Facing Life Composition (16 popular articles)
Love yourself every second
2024-06-15 00:12:06

Facing Life Composition (1)

When we are busy with ordinary trivial things for a day, when we meet with unpleasant things, when we do not succeed in doing things, we can not help but sigh that we are very tired. After looking for thousands of reasons, we suddenly look back on the years that we have walked with us. In fact, life has given me, which is no different from others, and presents in our vision, Everyone is different, the only difference is that we lack a calm mind.

If failure is a kind of life experience, it will make us mature. If a person's maturity must experience vicissitudes, then I think this vicissitudes is a kind of beauty.

Calmness is a kind of beauty. With Calmness, our hearts become beautiful. With Calmness, our life is also beautiful.

It is a kind of optimism after disappointment, which will let us adjust ourselves at any time in adversity.

It is a confidence in plain life. With confidence, we will have a happy and unrestrained complex.

There are many people in our life, and we can't figure it out. However, we don't have to haggle over every detail, let alone complain. The only thing we need to do is to treat small people with the heart of a gentleman. Isn't that our broad mind?

If there is no blue sky, we can have the elegance of white clouds; If there is no magnificent sea, we can enjoy the taste of the river; If there is no vast feeling of prairie, we can bend down and revel in the fragrance and verdant of grass.

We are not onlookers of life. In life, we play the role of ourselves, performing our own wonderful, which will surely make our life more beautiful.

When we have a dream in our hearts, let the scenery along the way be appreciated as scenery, so friends let us face life calmly together!

Facing Life Composition (2)

Writing in the face of setbacks in life

In our daily study, work or life, everyone often comes into contact with the composition bar. Writing compositions can exercise our habit of being alone, calm our minds, and think about our future direction. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a collection of frustration compositions in the face of life collected by Xiaobian for everyone. Welcome to read them. I hope you can enjoy them.

Although we are junior high school students, it is not easy. We will also encounter problems of one kind or another, and there will be many 'setbacks' in front of us. How should we face these setbacks? What kind of mentality should be used to meet setbacks?

If we compare frustration to a dog, when we meet a dog, someone will yell and run away when he sees a dog. The result is counterproductive, which encourages the dog's arrogance, and it is inevitable that he will be bitten by a dog; When someone saw the dog coming, he just bent over and pretended to pick up a brick from the ground. The dog immediately ran away with its tail between its legs.

This is just like when we face setbacks. If we choose to escape, then setbacks will be like a mountain that will overwhelm us; If we face setbacks head-on and face them with a positive attitude, the setbacks will become very small, and we can learn a lot from setbacks.

I think setbacks are just like a fortune in our life. They will make us become wise, strong, mature and perfect. Therefore, when we encounter setbacks, we should not be afraid. We should find ways to solve them. The most important thing is to keep a positive attitude in the face of setbacks.

Facing Life Composition (3)

When a small boat raises its cloud sails and crosses the sea, wind and waves will inevitably blow; The young trees will inevitably suffer from rain, snow, wind and frost when they grow up; The stream runs forward, not only with the tinkling of spring water, but also with the whirlpool of rapids; In the journey of life, we will also encounter some setbacks. In the face of life, with an open-minded mind and a hundred times confidence, we will greet each round of the sun that is about to be born.

Life is like a gourmet bottle. There are all the flavors that should be and should not be. People tend to accept happiness and happiness, and most people will choose to avoid suffering. There is a saying that frustration is a hungry dog. The more you want to escape, the more it will chase. Only when you face it calmly can you conquer frustration. Indeed, when encountering setbacks, we should face them with a positive attitude. In fact, setbacks are not terrible. What is terrible is that we have no confidence in ourselves. There are no difficulties in the world that cannot be solved, only those who do not want to solve them.

The vicissitudes of life, I do not know how many narrow-minded people suffer setbacks and magnify the pain so that they can not recover; For thousands of years, I don't know how many weak willed people are depressed because of setbacks; For thousands of years, I don't know how many people who are weak in heart suffer from setbacks and magnify their pain, so that they are buried in the abyss of eternal doom. In fact, in today's increasingly competitive society, setbacks are everywhere. If the pain is magnified due to temporary setbacks, it will be a lifelong regret. When encountering setbacks, treat it as a small wave, and don't let it stir up stormy waves in your heart; When encountering setbacks, treat it as a breeze and let it gently blow through your ears; When encountering setbacks, we should treat pain as a grain of sand in our eyes. A blink of an eye and a drop of tears are enough to drown it.

Without wind and rain, there is no rainbow. We often fail in life. In fact, failure is just a lesson. We should be able to learn from failure. As a little poem says, failure and frustration can lead to dreams slowly. If we want to sail far, we are doomed to storms. Even if we fail, we should have hope. We should use our wings to fly a brave dream. Even if we fall down and get hurt, we should not despair. In fact, success stands in front of failure. Don't give up and try again. It's your turn to play next time. As students, we have very good conditions. Even if we encounter a little setback and difficulty, it is normal. We must treat it correctly. We must sum up experience in each failure and accumulate it to make life smooth in the future.

In the face of life, whether it is bitter or happy, do not say give up; In the face of life, whether sunny or rainy, do not lose confidence; In the face of life, whether failure or success, do not be discouraged. Having experienced violent storms, a bumpy life is a perfect life. Because the towering trees growing in the wind and rain can withstand the storm. People, too, should be like this. Only after experiencing painful torture and failure, can they move towards happiness and success.

Actively face all kinds of difficulties in life, do not give up, do not abandon. Believe that the rainbow comes after the storm.

Facing Life Composition (4)

"Time flies like an arrow, and life shuttles like a shuttle." Such a short and hurried life is life.

There will be too many gains and losses in the journey of life! How much have you grasped?

How much have you experienced? How much has passed?

In Mr. Zhu Ziqing's "Hurry", there were too many regrets. How much time was wasted in such a hurry?

He is still young. Why does he feel this way. It was that feeling that made him have extraordinary achievements.

Mr. Beethoven's beautiful music shows many beautiful yearnings. In the pain of illness, he still has that dedication to music. It is that dedication that makes his music resound throughout the world. Those glories are achieved by failure.

Looking back on my childhood, I felt too much reluctant to part with my innocent, naughty and moved feelings, including the sense of achievement.

I used to count stars in the sky, chat with ants, and cry because of the touching scenes on TV. These are childish things now, but I still have some reservations. But I have lost my childhood. The only thing I can read is memory.

When I was in the first grade of primary school, I was very happy to be elected monitor for a long time. When I was in grade two, I was very excited because I was awarded the title of "Excellent Young Pioneer"... Now I only have memories of these, because these small achievements have been diluted by time.

Youth is in the prime of life. Many people say that it is colorful and colorful, which is true. Faced with thick books every day, endless pressure; The complicated interpersonal relationship, repressed friendship and hard dormitory life are so colorful that I can't breathe.

I understand that sometimes, only the temporary loss of happiness and freedom can exchange for permanent happiness.

At the crossroads of literacy in life, boldly move forward, choose to lose without depression, and plant a harvest seed for your future.

Facing Life Composition (5)

Dear teachers and students, there is a wonderful thing in the world. It does not need anything to modify it, nor does it need any words to describe it. That is a smile. When you naturally smile, everything is warm.

The earth becomes colorful because of your smile, the river becomes lively because of your smile, the sky becomes bright because of your smile, and people become harmonious because of your smile - how magical, this is the charm of a smile.

Do you feel depressed, lost, or miserable?

"When life is as light and smooth as a song, it is easy to smile often; and only those who can smile when everything is bad can live a worthwhile life." I like this sentence, which fully explains the value of smile. As he said, when we are happy, smile is normal, but when something is unpleasant, you can still smile with strong confidence, Then you are a meaningful life.

Xidan girl, a girl who sang in the Xidan underpass, was originally born in a remote rural area. Because her parents were weak and sick, she had been raised by her grandmother. In order to reduce the burden, she came to Beijing alone at the age of 16 and went to Beijing with a guitar. It has been four years since I sang in the underpass of Xidan in Beijing.

On the evening of December 20, 2008, the netizen "neither I nor I" passed by the underground passage of Xidan, recorded a half song of Angel's Wings being sung by a girl (who was later known to be her), and then uploaded the video to Sina Podcast on December 25, 2008. After that, the video began to spread on the Internet. Her ethereal and pure singing seemed to penetrate the soul. Many netizens were deeply moved, and they left messages and even wrote comments in tears. They called her "Xidan girl", and some called her "Xidan angel". For her, no matter how difficult the situation is, she should smile and be strong, and turn around. In fact, it is hidden in her love for life and dedication to dreams.

"Smiling girl" Tang Qin, who was buried in the ruins during the Wenchuan earthquake, had an infusion tube hanging above her head, but her face was a sweet smile. When she was rescued, she smiled with pain. In the hospital, she was still a sunny girl with teeth clenched and fists clenched.

This is the smile, this is strong, this is love, when everything is sleeping in the dark, the light of the smile will illuminate the whole universe, let's smile to life, so that the meaning of our life will be revealed, and our tomorrow will be more hopeful!

Facing Life Composition (6)

Life is like a table full of color, smell and taste, and life is the mouth that tastes the delicious food, chews carefully and swallows slowly; Life is like a gallery full of pictures, and life is an eye for appreciating the colorful pictures, appreciating them slowly and experiencing them carefully.

In life, unpleasant things are as common as meals. Maybe the previous moment was sunny, and this moment has been full of dark clouds; Perhaps the previous moment was still calm, and this moment has been rough. When we encounter sudden natural and man-made disasters or difficulties and setbacks, do not complain about the world and people, and do not lose heart; Don't be depressed or depressed. We should face difficulties and setbacks with a positive and optimistic attitude; Bravely challenge difficulties and setbacks, overcome them, and be the winner.

Adversity can sharpen a person's will and perseverance, make us move towards success and become a strong person in life. So, if one day, when you are in trouble, don't hate or lose heart, because then life is testing you and training you. Sunshine always comes after the storm. No matter how difficult a person is in, the storm will be far away one day. As long as you can find a place where you can hide from the wind and rain in this storm, you will finally see the bright sunshine.

Unpredictable, unpredictable, this is life; It is like a mirror. When you smile at it, it smiles at you. When you cry at it, it cries at you. Everyone hopes that his life is full of laughter, and that he is a smiling face. Let's face life with a smile, face life with a smile!

Facing Life Composition (7)

Although we came to the world crying, we should face life with a smile.

Get up in the morning, face the mirror, take a deep breath, give yourself a smile and walk out of the door with a good mood, walk on the road, look at the harmonious impatient neighbors and the scene of children playing on the road, smile and sigh: "Life is so beautiful"! Come back at night, give yourself and your family a smile, feel that the tiredness of working all day is gone, and make yourself have a sweet dream.

Some people complain that life has brought them too many misfortunes and hardships. If we take every misfortune and hardship as an attempt, there is a saying: "Failure is the mother of success". If we do not hide, we will not give ourselves a smile and let the smile lead us to success.

What is happiness? Happiness is a happy situation and life. This artistic conception is hidden in your happy smile. When you are sad or sad at any time, you can smile. I believe that these sadness and sadness will disappear.

The falling leaves ushered in a bleak autumn. The falling leaves also gave a sense of desolation. Many people may not like this season and feel that this season is a bit boring. If you face things you do not like with a correct attitude, you may change your view.

During our study, we always face various examinations. Before the examination, we always review nervously. The examination is coming. Each of us always walks into the examination room with full confidence. After the examination, we have no confidence. When we get down, we are indeed in the countdown, and our faces feel red. Always want to find a place to cry loudly.

When I got home, I felt sad and stood at the door with a report card. I didn't know how to tell my family that I hadn't arrived at home. I thought my mother would be very angry, but my mother said with a smile, "It's OK, I will try hard next time." So I took my mother's words and threw myself into the sea of learning.

Now, I understand. I learned to use the biggest and warmest expression in the world, which is a powerful and useful force in the deepest heart - smile.

Give yourself a smile, give others a smile, believe that the sun always comes after the rain, life is like a mirror, you smile at it, it will smile at you.

Smile gives people courage, confidence and strength.

Dawn Literature Society (Man Xiaoli), Senior One of Weishan No. 2 Middle School, Weishan County, Jining, Shandong

Facing Life Composition (8)

There is a saying in our life that "gold always shines". However, if gold is submerged in mediocrity and inferiority, how small the light it emits is. At that time, if you want to succeed, you must first magnify the gold!

Alexandre Dumas, a literary superstar, asked himself "Why don't I magnify my own advantages" in an ordinary job interview?

This insight changed him. It was precisely because of this trivial matter that Dumas realized life: amplifying his own advantages.

The long river and years carry countless people coming and going. On the endless beach, the gold still shines with dazzling light.

Historiography, we exclaimed at the greatness of the Records of the Historian, and we were surprised at the completeness of the Records of the Historian. However, in historiography, it was more eye-catching because of him. Sima Qian had a rough life, experienced all the trials and hardships, and saw through the world. He loved history, inherited his father's career, and worked hard to complete great works in prison. Sima Qian magnified his enthusiasm for historiography, and lit up the flame of passion, The enthusiasm for work is the highest.

This gold is still shining in the 'long river' of the world, still shining for countless people, and this magnified gold has been passed on.

Let's come to the history of sports, to our table tennis arena! A household name Deng Yaping! At the beginning, she was short and often laughed at in the table tennis team, but she did not give up. In life experience, she knew that being short also had advantages - fast speed, she would take advantage of her strengths and avoid weaknesses, face herself correctly, and finally, achieved the myth of table tennis on the beach.

In the face of success, this magnified gold played a decisive role. Maybe what is magnified is just a virtual image, but it really drives success.

I am born to be useful. I always think of my own shortcomings in the face of inferiority and loss, and constantly pour cold water on myself. In the end, it will only be a failure. It is a required lesson in life to develop strengths and avoid weaknesses.

In the face of a life of uncertainty, don't mess with yourself. You should stay calm and take out a magnifying glass from your pocket to magnify your strengths. You can also say that the magnified gold will always shine.

Facing Life Composition (9)

Face Half Proposition with a Smile 1:

Should smile to face life, no matter how the outcome!

On a hot afternoon, I received the sad news of Grandma's death. At that moment, my tears broke the dam.

That night, the sky began to rain, I reached out to pick up the rain, let the rain fall on the palm, a little cool, a little sad. I know that it was Grandma's tears of parting, which turned into drops of sad rain. It reminds me of Grandma's narrow eyes when she smiles; I remembered that Grandma would rather not eat the apple with wrinkles for me than eat it herself; Remembering the pocket money Grandma used to give me when she was thrifty... Tears fell on her palm and scattered along the palm lines. Grandma, are you wiping my tears? yes! You said you wanted me to be strong. Xiaomu understands! Look up at the sky, smile and shout: "Grandma, let's not cry, as long as we wish each other, even if it is far away in heaven, it is also near". Because laughter is my poetic strength to life.

Life in the third day of junior high is really tiring! I still remember the scene of writing under the lamp every night for the high school entrance exam. Sometimes I couldn't resist the temptation of the bed, so I had a close contact with it. The next day, I got the teacher's "thunder and lightning". Sometimes I am really tired. I will run to the balcony alone in the quiet night, hide in the dark corner and secretly cry. I really hope to be isolated from the world from now on. I looked up and let the wet tears flow down my eyelashes to my forehead. There was no tingling, just a chill. But I didn't yield, how can I let laziness break the tacit understanding between teachers and students; How can I let laziness obliterate my parents' expectations; How can I let laziness waste the time of youth. In the face of the present difficulties, whether bitter or astringent, I will raise my mouth and smile away. Because laughter is the mark of my thoughts.

When encountering cowardice, I will gently raise my mouth and let the brave regain the sunshine; In case of failure, I will raise my mouth and let success shine; When I encounter laziness, I will raise my mouth lightly to make me work hard; When encountering setbacks, I will raise my mouth lightly and let my unyielding arms be firm... Because laughter is my king's arrogance to life.

The journey of life is full of ups and downs. Why not lift your mouth lightly, smile at life and give yourself a blue sky. Come on, friends! Let's go through every day happily, without fear of wind and rain, without fear of difficulties and obstacles, laugh at life, and be happy in the journey of life.

Face Half Proposition with a Smile 2:

Failure is not terrible. What is terrible is that you cannot face failure with a positive attitude. Therefore, we should face failure with a smile.

"Failure is the mother of success". It is not easy to achieve success without experiencing failure. Only through experience can we actively deal with it. Everyone's life is not smooth, more or less there will be some ups and downs, not tears, but (should) face with a smile.

Since I was a child, I have been studying in science, especially in mathematics. This semester's mid-term exam is 45 points, the first weekly exam is 56 points, and the second weekly exam is 57 points. Every time I saw the score on the math answer card, my mood suddenly changed. I looked at my own papers with numerous red forks and forks, while other expedition teams' papers with numerous red hooks. I was really envious and envious when I looked at the red hooks on their papers. But there is no way. We are all ordinary people. Without magic, we can't change the truth. After thinking and thinking, I was making progress one point at a time, and maybe another point next time, so I couldn't help laughing.

After the third weekly exam, I got another point as I wished. The previous 57 and this 58 were inexpressibly happy. Even if they did not pass, they never passed math. It's not my vanity, nor my inferiority or conceit, but my self-confidence. I have one more point, and I can't help laughing again.

Life will give us an opportunity every day, and this opportunity is tomorrow. Believe in yourself, tomorrow will be better. Maybe you won't remember the perfect life too deeply, because you didn't fight, struggle or struggle. What determines life is not what you can choose, but what you can give up. So we must smile in the face of difficulties.

To face failure with a smile, in addition to a smile, what can explain everything better than a smile? After suffering, life is still sunny. With a positive attitude, happiness will blossom all over the heart.

Face Half Proposition with a Smile 3:

I like to laugh, because laughter is a kind of mind, a kind of tolerance. Every day, I will smile to everyone who loves me. Because, with them, my smile will be preserved forever. There are many people who love me. In school, teachers and classmates are the ones who love me most; At home, my parents, brother and grandmother are the ones who love me

Every morning when I get up, I will smile at my dear grandma first, because she wakes me up early in the morning and prepares clothes for me. She is the first person who smiles at her every day. After washing my teeth and eating breakfast, I would smile and say goodbye to my mother. Because my mother prepared a delicious breakfast for me. In the evening, when my father came home, I would smile and say that my father was back. Because Dad has worked hard for us. Every day, I will smile at my family because they all love me.

What I regret most is that I seldom smiled at teachers in school before. Because I think the teacher is a very serious and strict person. So I dare not smile in front of the teacher. When I see my teacher, I just say hello to him. So I seldom talk to teachers. Previously. When I have difficulties in learning, I just ask my classmates to solve the problem, and seldom ask the teacher for advice. Therefore, my grades have not been improved. I hate going to school. Because in school, can only face bitter.

On the second day of junior high, I met a Chinese teacher. She is very kind to me. Treat me as a good friend. Slowly, we talked and laughed. From then on, I think the teacher is my friend. Every day, I smile at my teacher. No matter after class or in class. The teacher was very kind. Because they are worried about our future every day. In the third day of junior high, the Chinese teacher did not teach us, but I will never forget her, because she taught me to smile at every teacher.

From then on, I will smile at every teacher. They taught me how to be a man and how to learn.

Smiling will make people have no generation gap. I will never forget every smile.

Face Half Proposition with a Smile 4:

Mathematics has always been my strong point, but the first math test after the third day of the junior high school, I got a mess, for this reason, I was once lost. Thanks to Xiaomin's comfort and encouragement, I set out again with a smile and greeted more difficulties and hardships in the future with a confident smile.

In the face of unexpected low scores, and the bright red scores that seemed to be making faces, the confidence of the past suddenly turned into a cane whip of disappointment, constantly beating on my heart, so heavy, so painful!

After school, I sat alone by the window in a daze. Looking at the sunset gradually sinking in the sky, my self-confidence also gradually passed, and I felt extremely confused and helpless.

"Hey! Come on, it's no big deal if you don't do well in the exam! Smile, there's nothing you can't pass!" Xiaomin came to me and comforted me with a smile.

Xiaomin's smile was warm as spring: "Don't lose heart. It's nothing if you don't take the exam once. As long as you work hard, you will get better next time. I also failed the exam. Let's go together!" I was infected by her optimism and self-confidence, and my strained heart began to relax. Yes, whoever laughs last laughs best. A failure is nothing. I took her hand and said, "Thank you!"

I looked at the setting sun in the sky. The little red face was gone, but it didn't seem to want to be defeated by the darkness. It struggled to emit its last light and heat, and gilded the earth with gold. Yes, it's no big deal to fail in an exam. As long as confidence remains, there is no reason to give up. Looking at Xiaomin's brilliant smile, I am no longer depressed. In this sunny season, I learned to start with a smile, confident wings have taken me out of the dark, flying to the blue sky.

Since then, when my classmates are sad, I will also infect them with a smile, making them confident and brave. Smile like an oil paper umbrella, accompany us through one narrow rain lane after another in rainy days; Smile is like a small orange lamp, which helps us dispel anxiety and anxiety in the dark, and illuminates the road ahead of us. Even if the road ahead is very rough, I can go on smiling and go to the end!

Face Half Proposition with a Smile 5:

After the "electric shock" accident, my dream was completely shattered!

In my spare time, I hold my right hand and look at the sky in a daze.

My right hand looks the same as before: white skin, slender fingers, but even if I try my best, the fingers of my right hand are still motionless. The doctor said that after my hand was hit by the current, the nerve was stimulated and temporarily could not move, but it would slowly recover. However, three months later, the right hand is still the same.

Mother smiled and said: "Son, don't rush, be optimistic, smile! Smile and life will be beautiful." I tried to squeeze out a smile. I know that my smile is worse than my cry. My mother smiled and kissed my face.

After my mother left, I twisted my right hand with my left hand and bit it with my teeth, but my right hand was still unconscious. I was completely disappointed.

I looked at the erhu in the corner pitifully and helplessly. I was going to take the Erhu Certificate 10, but now I can't even take it. How many times have I dreamt that I was standing on the stage, playing a piece of "Horse Race" and another piece of "Two Springs Mirroring the Moon", which caused a sensation in the audience, and the applause poured in. I smiled, so did my mother.

After waking up, the reality remains the same.

If only there had been no accident! Why am I not careful? Why? Why?

I bowed my head and scolded myself severely.

"Son, go to the river to relax!" My mother said to me with a smile, holding a basin of clothes. I didn't want to go, but when I saw my mother's pleading smile, I couldn't bear to refuse.

The river was clear, my mother rubbed her clothes hard, and I grabbed the morning glory with my left hand to play. "Flutter", I turned around and saw my mother fall into the water. Mother struggled feebly in the water. "Mom!" I yelled, plunged into the water, paddled hard, slowly approached my mother, and then put my arms around her neck while paddling with my hands. My father arrived in time and pulled my mother and I onto the shore.

I cried and patted my mother's face. My mother pulled down my right hand and said excitedly, "Son, your right hand will move, it will move! His father, look!" Dad said with tears, "it will move! It will move! Son, you have to thank your mother!"

Mom smiled, Dad smiled, and I smiled too.

It turned out that this was a "family drama" co performed by my mother and father. In an emergency, my right hand nerve got through! The dexterity of his right hand was restored.

From then on, the cheerful erhu music played again in the room, and the long lost bright smile returned to my face.

I know that when I lost hope in life, it was my parents who helped me through the winter of life with love and painstaking efforts and ushered in the beautiful spring with me. They taught me to greet disappointment with a smile.

Facing Life Composition (10)

With such a lamp, I have swept away the dust on my life, and dispelled the lingering haze in my heart

Running every morning and afternoon is a disaster for me.

My physical strength is not good, resulting in that every time I run, I am always left behind by others; If we catch up with the team for the first time, it can be regarded as a good thing for everyone. But most of the time, I can only slow down in a short breath, watching the front team gradually disappear in the field of vision, leaving full of disappointment and remorse.

Until that afternoon

I forgot the month, the date, and the day of the week. I only remembered that it was very hot and just after PE class, we were going to run in the hot sun. I just feel that a disaster is coming, and my heart is pounding. Starting, one lap, two laps... My strength began to lose, and I felt that there was an invisible giant hand, holding my feet tightly, making it difficult for me to move. In the sight, the students' footsteps on the ground gradually blurred; In the eardrum, the intermittent wheezing slowly weakens... I still stopped. When I squatted on the ground and began to gasp, the large team of the class had already run away from me like a sensitive fish.

The five flavors are mixed in my heart. At this moment, the sky seems to turn into a shadow, covering my head; The music of running around seemed to turn into a sneer at me. But -- a bright color rushed into my eyes, ah! Is my teacher in charge of class, is riding a bike past me. "Come on! You can't run any more. You can walk." The teacher left this string of words with a smile, and then left. Smiling like a bunch of brilliant and warm sunshine, it hits my empty heart and shatters all darkness. I feel numb limbs, suddenly full of vitality. I ran again, one step, two steps... The smile lingered in my mind, giving me hope and motivation. But when I realized that the class team was too far ahead of me to catch up with me, the shadow of inferiority overwhelmed me again. Frustrated, I began to move slowly.

"Come on! Run!" I suddenly turned around and looked at the person who encouraged me - ah! It's my Chinese teacher! She also has a warm and beautiful smile on her face, just like the warm spring rain, falling on the frozen soil of my soul. I gritted my teeth, tried my best, and rushed forward! Although my ability is not as good as others', I can at least do my best... "Look, when I run, does it surpass many people?" I seem to see the smile of the Chinese teacher behind me, bright as flowers.

In the future, when I frequently encounter setbacks and go through dark times, a lamp named Smile will illuminate the road ahead of me, warm my cold body, and guide me forward.

Facing Life Composition (11)

The reason why flowers open is because there is sunshine and rain; The reason why the ship moves forward is that there are sails hanging high and oars paddling; The reason for success in life is that honesty helps and accompanies.

Honesty can affect the way of life.

There was a top student in Germany who wanted to find a job and settle down after graduation. Unexpectedly, he was successively dismissed by major companies. Forced to do so, he had to apply for a job in a small-scale clothes hanger enterprise. But the result was amazing again. He was not admitted again. You should know that in this era, talents with high academic qualifications like him are needed. But why is it that not only no company is vying for him, but even small companies are unwilling to use him?

In fact, it is because this talented student has three records of ticket evasion. Germany is a country that attaches great importance to honesty. In the face of academic qualifications, they have not hesitated to choose honesty. Perhaps this talented student lost the opportunity to choose employment in Germany.

This is the power of integrity.

Honesty can bring unexpected gains.

There is a seed store whose business is not good but not bad. Once, the boss asked his friends to help him look at the shop out of the necessity. During this period, someone came to the store to buy seeds, but the friend accidentally bought the seeds that the boss had not checked. When the boss came back, he learned about it, and he was as worried as an ant on hot bricks. No matter how much his friends advise him, he is determined to find someone to buy seeds. In his mind, nothing is more important than honesty in doing business. He mobilized all his friends and searched all over the place for several miles, even the store was closed for several days. The buyer has found it. The boss not only apologized, but also gave him some better seeds. The story spread from one story to another. The neighbors were moved by the boss's honesty and went to buy seeds from him. In the coming year, people have reaped great joy, and the boss's business has become more and more prosperous.

This is the power of integrity.

A promise is worth a thousand gold, and a word is worth four horses. This is the power of integrity.

Let life and integrity fly together!

Facing Life Composition (12)

Smile comes from the sunshine of the soul. Like a flower that never withers, it opens in the crowd and adds colorful colors to the picture of life.

On the garbage heap near the school gate, an old man with gray and untidy hair and shabby clothes showed his poverty. In the howling north wind, he dragged a snakeskin bag to pick up bottles and cans that people had left behind... His clothes were swept up and down again and again by the wind. People despised him, and some even didn't want to see him and walked around. Wandering in this cold world, he has forgotten what warmth is.

"Grandpa, here you are!" A childish voice made his eyes withdraw from the ground. Looking for his reputation, he felt that his blood was slowly getting hot - he saw a lovely smiling face! For this long forgotten and neglected old man, this smiling face is so beautiful! It is a ray of sunshine that warms the old man's sad and lonely heart. The ice in the old man's heart begins to melt slowly, and a stream of warm spring water flows in his heart! It was the spring he longed for many times in his dreams!

He shivered and accepted a bottle given to him by the little girl. His eyes were wet. The little girl's smile opened the forgotten shackles and opened a new life for him.

A smile is an unforgettable and warm touch to the old man's life, and also an important touch to the beauty of the world!

In life, smiles go with us, mothers' caring smiles, teachers' trusting smiles, classmates' encouraging smiles, strangers' friendly smiles... These smiles, like flowers, embellish a colorful life, like wisps of breeze, bring different and wonderful feelings, and are a painting brush, embellishing each piece of splendid brocade.

Smile, make life better!

Facing Life Composition (13)

There is nothing more moving than a bright smile. Smiles have magical power. They can dissolve the ice between people; Smile is also a sign of health and family happiness around you.

No matter where you are or what you are doing, a simple smile is the simplest language among people. It can eliminate the barriers between people and improve the relationship between you and the people around you. The shortest distance between people is a smile that can be shared. Even if it is just a smile, it can also make you communicate and comfort with your own heart. Once you learn to smile, your life will become easier, and people will like to share your brilliant smile.

I remember a story: in a supermarket, there was a poor woman with a little boy about four years old walking around in circles. When he came to a camera, the child took his mother's hand and said, "Mom, let me take a picture, My heart will be moved by that little boy.

If you are standing in front of the "camera" of life, just like the poor boy, you are wearing shabby clothes and have nothing. Can you smile calmly?

In the face of your relatives, your smile can make them realize that there is another person in the world who is connected with their hearts: in the face of friends, your smile can make them realize that there is the same warm friendship in the world besides family affection, so that they can feel that he is important and indispensable to friends. When you travel around the world, a smile is a universal passport. When you travel around the world, a smile like sunshine and rain is your passport to travel freely.

Not only that, laughter is also a magic prescription. It can cure many diseases and has the medical function of strengthening the body. Medical experts tell us that the mentally ill seldom laugh, and a person with disease or other troubles will not laugh from the bottom of his heart.

Anyone who has read the book One in Five Hundred Miracles knows that Norman Kazis of the University of California wrote in this book: "If negative emotions can cause the chemical reaction of negative bodies, then it can be speculated that positive emotions can cause positive chemistry. It can be speculated that love, hope, belief, laughter, trust, and desire for life also have medical value. "

Your smile can even bring great success to people. All the troubles in life can't be solved with your smile? Therefore, no matter what job you are engaged in now, where you work, no matter how serious difficulties you are currently facing, or even if your life has suffered an unprecedented blow, you should also face them with a smile, face everything, and all difficulties will bow before your smiling face.

Smile is always the sunshine and rain in our life.

Facing Life Composition (14)

Give yourself a smile, let yourself have a calm; Give yourself a smile to face difficulties bravely; Give yourself a smile, open your heart, and believe that the sun will come uninvited.

Use your open-minded and optimistic attitude to face, I believe you will win. Use your own courage and strong belief to treat, you will succeed in the end. Use your own key to open your heart, and you will win.

He is an American long-distance runner. When he was young, he experienced an explosion, which made his legs hurt. Doctors judged that he would not be able to walk in his life. But he didn't cry. He swore, "I must stand up.". He went out of the hospital, and over the years, he tried again and again. One day, he stood up and became a long-distance runner after his continuous efforts. It was his spirit that made him cast his brilliant life, and it was his firm belief that made him defeat the ancient legend. He, he is Corningham.

Smile at life. Walk your life with your own attitude.

As long as you are optimistic, all difficulties will be solved.

Smile at life.

Facing Life Composition (15)


On the way of life, there is light, there will also be darkness; There are times when the wind and the water are favorable, and there will be times of frustration, and no one can escape. In the face of setbacks, we can only challenge the darkness and overcome setbacks. I firmly believe that when we are dying of darkness and setbacks, there will be light to meet us. In fact, after you understand the world, you will know how to do it, and you will know how to face all the unhappiness in life. All things we encounter need to be our own decisions, and we should be decisive. The answers given to you by others are not necessarily the correct answers, but we should use our own feelings to make our own answers, which is reliable. We should face life well and remember that all difficulties and setbacks are to make ourselves stronger. Only when we face everything confidently can we live up to the value of life. There are always more ways than problems. Don't be afraid to encounter difficulties. As long as we have confidence, we will find how small difficulties and setbacks are.

In my life, I have also encountered setbacks, but I have successfully walked out. That period of time makes me unforgettable, as if it had just happened.

When I was in the fifth grade of primary school, my father found a sacral neuroma. Lhasa, where my father worked, could not be operated on, so I had to go to the Beijing Grand Hospital for treatment. My mother accompanied my father to Beijing. They had no time to take care of my study and life, so they arranged me to live at my uncle's house. I felt unhappy all day long. It was like a big stone was pressing me out of breath, and I always thought about my father's illness, I checked on the Internet and found that after my father's operation, he would probably never get up again. I was worried about my father. I was very painful and confused. I didn't know how to spend those days. Hiding in bed at night, I secretly cry, but every time I hear my father's voice encouraging me on the phone, I will be happy, down-to-earth and strong.

My father's operation was very successful. My mother said that my father never snorted after the operation, no matter how difficult or painful it was. I heard it creepy and admired my father's tenacity and perseverance. With the improvement of my father's condition, I also passed through that dark and difficult period, which is due to the development of modern medicine, thanks to my father's strong. Dad finally stood up!

Later, I was admitted to the Tibet Class of Hefei No. 35 Middle School from Lhasa Experimental Primary School with excellent results. I should have been lucky and happy that the top Han students could go to the Tibet Class in the mainland, but I stepped into another darkness of frustration again. When I was less than 12 years old, I was far away from my parents and went to a strange place to study and live. In remote Hefei, I missed my parents every day, always wandering in my mind, even unable to eat or sleep well.

My father encouraged me on the phone, saying, My hero is ambitious, don't always miss home! My teachers, classmates and family all cared about me, gave me warmth and strength, and gradually got out of the shadow of homesickness. In the face of setbacks and difficulties, I overcame it once again and moved back to the bright future. I won the first place in the final exam, mathematics and history exam in my class.

From this, I understand how many young branches and leaves have been damaged by storms, and how many intelligent hearts have been stifled by cold and setbacks. But as long as you have confidence and perseverance, all darkness will pass. So, I think it's good to meet setbacks in life. I thank setbacks and everything is not going well. How can a person grow into a towering tree without the ups and downs caused by setbacks?

Facing Life Composition (16)

Writing about the summer vacation of senior three: When I face life choices

Someone once said that if you can't predict tomorrow, you can grasp today

No one knows what will happen tomorrow, but we must hurry to finish today's work and not leave it to tomorrow

There was a story once. There were many animals living in the forest. Everyone lived a carefree life like a fairy. Soon, autumn came. Many animals were busy building their own houses to resist the cold. What about the monkey? He is not in a hurry. All he does is play all day long. Others advise him to build his own house quickly, or he will die of cold in winter. But he replies, "It's OK. There are still tomorrow." Tomorrow, tomorrow. Tomorrow has passed by one by one. Finally, winter comes. Monkey has no house to shelter from the cold, and he dies of cold

Life is only tens of thousands of days. If you don't treasure it, it's not a hundred times. Hugo, a famous French writer, once said, "No matter how successful your life is, or how many setbacks and failures you encounter, you should treat each day seriously and complete your life

He is right. If you can't succeed in everything, you can succeed in everything. Life will inevitably encounter some setbacks and failures, but as long as you try your best, you will reach the other side of victory

The life of sea turtles is full of ups and downs. At the turn of spring and summer, mother sea turtles climb to the shore in groups to lay eggs. A few months later, the young sea turtles gradually get out of their shells and climb to the sea. During the period from the shell to the sea, the young sea turtles have to go through a lot of hardships and suffer a lot. Sea crabs and sea birds have already grasped the right time, They launched a powerful attack on the little sea turtles. The little sea turtles were not afraid and did their best to climb to the sea. Many sea turtles lost their lives halfway, and only a few of them reached the sea. Their life was not smooth, but they knew that as long as they tried everything, they would always win one day

There are many "crossroads" in life. If you choose this one, you will lose that one. In many "crossroads", you must make a clear choice. In this way, you will benefit from life

This is the end of the summer vacation composition for the third year of senior high school. I hope you will work hard in the last year of high school to get your ideal university!