.

One day, my father went fishing early in the morning, leaving me and my mother at home. That day I was just about to go to school, so I got up early. I found my mother was still awake, so I washed her gently for fear of waking her up. After washing, my mother still didn't wake up. I took the money left by my father on the desk, opened the door gently, closed the door gently, and went downstairs gently to run in the garden in the morning. After running in the morning, I bought breakfast for my mother and put it in the rice cooker, plugged in the electricity, warmed it up, and left a note for my mother, which said, "Mom, I have finished running and bought breakfast for you. Your breakfast is hot in the rice cooker, remember to eat! I have eaten breakfast, go to school, bye! Your daughter: Tian Jing"

Another time, Gold's father was in hospital, and Aunt Xiao was taking care of him in the hospital. I told Gold, "Gold, your father is in hospital, and your mother is taking care of him there. You can go to my home tonight! Tomorrow we can take a bus to school, OK?" Gold said hurriedly, "Yes, if I don't know what to do at night, you can tell me to do it." I said, "Yes." Gold said, "OK."

I learned to care about others, for which I was very happy.

I learned to care about composition (18)

There are many colds in autumn. Once, I had a bad cold, and my mother saw me like this and asked for leave from the factory to take care of me. My mother sat by my bed and spoon fed me some medicine. She said, "My dear daughter, I know the medicine is bitter, but the good medicine is bitter and beneficial to the disease. After drinking it, I will get better. Drink it quickly!" I felt very sweet when watching my mother take care of me meticulously. The bitter taste of the medicine was replaced by the sweet dew my mother loved. Under my mother's untidy care, my cold gradually got better.

All the time, I can feel my mother's care, but I can't learn it until my brother gets sick. That day, it was the busy farming season. Both my parents went to work in the fields, leaving me and my brother alone. My brother was lying in bed with a high fever that day, while I was reading in the study. Suddenly, I heard a strange sound coming from his room, and I hurried to have a look. It turned out that my younger brother was sick and vomited all his breakfast. There was vomit on the bed, on the floor and on his hands. I felt sick when I saw it. I thought: It doesn't matter what I do, it's better to go first, so I hurried out of the room. As soon as I walked out of the room, I regretted that my younger brother was ill in bed. With the vomit in this place, how could he rest at ease? I had to take care of him, so I went to my brother's room and changed his clothes and bed sheets. Then I took a mop to remove the vomit on the ground. After everything was finished, I poured a cup of boiled water for my brother to drink. My brother looked at me and said, "Sister, thank you! I will remember your concern for me! I will learn to care about others like you in the future." I smiled sweetly after listening to my brother's words

In fact, it is not difficult to learn to "care". As long as you have love in your heart and always think of others, you will certainly learn.

I learned to care about composition (19)

"Learn to care" is a slogan put forward by UNESCO to welcome the new world. Do we care about others around us?

Learn to care: On the bus, some old people don't have seats, so let's give up our seats; The classmate who was riding together vomited. We went to help him (her) clean up the vomit and asked if he (she) was more comfortable... That time, I also learned how to care about others.

It was Mother's Day this year. I got up early and crept to the kitchen to put rice in the pot after washing. I was careful not to wake my parents who were sleeping. I closed their door, ran back to the kitchen, opened the fire and cooked the porridge. When the porridge was ready, I cooled them one by one in my parents' bowl. After about half an hour, my parents got up and looked at me, who had never cooked breakfast, being busy. My mother put her arms around me and kept praising me, "It's good. My daughter has grown up." I heard that, and my heart was sweeter than honey, because I knew how to care about my parents and others.

In life, we can start from small things and learn to care about others. For example, if your deskmate has a problem that he or she cannot understand, let's help him or her to understand a problem. This is also a concern, isn't it?

There is a good saying: "If you have a pot of charcoal fire, don't forget to give some to the people who are shivering with cold; if you have a pool of spring water, don't be stingy in giving a pot of clear spring to the people who have traveled a long way." Yes, if you give others charcoal fire, your heart will be warmer than the fire; If you give someone a pot of spring, your heart will be more comfortable than the spring breeze. If you care for others, they will care about you.

Students, hurry up and take action. Let's care about others and be an excellent citizen!

[Part 2: I learned to care about others]

Time, like flowing water, went away quietly. I was in the first grade. In this strange environment, I was full of fear. I tried to make new friends. I was closely surrounded by friendship, and I learned to care from it. I gave my love and learned how to care about others.

"Alas" Whenever I hear the sighs of my classmates, my heart is as heavy as Mount Tai and it is as painful as a thousand needles. At this time, I will try to care about them. That time, I saw my friend was worried, as if he was in pain, so I went to him and asked, "What problem do you have? Can I help you?" "I, I". At first, he was a little hesitant, but finally he told me that I had a chance to help him. He finally opened his mouth. He said, "I always can't learn Chinese well. What do you think I should do?" It's not simple. I sincerely said to her, "It's very simple. As long as you listen carefully in class, review more and remember more after class, your grades will soar to the sky and be powerful." "Hehe, it's easy for you to say that I also know to memorize words, but I just can't remember them." She was unconvinced. "Genius is one percent inspiration, plus ninety-nine percent perspiration. You should read, write, remember, memorize, and keep silent." I said. She has been convinced by what I said. From now on, you can see her holding books and concentrating everywhere. Her Chinese has also improved with her efforts.

I learned to care. Caring for others means paying more attention to others and doing my best to help others. For you, maybe your concern is not worth talking about, it is as small as sand, but it is very helpful for others. As long as you are willing to work hard, you can overcome yourself, overcome difficulties, step on obstacles and reach the world's highest peak. "As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better world." I couldn't help humming a song.

[Chapter 3: I learned to care about others' composition]

Twelve rounds have passed since the car mark of the years. As I grow older, I gradually understand how to care for others.

I was surrounded by love since I was young, and I didn't know how to care about others. I only knew how to accept others' care. Until the fifth grade, one thing made me learn to care about others. On the way home from school, an old man was walking with a crutch. Suddenly, the crutch in the old man's hand fell off, and he sat down on the ground. He reached out to pick up the crutch, but he couldn't reach it. I was about to go forward to help. At this time, a little girl ran up to the old man. She looked only eight years old, Carefully patted the soil on the grandpa, and said with concern: "grandpa, are you all right?" The grandpa said in a deep and hoarse voice: "Thank you, I'm all right, you're a good boy. 'The little girl waved happily, and left. After a short walk, she looked back at the grandpa, and then left with confidence. Seeing this scene, I was very moved. I felt that even such a little girl would care about others. What about me? It should be more so.

Through this event, I learned that on the road of growth, I need the care of my parents and friends. At the same time, I also need to learn to care about others, so that our world will be full of love and become more beautiful!

[Chapter 4: I learned to care about others]

Everyone needs to care, and everyone should learn to care. When I was young, I seldom cared about others. I still remember that one day when I went out to play, I saw a blind man crossing the road. I looked at him at the other side of the road and said to myself silently, "Am I going to help him?"? Or don't you go and help him? These two words have been around my ears, and I didn't care about him because I hesitated. Every time I hear the song "Thanksgiving Heart", my eyes shed tears from time to time, which made me determined to learn the little girl in the song. It was the little girl who taught me how to care about others.

I still remember one time, my mother caught a cold. She lay on the bed as soon as she got home and said to me, "Sun Yuhan, my mother is a little uncomfortable today. If you are hungry, you can eat the money on the table by yourself." Then she went to sleep softly. Looking at my mother's pain, I ran out with money, but instead of running to the food store, I ran to a nearby drugstore. I just ran to the drugstore doctor and asked me, "What do you want, little friend? My heart suddenly panicked because this was the first time I had come to buy medicine by myself, and I didn't know what to say. I hesitated and said," I -- buy -- cold powder. "I bought it back, I washed it and put it in front of my mother and said, "Mom, I bought a cold powder. You can drink it if you want." My mother said to me with tears in her eyes, "My child has finally grown up."

Care for others, care for the motherland and care for the world, so that the earth is full of this beautiful quality.

[Chapter 5: Learn to Care for Others] The Chinese nation is a state of etiquette. Is it caring or indifferent to others? This can be explained by the saying in The Analects of Confucius that "all men are brothers within the four seas". "Respect the old and love the young" is a traditional virtue. We should treat everyone with love. The ancients said, "If you go out, you will be prosecuted, but you will face the enemy." Has each of us achieved the minimum etiquette for elders? We often go out without saying a word. When we come back, we are like entering a deserted place. If we don't stop this arrogant and domineering attitude, when we grow up, it will cause friction everywhere and lead to war. It can be seen that we should respect the elders and care about them, so as to care for and respect other people.

Some teenagers in today's society, who pursue "handsome" and "cool", consider themselves to be indomitable men. They are just spirited and provoke all kinds of troubles. This is not pleasing, and that is not pleasing. It is not good to have to "fight hand to hand" and "see the difference" if we suffer a little loss. Every teenager should be concerned and humble towards his peers. "Step back and expand the sky". It's boring to fight with others instead of doing something beneficial to society in this good time. This is a waste of time. It can be seen that we should treat our peers like brothers. Only in this way can we care and respect others.

When it comes to caring for children, some people are not good enough. If a child gets lost. Most of the people who went to ask were not kind enough to send him home. Most of them were innocent, which undoubtedly caused great damage to the child's weak mind. Some parents beat and scold them, and their children's self-esteem will be hurt. This undoubtedly casts a shadow on children's young minds, which shows that we should also care about children.

On many issues, there are many people who do not do well enough. They will ask: "Why should you care about others?" Because it is a virtue, which reflects your personal value and ideological understanding.

[Chapter 6: Learn to Care for Others]

In fact, sometimes the care of others will move people forever, forever, and make people change a lot, a lot

During the math exam, I somehow couldn't press the refill out of my mechanical pencil. I went to find the small box for refill, but I couldn't find it. It was a double whammy. I was so worried that I was about to cry. Seeing this, my deskmate quickly took out her pencil lead box and put one into my mechanical pencil. At that time, my joy was beyond words, but strangely, my deskmate took out two refills and put them into my mechanical pencil, which made me confused. Only when she said, "These two refills are for your homework when you go back," did I feel an indescribable touch in my heart.

I don't know if it's a coincidence. In another math exam, my desk mate's mechanical pencil also had the same problem. Without hesitation, I took three out of my pencil refill box and put them into her mechanical pencil. This is not gratitude, but under the care of my deskmate, I not only moved, but also learned to care about others.

Later, I tried to do more little care. A friend loves to eat "Yake" candy. One day I found three of them at home and gave them to her. A few days later, the friend's aunt in Hong Kong mailed her a large box of cookies. She knew I loved them, so she gave me several pieces to eat. I understand that this is not actually a kind gesture, but my concern, which makes this friend learn to care about others.

In fact, caring for others is like building a network full of love. As long as we learn to care about others and more people, the network of love will spread to every corner of the world. composition

[Chapter 7: I learned to care about people]

My home is like a honeypot, and I sleep in the cradle like a honeypot. Here, the wind can't reach me, and the rain can't reach me. I am the baby that my mother holds in her hand for fear of breaking and holds in her mouth for fear of melting. I'm the youngest at home, so everyone gives me the go. I gradually become indifferent to others, and regard all love as plain and taken for granted. But after that, I finally learned to care about others.

It was a Friday evening. As usual, I flew home like a bird returning to its nest. When I pushed the door, the room was quiet. Why didn't I see my mother's busy figure in the past? I went straight to my mother's bedroom and saw her lying on the bed, her face red, her eyebrows twisted, and she moaned from time to time. I quickly put down my schoolbag and sat down beside my mother. "Mom, what's the matter with you?" My mother replied in a weak voice: "I have a fever, maybe I have a cold. The food is in the kitchen, maybe it's a little cold, I'll heat it for you." Then she got up and got out of bed. I quickly pressed my mother and said, "Mom, stop talking and have a rest!" I touched my mother's forehead with my hand. Ah! How hot! I hurried to call my father's mobile phone, but I couldn't get through. I am as anxious as an ant on a hot pot - round and round. Unable to contact my father, I had to think about what my parents did when I got sick. When I had a fever, my mother soaked a towel with cold water, and then put it on my forehead to let me reduce the fever. Well, I'll do the same! So I ran to the bathroom, soaked the towel with cold water, put it on my mother's forehead, took a thermometer, learned from the way my mother used before, and threw it hard for several times and put it under my mother's armpit. I sat by the bed and asked my mother about her illness. Mother smiled slightly and said, "Much better, you'd better go to study first.". After about ten minutes, I took the thermometer out of my mother's armpit, ah! 39 degrees. Mother has a high fever and must take medicine. I hurried to find cold medicine, made a cup of "Sanjiu Ganmao Ling", took two anti-inflammatory and antipyretic pills, and fed them to my mother to have a rest. I bought a Wonchun on the street. When I came back, I was already sweating and out of breath. When I watched my mother eat some, I felt relieved. I helped her lie down again. And I have always stayed by my mother, changing her towel, and touching her forehead from time to time to see if her fever has subsided. Gradually, my mother's face was not so red, and her spirit was much better. I felt very comfortable in my heart.

I saw my mother much better and thought: I finally learned to care about others!

[Chapter 8: Learn to Care for Others]

I am the only child in my family. My father and mother dote on me. I don't want to do anything. As time goes by, I don't care about others. But since then, I have learned to care about others.

I remember that it was more than a month ago that I went shopping after finishing my homework with my friends. As we walked along the road, we said that we soon came to the commercial street. At this time, I saw two old men with straw hats and ragged skirts, carrying a quilt on their backs and a piece of paper in their hands, asking passers-by, but no one paid any attention to his car. I think they must be looking for relatives, but they don't know the way or the characters. So curiosity drove me to go over. I asked, and sure enough, the two old men were looking for sons working in the city. I see the address written on the note. It's the third floor, Unit 2, Building 1, No. 266, Wenxin Road. I know that place. I hesitated for a while, whether to help or not? 266 Wenxin Road is more than one kilometer away from here. But if we don't help, it would be pitiful for the two old people to carry such heavy things everywhere. Besides, my parents often take me as a child and don't care about others. Yes, I will show them this time, and they will be impressed! So I took the note and asked my friends to take the two old people to find it. We walked around streets, through alleys and through gates, and finally helped two old people find the place they were looking for. Just then, a young man ran down from the upstairs. When he saw the two old men, he called for his father and mother. The old man also told their son what had happened. The young man was very happy and wanted to stay with us for dinner. I quickly said no, and then we said goodbye to them and went home. On the way home, my little partner complained that I was nosy, and now it's dark, so we can't buy anything. But my heart is as sweet as honey, because I learned to care and help others bravely today!

When I got home, I told my parents about it. My father praised me for doing the right thing and said that I had grown up, but my mother seemed to doubt me and kept silent.

Later one time, when my mother was ill, I consciously helped my mother take medicine and water, peel fruit, and accompany her to the hospital to ask for warmth. As a result, my mother finally said that I have grown up and learned to care about others.

Now, I have become a good helper for my parents. I have learned to care for my relatives and others while I have received their care.