Beauty lies in composition (20 in general)
Unique rabbit
2024-05-31 03:30:36
Argumentative paper

Beauty lies in composition (1)

The path is more than 200 meters long. My grandpa's hair turns gray as soon as he goes.

I spent my childhood in the hills and rivers. On the potholed path hundreds of meters from home to school, I flew around like a happy bird at that time. My grandfather accompanied me every day and walked hundreds of meters, rain or shine.

Remember, my primary school courses were all finished on my grandfather's bike. I sat on the front beam of my grandfather's bike and listened to my grandfather tell me that eight times nine is seventy-two, and nine times eight is seventy-two. At that time, I thought Grandpa was great and knew a lot. Sometimes I would tell my grandfather about interesting things that happened in school. My grandfather always listened patiently and told me with a smile that there were still some shortcomings.

When I was older, Grandpa walked with me side by side. I remember a snowy day when I was barely above my knees. My grandfather pulled my collar without saying anything. He clenched my hand and went out of the house. The cold wind blew on my face like a knife. My eyes were almost closed, but there was still a figure moving forward in the blur, holding my hand step by step. On the snow in the morning, two pairs of footprints extend far away

At the age when I thought I had grown up, my grandpa was still beside me, but I didn't know that time had turned his temples white, time had bent his back, and wind and frost had carved wrinkles on his face. And I, growing up in the years, have already walked like a fly. I used to walk for 15 minutes, and I ran and jumped for less than 10 minutes. I began to dislike my grandfather's slow walking, and I didn't like to let my friends see his old figure. I walked faster and faster, and gradually left my grandfather behind. One day, when I found that there was no grandpa behind me, I was glad that I ran and jumped across a road and ran all the way to school.

I watched blood gushing out of my legs and Grandpa began to tell me stories about How Steel Was Tempered, which I had not finished a few days ago. Tell how Paul insisted on writing on his bed. So I endured the pain, listened to the story, and walked into the school gate. Later I learned that Grandpa knew my mind, but he could not trust me, so he followed me far away every day.

On the road, there are my childhood laughter; On the way, there are old people brought to grandpa by years; On the way, there is my gradual growth; On the way, there is grandpa's love. Love is on the way; Love is in your heart.

A long way to go. People say that there is a beautiful flower called Success at the end of the road, but unfortunately, few people have actually seen this gorgeous flower, because this road is too difficult to walk and full of thorns. Countless people can't see the flowers of success blooming. Some people have spent their lives disappointed, but there are still some people who have walked happily through every inch of land. Because they know that the flowers of success at the end of the road are beautiful, but the road full of flowers is also beautiful? Beauty does not exist only at the end of the road, but on the road - the road of struggle!

"Cut!" A small wooden card like the hand of the god of death fell from the top, and a fresh life was about to be exhausted. Bloody, killing, full of this downtown, but the protagonist seems to be out of the way. Heavy shackles and white clothes splashed with blood, but there was no trace of cowardice on his face. Ling Yun's ambition of "I will smile to the sky from the broadsword and stay in the Kunlun Mountains" is still resounding, which is the swan song of his life!

He, Tan Sitong, is not afraid of the shining broadsword, but heroic. Everyone cherishes and yearns for life. But at the end of his life, he did not shrink back. He had not seen the so-called flower of success in his life, but he did not regret it because he had fought for it. Tan Sitong wanted to say that if he tried hard, he would not regret it. Successful results are what everyone hopes for, but few of them are really achieved. He knows this truth, so he won't regret it after his efforts. In fact, countless people, like him, have fought the same way, and have never seen the flower of success in the end. But the difference is that they have not experienced the happiness and joy in the process of struggle. They only care about the petals of the flower of success in front of them, but miss the fragrance of the flower of success on the way. In the end, they are busy all their life, and have nothing to gain=

Beauty lies in composition (2)

Every Sunday evening, my father would take me to the Boku Book City on Wen'er Road to read books for two hours.

Once, after reading a book, I went downstairs with my father to push the cart. I saw a blind man sitting on the ground, seriously pulling the erhu, while asking people for it. Seeing this scene, I felt very sad. He immediately ran to his father and said, "Dad, let's help the blind man and give him some money." Dad nodded and immediately took five yuan out of his wallet and asked me to give it to the blind man. I took the money and went to the blind man and squatted down. I put the five yuan money beside him gently and said, "You are going home for dinner." The blind man listened and said repeatedly, "Thank you, little friend." I stood beside him silently and watched. After a while, the blind man packed up his luggage, picked up a stick, and knocked away all the way. I followed him and helped him cross the street to the bus stop across the street. When I asked him which bus he was taking, he said softly, "I will take No. 72 bus." Soon, No. 72 bus arrived. I helped him get on the bus and watched the bus slowly go away.

On that day, my mood was happy, as if it was thousands of times sweeter than honey!

Students, beauty is around each of us. In this society, let's all give our love to help all people in difficulty, so that they can feel warm and happy, so that beauty is really around us.

Beauty lies in composition (3)

Beauty has many forms of expression, and can also be divided into many kinds, including internal beauty and external beauty. It has both the natural beauty of mountains and rivers, and the artificial beauty of places of interest. There is no lack of beauty in the world, just the eyes to find it. As long as you observe carefully, beauty is everywhere.

Walking in the campus in the morning, breathing the fresh air, smelling the refreshing sweet scented osmanthus, listening to the loud sound of reading, pacing in the corridor, enjoying the unique atmosphere of the campus, you will suddenly feel that everything is so harmonious and beautiful. Even if there is a big haze in the heart, it will be swept away, and replaced by a relaxed, refreshing person, who will feel energetic all day long.

Walking on the busy street, looking at the bustling crowds and children around, listening to the bargaining between vendors and buyers, and all kinds of hawking sounds are mixed together, like an unmodified symphony, which is authentic rural music. The market is like a rural concert hall, where original singers can be seen everywhere, It makes people feel vitality and vitality, and feel that life is so beautiful.

In autumn, I saw big yellow oranges and red dates in my orchard, and I was very happy when I looked at the harvest orchard. Because it is home, and more or less has its own sweat in it, which is a good harvest.

In summer, I walked on the country road, looking at the lotus in the pond, listening to the frogs in the fields, a breeze blowing, lotus flowers and lotus leaves rippling layer upon layer, and those lotus seeds nodding to me with their heads full. Isn't it a living beauty?

Running on the playground in spring, looking at the small flowers on the playground, touching the soft grass on the lawn, and looking at the children playing with paper kites, this is a wonderful way to enjoy life.

Standing in the yard in winter, looking at the vast expanse of white around, you will feel how quiet and solemn the world is. Make a small snowman, put on a small clothes, a snow cap, a nose, eyes and mouth, and look from a distance like a child playing with snow. In the process of doing things, we felt happy. When we saw the fruits of our labor, a sense of satisfaction came from the bottom of our hearts. Therefore, beauty can also be produced in practice.

When you come home after you are tired, sleepy and hungry, your mother will prepare you with rich meals, warm arms and comfortable quilts. What a wonderful and happy thing!

Sometimes you accidentally catch a glimpse of an irrelevant person feeding stray animals, seeing ants successfully move food into the hole due to cooperation, and being remembered for doing a trivial thing... These are all the expressions of beauty in life.

In fact, beauty is everywhere. As long as we are good at finding it, we can find its footprints everywhere. Beauty is sometimes silent, so we need to observe it carefully and taste it slowly. Students, are you ready to find it?

Beauty lies in composition (4)

Beauty lies in walking composition

In daily study, work or life, everyone has tried to write a composition. With the help of composition, you can vent your feelings and adjust your mood. I believe that writing a composition is a headache for many people. The following is a collection of beautiful essays by Xiaobian. I hope it can help you.

Beauty lies in walking composition 1

Beauty is the eternal pursuit of mankind, but people have not yet fully understood beauty. Most people excessively pursue the external, that is, the beauty of image, but the real beauty lies in people's steps.

One action of bowing down is beauty. The country is now carrying forward the spirit of respecting the old, loving the young and caring for the environment. That said, how many people can do it? But that's all! Is it so difficult to simply bend down and pick up garbage from the ground and put it into the garbage can? The answer is not difficult. But how many people can do this easy action? But few people can do it. I remember once, I also made this common fault of most people. It was a hot summer. My cousin and I ate an ice-cream alone. After eating it, I threw away the ice-cream stick, thinking that the cleaner would clean it anyway. However, at the next moment, my cousin bent down and picked up the ice cream stick and asked me: "Sister, why did you throw the stick?" I hesitated and didn't know how to answer. Now think about it, my cousin's action of bowing down is really beautiful.

A rising phenomenon is beauty. Respecting the old and loving the young has been a traditional virtue of China since ancient times. This is really beautiful, worthy of the word virtue. However, you can see how many people offer their seats to the elderly and children on the bus. Most of them are thinking of "others will give their seats to them, it's not my business", or I grabbed this seat first, so there is no reason to give it to them. So when the old man and the children got on the bus, no one got up to give up their seats. Only the old man's bent body and the children's small body looked so weak on the crowded bus. Let's imagine what a magnificent and beautiful phenomenon it would be if all the people in the car stood up to give up their seats when the old man got on the bus.

A frugal habit is beauty. China is seriously short of forest resources, but there are always people who do not know the beauty of the habit of saving. They always write two words on a piece of paper and throw them away. Let's imagine that one person is nothing, but 1.3 billion people? How many trees can be cut down for nothing if one person lays out a piece of paper? Different people have different views on this issue. A person's unintentional extravagance is not terrible, but everyone's extravagance is terrible. On the contrary, if everyone saves one piece of paper, 1.3 billion pieces of paper, how much green will it add to us? At that time, the green earth must be beautiful!

There is beauty everywhere in life, but we have no insight.

Beauty lies in walking composition 2

Beauty, what a simple word. In the sunny summer sky, the stars twinkle and blink, which is beauty; After the rain, the sky is shining with a rainbow of colors, which is beautiful; Spring returns to the earth, flowers are everywhere, butterflies are fluttering, which is also beauty... French sculptor Rodin said: "Beauty is everywhere. For our eyes, it is not a lack of beauty, but a lack of discovery."

A few days ago, it snowed heavily and the road was very slippery. My friends and I rode to school as usual. Because the road was very slippery, we rode slowly, that is, slowly, and I witnessed the whole process.

At the side of the road, an old man rode a tricycle slowly forward. It was said to be slow, but in fact, the old man's forehead was dripping with sweat. At this time, a motorcycle ran by. In order to avoid a large truck coming from the opposite side, the old man was accidentally thrown to the ground. The owner of the motorcycle walked away without even looking back. The old man sat on the ground, his legs twitching from time to time, and his mouth was crying "Ouch". Pedestrians on the road turned a blind eye. Soon, someone came to see the excitement. Seeing more and more people watching, no one extended a helping hand to the old man, and the anger in his heart arose spontaneously. Just as she wanted to get off the bus and help the old man, she rose up.

She is not good-looking, so to speak, a little ugly. The eyes are sunken, and the worn scarf is casually draped on the neck, which sets off the dark color of the skin, and traces of years are sketched on the face. She ran to the old man's side, shaking her hands slightly, and slowly lifted him up. When she saw the old man standing steadily, she patted the dirt on his body and asked him; "Uncle, are you all right?" The old man quickly nodded, the panic on his face has not yet gone. He kept thanking. Seeing that the old man kept thanking the woman, she was at a loss for a moment, and smiled shyly: "It's OK, sir." A faint smile appeared on her face, and the old man also smiled. The onlookers saw these two beautiful smiling faces and lowered their heads in shame. For a moment, I thought she was beautiful.

Although she is not beautiful, she has a beautiful heart; Although she is ordinary, she dares to summon kindness with her steps. Beauty lies in walking.

Beauty lies in composition (5)

In life, beautiful things are everywhere. They are like stars in the sky, waiting for us to explore and discover.

Beauty is not only the beauty of a person, but also the beauty of the soul.

I remember that after school that afternoon, she and her mother went to buy vegetables. People came to the market one after another and hurried away. At this moment, she accidentally stepped on a hard thing. When she kicked it, the contents were exposed. Several red Grandpa Mao, several very important cards, ID cards, driver's licenses

Mother saw it and asked her to hide the things she picked up without saying anything. Mom, this is not our thing. The teacher taught us to return the money! She protested. Yes, let's ask here first to see who lost it. Mother was instantly infected by her and changed her mind. So the mother and daughter ran around, asking here and there, but they got nothing.

Let's go to the police station!


The mother and daughter strode to the police station. It happened that the owner also came to report the case. After checking, they found that the wallet belonged to the owner. The main loser thanked them and thought about it. There was really nothing good to give them. So give them some money to repay them! This is a bit of heart. As the owner said, he took out two thousand yuan and handed it over enthusiastically. Otherwise, it is proper to return the money. They retreated and repeatedly refused.

The owner returned home at night and turned over and over, thinking about how to repay her mother and daughter?

The next morning, I got up early and hurriedly made a banner. They sent it to the school and also invited reporters from the TV station to express their gratitude in front of more than 2000 teachers and students in our school.

Look, beauty is everywhere around us. The beauty of soul warms everyone in life - including you, me and him.

Beauty lies in composition (6)

Beauty is a brilliant gem, buried around us, you can find them at any time. I have experienced many beauties. They can be strung into a beautiful necklace. Today I will share with you the most dazzling jewel in this necklace. Although this jewel is beautiful, when I think of it, I always feel a little bitter.

One autumn afternoon, the weather was dull, just like my mood. I was very anxious. I looked around on the road and kicked the flower bed on the roadside from time to time. At this time, I saw a little girl, her face was tender, white, and her nose was high. Her eyes were like the surface of a calm pool. I felt that there were tears shaking inside. The bottom of the pool vaguely made people feel a kind of holy light. She walks in a very light and graceful way, but not like some women. She is like a kitten, but she is very natural and calm, revealing an elegant and delicate air.

Suddenly, I found some pieces of paper on the roadside. I wanted to pick them up, but I withdrew my hand again. I thought rationally: I didn't do these pieces of paper, so I didn't need to pick them up. Besides, there were so many people on the road, why did I pick them up. I swaggered away. I passed the crossroads, looked back and found that the little girl was picking up pieces of paper. I could not help feeling that I was extremely small. The way she bent down to pick up pieces of paper was the most beautiful scenery in the world.

As soon as I think about this, I feel a bitter taste flows into my heart. It left a deep mark in my memory. That scene can't be erased in my mind for a long time.

Beauty lies in composition (7)

I love spring when birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, summer when green trees are overcast, winter when snow is flying, but I prefer autumn when the sky is high and the clouds are thin!

When autumn came, flocks of geese flew to the south in "man" shaped lines. Many small animals saw it and were busy storing food.

The park is the most beautiful in autumn. Almost all the trees have taken off their clothes, but only the pine trees still wear green coats. When a gust of wind blew, the leaves of plane trees slowly fell down from the trees, some like butterflies dancing, some like yellow warblers flying, and some like dancers dancing lightly. Many flowers have also withered, and only chrysanthemums are competing to open, some are in bud, some have opened several petals, and some have all opened. When you walk in, it refreshes your heart.

The autumn orchard is the most beautiful. The orchard had a good harvest and the persimmons were ripe. The red persimmons hung on the tree like little lanterns. They were very cute. String of purple grapes hanging on the shelf, like a necklace. Some expose their belly; Some are set off by green leaves; Others are like a shy little girl, with leaves covering her "face", all kinds of which seem to be reporting the good news of maturity to people. Looking at his fruits and sweat, the farmer uncle was happy that his hard work was not in vain.

Autumn is a poem; It is a picture; It is a piece of music; It's a beautiful season. I love autumn!

Beauty lies in composition (8)

Beauty is everywhere. As long as you are careful, you can find traces of beauty. There is a kind of beauty hidden in an emotion called gratitude. Because of the existence of gratitude, our life is full of fascinating colors.

When the mother crow grows old, the little crow will feed it like her mother does. When the lamb sucks, the lamb will kneel and suck the milk. These are all expressions of gratitude. Aren't they beautiful? Besides, animals can do this, and we should learn to appreciate this beauty.

Gratitude is a kind of beauty. We should turn this beauty into a habit and be grateful all the time. We will also gain more happiness from it. If everyone is grateful, the world will become very beautiful.

The earth gives trees water and soil, and the trees give the earth green shade because of gratitude; The blue sky gives white clouds a space, and the white clouds return the blue sky a beauty because of gratitude; The sunshine warms the flowers, and the flowers smile because of gratitude; The rain and dew moisten the earth, and the earth returns a rainbow because of gratitude... Everything in nature knows gratitude. When we accept the beauty given by others, should we do something! Yes, we should learn to be grateful, learn this beauty!

I once had such an experience that I just accidentally helped others with a small 'favor'. When I got down from the exam, my English score was very poor, and the person who was helped by me was very good at English, so he came to help me explain English. That's because I think she is very beautiful, just because of gratitude.

How wonderful gratitude is! It brings people closer to each other. Because of gratitude, everyone becomes extraordinary and everyone becomes beautiful. Everyone becomes

There is a kind of beauty hidden in gratitude. Let's look for beauty together!

Beauty lies in composition (9)

There is a small yard behind my house. No one cleans it all the year round. It looks shabby: an old special wall that has been out of repair for a long time; The ground was covered with thick dust. In windy days, layers of dust fly all over the sky; On rainy days, rotten leaves give off a bad smell.

After my neighbor Grandpa Li retired, he often came to take care of this small yard. He built a flower bed near the wall, opened a vegetable field in the east, and cleared all the sand on the ground. My father also joined the team to take care of the backyard. He got branches of wild roses from the garden and planted them.

After several rains, the branches of wild roses grew new leaves, and some even climbed to the wall. In recent years, wild roses have become greener, covering the old special wall that has been in disrepair for many years. Every spring, the wild rose blooms red flowers, adding vitality to the dilapidated backyard. Seen from a distance, it looks like a green barrier dotted with small flowers.

The flower beds under the walls are also planted with flowers, including winter jasmine, rose and chrysanthemum... They show their vitality in different seasons. In spring, the winter jasmine blooms in the flower pool, and the small yellow flowers are so dazzling; In the summer, rose flowers appear on the stage to show their charming faces; In autumn, chrysanthemums bloomed, colorful, very beautiful; In winter, though those flowers failed, the wild roses were still green.

However, these beauties are inseparable from Grandpa Li and Dad's hard work. If it were not for them, the yard might still be dilapidated; If it were not for them, the yard would not be full of vitality.

Beauty in Composition (10)

Climbing the peak of Mount Tai to watch the sunrise, I thought it was a spectacular beauty; Watching the stars all over the sky in summer, I think it is the beauty of melancholy; Looking at the endless sea of flowers, I think it is gentle beauty. But I have always ignored the turning of the alley, and beauty has always been around me.

There is an alley from school to my home. There are not many people coming and going. You can see the green moss growing in the corner of the wall. On both sides of the alley are the untidy walls, which are full of children's graffiti. I have been waiting at the corner of the alley, looking at the blue sky, silently counting, waiting for the familiar figure to pick me up from school.

Soon, I saw the old man walking slowly towards me, and a clear "Grandma" echoed in the alley. I skipped over, and my back gradually lengthened.

This is also a paradise for young friends. We gather together, head to head, quietly watching the column of ants carrying food, sometimes placing stones on their way, hoping to block them, holding two in the palm, and watching them panic. Sometimes they will be caught and put on the hands of other partners, and you can hear the expected cry. A little fun can play for half a day.

No matter how beautiful the place is, it will change with the passage of time. It is still the alley and the familiar scenery. However, the ants have also moved to other places. People have renovated their own walls and courtyards, and the whole alley has a new look. The beauty is right beside me.

Many years later, the alleys I saw were still beautiful, fermented in the past years, making my memory of her beauty more and more clear. The unknown wild flowers, whose cat turned over the wall to bask in the sun, seemed to have bright alleys in front, after a long time.

The beautiful alley is beside me.

Beauty in Composition (11)

Success is short, but the process is eternal.

Who can guarantee success every time? Even if you fail, as long as you try your best, this journey is also worth it. Everyone has his own choice of road, each road is rugged, bumpy, once we have chosen, on the road, it is impossible to turn back. Magellan, a great navigator, led his crew to organize a round the world voyage. They finally reached their goal, but they also paid a huge price. Originally, hundreds of people died during the voyage, but only a few returned to their hometown. Captain Magellan also ended his voyage in this long journey. Their success brought them joy as well as sorrow.

Along the way, they should be beautiful. They had a taste of local customs and helped each other. I am now a junior high school student. Looking back on my six-year primary school career, I miss it very much! Accompanied by the teachers and classmates, I had a very happy life and felt a bit bitter in retrospect. However, the six years of time ended quickly with a piece of paper. After the baptism of years, the solid stone was defeated by the small water drop. This process is long, but without the unremitting efforts of the small water drop, there would be no crystal small hole. Relax. As long as I do my duty and enjoy the scenery along the way, the end will come. When I finish a task, I will recall the whole process and enjoy it. I believe that all people who have achieved their goals or fulfilled their wishes will surely recall the beauty along the way.

Why do so many celebrities write autobiographies? Because they want to share all the good things on their way to the readers. Others can see your success, but they can't see your efforts. The scenery on the road is just right and belongs to you. Learn to enjoy it and discover it!

Beauty in Composition (12)

Life is a long journey, no matter where the destination is, the most important thing is the most beautiful scenery along the way—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

As the night deepened, we walked on the Binjiang Road. Walking by the secluded island, I was very happy and talked and laughed with my family.

The sky is like overturned ink, a black silk without any impurities, which is so profound and mysterious. Looking to the other side, the lights are shining brightly, just like the day. The river surface reflects the night sky, stained with thick night color, like a flawless black jade. A naughty child nearby picked up a stone and threw it out. I could not see where the stone fell, but I heard the clear sound, like the wonderful music played by some musical instrument. But the jade was broken. The lights on the street reflected in the water, and rippled with the rippling river, with little shimmering, dotted with long black silk.

The wind began to dance, pointing small feet in the air, showing slender legs, raising slender hands, and the graceful figure was rotating, so charming. The fingertip of the wind blows, bringing more fresh air and more coolness. It took the hand of the tree and danced with it. The leaves rustled and the grass rustled. I heard the insects in the cluster responding, taking out their instruments and playing carefully. So a grand concert began to be staged. It seems that all the insects are playing and singing heartily. Here, there and at the foot, what a moving symphony.

A few old people nearby are fishing! Look at them sitting leisurely, silently looking at several fishing rods fixed on the shore. I looked down the fishing line - what a long line! My sister patted me on the shoulder and asked: "Did you hear the sound of the fish swinging?" I listened carefully without saying a word, holding my breath. I heard the fish struggling, and they splashed white water in the dark river. At this time, a young couple walked by, followed by a furry dog. The dog suddenly stopped in front of the fishing rod. It stretched out its paws to grasp, jumped up to bite, and shouted at the rod. The barking sound was loud in this quiet moment. Looking at the funny look of the dog, I laughed out loud.

Go on, I see

In fact, life is like this. You just need to enjoy the beauty and splendor on the way, regardless of where you will go in the end - because beauty is on the way!

Beauty in Composition (13)

Sculptor Rodin once said: "Life is not lack of beauty, but lack of eyes to find beauty." As long as you pay attention to life, you can find beauty anywhere. Because beauty is on the way.

Dazzling Zhao Hui

In early spring, there was a scene of vitality. At the roadside, after the silence and forbearance of the cold winter, flowers and plants finally erupted again under the inspiration of the spring breeze; On the road, vehicles and pedestrians constantly move back and forth. All this was in sharp contrast to the old man who sat motionless in the corner. His body exudes an almost sour smell. Passers by frowned, and their thin bodies seemed more lonely. A family of three came. The children were very excited and jumped around their parents, but when they saw the old man, they were stunned, and then turned to run to their parents. The child held his head high, as if discussing something with his parents. The parents looked at each other with a smile, and then the mother took out a red bill from her purse to give it to the child. The child happily took the money, jumped up and ran to the old man. Crouched down and handed the money to the old man without hesitation. The old man raised his head in surprise and met the child's pure eyes, which were full of light mist.

Picture, freeze frame, this naive, so beautiful!

A strong sun

In Sheng Xia, the weather is as hot as ever. Sun's father-in-law seems to have forgotten his fatigue and lost his rest time. Under his burning eyes, everything seemed to be shocked by his majesty. What should be green leaves drooping and listless; The cicadas, who should have shouted loudly, stopped shouting and were silent. Under the tree, not far away, under the scorching sun, the opposite scene. The recruits are being trained to stand up as soldiers. They all held their heads high and their ranks were in order. Every movement was vigorous. Even if the sun is burning crazily overhead, it is indifferent and fearless. Sweat drips down the hair, nose and cheeks, shining in the sun! The salty sweat flows into the eyes and drops into the neck. The sweat soaks through the clothes, but no one wipes it. Their Adam's apple kept climbing up and down. It was swallowing water to alleviate thirst, but no one gave up.

Picture, freeze frame, this perseverance, so beautiful!

A warm sunset

In late autumn, the weather is gradually cold, everything withers, and gradually has the flavor of winter. But there was an unusually warm scene on the park bench. A pair of silver haired old people snuggled together, closed their eyes, and enjoyed the peace and warmth of the moment. Grandpa opened his eyes leisurely, and his lips moved slightly, as if he were telling something. Grandma also opened her eyes and kept nodding and smiling. Their eyes looked at the blooming chrysanthemums in the flower bed, and happiness was written on their faces.

Picture, freeze frame, this love is beautiful!

Along the way, beautiful pictures flashed through my eyes and crashed into my heart. Beauty will not stagnate, it is still on the way

Beauty in Composition (14)

Some people think that spring is beautiful, some people like hot summer, some people enjoy snow covered winter, but I have a special preference for the beauty of autumn.

Autumn is like small fans, which take away the heat of summer and bring cool autumn.

Autumn comes to the fields. Gao Liang raises the burning torch. The soybeans burst open with a snap, revealing their chubby bodies. The rice is also ripe. At a glance, the golden rice looks like a golden ocean. When the autumn wind blew, it seemed that golden waves were turning up, as if to say, "Come and harvest, Uncle Farmer!" His face showed the joy of harvest.

When autumn comes to the orchard, apples show red cheeks, and pear trees hang golden lanterns; Orange becomes orange, fragrant and sweet; Persimmons are red and drool when they look at them.

When autumn came to the brook, the water was green, like a flawless emerald, and the fish swam happily in the brook. When the autumn wind blows, the fallen leaves beside the stream dance like yellow butterflies. In the setting sun, a group of old people are playing Taijiquan and dancing square dance.

Ah! Autumn is like a colorful picture. I love autumn.

Beauty in Composition (15)

Beauty is diverse. Magnificence is beauty, generosity is beauty, enthusiasm is beauty, richness is beauty, implication and simplicity is beauty, and ordinary beauty is often the ultimate beauty.

A person who takes one part for the whole will have a heart of stone, just like an egg boiled in boiling water, the harder it is boiled, the harder it becomes; But the carrots boiled in boiling water for a long time will become a pile of mud, which is a person who cannot stand the test and does not insist; How about boiling tea in boiling water? The bitter tea turns the water into a pot of sweet tea, which is very delicious. In this way, you can benefit yourself and help others.

In fact, there are different kinds of beauty in life. We can pass on the beauty around us, overcome difficulties, help each other, trust each other, withstand difficulties, have strong willpower, and have the spirit of cooperation and solidarity. Through hard work, we can feel progress and pass happiness. This is great beauty! The group beauty we feel is a higher and stronger beauty.

I saw the first lesson of school, I saw Liu Yang's beauty in space, Uncle Yao Ming led us to look for the beauty of nature, the beauty of animals, and I also saw the beauty of all kinds of animals described by Grandpa Hamelin.

We also saw that Deng Li and the children in the mountain area had English lessons, art lessons and music lessons together. The beauty of the wonderful classroom let the students in Plateau Primary School see the beauty of Deng Li's heart. Uncle Wu Bin of Hangzhou is an ordinary bus driver. He exchanged his life for the lives of 24 passengers, and his actions moved a city. Uncle Dacheng used natural objects to blow out the unexpected beauty of music, which made me feel the charm of creating beauty!

In the first lesson of school, the beauty of the heroes moved the world, and they appeared again: the most beautiful teachers, soldiers, models, champions... are the embodiment of ordinary and touched beauty around us.

Beauty is a mountain, beauty is a sea, beauty is a fragrance, beauty is a clear spring, beauty is every bit of good things in life. As long as we find beauty and pass it on, beauty is around you.

Beauty in Composition (16)

Quietly, the hot summer is gone, and the beautiful and gentle autumn girl comes to us with a brisk pace.

I like looking up at the sky in autumn. Because it is a kind of crystal clear and transparent blue, it seems that there is no trace of variegation, and the blue is natural and fresh. The autumn sky is more like an oil painting. There are white clouds in the painting, sleeping leisurely. The lovely birds are flying happily in the sky, and Uncle Sun is smiling brightly, which makes people intoxicated. The sky at night in autumn is a little more mysterious, less lively in the day, and more beautiful. It always makes people feel reluctant to close their eyes.

I like walking in the mountains and forests in autumn. Because walking on the cement road covered with golden palms, people seem to forget all the sadness. I picked up a leaf carefully, looking at the different shapes of each leaf, some like a small fan; Some are like crystal beads; Others are like a small sailboat. The color of the leaves is more attractive, with golden yellow, orange red and light purple colors. Gently sniffed, smelled a fragrance, smelled the smell of autumn. When the autumn wind blows, the leisurely falling leaves seem to dance in the air and greet people. They are intertwined into a colorful picture.

I like listening to the sound of fallen leaves in autumn. "Shua, Shua, Shua" is like saying goodbye to a big tree. Crickets chirp, squeak, squeak, as if singing the last cheerful song. The autumn rain "sand, sand, sand" seems to dress the autumn girl in beautiful clothes. These wonderful things always make me relaxed and happy.

Everyone likes autumn, with the fragrance of melons and fruits. The sorghum bent over and the rice blushed with laughter. They are anxious to wait for the farmer uncle to harvest!

Autumn, the most beautiful season in my heart!

Beauty in Composition (17)

Water Charm of Apricot Blossoms and Spring Rain

Wind color of small bridge and flowing water

You are a lady in the purdah

Nine hundred years of dust

How to cover up

Your inborn beauty

It's almost dusk when I come to the south of the Yangtze River, and the gray bricks and tiles of the Ming and Qing dynasties are scattered all over the town in an orderly and irregular manner. They all put on red gauze. Slightly yellow willows pose with red grease on their makeup. The path paved with black bricks extends far away, and the wet and smooth moss is among the cracks of the flagstone path. Flashing green light mischievously. Although it is autumn. There is still a feeling that the water and sky in the south of the Yangtze River are wide and the clouds and smoke are flying. The wooden boat shook the years south of the Yangtze River, taking away a series of ripples. The stone bridge is quietly erected at every estuary where it is needed. There are families, shops and restaurants on both sides. All this is so natural and harmonious, forming a Jiangnan landscape painting of "small bridges, flowing water and people's homes". But‘ There is no "thin horse" on the ancient road, let alone "heartbroken person". It belongs to a large hospital and a small town. The clinic can't cure it.

Jiangnan, made of water, is still beautiful in the festival of flying willows and flying catkins. A greeting and a smiling face are all the best wishes of the villagers, and the sunset glow from the tower, seeping into my mind!

He is really an ancient servant, and he is not affected at all. This is Jiangnan, you are the most beautiful in my heart!

Beauty in Composition (18)

Beauty is in the heart

As the saying goes, "Everyone has the heart to love beauty". However, do we really understand the word "beauty"? Has anyone ever stopped to think about this question? Where is beauty reflected? These questions have haunted me for years, but until something happened, I had an answer

Do you still remember that little Yueyue in Guangzhou, when she was hit by a car and fell to the ground, her soul cried, "Help me." Her eyes showed the signal of asking for help, but at that moment, where did the people, commonly known as good and beautiful people go? You cowered and didn't help the poor little girl. The girls are pitiful, but more pitiful are the human beings, who always bear the condemnation of their conscience. They will think of that terrible night in their minds and even in their dreams, the night that made them show their true colors.

However, the fine tradition of five thousand years of China was finally transmitted to that man. She is so ordinary that she has never heard of her name. She is not beautiful, but she is much more beautiful than those people. She is a garbage picking mother-in-law, a kind and beautiful person, an angel sent messenger. She wears ordinary clothes without luxuriance, but his heart is enough to replace her appearance. If beauty specifically refers to people with gorgeous appearance, do we insult this word?

If beauty only describes appearance, then you don't have any beauty at all, because these appearances are not your efforts, but from your parents; If beauty is about clothes, you don't have any beauty, because you just use beautiful clothes to put beauty on you.

Beauty is the highest realm of the soul. You don't need to dress up, because you can't cover up the ugliness in your heart again. Beauty always shows up in an emergency. Beauty is the essence of heaven and earth. In the final analysis, the root of beauty is kindness. As long as everyone is kind, will the world we live in be as chaotic as it is now?

"Lovely" human, you should calm down and reflect!

Beauty is in the heart

"The Dream Ark has set sail and bravely flew all the way through clouds and fog for the sake of ideals..." Listen, where is this loud song coming from? It turned out that it was the students in Grade One of Junior High who were in the "singing in class" competition!

A few weeks ago, students used the time between classes to rehearse school songs and class songs. They all prepared carefully. Some invited music experts, some invited teachers to sing together, some added musical instruments as accompaniment, and some specifically inserted sign language and dance movements. In short, their seriousness and enthusiasm for the game infected all the judges.

The audience was also eager to try. Everyone was clapping and beating the beat, or singing along with the performers on the stage. After the song, there was a burst of overwhelming applause in the audience

Beautiful. Time always passes fastest. The "class singing" competition also ended unknowingly. Students expressed their love and persistent pursuit of school and dreams with their own songs

Beauty is in the heart

Flashing stars dot the boundless universe; Bright flowers adorn the flowery garden; A piece of comfort, a piece of clothes, and a pair of chopsticks can embellish the records of beauty in your heart.

My mother wanted to knit a scarf for me soon after she learned how to knit a scarf. As winter approached, my mother said, "Scarves can make my body warmer." So she bought cotton thread under her mother's repeated advice.

Mom can be said to be from morning to night, except for cooking and not weaving scarves at work. Even at dinner, she would take out her knitting. She was like a weaving spirit, and was busy knitting scarves every day. I was also a little expecting that this scarf could be knitted quickly, so as to see if my mother's skills could be improved.

One night I asked my mother, "When will the scarf be finished?" My mother said, "It will take about three weeks. Go to bed quickly, and go to school tomorrow." My mother hurried me back to my room like a duck. I couldn't sleep in my bed. I was going to the toilet. Who knows? As soon as I went out, I saw my mother still knitting a scarf. I quickly hid behind the question. I saw several wrinkles on my mother's forehead, and her eyes were not good at ordinary times, she could not see clearly, and it was easy to make mistakes when dividing lines. So she always had to lower her head very close to the line. When I saw it, I was distressed and had a heart ache. After a while, my mother seemed to be stabbed by the damned needle, and her face was a little painful. After a while, I clearly saw my mother's eyelids hanging down heavily and fell asleep. I thought: Mom, you have worked hard.

Two weeks later, my mother finished the first scarf she knitted. My mother brought it to me. It was very warm. The cold winter seemed to have suddenly become the spring of recovery of everything. I thought: my mother's scarf was several days earlier than expected, so my mother must have worked harder. My mother looked at me and smiled happily as I took his first hand knitted scarf.

Mom, I will keep your scarf well. It was that scarf that warmed me all winter and made me beautiful in my heart all winter. I will keep it in my heart and remember it forever.

Beauty in Composition (19)

The heart is filled with endless pain, like sharp pieces of broken fragile heartstrings. One red fork after another on the book is like a blood mark, gurgling in the painful memory.

Come out and relax! I don't know who suggested this. I didn't want to come out, but there was always a voice in my heart: "Go out! You will benefit a lot." I had to go out.

Walking on the road, I heard others say that this road is beautiful no matter when, but it can't touch my heartstrings.

The wind is passing by hurriedly, and the fallen leaves are piling up on the ground. The grass and trees along the road are like soldiers who have lost the battle. The branches and leaves are hanging in frustration and loneliness, leaving one sigh after another in the cold air.

I'm afraid the beauty of this path is covered by the autumn wind, the fallen leaves, and the endless cold air!

The wind is rustling and my heart is cold. Can I return the long lost vitality?

Suddi, an ordinary and ordinary "fallen leaf" appeared quietly in my eyes. How could it have tentacles? Oh no, that's a dead leaf butterfly.

This dead leaf butterfly lies quietly near my tiptoe, and the broken wing on one side indicates that it has already been seriously injured. I squatted down and looked at it carefully. Its wings are like dead leaves, but not as good as those around them. They are lifeless, but it is a fresh and real life. The tentacles of the dead leaf butterfly kept moving, while the intact and delicate wings on the other side kept flapping. What makes it want to fly again after being so badly hurt? I didn't understand, but I soon understood that it was a longing for life, a longing for freedom of life!

It finally stood up slowly and flew up with one wing, but a gust of wind blew, and it fell to the ground again. After a long time of no movement, the wings stopped shaking after a failure, as if they had already become a lifeless corpse. The sun casts half bright and half dark light and shadow between the leaves, just like a golden silk, showing brilliant vitality. I'm still squatting, waiting, waiting for it to take off again. At last, it began to flap its wings, and its slender legs were slightly retracted, waiting for the right time next time.

Finally, it flew again, and the broken wing also trembled excitedly. I got up, looked at its back, against the bright sun, with the desire for life, with indomitable spirit, flew towards the light of freedom. The dead leaf butterfly has overcome the difficulties and completed its impossibility, but what about me? Why are you afraid of difficulties? Why are you afraid of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division? It is better to learn from the dead leaf butterfly, to create the possibility in the impossible, to create the most beautiful scenery on the path, and to become the most beautiful course on the road of life.

Yeah! Why not learn from the dead leaf butterfly?

The wind, carrying the warm fragrance of flowers and plants, fills the path. The sun shines, writing the brilliant chapter of each person. The fallen leaves remain, but a flying figure embellishes them with beautiful and moving life colors. All things, like a thick ink color painting, set off in my mind, engraved in my heart.

Beauty is on the way, and the dead leaf butterfly is the most beautiful scenery;

The road is the most beautiful. As long as you are strong and hard working, all the beautiful scenery on the road of life will blossom like flowers!

Beauty in Composition (20)

One thing, she deeply spread the inner beauty of people's hearts in people's hearts. It was the day when the north wind blew, it was the season when plum blossoms were in full bloom, and it was the first time I saw her. On the bus, people turned their heads to the window, and their opponents kept breathing, trying to get warmer. Unexpectedly, an unexpected thing happened. Suddenly, the driver braked suddenly, and with a "wow", all the people on the bus looked at a middle-aged woman. Just now, perhaps because of the driver's sudden brake, the middle-aged woman couldn't stand it and vomited on a fashionable young girl. The woman frowned and said sorry repeatedly. The girl slowly turned around, and the whole car was worried about the middle-aged woman. But what no one expected was that instead of a fierce scolding, the girl took off the outer layer of clothes and said to the woman, "Sister, you need to sit in the ventilated position, and I'm going to get off the bus. This seat is for you." "But, your clothes?" "Never mind, this dress is old, and it's a big deal to wash and wear it again." The door opened, When the girl got out of the car, everyone could not help exclaiming: "This girl is so kind!" "This girl is so kind!"

This is beauty. The actions of young girls show us the embodiment of kindness and beauty.

Like plum blossom, she has pure and noble quality. Beauty is around.

Beauty is in my world around me, full of beauty. They are colorful pigments and colorful notes. Decorate my world vividly and colorful. When I got up in the morning, I felt sleepy when I saw a cup of steaming milk on the table; In winter, when I rubbed my frozen hands, my mother handed me a pair of snow-white, furry gloves. When I put them on, I suddenly felt the warmth. All this makes me feel that beauty is beside me. The beauty of kinship is as pure as white.

One day, it was raining cats and dogs. My classmate held up a blue umbrella to accompany me home. I didn't get a drop of rain, but she was half wet; I lost my wallet and was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan when my classmates sent me what I found. The blue wallet is as gorgeous as orange...... All of this makes me realize that beauty is around me. The beauty of friendship is blue and clear.

Walking on the street, I saw the "Red Scarf" helping a blind man cross the road. I looked with admiration at the tall and short figure walking slowly in the crowd; At the door of the kindergarten, I saw several female students in red school uniforms coaxing a crying boy patiently, and I couldn't help admiring... All this made me feel; Beauty is beside me. The beauty of the soul is red, so dazzling.

Beauty is beside me when my friends sing "Happy birthday to you..."

Beauty is right beside me, when you break up with your former "enemy", when you open your arms to welcome your loved ones back from afar; When you sit with your intimate friends listening to music; When the student has achieved success, send him heartfelt blessing; I feel the happy movement of beauty.

Beauty is right beside me. When a person loses confidence in the promotion of life, he sees the rising sun, hears the singing of birds, and kindles the courage of life. When a deaf child cries out "Mom" with all his strength. When a person encounters setbacks, he sees a male eagle flying in the blue sky. I feel the happy movement of beauty.

Beauty is beside me, isn't it?