Accumulation of Chinese Composition (9 Collections)
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2024-06-25 09:44:47

Accumulation of Chinese Composition (1)

[Abstract] The subject of Chinese is a major subject in the college entrance examination, in which composition occupies a large proportion of scores in the college entrance examination of Chinese, and is an important content of the college entrance examination of Chinese. In the daily learning process, it has an important role and significance in the accumulation of materials for the Chinese college entrance examination composition. If the students' usual accumulation of Chinese materials is insufficient, it will affect the students' college entrance examination writing, resulting in empty content of the article, unable to stimulate the reading desire of the marking teachers, and difficult to get good results. Therefore, in the process of Chinese teaching, teachers should pay attention to strengthening the accumulation of senior high school students' composition materials for the college entrance examination.

[Key words] Effective methods for senior high school students to accumulate composition materials for college entrance examination

[CLC No.] G633.3 [Document Identification Code] A [Article No.] 2095-3089 (2017) 49-0104-02

The lack of Chinese composition material accumulation is a common phenomenon among high school students, which seriously restricts the improvement of students' Chinese writing ability and writing level. And because senior high school students have insufficient accumulation of Chinese composition materials for the college entrance examination, it will also affect students' Chinese scores for the college entrance examination. In this regard, high school Chinese teachers should pay attention to guiding students to accumulate daily materials for college entrance examination composition in the teaching process, and at the same time, Chinese teachers should also take effective measures to guide students to use the correct methods of high school students to accumulate materials for college entrance examination composition. This article is to analyze the methods of strengthening the accumulation of senior high school students' composition materials for the college entrance examination, in order to provide reference and guidance for relevant personnel.

1、 Extensive reading and excerpt accumulation

Composition writing requires students' constant accumulation and data collection at ordinary times. However, for high school students in most schools in China, they do not like to read Chinese and foreign classics, and they do not have the habit of accumulation at ordinary times, so they find themselves lacking in accumulation when writing. In view of this situation, teachers need to guide these high school students to accumulate reading and extract beautiful passages. However, the teaching tasks of general schools are heavy, and the teaching time is also tight, which requires Chinese teachers to do a good job in coordination and give high school students a certain amount of time to read and accumulate, so as to improve the accumulation of materials for high school students and improve their composition level. Chinese teachers can also cultivate the habit of high school students to write reading notes. When students finish reading fragments of famous books, it is the period when they have the strongest memory of the famous paragraphs and sentences in the book. At this time, students can extract and accumulate in time, which is conducive to helping students accumulate writing materials and improving their writing skills.

2、 Summarize and apply what you have learned

There are a large number of questions in the examination of the Chinese subject. At the same time, some students will fail in the college entrance examination due to excessive tension. Many of the materials accumulated at ordinary times for the role of Chinese are forgotten on the spot, which leads to the unsatisfactory results of the college entrance examination of students. In view of this situation, in the daily teaching process, Chinese teachers should not only give students a certain amount of time to expand reading and accumulation of literary classics outside Chinese, but also guide students to learn and use flexibly, so that these beautiful sentences or paragraphs can be used in their own composition. This kind of teaching method can not only improve the quantity and quality of the accumulation of good Chinese composition materials, but also help improve the students' ability to write Chinese compositions. For example, in the teaching of reading, teachers can choose to imitate the beautiful sentences or paragraphs in the reading articles, so that students can use the writing methods in the articles for their own use in the future composition writing.

3、 Broaden channels and accumulate materials

The accumulation of Chinese college entrance examination materials is a long-term process, rather than a temporary cramming when the college entrance examination is approaching. Therefore, Chinese teachers should pay attention to the accumulation of students' composition materials in their daily teaching work, so as to lay the foundation for students' college entrance examination Chinese composition writing. With the development of social economy, new media has had an important impact on people's lifestyle and life concept. Teachers can also effectively use new media to help students accumulate materials for Chinese compositions and broaden the channels for students to accumulate materials in the teaching process.

4、 Walk into life, diverge thinking

"There are many experiences in life, and there are hills and valleys in my heart" so that I can write good articles. Therefore, Chinese teachers can not ignore guiding students into life, divergent thinking, and accumulating and looking for materials in life while strengthening the methods of accumulation of materials and training of writing skills for high school students' Chinese college entrance exams. In this respect, Chinese teachers can guide students to observe carefully and write more diaries. Diaries are students' records of daily life. They record examples in life and write them into diaries. This can not only help students accumulate daily materials, but also help students gradually improve their writing skills and abilities in daily writing training. In addition, Chinese teachers can also select excellent diaries for model reading. On the one hand, they can set a positive example for high school students, and at the same time, they can display the excellent materials accumulated by students to improve the quality of material accumulation of students. On the other hand, students with excellent diaries can be given corresponding reward measures, which can not only enhance students' self-confidence, but also enhance the sense of competition between students. In the competition, students can actively enter into life and actively accumulate materials around them.

The accumulation of material is the basis of students' Chinese writing. In the process of high school Chinese teaching, facing the problem of students' generally insufficient accumulation of Chinese material, teachers should focus on guiding students to accumulate daily Chinese composition material, so as to lay a foundation for students' college entrance examination Chinese writing. At the same time, Chinese teachers should also pay attention to guiding high school students to find the right way to accumulate materials for Chinese college entrance examination compositions, improve students' awareness of the accumulation of Chinese college entrance examination compositions, so as to improve students' Chinese college entrance examination scores and promote students' future development.


[1] Chen Ke. The Status Quo and Countermeasures of High School Students' Composition Material Accumulation [J]. Language World: High School Edition, 2017 (6): 62-63

[2] Bao Qi. Analysis and exploration of the accumulation method of senior high school composition materials [J]. Nanbei Bridge, 2017 (8): 19-19

Accumulation of Chinese Composition (2)

Some people think that Chinese learning started from Andersen's Fairy Tales and Three Hundred Tang Poems, but in fact, from the moment we came to this world, we began a lifelong Chinese learning. In this long process, it is the key to improve Chinese literacy to find and solve the problems in their learning. I carefully analyzed my Chinese learning self-evaluation form and found several problems:

1、 Not enough reading. Most of my reading amount is accumulated in primary school. I haven't had much reading time since I entered junior high school. The main reason is that I don't have the patience. As Mark Twain said, "Everyone wants to read classics, but no one wants to read classics.". But Bai Yansong was asked in an interview, "How do you find time to read books from your busy life?" He calmly replied, "I find time to live from endless books.". Chinese learning begins with reading. Continuous reading is the key to improving Chinese literacy, and it is the confidence to "write like a god". As for time, maybe we can eat faster every day, squeeze some time to do homework at noon, and then we can have 20 minutes more to read at night; Get up earlier in the morning, act quickly, and add another 15 minutes. In the extremely busy high school learning career, 35 minutes of reading time every day, although not long, would be a huge number if accumulated together for a long time.

2、 Write less. In addition to the composition assigned by the teacher and the composition written in the exam, I did not spontaneously write any more. When talking about literature, Mr. Zhu Guangqian said that the key to how to write a good composition was to take notes of the earthquake every now and then. Keep a pen and a notebook in your pocket. Whenever you meet something to say, write it immediately, and try to make what you write match what you think. Over time, we have a lot of materials in our mind, and the writing style is also naturally vivid unconsciously. All the test oriented compositions are not thought on the spot in the examination room, but familiar materials that have been written over and over again. Artistic interest and real income will be possessed.

3、 Plans and habits don't last. I am the kind of person who has made an extremely perfect plan but always feels that "the plan cannot keep up with the changes". In the final analysis, I just can't insist on it. I must be urged by external forces. It happens that my parents are not the ones who control me so much, so I have this lazy and lax appearance. In fact, I like planning and practice. I like excerpts, like reading, and enjoy the satisfaction of completing tasks. But procrastination is a bad thing. It can crush all your goals. Now I will find my own motivation. I will look at the articles written by others, the tasks completed, and think that if I haven't done anything, my motivation will come. Every time I may think that it is too late to fall behind others, but the sentence "It is never too late to learn" is not a good retort? I hope that long-term self suggestion and compulsion can become a habit, and by the way, I can also change procrastination. How easy this life is!

Chinese needs sustainable power to develop continuously. Focus on accumulation, starting from the present. Every present is the future we once imagined. All efforts will be seen. Silent efforts are the present, and accumulation is the ideal. insist! insist! insist!

Accumulation of Chinese Composition (3)

Method I of accumulating senior Chinese composition materials

1、 Textbooks. We all know that the knowledge of college entrance examination comes from textbooks, so we can use the knowledge or good examples we learned in textbooks for our own use.

2、 Extracurricular books, news, and the Internet. These can help you to learn more about the case, but also can help you pay attention to. We can also apply these to examinations.

3、 The teacher's philosophical discourse. In our student days, the person we contact most every day is the teacher, so the teacher who has more life experience than us is also the source of our composition materials.

4、 Special composition material book. Now every bookstore will have special composition books for students to choose from. We can choose what we need from them and apply them to our compositions.

5、 We can record our feelings in life, write them into essays, and sort them out after a period of time.

6、 The advice is to record, accumulate and add up from every bit of life. In this way, we won't lament that "when the book is in use, we hate less" when we write a composition.

Method 2 of accumulating senior Chinese composition materials

First, you can write some diaries. This method can not only record your daily life, but also exercise your writing. Diary is an informal way of writing, which can express one's feelings.

Second, you can copy some famous quotes. If we introduce some famous quotes into our writing, it will make the article more colorful.

Third, you can browse the network content. You can choose some news media materials that you are interested in.

Fourth, read books. We can read some prose, novels and other books, so that we can accumulate some good words and sentences.

Fifth, write some reading notes. We can prepare a book to write reading notes. The text of notes can be long or short, mainly the feelings and thoughts after reading.

Method 3 of accumulating senior Chinese composition materials

1、 Rewriting method

After completing the text, I still feel that I have not finished, so I can rewrite it. For example, the sequel to The Emperor's New Clothes; Summarize and abbreviate the long text, and expand the details or parts of the short text; Can also change the person to write; You can also change the original text from another perspective and make innovative rewriting.

2、 Recitation method

On the basis of full feeling and understanding of some beautiful sentences, especially the famous sentences and articles in ancient poetry and prose, chant the taste repeatedly and recite them finally. More recitation, more natural vocabulary, and writing will find both sides.

3、 Sketch method

Describe all kinds of people and scenes in life with meticulous and vivid brushwork. When describing, we should grasp the characteristics, grasp the most impressive things, and be meticulous. There are various ways of description, such as describing the characters in terms of language, action, manner, appearance, psychology, etc. The scene can be described from an appropriate perspective.

4、 Narrative method

Try to make clear the context of all kinds of things that happen in life, and record them in words according to their true colors. This is the rudiment of most narratives, which can become a narrator after a little modification and refinement.

5、 Intuitive method

Some scenes or impressions in life give people a distinct feeling, which causes a strong instant feeling different from the general instant feeling in the heart. This instant feeling should be recorded in time. For example, the silence of returning home late at night: "I heard my feet swim deep into the night, a key was inserted into the lock, and the night was opened and closed gently."

Method Four of Accumulating High School Chinese Composition Materials

1、 Books

Reading can inspire endless inspiration. When you have time, you can open a book related to our media writing content to read in detail and extract good content from the summary.

2、 Professional website

There are many professional websites where the quality of the articles written by the authors is still very high. In addition to our usual experience, we can learn from others for our own use.

3、 Peer articles

Many We Media platforms will have deity level characters. A careful analysis of their articles will also inspire your enthusiasm for creation.

4、 Audio program

When exercising or doing housework, we can listen to some interesting audio programs, from which we can also gain a lot of growth.

5、 Emotional programs

Emotional We Media articles need rich experience and profound writing skills, so it is also a good choice to often watch the comments of some emotional experts.

Accumulation of Chinese Composition (4)

In our study, work and life, we are often exposed to composition. According to the different genres, composition can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative. I'm sure many people will find it difficult to write compositions. The following is the method of accumulating Chinese composition materials organized by the editor. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

The common problem reflected from a large number of students' compositions is the lack of fresh materials. Without materials, it is impossible to write articles of high quality, nor to express the theme of the article more profoundly. It can be said that "a skillful woman cannot make bricks without straw". Therefore, as a student just entering the third day of junior high school, he must learn to "find rice to cook" and accumulate some writing materials. So, how to accumulate materials in the current situation? There are three main methods:

1、 To be a conscientious person, pay attention to observation and thinking in daily study life, family life and social life. It should be said that there are all kinds of things happening every day in our own life circle, and we will contact all kinds of people. As an observer, we should have a close contact with these things and people, understand the causes and consequences of things, and understand the ideological situation of these people; Make self judgment and evaluation on these things and people. In this way, there will be more fresh things and lively people in your mind.

2、 Make use of the effective method of writing essays commonly used by students to record people and things observed at any time. Reflect what you see, hear, think and feel in your essays, so that these materials can be preserved in words. At the same time, when writing essays, you can focus on the same topic (or topic) in one stage to form a series. For example, "family series", "stories in autumn", "past events are like smoke"... This can accumulate different materials under the same theme. If you encounter articles on a certain theme in the exam, you can extract the most fresh materials that can best express the theme from your own material library, and then conceive them into articles, In this way, there will be no confusion in the face of the composition topic in the exam and no way to write. The accumulation of materials can be prepared.

3、 You can accumulate useful materials from a lot of reading. The above mentioned need a lot of reading in modern literature reading, which can kill two birds with one stone. Students can accumulate some indirect materials with the same life experience for their own use. Therefore, at this stage, we can enrich our material library by reading extensively and making some notes on useful materials. When it comes to writing, you can pick it up at your fingertips with ease, and will not be trapped by materials without writing.

Accumulation of Chinese Composition (5)

In life, work and study, we always have to contact composition. Composition is a narrative way that people express the relevant knowledge, experience and ideas stored in their memory in written form. I believe many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is the accumulation of beautiful paragraphs in the composition of the college entrance examination of the omnipotent golden sentence of Chinese composition compiled by the small editor for everyone. It is only for reference. Welcome to read it.

1. The wind can blow away a large piece of paper, but cannot blow away a butterfly, because the power of life lies in disobedience. (Feng Jicai)

A few words are enough to express a kind of tenacious vitality and willpower.

2. Different people, even if they stand in the same place, see different landscapes through their own lives. (Takeo Starano)

Tip: This sentence is excerpted from the book "In the Long Journey" by Japanese photographer Daofu Starno. It can be used in topics such as "life choices" and "diversity of life", and can also be used as an opening note.

3. When the soul loses the temple, the rain drops on the heart.

Comments: This is the famous sentence of the writer Rilke. It comes from Ten Letters to a Young Poet. It can be used in contexts such as from material to spirit, from soul to belief, from reality to ideal, etc.

4. A man's life should be spent in this way: when he looks back on the past, he will not regret for wasting his time, nor be ashamed of doing nothing; When he was dying, he could say: My whole life and energy were dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world - fighting for human liberation. (Paul Kochagin)

5. Only when the mist on the heart is washed away with water will glory illuminate the original dream. Marquez

Instruction: It comes from the world famous book "One Hundred Years of Solitude", which is similar to the Zen philosophy of "always wipe away the dust without teaching". Composition writing is applicable to such composition themes as "never forget the original intention", "cultivate one's moral character" and "self reflection".

6. The best way to preserve grapes is to turn grapes into wine, and the best way to preserve years is to strive to turn years into eternal poems or paintings. (Feng Jicai)

Dian Dial: Although this sentence seems very simple, it actually has a profound meaning. Only by constant precipitation can people change from grapes to wine and turn years into poems.

7. I am the superior, the star sky is bright; Moral laws are in my heart. Kant

There is another expression in Kant's sentence: the longer I meditate, the more awe I will be filled with: the starry sky overhead and the moral law in my heart. Writing a composition can be used for topics such as "awe", "bottom line" and "self-discipline".

8. The world is very big, just like this starry sky, it will not be brilliant because of the existence of a star, nor will it be eclipsed because of the absence of a star.

Inspiration: It is suitable for writing compositions with themes of insignificance, greatness and self respect.

9. When a person is angry and vigorous, he never asks why he lives, but lives for life, and lives for life is a wonderful thing—— Romance Roland, John Christophe

Instruction: applicable to topics such as life attitude, life concept and passion.

10. Now I have lived to 80 years old, and the road in the future will not be straighter and flatter than that in the past. But I am not afraid, and the shadows of wild lilies and wild roses flash before my eyes. (Ji Xianlin)

Tip: This is what Ji Xianlin wrote in "80 Narrations". For Ji, it is the hardship of physical life brought about by the growth of age. Students can use it in their compositions, which can be slightly extended to express the optimism when facing difficulties.

1. Experience nature is wealth. The wind is a transparent brocade, the rain is countless crystal pearls, the forest is like emerald embroidery, and the bay lake is a blue gem.

2. I want to take the snowflakes with my hands. They float to my hands and slip from my fingers. Into the earth, into a collective. The snow is still falling, like goose feather, sharp; Like an octagonal starfish, or paper-cut, pasted on the window, it may be a unique scenic line; In some cases, there are thousands of butterflies fluttering in groups in three or five years, just like Tiannv scattering flowers; Some are like feather arrows, which can guide us into heaven on earth.

3. In the long journey of life, there are joys and sorrows, hardships and joys. You will taste the joys and sorrows of life and encounter countless difficulties and dangers. This is a way of training arranged by God. I will defeat these obstacles and frustrations.

4. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are seasons. In my opinion, it represents the disappearance of my life, the disappearance of the traceless youth

5. Everything in the world is eager to live in an honest society. In fact, honesty and loyalty are just a kind of attitude towards life, a positive attitude towards life. Thousands of years of wind and frost, swaying those flowering seasons, have passed those rainy seasons. We might as well give back those long or short or regretful or perfect memories to years. Keep those happy or sad or turbulent or dark wave driven past events in my heart. Choose a positive attitude towards life, so that you will not tremble because of the intrigues of officialdom, nor will you feel sad because of the social dishonesty. In that way, you will become honest and loyal.

6. Although life is only a few decades long, it is by no means as disillusioned as a dream. As long as we pursue the truth, we will have eternal life. Life is not a burning candle, but a torch that we hold. We must burn it bright and hot and pass it on to the next generation.

7. The sunlight penetrating through the bamboo forest is not as magnificent as the early sun, not as melancholy as the setting sun, and not as charming as the sunny after rain, but looming and confused. But it is the sunshine that shines through the bamboo forest, making the unknown flowers and grass in the deep of the bamboo forest thrive.

8. Family and friendship are my wealth. I am a white cloud, and family love is the blue sky that contains me; I am a green tree, and kinship is the land that nourishes me; I am a flying bird, and kinship is the forest that protects me; I am a clear spring, and kinship is to embrace my mountains.

9. Friendship is a drop of water. It is very short. Friendship is a wall. No one can break it!

10. Old vines, old trees, faint crows, heartbroken people in the horizon. As time goes by, I can't remember the frivolity of my youth, and I don't want to be impassioned again. Wandering all the way, stumbling all the way back to the warmest hometown, back to the most free time of youth. On the blue flagstone path, flowers bloom and butterflies and fallen leaves are in full bloom. Bury the smile of the years flowing away into the ancient river bank, and let the little memory shine in the bright sunshine.

Accumulation of Chinese Composition (6)

A mature man who has passed 40 years is my father.

His father is nothing special, and his educational level is not particularly high. He served as a soldier for several years, but was not assigned to an ideal job because of opportunities. For this reason, his father always tells his mother sadly that his life is meaningless. But as soon as he saw me, he smiled happily. I once asked him why he was so happy when he saw me. He said that it was because my good grades helped him regain his lost self-esteem. In fact, I don't know whether he is trying to smile or really laughing.

Every winter, my hands will be very cold. My father will always cover my hands for me, and then he will say painfully: "My father will send you to school every day!" From that day on, as soon as I get down the stairs, I can see my father's car parked in front of the corridor, and prepared fried pork and chopsticks for me as my breakfast. After finishing eating, he would also hand me a napkin to wipe the oil stains off my mouth. Sometimes when students saw it, they would envy and say, "You are happy to have such a good father." On the days when my father sent it to school, every day my hands would be covered by the hot frying pan, and I would no longer be distracted by the cold hands in class.

After all, Dad was once a soldier and acted quickly. Sometimes when we saw a cup about to fall off, we didn't react. He had already stepped forward to catch the cup. When we reacted, he had firmly held the cup in his hand. For this reason, my mother and I often teased him, "OK! It's not like a 45 year old man at all.".

But can Dad really be so young forever?

That day, I accidentally saw my father sitting on the cane chair on the balcony, enjoying the sun while reading newspapers. I think it's strange that Dad will sit down and read the newspaper. I smiled and was about to leave, only to find that my father suddenly took the newspaper a little farther away, his eyes still staring at the newspaper, his head tilted to the left and then to the right, he took the newspaper closer, repeated the action just now, and then took it farther, as if he was looking for a good place to read the newspaper, but he never found it. So he went into the living room, took a pair of scissors and walked into the room. As he walked, he muttered, "What's wrong with this man? Why can't he read the newspaper clearly?" So I leaned against the door frame and looked into the room to see what Dad was doing with the scissors. But who knows, my father used it to cut nails! I simply sat down to watch my father cut his nails. Dad seemed to have to work hard every time he cut a knife. I asked, "Dad, are your nails particularly hard?" Dad nodded in embarrassment. I realized that my father was engaged in flowers a few years ago. Almost every day he played with his jujube trees barefoot in the ground. His feet had become slightly deformed, and his toenails had become very hard. "Ouch." It was Dad's cry. I saw some blood on my father's big toe. I got up to get the band aid, but my father stopped me and indicated not to use it. I wanted to ask the reason, but my father looked at his feet repeatedly and whispered, "What's the matter? It didn't happen a few years ago, but why is it so useless now? What's the matter with this man?".

What's up? Just because my father is old.

Accumulation of Chinese Composition (7)

--She was my math teacher, a little old lady in her 40s, who was titled "Mammy Rong" because of her black words and vicious means. But as a new comer to the "harem", I was not right. I was an unknown junior who had just entered the primary school. Somehow, I was recognized by Mammy Rong: I was lucky to be her class representative. But my math scores, I should say, are not very good in all subjects - there are 50 people in the class, and I will always be more than 10.

However, I don't think it's shameful. But Mammy Rong didn't think so. She felt that since I was her class representative, I should show my temperament. I must sit firmly in the top three positions in the class.

When Mammy Rong told me what she thought, I was really shocked. I just wanted to kneel down and hug her thigh and cry: "Mammy, you have a lot, let me go..." But when I raised my head to Mammy's confident and murderous eyes, the ghost sent me to nod.

Since then, Mammy often came to our class for inspection, and the eyes that crossed the crowd for me were very warm, although some people were pricked. After the beginning, Mammy increased her "pressure" on me. She often asked for an examination paper from the Chinese teacher, or went to the English teacher's office to send me two review outlines. So I began to "work overtime", leaving early and returning late every day.

There is always a reward for the effort. In the midterm exam of the first semester of grade six, I became a dark horse from more than 20 people who were unmoved to advance to the third place.

One month later, we ushered in the last sports meeting of the primary school. The sports committee member actually reported 600 meters to me! I asked my mother for money to buy running shoes. My mother scolded me with a dark face. I had to wear a pair of canvas shoes to the school competition. Each student who took part in the running wore a pair of fluorescent running shoes, which made me dizzy under the irradiation of. I wish I could find a crack in the ground.

Suddenly, a pair of blue running shoes appeared in front of my eyes. I looked up. It was Mammy! "Silly boy, you don't even take your running shoes when you run. Remember to return them to me after running. Our teacher will have a competition later.".

At the age of 12, I finally met a person who gave me shoes except my mother. Also in this year, I won the first gold medal in my life.

Once, when I was willing to give up myself mediocrely, a bent little old lady grabbed my ear with a whip and shouted, "Don't give up!" So I really didn't want to give up. Because in this world, there are still people who believe that you have the courage to change yourself. What reason do you have to give up?

Accumulation of Chinese Composition (8)

Beauty has the blue of the sky, the grass green of the earth, the bright red of flowers, and the golden yellow of autumn trees.

So much beauty! Some people are not satisfied: the grass is not green enough, and the flowers are not red enough, which means that the day is not blue enough. And I think: beauty is around us, why are we not satisfied: the sky is like water, the ground is like carpet, and flowers are like blood.

The birds chirp in the sky, as if telling us to work hard. The young birds fly in the trees to catch food, which is to remind us to dare to try. The bees are busy collecting honey in the flowers, which is to tell students that every effort is worth every harvest. Swallows fly southward to signal to farmers that it is getting cold and it is time to harvest crops. Everything in the sky is so spiritual, bringing us joy and enlightenment.

In spring, everything revives, the spring wind blows, the earth is covered with green blankets, poplar trees grow new leaves, willow trees pull out tender green branches, quite a "jasper makeup into a tree high, ten thousand trees under the green ribbon." The green of spring is gentle. In summer, everything seems to catch up with each other. On the mountain, in the field and beside the pool, all kinds of plants and trees grow vigorously, and all kinds of flowers bloom. They take out the most beautiful posture to dress up the nature. The green in summer is warm. When autumn came, the green on the earth was covered by the naughty autumn with a yellow velvet quilt. She wore a cool coat of autumn fog and came to nature. She took advantage of the earth's lack of time to wake up, so she fused red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Then, with deep love, he spread it on everything. When the fog receded, the rising sun was surprised to find: Oh! It was greeted with a golden color! Seeing this scene in winter, of course, I was unconvinced. I brought my own rescuer, Xue, and caressed the green wheat seedlings in my arms to give him warmth and care. Winter is also like a respectable teacher. Like a thermos, it is cold outside and warm inside, silently giving life a severe test, screening, elimination, and training many strong people who are not afraid of difficulties and dangers. All trees fall asleep until the spring when green leaves hang all over the branches.

Nature is such an infinite beauty. It gives us everything in our life. Let us be intoxicated, let us look forward to it. I want to say to those who are not satisfied: Be content, beauty is around us!

Accumulation of Chinese Composition (9)

[Writing angle]

1. Talent is the most valuable resource in the world.

2. Talents should be the best among people.

3. The waste of talents is the biggest waste.

4. Talents should cherish and love themselves.

5. Talents are demoted regardless of the style.

6. Talents need constant training.


1. A year's plan is like a tree valley; Ten years is no more than trees; One hundred years' plan is to cultivate people—— pipe

2. I advise Tiangong to be energetic again and demote talents regardless of style—— Gong Zizhen

3. The key to success or failure is to find and promote talents—— Deng Xiaoping

4. Talents and cadres are the most valuable and decisive capital among all the valuable capital in the world—— Stalin

5. The first social era needs its own great people. If there is no such person, it will create such a person—— Marx

6. Genius cannot avoid obstacles, because obstacles will create genius—— Roman Roland



Edison's formula: genius=2% inspiration+98% perspiration. Edison's inspiration was based on sweat. He worked like a demon, never leaving the laboratory for dozens of hours. In order to find the incandescent filament, he experimented with more than 6000 kinds of usable materials, and paid incalculable blood and sweat.

The talent formula of popular science writer Ye Yonglie: talent=talent+opportunity. Ye Yonglie, a popular science writer, believes that talent is an internal quality and opportunity is an external condition. For example, Newton saw the apple fall down, and then found the gravity; Watt saw that the lid of the teapot was excited, so he invented the steam engine; Lu Xun saw the slide show of the weak and stupid people in Sendai Medical College, and only then determined to engage in literature and art and become a great litterateur.

The formula of Wang Tongxun, a talent expert, is: talent=F (genetic quality × personal efforts × environmental opportunities). Hereditary quality refers to innate ability, while individual effort refers to acquired ability. Environment includes family environment and social environment of the times. This formula emphasizes the talent environment.

Patriot Stein's Brain

Einstein is knowledgeable, but sometimes he can't answer some common sense questions. Someone asked him, "How many miles is it from New York to Chicago?" Einstein replied, "Just look up the Railway Guide." Then he asked, "What is stainless steel made of?" "Look up the Metallurgy Manual." Einstein's brain had no accurate memory of "railway length" and "steel materials"; Einstein was not ashamed of this defect; If he needs this knowledge, he can solve it.

Not all talents are available

When selecting talents, we should pay attention to both ability and political integrity. When Tujing of the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty was the prime minister and minister of the Ministry of Officials, the chief official of the Ministry of Officials once presented him with a "Theory of Good Zai" signed "Fan Zhixuan, a mountain man". He was a talent. After reading the article, Song Tujing was sure to be literate and knowledgeable, and felt that Du was highly valued. However, the article has reached the level of "unprecedented" by holding up the local scenery of the Song Dynasty to manage politics, and portrays the world as singing and dancing, which is very disgusting. He immediately told the chief executive, "This man is a talented person, but his character is not good. It is not good for me to harm the country and myself." So he gave up the idea of choosing Fan Zhixuan.