Warm Composition for Senior High School Entrance Examination (17 selected articles)
The night is dim
2024-06-13 02:22:53
topic of conversation

Warm Composition in Senior High School Entrance Examination (1)

Bits of personal kindness are always accompanied. The long road of life, warm everywhere, like the air generally accompanied. When you are faced with loneliness and alarmism, will you think of the warmth of your loved ones to make you complacent; When you face difficulties and want to be unhappy, will you feel the warmth of your friends make you confident; When you are badly hurt, do you feel that the warmth of your family makes you feel comfortable. Yes, a warm fire can start a prairie fire. Even if you are in a foreign country. At the ends of the world, the warmth of the family will still care twice. The warmth of our loved ones is our pillar. It is not only the material pillar to eat well and wear well, but also the spiritual pillar to support and encourage us to realize the true meaning of love. It is the warmth of this family and society that makes us shine in the colorful sunshine. We will sigh:

"Ah, love is everywhere, and warmth is everywhere!"

In America, a little girl once wrote to Lincoln, hoping that he would grow a long beard. Lincoln read the letter very carefully, not only answered the letter to the child immediately, but also grew a beard. In India, Tagore once received a letter from a little girl. I wrote in the letter: Grandpa, I want to name my dog after you, OK? Tagore not only answered the letter immediately, but also added a sentence in the letter, "But you'd better ask for the consent of the dog before naming it."

The above two topics express: warmth is the spring rain; Warmth is a smile written on your face; Warmth is the response without hesitation; Warm is meticulous cooperation; Warmth is the concern between people; Warmth is mutual trust. Warmth is love, and warmth is love. May the world be full of warmth.

Warm Composition in Senior High School Entrance Examination (2)

I like my home. I probably find that the warmth of home is my warmth.

Home is a haven from the wind. Don't pray for how much gorgeous decoration and space your home must have, even if it is just an empty house, only as big as ants. But when I need it most, it will always appear and even comfort my heart, giving me great shock, touch and warmth. So I will choose it and believe it.

When you are tired, sad, or angry, go back to your comfort zone and remove all masks and equipment without any modification or reservation. Let's vent and stretch! You can lie in the warm bed and sleep late, or you can casually eat cookies while pressing the remote control in your hand. You can talk out your troubles happily, or you can shout out your discontent with impunity. In a word, do things according to your heart and be a person with the same heart.

After listening so much, I can't help asking: "What is home?" Thousands of people have thousands of words. There are only a few words to explain home, but in our minds, the concept of home covers the whole life. Whether rich or poor, noble or lowly, adversity is easy, as long as you are born into this world, you will have a relationship with your family, which will haunt you all the time. I have my own idea: it is an unspeakable feeling. When you are sad, there is a place for you to cry, and when you are happy, there is a place for you to go crazy. Help you block rain and snow, jackals and tigers and leopards, difficulties and bad luck. Who can say that home is not a good place and can't give people warmth?

The warmth of home is everywhere, as long as you are willing to find it.

Warm Composition in Senior High School Entrance Examination (3)

In life, only silence and loneliness can shut you into a dark hut, but when you open the door and go out, you will know that the beautiful world is so beautiful. In fact, aren't we the kites in the sky? Don't always despise the shackles of money and the obstacles of wind; You should know that the traction without lines is to wrestle, and the 'sharpening' without wind is not to fly high. Frustration won't make me silent, failure won't make me lonely, because my heart is being warmed up.

Teacher Zhang, do you know that when I am lonely, you give me a pair of warm hands, so that I am not lonely, just like this, I will be warm and lit up.

For a while, I was very introverted. I didn't like talking, laughing or making friends with others. But I wonder if you know my situation and try your best to help me, support me and encourage me. So I become sunny. Finally, I like to laugh and make friends, but I have another conflict with a friend. You are very upset. You try to pull me out of the abyss. But in the end, what you said made me remember that friendship can't be bought by thousands of dollars. It's not easy to have a bosom friend. Don't make conflicts. If you make conflicts, you must reflect on what you did wrong, and apologize to each other on your own initiative. Your friendship will last forever. "The teacher's words moved me, and then I followed the teacher's words, and we became good friends again.

Finally, I understood, and I also got - from always being alone with the lonely Chinese parasol tree, because of being warmed up, I became a person who likes to laugh, love life, love to wander, and a person who can integrate into the collective. I got it, got the smile that life gave me, got the warmth and brightness.

Warm Composition in Senior High School Entrance Examination (4)

In the vast world, we are all playing roles in other people's lives and our own lives, and we are interdependent—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Parents are traveling companions. Since we were born, our parents have been looking at us. They have seen the growth and footprint, and the rising stature... Our parents are the people who give us the greatest care and love, and they give us the most and tolerate the most. I remember a TV play said, "I want to accompany you all my life, but I never thought that my life is not your life." Yes, parents can't accompany themselves all their life, and they will also leave. Parents are old and nagging, so be considerate. Although sometimes they are really unreasonable and I am really angry, when I look up and see the white hair on their temples, I can't help but tremble. If I don't understand their bitterness, what love will they pay?

Dad! Mom! Thank you for your selfless company in my journey.

The teacher is the guide in the journey. Although the time that teachers appear in our life is very short, compared with a lifetime, even just a meteor flash, the significance of their existence is extraordinary. They educate us like farmers cultivating seedlings. They are diligent and hardworking. On the blackboard and under the chalk, how much their hard work and sweat are buried. I have seen English teachers try their best to correct the mistakes made by adolescent children; Experienced Chinese teachers' speeches designed to cultivate our eloquence; I have seen that even if the math teacher is pregnant, he will insist on teaching time for us; I have felt the tolerance of the physics teacher when pleading for us

teacher! Thank you for your sincere company in my journey.

Friends are your care givers on the journey. A good friend will help you solve your problems. "Sharing weal and woe" is the sign of a friend. When I was sick and struggling in pain, a phone call from a friend would make you very warm. When I woke up, I found that my friends all came to see me with consolation articles and looked at cards wishing me to get better soon, I felt that I was the happiest person in the world.

friend! Thank you for your warm company in my journey.

Parents, teachers, friends... All kinds of people crowded in my journey, making this journey lively and my heart warm.

Warm Composition for Senior High School Entrance Examination (5)

That night, the moonlight slanted into the small window of the room and sprinkled on the edge of the bed, giving my heart a cool feeling.

It is late at night, and I still toss and turn, unable to sleep. As soon as I closed my eyes, the physics paper with dazzling scores appeared in front of me. You have a high demand on me. Let me fly like a lonely goose, exhausted. At this time, Lengbudding falls from the clouds. Naturally, you can't help scolding me.

Still not sleepy, I simply got up, pushed the door open quietly, and walked out on tiptoe. Moonlight flows in the room like water, and puts a white veil on everything. Through the hazy veil, I see something - you are sitting by the French window of the study, with your head hanging down, as if you are asleep. There are several pieces of white paper written densely on your knee, and the physical paper that makes me nervous is being held in your left hand. I was standing less than two meters away from you, my whole body was dull, and I seemed afraid to face you like this.

I was thinking about whether I should turn around and walk away, when I saw the dissolved moonlight sifting down from your hair, falling to the ground and breaking into speckled silver light. There are some deep and shallow gullies around your eyes, which are indistinct with the rise and fall of your body. How many strands of silver are there at your beginning, is that moonlight or the traces of time? Yes, unconsciously, you don't seem as young as before. I could not help asking myself: "How long have you not cared about her? Have you only noticed her strictness to you, but ignored her care for you?" The past scenes came to my mind: after a day of homework, the hot milk you sent from the corner of the table always emits a warm fragrance, Every dream where you say good night always seems to be particularly sweet... You have been working silently for my food, clothing, housing and transportation, giving me warmth and being proud of me. The strict requirements you put on me just hope that I will not be overwhelmed by unexpected difficulties, and I hope that I can fly high in the blue sky proudly on the day you let go.

Gradually, the moonlight in the room is no longer cool, but emits warmth. It surrounds me like you, covers my cold heart and gives me the strength to continue to move forward.

There is a feeling that has always surrounded me, so that I ignored its existence; There is a feeling that always protects me, so that I numb its thickness; There is a kind of feeling that passes me warmth all the time, so that I forget how great it is!

This kind of you has warmed me, and from now on, I will not let you worry, not make you work hard, and try my best to bring you warmth.

Go back to the bed and take off the blanket and gently cover your body. Evening wind, don't cool her, my dear mother.

Warm Composition in Senior High School Entrance Examination (6)

Life is a road, a long road, and we are travelers who complete the journey on this road. It is precisely because of the long journey that we closed our eyes to the monotonous scenery along the way. There is another flavor hidden in our hearts - monotony, which replaces our original freshness. Won't there be some small events in this long journey? Yes, it appeared, which was a setback.

Frustration has different views on different travelers. Some travelers will be very excited, because setbacks make their life colorful again; Some travelers will be disgusted because setbacks will bring them some difficulties. The same thing has different meanings in our eyes.

Frustration is a double-edged sword, which can not only help you, but also ruthlessly hurt you. The key is our attitude. In the face of setbacks, if we do not overcome them, we will abandon ourselves and stop on the journey of life, becoming "the road has frozen bones"; If we raise our heads, straighten our backs, and bravely face and overcome setbacks, our courage will shine brightly, turning joy into power, bathing in the sun, and heading for success not far away.

In the eyes of most travelers, frustration is a terrible devil. As long as you are entangled with this devil, you will never get rid of it and will never succeed. Failure is your ultimate destiny. The real setback is not like this. It is not terrible and will not cause us any loss. If a wooden bridge stands on a quiet stream, everyone can cross it, but if it stands between valleys, few people can cross it. The same is true of setbacks. It will only slightly change your environment. As long as you don't care about things under the bridge and walk across the bridge decisively, you can succeed. In the process of experiencing setbacks, it has given us tempering and made us stronger; It teaches us how to face adversity. Frustrations make us more mature and let us understand that setbacks are not equal to failures.

Frustration is not equal to failure, as long as you bravely cross the threshold, you will see a bright sky; As long as you bravely pierce this layer of white paper, you will see the endless sea; As long as you keep going, it will be boundless and beautiful.

Frustration is not equal to failure, treat setbacks well, it will make your success blossom forever, until forever

Warm Composition in Senior High School Entrance Examination (7)

Memory is like the colorful shells, bright, dark, obscure, and inconspicuous. In a corner deep in the sea, there is a small but precious' shell 'with glittering light

In my mind, there is a gust of wind that reminds me of that day

I remember that day of that year, I was only 5 years old. Once, as soon as I came home, I took off my dirty clothes and threw them on the sofa to ask my mother to wash them for me. But then my mother said to me, "Daughter, you have grown up, and you should learn to wash clothes by yourself." I threw myself into my mother's arms, pursed a small mouth, and said to my mother, "No, no! I want my mother to wash for me." My mother suddenly changed from gentle to strict, and told me a lot of truth very seriously, but I didn't hear a word. Still insist on not washing. Mother got angry and went back to her bedroom to ignore me. I also got angry with my mother and didn't wash clothes. Day after day, when I had worn all my clothes dirty, my father said, "I'd better wash them!" My mother said stubbornly, "Leave her alone and let her do it by herself!" I walked into the bathroom wrongly and reluctantly put the clothes piled into the washing machine. Tears drop down one by one

The next morning, when I got up, my mother hugged me and cried excitedly, "Look, our daughter is really clean!" I looked at the clothes on the drying rack and wondered: why are the clothes washed yesterday still dripping today? In this way, as the days passed by, my clothes became cleaner and cleaner.

One night, when I got up to drink water, I overheard the sound of washing clothes in the bathroom. He opened the door quietly. I saw my mother washing the clothes I washed this afternoon. She washed, twisted, and floated with her hands, which were rough because of hard work, and repeated such movements constantly. At that moment, my eyes could not help moistening

Love is the spring breeze in the world, love is the source of life, love is the unyielding backbone, love is the sun in winter, it outlines my mother's deep love for me.

Warm Composition in Senior High School Entrance Examination (8)

Some memories are happy; Some have painful memories; Some memories are happy; Some memories are sad, but I have a warm memory.

Last winter vacation, a tall advertising umbrella was put up beside the road in our community. At the foot of the mountain, there was a dim sum stand selling rice balls. The stall owner was a middle-aged woman who was ugly and dressed simply. When I played in the community, I often passed by the umbrella. Sometimes I didn't even bother to glance at it, so I left it behind. However, this time, I gazed at it for a long time.

One morning, I overslept. Thinking that I would go to my friend's house to play today, I took the pocket money prepared by my mother and hurried out. It's cold outside, and the cold wind is blowing into my sleeve. I quickly clenched my sleeve, which is the umbrella running along the road. Under the umbrella, there were many people, hot and sweet. The stall owner's aunt was busy with her hands and feet, while warmly greeting customers.

"Auntie, buy a sweet rice ball." Auntie nodded, skillfully grabbed a ball of pearl like glutinous rice, put it on the white plastic paper, and then evenly sprinkled with black sesame seeds, and sprinkled with a small spoon of sugar. Then, Auntie folded her hands, rubbed back and forth, and in the blink of an eye, an attractive rice ball was ready.

I licked my lips and hurriedly paid. Unexpectedly, the money seemed to evaporate and the pocket was empty. I was so worried that I could not find a penny in my handbag again. Unfortunately, I must have lost it on the way. What can we do about it? I was embarrassed and at a loss. "Little girl, don't worry, this rice ball is for you." The aunt smiled and handed the rice ball to you. "How can it be? Aunt, I won't buy it." I waved helplessly and turned to leave. "Why, ungrateful? I see you passing here almost every day, and we are old friends. It doesn't matter if we are a rice ball!" The aunt giggled and her eyes twinkled with warm light. She didn't allow me to say anything and pushed the rice ball straight into my hand. I accepted it with embarrassment.

The cold wind is rustling, but I can hold the rice ball, but I am warm all over. The stall owner's aunt added warmth to this cold winter with her understanding, warm and kind heart. If everyone can be like aunts, then no matter how cold the wind can be turned into a gentle breeze, no matter how cold the winter can be turned into a warm spring.

Looking back and gazing at it, the big umbrella in the distance looks very eye-catching and beautiful, just like a flower blooming on the roadside, silently blooming in the wind, releasing a warm breath.

Warm Composition in Senior High School Entrance Examination (9)

Whether in study, work or life, everyone has dealt with composition. Composition can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative according to different genres. So, how to write a composition? The following is a warm reproduction of the full score composition of the high school entrance exam organized by the small editor for you, for reference only, and I hope it can help you.

I used to be a lively and cheerful girl, but that made me unhappy for a long time.

It was Thursday, and we had composition class. Mr. Jia asked several of us to come to the office to review the composition and help us. Suddenly I heard a very familiar voice: "May I ask if Mao Lingling is here?" It was my brother. I answered and walked to the door, thinking that it must be my clothes (because I called my mother). When I went out, I found my father and brother were alone. I said casually, "Dad, put your clothes on my desk, and I will go down soon." When I turned to leave, Dad said, "Grandpa is dead." This news almost made me collapse. Suddenly, the excitement of being praised by the teacher completely covered the dark clouds. At first, I thought my father cheated me, but I still didn't believe it. But my brother said, "Yes, everything is ready. Your leave is also ready." My tears suddenly fell like a broken pearl. How I wish all this were untrue.

At Grandma's house, what they said was true. The trumpet and electronic organ of the funeral band had already played. I quickly ran into the hall and saw my grandfather lying on the bamboo bed, covered with white cloth from head to foot, which made people feel the separation between yin and yang. My heart suddenly twitched, like a thousand arrows through my heart, and it hurt so much. As I knelt and cried beside my grandfather's bamboo bed, I thought that my grandfather loved me more than my grandfather and grandmother. But the good man died like this. My grandfather was only 65 years old! I think my grandfather has at least 15 years to live. I am not reconciled, not reconciled!

In my mind, I was comforted when my grandfather was seriously ill. Grandfather said to me, "Granddaughter, when I get well, we will go to the park to play together, and I will live younger." I always kept that sentence in mind, so I began to save money from then on. I have saved 154 yuan. I also know how to be thrifty. In those three and a half months, I lived a frugal life. Everything I bought was kept to the minimum standard. Sometimes I would buy something for one to two yuan. My mother gives me 23 yuan of pocket money every week. I take it back to save it during the holidays. Sometimes I pick up garbage. It's not easy to save so much. I wanted to buy a good cup for my grandfather quietly. But now, Grandpa has passed away.

Later, my grandfather was cremated and I went back to school. No matter what happens to me, I am not happy. I just don't speak. My face is tight and I only eat a little. My mother was worried about me, so she asked my father to take a few days off for me.

One night I dreamt about my grandfather. He said, "Silly girl, why are you doing this? Don't break your body. Your parents and I don't love you to death. I changed my lifestyle in heaven. I'm living well. Don't be sad. You should study hard and live well. This is my grandfather's lovely granddaughter. Your life is still long and there are many things to experience."

I woke up in a dream. I remember that we learned from Su Shi's "Water Melody" that "people have joys and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs, which is difficult to complete in ancient times." Yes, now I really understand the taste. "I hope people will live a long time and share the beauty of the moon". Grandpa wished me so in his dream!

The next day I got up early and went to school by the first light of morning. My heart was warm.

Warm Composition for Senior High School Entrance Examination (10)

The words of love surround me all the time, making my heart warm as spring even in the snowy days.

When I came out of the cram school and thought about the bad test paper, a gust of wind blew at me, and I could not help but shiver. Standing in the snow, I knew that a storm was coming. Fear, nervousness and loneliness hit me. I reached into my pocket, feeling something in it. I took it out and found it was a small piece of paper. When I opened it, I saw the words "Come on, my deskmate! I believe you are the best." Suddenly, a warm current rushed into my heart, warming me! "How many times have I lost my direction, and now I don't feel lost." Because of the encouragement of my deskmate, I am no longer afraid, nervous and lonely. I will sing the songs of life with a smile!

I walked carelessly on the road, walking and looking. I accidentally slipped to it. Before I could stand up, I heard a loud trumpet. His legs were still aching. At that time, it seemed that a driver was impatient and stepped down from the car. I thought to myself, "Why are you still scolding me? Fierce, cut!" Then he came to me and helped me up. Smiling, he said, "There are still many pulleys on the cold road. Watch it." I also smiled, ashamed and moved. The copper bell like voice echoed in the ice and snow. The world becomes wonderful every moment because of mutual help.

In the morning, I got up, dressed and had dinner. I had already gone downstairs. At this time, my mother called me to answer the phone. Who is it! I called at this time. I ran up breathlessly, "Hey! Don't forget to add some clothes to cool down today." Oh, it was a friend who was far away. I suddenly felt that although we were far apart, our hearts were closer. Walking on the road echoed the voice of friends, how warm it is in this cold winter! How sweet it is to have a friend who cares about me all the time!

Although every sentence is so simple, it is like a fiery fire in my heart, which never goes out and warms me and accompanies me to grow!

Warm Composition in Senior High School Entrance Examination (11)

A helping heart is warm, and a healthy society is full of moving warmth, which spreads in every corner, bringing hope and brightness to people in life.

Remember the earthquake disaster that year? The storm hit, the wind roared, the mountains and rivers changed color for a while, and many victims were displaced. In a short time, the whole life's efforts went into torrential mud flow, and even lost loved ones. How can anyone bear such a strong blow? The "society" was launched at this time. Every member of the society is its energy source. Everyone has money to contribute. Everyone's meager strength converges into the great warmth of the society, which is sent to every victims' hearts with thick and strong love and enthusiasm! "A friend in need is a friend indeed"! Every member of the society is a community of life. Only by working together and supporting each other can we warm the society, instead of being cold and indifferent, and let warmth be born in everyone's heart!

Walking on the street, if you pay a little attention, you will find that many people and the world's warm little scenery, but enough to move people's hearts! On an afternoon when the temperature is low, the cold wind is blowing. Everyone is tightly wrapped in a heavy coat, and his hands are deeply inserted into his pockets. I'm afraid that the biting wind will slip into his sleeves! At this time, I saw a timid figure, shrinking to hand out leaflets among the crowd. Is the pocket too warm? No one reached out to pick it up. The thin figure and stiff hands I saw were empty helplessness and hesitation.

A sudden gust of strong cold wind made the man lose his mind. The leaflet broke free from his frozen purple hands and flew in the deserted street. Those slightly childish eyes tried to hold back the tears of panic. "Let me help you pick it up!" The speaker was a passer-by, whose words were sonorous. It was difficult for others not to hear him. When he bent down, he put a leaflet carefully into his backpack. The second and third leaflets were sent directly to passers-by around. This time, no one would not pick them up. The boy stood by in a daze. This time, his tears finally came down - tears of inspiration and gratitude!

Who can lament the cold society? Let it radiate warm and moving light, which is our common responsibility! Burn it! Great love in the heart!

Warm Composition for Senior High School Entrance Examination (12)

I walked in the rice field again, and the sun came down quietly, like a big hand stroking your cheek, making you feel warm in your heart; The rice like lovely children, playing with each other while bathing in the sun and wind, they took my hand and took me back to another warm time

Autumn September · Warm · Paddy Field

Layers of rice waves flooded the children in the waves, and the strings of sweet laughter penetrated my ears. At this time, I felt sad.

In the empty hut, cries came one after another. Grandfather opened his hand with a sweet smile and died. I still held his hand, crying without a sound. The mother, who was already sobbing faintly, was lying in another bed while her father was taking care of her. On weekdays, Grandpa is my bosom friend, playing chess and drawing with me. He has always been a great presence in my mind. His last wish on his deathbed is to see this rice field with his childhood memories

I stared at the golden paddy field. They were sleeping sweetly. Their mother, the wind, gently coaxed them. A twinge of pain came. Tears were like broken beads, drop by drop.

Looking up, I wanted to let my tears flow back to my eyes, but I found another beautiful scene: golden rice, full and heavy, with intoxicating fragrance, billowing golden waves, pushed to the endless distance, as if brilliant rosy clouds were shaking off in the fields.

Tears all turned into curiosity. Looking at the vast paddy field, the warmth in my heart poured out like spring water.

The yellow millet is so pressed that the ears of the grain can't stand up, but it still shakes vigorously, as if dancing for the harvest. From a distance, the whole paddy field looks like a golden carpet. From time to time, children's laughter came from the fields.

The sadness in my heart disappeared. My grandpa's life was like a rice. After the ups and downs, it was a relief to leave? The unripe rice pricked upward, like a young man with vigor; The mature rice with its head hanging down, like grandpa, modest, weather beaten, more people are also understanding tolerance, this is the capacity; Humility means weight, and together, it means quality.

The golden paddy field warms people's hearts!

Warm Composition in Senior High School Entrance Examination (13)

The sky was gray, and the sun grandfather hid behind the dense black clouds and refused to show his face from time to time. My mood now is just like this weather. It's gray... it's because of the youth rebellion.


"Oh, I did another bad thing." This time, I accidentally overturned the teacher's chalk box! A large box of new chalk "dead dead, injured" is mostly cut off at the waist. "Fortunately, the teacher didn't find out, or I would have to tell my parents again." I whispered in my heart, "Today I will hang up again. Am I going to turn myself in? Or...". I can't help shivering at the thought of this. Needless to say, I know the consequences must be unimaginable

Physical education class, I do sports listlessly, like a robot that has no program. My abnormal behavior, which has always been active in physical education, was quickly discovered by my classmates. Although they did not know it, smart people must know that I did bad things again! I didn't look at my classmates, but I just fought against the "demons". "Turn yourself in! If you want to be unknown, unless you don't do something, it will always be discovered!" "No, turning yourself in is not to fight against the fire and kill yourself

"Ding Lingling -" Class is over. One of my closest friends, Ge Chenji, came up to me and asked, "What's wrong with you today? Have you done something wrong again?" I nodded listlessly and said "Hmm". He immediately asked, "What's the matter?" "I broke all the chalk." He immediately comforted, "Nothing. Go and talk to the teacher. Don't you think it's all over if you make a mistake?" "It's not that simple! This is the first time I've made an n+1 mistake. How can the teacher forgive me so simply!" "People are not perfect, and who can avoid making mistakes?"? As long as you can admit it bravely, the teacher will forgive you. " At this time, the long lost sun showed his angry and shining face, and scattered a lot of sunshine! My heart also suddenly realized that the sun was shining into my heart at the same time.

I walked to the teacher's office with relief and fear

The sunshine there is warm, and it melts the ice in my heart; The sun is hot in that place, and it gives me impetus to cross the mountain; The sunshine there has given me new strength, new hope and made me more optimistic, cheerful and confident

Warm Composition in Senior High School Entrance Examination (14)

Walking through the growing starry sky, the stars in the sky fall to the ground. Each star records the years that I have passed away. I picked up one of them and couldn't help being stunned - they were all so warm and shining.

First. A burst of familiar music sounded in my ear, and my classmates and I sat in a circle in the teacher who was covered with snowflakes. There was a tall Christmas tree in the middle of us, with lights of various colors shining on it. I seemed to see a little deer bouncing towards me, but it disappeared again in a blink of an eye. The students performed one by one, with happy smiles on their faces. I don't know how long later, it snowed outside the window. The teacher asked us to sing a song to commemorate the upcoming departure. " Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, the grass is green and the sky is blue... "The snow outside the window is falling more heavily, and a familiar music sounds in my ear, and this star becomes dark.

Earth two. The sky is blue and transparent, with several white clouds floating overhead. My sister and I were playing on the grass outside the door. At that time, I was surprised to find that the wind in early summer was blue, which made our hair run backward. When we passed our cheeks, it was soft and soft, as if we were greeting. Unconsciously, it was evening, and a red glow appeared in the sky, which seemed to be on fire. At that time, I naively thought: will the white clouds be burned up by this fire? Then I will never see white clouds like cotton candy again. Just thinking about it, I heard my mother calling me to go home for dinner. I ran to my mother with a stubby calf and pointed to the sky, saying, "Mom, Baiyun is so pathetic. I will never see them again." My mother touched my head and said to me with a smile; "Silly boy, that's sunset, you will see white clouds tomorrow." I smiled happily. The laughter gradually faded away, and the star became dark.

The third lesson, the fourth lesson, and the fifth one... I looked at it and found that my face was cool. I raised my hand and touched it, but I had no idea that I was crying. Finally, I burst into tears. Those warm memories sealed in my mind are back······

The above composition in the second semester of junior high school with full marks is a good one

Warm Composition in Senior High School Entrance Examination (15)

Maternal love is great, it doesn't need any reward, although after its warm sunshine comes a relentless storm.

When I was one year old, my mother held a piece of birthday cake that had just been cut into my hands. I mercilessly kept the cake far away. Then he cried for no reason.

When I was five years old, I lost my temper with my mother for not buying snacks for me.

When he was eight years old, he deliberately quarreled with his mother because he was in a bad mood.

When I was nine years old, my mother asked me to wear one more dress. It was cold, and I said my mother was wordy. Now, I quarrel with my mother almost every day. Once, I didn't talk to my mother for four days.

When I was reading a book, I was drawn back from the book world by my mother in a word. So I lost my temper with my mother. In fact, I regretted it later and felt that I really shouldn't have. However, as if nothing had happened, my mother still talked to me in her usual tone and cooked for me.

Sometimes, when lying to my mother, my mother's tone is so gentle and kind. I know that my mother trusts me so much, but I use my mother's trust in me to cheat her. I feel sour in my heart, very sad, and very regretful.

After regretting, it was another war with my mother. At noon, my mother came back from four or five kilometers by car to cook for me. When talking at the dinner table, he quarreled with his mother about something. He broke his chopsticks, leaving half a bowl of rice in the bowl. He turned and walked into his room! Bang the door with a loud bang. Mother had to eat the rest of the meal alone. When my mother went to work, she still said goodbye to me in a sweet voice, as if nothing had happened. At that time, my anger also disappeared and I said "goodbye" to my mother sweetly.

Mother's love is the most selfless. Although I often give her storms, she always gives me warm sunshine.

Warm Composition in Senior High School Entrance Examination (16)

The words in the inscription were seen in a movie. At that time, I could not understand the meaning of the words, but I felt that there was another meaning, so I wrote it down.

I have a very simple family, with parents, me and family.

After entering the third day of junior high, I found that the intensity of physical exercise even exceeded my mental exercise. When I came home from school and dragged my tired body, I saw my cousin's daughter's pretty little face. This five-year-old girl called my uncle.

I thought with a wry smile. Unexpectedly, I became my uncle just as a junior high school student.

I hugged her, pinched my face, and returned to the room.

When I go home, I play computer games for entertainment. Soon, my mother's voice sounded, asking me to stop playing. I stopped my mouse, paused, grabbed a coat and went downstairs. It was windy and cold today.

My life is plain and light, but there is something extraordinary in the ordinary.

I came to my house. It was windy outside. It was cool in late summer and early autumn. Mother stood in the wind, washing clothes. I frowned and asked: "Why don't you use the washing machine? It's still outside in bad weather." Mother looked up, cleaned up her messy hair and smiled: "It's OK. Wash your hands clean." I hesitated for a moment and walked over. I picked up a piece of clothes and washed them like my mother. My mother said angrily, "Go in and let me do these things." I smiled and said, "Mom, you know, I can't wash clothes at school, only wash underpants and socks, and my classmates laughed at me. I think I'm 15 years old, and it's time to learn." My mother listened, and her mouth raised, but it was also a sense of relief.

In fact, I just wanted to do something for my mother and found a suitable excuse.

At this time, my father came out with my little niece, and he played with her like a child. My niece is learning to dance recently, so she began to dance. The father joked, "I can do that, too." The little niece did not believe her, and looked at her father with clear eyes.

So, I saw the scene of crying and laughing. My father twisted his buttocks and waved his hands, making my little niece laugh. I don't know Yan

He is as lovely and interesting as his father. Mother also stopped what she was doing, leaned against the sink and smiled. He went into the house to prepare dinner.

At this moment, my heart swelled with inexpressible taste, warm as us. My father grabbed my niece's hand and said he would take her for a walk. I looked at my father's back, rushed into the room, grabbed my coat, and then caught up with him.

I handed my coat to my father. "Dad, it's windy and cold," I said briefly.

"Like women," my father laughed and scolded me.

I joked, "Women don't care about you."

Father glared at me: "poor"

I smiled and walked back. Through the window in front of the house, I saw my mother busy with dinner. I also saw the happy smile and something called kinship.

I took out my mobile phone and called my friend who had just made an appointment on the Internet.

"I'm not going out tonight. I have something important to do."

"What's so important?"

"Just accompany my family," I said in a happy whisper.

The wind blew open the cuff and poured into the body. I looked up at the sky

Look, the sun is setting, and the relatives are safe.

Warm Composition in Senior High School Entrance Examination (17)

Warm, is a wisp of spring breeze; Warm, is a meter of sunshine; Warm, is a gentle look; Warm is a warm word; Warm, is a warm help. Warm, right beside you.

In the art class, the teacher taught us to paint with gouache. Oh, no! I forgot to bring gouache paint. What can I do? If you can't finish the painting, you must be criticized by the teacher. When I was at a loss, my deskmate gently touched me with his arm and whispered, "Don't worry, let's use it together!" I felt as if I had seen the savior. I was very happy! I feel the warmth of friendship between my classmates.

On the day of visiting the World Expo, I didn't know whether it was too hot or too many people. My headache broke out again. Those wonderful pavilions are not attractive to me at the moment. My parents held me on a sunshade stool. I cried and made noise. My parents kept comforting me. My father asked me to sleep on him, and my mother gave me a head massage. I fell asleep in this noisy environment. When I woke up, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. I opened my eyes and saw that I was still sleeping on my father. My mother immediately asked me: "Is it better?" Looking at the concerned eyes of my parents, I was suddenly moved. This trip to the World Expo basically did not play anything, but I deeply felt the love of my parents for me. Parents' love is as warm as sunshine.

The community is also full of mutual warmth.

A few days ago, I played basketball with several classmates on the basketball court in the community. We played happily. A classmate wanted to dunk, but he was too short, so he threw the ball onto the basket and got stuck in the basket. Another student tried hard to cradle the basket, but the basket did not move. I jumped up, but I couldn't reach it at all. At this time, an uncle came to help him without saying a word. Uncle took off a shoe and threw it up several times. The basketball finally fell down. We cheered together. Uncle played basketball with us. A small action can also bring warmth.

Warmth is right beside us. Warm, is so simple.

This composition for the midterm exam of Grade 9 in junior high school is very clear.