Compositions on environmental protection (20 in total)
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2024-06-28 01:23:51
Junior 1

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (1)

Speaking of "environmental protection", people will think about how to control air pollution, water pollution, land desertification and so on. Here are the 2021 environmental protection themed I hope it can help everyone!

One day, the kitten Dongdong went fishing and found that the fish were all wearing masks and umbrellas. Dongdong was very strange. What was more strange was that Dongdong didn't use bait, so the fish went fishing on their own.

Dongdong asked the father fish, "Father fish, why do the little fish take the bait themselves?"

The father of the fish sighed and replied: There is much more garbage in the river. Watermelon peel, paper wood, glass, plastic... My children can't breathe. When they see you have clean water, they will take the bait regardless of life danger.

Dongdong nodded, put the fish back into the river, and asked the dog Wang Wang to help pick up the garbage in the water. Wang Wang picked up the garbage one by one, and slowly, the garbage became a "mountain" garbage mountain.

Dongdong made a sign of wood and paper. The sign said: Please don't litter, protect the environment, start with me! Dongdong inserted the brand into the soil, and then Wangwang and Dongdong made four garbage cans, two big and two small, to keep the water clean for the father of fish, and the big ones to keep the outside clean.

Later, they were busy for three days and three nights before sorting the garbage into buckets. Now the little fish are happy again.

Everyone shouts together; "Take care of the environment, give us a clean home, and give animals a happy world!"

Fish's wish

In the blue sea, there are thousands of small fish of all kinds. The little fish enjoy the happiness brought by the beautiful sea every day. They are free to play in the sea, leisurely spitting bubbles of all sizes. They chased and frolicked in groups, hiding in colorful coral clumps and dancing with green seaweed. They are always so happy, so happy!

However, I don't know when their life has changed quietly. When the little fish came out of the house, they saw all kinds of human garbage floating around dirty, free

Bottles, broken shoes, banana skins, and nuts. The sea water is no longer blue, full of pungent smell and strange taste. They can't play freely as before. They always swim carefully, because if they don't pay attention, they will be hit by a big bag on their head. Little fish have to wear masks and umbrellas to go out every day.

The beautiful home is gone! How the little fish miss the blue sea and the beautiful life!

The earth is our home for survival. She makes us have dense forests, vast plains, and vast oceans... She created human beings and provided us with an environment to live in.

My home, Beimenlong, used to be a good place with beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery. The river is crystal clear, the fish swim happily, and people drink the water there. You can hear the river is happy. The mountains and trees there are green and green, the forests are stained, and flowers are everywhere, attracting bees to collect honey, butterflies to dance, and birds to sing in the woods... But later, due to the destruction of a few people, the river gradually becomes turbid, Garbage piles up, giving off a bad smell, and the fish disappeared. Due to the indiscriminate cutting, only a few trees were left standing alone in the mountains, and the beautiful scene of birds singing and flowers fragrant could not be seen any more. I am very sad to see such a scene!

Nowadays, global warming, forest reduction, ozone layer destruction, land desertification, accelerated species extinction, garbage disasters, toxic chemical pollution... which is not caused by our human beings? Even if the nature has natural ability, it will bear the heavy burden! Listen, Mother Earth is crying because the blood in her blood vessels is drying up and becoming turbid. But we keep complaining about all this, but we don't know that the consequences also have their own "contribution"!

Mother Earth can't stand the trouble anymore. The most important thing now is how to save our mother and let her return to the green scene. Saving electricity, reusing resources, classifying garbage... It is not just a matter of doing everything in our daily life, so we should achieve real low-carbon. And these can only be realized with your, my and his power!

Mother Earth expects our efforts, and we can't let her down. As long as we start our life bit by bit, the sky will be bluer, the water will be clearer, and the mountains will be greener! Our home will be more beautiful!

My family lives by the East Lake. Every Sunday, my parents and I will go to the East Lake to play. There are lush trees, singing birds and fragrant flowers.

I remember a few days ago, I went to the East Lake to play. As soon as I got to the gate of the park, a white object fell from the sky and fell in front of me. I stepped back a few steps and looked closely. It turned out to be a white plastic garbage bag, with cans, eggshells and scraps of paper rolling out one after another... Just then, a blind man came over, I ran to it quickly and helped him around the garbage bag. I thought to myself, if everyone threw rubbish like this, wouldn't everyone want it?

I would like to suggest that everyone should take action from now on to protect the river and not discharge waste water into the river. Put the garbage in the designated place. Never pour tea water from upstairs to avoid tragedy.

We should start from now, from small things, protect the ecological environment, protect the air, make the mountains greener, the water cleaner, and the motherland more beautiful!

Protecting the environment_300 words

My family lives in the Zhangjia Manor Community in Kuiwen District. It is very beautiful. There are supermarkets, banks, barber shops, tall buildings, clean flowers and trees, beautiful small gardens... But some residents pay little attention to protecting the environment and often litter. There is also garbage on the roads of the community now. The once beautiful small garden has become a garbage dump.

On Saturday morning, when I came home from art class, I saw a little boy lying on the ground crying. I hurried to him and asked, "What's wrong with you, little brother He said, "I just went downstairs to play with my classmates. Unexpectedly, I stepped on a banana skin and slipped. My leg hurt and I broke the skin." So I asked, "What unit and floor do you live in?" He said, "The fourth floor of the second unit." I helped him limp home. His family thanked me very much and gave me a thumb.

Here, I appeal to people: "Please stop littering, there will be no life without green." Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. I believe that as long as there is no garbage, the community I live in will become more and more beautiful!

The earth we live on is so beautiful, lovely and fragile. In recent years, with the economic development and social progress, China's environment has also changed. The nature has been severely damaged. According to one I collected, "environmental problems are caused by human unreasonable development and utilization of natural resources. Environmental problems mainly include water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, solid waste and chemical pollution, noise and physical pollution." Groups of data and iron facts tell us that, The deterioration of the environment is like a devil, ruthlessly devouring countless lives. It threatens ecological balance, endangers human health and protects the environment, becoming the strongest voice of people all over the world.

As a successor in the future and a primary school student in the new era, I feel sad for the deterioration of the surrounding environment. I am determined to start from myself, from small things, love the environment, protect our home, and be a small guardian of environmental protection.

I can often see such scenes: people spit everywhere, drink bottles are thrown everywhere, paper scraps and plastic bags are thrown away. If we all pick up the garbage at our feet, how beautiful and clean our earth would be!

Every spring, I will plant trees with my father, cherish every piece of green land, do not litter, let us be green around, keep away from white pollution, and write about environmental governance ideas.

Although what we have done is nothing but trivial matters, I firmly believe that as long as we all have a sense of responsibility to protect the environment, we should start from now on, bit by bit, and protect the environment. Then, you will see a fresh and bright world. As a primary school student, I want to learn knowledge well and aspire to protect the natural environment from childhood. When I grow up, I will use the knowledge I have learned to realize my environmental protection aspirations, make Mother Earth more healthy and beautiful, and make the world full of youth and vitality.

"The leaves are green, the flowers are fragrant, and the birds sing loudly in the trees." A children's song reminds me of my infinite reverie: Was it really green leaves, flowers and plants before? Now, the clear river is polluted by industry and emits a stench. The trees have been cut down, leaving only sections of lonely stumps. The birds have no home and fly sadly alone

What kind of environment do we live in?

Alas! Human life is getting better and better, and the environment people live in is getting worse and worse. People happily cut down the trees and peeled the bark. They were secretly proud, counted the money they had earned, and smiled. But what we are facing in this way is a lot of disasters: without the protection of trees, the ground is directly scoured, and floods are rampant; Deserts are spreading blindly, and people have less and less places to live, but some people are still wanton to destroy the environment.

As a glorious Young Pioneer, we should also protect the environment. We should start from ourselves and not trample on grass at will. It is the guardian of nature and has the same right to live on the earth with us. We should not pick flowers casually. It gives us its most beautiful smile, but we mercilessly destroy it and make it unbearable.

Let me tell you another terrible data: China's forest coverage rate is less than half of Japan's, but most of Japan's disposable wooden chopsticks are imported from China. Japan recycles them into high-grade paper after use and sells them back to China. The profit is higher than the cost of imported wooden chopsticks, but China has lost a large forest! Students, do you know? Garbage is actually a resource misplaced! Recycling one ton of waste paper can produce 800 kilograms of good paper, which can save 17 big trees. Recycling 235000 tons of scrap iron, 36 Eiffel Towers can be built. Recycling 6000 tons of waste aluminum can produce 74 overhead passenger cars. What an amazing number!

Human beings have learned a painful lesson. For example, in 1955, a strange disease occurred in Toyama City, Japan. The patient suffered severe pain all over his body, and even had to endure great pain in breathing. Later, it was found that the reason why people ate rice contaminated with cadmium for a long time was that they irrigated rice fields with untreated industrial sewage!

Wake up! human beings!

Mother Earth has been scarred by you. For tens of millions of years, she has nurtured us with sweet milk, but we are ungrateful and make Mother Earth sad. Mother Earth, please rest assured, as your children, I will call on you to love and protect you!

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (2)

Environment and development have become one of the most concerned issues in the world today. The world has never seen environment and development issues as important as they are today. Do you know how to write about environmental protection? Here are 600 words on the theme of environmental protection, which I hope can help you!

In our building lives a retired worker, Grandpa Wang. He is over 60 years old this year. He is thin, with a bent back and white sideburns. Usually, as long as you see someone littering with melon and fruit dander, you always have to babble. Both the left and right neighbors are afraid of him and respect him, and they affectionately call him "environmental protection director". When I mention the "environmental director", I always remember that.

One day a year ago, my mother asked me to take out the garbage. I took a bag of garbage and slowly walked downstairs. Suddenly, it dawned on me that a beautifully made box was placed on the ground floor. The box was small and simple, but it was so beautifully dressed by a smart person. There are also words on the box: Take care of the environment, everyone is responsible, please don't litter us! I walked up to the box and looked, ah! The box is also well divided. On the left side of the box is written: disposable paper cups, bottles. On the right side is written: domestic garbage. Such a small paper box has been made into a beautiful classified garbage box, which can beautify the environment and facilitate the creativity of residents. It's really killing two birds with one stone. I don't know who came up with this idea! I wanted to play a trick, so I put my garbage in the column of disposable paper cups and bottles. Without much thought, I ran home excitedly.

Another morning, I got up early and got ready to go out with garbage. When I walked to the bottom floor, I suddenly saw a thin figure. He walked slowly to the carefully made dustbin, put on rubber gloves, took the garbage bag by bag, and carefully classified and selected it... The thin figure kept walking in the tall residential building. He is not afraid of being dirty or tired. He transports the garbage to the garbage can downstairs again and again... My eyes can't help but get wet. I really regret my prank that day. If I didn't play a prank, the lord would not be so tired and could save time. I quickly walked to Grandpa Wang's side, "Grandpa, I was wrong! I shouldn't put garbage in disposable paper cups and bottles!" Grandpa Wang looked at me as if he understood the story of the matter, touched my head and said, "It's good to know your mistake, and correct it next time!" My tears could not help but burst down!

Recently I saw a cartoon. The content of the cartoon is as follows: on a mountain, many big trees are missing, only stumps are left alone, and birds flying in the sky and rabbits on the ground have lost their homes. In spite of this, there was a man still cutting down trees there

Looking at this cartoon, I couldn't help thinking of the words our teacher told us in class: "Human beings will destroy the earth's environment mercilessly, and eventually will suffer from the consequences. We must protect the environment well, starting from the little things around us."

My parents and I have always adhered to the concept of "protecting the environment", and made our own contribution to protecting the environment with our own practical actions. Every weekend, my father always takes my mother and me out to play. We don't usually choose to drive a car, either by bike or on foot. At first, I didn't understand why I did this. Later, my father told me, "This is a green trip. I don't drive to reduce exhaust emissions and protect the environment. I began to understand that although the emission of automobile exhaust is implemented according to the national standards, there are also emissions. One car has less emissions, but there are ten, one hundred, one thousand... There are so many cars in the world, so the exhaust pollution is very serious, which is a great harm to our Earth Mother. We advocate green travel and walking with feet.

Also, the school assigned us a special summer homework: garbage sorting. In order to better understand garbage classification, I also participated in the study of garbage classification in our community. According to the introduction of the volunteer aunt, every year China and other countries in the world produce a lot of garbage, which is also a great harm to our Earth Mother. In the past, our country did not classify garbage. All garbage piled together without classification is likely to cause secondary pollution, which also increases the cost of garbage treatment. Therefore, for our environment and life, we must classify garbage. I also learned about garbage classification during the summer vacation to contribute to our environment.

The task of protecting the environment brooks no delay. We must start from ourselves and small things.

Now people's quality of life has greatly improved, but some people's environmental awareness is getting worse for their immediate interests. Even I, now in Grade 6, feel dissatisfied and angry about these bad behaviors.

On a sunny Sunday afternoon, my parents took me to Qingpu to play. On the way, I saw many factories emitting black smoke. I saw that a lead-acid battery factory had stopped production. Why? I think it may be because his lead emissions exceed the standard. My father told me: "Now the TV shows that this factory has released dangerous volt amperes, which has made 25 children's blood lead exceed the standard, so now it has stopped production for inspection. I think: why can't it operate normally, everything has advantages and disadvantages, why do everything first think of maximizing benefits? Why neglect to hurt those innocent people in order to make money? The government now advocates environmental protection. Why don't they have any awareness of environmental protection?

Another time, on my way to school, I saw many workers cutting down trees. One tree, two trees and three trees fell with the fall of these trees. My heart felt a great pain. It took several years for the trees to grow up, and they were cut down mercilessly like you. Some trees fell down, as if they were silent protests to people, Some involuntary people even carved this trip and stickers on the trees. We are very dissatisfied with this. If people continue like this, there will be no plants on the earth sooner or later. In case of a sandstorm, you will think of protecting trees, but it is too late.

I was moved and very angry! Humans, you should know that we only have one earth, and it has given us all the beautiful things. We should cherish it and protect it. Let's wake up quickly! Let's protect our home together, let the river put on the blue coat again, let the trees grow luxuriantly, let the animals return to their homes, benefit mankind and future generations, which is what we must do.

In the morning, I got up early and prepared to go back to the countryside with my parents to attend my uncle's wedding. This was the first time I went to the countryside after I was sensible. On the way, I heard my father tell his interesting stories in the village when he was a child: not far from my home, there was a wide river with clear and transparent water. There were also small fish and crabs in it. My father and little friends often went to the river to catch fish, When I was tired, I took the shade of the river to play games... My father promised that he would catch fish and crabs for me. He brought me a lot of tools, which made me intoxicated while listening. I also want to go down the river to catch fish, and then give the fish to my new aunt!

All the way, I finally arrived at the village where my father lived when he was a child. But why is the environment I saw so different from what my father said? There is no wide and clear river in front of the door, only a smelly ditch that almost bottoms out. There are no fish and crabs in the ditch, only the smell of garbage; There are no green trees beside the river, only dead trees smoked by the smelly river, and all kinds of garbage are piled around the trees... Now Dad is embarrassed!

When the wedding goes by, look! Instead of smiling, the guests pinched their noses and covered their mouths as if fleeing for their lives. The scene was not far from the river, and the "uninvited guest" came to the scene in a festive atmosphere of blowing and beating - the smell of garbage. What a gourmet bottle is blowing all over the sky! It made the scene extremely awkward. The guests pinched their noses, covered their mouths, and could not spare their hands to take chopsticks. Even if they took chopsticks, what do you think is eating? Or eat? Or where? It is estimated that today's outdoor grand wedding banquet must have saved a lot, ha ha.

Finally, after attending my uncle's wedding, my unconvinced father took me to the village committee to ask the truth. The village head said that in those years, people did not pay much attention to the environment. They cut down trees and dumped garbage, which caused serious pollution of the river and a large number of deaths of fish and shrimp. However, with the improvement of environmental awareness, the government and the villagers have also begun to attach importance to environmental protection and the improvement of the living environment of the residence. They have begun to clean the river, plant trees and grass, and prepare to build a wetland ecological park. Hearing all this, my heart slowly calms down. I hope that when we come back next time, this "uninvited guest" will disappear far away. The water here is clearer, the trees are greener, and there are more and more birds and fish. More beautiful than before. I'm looking forward to seeing new changes and new weather every time I go home.

If everyone keeps the awareness of environmental protection in mind, and does so, our home will be more beautiful.

Who doesn't want our environment to be clean and tidy, who doesn't want our home to be beautiful like flowers, and it is up to you, me and him to create a beautiful environment.

In the past, our used batteries were always thrown into garbage bags and mixed with other household garbage. Later, a waste battery box was specially placed in the yard for special classification of garbage. The task of throwing away batteries fell to me. I collected all the used batteries and threw them into the waste battery box when I passed by at school. Once, I saw my neighbor's little brother throw the batteries he had played with in the remote control car to the ground. I picked them up and threw them into the old battery box. When he saw them, he asked, "Sister, why did you pick up the batteries I threw away?" "I'm doing environmental protection, little brother." I replied proudly.

Our grandma upstairs is very diligent. She always mops the floor when the corridor is dirty. Once when I went out to jump rope, I saw my grandmother mopping the floor again. I felt a little embarrassed. I decided to mop the floor every weekend. It was a weekend, and I mopped the floor in the corridor, which cultivated my good quality of loving work, and should be considered as a contribution to environmental protection!

I also tried my best to persuade my father to quit smoking. Dad smokes every day. Smoking is like taking drugs. My mother, sister and I are passive smokers. The harm of passive smoking is even greater than that of active smoking. Dad breathes smoke all day long. The smoke he breathes is like a big devil. The big devil is floating around the house, polluting the environment and being sucked into our bodies, slowly poisoning our health. So I decided to persuade my father to quit smoking. I solemnly said to my father, "Dad, smoking is bad for your health! After smoking for so long, your lungs have already gone bad. Besides, you don't care about the pollution of the environment? Dad, you can listen to my advice: for the health of our family, you can't smoke any more. How about we have a game? I will get rid of my carelessness. You should give up smoking. Let's see who has the perseverance to get rid of bad habits. " This move is quite effective. Dad smokes much less now.

Environmental protection is very important. Let's all take action to save water and electricity, reduce various environmental pollution, and strive to be the little guard of environmental protection.

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (3)

In daily study, work or life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be familiar with it. Writing composition is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. So, how to write a composition? The following is a 500 word composition on the theme of environmental protection: a world without pollution, for reference only, welcome to read it.

Editor's note: The author of "A World Without Pollution" imagines that in the future, the means of transportation in the world will be environmentally friendly. People can turn waste into treasure and upgrade the disgusting garbage into a means of travel. Between the lines can reflect the author's deep concern about the world's environmental problems today, with a valuable sense of distress.

On the afternoon of the weekend, I stood on the balcony and looked down from the tall building. I saw thousands of cars shuttling on the road, and the exhaust gas emitted by the cars was puffing up. So I thought, will the earth become a "garbage ball" in the future?

I thought about it, and suddenly a light sucked me in, and that light said to me: "Welcome to the year 2120xx!" I was dubious, rubbed my eyes and opened them. Wow! A lot of "flying cars"! They have a pair of metal wings, but their bodies look like cars. That light introduced to me: "This is a new type of air flying car, which is a combination of aircraft and cars. It uses air as power and can also purify the air!" I was stunned, really impressed by the future.

I looked on the ground again and found many round particles on the road. I asked the light, "Why do you scatter particles on the road?" The light replied, "Oh, try walking on the road!" I couldn't wait to step on it. I felt the buildings on both sides of the road were retreating. When I looked at the soles of my feet, I was sliding forward! I felt the particles on the ground again, so soft! Then I asked Guang: "What material are the particles on the ground made of?" Guang replied: "Garbage! But this garbage is sterilized and deodorized, so don't be afraid it is dirty. It has another function, that is, it can absorb the garbage and make it into new particles." Now I finally understand.

Suddenly, a sound of "jingling jingling" came into my ears and said, "Oh, no!" So the thing disappeared. Just then I woke up, and I realized that it was I who had a dream!

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (4)

Looking at the earth today, I can't help but ask: "What's the matter with the earth now? Where is the earth that used to wear a green coat?" The green on the earth is greatly reduced, and the forests are greatly reduced; Yellow has been increasing, and the land has begun to desertification in a large area.

Then take a look at the bustling city. The garbage is everywhere and the air is full of bacteria. Once clear rivers have also disappeared. Today's rivers are full of garbage. Some people even pour industrial waste water into the rivers. Today's rivers are full of white garbage. The original clear water has become sewage, emitting a lot of stench. Passers by have covered their noses and fled. Just imagine, how can fish live in such water? How can people drink such sewage?

In order to improve their efficiency and benefit more, factories now discharge industrial waste water into rivers and exhaust toxic gas from chimneys like ordinary smoke. You should know that if these toxic gases are not inhaled, they will pollute a large area of air. If inhaled, they will seriously affect people's lung function and make people difficult to breathe. It can be said that both are harmful.

Forests, the lungs of the earth, have brought countless benefits to mankind: flood control, sandstorm release, air filtration, etc. But now? Forests are decreasing at a rate of 38 hectares per minute. Without forests, our earth seems to have lost a pillar, and the earth seems to be beginning to fall.

What can we do in the face of such a planet? What should we do?

First of all, we should start from the root, starting from what we can do: save water, strive for less pollution of water, refuse to eat wild animals... If everyone in the country turns off the tap after each use of water, then, one day, we can save 19 tanks of water. If we use more soap and less detergent, there will be plenty of water to avoid pollution. I have seen such a slogan: Use renewable resources - don't wait until the day when energy is exhausted! Indeed, 90% of the energy currently used by mankind is oil, natural gas and coal. The formation process of these fuels takes hundreds of millions of years, and they are non renewable resources. Solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy and geothermal energy are renewable and called renewable energy. People call those energy sources that do not pollute the environment "clean energy". Pollution can be avoided by using clean energy. For example, "support green lighting - everyone uses energy-saving lights", which is advocated by the state this year, is a good example: "China's green lighting project" is one of China's key energy-saving projects. According to the implementation plan of the project, energy-saving and efficient lighting fixtures will be promoted throughout the country during the Ninth Five Year Plan period. By 20XX, we will strive to save 22 billion kilowatt hours of electricity for lighting, save coal for corresponding power plants, and reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, dust, ash and carbon dioxide.

Like this, we can still do a lot of things like this. Let's work together for environmental protection!

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (5)

There is only one and only one beautiful earth. If you don't treasure it, you will regret it in the end. But now, there are always people who are destroying the environment regardless of their image.

In the street, people will always see someone throw their garbage on the ground at random in order to walk a few steps less. This behavior not only damages the environment, but also is not beautiful. Although there is punishment, it has not been effective. In the end, only the cleaners came to clean up the mess. If you are in your own home, with garbage everywhere and flies flying all over the sky, will you feel better? If there is no cleaner in the world, do you dare to imagine if it goes on like this? Watching people behave like this, Mother Earth cried. Let's take care of our own hands. No matter where we are or what time we are, please send our garbage home.

Another bad behavior is trampling on the lawn. Whenever school is over, some children like to play football on the grass for fun. When your feet bounce on it and enjoy the care of the earth, you can know that it is complaining about God. The grass also hurts, it just doesn't express it. Every morning there are some dew drops on the grass's face, and these dew drops are like their tears. Grass also has feelings. When it is happy, it will straighten up and enjoy the warmth of the sun and the gentle breeze; When it cries, it will bend down its waist; When it complains that it is an inconspicuous grass, it has already died. Let's take care of our feet and stop trampling on the lawn. Soothe the dead soul with actions, and rekindle the miracle of life.

Have you seen it? Dozens of people with electric saws and axes in their hands are going to cut down trees. When there is the sound of electric saw in the forest, it will be accompanied by the fall of trees. When there are tornadoes and sandstorms, there are no trees to shelter from the wind and rain. There will be no regret medicine to take. Without trees, the air is no longer fresh. When you are cold, you pick up trees to make a fire, but your warmth is gained by sacrificing a tree. Some trees have been growing for hundreds or even thousands of years, but a humble axe ended their long life. What a strong tree! What did it think of when it fell down? What a tenacious tree, but it can't escape the bad luck finally.

My friends, to protect our environment is to protect our earth. To cherish our only earth is to cherish our life. When a rainbow appears in the sky, it means that the garbage has gone home. The grass smiles, the uncle and grandpa are happy, and our earth mother is not crying.

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (6)

When you walk in the forest buildings; When you are intoxicated with the city's neon; When you are shuttling in the rush of people. How beautiful everything around is

Standing on the green wheat field, close your eyes gently and feel the warm wind blowing slowly; Breathing fresh air; Enjoying the crisp birdsong from the sky. The pond is like a crystal clear mirror. The blue waves rise and fall slightly, bright and dark. The sky is still so blue, with several white clouds floating. It seems like a white sweater. It must be warm to wear. A young seedling emerges from the soil. It raised its head and thanked nature for giving it a new life. A rainbow appeared on one side of the sky, red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue and purple. These seven colors intertwined into a colorful picture of spring. Ah, what a romantic scene! It seems to put me in a poetic and picturesque mood

In this beautiful world, nature gives us a lot. However, in this colorful world, we are also facing the harm caused by non environmental protection.

The blue sea is now black. They are all rejected garbage and waste water. What will happen to the free fish now? It also emits a disgusting odor. The sky is no longer blue, and yellow clouds are floating. The gas repelled from factories and cars made people uncomfortable and filled with black smoke. Listen, where is the clear birdsong? Where is the beautiful chirping of insects? At this time, there was a sound of "click click", which made people restless. More importantly, the terrible sandstorms hit the land of the motherland. Oasis, what are the dense oases? How could he suddenly disappear? Cutting and destruction. I can't believe my eyes. But is it really the case?

No, it's impossible! Where are those industrious and clean people? Humans, you can think clearly that we all have a common mother - the Earth. If you destroy the environment, you will hurt your mother! In this way, we can no longer see the bright sky and drink clean water. Let's join hands to create a beautiful motherland. I believe that our world will become more and more beautiful!

Environmental protection, the hope of human survival!

Let's all protect the environment!


Composition with the theme of environmental protection (7)

At present, the common mother of mankind - Earth, for our sake, she doesn't even complain about her illness, and we should also care for her mother, right?

As long as you go to Mother Earth's blood - rivers, streams, etc., you will find that there are often animals excreting feces, and people litter the river, which makes people want to vomit when they smell. In addition, the survival rate of small fish and other animals drops sharply. The Earth Mother's bone - the mountain peak is also in danger; Hair - trees also suffered heavy losses. Those people dig up the loess and sell it to others at a high price. And Mother Earth is trying to bear her own pain, afraid that her crying will cause floods. The birds in the forest are also being killed by human guns. How many people are destroying the forest with that sharp axe or electric saw.

Nowadays, people have environmental awareness when they see Mother Earth suffering so much. People slowly made public service advertisements and environmental protection slogans. Moreover, March 12 was designated as Arbor Day. Each village has special sanitation workers.

And what should we primary school students do to protect the environment? In fact, it is very simple. We just need to bend down to pick up garbage, dump garbage, prevent parents from doing things that are not environmentally friendly, and use less disposable chopsticks.

We only have one earth, we must protect our earth!

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (8)

The earth is the mother of mankind and the home of all kinds of creatures. To protect the environment is to protect a part of the earth. Environmental protection can also be divided into several categories, such as saving water resources, protecting forest resources, sorting garbage into their respective trash cans, and not spitting everywhere.

Every protected and saved resource has a story: once, I passed a fish stall and saw that the water in the iron trough was dirty. The fish seller poured out the dirty water and replaced it with new water. But as soon as he put the water pipe in the sink, he talked and didn't come back until the water overflowed. Ah! How much water will be wasted! I think you should watch when you drain water, and take out the pipe when the water is almost connected, so that no water is wasted.

Let me tell you a way to save water: save the water for washing rice, washing face and mop, and flush the toilet, so that you won't waste so much water. Don't let the last drop of water become human tears!

Forest resources also need to be protected. I heard a fairy tale: a man was cutting wood in the forest, and a woodpecker stood on his shoulder, pecked his head and said, "There must be bugs in this piece of wood.

The Tree Planting Day is coming soon. We should plant more trees to green our home!

Let's act quickly to protect the environment!

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (9)

Everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment. We should all protect the environment and not cut down trees. When we see the paper ball on the ground, we should pick it up immediately. Do not urinate or defecate casually, do not discharge sewage, save water, and turn off the tap in time after using water.

Once, when I walked in the trash can, I heard the sound of whining. Curiosity overcame everything. When I came closer, I suddenly saw a group of black flies flying out, with a foul smell. I covered my nose subconsciously. Then, I heard the sound of creaking again. When I came forward, I saw three mice running out, and I hurried back. When I stepped back, I heard the sound of meowing again. When I saw two cats running out, and saw the scene of cat catching mice, I woke up. But the scene of cat catching mice has disappeared.

Let's talk about it again. Workers can't dump garbage into the river or throw garbage everywhere. We all need to protect the environment, protect our earth, protect our hometown and protect the beauty of nature. Otherwise, the consequences are very serious. You should rebuild your own homes. Remember, protect the environment. Everyone is responsible!

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (10)

The earth is our home and mother. We rely on it, and we must protect it. This blue planet is so beautiful, so we should know that there is only one earth! It is urgent to protect the environment. We should start from our own side bit by bit.

In fact, it is not difficult to protect the environment: refuse to use disposable items; Use cloth bags; Minimize the generation of white garbage; Try to make the articles can be used for the second time... To be small, what we can do is: do not litter; Don't play with water; Save electricity and so on. If everyone can do this, the world will become a beautiful home.

Let's work together to create this great home!

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (11)

Our Earth Mother, long ago, all the descendants on the earth loved her very much and dressed her up beautifully; Now, because of people's greedy demands, our Earth Mother is scarred.

Now, some people cut down trees; Others dig coal underground to earn money; Some people discharge sewage into the sea; There are still some uncivilized people. Because of these, they have destroyed the environment. Therefore, we should start from now and start from the little things around us.

For example; If someone spits, we will stop it in time; When someone throws garbage, we help him pick it up and tell him that he should not do so; Some people throw toilet paper into the lawn after using it; We should pick it up right away. Put it in the dustbin. These little things are often seen around us. When we meet them, we must stop them and start from ourselves

We should not only prevent others from destroying the environment, but also protect the environment from ourselves. If you want to use paper sparingly, if you can use it on both sides, try to use it on both sides; When you have time, you can plant trees and flowers

Planting grass to green the surrounding environment; No litter; Save water and electricity. Whatever you do, start with yourself first, and then drive others.

I believe that as long as we work together to protect the environment, our Earth Mother will gradually become healthy, so that our life will be more fulfilling and beautiful!

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (12)

With the improvement of people's living standards, people pay less and less attention to environmental protection. They throw garbage and spit everywhere. In people's eyes, there is only money, money and money. Although I am a primary school student, I also know how to protect the environment, starting from me.

Whenever I see the garbage on the ground, I will be filled with emotion. To protect the environment, start with me. Take a small river near my home for example. In the past, the water in the river was very clear, like a big bright mirror, you can clearly see many stones at the bottom of the river; You can see the small fish swimming freely in the river. Many children often play in the river; Adults wash vegetables and clothes in the river. Gradually, people threw garbage into the river, and sewage was discharged into the river, making the river smelly and dirty. It could no longer be clear, and became a muddy dustbin. It seriously pollutes the environment and endangers people's health. Yes, only by establishing the concept of environmental protection can we have a better tomorrow.

On Sunday, I came to my good friend Xiaohao. Each of us took a plastic bag and picked up all the garbage on the river. We were full of plastic bags. What a "full return"! Even if we pick up all the rubbish on the river, the rubbish in the river can't be stopped. If we pick it up, there will still be some. What can we do? The most important thing is to arouse people's awareness of environmental protection. We found a board and wrote on it: Please protect the environment, starting from me. We put it in the most conspicuous place by the river. After the task was completed, we went home happily.

In order to protect our own homes, protect our own lives, for our own future, for our beautiful environment, let the blue sky be bluer, let the water be clearer, let the earth mother be more lovely, more vibrant, let us open our hands, give a love, make a contribution, and create a green environment together.

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (13)

One day, I walked around the campus and found that there was a lot of garbage in the campus, including plastic bags, shredded paper, ice-cream paper

These aroused my reflection——

We live in nature every day. Live in all the beautiful things. Mother Earth generously provides us with all kinds of unlimited and limited resources to "feed and clothe" us. Human beings are not satisfied, but also destroy Mother Earth. With the change of the times, people's requirements are getting higher and higher. They cut down trees to make wooden boats, disposable chopsticks and other things that are beneficial to human beings. These things always flash in the eyes of human beings, which is a great damage to nature.

Although people are promoting environmental protection and calling for green everywhere, this has not stopped the pace of vandals. Big trees are still falling and the desert area is still expanding.

How can we protect the environment? In fact, this is very simple. As long as you see garbage, pick it up, use less private cars, and cherish water resources, you can help protect the environment. Come on, let's start from the little things around us, start from me, and work together to protect the environment!

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (14)

Recently I saw a cartoon. The content of the cartoon is as follows: on a mountain, many big trees are missing, only stumps are left alone, and birds flying in the sky and rabbits on the ground have lost their homes. In spite of this, there was a man still cutting down trees there

Looking at this cartoon, I couldn't help thinking of the words our teacher told us in class: "Human beings will destroy the earth's environment mercilessly, and eventually will suffer from the consequences. We must protect the environment well, starting from the little things around us."

My parents and I have always adhered to the concept of "protecting the environment", and made our own contribution to protecting the environment with our own practical actions. Every weekend, my father always takes my mother and me out to play. We don't usually choose to drive a car, either by bike or on foot. At first, I didn't understand why I did this. Later, my father told me, "This is a green trip. I don't drive to reduce exhaust emissions and protect the environment. I began to understand that although the emission of automobile exhaust is implemented according to the national standards, there are also emissions. One car has less emissions, but there are ten, one hundred, one thousand... There are so many cars in the world, so the exhaust pollution is very serious, which is a great harm to our Earth Mother. We advocate green travel and walking with feet.

Also, the school assigned us a special summer homework: garbage sorting. In order to better understand garbage classification, I also participated in the study of garbage classification in our community. According to the introduction of the volunteer aunt, every year China and other countries in the world produce a lot of garbage, which is also a great harm to our Earth Mother. In the past, our country did not classify garbage. All garbage piled together without classification is likely to cause secondary pollution, which also increases the cost of garbage treatment. Therefore, for our environment and life, we must classify garbage. I also learned about garbage classification during the summer vacation to contribute to our environment.

The task of protecting the environment brooks no delay. We must start from ourselves and small things.

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (15)

I feel heartache for the deterioration of the surrounding environment. I think that if teenagers, as future successors, do not understand the composition of the human environment and the seriousness of environmental problems, ignore the laws and regulations related to environmental protection, do not strengthen the awareness of environmental protection, and consciously fulfill the obligation to protect the environment, our lives will be destroyed in their own hands, God will punish us severely. For this reason, I have made up my mind to protect the environment from me, protect our home, and be a guardian of the environment.

In the past year, I took an active part in the tree planting activities carried out by the school, led the class cadres of our Grade 1 (6) Squadron to establish a "Green Angel" group for planting and protecting green trees, encouraged the team members to adopt a young tree on campus, and used their spare time to dress it up, laying the foundation for it to grow into a towering tree. In the signing activity of "Let the Earth Be Vibrant" organized by the school, I solemnly signed my name on it, and wrote down my determination and expectation for environmental protection and my vision for a better future. I actively participated in the award-winning manuscript solicitation held by the school on World Environment Day, carefully consulted and collected various materials, conducted social surveys, and wrote articles on environmental governance ideas. I often attended environmental protection lectures organized by the school, watched videos on environmental protection, actively participated in environmental protection knowledge Q&A survey activities, and carefully filled in every question. I participated in the construction of the website of the "Red Scarf Green Planting Team", where I published a large number of environmental protection pictures and knowledge, as well as legal knowledge on various aspects of environmental protection, the development trend of environmental protection in China, and the environmental protection situation in the world; Every month, I use the Internet and newspapers to find some new and different topics and sections "environmental information" to tell everyone; We also regularly make some billboards to publicize environmental protection knowledge and common sense of environmental protection in life. Improve everyone's awareness of environmental protection; Call on students to care for their homes from different aspects, start from the small things around them, and contribute their own strength to the surrounding environment! I actively mobilize people around me to protect and build the common and only home of mankind in accordance with the law, so as to promote sustainable economic and social development and contribute to human civilization. I also jointly launched the initiatives of "raising a pot of flowers, adopting a tree, cherishing every piece of green land, making our surroundings green" and "using plastic bags without foam lunch boxes and disposable chopsticks, keeping us away from white pollution". Let's put down the convenience bag and pick up the food basket, so that we can move towards a beautiful green tomorrow and a brilliant future together!

According to a report I collected, "environmental problems are caused by human beings' unreasonable development and utilization of natural resources. The shocking environmental problems mainly include air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, food pollution, and improper development and utilization of natural resources." Iron facts tell us that, They devour human life like demons. It threatens ecological balance, endangers human health, restricts the sustainable development of economy and society, and puts human beings in a predicament. Therefore, I make a declaration: "As long as we human beings have the awareness of protecting the environment and governing the environment according to law, the global village will become a beautiful paradise". In the future, the sky will be blue, the water will be clear, the trees will be shaded and the flowers will be everywhere. Human beings can enjoy the happiness that nature has given us.

"The real test of our contribution to the environment is not words, but actions." Although what I am doing now is just some small things, I firmly believe that if we all have the responsibility to protect the environment, start from ourselves, start from small things, and work together to protect our homes, we will naturally give the human beings due rewards. Take a nap on the grassland, the warm cradle; Grow up under the sky and bathed in the river, the source of love.

Composition 2 with the theme of environmental protection

In the boundless universe, there is a bright pearl, that is, the Earth, a crystal like water blue planet. The vast ocean has covered me with blue gauze, and the lush trees are my "clothes"; The clear streams and rivers are my "blood vessels"; The lofty and precipitous mountains are my "liver"; One mu of fertile land is my "skin"; The people who live happily in my body are my children... I have lived happily in the world for 4.6 billion years with my lovely children. I have a bodyguard, it is called "ozone layer", it is like a piece of armor, it always protects me. We are a pair of inseparable good friends.

More than two million years ago, there were only some small animals and insects on the earth. There are green trees everywhere, birds singing and flowers fragrance everywhere, the air is fresh and sweet, the sky is blue and deep, every river and every lake is clear, and small animals live happily and carefree here. But at this time, human beings appeared. Human beings are smarter than ordinary small animals. I think human beings can make me more beautiful, but I didn't expect that human beings are the black sheep with full airs. In order to survive and have fun, they killed and killed my lovely children - small animals. My children were quickly exterminated, and more and more people were defeated. Human beings have also invented some things called "motorcycles" and "cars", which pollute everywhere. I have been coughing for decades and feel terrible. The bodyguard who has been guarding me has finally become dilapidated and unable to withstand the human beings' long-term neglect. Not only cough, I also got other diseases, my kidney has been broken; My blood is dark; My skin has rotted... I have cancer!

I have retaliated against human beings. I use natural disasters to retaliate against humanity. Every time I get angry, it will cause a volcanic eruption and flood. But human beings are stubborn and use all inventions to avoid these disasters. Have they ever thought about my feelings, why did I let these things happen? My life and death are in the hands of human beings. Human beings are not the weak group. They can use their wisdom to create all miracles and even destroy the whole earth. Do humans want to see me turn into ash and fall into the universe by themselves?

I used to be the apple of the eye of the universe, and I am the most beloved in the universe. But now, a "good friend" refuses to play with me. They see my clothes are so dirty, my body is so injured, and I have so many diseases. They dare not approach me, and they all think I am not good, not good. I'm so upset! I am a victim!

Who can save me? Only you humans! As long as you love me and protect me, within a century, I will be able to recover to my appearance more than 200 years ago, but you human beings need to contribute, are you willing? The earth on which you live - I, who was once a bright pearl, need your help! I'm calling to human beings here! Humans, wake up! Give me this bright pearl a time to rest and recuperate!

This is me, the mother of mankind, the earth!

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (16)

500 word model essay 1 on environmental protection

What the hell is going on here? The green forest is no longer green. It has become a desert where there is no grass. The clean stream is dirty and full of dirty and smelly waste gas. All these are "masterpieces" of mankind.

Originally, the forest was overcast with green trees, grass "crawling all over the ground", flowers were competing for beauty, birds were flying and singing freely, some small animals were playing together, and streams were gurgling. It was a vivid forest painting. Until one day, a group of human beings broke into the forest with a chainsaw, and they cut down trees one by one. The birds' homes were thus destroyed, and they had to leave their homes. Small animals were also hunted and killed by the listed people. Grass and flowers withered. Human beings also built factories to discharge sewage into streams. Waste gas was also discharged indiscriminately, and the beautiful forest was destroyed.

The city is even worse. Cars emit a lot of exhaust gas every day, and there is very little greening. People still waste paper all the time. You should know that paper is made of trees, and wasting paper is equivalent to cutting down trees at random. In this way, the earth will be destroyed in the hands of mankind sooner or later.

How to protect the earth? In fact, it is very simple. First, try not to use disposable chopsticks and plastic bags. It also needs trees to make disposable chopsticks. If you bury the plastic bags underground for 10000 years, they will not melt away. Then, plant more trees and protect them. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and spit out oxygen. Then, the factory does not discharge waste gas indiscriminately. It does not use paper indiscriminately and does not discharge sewage indiscriminately when driving a car with a diesel engine. Finally, we should purify sewage, protect forests and animals, and bring to justice people who cut down trees and hunters who kill animals indiscriminately.

As long as we have the heart, we can succeed!

500 word model essay 2 on environmental protection

The environment in my hometown has deteriorated

In recent years, after careful observation, I found that the environment in my hometown is getting worse and worse. Let me give two examples!

Once upon a time, there was a clear lake in front of my house. It is like a white mirror, reflecting the green willows by the lake in the daytime; The night reflected the flashing lights on the roadside. There are many small fish and shrimp in it. They swim happily in the water, and some are still playing games! But now, the lake has already become turbid, and the beautiful scenery on the lake has disappeared. It has become bags of garbage. Every time I walk by the lake, I will smell a bad smell. Living in such a harsh environment, small fish and shrimp can't stand it, and they don't know where to move their home.

Not only the lake was polluted, but also the trees were invaded by human beings. There is a lawn not far from my home. When I went there when I was young, the first thing I saw was the tall trees. They are like soldiers guarding the lawn day and night. No matter the wind blows or the rain blows, they are still tall and straight on the lawn. But now? Those trees were cut down one after another, and only bare stumps could be seen every time.

Why does the environment in my hometown deteriorate? Because people's awareness of environmental protection is not strong enough. If we have a stronger awareness of environmental protection and work together to beautify our homes, we believe that our hometown will become more and more beautiful in the future!

500 word model essay 3 on environmental protection

Once upon a time, there was a little boy. He had big eyes and a red face. He was very cute. However, such a cute boy has a bad habit of wasting food.

One day, the boy's father bought something from the supermarket. When he was about to go to work, he took out a delicious bread from the bag and said to the little boy, "Son, you can finish this bread later, and then you can go down to play. Dad is going to work, goodbye!" "OK, I will finish the bread. Goodbye, Dad!" The little boy said verbally, but he didn't actually do so.

After his father left, the little boy threw the bread into the garbage can with the packing bag attached. Then he went down to play.

After the little boy left, clouds came. She looked at the bread sadly in the garbage can and asked the bread, "bread bread, what's wrong with you?"

"I was bought by a little boy's father to eat for him. Unexpectedly, the little boy not only didn't eat me, but also directly threw me into this dirty and smelly garbage can, whining!" As soon as the bread finished speaking, he began to cry.

"Why does this child waste food so much? No, I want to talk about him!"

When the little boy came back, Fuyun severely criticized him and said, "How can you waste food? Do you know how hard it is for bakers to make bread?" The little boy was red in the face. He picked up the bread and ate it. Then, ashamed, he said to Fuyun, "I will never waste food again." Fuyun smiled sweetly.

After this lesson, the little boy will never waste food again.

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (17)

Composition 1 with the theme of environmental protection

When you walk in the forest buildings; When you are intoxicated with the city's neon; When you are shuttling in the rush of people. How beautiful everything around is

Standing on the green wheat field, close your eyes gently and feel the warm wind blowing slowly; Breathing fresh air; Enjoying the crisp birdsong from the sky. The pond is like a crystal clear mirror. The blue waves rise and fall slightly, bright and dark. The sky is still so blue, with several white clouds floating. It seems like a white sweater. It must be warm to wear. A young seedling emerges from the soil. It raised its head and thanked nature for giving it a new life. A rainbow appeared on one side of the sky, red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue and purple. These seven colors intertwined into a colorful picture of spring. Ah, what a romantic scene! It seems that I am in a poetic and picturesque mood

In this beautiful world, nature gives us a lot. However, in this colorful world, we are also facing the harm caused by non environmental protection.

The blue sea is now black. They are all rejected garbage and waste water. What will happen to the free fish now? It also emits a disgusting odor. The sky is no longer blue, and yellow clouds are floating. The gas repelled from factories and cars made people uncomfortable and filled with black smoke. Listen, where is the clear birdsong? Where is the beautiful chirping of insects? At this time, there was a sound of "click click", which made people restless. More importantly, the terrible sandstorms hit the land of the motherland. Oasis, what are the dense oases? How could he suddenly disappear? Cutting and destruction. I can't believe my eyes. But is it really the case?

No, it's impossible! Where are those industrious and clean people? Humans, you can think clearly that we all have a common mother - the Earth. If you destroy the environment, you will hurt your mother! In this way, we can no longer see the bright sky and drink clean water. Let's join hands to create a beautiful motherland. I believe that our world will become more and more beautiful!

Environmental protection, the hope of human survival! Let's all protect the environment!

Composition 2 with the theme of environmental protection

Ah! How tired! That day I was doing my homework all the time. Suddenly, my stomach was "gurgling". Looking at the watch on the wall, it was time for lunch. I picked up the money my mother gave me and went to a restaurant near my home. Walking on the road, I saw garbage and waste newspapers everywhere because of the wind. At this time, I suddenly remembered what my teacher said about environmental protection, A very good idea came to my mind. Why not use these waste paper!

After lunch, I picked up some paper that I could use along the road. When I got home, I immediately started to make the little bee I imagined. I put all the waste newspapers and paper that I could use at home together with some things that I didn't use at home. I also prepared a small basin to hold a little water. First, I tore the paper one by one, soaked it in water, and squeezed it dry, Then blow up the prepared balloon, use a brush dipped in latex to brush white paper on the balloon, use waste newspaper to prepare the eyes, nose, mouth, legs and feet of the little bee, put them aside to dry, paste them on the balloon, and finally paint the color. Soon, a beautiful and lifelike little bee is ready. The plump body and black and yellow coat are more beautiful and colorful, The two black eyes seem to want to see through the world, and the thick and long legs are more dexterous.

I put this little bee made by me carefully on the balcony, and a ray of sunshine from the window shone on the little bee. It seemed to be alive and greeting me! He also said to me: Master, thank you for giving me life:

I looked at the little bee I made myself and thought of the environmental protection that the teacher said. We only have one earth. Every day, uncles and aunts of cleaners get up before dawn to clean the road. How hard it is! I think we should not throw some eaten things or used waste anywhere, but should throw them into the dustbin, and use what we can to make some works of art. How wonderful it is! It not only exercises our thinking ability, but also reduces the burden of city cleaners. Remember! Never litter again, cherish natural resources and welcome green life together!!!

Composition 3 with the theme of environmental protection

Environmental protection around us happens every day—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

In high school, who got up earlier than you in the morning? Cleaners who really clean. They are also diligent "bees". They have the same similarities and differences with the teachers. They were carried out at the earliest time, whether in hot sun or cold wind. They are the first level of environmental protection in our world, and they clean up the garbage left by the day for us.

By the street, will you see a notice board like "Don't step on the wild flowers on the roadside"? This is environmental protection. In fact, environmental protection is to throw away less paper and step on less grass. It is so simple, but it is such a simple thing that several people can do. Laziness is the biggest problem that causes environmental evils.

The ConocoPhillips oil spill covers an area of 5000 square kilometers, and the Bohai Sea has already become the Bohai Sea oil. This incident, not to mention the damage, takes environmental protection as an example. The consequences of these huge hazards are incalculable.

Now the lights are red and green, and the traffic is heavy. It has become impossible to change back to the original nature.

I yearn for pastoral life and rural life. Birds sing mellow songs, butterflies dance, frogs play drums for me, and grasshoppers feed me to play guitars

I love the countryside because it is green and a beautiful place. The countryside is a quiet place. The countryside is a place that stands aloof from the world. The countryside is a simple place. It stands aloof from the world, like a piece of white paper, without any impurities. This is the original world, not a town where machines are singing, cars are playing, and garbage is paradise.

I will also litter, and I cannot know the seriousness of the consequences. When I knew about it, it was too late. The deforestation and water quality destruction have created this earth with holes in it. We should reflect on what we have done.

Spring rain, summer sun, autumn leaves, winter branches, we can see how long they are the same, and now they have already been deformed.

As a senior high school student, I set an example and make contributions to the country. I try not to litter and spit everywhere. In the future, we will work together for the sake of our home - the earth, and for the sake of our future generations, an innocent earth!

Composition with the theme of environmental protection 4

The earth is our home and mother. We rely on it and explore it. How beautiful this blue planet is, but we should know that there is only one earth!

Unfortunately, many people turn a blind eye to this simple truth, continue to do whatever they want, and take care of the safety of the earth's home. Qu Geping, an environmental scientist, once said, "Only change can save the fate of mankind, and only change can make our descendants survive from generation to generation." The "change" in it refers to environmental protection. That's right. So now many people hold slogans and shout empty slogans in the street, but they haven't seen many actions. Will the pollution get better? no

Look, the rivers in our city are black and smelly; Long cars emit a lot of exhaust gas; A lot of green land becomes "Shishi Forest"; The clear chirp of birds disappeared without a trace. If this continues, China will continue to lack water resources, the air will become more and more turbid, and 10% of bird species will disappear this century. We humans are the culprits of the above things!

Everyone knows that trees can absorb carbon dioxide, emit oxygen and purify the air, which is a necessary condition for our human survival. But some people cut down trees for money, causing excessive water and soil loss, causing serious damage to the vegetation of the land, desertification of oases and cities, and threatening the survival of our human beings.

The disposable chopsticks we usually use consume tens of acres of forest every day. In the eyes of those people, trees seem to have no value except for being used as furniture and building materials. Is there anyone who doesn't understand what trees mean to us? Our living area is very small. If this continues, we may lose our only land. Moreover, our mother river, the Yellow River, has become one of the most polluted rivers in China with its riverbed and sediment concentration increasing in recent years. We can't helplessly watch the Yellow River dry up from our hands, so many environmental scholars have studied plans to control the pollution of the Yellow River, trying to improve its water quality. But without our joint participation, the Yellow River, the cradle of our life, will be exhausted and die.

If we destroy the environment recklessly again, nature will punish us. Those extraordinary floods deprived countless lives, and because of the greenhouse effect, the melting of the glaciers in the Antarctic and Arctic led to the rise of the water level, and the sea water flooded the coastal areas, causing heavy economic losses. Isn't that the best proof

My hometown Guangning relies on bamboo sea eco-tourism to develop its economy. Today, the environment of some bamboo forests is in a state of chaos, which makes people complain incessantly. Bamboo Sea Ecological Tour is the root of Guangning's development. If the root is damaged, how can it grow luxuriant branches and beautiful flowers

Let's be kind to humans and nature! I wonder if you have read the article "100 Things You Can Do to Protect the Environment". In fact, there are many things we can do. For example, plant a pot of flowers and a tree on the Tree Planting Day; To protect wild animals is to balance the ecology; Cherish water resources and do not dump garbage into rivers; As a small guardian of environmental protection, we use every green anniversary to promote environmental awareness, so that green mountains are always there, green water flows forever, and the soil is always fragrant... This is something we can do. Why don't we want to practice it?

Now, the earth's ecological environment has worsened, and the environmental warning bell has sounded. Let's join the ranks of environmental protection, create a beautiful future where people and nature coexist in harmony, and let people and nature multiply ceaselessly.

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (18)

Junior English Composition 1 with the theme of environmental protection

Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances. Therefore, we want to Sue around things start to do. For example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise. If you have time can use less elevator, many climb stairs. We can not only physical exercise, but also to protect our environment.

Now, there are more and more cars around us, and the environment is getting worse and worse! So that there are many harmful substances in the air around us. So we should start with the little things around Sue. For example, we can go to school by bike or walk, so we can also exercise. If you have time, you can use less elevators and climb more stairs. We can not only exercise, but also protect our environment.

Junior English Composition 2 with the theme of environmental protection

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hil ls have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. For example, the air polluted by cars affects people's breathing, factories release polluted gas, and trees on the mountains are cut down. Trees have been decreasing at the border, and waste water has been poured into the river. In addition, no matter how far we go today, we can find garbage to throw away at will. In fact, pollution is a threat to our survival.

Junior English Composition 3 with the theme of environmental protection

As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse.In some places we can't see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills.Bird there is less and less fresh water in the world.Some people even have no clean water to drink.So I think we must do something to protect the environment.But what can we do?How to protect our environment?For example, we can go to school on foot or by bike instead of taking a car.We had better use shopping basketbets instead of plastic bags when we go shopping.We should use both sides of the paper when we write.Do't use paper cups.At our school dinning room, use our own bowls and chopsticks instead of disposable ones.We can reuse the water and save the electricity.In a word,if everyone pays more attention to our environment,there will be less pollution and our life will be better.

We all know that the environment around us is getting worse and worse. In some places, we can't see fish swimming in the river or trees on the mountain. Birds have less and less fresh water in the world. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect the environment. But what can we do? How to protect our environment? For example, we can walk to school or ride bicycles instead of cars. We have better use shopping bags instead of plastic bags when we go shopping. We should use both sides of the paper when we write. Do not use paper cups. In the school canteen, use your own bowls and chopsticks instead of disposable ones. We can reuse reclaimed water and save electricity. In a word, if everyone pays attention to our environment, there will be less pollution and our life will be better.

"There is only one earth", I hope everyone will protect our environment well.

"There is only one earth", I hope everyone can protect our environment.

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (19)

Let's start the environmental protection parade together, hold up the environmental protection signs, and act together to drive away the haze, let the blue sky and white clouds bloom, and let the sun shine on the earth. Join hands and contribute to the visibility of azure. One hour for the earth, one hour for environmental protection.

When the lights go out everywhere and the beautiful little candles are lit, do you feel the tranquility of the blue sky; When the "60" shaped candle was lit by small journalists; When we make a wish to see the blue sky, do you feel the blue sky sobbing? One day less driving; Leave more blue; Use less bamboo chopsticks and raise more seedlings; Do not spit a mouthful of phlegm, but open a flower. Do something for our future! One hour for the earth, one hour for environmental protection.

How important it is to protect the environment. We should cherish every touch of blue. Starting from me, we should not only turn off the lights for an hour, but also start from every moment to make the haze as little as possible and never erode the earth! One hour for the earth, one hour for environmental protection

Composition with the theme of environmental protection (20)

Now the world is facing an energy crisis. People all over the world are advocating low-carbon life, and low-carbon life is also quietly going on in my home.

Since my family began to live a low-carbon life, I am not allowed to drive a private car except in rainy days. Now, we all suffer! When I went to cram school, I either walked or took the bus. My feet "protested"; Every time my mother went to the supermarket and bought a lot of daily necessities, it was almost impossible to move when she came home; Dad is not much better. He goes to work and gets off work. He rides his bicycle to get up and down. In the end, his legs are still sore. Alas, it's hard to be low-carbon! But after a while, we really saved a lot of money on gas! Let's continue this low-carbon activity.

Low carbon, literally, means to emit or use less carbon. But what about human exhaled carbon dioxide? By the way, plants! As a result, our family has launched the second wave of low carbon - plants fighting carbon dioxide. The mother who loves flowers and plants was the first to take action. She bought a growing pot of evergreen from a small stall and put it on the balcony, facing the sun, green and green; I didn't want to be outdone. I bought a small pot of cactus from the flower shop and put it beside the computer. It not only absorbed carbon dioxide, but also prevented radiation. It really killed two birds with one stone; Dad is even more powerful. He might as well plant a tree in the community. It must have grown up by this time next year. Hey hey, in fact, low-carbon life is also quite interesting.

My brother is also eager to try and experience a low-carbon life. Recently, his kindergarten held an environmental protection knowledge contest, which was implemented after returning home to remind us how to save electricity and water. At home, I imitated my teacher and started a contest of environmental protection knowledge! What's the harm of acid rain, car exhaust, etc.? I feel that my brother has really grown up!

In fact, low-carbon is not difficult, it is often around us. Life needs low carbon, let's join hands to carry out low carbon in the end!