Composition of Kung Pao Chicken (7 in total)
Solitary Clouds in Far Water
2024-06-28 00:12:21
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Kung Pao Chicken Composition (1)

Today, I learned how to cook Kung Pao Chicken in Cloud class, and decided to try it myself.

The ingredients used for stir frying Kung Pao Chicken include chicken breast meat, lettuce, green onions, ginger, peanuts, as well as dried chili and pepper. There was no lettuce at home, so I went out and bought some.

I took out a fat and big chicken breast from the refrigerator, put it gently on the cutting board, and then took out a sharp knife. This is the second time I have used a kitchen knife. I am not very familiar with it, so I first cut the chicken breast meat slowly into strips. When cutting, my nails are buckled on the chicken breast, otherwise my hands will be easily cut by the kitchen knife. By the time I finished cutting the chicken breast, my hands had become wet. Then I picked up two chicken breasts and put them together. Then I picked up a kitchen knife and slowly cut them into small pieces. I didn't know why I couldn't cut a piece of meat during the process. Later, my mother told me that it was a tendon and I had to cut it with some strength. After a while, the chicken breast meat was finally cut into small pieces of diced chicken. I said to my mother: 'This chicken breast meat is really difficult to cut. My hands are so tired!'

After cutting the chicken breast, I picked up a lettuce that was neither thick nor thin, and prepared to cut it into three sections. When I cut the first section, I found that the lettuce was not easy to cut at all. I had to work hard to cut it into two sections. But when I have mastered the skills, I will use the back part of the kitchen knife to cut the remaining lettuce in half. Then I cut the remaining lettuce into six pieces and cut them into small pieces one by one.

Next, I cut the scallions. I took them out of the refrigerator and put them on the cutting board. Then I cut them into pieces according to the size of diced chicken.

Finally, it's cooking. First, I added proper oil to the pot. When the oil was five or six layers ripe, I would add dry chili and pepper to the pot, then add chicken breast meat, and pick up a shovel to stir fry in the pot. When the chicken breast was almost cooked, I added ginger and green onions, and started the stir frying. After a few seconds, I will add lettuce and continue to stir fry. At first, I just stir fry gently, but in the end, the fire is too big, so I have to stir fry hard. Finally, I added the prepared sauce to the pot, continued to stir fry it over the high fire, and started the pot, so that a slightly spicy Kung Pao chicken was finished.

After the Kung Pao Chicken is cooked, both the color and the taste are good.

I said to my family: 'Come and taste Kung Pao Chicken!' Tasting the fruits of their own labor, my heart is happy.

Kung Pao Chicken Composition (2)

As the saying goes, "Food is the most important thing for people", and every place has its own unique local cuisine. Look: Ramen in Lanzhou, steamed buns in Wuxi, roast duck in Beijing, hairy crabs in Xinghua... But I like Kung Pao chicken in Sichuan.

Last time we went to Sichuan, we ate there, and I ordered a Kung Pao chicken. Soon, a mouthwatering dish of Kung Pao Chicken was served. White diced chicken, brown peanuts, green vegetables and red peppers make a delicious hot dish.

The practice of Kung Pao Chicken is not very difficult. First, prepare a piece of chicken breast, cut it, add soy sauce, salt, starch, water, sugar, cooking wine and mix well. Then cut onions, ginger, garlic, and ten peppers. Then mix a bowl of sauce, which is made of soy sauce, starch, water, salt and sugar. Wait for the diced chicken to marinate for 15 minutes, then pour the oil into the pot, preheat and fry the diced chicken until it turns white. At this time, pour in peanuts, ginger, garlic, sauce and pepper, and the boy can stir fry for one minute. Sprinkle scallions on the vegetables after cooking to increase appetite.

Eating Kung Pao Chicken is also learned. Once, I was in a hurry to eat, choked, stuck out my tongue and coughed. When eating diced chicken, you should first lick the sauce on the surface with your tongue, and immediately a smell and spicy taste will spread on your tongue. At this time, chew a mouthful of diced chicken. The meat is fresh, tender, spicy and delicious. It's really irresistible! Eating peanuts is also a kind of enjoyment. First soak the peanuts in the juice, and then take out a bite to eat. It's really delicious and crispy. People eat it one by one. I gulped down at once. After I had enough food and drink, I licked my mouth and said, "Yummy, yummy!" No wonder it is so famous. It really deserves its name and makes people forget to leave. Next time I go to Sichuan, I will definitely eat this delicious Kung Pao chicken.

How about after listening to my introduction? Are you hungry? Don't forget to taste Kung Pao Chicken next time you come to Sichuan!

Kung Pao Chicken Composition (3)

One day, Grandpa was eating Kung Pao Chicken. I thought about it. Is Kung Pao Chicken really delicious? My grandpa said, "You little fool, who invented Kung Pao Chicken?" I shook my head and said, "I don't know." My grandpa said, "Ah? You don't know that this is Ding Baozhen, the ancestor of our Ding family. She is what Emperor Kangxi called Ding Gongbao."

This big problem has been solved. I know that our Ding family has talents and invented delicious food! And it was not lost.

Kung Pao Chicken is made in this way: add red oil, diced chicken into the pot, stir fry, add seasonings, stir fry for a while, and then start cooking... Aha... Kung Pao Chicken is so easy to make!

That day, I played football with my brother, and I won that game. The elder brother said shyly, "I'm hungry and go back to eat!" I looked at his face and said, "What's hungry? It's clear that I'm afraid of losing face and beating me!" The elder brother said in fear: "The eldest lady will kick the last game, and will not kick!" I said handsomely, "OK, one game is one game, and who is afraid of anyone!"

After a while, the ball was finished. My brother and I were hungry like cheetahs who hadn't eaten for a month. At this time, Grandpa made us our favorite Kung Pao Chicken, and my brother and I ate it with a big mouth. After dinner, we were full of energy and started fighting again!

Kung Pao chicken is really delicious!

Composition of Kung Pao Chicken (4)

This is a dish of Kung Pao chicken, which is full of color, fragrance and saliva.

A cauliflower was placed in front of the golden diced chicken, beside which were all red peppers, just like several red gems embedded beside the diced chicken. The cauliflower rolled around like a naughty child. Red, white, yellow and brown gathered together for a feast of colors. Smell the Kung Pao Chicken, and there is only two words left in my mind - "really fragrant". Its aroma is irresistible, seducing my stomach and making people want to bite the diced chicken of the Q bomb.

How does the Kung Pao Chicken, which smells like a drop, taste?

I picked up a piece of brown diced chicken and quickly put it into my mouth. The diced chicken rolled on the tip of my tongue like a naughty doll. Slowly, chicken cubes slipped through my throat, came to my esophagus, and finally slipped into my stomach. How delicious! It's like chicken, not chicken, and meat, not meat. It tastes delicate and tender. It's really the best Sichuan cuisine!

Kung Pao Chicken is different from Coke Chicken. It is sour and sweet. It has its own characteristics. When it is put into the mouth, it seems that the mouth will melt without entanglement with the mouth. It is also not like fried meat with chili. The meat is integrated with the spicy taste. It has meat flavor and chicken flavor. The two flavors are integrated and delicious. It is also not like beer chicken. It has a strong flavor, the chicken is fragrant, it melts in the mouth, and the chicken soup is intoxicating. It is sweet and delicious, with a strong smell, and it tastes delicious to the bursting point. It is also not like chicken soup. It is oily but not greasy, and has an attractive smell. The fragrance goes straight into the nose, which is irresistible. Although it is greasy, people still want to eat it.

This is delicious and juicy Kung Pao Chicken. Do you want to eat it?

Kung Pao Chicken Composition (5)

On that day, my friends and I went to a small restaurant for dinner. As soon as we found a satisfactory seat, we sat down.

The waiter took the menu, and I and several friends scanned the menu like wild animals. Suddenly, I saw several words "Kung Pao Chicken", and couldn't help shouting excitedly: "Kung Pao Chicken!" and turned to ask everyone how it was. Everyone agreed, and waited for the dish to be served.

After a while, a dish full of color, fragrance and taste was served. Only some golden diced chicken and some emerald green diced cucumber were evenly matched, and the whole dish looked more bright and attractive against the fire red pepper ground. The strong fragrance drifted into our nostrils. Under the temptation of color and fragrance, we could not help but pick up a piece of chicken and taste it carefully. The slightly salty taste makes people have a big appetite. The delicious gravy is really delicious in the world! Then pick up a cucumber. The crisp pulp makes people appetizing. The crispy peanuts still have the smell of chicken. The whole dish is perfectly matched.

While eating, I said, "It's delicious, it's delicious!" The partners also laughed and said yes. We talked while eating, which felt good. It's really nice to have such good friends in my childhood and eat such delicious food together!

On that day, I felt that what I had eaten was the best food I had ever eaten in my life, and I still couldn't resist the aftertaste.

Kung Pao Chicken Composition (6)

As the saying goes, "Food is the most important thing for people." In China, almost every place has its own special food. Beijing roast duck, Suzhou dried tofu, etc. But I have a special liking for Kung Pao Chicken.

Kung Pao Chicken is the specialty of Shuncheng Hotel. Once I said curiously, "Why is Kung Pao Chicken the specialty of your hotel?" The waiter smiled and said, "When it comes to Kung Pao Chicken, I have to say its origin, among which Ding Baozhen is a famous person. Because he loved to eat Kung Pao Chicken cooked by the chef when he was young, our hotel's specialty is Kung Pao Chicken." After listening to the waiter's introduction, I have a deeper understanding of Kung Pao Chicken. As soon as I smelled it, a smell came to my nose, which made me salivate. I saw that there was a flower in front of this magnificent chicken, and beside it were all red peppers, just like some rubies inlaid beside the chicken. I put a piece in my mouth. I felt a slight numbness on the tip of my tongue. When I chewed it gently, it was tender, crispy and delicious, like chicken, like meat, like meat. It was wonderful. After eating it, I still left some leftovers.

Looking at the empty plate, I licked my mouth and said with a smile: "The taste of Kung Pao Chicken really deserves its reputation.

Kung Pao Chicken Composition (7)

At noon on Saturday, I tried to make my favorite Kung Pao Chicken. I have tried to make some home-made dishes before, but they can't be made. They are either not cooked or fried. What should I do? I don't think I have the fate to make food. This is a very important task, because some food materials will make people loose their stomachs if they are misplaced, and people will be poisoned if they are serious. But I still want to try. I took out carrots, cucumbers and chicken breast meat from the refrigerator, first marinated the chicken with seasoning, then put the carrots and cucumbers into the pool to wash. The naughty cucumber kept poking my tender hands with its thorns all over the body, and the carrots also made trouble, splashing its "bath water" on my face. After a lot of hard work, I finally washed the dishes. Then I put them on the cutting board and prepared to dice them. You must be careful when cutting vegetables. If you are not careful, you will cut your hands. I carefully picked up the kitchen knife, cut the carrots and cucumbers in half from the middle, then cut them into four halves, and then put them together and cut them into dices of equal size with a knife vertically, and then the dishes were cut. I took out the cured chicken and prepared to dice it, but the chicken was soft and twisted its body. It took me a lot of effort to dice it.

Peanut 50g egg 1 onion 10g ginger 10g garlic 10g dry pepper 8g Chinese prickly ash 5 bean paste

30 g salt, 2 g raw soy sauce, 10 g old soy sauce, 10 g cooking wine, 20 g starch, 20 g chicken powder, 3 g pepper, 5 g white sugar, 10 g vinegar, 5 g

Then first pour the oil into the pot. When the oil is hot, put the onion, ginger and garlic prepared in advance into the oil and stir fry them until they are fragrant, but the fire should be small, otherwise they will be fried and cannot be eaten. I then pour the diced chicken into the pot, stir fry it with a shovel constantly, and then add a little water in the pot. When the chicken changes color, I quickly put the diced carrots Pour the diced cucumber and the fried peanuts into the pot and stir well. When it is about to mature, add salt and MSG. Cooking wine, brown sugar, etc. Stir it with a shovel for a few times, then find a clean plate and bring it in, and a delicious Kung Pao Chicken will be finished.

I looked at this delicious dish of Kung Pao Chicken. From the color, what I made with others is just a little lighter, but I believe it is still fragrant. I can't be more happy when I look at the food I have made! Although the process of cooking is hard, I cooked it! Taste is not the best, but I believe that as long as we keep learning, we will certainly do the best food.

Cooking is like being a man. As long as you are serious, single-minded and not half hearted, you will succeed. The same is true in business. When a person is in the society, he must be careful. He must correct his mistakes, dare to do what is right, and not be a coward, otherwise he will be looked down upon by others.