After reading composition 300 (18 required)
Mountains and forests
2024-05-31 03:15:37
reaction to a book or an article

After reading composition 300 (1)

This week, I read a book called The Handsome Dog Duminnick. At first, I got the book, and when I read the title of the book, I laughed a lot. I thought to myself: Hum, and the dog who claimed to be handsome, he is too deceitful. This dog is not modest. He also said that he is a handsome dog. Is there something wrong with this dog? Besides, dogs are born with that virtue. Every dog looks like that. How can he say that he is a handsome dog? All dogs in the world can say that he is a handsome dog. Wow, is his tail stuck in the sky.

This book mainly talks about: Duminnick, by virtue of his courage, eliminated the bad guys of the Doomsday Gang, and by virtue of his courage and wisdom, helped many animals hurt by the bad guys of the Doomsday Gang.

After reading this book, I think handsome dogs are really not blind. The handsome here refers to what kind of courage Duminnick deserves to be admired. What I like best is Dumminnick. First, it is willing to help others and helps the victims. Once, the fox of the Doomsday Sect disguised itself as a pitiful animal. Its purpose was to get Du Minnick's money. However, Du Minnick had already seen through the fox's disguise. Alas, the dog's nose is sharp.

After reading this book, I understand that courage is necessary first, and then wisdom!

After reading composition 300 (2)

Folk is a kind, upright, benevolent and resourceful man, but he is unsmiling and a bit withdrawn and aloof. His servant, Lulutong, was a clever and chivalrous man. In the 80 day round trip with the owner, Mr. Fogg, he made a lot of efforts and was deeply appreciated by Mr. Fogg.

During the 80 day round trip, they encountered many difficulties. However, they never flinched when encountering problems, and finally managed to handle things properly, and overcame all difficulties and dangers with firm will. Fix is a famous detective, short in stature, but kind-hearted. However, he mistakenly believed that Fokker was the 'big robber' who stole gold pounds from the Bank of London, so he made troubles and obstructed Fokker's master and servant for many times during their tour of the world, but in the end, he cleared up the misunderstanding and made friends with them.

Through reading this book, I know that people will encounter many difficulties and incredible things in this world. But if you can do anything like Mr. Fogg, you will have perseverance. When you encounter danger, you should calmly think of ways to overcome it, and you will win in the end! I want to learn from Mr. Fogg. When I do anything, I will not be afraid of difficulties and will not be intimidated by difficulties. I will go on bravely and firmly!

After reading composition 300 (3)

When I saw this book for the first time, I didn't feel much about it. However, after reading this book several times, I read an essay in this book; The scarecrow has a deep feeling, not only because this article is the same as the book, but also because the article wrote: "Their muscles and skin are the yellow straw of the next year. Broken bamboo baskets and residual lotus leaves can be used as his hats. The face under the hat is flat, and it is hard to distinguish between nose and eyes. It has no fingers, but it is holding a broken fan - it is not really taking it. " And the scarecrow felt when he saw that the rice eaten by the moth was finally left bare. I know the scarecrow is kind through his eyes and heart.

There are many articles in the scarecrow telling us what to do and whether we are doing right or not.

I also feel the night talk of books. The books in the book can talk. They are talking about their own experiences and why the master doesn't want them. And the color of the book is very specific. This book is really interesting!

After reading composition 300 (4)

I especially like the books of the Naughty Horse Jump series. This winter holiday, I read a book called The Giant's Castle, which is very interesting.

Ma Xiaotiao made a great discovery: beside a golf course, there is a strange house like a castle. Ma Xiaotiao and some of his good friends speculated that it was used to hold hostages or produce drugs? So they took their binoculars and began reconnaissance. It turned out that there lived a giant in this house. This giant is called Akong. Akong used to work in the old automobile city, but later the old automobile city went bankrupt. Akong is very sad. Ma Xiaotiao and his friends have made good friends with Ah Kong, as well as 12 turtles and a dachshund dog. They opened up wasteland and planted potatoes together, and attended Grandma's peach feast together. They had a good time. They became inseparable friends.

After reading this book, I feel that it is good to have more friends. I will make more friends and live happily in the future.

After reading composition 300 (5)

no pains,no gains. This sentence is really good! Today, I read a book called "A Bag of Peanuts", which tells about a lazy mouse who doesn't like working, but plays when others are busy. One day, a little turtle asked; "Brother mouse, I have a bag of peanuts I want to put in your house, but I can't put them in my house," replied the mouse; "OK", they agreed to pick it up later. The little mouse smelled that the peanuts were very fragrant, so he couldn't help but eat a few. The next day he ate a few more, and the third day he also ate a few... So he ate a few every day, and finally he found that there was only a small half bag of peanuts left. He was thinking: If the little turtle knew it, he would not make friends with me. He thought for a while, The only way is to plant the remaining half bag into the field, and then return the grown peanuts to the little turtle. If there is more peanuts returned to the little turtle, I will leave them for myself to eat. So the little mouse took good care of it. It didn't take long. So many peanuts were ripe. When the peanuts were ripe, the little mouse filled the little turtle's bag with some left. The little mouse ate happily. As he ate, he thought: "How good it is to work. As long as you work, you will get something.". The little mouse began to work hard because of a bag of peanuts, and finally tasted the fruits and happiness brought by labor. Labor is a virtue that can create a happy life.

After reading composition 300 (6)

The main content of the Rabbit Eating a Well is: the words that the hippo teacher dictated to the students, where is a rabbit? When the teacher reported "surprise", because he was not careful, he wrote "eat a well".

In the evening, the teacher asked the students to go home to correct the words of the dictation. When Little Rabbit opened his dictation book, he found that he wrote a sentence next to the "Eat a Well" he wrote: Little Rabbit, can you eat a well? It's really amazing. Could you tell me the secret of how to eat a well? I look forward to your answer.

The little rabbit was worried because he had never eaten a well, even the smallest one. Even if all his friends came together, he could not eat it. So the little rabbit asked the clever little hedgehog to help, but the little hedgehog could not help. At this time, the little rabbit saw the little hedgehog holding a rubber in his hand and thought of a good way, It erases the word "well" with a rubber and writes a letter to the teacher.

After reading composition 300 (7)

The Happy Duck was written by Yang Hongying. It's really hard to put it down when reading it! In fact, everyone has different and beautiful happiness.

In the book "Happy Duck", the protagonist is the beautiful and happy Mahua. Mahua has a kind and happy heart. No matter how life goes, her heart is always full of happiness and happiness. Her happiness and happiness are quietly passed on to all people in the village. Xiaomao has also undergone great changes. During this period of life, Smiling Cat suddenly becomes very cheerful and optimistic, and always faces difficulties with heart. Mahua will feel that she is the happiest duck in the world every time she sees Smiling Cat!

After reading this book, I think that as long as we love our own lives, we will find happiness and feel very happy. Happiness is everywhere. In real life, we should use practical actions to help the victims, whether white or black, regardless of nationality, are very caring. They use planes, Food and water were transported to the disaster area by car, and everyone contributed their strength and love. We all hope that the children in the disaster area will return to their homes as soon as possible and live a happy life as soon as possible.

This book made me understand that happiness is absolutely indispensable. If you lack happiness, you must feel that life is meaningless. I will pass my happiness on to those who need help, so that they can feel the source of happiness and feel that they want to live strong!

After reading composition 300 (8)

I was curious about how Sunshine could turn around, so I read this article at one go, and was greatly moved after reading it. It was written that there were four patients in a ward, one of whom was a little girl and one of whom was diagnosed with incurable diseases by doctors at the same time. The little boy's hospital bed was next to the window and bathed in the sun all day long. The little girl's hospital bed was close to the wall and could not get the sun. The little boy saw the little girl's face was pale, his eyes were closed for a long time, he seldom spoke, and his body was getting worse and worse. He heard the head nurse say, "It can't be cured." One day, the little boy asked the little girl, "Why is your face so pale?" The little girl said, "My face is pale because there is no sunshine." The little boy said to the little girl, "Otherwise, we can change the position of the bed and you can bask in the sun." The little girl said, "This is not possible. You also need sunshine." The little boy thought of a good way to let the little girl bask in the sun. He took two mirrors and used the principle of sunlight refraction to make the sunlight turn around and finally shine on the little girl. The little girl's smile bloomed like a flower at that moment, and she quietly enjoyed the sunshine. Slowly, the little girl's face was no longer pale and had the color of sunshine. Every day, after checking their bodies, the doctor will be surprised and say: "Better! Better again! Their bodies are recovering, which is really a miracle!" After reading this article, I understand that love is the greatest power in the world, and it can make you invincible. When you give love, you can get double happiness and love in return.

After reading composition 300 (9)

Glory belongs to the motherland, humiliation belongs to oneself. The vow to study for the rise of China has been realized, and the horn of the founding of New China has been sounded. Groups of patriotic youth have emerged, pushing the motherland to the top of the world! Hua Luogeng is one of them.

This article continues Hua Luogeng's generous treatment after he channeled to the United States in detail, but he is preoccupied with the motherland. After the founding of New China, his repressed feelings finally broke out. He tried his best to meet the motherland. After returning to China, Hua Luogeng wrote a book to serve the motherland with his knowledge.

Generally, after receiving generous treatment, we can't help but be a little happy. But Hua Luogeng is different. After receiving the news of the founding of New China, he not only did not hesitate a bit, but also made every effort to meet the motherland, care for the next generation with all his heart, and win glory for the motherland. I personally think that Hua Luogeng and Qian Xuesen have many similarities, the most similar is the eternal patriotism, which makes us have high respect and sincere admiration for these predecessors. I believe that students are also like me!

In our life, how many people can act like them. It may be hard to imagine how powerful faith is. "I am a Chinese descendant, and I am a Chinese descendant". This belief has inspired everyone's confidence and courage, and made China today.

Glory belongs to the motherland! We are the future of our motherland and the hope of our nation. Work hard and make your own contribution to the prosperity of the motherland!

After reading composition 300 (10)

I especially like the smart, handsome, witty and brave father fox in the book "The Great Father Fox".

Boggis, Bean and Bones, the three big villains, always wanted to catch Papa Fox, but Papa Fox always fought with the three villains and won brilliant victories again and again.

I like father fox, because father fox always has a bright smile on his mouth every day, so father fox looks very cute. And the smile on his lips is always very beautiful when he wins.

I admire father fox, his wit, and his courage. He is always brave and successful in dealing with the three bad guys. That time, the bad guys stayed at the mountain pass. Instead of going out, they dug a tunnel under the ground to steal things from the chicken farm and cellar of the three bad guys to eat with the children and retaliate against the bad guys.

I also felt sorry for the father fox, because his tail was the most beautiful and longest tail in dozens of miles around. Unfortunately, he was shot by three villains with a gun. He is really a poor fox. I tell you, its tail was knocked off by bad guys when it was hunting. I pity it!

I like the wise fox father! He is cautious, cheerful, smart, handsome, witty and brave

After reading composition 300 (11)

My Uncle Hulle is the work of the famous French writer Maupassant. In the novel, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, for their own benefit, drove their brother Hule away and sent him to the distant Americas. Later, they heard that Hule had made a fortune and took a 180 degree turn in his attitude. They regarded him as the only 'hope' of the family. However, in an accidental meeting, they found that the impoverished Hule was hiding like a plague. The novel exposes the ugly souls of the selfish, cruel and greedy Phillips. In capitalist society, everything is for selfish desires and money, and the relationship between people is nothing but a naked money relationship.

I benefited a lot from reading this novel. In the past, I, like some people, blindly worshipped the western society and thought that foreign countries were better than China in everything. This article is a mirror, which makes me realize that foreign countries are not all better than domestic ones. Although they are economically developed and have a high level of science and technology, their spiritual emptiness and human indifference make people afraid of comparison, My surroundings are full of warmth. People care and love each other. "When one side is in trouble, support from all sides" is the fine ethos of socialism.

After reading composition 300 (12)

Recently, we learned a text with the title of "The Revelation of Dripping Water Wears Stone".

The main content of this lesson wrote: through the inspiration of the natural wonders of "dripping water wears stone", and illustrated by examples: "As long as you have a specific goal and persevere, you can achieve something and realize your dreams." It also gave me a lot of inspiration: don't think you are small, and the wood will be short if you cut the rope; Don't think that you are weak, water drops and stones will wear. In fact, as long as you stick to it and work hard, your wish will come true.

I remember when I was in preschool, because it was too hot, I wanted to learn swimming, and my parents agreed. When I came to the swimming pool, I saw that many beginners were practicing to hold their breath. They were practicing seriously! At this time, the coach came. He came to me and kindly asked, "Are you new here?" "Yes." "Oh, go and stand up." I nodded and walked to the team. "Today, we are learning breaststroke..." After class, the coach shouted to me, "Chen Junxian, you need to practice more and hold your breath." "Yes, coach" When I get home, I will do so immediately. I have been practicing holding my breath for a long time. This is the result of persistence. In fact, everyone can do it.

perseverance prevails!

After reading composition 300 (13)

After reading the book "The Great Fox Dad", I was filled with emotion and couldn't help thinking.

The fox family often poached people's food to make a living, so the hunter was very angry. When the hunters guarded them, they were dying. In the desperate situation, they worked together and finally got food. Father Fox is really a smart, daring father. I admire his spirit.

Our life also has the shadow of the fox father. One night, when I was doing my homework, I came across a complicated 'question. I was afraid of trouble and thought to myself that I would not do it. But on second thought, how can we do it without thinking? So I made up my mind to do it! I took the draft paper and calculated carefully. After more than ten minutes, I finally solved this problem through my efforts.

In one experiment, I didn't finish it for several times because of the difficulties in the process. I was a little discouraged and wanted to give up. My mother encouraged me: "What is this difficulty? Only by working hard can I succeed!" I listened to my mother's words, and it didn't take me ten times to succeed.

Positive people see an opportunity in every difficulty, while negative people see some kind of worry in every opportunity. Let's work together to do everything well.

After reading composition 300 (14)

After reading the "Never End Stories", I felt extremely profound.

The hero is a boy named Bastian. He is fat and clumsy, but he is good at telling stories. One morning, on his way to school, he mysteriously entered a second-hand bookstore. There, he accidentally found a wonderful book: "Never Endless Stories", an irresistible magic attracted him. The Kingdom of Fantasy is being destroyed, and the life of the Empress Innocent is in danger. As long as a child between people gives her a new name, she and the Kingdom of Fantasy can be saved. Therefore, Bastian is drawn into the story and accidentally becomes the savior of the Empress Innocent and the Kingdom of Fantasy.

In order to thank him, the Empress Innocent promised to let him realize all his wishes in the kingdom of fantasy until he found his real desire. From then on, Bastian began his long and dangerous journey again.

After reading the Endless Stories, I finally know why the title of this book is called: Endless Stories, because fantasy is a story that will never be told.

After reading composition 300 (15)

Today is a rare Sunday, especially a sunny Sunday. In this fresh afternoon, I entered the world of Encounter of a Falcon, which made me have a close contact with books.

What makes me most happy is that I have finally read this book. After reading this book, I summarized a formula: courage+persistence+opportunity=success.

The encounter of this hunting eagle was very tragic. Seeing that his blue top was trampled to death by a wild boar, he could do nothing. It has suffered many unfortunate things. For example, its owner sold it to the lame horse as a lure, but because it did not eat, he sold it to Sister Cheng. But because Barca Cha didn't obey, he cut his wings without feathers. Once again, Sister Cheng thought that she was ill and went to get medicine, but the cage forgot to close, so Barca Zha took the opportunity to escape. It was also lucky to meet the old Lord Daruru again.

Happiness is temporary, and tragedy happened at Fengxue Pass. There was a snowstorm at the Fengxue Pass, and Darulu, the owner, could not move, but Barcelona made a decision to let Darulu drink his blood and go out. This tragedy just happened.

After reading this book, I understand that if you want to succeed, you should have courage and dare to try. Help others more. Everyone is for me. I am for everyone. Helping others will also make you happy.

After reading composition 300 (16)

During the holiday, I read a book called "Special Girl Sakhala". The author is Esme Cordell. She is an American writer.

In school, in the eyes of teachers and students, Sakhala is a stupid student who needs "special help". In fact, she loves reading and writing. She also wrote a book of her own and hid it in the library, hoping to let others see it one day.

In the new semester, with the help of Miss Bodie, she gradually recognized herself, so she took up the pen and began to write a diary. She was recognized again and again, and her learning consciousness and writing enthusiasm were awakened again and again. Sakhala met a special teacher, Miss Bodi. She loves every child in her own unique way. She does not allow a child to receive a "special education". She should take every child forward. She is working hard, but not demanding. She has been waiting patiently. Because she believes that time will change everything. Sakhala finally finds her original self again. She is trying to realize her dream of being a writer, and a new life is unfolding in front of her.

After reading this book, I found that Sakhala is not special. She is just an ordinary girl. She loves reading and writing. When she met a teacher who knew children's psychology very well, she changed from a stupid student who needed "special help" to a good student. Although I am not as special as Sakhala, I also like the teacher like Miss Bodie very much. She gives us wings to fly.

After reading composition 300 (17)

Some time ago, I read Aesop's Fables. After reading it, I learned a lot of truth, such as the story of Eagle and Fox.

Once upon a time, the eagle and the fox agreed to become each other's neighbors, hoping to make their relationship better. So the eagle hatched birds in the big tree, and the fox gave birth to children in the bushes. One day, the fox came out to look for food, and the eagle flew into the bushes to catch the little fox, and had a meal with his children. When the fox came back, he knew what was going on, But the eagle lived in a tree, and the fox was a beast on the land, so he had to stand in the distance and curse the eagle. The eagle's betrayal did not shoot God's punishment after all. Some people sacrificed goats to the gods. The eagle grabbed the burning intestines from the altar, and after the intestines fell into the nest, a strong wind blew up, and the sparks on the intestines lit the dried branches, So the eagles fell down from the tree. Here, the fox ran over and ate all the eagles in front of the eagle.

This story has taught me a lot of reasons, such as: we should cherish the friendship, not betray the friendship, and not take away and use anything that is not our own. This story also reflects some of these ugly phenomena in society. We should not betray the friendship like an eagle, or it will be our own misfortune in the end. These reasons are Aesop's Fables One of the stories "Eagle and Fox" taught me.

After reading composition 300 (18)

Sun, a third grade teacher, recommended us to read the book "Tucker's Countryside". This book is very interesting. It attracted me like a magnet. I was fascinated when I saw it. I won't put it down when I picked it up.

This book mainly tells about a surprising discovery made by the cricket Chester after he returned to the grassland in the suburbs: the suburbs will be developed and built by human beings. The small animals here are afraid because their homes will be occupied. So Chester found his warm-hearted friends in New York, Tucker Mouse and Henry Cat, who had seen the world before. They came to the countryside together and began to save the prairie. Tucker came up with a wonderful plan. The small animals of the whole grassland immediately took action and put into the implementation of the exciting plan, and finally saved their beautiful homes.

My favorite character in this book is the mouse Tucker. He is very smart and loves life. He likes collecting all kinds of things: pearls, buttons, gold coins... Just when he was going to Connecticut, Tucker said: "My gold coins, pearls, beautiful buttons, what should I do?" Henry put Tucker's property in a small hole, but Tucker kept saying: "Bankruptcy! Bankruptcy! ”How interesting! Tucker also loves to help others. He helped his friend Chester save the prairie.

We should learn from Chester and Tucker, protect our common home, the earth, and make our life better and happier!